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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

No more struggling with oily greasy skin forever

Oily greasy skin can be genetic or caused by a whole host of unexpected factors like stress, medication, overusing certain skincare products or even getting tan. It may need slightly different care that may give you the results you need.

Oily greasy skin can be genetic or caused by a whole host of unexpected factors like stress, medication, overusing certain skincare products or even getting tan. It may need slightly different care that may give you the results you need.

Oily skin usually looks greasy, thick, coarse and shiny.

It has enlarged pores and tends to break into acne. You can conduct a simple test to find out whether your skin is oily. Wipe your face with a clean facial tissue in the morning when you have just woken up.

If your skin is oily, the paper will have spots of facial oil on it corresponding to areas of your cheeks, nose or forehead. Nonetheless, oily greasy skin saves you from early aging and wrinkling of the skin.

Think for a moment! Find out do’s and don’ts for oily greasy skin. Here are some.


Use a natural water soluble cleanser twice a day to cleanse your face. Your cleanser should contain salicylic acid, glycolic acid or benzoyl peroxide.

After a day of work, dust and grime can settle on the skin and sweat can seep this junk into your pores. This also happens from the sweat after a workout clogging the pores.

So it’s important to wash your face in the morning, before going to bed and after working up a serious sweat.

You may go for Bio element Oil Control Mattifier to soak up excess shine on the surface of your skin while targeting oil sebum deep in your follicles.

Use oil-free moisturisers which tend to contain glycerine and other humectants that draw water out onto the skin. You may consider hydrating liquids, gels and sebum. The goal of moisturising your skin is to hydrate rather than adding oil to it. This may lessen oil production effectively.

Tone your skin regularly with an alcohol-free toner loaded with antioxidants and skin-replenishing ingredients.

Oily greasy skin tends to have an extra thick coat of built-up dead skin along with thickened pore lining. Gently exfoliating is one of the most important skincare steps for people having oily skin. It may remove build-up grime and diminish clogged pores.

Dermatologists recommend sunscreens especially for oily greasy skin. Regular use of sunscreen with SPF 25 is the best way to prevent oily skin from premature aging, wrinkling, pigmentation and loss of natural radiance.

Drink plenty of water. You may flavour it up with fresh lemon juice.
You may consume unsalted nuts, good quality dark chocolate, berries, avocados, bananas, lean poultry, oily fish, vegan cheese, wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, oats, brown rice, home-made soups, almond milk and other foods rich in fibre. Eat in moderation!

Try cooking with healthy fats like olive oil.

Change your cooking habits by boiling, grilling, baking and poaching.
If these do’s don’t work to get the grease under control, see your dermatologist.


Don’t use oil blotting sheets of any brand to absorb extra oil. Although some of the oil is absorbed into the paper, you may push the rest of the dirt, grim, makeup and excess oil into your pores. It may create breakouts, blackheads, bumps and overall skin congestion.

Don’t over wash your face. It may deprive glands of natural oils that may lead to clogged and enlarged pores.

Avoid using any unnecessary skin tools, including oil, blotting paper, blemish extractions, wash cloth, rotating cleanser brushes, buff puffs, pore strips and more. They can only prompt the skin to produce excess oil by stripping the skin of necessary oils.

Never use rich creams or greasy ointments. They suffocate the skin with more grease.

Harsh scrubs can strip the skin leading to more oil production. Say no to them.

Heavy makeup is not meant for people with oily skin. Look for oil-free options when buying cosmetics. You may look on the labels for niacin amide, a B vitamin derivative that has been shown to absorb oil.

Failing to wash makeup all off before going to bed can be disastrous for you. It can clog pores very badly.

Foods to be avoided: Dairy products, refined carbohydrates, inflammatory fats, sugar, excess of salt, alcohol and aerated drinks.

The health and beauty of your skin later in life largely depends on what you eat and how you take care of yourself. Match your skin type with the recommended methods to improve your look and slow the ageing process.

Let your skin glow with a dewy dash instead of looking shiny and greasy with large pores.

Watch this Video - HOW TO STOP OILY SKIN!!!!

For more ideas on how to deal with oily, greasy skin, look no further than Patricia Everson’s Oily Skin Solution which will help you to understand what really causes oily skin and acne, and will help you come up with a lasting plan to keep your skin clear and beautiful. Stop spending your money on creams and pills that promise to help you clear your skin. These only address the surface issue of oily skin.

The Oily Skin Solution will go a step further and help you address the issues behind your blemishes so that you won’t need the expensive skin care anymore because you will have naturally clear, beautiful skin! To find out more, CLICK HERE

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Makeup and Skincare Advice for Dry and Oily Skin

Whether you're just getting into makeup now, or feel you have certain areas to improve in, the most important place to start is understanding your skin type, and working with it, rather than against it. Read on here to learn about the makeup and skin advice for dry and oily skin

Whether you're just getting into makeup now, or feel you have certain areas to improve in, the most important place to start is understanding your skin type, and working with it, rather than against it. This is where most people go wrong, so as long as you have this down, you shouldn't have any major problems in the future with your technique.

Makeup and Skin Advice for Oily Skin

Oily skin will look shiny and greasy, almost as if you have just had a workout and you start to sweat, mostly leaving obvious traces around your forehead, nose, and cheeks. Because of the excess oil, you may experience a lot more acne than others, along with larger, more visible pores.

It is therefore very important to keep your face clean as much as possible, and avoid any creams that contain oily ingredients (like coconut oil.) You may even want to carry around some antibacterial wipes with you, so you can have a quick clean up whenever you need to when makeup is a no go.

Makeup wise, the key is a gentle toner that will remove any excess oil and dirt, you can find many options to choose from on the internet. Then choose a water based foundation as this won't be packed full of unnecessary oils.

An absolute must have Is powder, so when going in to contour, use a powder to sculpt out the cheekbones and slim down the nose (instead of a cream), and always remember to set your face with a good quality translucent powder. In fact, keep it with you whenever you head out, and as soon as you feel a build-up of oil, just pat on the powder, and you will be as good as new.

Makeup and Skin Advice for Dry Skin

Dry skin will feel tight, flaky and even powdery within minutes of getting out of the shower or just after you have washed your face. This will be because your cells underneath your skin aren't making enough oil glands to hydrate itself, and because it lacks moisture, it will be your job to make sure it's getting enough.

You can do this by investing in some top skincare products that not only moisturize, but they stimulate those glands to work again, that way your skin isn't having to rely on the cream - it has to work for it.

You will want to choose the right kind of foundation too; otherwise it will dry out and look as if it's crumbling in certain areas of your face, (usually around the nose and mouth area.). You may also want to use face masks on a regular basis. Look out for the ones that include aloe vera and coconut oil - they work best. Just make sure it's natural.

Regardless of the makeup and skincare products you buy - if they aren't suited to your skin type - they won't look good. So always put that first before falling in love with a product, only to realize it makes your skin look and feel even worse.

As soon as you master that, you'll be flawless.

Watch the following videos

For more ideas on how to deal with oily, greasy skin, look no further than Patricia Everson’s Oily Skin Solution which will help you to understand what really causes oily skin and acne, and will help you come up with a lasting plan to keep your skin clear and beautiful. Stop spending your money on creams and pills that promise to help you clear your skin. These only address the surface issue of oily skin.

The Oily Skin Solution will go a step further and help you address the issues behind your blemishes so that you won’t need the expensive skin care anymore because you will have naturally clear, beautiful skin! To find out more, CLICK HERE

Monday, October 30, 2017

How to Get the Best Anti-Aging Skin Care for Oily Skin?

Caring for the skin is a basic daily regimen, at least for all women. But as one crosses the endearing age of twenty-five, the skin demands extra attention. Reason - the inevitable aging process. This necessitates having an anti-aging skin care regiment. This post will focus on anti-aging skin care for oily skin

Caring for the skin is a basic daily regimen, at least for all women. But as one crosses the endearing age of twenty-five, the skin demands extra attention. Reason - the inevitable aging process. This necessitates having an anti-aging skin care regiment.

Aging is an integral part of life, and owing to the hormonal changes, one ages and grows old. The effects of aging on the skin are - sagging and loose skin, appearance of age spots and wrinkles.

And if one cannot completely avoid these side effects, we can at least take efforts to delay the process by following a healthy skin care regimen.

The requirements of each skin type are different, and in this article, we would specifically be discussing in detail the anti-aging skin care for oily skin.

Acne and greasiness of the face due to extra secretion of sebum are the common skin troubles of oily skin. But there is a reason to cheer for people, with this skin type. Reason is that, this skin type tends to age slower than other skin types, and is less prone to wrinkles and age spots!

But if proper care is not taken, the skin can develop pimples even during old age, making you look like a troubled teenager! Thus, care is integral to delay the aging process, and everything, right from the food to eat, to the anti-aging skin products we use, to the beauty regime we follow, make it to the skin care process.

The Role of Food in Anti-Aging Skin Care for Oily Skin

The kind of food we eat, to a huge extent impacts the quality of our skin. Oily skin can also be influenced by genetic factors. If not genetics, the oiliness of the skin can be a by-product of excessive consumption of junk, oily and processed food.

Consumption of oily food stimulates the secretion of sebum, which makes the skin look dull and greasy. To combat oily skin and aging, one should try to follow a diet which is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and especially in antioxidants.

Antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene and lutein) neutralize the harmful free radicals. The excess of free radicals in the body is not a good sign, and they should be present in the body in appropriate proportion. The body is also exposed to free radicals through pollution, smoking, exposure to the sun, etc.

The free radicals hamper cell regeneration, and studies reveal that excess of free radicals promotes aging. The role of antioxidants in delaying aging is huge, and cannot be neglected. Have a look at the best sources of antioxidants.

The best food sources of antioxidants are - berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries), fruits like avocados, pears, and pineapples, and vegetables like broccoli, spinach, artichokes, red cabbage, white potatoes, etc.,

Fruits and vegetables should be consumed with their peels. Nuts and herbs like cinnamon and turmeric are also rich in the antioxidants levels.

Green tea and fruit juices are also rich in antioxidants, and are the best beverages that delay aging. Dark chocolate and oats are also rich sources of antioxidants, and help delay the aging process.

Food Choices for Anti-Aging Skin Care for Oily Skin: The diet should obviously be rich on all the above foods.  

And apart from these foods, the diet should also compulsorily contain foods like tomatoes, sprouts, beets, carrots and salmon. These foods are best to prevent wrinkles, and help in increasing the firmness of the skin.

The consumption of oily and fried food should be avoided or at least limited.

Daily Anti-Aging Skin Care for Oily Skin

Apart from the use of various anti-aging creams and products, lots of other things matter. You can find numerous anti-aging products in the market, that target oily skin.

Olay, L'oreal, Garnier... The list of good brands is huge. Make use of only good products to counter aging. The skin care regimen to counter aging is given below.

Cleansing is also an essential part of the process for anti-aging for oily skin, and one should clean the skin with a good cleanser. Make use of a cleanser that is balanced in all the ingredients and doesn't over-dry the skin.

Before applying makeup, make use of toners and astringents. Pat the skin clean with a cotton ball dipped in a toner or astringent. Toners and astringents help reduce the appearance of pores, and the secretion of oil from the glands.

For makeup, use products that are specially designed for oily and aging skin. Makeup primers help in reducing the signs of aging to a considerable extent.

Daily application of sunscreen is essential for aging skin, even if you are sitting idle at home. A sunscreen of SPF 15 or 20 is best for anti-aging skin care for oily skin.

Oily skin is generally prone to acne and pimples. Thus, scrubbing should be avoided or should be done once in a week to remove the dead skin cells and dirt.

A weekly application of a face mask is also recommended, and clay/mud packs work the best for anti-aging skin care for oily skin. Fruit face packs can also be used, as fruits are rich in antioxidants, and give glow to the aging and dull skin.

There are plenty of anti-aging creams available that you can make use of, the creams should generally be applied on a clean face at night. There are special anti-aging creams available that specifically target pores and wrinkles.

Regular facials and skin cleaning is also recommended for anti-aging skin care oily skin.

As the skin is prone to getting greasy and oily, you should make it a point to splash the face with water every now and then (once every hour). This will keep the oil secretion in control and keep the skin feeling refreshed.

For beautiful skin, keep yourself hydrated throughout the day, and follow a healthy lifestyle and diet. Stress also leads to the secretion of some hormones that promote aging. Thus, stress should be kept at bay, to make the aging process slower.

For more ideas on how to deal with oily, greasy skin, look no further than Patricia Everson’s Oily Skin Solution which will help you to understand what really causes oily skin and acne, and will help you come up with a lasting plan to keep your skin clear and beautiful. Stop spending your money on creams and pills that promise to help you clear your skin. These only address the surface issue of oily skin.

The Oily Skin Solution will go a step further and help you address the issues behind your blemishes so that you won’t need the expensive skin care anymore because you will have naturally clear, beautiful skin! To find out more, CLICK HERE

Thursday, October 26, 2017

10 Best Ways to Treat Nail Fungus

If you are fighting a nail fungus or infection, you are not alone. Medical professionals have learned that around half the people in this country will end up with a nail fungus by the time they are age 70. The U.S. National Library of Medicine has determined that half of the causes of nail disease are due to fungus. Here are 10 best ways you can use to treat nail fungus.

If you are fighting a nail fungus or infection, you are not alone. Medical professionals have learned that around half the people in this country will end up with a nail fungus by the time they are age 70. The U.S. National Library of Medicine has determined that half of the causes of nail disease are due to fungus.

What is Nail Fungus?

Technically, nail fungus is known as onychomycosis. It is an infection, usually of the toenails, caused by molds, ringworms, and yeasts.

It is a chronic condition that eventually breaks down the plate of the nail. It is common in areas of the country that have very warm weather and seems to flourish under warm, moist conditions.

Wearing closed-toed shoes, walking barefoot around public pools or in the shower area of your workout facility, or even getting a pedicure all may increase your chances of getting a nail fungus.

What Are the Symptoms of Nail Fungus?

A nail fungus may start off innocently at first as a yellow or white spot beneath your toenail, but it will quickly attack your nail, making it thick and deep yellow and crumbly as it goes deeper under the surface.

What Treatments Are Available?

·         Medications – If you visit your doctor, you will be able to get a prescription to get rid of your nail fungus.

·         Dietary Changes – If you want to take matters into your own hands, you can change the way you eat and see if you can resolve your nail fungus this way. Try these suggestions to see if they work for you. The good news is that they are supposed to act fast in treating the fungus.

·         Eliminate grains and sugar – These two food groups are responsible for feeding the development of yeast and candida in your body, two conditions that contribute to nail fungus.

·         Eat foods that help good bacteria grow – Once you get the bad stuff out, you will want to replace it with things such as foods that are fermented, probiotic foods, yogurt, and kefir.

·         Eat quality fats and protein, and increase your fiber – Because fiber is not absorbed in the digestive system, it is able to safely remove waste toxins, cholesterol, and fat that could build up in your gut. Foods in these groups can help the body safely eliminate toxins.

The following are the best natural ways to treat nail fungus:

This product is an effective antiseptic and is able to kill the fungus on your affected nails. Make sure that the area is clean by wiping it with rubbing alcohol. Next put the tea tree oil undiluted right on the nails. After it sets for about 10 minutes, scrub the affected nail with a soft toothbrush.

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful remedy that really works. You can soak your feet in pure vinegar or mix it with Epsom salts daily. For best results, soak your feet for 30 minutes twice a day.

3. Vicks VapoRub

You may be surprised, but this antifungal has eucalyptus oil and camphor, both of which help heal nail fungus. Take a cotton swab and put a dab of Vicks VapoRub on the nail once a day. Eighty-three percent of those who used this product saw an improvement in their fungus.

4. Listerine

Combine equal parts of Listerine and white vinegar in a container, and soak the infected area for up to 60 minutes.

5. Pau d’arco tea

This tea is made from the inside bark of a tree located in South America. It has antifungal properties that are just as effective as a prescription medication. Simply soak two pau d’arco tea bags and relax your feet in the solution for about 20 minutes twice a day.

6. Oregano oil

The thymol in oregano oil has antifungal properties that are effective in treating nail fungus. All you have to do is apply a couple of drops on the nail two times a day and your fungus will begin to disappear.

When you find a toenail fungus remedy that works for you, add a probiotic supplement to your diet to make sure that you have all methods of healing covered.

8. Corn meal

The reason that corn meal works in treating nail fungus is because it does not affect the body, but it is able to kill Candida. Find a container in which you can place either your affected foot or both feet and add a cup of cornmeal with two quarts of water. The cornmeal needs to soak for about an hour before submerging your feet. You can then soak your feet for about a half hour as often as you like.

Baking soda is alkaline, which keeps toenail fungus from spreading. You can soak your feet in baking soda by itself or combine it borax to create a strong fungicide. Mix equal parts with a little water and rub it onto the affected areas. You can repeat this two times a day.

You will see some relief from your toenail fungus if you put a thin coat of coconut oil on the area and let it set for about 15 minutes.

Once you have gotten rid of your nail fungus, what can you do to keep from getting it again? There are some precautions you can take to prevent this persistent fungus from attacking your feet again.

Keep your nails short and your feet clean and dry. Wear swim shoes near the pool or beach, cotton socks with your footwear, and don’t go barefoot in areas that are open to the public and may carry the makings of athlete’s foot.

Watch this Video -  Toe Fungus Best Tip Ever! Update

For more ideas to treat toenail fungus, look no further than Cathy Robbins’ Nail Fungus Revealed Program. She is a leading Naturopathic Physician and Nail Fungus Expert from California, Creator of the Nail Fungus Revealed program - a comprehensive guide to beating toenail fungus for good, under 21 days. It is a guide to the best practices that boost the immune system to deliver a permanent solution to the often recurring and prolific nature of fungus infection.


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Kefir Is Your Best Ally Against Toe Fungus Infection

So, do you want to know why you have certain persistent problems with things like ringworm, toe fungus infection, and athlete’s foot? All of these are caused by a fungus that can spread and grow like crazy and last for years and years.

So, do you want to know why you have certain persistent problems with things like ringworm, toe fungus infection, and athlete’s foot? All of these are caused by a fungus that can spread and grow like crazy and last for years and years.

“Onychomycosis” is the medical name for the infection that causes the fungi to appear on the nails. It is caused mainly by the Candida species, so there is also a good chance you have Candida if any of these are plaguing your body.

Medical treatment can be intense and most of the drugs for toenail fungus are super hard on your liver, and you have to stay on them for long periods. They will often test you to make sure your liver is handling the drug. Topical treatments often won’t work for the long term.  

I’ve had two of these ailments, toe fungus infection and ringworm, for many years and took the drugs. They would work, but the toenail fungus would always come back. Now, these many years later I have discovered why it always returned and how to rid myself of it for good.

You probably have Candida

Candida is a yeast/fungal organism that lives naturally within the human body. We need small amounts of the yeast Candidiasis since it can digest things like heavy metals that our regular digestive system cannot handle.

It is normally found in the body in low levels, but an overproduction of this yeast can cause many problems. When you have toe fungus infection, ringworm, or athlete’s foot it can be a sign of Candida virus or yeast within your system.  

People who have taken a lot of antibiotics, undergone chemo, or have taken a lot of steroids can all be susceptible to these types of fungal infections.

Also, people with compromised immune systems are even more susceptible to this type of thing and here’s why. Having lots of healthy bacteria in your body will control all of these types of infections by crowding out the fungal yeasts and making them go into their proper place in your body.

You have good probiotic yeast in your body too, but when you’ve taken a lot of antibiotics, or your body has been through chemo, that decimates the good and bad bacteria. Then when yeast sees all the extra room, it takes advantage of it and multiplies quickly, leaving you with an imbalance in your gut flora. And believe me, you don’t want this.

You want tons of good bacteria so they can control the environment and keep these little yeasty guys in check. Yeast isn’t bad, so don’t plan on complete extinction.

You want balance and that means you want your good microbe allies to be the commanders-in-chief in your gut, calling all the shots, and telling yeast and fungi where they can live and how much room they have to populate.

Think of your gut as an inner world that is building a city. Like it or not, you’re host to 100 trillion of these little fellas and they want to fight your battle with fungi so you don’t have to! Then you won’t have to take drugs that are hard on the body and can potentially cause other problems, too. Work with these invisible microbes and just you wait and see all they can do.

Microbes will fight the battle for you

You’ve gotta change your inner ecosystem and become a host to billions of good bacteria, and then they will fight the battle for you and take care of your symptoms.

You’ll be so glad one day if you got toe fungus infection because it’s going to make you be consistent in eating cultured probiotic foods – which will not only fix your symptoms but will help your entire body.

Your cholesterol and blood sugar levels will improve, joint pain can subside, food allergies will go away. Asthma and acid reflux will get better and so many other things that only lots of good bacteria can do will occur.

Your body will be your best teacher and your taste buds will change. You’ll crave healthy foods like never before. Some of the strains of good bacteria in cultured foods are transient which means they only last a few days in the body so you need to have them often.

You need to make a commitment to do this, stick with it, and the results will come. You’re gonna show yourself the power of probiotic foods and then watch out! You’ll be telling everybody and it might possibly take over your whole life. Believe me, I know!

So here are my recommendations

Have at least 1 -2 cups of kefir every day. Any of the kefirs will work: milk kefir, goat kefir, and coconut kefir.  Coconut is wonderful because it has caprylic acid in it that kills fungi too.

I have lots of recipes to make it easy to consume every day. I do have it every day, so I get really creative and create a lot of recipes.

Some of the bacteria in kefir are transient, and some of the strains are permanent; but if you’re serious about getting rid of your ailments, then you need it every day.

If you only want to do one cultured food, this is the one you should choose. It has the most benefits and it’s super powerful, so even if you don’t want to have the veggies or kombucha, then do this one. It can work all by itself if you’re consistent.

More help

Have one to two tablespoons of cultured veggies every day. You can have more, but try and do this every day (or every other day) if you can. It will speed your progress and help things work faster.

Kombucha is another great addition and four ounces a day works great due to the special probiotic yeast called saccharomyces boulardii. It helps boost the good yeasts in the body and reign in the other ones that have gotten out of control.

Kombucha isn’t strong enough to get rid of these problems by itself. It simply doesn’t have enough healthy strains like kefir does, so make sure you have kefir too. It’s powerful medicine.

So, basically you’re rebuilding your inner microbiome with lots of healthy strains of probiotics. Prebiotics work well, too, and will speed things along, making those healthy strains grow and multiply quite rapidly. I encourage you to eat plenty of prebiotics, too.

You can learn more about that here: Prebiotics – As Important as Probiotics

Start out Slowly

If you haven’t had kefir before I recommend you start out slowly with 1/4 to 1/2 cup. Let your body adjust, and then add at least a cup a day to begin healing your toes. Kefir is really powerful with 50 plus strains of bacteria!


Building up the good bacteria in your body with a lot of cultured foods can become a very powerful weapon that can clean house and bring you back into balance.

As you start adding them to your meals and adjusting to the huge influx of good microbes that begin to conquer and dominate your microflora, it can cause a Herxheimer Reaction as the bad bacteria and bad yeasts leave the body. They give off toxins as they die off and you can experience a healing crisis.

It takes a while for the toenail to grow out.

If you have toe fungus infection, it’s going to take a while for your toenails to grow out, but you’ll get to watch the healthy nail emerge at the bottom as the old nail grows out and this can take many months to a year, but that’s okay.

It’s an indicator that you’re on the right path and a reminder to stay the course! Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither were your toenails.

For more ideas to treat toenail fungus, look no further than Cathy Robbins’ Nail Fungus Revealed Program. She is a leading Naturopathic Physician and Nail Fungus Expert from California, Creator of the Nail Fungus Revealed program - a comprehensive guide to beating toenail fungus for good, under 21 days. It is a guide to the best practices that boost the immune system to deliver a permanent solution to the often recurring and prolific nature of fungus infection.


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Revealing Here the Amazing Health Benefits of Turmeric Curcumin

The wonders and benefits associated with turmeric curcumin have greatly impact the health of many people. Not only as number one healing herb but also as an alternative medicine that has many healing properties.

CLICK HERE to find out the Amazing Health benefits of Turmeric

The wonders and benefits associated with turmeric curcumin have greatly impact the health of many people. Not only as number one healing herb but also as an alternative medicine that has many healing properties.

Way back 5,000 years ago, people from India found out turmeric curcumin and have used it as a natural ayurvedic medicine due to the natural anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

Ayurveda comes from the ancient Indian system which means “ayur” life and “veda” as science or knowledge. The healing effects of the golden spice then reached China by 700 AD, and continued to the east and west Africa from 800 and 1200 AD respectively.

Turmeric is sacred and important in the Hindu faith as it is used in weddings as well as an important tool for keeping the evil spirits away.

Turmeric originates from the Curcuma longa (botanical name) which belong to the ginger family. Its main component which is the root has a great amount of curcuminoids.

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) curcuminoids is a chemical substance which contains high natural antioxidant level.

Turmeric is utilized in many therapeutic preparations in the world for both prevention and treatment of many diseases. It contains curcumin which is an active compound from the turmeric and has many beneficial results in the body.

Health advantages of turmeric curcumin for:


Acts as anti-inflammatory

Irritation is a natural response when bacteria invade the body, but when abnormal inflammation triggers that lead into excessive pain, bloating and irritation, turmeric aids to decrease the inflammation. Curcumin is able to provide safe, natural pain killers that serves as a pain alternative.

Sharpens the memory

Turmeric is able to improve the brain activity due to compound called turmerone. In accordance to the (stem cell research and therapy), turmerone also called ar-turmerone is the bioactive compound that able to give the necessary oxygen intake to the brain, and stimulates the new neurons which allow to process information and keeping us alert.

Helps Arthritis Management

Curcumin is known for its high anti-inflammatory effect and can reduce pain. According to the study conducted in 45 people with rheumatoid arthritis that are split into two groups, fisty percent with synthetic medications and the other consumed turmeric. The turmeric group demonstrated a positive result in comparison to the other.

Reduce childhood leukemia

Leukemia is a cancer because of the abnormal progress of cells in the bone marrow. Turmeric can help prevent the multiplication of cancer cells in the body as it is also known for its anti-cancer agents that destroy malignancy cells. In addition, it helps to minimize any problems to the chromosomes due to curcumin’s component.

Treat Cystic Fibrosis

Oral intake of curcumin which contain Ca-adenosine triphosphate would be able to correct the pattern of the DeltaF508 CFTR (deletion of the codon for phenylalanine) which results in the reduction in mutation of the cystic fibrosis.

Turmeric curcumin recommended dosage

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center the best dose for adults for different types of turmeric are as follows:

Cut root (fresh turmeric) – 1.5-3 grams each day
Dried root (form powdered turmeric) – 1-3 grams each day
Turmeric pills (supplements) – 400-600 mg, 3 each day

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