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Monday, October 30, 2017

How to Get the Best Anti-Aging Skin Care for Oily Skin?

Caring for the skin is a basic daily regimen, at least for all women. But as one crosses the endearing age of twenty-five, the skin demands extra attention. Reason - the inevitable aging process. This necessitates having an anti-aging skin care regiment. This post will focus on anti-aging skin care for oily skin

Caring for the skin is a basic daily regimen, at least for all women. But as one crosses the endearing age of twenty-five, the skin demands extra attention. Reason - the inevitable aging process. This necessitates having an anti-aging skin care regiment.

Aging is an integral part of life, and owing to the hormonal changes, one ages and grows old. The effects of aging on the skin are - sagging and loose skin, appearance of age spots and wrinkles.

And if one cannot completely avoid these side effects, we can at least take efforts to delay the process by following a healthy skin care regimen.

The requirements of each skin type are different, and in this article, we would specifically be discussing in detail the anti-aging skin care for oily skin.

Acne and greasiness of the face due to extra secretion of sebum are the common skin troubles of oily skin. But there is a reason to cheer for people, with this skin type. Reason is that, this skin type tends to age slower than other skin types, and is less prone to wrinkles and age spots!

But if proper care is not taken, the skin can develop pimples even during old age, making you look like a troubled teenager! Thus, care is integral to delay the aging process, and everything, right from the food to eat, to the anti-aging skin products we use, to the beauty regime we follow, make it to the skin care process.

The Role of Food in Anti-Aging Skin Care for Oily Skin

The kind of food we eat, to a huge extent impacts the quality of our skin. Oily skin can also be influenced by genetic factors. If not genetics, the oiliness of the skin can be a by-product of excessive consumption of junk, oily and processed food.

Consumption of oily food stimulates the secretion of sebum, which makes the skin look dull and greasy. To combat oily skin and aging, one should try to follow a diet which is rich in nutrients, vitamins, and especially in antioxidants.

Antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene and lutein) neutralize the harmful free radicals. The excess of free radicals in the body is not a good sign, and they should be present in the body in appropriate proportion. The body is also exposed to free radicals through pollution, smoking, exposure to the sun, etc.

The free radicals hamper cell regeneration, and studies reveal that excess of free radicals promotes aging. The role of antioxidants in delaying aging is huge, and cannot be neglected. Have a look at the best sources of antioxidants.

The best food sources of antioxidants are - berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries), fruits like avocados, pears, and pineapples, and vegetables like broccoli, spinach, artichokes, red cabbage, white potatoes, etc.,

Fruits and vegetables should be consumed with their peels. Nuts and herbs like cinnamon and turmeric are also rich in the antioxidants levels.

Green tea and fruit juices are also rich in antioxidants, and are the best beverages that delay aging. Dark chocolate and oats are also rich sources of antioxidants, and help delay the aging process.

Food Choices for Anti-Aging Skin Care for Oily Skin: The diet should obviously be rich on all the above foods.  

And apart from these foods, the diet should also compulsorily contain foods like tomatoes, sprouts, beets, carrots and salmon. These foods are best to prevent wrinkles, and help in increasing the firmness of the skin.

The consumption of oily and fried food should be avoided or at least limited.

Daily Anti-Aging Skin Care for Oily Skin

Apart from the use of various anti-aging creams and products, lots of other things matter. You can find numerous anti-aging products in the market, that target oily skin.

Olay, L'oreal, Garnier... The list of good brands is huge. Make use of only good products to counter aging. The skin care regimen to counter aging is given below.

Cleansing is also an essential part of the process for anti-aging for oily skin, and one should clean the skin with a good cleanser. Make use of a cleanser that is balanced in all the ingredients and doesn't over-dry the skin.

Before applying makeup, make use of toners and astringents. Pat the skin clean with a cotton ball dipped in a toner or astringent. Toners and astringents help reduce the appearance of pores, and the secretion of oil from the glands.

For makeup, use products that are specially designed for oily and aging skin. Makeup primers help in reducing the signs of aging to a considerable extent.

Daily application of sunscreen is essential for aging skin, even if you are sitting idle at home. A sunscreen of SPF 15 or 20 is best for anti-aging skin care for oily skin.

Oily skin is generally prone to acne and pimples. Thus, scrubbing should be avoided or should be done once in a week to remove the dead skin cells and dirt.

A weekly application of a face mask is also recommended, and clay/mud packs work the best for anti-aging skin care for oily skin. Fruit face packs can also be used, as fruits are rich in antioxidants, and give glow to the aging and dull skin.

There are plenty of anti-aging creams available that you can make use of, the creams should generally be applied on a clean face at night. There are special anti-aging creams available that specifically target pores and wrinkles.

Regular facials and skin cleaning is also recommended for anti-aging skin care oily skin.

As the skin is prone to getting greasy and oily, you should make it a point to splash the face with water every now and then (once every hour). This will keep the oil secretion in control and keep the skin feeling refreshed.

For beautiful skin, keep yourself hydrated throughout the day, and follow a healthy lifestyle and diet. Stress also leads to the secretion of some hormones that promote aging. Thus, stress should be kept at bay, to make the aging process slower.

For more ideas on how to deal with oily, greasy skin, look no further than Patricia Everson’s Oily Skin Solution which will help you to understand what really causes oily skin and acne, and will help you come up with a lasting plan to keep your skin clear and beautiful. Stop spending your money on creams and pills that promise to help you clear your skin. These only address the surface issue of oily skin.

The Oily Skin Solution will go a step further and help you address the issues behind your blemishes so that you won’t need the expensive skin care anymore because you will have naturally clear, beautiful skin! To find out more, CLICK HERE

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