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Showing posts with label simple stop snoring and sleep apnea exercises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label simple stop snoring and sleep apnea exercises. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

What is the Best Way to Stop Snoring?

7 Shocking Ways to Stop Snoring (simple and effective) -Snoring is one of the most annoying complaints in relationships. It causes sleeplessness, fights, and even dangerous diseases.You see endless gimmicks sold that supposedly cure snoring. But if you’ve tried one or ten of them, you know that they’re nothing but money suckers. But there are small, free lifestyle changes that for real cure snoring. Today, I’m going to tell you about 7 effortless ways to rid yourself of snoring for good.

Click on Here to Find Out How You Can Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

7 Shocking Ways to Stop Snoring (simple and effective)

Snoring is one of the most annoying complaints in relationships. It causes sleeplessness, fights, and even dangerous diseases.

You see endless gimmicks sold that supposedly cure snoring. But if you’ve tried one or ten of them, you know that they’re nothing but money suckers.

But there are small, free lifestyle changes that for real cure snoring. Today, I’m going to tell you about 7 effortless ways to rid yourself of snoring for good.

1. Compression socks: Strange but true, compression socks that are used in long flights to prevent blood clots, turns out to be useful to prevent snoring.

In people with a condition called chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), these socks have been found to be very helpful. It prevents fluid flow from legs to the neck region, which causes sleep apnea, which in turn results in snoring.

In a two-week study based in Toronto, 50 men with sleep apnea were chosen. One group wore compression socks every day for two weeks while the other group wore ordinary socks.

At the end of the research period, it was found that the compression socks helped reduce fluid flow to neck and reduced sleep disruption from an average 30 times per night to 15. Those who wore ordinary socks showed no improvement.

2. Drive away dust mites: Change pillow covers regularly. Old pillows have dust mites that can trigger allergies and cause snoring.

3. Hot shower: A stuffy nose can cause snoring. The solution? A hot shower in the night just before bedtime to soften and clear the nasal passages and a saline spray for blocked sinuses.

4. Sleep position: It is ideal to sleep on one side because when you sleep on your back, your tongue and soft palate can get compressed and narrow the airway, thus causing you to snore. A body pillow can help you retain the sleep position.

5. Use a humidifier: Dry air passages in the nose can not only be annoying, they can also induce snoring. The best way to keep the passages moist and warm is to use humidifiers or steam vaporizers.

6. Say no to alcohol in the night: Alcohol has a way of relaxing muscles in the back of the throat that can induce people to snore, even those who generally don’t. Avoid drinks in the night – it is best not to have any drinks up to 4 hours before bedtime.

7. Sing away: It might sound unusual, yet it might just do the trick! Singing or even practicing wind instruments can strengthen your throat muscles and prevent snoring. In a study, participants who practiced singing for 20 minutes a day for 3 months showed a significant reduced incidence of snoring.

3 Easy Ways to Stop Snoring (and most effectively #4)

Snoring is a big problem worldwide. At least 40% people report snoring at least some of the time. Some people have more serious problems with it, including sleep apnea.

But there are “cheats” that help you get through the night silently, without having to resort to bulky equipment or even drugs.

Today, we’ll look at some simple snoring hacks to try before you drop the big money on the pulmonologist.

Snoring is a problem that can develop over time, so if you (or your partner) notice that you are beginning to develop a problem with log-sawing, try some simple fixes. Sometimes, the simplest thing makes all the difference.

First, you want to look at back position. When we are young and our muscles are stronger and more flexible, it might have been okay to sleep on our backs instead of on our sides. But as we age, the muscles loosen and the jaw slacks, positioning the throat in a way that causes snoring to develop.
Consider rolling onto your side to sleep if you can. It’s generally better for your neck and spine, anyway.

Watch what you eat. If you are used to having a few drinks and/or a big meal before bed, now is the time to get un-used to that practice. Acid reflux is a common denominator for people who snore.

If you have to have something on your stomach before bed, skip the alcohol and heavy foods and opt for a bit of cereal or a whole grain bagel instead. Alcohol is another cause of loose neck muscles, so knock it off if you can.

Change the physiology a little. It actually sometimes works to use those products that open the nostrils some. A lot of times the slightest bit of inflammation can narrow the nasal passages a bit, so open them up.

While you are at it, work on your best opera voice in the shower, car, or anywhere else you feel comfortable. Did you know that snoring among some of the most powerful voices in the world is practically zero?

Strengthening the muscles in and around the neck, head, throat, and shoulders, as with the exercises many singers do, has actually been shown to completely cure snoring.

After suffering horrible snoring for decades, I actually discovered this fact. And using simple voice techniques that strengthen the muscles around the breathing passages, I completely cured my snoring.

 Here are the exact voice techniques I used to completely cure my own snoring (and have since worked for thousands of readers)…

Stop Snoring - Can Snoring Be Dangerous to Your Health?

Over 50% of people above the age of 45 snore once in a while. It’s a normal thing and nothing to worry about.

However, if you or your partner snore loudly every night, it’s more of an annoyance and you definitely want to seek a solution (snoring is actually easy to avoid).

But sometimes it is not just a mild inconvenience to the other members in the room. Snoring can indicate a serious problem that can put you at risk for dangerous conditions like stroke, heart attack, diabetes or hypertension.

Generally, snoring is an indication that air isn’t flowing freely through the throat and nasal passages. It can occur due to many reasons. Nasal congestion, cold and allergies are common causes of snoring. It can also be caused sometimes by swollen tonsils, taking pain medications, alcohol consumption or smoking.

Sleeping on one side, using nasal sprays and using a room humidifier are the common remedies for general types of snoring.

However, a type of chronic snoring that actually has an impact on the sleeping hours can indicate a serious sleep disorder that is called sleep apnea.

In this condition, snoring occurs because some of the muscles in the back of the throat relax too much, while other are too tense. This disrupts your breathing, causing the throat irritation and sometimes a dangerous choking sensation.

The most common signs to look out for are drowsiness during the day and gasping/choking in sleep. A person sharing the bed or someone in the same room will be able to identify and spot the condition so that it can be treated in a timely manner.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) spells trouble because sleep deprivation can cause a decrease in oxygen levels in the blood and create great stress for the brain. People with this condition are at a higher risk of developing hypertension, heart attack, diabetes and stroke.

But the good news is you don’t need medicines or special treatments to cure sleep apnea. In most cases, changes in lifestyle like reducing consumption of alcohol, quitting smoking, regular exercise and weight loss can all help in improving the condition.

In fact, recent study has revealed that as little as 5% reduction in body weight, can seriously improve, even completely eliminate sleep apnea.

But the best way to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea is to directly focus on the throat muscles. Using simple exercises, you can train the muscles around the throat to stay open day and night.

To learn more about these simple snoring/sleep apnea exercises and try one out for yourself, click here…

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

This all-natural program will get you to shake off your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises.

To find out more about the program, click on How to Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea

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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

What is the Best Way to Heal Snoring and Sleep Apnea?

Heal Snoring and Sleep Apnea - Mega Snoring And Sleep Apnea Study Reveals Shocking Results - A new study published in the journal JAMA Neurology revealed some scary results regarding snoring, sleep apnea and your cognitive health. And we’re not just talking memory loss! Fortunately, there are some things you can do about this if you act fast.

Click on Here to Find Out How You Can Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Heal Snoring and Sleep Apnea - Sleep Apnea and Snoring Cure Wins Ig Nobel Prize

In September 2017, the Ig Nobel prizes were once again handed out to researchers who have contributed unusual research that nevertheless contributes valuable knowledge to the scientific community.

The Ig Nobel peace prize was awarded to scientists from Switzerland, Canada, the Netherlands, and the USA for a study showing that playing a specific instrument can both cure snoring and sleep apnea.

The study is not new. It was published in 2006 in the journal BMJ, but since it has just been rewarded for its ingenuity, it is worth revisiting it.

The authors of the study identified the collapsing of the airway as one of the most central difficulties of people struggling with sleep apnea and snoring.

They then wondered whether people’s airways could be opened and trained to remain open during the night by making them play wind instruments.

They recruited 25 patients and divided them into a treatment group and a control group.

People in the treatment group were given didgeridoo lessons and practiced for 25 minutes, 6 days a week, which shows remarkable dedication.

The control group remained on the waiting list for didgeridoo lessons.

The scientists then tested their daytime sleepiness, their sleep quality (on the Pittsburgh quality of sleep index), their apnoea-hypopnoea index score, their partner’s assessment of their sleep disturbance, and their general health-related quality of life.

Compared to the control group, the didgeridoo player’s daytime sleepiness and apnoea-hypopnoea scores improved significantly, and their partners reported sleeping much better than before and being disturbed a lot less.

Following this study, a different research team wondered in 2012 whether this would work with other wind instruments too, publishing their study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.

Like the authors of the earlier study, their hypothesis was that playing a wind instrument could train the respiratory muscles to keep the upper airway open, and thereby facilitate better breathing during sleep.

They identified 906 active musicians and, through online questionnaires, asked them about sleep apnea, snoring, general health, and instrument playing.

Musicians who played double reed instruments were much less likely to suffer sleep apnea and snoring than those who played non-wind instruments. The longer they had played their double reed instruments, the less likely they were to struggle with these.

People who played other wind instruments did not differ significantly from those who played non-wind instruments.

Double reed instruments include the bassoon, the reed contrabass, and the oboe (of which the English horn is one). They exclude the clarinet, saxophone, and flute.

Therefore, if you want to tackle your snoring and sleep apnea and acquire a new hobby at the same time, learn to play one of these instruments and find out whether your snoring or your playing irritates your partner most.

The real interesting thing for me however is the scientific proof that you can train your throat to stay open day and night and therefore cure snoring and sleep apnea.

And this is exactly what I’ve been teaching for over a decade, using my simple throat, jaw and tongue exercises. The only difference is, you don’t have to play music or use any kind of instrument. Plus these simple exercises work for almost everyone.

Heal Snoring and Sleep Apnea - Mega Snoring And Sleep Apnea Study Reveals Shocking Results

A new study published in the journal JAMA Neurologyrevealed some scary results regarding snoring, sleep apnea and your cognitive health.

And we’re not just talking memory loss!

Fortunately, there are some things you can do about this if you act fast.

Researchers analyzed 14 older studies regarding sleep-disordered
breathing and cognitive health. Each study included at least 200 subjects over 40. So in total, this mega study analyzed 4.2 million people.

Sleep-disordered breathing is not just sleep apnea but also when snoring is loud enough to interrupt sleep.

Those suffering sleep-disordered breathing were 35% more likely to experience cognitive decline.

The cognitive skills mostly affected were concentration, understanding, attention, clear communication, recognition of people or things, and so on.

It also increased the participant’s chances of suffering from a loss of executive function.

Executive function refers to the ability to make sound decisions based on available information, to exercise self-control, to avoid impulsiveness, to act according to goals, and so forth.

The good news is that previous studies have shown that people treated for sleep apnea (using CPAP) were no more likely to suffer cognitive decline than normal sleepers. So if you act quickly you can stop the decline in its track.

The problem is that most people hate wearing CPAP masks. The majority of sleep apnea users either stop using it altogether or take it off most nights – making it completely useless.

Heal Snoring and Sleep Apnea - New Crucial Info On Sleep Apnea (new study)

New study from researchers at Johns Hopkins University and published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism reveals some devastating facts about sleep apnea.

If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea or snore loudly (a clear sign of sleep apnea), you absolutely must know about this.

Because if you take the right action, you CAN avoid sudden death!

Researchers recruited 31 overweight, sleep apnea sufferers who were already used to sleeping with continuous positive airway pressure (or CPAP).

Their objective was to learn two things:

1) What exactly happens to your body when you have sleep apnea onsets?

2) Are these effects caused by the sleep apnea or from being overweight?

Although most people suffering sleep apnea are overweight, so are those with high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and other conditions often linked to sleep apnea.

So they had each of their subjects spend two nights in a sleep lab. One night they slept with their CPAP and one without it.

While they slept, the researchers drew and analyzed their blood every 20 minutes, testing it for free fatty acids, triglycerides, cholesterol, glucose, insulin, cortisol, C-reactive protein (an inflammatory marker) and L-lactate (a test of metabolism).

In addition, they tested their blood pressure, blood vessel function, glucose production, and glucose tolerance.

Comparing the nights with and without the CPAP, researchers learned that withdrawal of the CPAP immediately led to a resumption in the sleep apnea. And that immediately caused an increase in free fatty acids, glucose, cortisol, and systolic blood pressure.

Imagine, just one night with the onset of sleep apnea triggered pretty much all markers of bad health.

And since their subjects were all overweight, we can safely assume it was the sleep apnea, not their weight, that caused those markers to rise on the nights CPAP wasn’t present.

Now, although the CPAP was obviously very helpful, there is one major problem with these results.

That is, most people hate using CPAP. Over 80% of those with sleep apnea either stop using it altogether or throw it off most nights – making it close to useless.

Fortunately there is another way. One that’s even more effective than CPAP. It’s a simple set of throat, tongue and jaw exercises that open up your breathing passage and stop sleep apnea and snoring – often on the very first night.

Learn more and test drive these simple Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea exercises here…

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

This all-natural program will get you to shake off your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises.

To find out more about the program, click on How to Heal Snoring and Sleep Apnea

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