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Showing posts with label stop snoring. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stop snoring. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

What is the Best Way to Stop Snoring?

7 Shocking Ways to Stop Snoring (simple and effective) -Snoring is one of the most annoying complaints in relationships. It causes sleeplessness, fights, and even dangerous diseases.You see endless gimmicks sold that supposedly cure snoring. But if you’ve tried one or ten of them, you know that they’re nothing but money suckers. But there are small, free lifestyle changes that for real cure snoring. Today, I’m going to tell you about 7 effortless ways to rid yourself of snoring for good.

Click on Here to Find Out How You Can Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

7 Shocking Ways to Stop Snoring (simple and effective)

Snoring is one of the most annoying complaints in relationships. It causes sleeplessness, fights, and even dangerous diseases.

You see endless gimmicks sold that supposedly cure snoring. But if you’ve tried one or ten of them, you know that they’re nothing but money suckers.

But there are small, free lifestyle changes that for real cure snoring. Today, I’m going to tell you about 7 effortless ways to rid yourself of snoring for good.

1. Compression socks: Strange but true, compression socks that are used in long flights to prevent blood clots, turns out to be useful to prevent snoring.

In people with a condition called chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), these socks have been found to be very helpful. It prevents fluid flow from legs to the neck region, which causes sleep apnea, which in turn results in snoring.

In a two-week study based in Toronto, 50 men with sleep apnea were chosen. One group wore compression socks every day for two weeks while the other group wore ordinary socks.

At the end of the research period, it was found that the compression socks helped reduce fluid flow to neck and reduced sleep disruption from an average 30 times per night to 15. Those who wore ordinary socks showed no improvement.

2. Drive away dust mites: Change pillow covers regularly. Old pillows have dust mites that can trigger allergies and cause snoring.

3. Hot shower: A stuffy nose can cause snoring. The solution? A hot shower in the night just before bedtime to soften and clear the nasal passages and a saline spray for blocked sinuses.

4. Sleep position: It is ideal to sleep on one side because when you sleep on your back, your tongue and soft palate can get compressed and narrow the airway, thus causing you to snore. A body pillow can help you retain the sleep position.

5. Use a humidifier: Dry air passages in the nose can not only be annoying, they can also induce snoring. The best way to keep the passages moist and warm is to use humidifiers or steam vaporizers.

6. Say no to alcohol in the night: Alcohol has a way of relaxing muscles in the back of the throat that can induce people to snore, even those who generally don’t. Avoid drinks in the night – it is best not to have any drinks up to 4 hours before bedtime.

7. Sing away: It might sound unusual, yet it might just do the trick! Singing or even practicing wind instruments can strengthen your throat muscles and prevent snoring. In a study, participants who practiced singing for 20 minutes a day for 3 months showed a significant reduced incidence of snoring.

3 Easy Ways to Stop Snoring (and most effectively #4)

Snoring is a big problem worldwide. At least 40% people report snoring at least some of the time. Some people have more serious problems with it, including sleep apnea.

But there are “cheats” that help you get through the night silently, without having to resort to bulky equipment or even drugs.

Today, we’ll look at some simple snoring hacks to try before you drop the big money on the pulmonologist.

Snoring is a problem that can develop over time, so if you (or your partner) notice that you are beginning to develop a problem with log-sawing, try some simple fixes. Sometimes, the simplest thing makes all the difference.

First, you want to look at back position. When we are young and our muscles are stronger and more flexible, it might have been okay to sleep on our backs instead of on our sides. But as we age, the muscles loosen and the jaw slacks, positioning the throat in a way that causes snoring to develop.
Consider rolling onto your side to sleep if you can. It’s generally better for your neck and spine, anyway.

Watch what you eat. If you are used to having a few drinks and/or a big meal before bed, now is the time to get un-used to that practice. Acid reflux is a common denominator for people who snore.

If you have to have something on your stomach before bed, skip the alcohol and heavy foods and opt for a bit of cereal or a whole grain bagel instead. Alcohol is another cause of loose neck muscles, so knock it off if you can.

Change the physiology a little. It actually sometimes works to use those products that open the nostrils some. A lot of times the slightest bit of inflammation can narrow the nasal passages a bit, so open them up.

While you are at it, work on your best opera voice in the shower, car, or anywhere else you feel comfortable. Did you know that snoring among some of the most powerful voices in the world is practically zero?

Strengthening the muscles in and around the neck, head, throat, and shoulders, as with the exercises many singers do, has actually been shown to completely cure snoring.

After suffering horrible snoring for decades, I actually discovered this fact. And using simple voice techniques that strengthen the muscles around the breathing passages, I completely cured my snoring.

 Here are the exact voice techniques I used to completely cure my own snoring (and have since worked for thousands of readers)…

Stop Snoring - Can Snoring Be Dangerous to Your Health?

Over 50% of people above the age of 45 snore once in a while. It’s a normal thing and nothing to worry about.

However, if you or your partner snore loudly every night, it’s more of an annoyance and you definitely want to seek a solution (snoring is actually easy to avoid).

But sometimes it is not just a mild inconvenience to the other members in the room. Snoring can indicate a serious problem that can put you at risk for dangerous conditions like stroke, heart attack, diabetes or hypertension.

Generally, snoring is an indication that air isn’t flowing freely through the throat and nasal passages. It can occur due to many reasons. Nasal congestion, cold and allergies are common causes of snoring. It can also be caused sometimes by swollen tonsils, taking pain medications, alcohol consumption or smoking.

Sleeping on one side, using nasal sprays and using a room humidifier are the common remedies for general types of snoring.

However, a type of chronic snoring that actually has an impact on the sleeping hours can indicate a serious sleep disorder that is called sleep apnea.

In this condition, snoring occurs because some of the muscles in the back of the throat relax too much, while other are too tense. This disrupts your breathing, causing the throat irritation and sometimes a dangerous choking sensation.

The most common signs to look out for are drowsiness during the day and gasping/choking in sleep. A person sharing the bed or someone in the same room will be able to identify and spot the condition so that it can be treated in a timely manner.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) spells trouble because sleep deprivation can cause a decrease in oxygen levels in the blood and create great stress for the brain. People with this condition are at a higher risk of developing hypertension, heart attack, diabetes and stroke.

But the good news is you don’t need medicines or special treatments to cure sleep apnea. In most cases, changes in lifestyle like reducing consumption of alcohol, quitting smoking, regular exercise and weight loss can all help in improving the condition.

In fact, recent study has revealed that as little as 5% reduction in body weight, can seriously improve, even completely eliminate sleep apnea.

But the best way to eliminate snoring and sleep apnea is to directly focus on the throat muscles. Using simple exercises, you can train the muscles around the throat to stay open day and night.

To learn more about these simple snoring/sleep apnea exercises and try one out for yourself, click here…

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

This all-natural program will get you to shake off your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises.

To find out more about the program, click on How to Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea

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Friday, March 22, 2019

What is the Best Way to Cure Severe Sleep Apnea?

This Tiny Change Can Cure Severe Sleep Apnea and Snoring - Most people diagnosed with sleep apnea are sentenced to lifelong use of CPAP Masks while sleeping. But according to a Finnish research, getting 80% improvement in sleep apnea is a relatively simple task.

Click on Here to Find Out How You Can Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Cure Severe Sleep Apnea - Sleep Apnea and Chronic Pain Connection

If you suffer from any kind of chronic pain, most likely you’re taking specific a type of painkiller.

But a new study reveals these specific painkillers can lead to sleeplessness and even sleep apnea. Which then again worsens your pain so you need more of these painkillers.

One of the standard treatments for chronic pain is an opioid prescription. These drugs include codeine (the weakest one), morphine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, and fentanyl.

In addition to the myriad digestive consequences opioids cause, another terrible condition resulting from chronic opioid use is obstructive sleep apnea.

If this weren’t enough, it’s frequently accompanied by poor sleep and daytime fatigue.

From previous studies on healthy people, it seems as if poor sleep causes an increase in pain sensitivity. Luckily for them, their pain threshold can be returned to normal by restoring their good quality sleep.

If poor sleep quality causes people in chronic pain to be more sensitive to pain too, this places them on a downward spiral:

1. They are in pain, for which they use opioids.

2. The opioids lead them to develop sleep apnea and thereby destroy their ability to get good quality sleep.

3. The worse they sleep, the more pain they experience and the more opioids they use.

4. The more opioids they use, the worse their sleep apnea and sleep quality become.

5. The worse their sleep quality gets, the more pain they feel and the more opioids they want to use, and so on.

Researchers recently published an article in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine that identified American military veterans as a group especially at risk because of the chronic pain from which they suffer.

They analyzed data collected of veterans who presented at the Western New York Healthcare System sleep clinic between 2012 and 2014 with chronic pain, opioid prescriptions, and sleep apnea.

They then compared the pain score each of these patients received before a course of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) with the scores they received afterwards.

In addition, they checked whether any of these veterans reduced or dropped their opioid consumption after the CPAP.

Regrettably, the CPAP reduced neither the pain nor the opioid use, even though the veterans were sleeping better.

This means that, while improving sleep, CPAP cannot improve the pain threshold of people with chronic pain who are taking opioids.

Another alarming finding was the discovery that opioid-dependent veterans did not comply with the CPAP as well as the non-opioid takers did, explaining why they benefited from it much less.

These conclusions suggest that it is a bad idea to take chronic opioids, as they may cause sleep apnea.

But CPAP masks are not the best way to cure severe sleep apnea. Here are the simple 3-minute exercises I used to permanently get rid of mine…

And if you suffer from chronic pain, such as arthritis, use this step-by-step strategy to heal yourself (and avoid painkillers) in 28 days or less…

This Tiny Change Can Cure Severe Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Most people diagnosed with sleep apnea are sentenced to lifelong use of CPAP Masks while sleeping.

But according to a Finnish research, getting 80% improvement in sleep apnea is a relatively simple task.

We know that weight loss has many benefits. The great news is that it greatly improves sleep apnea with as little as 5 percent reduction in total body weight.

Being overweight is one of the major risk factors associated with sleep apnea. In fact, nearly 70 percent of people with sleep apnea are obese. Similarly, being overweight increases the chances of developing sleep apnea nearly 10 times.

As you can see, it all works down to body weight.

In the study conducted by the Finnish researchers, 57 moderately obese people with mild sleep apnea problems were assigned to exercise and diet routines while others in the study were instructed about the general benefits of a proper diet and regular exercises.

All the patients were followed-up on a regular basis and it was discovered that those who had achieved at least 5 percent reduction in body weight showed significant improvement in sleep apnea. Those who continued to lose a healthy amount of weight had an amazing 80 percent reduction in the condition.

The Stop Snoring and Sleep Apnea Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for people who suffer from sleep apnea.

This all-natural program will get you to shake off your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises.

To find out more about the program, click on How to Permanently Cure Severe Sleep Apnea and Snoring

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

12 Ways to Stop Snoring and Treat Sleep Apnea

Regular snoring results in poor sleep for the snorer, and poor sleep for whoever shares the bed, room, or in extreme cases, the people next door. Read on here to learn about the 12 ways to stop snoring.

Snoring is often depicted in a comedic way when in reality it is anything but, particularly when its regular, which results in poor sleep for the snorer, and poor sleep for whoever shares the bed, room, or in extreme cases, the people next door.

Snoring is caused by the relaxation of the muscles in your soft palate (roof of your mouth,) tongue, and throat. The tissues in your throat can get so relaxed that they partially block your airway and vibrate as air rushes past. The narrower it is for your airway, the more intense vibration, and the louder the snore.

A number of factors contribute to who snores and why, from your mouth anatomy to alcohol consumption, but home remedies can help without getting a pressurized mask or mouthpiece involved.

Stop Snoring #1 - Utilize a tennis ball

If you happen to be someone who sleeps mostly on their back, try putting a tennis ball in a shirt pocket of an old shirt and sewing it to the mid-back of your pyjama top (the top should be one that fits snuggly.)

When you roll over, the discomfort from the tennis ball forces you to roll back on your side, without waking you up. It sounds bizarre but if you can sleep through your partner elbowing you, a tennis ball shouldn’t be a problem.

You could also try strapping one on somehow-but that isn’t as practical, and won’t be terribly comfortable either.

You will need…

-1 tennis ball
-Shirt pocket of an old shirt
-Needle and thread


Cut the shirt pocket out of an old shirt, and thread your needle. Sew the pocket into the mid back region of your pyjama top. The top should be snug, so that the material doesn’t just shift the ball out of the way as you roll over.

Don’t worry if it’s not pretty-nobody is judging your seamstress skills here. Tuck the tennis ball in the pocket before you crawl in bed, and proceed to sleep per usual.

Note: If you have a dog that really, really, likes tennis balls…you’ve been warned.

Stop Snoring #2- Humidify, humidify, humidify

If you sleep in a room with dry air it is possible that it is contributing or causing you to snore. Dry air dries out our throat and nasal membranes and contributes to congestion. This makes its air movement restricted, and will set your tissues vibrating.

There are two ways to going about treating your snoring if this is the case – you can buy a humidifier, or move to an exceptionally exotic tropical location.

Stop Snoring #3 - If you’re overweight, lose weight

If you’re overweight it’s possible that it is causing your snoring, or making it worse. When you’re overweight you may have extra tissues in the throat contributing to the noise.

The more tissues that block your throat the more air is interrupted as it flows over, creating the vibrations that result in the sound of snoring.

Stop Snoring #4 - Raise the head of your bed

You can raise the head of your bed about 4 inches or so, which may help keep your tongue from falling back and blocking your throat, and may help open up your airways a little bit.

You will need…

-Sturdy blocks of wood, about 1-2 inches thick OR books


If you don’t have wood lying around that you can use, you can pick up some scrap lumber easily at some hardware stores. It should be flat, square, and about 1-2 inches thick.

Make sure it is wide enough to thoroughly cover the base of the foot you will be resting on it. Add these blocks 1 by 1 until you’ve reached about 4 inches.

If you’d prefer to use books instead, just pop some under the feet at the head of the bed. In both cases, but particularly with books because of their uneven size, make sure the bed it steady and doesn’t wobble.

Stop Snoring #5 - Keep up on housecleaning

As much fun as cleaning is, keeping up on making sure your living quarters are spick and span can pay off in the end. Allergens like pollen, dust, animal dander, and other unseen irritants can cause congestion and irritate your airways, both of which can contribute to snoring. Also make sure you’re changing your air filters on a regular basis.

Stop Snoring #6 - Try to pinpoint why you snore

Figuring out what’s making you snore means you can treat it with much more success than if you’re trying remedies in the dark (even though you will try them in the dark.)

Examine your lifestyle and diet-are you overweight? Do you drink alcohol before bedtime? Have your physician check - is the structure of your mouth the culprit? How you sleep when snoring may also indicate the problem. It has been speculated that-

Closed mouth snoring: If your mouth stays shut but you snore on, it may indicate a problem with your tongue/nasal passageways.

Snoring with your mouth wide open: It is probably the tissues in your throat that are causing you to snore with your mouth open. If your throat is partially obstructed, you’re apt to try to force in more air when you sleep-aka, snore.

Snoring on your back: Often at times on our back we breathe through our mouths, which can exacerbate snoring.

Snoring regardless of position: Possibly the sign of a more serious problem, such as sleep apnea - see your doctor if your snoring is loud enough to keep your partner awake or if you wake yourself up.

Stop Snoring #7 - Anti-snoring pills

Herbal pills are available that are aimed at reducing snoring. They’re made up of natural enzymes that target nasal congestion and work to reduce it, which in turn may reduce your snoring.

There isn’t a whole lot to back the claims, but it is something to look into if you’re feeling up to trying out some different treatment methods.

Stop Snoring #8 - Freshen up the humidifier

If dry air and congestion are making you snore, try adding various oils to the vaporizer or humidifier. Some, such as peppermint, can help open up airways and clear out your sinuses while you sleep.

You will need…

-a humidifier or vaporizer
-Several drops of peppermint OR eucalyptus oil


About 30 minutes before you crawl into bed, add 3-5 drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil into your humidifier or vaporizer. If you wish to add more, do so after you try starting with less. You don’t want to create a scent that’s too overwhelming.

Stop Snoring #9 - Adjust your pillows

Elevating your head can help open up airways and make breathing easier-but if your head is too high, your airways can get constricted and that may cause you to snore.

If you have a pillow that is too thick, or you sleep on multiple pillows, try adjusting the height. Not too fluffy and not too flat is important when it comes to what you rest your head on.

Finding a pillow that keeps your head and neck in a proper position is worth taking the time to do to help you breathe right.

Stop Snoring #10 - Practice Pranayama

Pranayama is a type of yoga exercise dedicated to learning how to control your breathing. You master taking deep, slow, breaths and get the most out of the oxygen around you.

Pranayama aids in the delivery of blood to the brain and overall increases circulation. It is also an incredible technique for relaxation. It has been used to relieve various sleep disorders, including sleep apnea.

Look into some classes or practice at home to possibly reduce or eliminate your snoring. You will feel rested, rejuvenated, and energized as a result.

Stop Snoring #11 - Exercise your tongue and throat

Making the muscles in your tongue and throat stronger can help reduce snoring because it decreases the chance of them slipping limply backwards when you rest.

As we age we tend to snore more as well, because our tissues are losing strength and elasticity, which means they Fill up your airways more than they once did.

There are a number of different exercises you can try, many being adopted from speech pathologists or doctors who use them to help patients who have trouble swallowing.

You can watch this Video HERE  to learn about the face exercise to stop snoring

Ideas for exercises

-Try to protrude the lower jaw over the upper jaw with your teeth showing while you count slowly to ten. Repeat 5-10 times a day.

-Give your tongue a work out by saying this phrase at least 10-20 times before going to sleep “The lips, the teeth, the tip of the tongue.”

-Put your tongue out perfectly straight as far as you can. Move it left, then right, touching the corner of your lips but making sure it stays straight. Do this in front of a mirror twice a day.

Stop Snoring #12 - Avoid alcohol and sedatives

Don’t drink alcoholic beverages or use sedatives at least two hours before bedtime. Both alcohol and sedatives can relax your tissue in your throat, making it expand and block off the airways, which then results in snoring.

You can also watch this Video HERE  to learn how to stop snoring in 3 steps.

Snoring is a tricky condition because there really isn’t a “cure.” To naturally stop or lessen your snoring, lifestyle changes are the key.

Exercise, weight loss, managing allergies, and changing sleeping positions are the types of things that seem to really work for some people but, like any remedy, may not do anything for another person.

Try to figure out what’s causing your snoring so you can treat your snoring as effectively as possible.

By Claire Goodall (a bee-obsessed natural-convert from Minnesota) who is a holistic health lover. She is the author of Everyday Roots Book.

It's a Book that she creates to help you replace the toxic products and medications in your home with healthier, all-natural alternatives.

It contains 215+ effective home remedies and covers everything you will need to protect your family and save money every month.

For more details about her book, take a look at the Everyday Roots Book.

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