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Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Fatty Liver Treatment – How Can I Reduce My Fatty Liver?


Fatty Liver Treatment - Cutting out salt helps, but it’s not enough to reverse NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease). The goods new is you can reverse NAFLD by tackling the underlying cause of it (which is probably different from what you have been told). Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Learn How You Can Melt Away Your Liver Fat & Restore It to Full Health & Vitality

Fatty Liver Treatment – Fatty Liver Caused by This Everyday Mineral (cut it out)


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is on a steep rise, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down.


Which makes it clear it’s caused by something we’re doing differently now than what was done 20-30 years ago.


A new study in the Journal of Clinical Medicine now reveals that this something is a common mineral that most people consume on a daily basis.


A team from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands analyzed previously collected data of 6,132 subjects.


Firstly, they looked at results of sodium urine tests that were carried out periodically for 48 hours over two consecutive 24-hour periods. From this, they were able to analyze the subject’s sodium intake.


They also used the Fatty Liver Index and Hepatic Steatosis Index for reference. 31.6 percent of the participants had a score of 60 or higher on the Fatty Liver Index.


People with scores higher than 60 were more likely to have metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure, and a history of cardiovascular disease.


They also had higher amounts of sodium in their urine at 163.63 Mmol (millimoles) per 24 hours versus the 136.76 Mmol in people whose fatty liver index scores were below 60.


And people with non-alcoholic liver disease were 54 percent more likely to be high sodium consumers compared to those with healthy livers.


So why do people who consume a lot of sodium have this fatty liver risk?


Two words – insulin resistance!


Sodium is hard to avoid these days, and it exists in so many manufactured foods to preserve shelf life. Therefore, it’s best to stick to fresh organic foods and avoid foods such as canned items, deli meats, bottled sauces, and pre-prepared meals.


The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults consume 1.5 grams of salt per day. Very active athletes or outdoor workers who lose a lot of salt through sweat can consume more.


Fatty Liver Treatment - Cutting out salt helps, but it’s not enough to reverse NAFLD; to do so, you need to get to the root cause of the problem, which I will explain here…


Fatty Liver Treatment – Fatty Liver Causes This Fatal (Non-Liver) Disease


It often affects overweight or obese people, but that doesn’t mean you’re immune to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) will very likely lead to a liver failure. That’s obvious.


But there is another condition that at first glance has nothing to do with NAFLD. And this condition might be even more dangerous.


And a new study published in The Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology reveals that those suffering NAFLD are 88% more likely to be hit by this surprising disease.


Scientists collected medical data of 111,492 adult patients who visited the Samsung Medical Center in Korea between 2003 and 2013. They were all above 40 years old and those with previous heart attacks, records of cardiovascular disease, a history of liver cirrhosis, previous hepatitis B or C, cancer, or high alcohol intake were excluded from the study.


All the patient’s necessary information was collected, including health history, demographic characteristics, smoking status, alcohol consumption, medical characteristics and medication use.


Every patient was given an abdominal ultrasound on the first visit and during follow-ups to check liver composition.


It was found that people with NAFLD were more likely to suffer heart attacks during the follow-up period.


Compared to those without NAFLD, those with low NAFLD had an increased risk of 70 percent and those with intermediate-to-high NAFLD an increased risk of 88 percent.


This means that you don’t have to have severe NAFLD for your heart attack risk to be raised. Moderate cases are risky too.


Other studies revealed that NAFLD sufferers fell into higher risk categories when it comes to strokes, clogged large arteries, and cardiovascular related death.


The good news is that NAFLD can be completely reversed by tackling the underlying cause of it (which is probably different from what you have been told). I’ll explain all that here…


Fatty Liver Treatment – Psoriasis and Liver Failure Connection Discovered


Psoriasis is a skin disease (or so most people think).


Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is a liver disease (or so most people think).


So how can a new study presented at the 28th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology in Madrid prove that one leads to the other with possibly fatal consequences?


The Spanish scientists recruited 64 male subjects, all with severe psoriasis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).


NAFLD occurs when fat builds up in your liver. Your liver is a fatty organ anyway, but if more than 10 percent of your liver is fat, usually caused by overeating (if not caused by alcohol) then you have NAFLD.


The American Liver Foundation estimates that around a third of Americans have NAFLD, including 20 percent of children.


The 64 subjects in the Spanish study were all obese with a body mass index above 30. 53 percent of them had diabetes as well.


The researchers wanted to know whether the severity of psoriasis and the severity of NDFLD were related.


To examine this, they used the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index to measure the severity of their subjects’ psoriasis and an ultrasound to rate liver stiffness.


Liver stiffness indicates that the liver contains a lot of scar tissue that can no longer function as liver tissue. It is the stage on the way to liver failure, depending on what percentage of the liver is affected.


They concluded that only those people with the highest psoriasis scores had significant liver stiffness, suggesting that the most severe psoriasis cases were also the most severe NAFLD cases.


So how can a skin disease and a liver disease be so connected?


For more ideas on fatty liver treatment, watch this video - How to Detox Your Liver


Because psoriasis isn’t really a skin disease. Here is how you can eliminate psoriasis by tackling the REAL underlying cause of it


Fatty Liver Treatment - And if you already suffer from NAFLD, here is why everything you have learned about this disease is wrong and what to do instead to permanently get rid out your fatty liver


This post is from the Fatty Liver Solution created by Julissa Clay. She provides you with tips and techniques for reducing the fat around your liver. Julissa is a natural health researcher and has written many health program e-books and digital guides. She spent all her life to the service of all the people and helped them to recover from various health issues naturally. You can easily avoid the side effects of the medications by following her.


To find out more about this program, click on Fatty Liver Treatment

What is the Best Way for Curing Your Psoriasis?


Are you looking for ways for curing your psoriasis? If you do, read on to learn about Julissa Clay’s Psoriasis Program whom she offers her tips and techniques which she used while struggling with psoriasis.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Beat Psoriasis by Addressing Its Underlying Triggers

Curing Your Psoriasis - Psoriasis’s Deadly Consequences


Psoriasis is no fun.


Like itchy, flared-up, sometimes bleeding skin, unsightly dried scales, red blotches, heavy dandruff and all the other horrible effects of psoriasis weren’t enough…


…now a new study published in JAMA Dermatology reveals that this skin condition also causes at least 11 types of cancer.


And we’re not talking small chances here. With one cancer the increase is 180%, with another 100%.


58 previous studies were used to calculate the increased likelihood that people with psoriasis will also develop some form of cancer.


They discovered that people with psoriasis were 18 to 22 percent more likely to develop cancer.


They also found an increased risk for a range of site-specific cancers:


1.   18 percent higher for colon cancer,

2.   34 percent higher for colorectal cancer,

3.   58 percent higher for kidney cancer,

4.   79 percent higher for laryngeal cancer,

5.   83 percent higher for liver cancer,

6.   40 percent higher for lymphoma,

7.   28 percent higher for non-Hodgkin lymphoma,

8.   71 percent higher for keratinocyte cancers,

9.   100 percent higher for esophageal cancer,

10.180     rcent higher for oral cavity cancers, and

11.41 percent higher for pancreatic cancer.


Severe cases of psoriasis increased the sufferer’s risks of getting liver, esophageal, and pancreatic cancers; it also significantly reduced their chances of being able to survive the cancer.


Why is psoriasis such a cancer risk?


One explanation is inflammation can lead to cancer. Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition. Previous studies also show that other inflammatory conditions, like Crohn’s disease, also increase the risk of developing cancer.


Another possibility is that some of the treatments used to fight against psoriasis, such as biological treatments and phototherapy, are carcinogenic.


Common drugs for psoriasis also suppress the immune systems, which could put people at greater risk.


For curing your psoriasis starting from today, without drugs, you need to tackle its underlying cause, which I will explain here…


Curing Your Psoriasis - How Psoriasis Messes with Your Head


We normally think of itchiness as merely annoying, but a study that has just been published in the Journal Investigative Dermatology now suggests that psoriasis may also have psychological consequences.


Researchers obtained information on 3,530 patients with skin diseases.


They compared it to 1,094 healthy people.


All subjects were given questionnaires to complete to assess their levels of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and levels of stress via negative life events and economic difficulties.


They were also examined to confirm the presence or absence of a skin disease and were asked about the presence of itchiness, its intensity, and its frequency.


The findings were shocking…


90 percent of people with prurigo complained of itchiness, 86 percent of those with atopic dermatitis, 82 percent of those with hand eczema, 78 percent of those with other types of eczema, 76 percent of those with urticarial, and 70 percent of those of psoriasis.


14 percent of patients with itch reported depression compared to 5.7 percent of patients without itch, six percent of healthy people with itch, and three percent of healthy people without itch.


This definitely suggests that it is not only itchiness, but the specific type of itchiness that accompanies skin diseases that makes sufferers feel depressed.


Even more concerning is 15.7 percent of patients with itch even reported having suicidal thoughts.


When they crunched the numbers further, they found that patients with skin diseases were 53 percent more likely than the other participants were to have depression, 27 percent more likely to have suicidal thoughts, and 24 percent more likely to experience economic difficulties.


But why?


One possible reason is that the bodies of people with itchy skin diseases produce more neurotransmitters and neuropeptides like serotonin that are also involved in depression.


Whichever way, if you suffer from itchy psoriasis and struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts, you are not alone. It is also essential that if you do experience severe depression or thoughts, you seek medical help immediately.


BUT you can avoid all of this by curing your psoriasis starting today. Discover the underlying triggers doctors haven’t told you about and cure your psoriasis in 28 days…


Curing Your Psoriasis - Psoriasis and Liver Failure Connection Discovered


Psoriasis is a skin disease (or so most people think).


Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is a liver disease (or so most people think).


So how can a new study presented at the 28th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology in Madrid prove that one leads to the other with possibly fatal consequences?


The Spanish scientists recruited 64 male subjects, all with severe psoriasis and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).


NAFLD occurs when fat builds up in your liver. Your liver is a fatty organ anyway, but if more than 10 percent of your liver is fat, usually caused by overeating (if not caused by alcohol) then you have NAFLD.


The American Liver Foundation estimates that around a third of Americans have NAFLD, including 20 percent of children.


The 64 subjects in the Spanish study were all obese with a body mass index above 30. 53 percent of them had diabetes as well.


The researchers wanted to know whether the severity of psoriasis and the severity of NDFLD were related.


To examine this, they used the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index to measure the severity of their subjects’ psoriasis and an ultrasound to rate liver stiffness.


Liver stiffness indicates that the liver contains a lot of scar tissue that can no longer function as liver tissue. It is the stage on the way to liver failure, depending on what percentage of the liver is affected.


They concluded that only those people with the highest psoriasis scores had significant liver stiffness, suggesting that the most severe psoriasis cases were also the most severe NAFLD cases.


So how can a skin disease and a liver disease be so connected?


For more ideas in curing your psoriasis, watch this video - MY PSORIASIS STORY | Psoriasis Treatment, Psoriasis Diet, Positive Affirmations - Guttate Psoriasis


Curing Your Psoriasis - Because psoriasis isn’t really a skin disease. Here is how you can eliminate psoriasis by tackling the REAL underlying cause of it…


And if you already suffer from NAFLD, here is why everything you have learned about this disease is wrong and what to do instead to permanently get rid out your fatty liver…


This post is from the Psoriasis Program created by Julissa Clay. She provides you with tips and techniques which she used while struggling with psoriasis. Julissa is a natural health researcher and has written many health program e-books and digital guides. She spent all her life to the service of all the people and helped them to recover from various health issues naturally. You can easily avoid the side effects of the medications by following her.


To find out more about this program, click on Curing Your Psoriasis


Monday, September 21, 2020

What is the Best Way to Check Heart Blockage at Home?


Check Heart Blockage at Home - We all know that diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are on the increase. Medical professionals are still working on the precise reasons why this is the case. A new study published in Nature Medicine suggests that there is one main thing to blame. And the good news is that this one thing can easily be controlled. Read on to find out more.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Check Heart Blockage at Home - This Spikes Your Heart Attack Risk 800 %


By now most people understand that this is harmful.


But researchers at the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Sheffield have just completed another study that spells out the risk in quite scary numbers.


And since one in five adults still do this, we must hammer home the point of this study.


Yes, if you do this ONE thing, you’re more than 800% more likely to suffer from a heart attack and/or stroke. Not only this, it’ll happen 10 years earlier than the average person.


Researchers examined the health information of 1,727 people who received treatment for heart attacks at South Yorkshire’s regional specialist cardiothoracic center.


The scientists analyzed patient information compared to non-smokers and discovered:


Smokers younger than 50 were 8.47 times more likely to suffer from a heart attack.


Smokers between ages 50 and 65 were 5.2 times more likely to suffer from a heart attack, and those over 65 only 3.1 times.


Current smokers were 10-11 years younger than former smokers or non-smokers when the heart attack struck.


Smokers were twice as likely to have a history of coronary artery disease (blocked arteries).


Smokers were three times more likely to  suffer from peripheral vascular disease.


But since heart attacks is the most common cause of death worldwide, especially for people over 60, you must tackle the real underlying cause of one by cutting out this one ingredient you’re unknowingly consuming…


And if you have high blood pressure, lowering it, using these easy blood pressure exercises, is essential…


Check Heart Blockage at Home - Heart attack caused by your home address


This may sound ridiculous at first glance.


498 study participants provided their home address to researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital.


The researchers then did some calculations and made a shocking discovery.


A tiny difference in where the people lived increased their risks of various cardiovascular diseases by a scary 34%.


They published their findings in the European Heart Journal.


From these addresses, researchers calculated the amount of noise, such as traffic, trains, planes and factories they were exposed to every day.


At the beginning and end of the 5-year study, they scanned the subject’s brains and blood vessels – they wanted to see who would develop some form of cardiovascular disease.


They specifically examined the occurrence of heart failure, heart attacks, strokes, angina, the need for bypass surgery, and cardiovascular disease related deaths.


After removing other potential causes of heart disease such as air pollution, poverty, and unhealthy habits, researchers found that a five-decibel increase in noise levels led to a 34 percent increase in cardiovascular disease.


But why does noise cause heart disease?


The subject’s scans revealed the primary emotion-processing center of their noise-exposed brains, which is called the amygdala, was more active compared to the brains of the subjects who lived in quieter areas.


They also found a lot more chronic inflammation in the blood vessels of their noise-exposed subjects.


Scientists concluded constant noise activates your amygdala, which then activates your body’s stress responses. This leads to chronic inflammation everywhere – blood vessels included, thus resulting in heart disease.


Many experts suggest moving to another place if you can afford it, but that’s pretty drastic. Otherwise, buy a white noise device or play nature sounds inside your house to drown out the noise and help you relax.


Another method is to “reboot” your system using our simple blood pressure exercises. They have been proven to drop almost everyone’s blood pressure in as little as 9 minutes…


And if your cholesterol is too high, learn how to normalize it by cutting out ONE ingredient, you didn’t even know you were consuming…


Check Heart Blockage at Home - This One Thing Causes Cardiovascular and 50% of All Other Deaths


We all know that diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease are on the increase.


Medical professionals are still working on the precise reasons why this is the case.


A new study published in Nature Medicine suggests that there is one main thing to blame.


And the good news is that this one thing can easily be controlled.


Researchers have discovered that there was a strong link between these diseases and systemic chronic inflammation.


Moreover, they estimated that 50 percent of all worldwide deaths are caused by systemic chronic inflammation.


Short-term acute inflammation is essential for our health. Such inflammation is your immune system’s way of killing bacteria and thereby of saving injured tissue that might be invaded and destroyed by bacteria. It also strengthens tissue.


But when inflammation becomes systemic and chronic, it causes a variety of diseases that contribute to the majority of disabilities and deaths globally. Such diseases include cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, cancer, kidney disease, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, type 1 diabetes, Lupus, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, motor neuron disease, and Huntington’s disease.


It’s also connected to psychological disorders like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and schizophrenia.


Environmental toxins can cause chronic inflammation. Typical toxins include air pollution, toxic metals and chemicals, plastics in our food, industrial chemicals, and even noise pollution.


Poor diet and obesity are also major contributors. The unhealthiest foods include processed carbohydrates, processed meats and refined vegetable oils.


Other key contributors to chronic systemic inflammation include lack of exercise, stress, and a number of common sleep disorders.


Educating yourself with the common associated risk factors is key to changing behaviors to prevent unnecessary deaths from inflammation-related diseases and conditions.



But education isn’t enough to prevent cardiovascular disease and other inflammation-related diseases – action must be taken.


For more ideas to check heart blockage at home, watch this video - These Foods Clean Your Arteries & Can Prevent A Heart Attack


Check Heart Blockage At Home - For more info about naturally curing cardiovascular disease starting today, click here…


To help eliminate arthritis this is how hundreds of readers have done it in 21 days following 3 simple natural steps…


And to get rid of your diabetes, follow this 3-step strategy to start reversing your diabetes and seeing results in 28 days or less…


This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.


To find out more about this program, go to Check Heart Blockage At Home.


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