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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Top 20 Cancer Fighting Foods Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About


A diet high in sugar and processed foods creates inflammation and the perfect environment for cancer. Refined oils and refined carbohydrates are also linked to cancer growth. Luckily, many foods have been proven to prevent and fight cancer. Listed here are the top 20 cancer fighting foods you should include in your diet.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Stay Healthy & Be Free From the Various Common Lifestyle Diseases

“Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ~ Hippocrates 


Our diet and activity level are the biggest indicators of our health, including our risk for cancer.


Food makes us healthy...or sick...and it can heal and reverse diseases.


A diet high in sugar and processed foods creates inflammation and the perfect environment for cancer.


Refined oils and refined carbohydrates are also linked to cancer growth.


Luckily, many foods have been proven to prevent and fight cancer.


Cancer is found in developed countries while Indigenous people don’t develop the disease.

A natural diet, less gluten, less dairy, and moderate exercise makes for much better health and less disease.


So it’s worth comparing a natural diet to the Standard American Diet, also known as SAD.

The SAD diet is low in foods that fight cancer.


We know that eating a healthy plant-based diet of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans prevents and helps treat cancer.


Leafy greens and cruciferous veggies prevent and fight cancer because they’re rich in glutathione, a master antioxidant high free-radical-scavenging abilities. 


That’s why doctors advise eating greens. They’re also easy to include in your diet in salads and smoothies.


A healthy diet consists of cancer fighting foods also keeps you at a healthy weight.


Excess body fat increases the risk of at least 11 different cancers.


Your doctor might not know about all of these cancer fighting foods...


...or tell you about them, but they will make a huge difference in the treatment of cancer.


1. Jackfruit


Jackfruit is the largest fruit in the world, yet it’s not well known.

This orange, sweet fruit grows on trees and is loaded with potassium and vitamins C and B6.

All of the brightly colored fruits listed have phytochemicals and antioxidants as well.


2. Guanabana


This tropical fruit has a pineapple-strawberry flavor. It's rich in vitamin C and fiber.

Studies have shown it inhibits cancer cells. Eat this one as a whole fruit, as the supplement can cause problems.


Try making a tropical fruit salad with jackfruit, guanabana, and other brightly colored fruit for a cancer-fighting superfood.


That’s a dessert that’s good for you, and you’ll feel so much better than if you were to eat cake or other sugar-loaded foods.


3. Daikon


Daikon is an Asian radish with a mild flavor yet a little spice.  

They contain vitamin C and fiber.

This is a fun way to add flavor to your salad or dinner that’s low calorie.


4. Sweet Tamarind


You can eat this out of the pod or as a pulp. It’s rich in fiber, potassium and magnesium.

Tamarind pulp is sweet and is served as a spread or candy, making it a cancer fighting treat.


5. Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)


There’s hundreds of different mushrooms, and they all are immune-enhancers.

Reishi, cordyceps and maitake are known to improve immune function, fight tumor growth and help cell regeneration.


Reishi enhances immune response and protects cellular DNA by raising antioxidant capacity.

This one specifically helps with cancer treatment by alleviating chemotherapy side effects like nausea and kidney damage.  


Reishi helps to better activate the natural killer (NK) cells, reducing cancer metastasis.

These mushrooms assist in slowing the growth of tumors, with promising research showing they help with colorectal cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer.


6. Maitake Mushroom Benefits


Maitake contains a broad-spectrum array of bioactive molecules, and they stimulate NK cell activity in cancer patients.


The antioxidant properties protect cells and decreases the inflammatory factor COX2 enzyme that’s common in cancer.


Maitake enhance our innate immune response to fight infections. They even help adaptive immune response, which creates long-term immune enhancement.


This mushroom has anti-metastatic properties that inhibit the proliferation and spread of cancer.


Research is promising in the areas of breast cancer and lung cancer.


7. Shitake (Lentinula edodes)


Shitake contains a glucan called Active Hexose Correlated Compound, or AHCC.

It’s used in alternative and complementary treatment of cancer in Japan due to its immune-enhancing functions.


Shitake also have Lentinan, which is actually used as an intravenous anti-cancer drug for its anti-tumor properties.


Clinical studies show that using lentinan gives patients a higher survival rate, higher quality of life, and lower recurrence of cancer.


8. Almond Mushroom (Agaricus Blazei Murill)


In a study, 90% of guinea pigs injected with cancer cells made a complete recovery when taking this mushroom supplement.


The study was jointly conducted by the Medical Department of Tokyo University, The National Cancer Center Laboratory, and Tokyo College of Pharmacy.


That might be why this mushroom is also called Mushroom of the Sun, Mushroom of God, and Mushroom of life.


9. Turkey Tail Mushroom


They’re not just fun decorations on a log. Turkey tail mushrooms are a biological response modifier.


Studies show that turkey tail mushrooms:

·         Improve survival rates

·         Act an immune modulator with immune stimulating and anti-tumor properties

·         Enhance the effects of chemotherapy

·         Reduces the side effects of radiation therapy


The anti-viral properties of the turkey tail mushroom offer a unique opportunity to target oncoviruses (tumor virus) such as human papillomavirus leading to cervical cancer, and hepatitis C leading to liver cancers.


If you’re wondering why there isn’t more research into mushrooms and more mushroom-based medicine available, it’s because drug companies cannot patent mushrooms.


Therefore, they don’t want to invest money into developing a natural medicine that they can’t commercially protect.


You can buy organic, whole mushrooms to add to dinner, or you can get supplements and powders.


10. Berries


Berries are some of the top high-antioxidant foods in the world.

Berries are especially rich in proanthocyanidin antioxidants, which lower free radical damage.


You’ll also get phenols, zeaxanthin, lycopene, cryptoxanthin, lutein and polysaccharides.

Berry extracts slow the growth of cancer cells. Strawberry and black raspberry extracts have the greatest impact on colon cancer cells.


11. Beans


Doctors tend to promote eating greens. People forget about beans, or even avoid them because of the side effects of fiber.


Remember, fiber does miracles in our body! Beans are also full of protein, fiber, and nutrients.


Studies continuously show that the folate, phytochemicals, and sterols in beans fight cancer.

Consuming small amounts of beans regularly in your diet helps avoid gas.


12. Onions


They add flavor and protect your health.


Onions are packed with allicin, sulfuric compounds, manganese, vitamins B6 and C, copper, and selenium.


They stimulate production of glutathione—the most potent antioxidant for your liver. That helps detoxify the entire body.


13. Seeds


Seeds are a superfood packed with health benefits.


Chia seeds and flaxseeds are two of the most nutrient-dense seeds in the world, providing fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals. 


Don’t forget other seeds like hemp, sesame, and pumpkin.


14. Turmeric


Turmeric is a must for an anti-cancer diet.


It has curcumin, which decreases tumor size and fights colon and breast cancer.


You can add turmeric to curry and other dishes, and even hide it in a drink. There’s also turmeric supplements that fight cancer and inflammation.


15. Garlic


People have used garlic to get over cold and heal disease for centuries.

It has sulfur compounds that stimulate the immune system’s natural defenses against cancer too.


New studies show that garlic can reduce the incidence of stomach cancer by a factor of 12! 


16. Corn


What’s better than fresh corn on the cob on a summer evening?

Corn is loaded with a phenolic compound called ferulic acid, which inhibits cancer-causing substances.


Of course, we’re talking about whole corn and not corn syrup, which you should avoid!


17. Dates


These treats from nature are higher in total polyphenols than any fruits or vegetables.

The polyphenols protect the fruit while growing in harsh desert conditions.

They make a great, natural treat that can fix your sweet tooth and chocolate craving.


18. Tiger nut


Tiger “nut” is actually a tuber with a sweet, nutty flavor.

It’s used in Spain and Mexico to make horchata, a sweet and light milky drink.

So it’s a good milk alternative, although it lacks protein and calcium.

It is high in resistant starch, which aids in digestive health and fights stomach and colon cancers.


19. Sweet potatoes


Sweet potatoes, and any brightly orange-colored fruits and veggies are packed with cancer-fighting nutrients.


The bright colors of citrus fruits, squash, sweet potatoes are from phytochemicals, especially carotenoid antioxidants.


Beta-carotene is an essential nutrient for immune functioning; detoxification; liver health; and fighting cancers of the skin, eyes and organs.


20. Red Grapes


These natural treats have seeds filled with the super antioxidant activin.

It’s a cancer-fighting chemical also found in red wine and red grape juice, and it protects against cancer and heart disease.


Fill your diet with these delicious foods, and strive to eat a variety of (naturally) brightly colored fruits and vegetables.


Buy organic whenever possible for further health benefits and to avoid pesticides and dyes—many non-organic fruits and vegetables are actually soaked in dye to make them more bright and attractive.


A healthy diet with these super cancer fighting foods will prevent and fight cancer, and leave you feeling great.


Want to learn more about being the healthiest you can?


Watch this video - Cancer Fighting Foods


Food, Health, & You will teach you how to cure many lifestyle diseases while feeling great and having more energy.


Written by Dr. Carl Bamlet who is a chiropractor and a certified nutrition specialist. He creates the Food, Health & You Complete Implementation System which is a lifestyle guide primarily focusing on diet and nutrition.


Dr. Carl Bamlet is a cancer survivor. He was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of nineteen, underwent surgeries and chemotherapy, adapted to a lifestyle that eliminates all processed foods and the various toxins that people routinely get exposed to due to the modern diet. He has been cancer free for twelve years.


He is healthy and free from the various common lifestyle diseases. With the help of this ebook, you can also prevent cancer, autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, metabolic disorders, diabetes, and many other ailments.


This holistic guide will help you to embark on a lifestyle that is rid of everything that ails our modern diet. The lifestyle guide does not recommend any medication or fad diets. There is no expensive proposition or quaint lifestyle changes. The different plans are easy to follow and they are relevant for people of all ages and ethnicities, regardless of their history of medical conditions.  


To find out more, click on Food Health & You

3 Ways to Finally Break Free from the Sweet Trap of Sugar Addiction


3 Sugar Craving Killers You Need to Know. Listed in this article here are the 3 ways you can use to finally break free from the sweet trap of sugar addiction.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Stay Healthy & Be Free From the Various Common Lifestyle Diseases

3 Sugar Craving Killers You Need to Know


“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ― Hippocrates


Jenna, a mother of four, has struggled with a sweet tooth her whole life.


“When I was a kid, I’d have a bowl of cereal in the morning. It came in an attractive box with the cartoon character on front, and I’d eat it without a second thought.”


She had Oreos and Twinkies at school, but the apple and sandwich her mom made for her would go uneaten in her lunch box. Dinner of course, wouldn’t be complete without dessert, like a big helping of chocolate cake or apple pie.


“This went on for years and years. Although my parents always encouraged me to eat healthy, I’d always look for some form of sweets every time we ate.”


It wasn’t until Jenna had kids of her own when she finally realized how damaging sugar addiction is.

She went on: “I’d try to kick my dependence on it and fail every time, so I kind of gave up at some point in my adult life. But what really woke me up was seeing my own children go through the same problems I had at their age. They were gaining weight, had a hard time focusing on their school work, and they’d get lethargic after their sugar rush. Plus, it was wreaking havoc on their teeth too.”


So, Jenna knew she needed an intervention not just for herself, but also for her family.


With the support of her husband and health professionals, Jenna managed to overcome her addiction to sugar. Not only that, she also spared her kids from growing up with an out-of-control sweet tooth.


“Our family doctor referred us to a nutritionist and a fitness coach. It’s only been a couple of months now, but I think that we’re on the right track,” she shared.


Why is sugar so seductive?


Like Jenna, millions of people worldwide are dealing with the dangers of consuming excessive amounts of sugar.


In the book “Sweet Poison: Why Sugar Makes Us Fat”, David Gillespie states that a century and a half ago, humans didn’t used to consume added sugar (the kind that’s found in food and drinks).


Today, we’re consuming well over one kilogram in just one week!


Gillespie further cites that twenty years ago, 1 out of 14 adults in Australia had problems with obesity. And that number has gone up to 1 out of 5 people.


We all know how sugar feeds into the obesity epidemic – along with its life-threatening effects – but why do we crave this sweet substance so much?


For one thing, the term “stress eating” exists for a good reason.


For a lot of folks, it’s a normal reaction to grab something on the go for a quick hit of relief when they’re frazzled from a busy day. And their food of choice is usually processed and laced with sugar.


Another reason behind this craving is a resistance to leptin, which is known as the “starvation hormone.”


This is to regulate the body’s energy reserves. So, if someone’s leptin levels go below their personal threshold, it kicks into starvation mode, telling them to eat more.


And being resistant to leptin means you’re likely to binge, which of course, includes sweet treats.


Other factors behind sugar cravings include low serotonin levels, not getting enough sleep and hormonal fluctuations.


And the biggest one of all is the slick packaging and shrewd marketing tactics by companies that flood the market with sugar-laden products.


Put that all together, and you’ve got a recipe for a health disaster.


But there is hope – by taking the right steps today, you can start turning the tide.


Here are 3 ways to finally break free from the sweet trap of sugar addiction:


#1: Purge ALL sources of temptation


This is the first step that most people skip when they’re trying to eliminate sugar from their life.

Willpower is an effective weapon against temptation, but it’s a limited one.


How much ammunition do you have against killing the urge to tear into that chocolate cake waiting for you in your fridge?


Chances are, not much – especially when you come home from a long day and you’re running on empty.


If you want to beat your cravings at its own game, you need to play it smart. Take sugar out of the equation, so you only have yourself left to deal with.


Search your entire house and round up all the food with sugar. Go through your fridge, pantry and every nook and cranny, and throw it out.


I know that right now, it seems like a waste of money doing this.


But if you think about the cost of seeing a doctor, or going to the hospital from being sick…

…not to mention the medicine you’ll need…

…then it’s not such as bad trade-off, all things considered.


Grit your teeth and absorb the cost of ditching that toxic junk from your life.


Then take it one step further and redo your grocery list from the ground up.


Sit down and do an audit of the kinds of food you throw in your shopping cart as an afterthought. Start replacing the unhealthy items from your old list and substitute it with other food (more on that later).


From now on, you’ll be doing a conscientious kind of shopping. You need to make sure you don’t let any sugar back into your home.


After all, this is the battle for your health, so you’ll have to resist the “barbarians at the gate”, as the famous phrase goes.


#2: Deal with the calorie deficit


After you’ve eliminated sugar-rich food from your house, you’ll need to fill in that void with something to sustain you throughout the day.


Certain elements can be a good source of fuel, which includes chromium, magnesium and zinc. When you stock up on these in your body, you’ll be able to interact better with naturally occurring sugars (such as in fruits) and burn them more efficiently.


That way, you’ll feel less of a need to scarf down a donut for a little pick-me-up.


That’s why people trying to beat their sugar addiction tend to lean towards food that has these elements, such as nuts (quite filling between meals), seeds and freshly-squeezed orange juice (and not the pre-packaged kind of course!).


Throw in some meat as well, like beef, lamb and chicken, along with seafood such as salmon and halibut. Other sources include green leafy veggies (like spinach or kale), broccoli, whole grains, apples, bran and bananas.


Complex carbohydrates are another ace up your sleeve. They help stabilize glucose levels in your body so you don’t experience energy fluctuations that trigger the urge to consume sugar.


So, try to include complex carbs like sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat pasta and pumpkin to name a few.


And here’s another one that’ll surprise you: water.


Some who’ve successfully dealt with their cravings say that a clear glass of H20 does wonders. It’s their first line of defence because water helps with the hunger pangs and distracts them long enough to find something healthy to snack on.


Mineralized water in particular contains elements like chromium, which can keep your blood sugar level in the safe zone and dampen the urge to consume something sweet.


This is going to be a period of chaos, but always keep in mind that the cravings do go away, as bad as they are. You just need to support yourself properly to get through this phase.


Don’t be afraid to ask for outside help, be it in the form of your family, friends or a health professional. The more you check in with them, the more accountable you’ll be.


#3: Get your mind right


Now that you’ve gotten this far, you’ve almost won the war against sugar.


There’s only one more battlefield left to worry about, which is your brain.


Arm yourself with knowledge. It will give even more reasons to cut your dependence on an emotionally manipulative substance like sugar.


There are plenty of resources, both offline and online, that will educate you further on the extent of sugar addiction and what it does to your body.


You constantly need to remind yourself WHY you’re doing this in the first place.


Dallas and Melissa Hartwig, authors of “It starts with food”, point out that sugars and sweeteners do not pass their standards of good food.


They said that “it lights up pleasure, reward, and emotional pathways to the brain, offering super normally stimulating flavors without providing the nutrition that nature intended.”


That means you need to rewire your mind and its thought patterns around consuming sugar – and the psychological attachment to it.


Another way to cut the umbilical is by starting a diary to list down the times when those cravings come knocking. They might kick in when you’re feeling or stressed, or skipped a meal like breakfast or lunch.


With self-awareness, you’ll have a handle on what’s going on and stay on top of it.


Speaking of which, there’s an interesting TED talk by Judson Brewer called “A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit”.


He cited a study on how mindfulness can help break the cycle of addiction.


Now, mindfulness is the practice of focusing on the present moment and sensations your body is feeling (such as your breathing), often while meditating.


Brewer asked participants who were trying to quit smoking to actually light up and pay attention to what was happening to them.


One said, “It smelled like stinky cheese and tastes like chemicals...YUCK!”


And so, when you’re disgusted with how you feel after partaking in a bad habit (like feeling bloated or lethargic after a crash), it breaks the spell.


I’ll be honest: You will never NOT crave sugar.


But you can minimize it to manageable levels so it becomes a non-issue.


And while cutting out sugar from your diet is important…

…it’s just the beginning.


To really live a full, healthy life that’s free of diseases that come with living in the modern world, you need a holistic approach.


You’ll also need a plan to lose weight safely, improve your gut health and give your body what it needs.


This won’t just help you prevent disease, but also REVERSE it.


For more ideas to break free from the sweet trap of sugar addiction, watch this video - How to Break Sugar Addiction: 7 Steps to Help You Stop Eating Sugar



Written by Dr. Carl Bamlet who is a chiropractor and a certified nutrition specialist. He creates the Food, Health & You Complete Implementation System which is a lifestyle guide primarily focusing on diet and nutrition.


Dr. Carl Bamlet is a cancer survivor. He was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of nineteen, underwent surgeries and chemotherapy, adapted to a lifestyle that eliminates all processed foods and the various toxins that people routinely get exposed to due to the modern diet. He has been cancer free for twelve years.


He is healthy and free from the various common lifestyle diseases. With the help of this ebook, you can also prevent cancer, autoimmune diseases, irritable bowel syndrome, metabolic disorders, diabetes, and many other ailments.


This holistic guide will help you to embark on a lifestyle that is rid of everything that ails our modern diet. The lifestyle guide does not recommend any medication or fad diets. There is no expensive proposition or quaint lifestyle changes. The different plans are easy to follow and they are relevant for people of all ages and ethnicities, regardless of their history of medical conditions.  


To find out more, click on Food Health & You

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

What is the Best Way to End Acid Reflux Forever?


End Acid Reflux Forever - Medical journals and research studies abound with data showing which efforts are better than others at eliminating heartburn, reflux, and other digestive woes. Today, we’ll give you the quick-and-dirty for the top 6 that show up again and again as some easy things that you can do as soon as today to eliminate your tummy troubles.

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW, Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

End Acid Reflux Forever - These Acid Reflux Drugs Destroy Your Bones


One of the most frequent health problems for elderly are broken bones. As we age, our bones become weaker and we are at greater risk of falling.


So, it doesn’t help that one of the most frequently prescribed acid reflux drugs directly weakens our bones as well as our sense of balance.


And taking it with two other common drugs makes things even worse.


This is according to a new study published in JAMA Network Open.


The researchers analyzed the information of 2.6 million Medicare beneficiaries and the drug prescriptions they received between 2004 and 2014. They placed emphasis on drugs linked to bone fractures either because they weakened bones or caused dizziness and promoted falls.


They identified hip fracture diagnoses from Medicare claims to see which drugs put them at a higher risk – those who took one drug had twice as high a risk of hip fractures. Taking two almost tripled their hip fracture risk and taking three quadrupled it.


Opioids (taken by 55 percent), diuretics (40 percent), and proton pump inhibitors for acid reflux (35 percent) were the most common drugs.


Incredibly, the scientists found that the average elderly person consumed five drugs simultaneously.

The most harmful combinations were opioids with sedatives, opioids with diuretics, and opioids with acid reflux proton pump inhibitors.


Women who took opioids and sedatives were five times more likely to suffer hip fractures than women who took none.


But this is not the only risk of acid reflux drugs. They actually cause 6 types of cancer.


End Acid Reflux Forever - The good news is that you can eliminate acid reflux TODAY using three ingredients you already have in your kitchen…


End Acid Reflux Forever - Heart Attack or Heartburn? Detect the Difference in Symptoms


People can very often write off the first signs of heart attack as nothing more than acid reflux. But as you know, waiting too long to act may cost you your life.


At the same time, you don’t want to ‘cry wolf’ every time you experience minor chest pain (although it’s always better to be too cautious than to risk death).


That’s why in today’s feature article I’m going to tell you about three clear symptoms that differentiate heartburn from heart attack.


1) When Does the Pain Hit?


We’ve all experienced this at some point: You have a big meal, you lie down and all of a sudden this burning sensation hits you. This is most likely heartburn rather than heart attack.


Opposite to heartburn, heart attack usually happens during some kind of physical activity and rarely while resting. As well, suffering from a heart attack rarely has anything to do with the meal you had that day, while acid reflux often happens shortly after consuming trigger foods (or quantities).


2) Where Does the Pain Hit?


Burning sensation in the throat, often with a bitter taste in the back of the mouth is a clear sign of acid reflux. Whereas pain in the chest, neck, shoulders and jaw is a sign of heart attack.


3) How Does the Pain Hit?


Are you experiencing sweating, feeling of faintness, lightheadedness and shortness of breath? These symptoms, especially when associated with any kind of chest pain are red flags; don’t wait, call 911 now! These are not  symptoms of heartburn but much more likely the beginning of a heart attack.


These three guidelines are, of course, nothing more than general tips and should not be used as a diagnostic tool. You should always lean towards the side of caution – if in doubt, call the ambulance or at least your family doctor’s urgent care line.


Don’t drive yourself because if you’re actually having heart attack, you can get the necessary first aid in the ambulance- and you shouldn’t put others at risk since loss of consciousness frequently accompanies heart attack.


You may also take into consideration your personal history. If you’ve suffered a heart attack before, are over the age of 50 or have a family history of heart attack or stroke, you’ll want to be even more aware or your risk.


However, if you suffer heartburn regularly, you know the feeling. But you definitely also want to treat that problem.


Because what the big drug companies don’t want you to know is that it’s very easy to permanently cure Acid Reflux naturally as soon as today.


End Acid Reflux Forever - Learn about the 5 minutes cure of Acid Reflux…


Regarding stroke and heart attack, there are of course two major factors that lead up to heart attack:


Chronic, uncontrolled high blood pressure, and Unhealthy cholesterol levels:


Discover 3 easy exercises that drop blood pressure below 12/80 as soon as today…


Learn how to naturally get your cholesterol under control in 30 days or less here…


End Acid Reflux Forever - 6 Things That Prevent Heartburn


Medical journals and research studies abound with data showing which efforts are better than others at eliminating heartburn, reflux, and other digestive woes.


Today, we’ll give you the quick-and-dirty for the top 6 that show up again and again as some easy things that you can do as soon as today to eliminate your tummy troubles.


These tips will helps eliminate IBS as well.


1) Put down the soda can. Aside from forcing into your system a ton of sodium and potentially a lot of sugar, most sodas are packed with caffeine. This is a known trigger of not only IBS symptoms, but also reflux and other types of heartburn. Start by replacing 12 ounces at a time of that soda habit with water and see how much better you’ll feel in a week.


2) Drop a little weight. Carrying more than 30 pounds compresses internal organs. Carrying more than that compresses them even more. Being overweight or obese also slows digestion, which is then going to lead to stomachache, heartburn…even certain food intolerances. Get off the couch and head for the treadmill. You can watch your news programs or crime dramas from there.


3) Find clothes that fit. Just because you can get them on, doesn’t mean they fit. Make sure that your pants, belts, skirts, or other clothing that comes around the stomach or gut is appropriately fitted. Clothing that’s too tight doesn’t just create a muffin top, it constricts those organs causing pain.


4) Make those meals smaller, and just eat more of them. Speaking of loosening the belt…if you eat enough in one sitting to have to do this, you’re doing it wrong. If your reflux or heartburn is severe, you need to limit what you eat to 8 ounces per meal- total, and just eat them more frequently. Give your stomach a break and put at least half that meal in a box as soon as you get it.


5) Limit alcohol, especially before bedtime. Alcohol is hard on the stomach, especially if you have food intolerances creeping up on you.


Gluten intolerances mean no beer. Hard liquor likes to attack the lining of the stomach and lead to ulcers. Limit your drinks to one or two, and only with a meal.


6) Stop Smoking– period.


For more ideas to end acid reflux forever, watch this video - What Triggers Your Acid Reflux, and What Solutions Will Work


Want even more powerful heartburn cure? Check out a simple approach to end acid reflux forever – effective in 5 minutes….


Step-by-step plan to heal IBS beginning today


This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.


To find out more about the program, go to End Acid Reflux Forever

Revealing Here the Top 3 Impetigo Home Remedies


Here is a list of some useful Impetigo home remedies that you can begin using right away to cure Impetigo in days. Read on here to find out more.

Click HERE to Get the Fastest, Safest Way to Cure Impetigo in Only 3 Days or Less

If you’re looking for Impetigo Home Remedies, you’ve come to the right place.


Impetigo is not a fun or exciting infection to get.  It is most commonly experienced in children, but adults can get it as well.  Your condition can range from being mild to quite severe, depending on the location of the body and your body’s immune system.


Either way, it is extremely important to begin treating the infection as soon as possible with the best Impetigo home remedies.  I believe in a natural approach to treat Impetigo, as taking drugs, anti-biotics or chemical lotions can be quite harmful for your body.


I’ve compiled for a you a list of some useful Impetigo home remedies that you can begin using right away to cure Impetigo in days.


1) Colloidal Silver


One of the most beneficial Impetigo home remedies is colloidal silver.  Colloidal silver has been around for many years and was previously used as a natural anti-biotic.  It is effective in helping the body fight off the harmful bacteria that is causing your Impetigo rash.  You can buy colloidal silver at a local health foods store, and only require small amounts.


2) Probiotics


Probiotics are GOOD bacteria that your body naturally has, which fights off infection and the "bad" bacteria.  In this case, the "bad bacteria" is causing your Impetigo infection.  To fight it off, you require probiotics or "friendly flora" in order for your body to naturally heal the infection and rid the bad bacteria from the body.


3) Honey


A lot of people enjoy using Honey as one of the Impetigo home remedies.  You will want to make sure you are using natural, organic Honey (nothing too processed).  Just smear a thin layer over your skin and leave it on for a while.  This should help with the itchiness and healing.


Try out these three Impetigo Home Remedies.  It is important to take gentle care of the infected skin while it is covered in blisters and sores.  The reason is that you don’t want any of the blisters or sores to turn into scars or get much worse.


My recommendation is to use a combination of effective Impetigo Home Remedies for the fastest and safest treatment of Impetigo.


For more impetigo home remedies ideas, watch this video - 9 Natural Impetigo Treatments


This article is written by Stephen Sanderson, a former impetigo sufferer, who creates the Fast Impetigo Cure Program. This program covers an effective treatment plan for impetigo, advanced methods, diet plans, and detailed descriptions on how to cure this disease quickly. It also introduces natural remedies for impetigo, safe ingredients, tips, step-by-step techniques, pictures for each technique, and detailed descriptions that help people cure any impetigo skin infection.


In addition, from this program, you will get information about impetigo, such as types, symptoms, causes, signs, prevention, and treatment methods. Furthermore, you will learn how to prevent chances of any ugly scars from appearing, and how to get rid of all impetigo-related symptoms such as fatigue, soreness, fever, itchiness, and discomfort.


This program will guide you step-by-step through the process of finding out 12 natural remedies that have helped thousands of children, teens and adults cure their impetigo quickly. In addition, you will discover 10 foods that can help boost your immune system, and help your body fight off bacteria and the impetigo infection quickly. Moreover, this program also reveals to you the top 3 worst foods that you should never eat when suffering from this disease.


To find out more about this program, visit - Get Impetigo Home Remedies HERE

Monday, September 14, 2020

How to Cure Impetigo in 3 Days or Less?


If you’re currently suffering from Impetigo, or your child is, I’m sure you are extremely eager to know how to cure Impetigo as fast as possible.  If you read here, you will find out many easy steps you can take immediately on how to cure Impetigo in less than 3 days.

Click HERE to Get the Fastest, Safest Way to Cure Impetigo in Only 3 Days or Less

If you’re currently suffering from Impetigo, or your child is, I’m sure you are extremely eager to know how to cure Impetigo as fast as possible.  If you read below, you will find out many easy steps you can take immediately to cure Impetigo in less than 3 days.


First, understand that Impetigo is a bacterial infection.  Since Impetigo is contagious, the primary way you can get it is by being exposed to someone who has Impetigo.  It usually enters through the nose, mouth, or breaks in the skin (such as scrapes, cuts or bites).  Once the bacteria are inside the body, it will begin to spread and reproduce like crazy.


Once exposed to Impetigo, after a few days you will begin noticing symptoms.  It usually starts with a fever and then leads to itchy red blisters or sores covering a specific region of the body (face, mouth, arms, legs, buttocks).


If you want to know how to cure Impetigo fast, it is essential to understand that you need to help your body fight off the infection in two ways:


1) By feeding your body the essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that it needs to boost the immune system to fight off the bacteria in a natural way, and cure Impetigo.


2) By healing the sores and blisters from Impetigo, making them scab over and fade away as soon as possible, without leaving any ugly scars or marks.


These two strategies are key if you want to know how to cure Impetigo.  You need to tackle Impetigo from both angles, not just one.


Below, I will outline some effective strategies you can use right now on how to cure Impetigo fast.


How to Cure Impetigo


I am going to break things down into some simple steps that you can follow, giving you instructions on how to cure Impetigo.


STEP 1: The first step is having a good Impetigo diet.  Most people ignore diet, but it is extremely important to cure Impetigo.  There are certain foods that you can eat that will help fight off this infection faster.  Other foods will slow down your recovery. 


For example, you want to make sure you are eating raw, organic fruits and vegetables.  Raw food is full of living water, is easy for your body to digest, and is loaded with nutrients that your body can use immediately.


You want to be avoiding dairy products, meat, breads, or anything really heavy that your body has a hard time digesting.  Keeping your body properly hydrated is also an important step on how to cure Impetigo.


STEP 2: Next step for how to cure Impetigo you need to tackle the blisters, sores and rash.  You begin relieving the itchiness by using a bathing procedure.  This allows you to soak the infected area underwater by using special Impetigo remedies.  For example, there is the oatmeal bath, baking soda bath, brown vinegar bath, and many more.


STEP 3: Right after a bath, it is powerful to use a special lotion or cream immediately.  This will help relieve itchiness and heal the blisters and sores faster.  For example, you can use honey or special oils.  There are many great products you can use and that I can recommend.


If you follow these 3 main steps on how to cure Impetigo fast, you are well on your way to being Impetigo-free!


The truth is, there are more steps and strategies you need follow if you really want to know how to cure Impetigo in less than 3 days.  For example, there are special supplements you can take, as well as special lotions, creams, or recipes to follow for a good bathing procedure.  Not only that but knowing the RIGHT products to use.


To get more ideas on how to cure impetigo, watch this video - Home Remedies to Treat Impetigo


For optimal results and to learn the secrets on how to cure Impetigo in less than 3 days, click HERE


This article is written by Stephen Sanderson, a former impetigo sufferer, who creates the Fast Impetigo Cure Program. This program covers an effective treatment plan for impetigo, advanced methods, diet plans, and detailed descriptions on how to cure this disease quickly. It also introduces natural remedies for impetigo, safe ingredients, tips, step-by-step techniques, pictures for each technique, and detailed descriptions that help people cure any impetigo skin infection.


In addition, from this program, you will get information about impetigo, such as types, symptoms, causes, signs, prevention, and treatment methods. Furthermore, you will learn how to prevent chances of any ugly scars from appearing, and how to get rid of all impetigo-related symptoms such as fatigue, soreness, fever, itchiness, and discomfort.


This program will guide you step-by-step through the process of finding out 12 natural remedies that have helped thousands of children, teens and adults cure their impetigo quickly. In addition, you will discover 10 foods that can help boost your immune system, and help your body fight off bacteria and the impetigo infection quickly. Moreover, this program also reveals to you the top 3 worst foods that you should never eat when suffering from this disease.


To find out more about this program, visit - How to Cure Impetigo in 3 Days or Less


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