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Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Treatment for Keratosis Pilaris – How Can I Improve My Keratosis Pilaris?


Treatment for Keratosis Pilaris - Doctors frequently suggest maintaining an effective home-based skincare to improve the appearance of your skin, such as washing affected areas with warm water and a gentle exfoliating cleanser, using a rich moisturizer two times a day, and installing a humidifier in your home during dry seasons like winter.

Click HERE to Find How You Can Achieve Clearer and Smoother Skin in an Easier Way by Freeing Yourself Forever from Keratosis Pilaris 

Treatment for Keratosis Pilaris - The Role of Diet in Minimizing Keratosis Pilaris

Individuals with keratosis pilaris experience the buildup of keratin, a protective skin protein, which leads to the formation of plugs in hair follicles. Because the hairs cannot push through this blockage to the skin's surface, raised bumps are created in fine-hair areas of the body, such as the upper arms, the thighs, and sometimes the buttocks or even the face.


Although keratosis pilaris is not medically serious and can improve over time, some patients use treatments such as topical prescription creams and clinical-strength moisturizers. Additionally, some alternative-health consultants believe that skin problems indicate an "internal imbalance," and therefore feel that they should be treated by dietary changes. No associations between diet and keratosis pilaris have been validated by clinical research, however.


Several patients with keratosis pilaris maintain that eliminating cow-based dairy products from their diet significantly reduced their symptoms. Bovine casein, the primary protein in cow's milk, is sometimes cited as a contributing factor to keratosis pilaris, as some people have experienced improved symptoms after eliminating it from their diet once they reached adulthood.


Vitamin A deficiency may also resemble keratosis pilaris, but no vitamin deficiency is known to cause keratosis pilaris. Some children who may seem to have keratosis pilaris are actually suffering from dietary deficiencies such as poor fat consumption.


Children who obtain their dietary fats from processed food instead of from nuts, olive oil, and fish can develop "chicken skin" that resembles the symptoms of keratosis pilaris; these bumpy patches of skin, however, are actually unrelated to keratosis pilaris. In these cases, taking fish-oil capsules and including nuts, olive oil, and fish in the patient's diet will cause the rash to clear, indicating that the patient did not actually suffer from keratosis pilaris.


Because keratosis pilaris is a chronic and recurrent problem, patients should beware any claims that a certain diet can "cure" keratosis pilaris. If you suffer from keratosis pilaris and are concerned about your diet, speak to your doctor or dermatologist. He or she will be able to suggest at-home remedies and can also recommend a registered dietician to help you plan and implement healthy eating habits.


When to Seek Treatment for Keratosis Pilaris


Keratosis pilaris is a common, usually chronic skin condition that involves bumpy, rough patches of skin along the upper arm, thigh, and buttocks. Individuals who suffer from keratosis pilaris may not even be aware of their condition, as this skin problem is often overlooked and rarely involves medical complications.


Some patients, however, feel that they need to seek medical or alternative treatment for their symptoms, as keratosis pilaris can lead to social embarrassment for certain individuals or can create prolonged discomfort in rare cases.

Those with keratosis pilaris should pursue treatment if their condition is causing them concern or is impairing their ability to function in some way. For example, certain patients experience psychological side effects such as anxiety or low self-confidence because of the distress created by their discolored, bumpy skin. In these cases, you should speak with your family doctor or dermatologist, and possibly a psychologist or counsellor as well.


Other people with keratosis pilaris may experience irritated skin as a result of inflammation or may have scarring after aggravating the raised patches. In cases like these, you should seek treatment from your family doctor or a dermatologist to prevent lasting damage from occurring.

In general, however, keratosis pilaris seems cosmetically unpleasant but is actually harmless from a medical perspective. With the appropriate medications and self-care measures, many people experience a noticeable improvement in their symptoms.


Doctors frequently suggest maintaining an effective home-based skincare to improve the appearance of your skin, such as washing affected areas with warm water and a gentle exfoliating cleanser, using a rich moisturizer two times a day, and installing a humidifier in your home during dry seasons like winter.

Alternatively, your doctor or dermatologist may suggest more substantial treatments such as topical corticosteroids to reduce itching or topical retinoids to promote healthy cell turnover. Regular sessions of laser therapy are sometimes recommended as well to combat severe inflammation and redness in patients with keratosis pilaris.


However, it is important to remember that no therapy is uniformly effective in alleviating the symptoms of all patients; furthermore, the complete removal of keratosis pilaris is rarely possible.


For more ideas on treatment for keratosis pilaris, watch this video - Treating Keratosis Pilaris


This post is from the Keratosis Pilaris Remedy program created by Alison White. Keratosis Pilaris Remedy program is a step by step natural system through which you can achieve a smoother and clearer skin in the shortest possible time. It comes with a confidence-boosting skin cleanse that will help you in getting rid of the Keratosis Pilaris condition. 


You will also get a recipe for a home-made face scrub with this product that is not only very affordable to make, but also offer much more benefits as compared to the expensive products available in the market. 


The author (Alison White) has also included her special Keratosis Pilaris diet plan that includes some basic foods and make your skin to reborn and glow up like your younger days.

Furthermore, you will get the important information about the special ingredients that you should consider while buying any skin product. These ingredients can be proved very useful in eliminating the Keratosis Pilaris permanently. 


To find out more about this program, visit Keratosis Pilaris Remedy Forever

Monday, August 31, 2020

What is the Best Way for Treating Keratosis Pilaris?


Treating Keratosis Pilaris - If you are suffering from keratosis pilaris or a related skin condition, see your doctor or a dermatologist to discuss potential treatments like using a rich moisturizer daily or installing a humidifier in your home. He or she may also recommend a corticosteroid cream to reduce redness and roughness of your skin.

Click HERE to Find How You Can Achieve Clearer and Smoother Skin in an Easier Way by Freeing Yourself Forever from Keratosis Pilaris 

Treating Keratosis Pilaris - The Psychological Effects of Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris is a common skin condition that affects many adults, adolescents, and children. The disorder is caused by the buildup of keratin, a protective skin protein. This buildup creates small plugs in your hair follicles, creating small, rough bumps of skin in patches along the upper arms, thighs, and buttocks. Although keratosis pilaris is not medically concerning, it is visually unattractive and can lead to psychological complications for some patients.


Approximately 50% to 80% of all adolescents are affected by keratosis pilaris, as well as nearly 40% of all adults. Children 10 years old and younger are also more likely to experience this condition as they develop.


Furthermore, keratosis pilaris affects a high number of women during pregnancy or after childbirth, and it is especially common among both males and females during puberty. The condition is harmless and not infectious but may create emotional discomfort.


According to the American Academy of Dermatology, major depression is a frequent consequence of chronic skin disorders such as keratosis pilaris and acne. A higher risk of other psychosocial side effects-such as anger, social withdrawal, frustration, and low self-confidence-is also associated with keratosis pilaris. Additionally, two out of five children with a cosmetic skin issue have some form of psychosocial impairment.


Research also suggests that individuals with skin disorders have a higher risk of suicide and suicidal thoughts: a West-African study found that patients with cosmetic skin issues had an increased risk of low self-esteem, depression, and suicide.


If you are suffering from keratosis pilaris or a related skin condition, see your doctor or a dermatologist to discuss potential treatments like using a rich moisturizer daily or installing a humidifier in your home. He or she may also recommend a corticosteroid cream to reduce redness and roughness of your skin.


If your symptoms are prompting you to experience effects like psychological distress, you should consider seeing a psychologist or counsellor to address your skin-related anxieties as well. To ensure that you receive effective treatment and can experience long-term wellbeing, it is important to address both the physical manifestations of keratosis pilaris as well as the mental-health complications.


The Risks Associated with Treating Keratosis Pilaris Using Medical Science


Keratosis pilaris is a widespread and common skin disorder affecting nearly 40% of adults and up to 80% of adolescents. This condition occurs when a protective skin protein called keratin plugs hair follicles. Rough, bumpy patches of skin result from this protein blockage, which can prompt irritation, redness, and itching.


Although at-home remedies like moisturizing lotions may alleviate some symptoms, there is currently no known cure for keratosis pilaris. In fact, certain medical treatments for keratosis pilaris can actually increase your risk of bad side effects.

More-intensive medical treatments such as prescription corticosteroid creams or topical retinoids are sometimes suggested to soothe skin and reduce redness. However, these forms of treatment for keratosis pilaris are associated with minor risks.


Retinoid creams like treinoin and tazarotene, for example, can create unpleasant skin irritations, such as severe dryness, redness, and peeling. Additionally, doctors advise that pregnant or nursing women delay any topical retinoid therapy or pursue an alternative treatment, as it can pose risks to infants.


Laser therapy is another more-intensive medical treatment for keratosis pilaris. If your symptoms involve severe redness and inflammation, your doctor may suggest that you pursue laser therapy. This form of treatment uses intense bursts of light over certain areas of skin, but can also involve risks such as infection, bleeding, scarring, and skin-color changes.


Additionally, laser therapies have not been shown to cure keratosis pilaris. Because multiple laser-treatment sessions are required for this method to be effective, the risk of nasty side effects can be higher than the risks involved in other forms of treatment.


In-office treatments like chemical peels, dermabrasion, and photodynamic therapy are sometimes suggested to treat this condition if it persists. These methods may be moderately effective when performed by a physician, but can lead to scarring, redness, swelling, bleeding, acne, changes in skin color, and infection. These procedures also involve preparatory care plans that can last for two to four weeks, which may be inconvenient or challenging to maintain.


Although medical science may be helpful in treating keratosis pilaris, it should not be relied upon exclusively. For milder and alternative methods, speak to your doctor about at-home and over-the-counter remedies.


For more ideas on treating keratosis pilaris, watch this video - Keratosis Pilaris Treatment | Bumps On Skin"Chicken Skin" | Vivienne Fung


This post is from the Keratosis Pilaris Remedy program created by Alison White. Keratosis Pilaris Remedy program is a step by step natural system through which you can achieve a smoother and clearer skin in the shortest possible time. It comes with a confidence-boosting skin cleanse that will help you in getting rid of the Keratosis Pilaris condition. 


You will also get a recipe for a home-made face scrub with this product that is not only very affordable to make, but also offer much more benefits as compared to the expensive products available in the market. 


The author (Alison White) has also included her special Keratosis Pilaris diet plan that includes some basic foods and make your skin to reborn and glow up like your younger days.

Furthermore, you will get the important information about the special ingredients that you should consider while buying any skin product. These ingredients can be proved very useful in eliminating the Keratosis Pilaris permanently. 


To find out more about this program, visit Keratosis Pilaris Remedy Forever

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Understanding and Treating Keratosis Pilaris – What is the Best Treatment for Keratosis Pilaris?


Understanding and Treating Keratosis Pilaris - Because keratosis pilaris is usually a chronic problem that demands long-term maintenance, most treatments that doctors suggest must be used perpetually to maintain results and to reduce symptoms effectively.

Click HERE to Find How You Can Achieve Clearer and Smoother Skin in an Easier Way by Freeing Yourself Forever from Keratosis Pilaris 

Understanding and Treating Keratosis Pilaris – Temporary and Chronic Keratosis Pilaris
People who struggle with keratosis pilaris are experiencing a common, inherited skin condition. This disorder involves raised bumps of skin that resemble permanent goose bumps along the arms, legs, and buttocks. Some individuals experience temporary "flare ups" or symptoms of keratosis pilaris, but the majority of patients suffer from persistent or recurrent symptoms.


Keratosis pilaris is caused by the buildup of keratin in hair follicles, which creates tiny, raised bumps that are spread in patches along areas of skin with fine hair. In general, keratosis pilaris is a chronic condition that requires long-term care and treatment to control its symptoms. Keratosis pilaris often follows a chronic course of flare-ups and remission in many patients. This chronic course is often intensified when skin is dry or lacks moisture for extended periods of time.


In contrast, temporary symptoms of keratosis pilaris are often due to patients experiencing short-term remission; as a result, a seemingly "temporary" short-term form of keratosis pilaris does not usually signify the disappearance of the condition. However, the disorder may be considered temporary in the sense that most individuals are free from symptoms by adulthood.


Because keratosis pilaris is usually a chronic problem that demands long-term maintenance, most treatments that doctors suggest must be used perpetually to maintain results and to reduce symptoms effectively.


Initial treatment for this condition usually involves moisturizing and exfoliating your skin regularly, using soap-free cleansers when bathing, and installing a humidifier in your home. These methods can prevent excessive skin dryness and promote healthy skin-cell turnover, which will limit the extent of keratosis pilaris.

Often, dermatologists advise treating keratosis pilaris with combination therapy to ensure the most effective reduction of symptoms. In addition to the at-home remedies described earlier, combination therapy would also include the use of prescriptions such as topical steroid creams, retinoid creams, and fading creams to combat skin discoloration and to reduce inflammation.


If your symptoms still persist with these forms of treatment, your doctor or dermatologist may also suggest surgical alternatives such as laser therapy, dermabrasion, or microdermabrasion to soften the skin in affected areas. These treatments must usually be repeated regularly to ensure maximum effectiveness.


Understanding and Treating Keratosis Pilaris – The Different Types of Keratosis Pilaris
Keratosis pilaris, a common and inherited skin disorder, affects many individuals worldwide. People with keratosis pilaris experience the buildup of a protective skin protein called keratin, which creates small, rough bumps along the surface of affected skin. These bumps generally resemble "chicken skin" and can linger for years. In general, keratosis pilaris affects the back of the upper arms, the front of the thighs, and the buttocks. Less frequently, the forearms, upper back, and face can be affected for some patients as well.


Although most people share these general symptoms of keratosis pilaris, some variation does occur in their severity, location, and appearance. Because of their varying symptoms, several sub-types of keratosis pilaris have been identified.

Keratosis pilaris rubra (KPR) is the most common variant of this disorder. It is characterized by widespread, inflamed bumps that are red in color and are spread along the arms, head, and legs. KPR generally manifests before puberty and often persists after the onset of puberty, but it rarely involves scarring or skin damage beyond occasional hyperpigmentation. In contrast, Keratosis pilaris rubra faceii (KPRF) entails the trademark inflamed, red bumpy patches of skin that are usually associated with KPR, but in KPRF, these affected patches mainly occur on the face.

Other less-common types of keratosis pilaris can also happen. In keratosis pilaris atrophicans (KPA), scarring is often present. The presence or lack of scarring is one of the primary ways of distinguishing KPA from KPR.


Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans (KFSD) is similar to KPA in its effects on the body, but many patients find that its symptoms are usually more widespread. KFSD causes scarring across the eyebrows, eyelashes, and scalp in addition to the usual locations of upper arms, thighs, and buttocks.


Finally, keratosis pilaris alba involves pale-colored, bumpy, rough patches of skin that does not usually create significant irritation.

These variants of keratosis pilaris are likely part of the same disease spectrum, according to recent research studies. If you think you may be suffering from the effects of keratosis pilaris, see your doctor or dermatologist to determine which form you may be experiencing and how to treat it.

For more ideas on understanding and treating of keratosis pilaris, watch these 2 videos:


Keratosis Pilaris Treatment | Bumps On Skin "Chicken Skin" | Vivienne Fung


Keratosis Pilaris Treatment Update | Bumps On Skin "Chicken Skin" | Vivienne Fung


This post is from the Keratosis Pilaris Remedy program created by Alison White. Keratosis Pilaris Remedy program is a step by step natural system through which you can achieve a smoother and clearer skin in the shortest possible time. It comes with a confidence-boosting skin cleanse that will help you in getting rid of the Keratosis Pilaris condition. 


You will also get a recipe for a home-made face scrub with this product that is not only very affordable to make, but also offer much more benefits as compared to the expensive products available in the market. 


The author (Alison White) has also included her special Keratosis Pilaris diet plan that includes some basic foods and make your skin to reborn and glow up like your younger days.

Furthermore, you will get the important information about the special ingredients that you should consider while buying any skin product. These ingredients can be proved very useful in eliminating the Keratosis Pilaris permanently. 


To find out more about this program, visit Keratosis Pilaris Remedy Forever

Saturday, August 29, 2020

What is the Best Way to Improve the Symptoms of Keratosis Pilaris?


Improve the Symptoms of Keratosis Pilaris - If you feel concerned about your keratosis pilaris, however, see your family doctor or a dermatologist. He or she can suggest additional ways to treat your condition at home, such as using a rich moisturizer on affected skin, exfoliating regularly, and installing a humidifier to keep your home from becoming dry.

Click HERE to Find How You Can Achieve Clearer and Smoother Skin in an Easier Way by Freeing Yourself Forever from Keratosis Pilaris 

How to Improve the Symptoms of Keratosis Pilaris?

Keratosis pilaris is a common skin disorder that is caused by the buildup of keratin, a protective skin protein. This buildup forms plugs in hair follicles, which lead to the trademark symptom of bumpy, rough skin patches that resemble permanent goose pimples.


This skin condition creates pale bumps on the surface of your skin; bumps may also appear red or inflamed for some patients. These coarse, bumpy patches are generally located on the back of the upper arms, the front of the thighs, and buttocks, but they can also appear less often along the face, forearms, upper back, scalp, and eyebrows. Color changes may occur in these bumpy areas, especially if you pick at or scratch the bumps. Keratosis pilaris patches may become itchy, but they are rarely painful.


At just a millimeter or two in diameter, the bumps involved in keratosis pilaris are usually very small. For some people with this condition, a coiled hair may be visible beneath certain bumps; this is the result of keratin clogging the hair follicle and preventing the hair from pushing through the surface of the bump. Keratosis pilaris often worsens in the winter when humidity is lower, as the lack of moisture tends to dry out skin and exacerbate any irritation that may be present.


Symptoms of keratosis pilaris can affect anyone at any age, although it appears most frequently in young children and adolescents. Approximately 50% to 80% of all adolescents are affected, as opposed to an estimated 40% of adults. Generally, the condition resolves in time and does not create serious medical complications for most patients.


If you feel concerned about your keratosis pilaris, however, see your family doctor or a dermatologist. He or she can suggest additional ways to treat your condition at home, such as using a rich moisturizer on affected skin, exfoliating regularly, and installing a humidifier to keep your home from becoming dry.


If your symptoms of keratosis pilaris still persist after these treatments, your dermatologist may suggest topical retinoids or corticosteroids to combat extensive inflammation. In more serious cases, laser treatments may be an alternative means of improving your skin's texture and appearance.


Improve the Symptoms of Keratosis Pilaris - What Does Keratosis Pilaris Look Like?


People with keratosis pilaris experience several trademark symptoms. These symptoms are the result of the buildup of keratin, which is a protective skin protein. When keratin continues to accumulate, the hair follicles become blocked, creating tiny, bumpy patches of skin across the body resembling rough, permanent goose bumps.

Keratosis pilaris usually involves rough, spiky areas on the skin that may feel irritated or itchy. These areas are often the same color as your skin, but they can also become red during inflammation. If keratosis pilaris is affecting your face, the bumps may resemble acne or give you a flushed appearance.


Additionally, affected areas of skin can also become dry and chapped, especially during winter and low-humidity seasons. Occasionally, coiled hairs are evident beneath the bumps, as they cannot push through to the surface of the skin and become trapped.

Keratosis pilaris can occur on any skin surface where hair grows, especially on extremities such as the upper arms, thighs, and buttocks. The bumps are usually the size of a grain of sand, and they usually feel like sandpaper. Symptoms of this condition are often worse in the winter because of low humidity, which leads to dry skin and more obvious skin problems.


Because keratosis pilaris has a strong genetic association, multiple members of a family will often demonstrate similar symptoms related to this condition. If your parents have keratosis pilaris, you have a much higher risk of developing this skin disorder at some point in your life, and you may want to consider taking preventative measures. Complications are rare but may include inflammation or scarring in exceptional cases.

Many individuals with keratosis pilaris find that the affected patches of skin may appear unattractive. The majority of patients with this condition report that the rough, uneven texture of their skin has a poor cosmetic appearance overall. Usually, however, keratosis pilaris diminishes and may even disappear as patients reach mid-adulthood.


Although keratosis pilaris is not curable, it is usually treatable. If you suspect you may be suffering from keratosis pilaris, see your family doctor or a dermatologist to determine the best way to treat your symptoms.


For more ideas on how to improve the symptoms of keratosis pilaris, watch this video - TREATING KERATOSIS PILARIS - 3 EASY STEPS


This post is from the Keratosis Pilaris Remedy program created by Alison White. Keratosis Pilaris Remedy program is a step by step natural system through which you can achieve a smoother and clearer skin in the shortest possible time. It comes with a confidence-boosting skin cleanse that will help you in getting rid of the Keratosis Pilaris condition. 


You will also get a recipe for a home-made face scrub with this product that is not only very affordable to make, but also offer much more benefits as compared to the expensive products available in the market. 


The author (Alison White) has also included her special Keratosis Pilaris diet plan that includes some basic foods and make your skin to reborn and glow up like your younger days.

Furthermore, you will get the important information about the special ingredients that you should consider while buying any skin product. These ingredients can be proved very useful in eliminating the Keratosis Pilaris permanently. 


To find out more about this program, visit Keratosis Pilaris Remedy Forever


Friday, August 28, 2020

How to Bring Your Cholesterol Down to a Healthy Level Without Drugs?


Bring Your Cholesterol Down to a Healthy Level Without Drugs - Baked goods are usually not considered to be very good for cholesterol and blood sugar. But a recent study published in the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science has found a way to eat your cake and lower your cholesterol and blood sugar as well.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Bring Your Cholesterol Down to a Healthy Level Without Drugs -The Most Powerful Superfood On Earth Tackles All Health Problems


When researching various health issues, it’s unusual to have one particular ingredient named as being associated with preventing pretty much every health hazard you encounter.


But this superfood improves everything from arthritis to high blood pressure to diabetes to dementia. It also boosts your mood and energy levels better than any power or energy drink out there. You name it, and it can pretty much fix it.


What’s more, they’re delicious and sweet tasting, almost everyone loves them, and they’re used in various meals, and eaten raw as a snack.


Blueberries have reached somewhat of a celebrity status among super foods due to their widespread health benefits.


Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants, making them an extremely powerful food to fight any type of immune disease or other diseases caused by inflammation, which, let’s face it, actually includes the majority of known modern diseases today.


What’s unique about blueberries is how many types of antioxidants they include. Whereas most berries only include 3-4 types, blueberries include over 20 different types of antioxidants, which is quite the feat to beat!


For the science geeks, here are some we can name: Anthocyanins (malvidins, delphinidins, pelargonidins, cyanidins, peonidins), Hydroxycinnamic acids (caffeic acids, ferulic acids, coumaric acids), Hydroxybenzoic acids (coumaric acids), Hydroxybenzoic acids (gallic acids, procatchuic acids), Flavonols (kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin), pterostilbene, and resveratrol.


And pretty much all of the above antioxidants (don’t ask me to pronounce them) are also extremely effective for inflammation and therefore serve as a double whammy.


It’s probably the wide variety of antioxidants that are the reason why they work for so many different types of diseases and health issues – they seem to be able to reach pretty much any part of the body.


Adding powerful antioxidant foods into your diet is extremely important. You’ll never get the same health benefits from antioxidant supplements.


In fact, studies on supplements have resulted in very controversial results, whereas pretty much all studies on blueberries in the diet show a positive impact on various diseases.


Let me give you a few examples:


Memory Loss


Recently, several studies have shown the amazing benefits blueberries have on the cognitive system, especially in the elderly. Blueberries protect nerve endings in the brain from oxidization and therefore stop the degradation of some parts of the brain.


For the most powerful method to boost your memory and stop dementia, click here…


Cardiovascular Health


Blueberries have repeatedly been proven to lower overall cholesterol levelsraising HDL (good cholesterol) and lowering LDL (bad cholesterol).


They also protect the lining of the arterial walls and reduce clogging of the arteries. In short, they drastically reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks.


For more info on how to bring your cholesterol down to a healthy level without drugs, click here.


And to drop your blood pressure naturally without side effects, click here.


Blood Sugar and Diabetes


It may be surprising to you that blueberries are beneficial in regulating blood sugar; after all, they’re quite sweet. However, studies have shown that daily consumption of blueberries definitely helps regulate blood sugar levels. The high fiber level of blueberries counteracts their sweetness.


Since type-2-diabetes is also caused by inflammation and blueberries are a strong fighter of inflammation, they should be a daily super-food for anyone suffering from type-2-diabetes.


For more information on beating diabetes naturally, click here…




Having discussed all the anti-inflammation and antioxidant benefits of blueberries, it follows that they’re the power-punch to fight arthritis.


Studies on both humans and animals have shown that even a small amount of blueberries improves mobility.


For more information on fighting arthritis naturally, click here…


So how much should you eat daily?


Most of the studies mentioned above have used 1-2 cups of blueberries daily for a period of 1-3 months. Other studies have, however, indicated an increase in antioxidant benefits from using up to 3 cups of blueberries per day. That may be too many carbohydrates for those with type 2 diabetes, so just check with your doctor first.


You lose a lot of benefits from blueberries if you cook them. So preferably, you should try to consume them raw or frozen.


Don’t be afraid to consume blueberries even if you’re fighting body fat. The high levels of fiber will counteract the calorie count. Plus 3 whole cups of blueberries only include 245 calories – less than one Snickers bar! And, they’ll boost your energy and mood.


So, there you have it, probably the most powerful disease-fighting food on earth.


Bring Your Cholesterol Down to a Healthy Level Without Drugs -These Heart-Health Exercises Are Twice as Effective as Drugs


Heart attacks and strokes are caused by blocked blood flow in the heart and up to the brain.


To prevent this and improve cardiovascular health, doctors recommend a change in diet, exercise and then of course drugs (lots of drugs).


But there is a different, more natural method of treating heart disease. One so easy and effortless, it’s almost like doing nothing.


And now, a new study from Columbia University Irving Medical Center, published in the Journal of Nuclear Cardiology has proven this easy method TWICE as effective as drugs.


Relaxation has been found to be an effective way of improving blood flow, so researchers decided to test whether transcendental meditation could be a useful addition to coronary heart disease treatment.


They recruited 56 people with coronary heart disease, including those who had recently had a heart attack, had coronary artery bypass surgery, or had suffered from chest pain.


They divided them into four groups:


– The first received treatment with exercise and healthy eating,
– the second received transcendental meditation,
– the third received meditation with exercise and diet,
– and the fourth received conventional drug treatment.


The blood flow to and from the hearts of the people in the transcendental meditation/cardiac rehabilitation group improved by 20.7 percent and the transcendental meditation group improved by 12.8 percent.


Exercise and diet treatment increased it by 5.8 percent, and with drugs 10.3 percent.


Why is this relaxation technique so effective?


Psychosocial stress worsens coronary disease. But decreased stress leads to decreased hormones, and therefore a drop in blood vessel inflammation. Hence, why transcendental meditation helps with the fight against cholesterol.


For more ideas on how to bring your cholesterol down to a healthy level without drugs, watch this video - How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally in 4 Steps | Dr. Josh Axe


For years, we’ve been using specific mindfulness and relaxation exercises – somewhat similar to TM – to treat blood pressure. You can learn these simple blood pressure exercises here…


But transcendental meditation alone is not enough to bring your cholesterol down to a healthy level without drugs. Follow this step-by-step strategy to bring your cholesterol down to a healthy level without drugs in 28 days or less…


Bring Your Cholesterol Down to a Healthy Level Without Drugs - To Lower Cholesterol and Blood Sugar Bake This Way


Baked goods are usually not considered to be very good for cholesterol and blood sugar.


But a recent study published in the IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science has found a way to eat your cake and lower your cholesterol and blood sugar as well.


And it’s all about how you mix your flour before baking.


Flour doesn’t have to consist of pure carbohydrates or starches. If you are gluten intolerant, or especially both vegan and gluten intolerant, you’ve probably already played around with nut and bean flours.


While this may sound alien to many of you, flour made from almonds, black beans, broad beans, chestnuts, chickpeas, hazelnuts, pinto beans, quinoa, soy, and white beans are commercially available from health shops. While the nut variety might be expensive, bean flour is pretty cheap.


Researchers wanted to know whether composite flour made from starch and beans was more heart healthy than one made purely from starches.


They recruited 39 subjects who were grouped according to age (15-26, 27-38, and 39-50).


They first put them on a steamed rice diet for four days that required them to eat 100 grams of white rice for breakfast every morning.


The next diet was a composite flour one for 16 days that required them to have 100 grams of steamed rice made from cassava roots and mung beans.


Over a series of days, they tested their participant’s blood for glucose, triglycerides, LDL, HDL, and total cholesterol.


There was a clear drop in glucose levels when eating the composite rice, suggesting it could be a solution for those who are susceptible to diabetes. And while the total cholesterol remained the same, HDL (good) cholesterol increased while LDL (bad) cholesterol decreased.


Scientists attributed the beneficial effects of the composite rice to arginine, an alpha-amino acid found abundantly in protein-rich foods. Previous studies had found that arginine could lower cholesterol.


If you want to try baking your breads and other baked goodies with composite flour, it is easier to start with bean flours, since they have no strong taste and add a nice buttery texture.


Here are some ideas:


For flat doughs like pizza, use 30-35 percent bean flour mixed with 65-70 percent wheat flour.


For bread, use 20-25 percent bean flour.


For batter when baking or frying, use 50 percent bean flour.


Use it as a soup thickener and creamer.


Bring your cholesterol down to a healthy level without drugs - BUT you can also normalize your cholesterol levels starting today and see results in less than 28 days by cutting out this ONE ingredient (you didn’t even know you were consuming)…


And for type 2 diabetes, here is how to reverse it in 3 simple steps…


This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.


To find out more about this program, go to Bring Your Cholesterol Down to a Healthy Level Without Drugs.


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