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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Cold Sore on Lip Treatment – What Kills Cold Sore Virus on Surfaces?

Cold Sore on Lip Treatment – Adding stabilized oxygen or nascent oxygen into the human body improves the oxygen levels and makes your body rich with oxygen. Bacteria and viruses cannot survive in oxygen rich bodies thus making them go into remission. Oxygen is free radical scavenger and it is very important in curing many diseases such as cancer and cold sores.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Cure Your Cold Sores Once and For ALL … Within 3 Days … Never to Come Back Again

Cold Sore on Lip Treatment – Our Body - Oxygen Curing Cold Sores

The human body is a precise mechanism which needs to function very strongly and accurately because disruption creates imbalances throughout the entire system. Herpes Simplex is a virus that will take advantage of a body which is suffering from imbalance.

There are numerous methods of treatment for this disease, there are over the counter medicines and ointments which can be used to cure this virus temporarily. There is, however, no permanent cure for this virus. So, the basic fact we need to understand is that our immune system needs to be strong and healthy from the inside and also from the outside.

Many people affected with this virus have seen it affecting only their lips, but they do not know that this virus can cause Alzheimer's, facial palsy, etc. There have been cases of this virus attacking new-born babies and the retina.

This virus can be dormant for several years but when it gets triggered it can do nasty things to your lips and other parts of your body. This virus also has the potential to destroy the basic building blocks of your life - proteins.

Oxygen and water are two very important essential compounds without which human body ceases to perform normally. Oxygen is present in all the cells of the human body and if the oxygen content level in these cells decreases, they tend to become weak. These weak cells are easily susceptible to herpes simplex virus and other diseases such as cancer.

Vitamins, nutrients and proteins which we take cannot save an oxygen deficient human body. Cells become too weak when oxygen deficient and cannot perform their basic duties.

Herpes simplex virus is anaerobic which means that it survives in conditions where there is low amount of oxygen. Low amounts of oxygen inside the human body increases acid levels and this acidic nature of the human body is the ideal condition for herpes simplex virus because it cannot survive in alkaline conditions.

Herpes simplex virus cannot be destroyed permanently but it can be put into remission. Human bodies tend to suffer from oxygen deficiency, and this is normal in this day and age of air pollution.

There are certain over the counter oxygen supplements which can increase the oxygen level of your body. The amount of oxygen in the air is not sufficient to supply the required amount we need because the amount of oxygen in the air is decreasing gradually over time. Previously it was around 40% and now it hovers around 15 - 20%.

Cold Sore on Lip Treatment – Oxygen and Its Effect on Cold Sores

Many people in North America, Europe, Australia, etc have contracted the Herpes Simplex virus through physical contact (directly or indirectly). Kissing, utensils, clothes, saliva, oral contact, etc are all responsible for transmitting the disease from one person to other.

It is always advisable to contact your doctor for more information when you become infected with a cold sore. Many people often use over the counter medication for cold sores.

Ointments which contain Zinc and DMSO are widely used to prevent cold sores from occurring. People in Asian countries have much greater resistance to this disease than people in developed countries. HSV or herpes simplex virus commonly affects the sensitive parts of the face such as nostrils, lips, eye lids, etc.

There are two types of virus HSV - type 1 and HSV - type 2. HSV - 1 type 1 attacks at very common places such as the face and HSV - 2 attacks at places below the waistline. There is significant risk attached with both of these viruses if not detected and treated early.

Many people tend to spend money on medications and costly ointments to get rid of these viral blisters, but they tend to ignore the basic facts. The patient suffering from herpes simplex virus may be creating ideal conditions inside their body. Lower amount of oxygen inside the human body creates acidity. Herpes simplex virus thrives in an acidic climate and is anaerobic in nature.

This virus cannot survive in the presence of oxygen and it needs to have an acidic environment to thrive and multiply. Stress is another major culprit which deprives the human body of oxygen and increases acidic nature.

Our planet was covered with 40% oxygen previously and now oxygen levels have dropped to 20% which is causing many diseases and infections. Pollution levels in the air have displaced the oxygen thus making a human rely on external forms of supplements to revitalize his oxygen deficient body.

Adding stabilized oxygen or nascent oxygen into the human body improves the oxygen levels and makes your body rich with oxygen. Bacteria and viruses cannot survive in oxygen rich bodies thus making them go into remission. Oxygen is free radical scavenger and it is very important in curing many diseases such as cancer.

For more ideas on cold sore on lip treatment, watch this video - HOW TO : Cure a cold sore FAST | Healed & Scab Free

This post is from the Cold Sore Free Forever Program. It is created by Derek Shepton. A 12-year cold sore sufferer herself, she will show you how she cured her cold sores permanently for life and threw away ALL those worthless and expensive creams and over-the-counter drugs!

To find out more about this program, visit her website – Cold Sore on Lip Treatment

Monday, April 27, 2020

What is the Best Way to Remove ALL Cholesterol Build-Up in Your Arteries?

Remove ALL Cholesterol Build-Up in Your Arteries - This Pet Corrects Cholesterol (that one doesn’t). Several studies throughout the decades have proven that pets can improve stress levels and overall well-being. But can pets improve cholesterol levels? Yes, but only this one type of pet, says a new study published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings: “Innovations, Quality & Outcomes”.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Remove ALL Cholesterol Build-Up in Your Arteries - This Pet Corrects Cholesterol (that one doesn’t)

Several studies throughout the decades have proven that pets can improve stress levels and overall well-being.

Yes, but only this one type of pet, says a new study published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings: “Innovations, Quality & Outcomes”.

The authors wanted to answer two questions: firstly, whether pet ownership, in general, could improve our cardiovascular health and, secondly, whether dog ownership, compared to the ownership of other pets, could improve our heart health.

To investigate this, they consulted data collected by the Kardiovize Brno 2030 study.

This study first collected the health and socioeconomic information of more than 2,000 people in the city of Brno, Czech Republic in 2013. It is meant to run through several follow-up visits until 2030.

Using the information from the 2018-2019 follow-up visit, the researchers examined the information of 1,769 of the subjects and rated them on the American Heart Association’s Life’s Simple 7. These include body mass index, diet, physical activity, smoking status, blood pressure, blood glucose, and total cholesterol.

They also interviewed all these participants and asked them about their pet ownership status.

When comparing pet owners with non-owners, it initially seemed like pet owners had superior cardiovascular health, specifically with better diets, more physical activity, lower blood sugar, and higher HDL cholesterol.

But after running the numbers through the appropriate statistical measures, the researchers could not conclude that it was the pet ownership that caused better heart health, as education level and age seemed to have as big an effect on both owners and non-owners as pet ownership had.

They then compared dog owners with people who owned no pets and with people who owned a pet other than a dog; here, education and age did not interfere with the results.

Dog owners were more likely to engage in physical exercise and to eat healthy diets. They were also more likely to have a lower waist circumference and a higher HDL cholesterol score.

Therefore, pet ownership, in general, may not be heart-healthier than non-pet ownership, but dog ownership is certainly healthier.

Remove ALL Cholesterol Build-Up in Your Arteries - How Our High Cholesterol Hurts Others

Okay, we know that having cholesterol plaque causes stroke and heart attack. That, of course, harms us… or worse!

And we know that those who love us are going to be devastated if we suffer these serious events.

But, according to a new study published in The Condor, there is an unexpected, completely innocent, little thing that may be harmed even more by our high-cholesterol lifestyles.

And the results could be disastrous!

Because of a relative lack of trees and foliage in our cities, city dwellers attract birds by placing food in bird feeders. Larger birds also raid our trashcans and dumpsters to survive.

This led scientists to wonder whether our throwaway food is actually good for birds, and a team led by Hamilton College researchers set out to find out.

They tested the cholesterol of 140 crow nestlings in and around Davis in California, in various areas, which ranged from rural to urban. They found that urban crow-chicks had higher cholesterol than their rural cousins.

To discover whether this was due to the processed and fatty food that humans dump and throw out for them, the researchers left McDonald’s cheeseburgers near crow nests in rural New York.

When they tested the cholesterol of these crows, they found that those who had fed on the burgers had higher cholesterol than those who had fed on natural food sources.

In fact, their cholesterol was very similar to the cholesterol of the city crows, altogether around five percent higher than that of the rural crows who ate naturally available food.

This, of course, doesn’t just reveal crow health. This shows how the normal junk diet most people consume directly leads to high cholesterol in humans as well as animals.

And this is, of course, why so many people nowadays are dying from strokes and heart attacks.

Remove ALL Cholesterol Build-Up in Your Arteries - Third Type Cholesterol (deadliest of them all)

We are usually told that cholesterol comes in two varieties—LDL and HDL.

But a new study in the journal Atherosclerosis reveals that health-wise, this is a short-sighted way of looking at it.

There’s a third type of cholesterol that you really need to pay attention to because it’s just as bad as the bad stuff you already know about.

Cholesterol travels around the body in your blood, in packages called lipoproteins. We usually talk about two types, called:

1.   LDL cholesterol. This is transported in low-density lipoprotein packages and is often called ‘bad’ cholesterol because it causes cardiovascular disease.

2.   HDL cholesterol. This circulates in high-density lipoprotein packages and is often called ‘good’ cholesterol because it transports bad cholesterol to your liver, which breaks it down for excretion.

But now there’s a third category (well, it’s actually been known about for a long time).

3. Remnant cholesterol. This is transported in triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (or fat particles if this lipoprotein stuff is too much of a mouthful for you). It’s another bad type of cholesterol because it causes cardiovascular disease too.

Up to now, scientists have ignored remnant cholesterol too much, because they thought there wasn’t all that much of it flowing in our bloodstreams. However, the new study has made them think again.

It shows that it’s more abundant than was previously thought, which makes it just as much of a heart disease risk as LDL is.

The authors looked at medical information from 9,293 participants in the Copenhagen General Population Study. This is a survey of 140,000 people who receive free health checks, investigating the causes of good and bad health.

They used a new and advanced measuring tool called metabolomics to check the cholesterol levels of their subsample.

The new tool showed that the subjects had roughly equal amounts of LDL, HDL, and remnant cholesterol in their blood, which came as a bit of a shock.

Remnant cholesterol levels were the same as LDL levels, which means there was twice the amount of bad stuff as they were expecting.

Previous research has shown that remnant cholesterol is a serious risk for heart attack and stroke, so we need to keep our remnant cholesterol levels as low as possible.

For more ideas to remove ALL cholesterol build-up in your arteries, watch this video - Take This in the Morning Before Breakfast & Clear Clogged Arteries and Control High Blood Pressure

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Cold Sores Remedy – What Can Heal a Cold Sore Fast?

Cold Sores Remedy - There are naturally available products which can treat the core sold virus such as Redoxon, Lysine, Aloe Vera, Lemon balm, etc. Some of the tropical medications are Docosanol marketed under the name of Abreva, tromantadine, Zilactin, lipactin, etc.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Cure Your Cold Sores Once and For ALL … Within 3 Days … Never to Come Back Again

Cold Sores Remedy - Increase Intake of Alkaline Foods

Herpes simplex virus is a common disease amongst the developed world. Asians have much more resistance to this disease than people from North America. People suffering from this virus need to keep themselves sanitized so that they avoid spreading the disease to others.

Statistics say that almost 90% of the world population is affected by this virus. Mostly visible blisters appear near the lips, neck, ear, eye lids, fingertips, toe, etc. There are two types of this virus, type 1 and type 2. Type 1 virus affects the body above the waistline and type 2 virus affects the body below the waistline.

It can affect a new-born baby, retina, eye lids, can make your face palsy (paralytic). It can interfere with the nervous system of your brain, eat away proteins thus creating imbalance and wrong information transmission leading to Alzheimer's, etc.

If an AIDS patient gets this virus then it may lead to very serious complications. Many people do not understand the warning signs given out by this virus thereby allowing the virus to form visible blisters.

Alkaline food can protect you from many diseases and can increase the immune response of the body. There are many reasons for the virus attacks such as a weak immune system, unhealthy lifestyle, lower levels of oxygen inside the body, acidity (pH below 7), etc.

Alkalinity of the body should be maintained at any cost because acidity will make your body susceptible to diseases. A balanced diet which contains acidic and alkaline food is best for the body.

Acidic foods are also useful to avoid certain kinds of diseases but anything more than the normal can play havoc. Fruits and vegetables should be your ideal choice. Vegetables and fruits which contain vitamins, enzymes, minerals, water, fibre, importantly antioxidants, etc should be consumed.

You might not be able to get all these essential dietary requirements in one day, but you can plan out a course of diet with your nutritionist who can help you chart out the diet plan. Alkaline foods should be 75% of your meal and also don't forget to include some essential fruits which could restore your energy.

Cold Sores Remedy - Is DMSO the New Cold Sores Remedy?

Around 70% of Australian adults suffer from Cold sores. HSV 1 is the virus responsible for creating cold sores. People affected by this virus should take adequate precautions during visible infection.

Some of the common symptoms which may trigger the cold sore are sun exposure, fatigue, menstruation, fever, common cold, skin related diseases, etc. These are just some of the symptoms which can trigger cold sores but there are many other reasons which are responsible.

Some of the drugs used to treat cold sores are cimetidine, probenecid, non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs, etc. These drugs are known to reduce the inflammation and also provide some soothing comfort to the patients.

There are naturally available products which can treat the core sold virus such as Redoxon, Lysine, Aloe Vera, Lemon balm, etc. Some of the tropical medications are Docosanol marketed under the name of Abreva, tromantadine, Zilactin, lipactin, etc.

These are some of the tropical medications which might help you in recovering from the pain and eradicating or removing the blister from your face. Some of these medications are taken orally and others are applied as a gel on the infected part. It is always recommended that you consult your doctor for advice.

DMSO or dimethyl sulfoxide is known to cure herpes simplex virus. DMSO is helpful in treating inflammation, scleroderma and interstitial cystitis. For directions regarding its usage please take advice from your doctor. This solvent is known to permeate the living tissue and stimulate cellular process.

DMSO helps to block pain, kill bacteria, reduce inflammation, kill fungi, neutralize free radicals, improve blood circulation, reduce blood clotting, simulate the immune system, etc. For general usage many people use 70% concentrated solution. There are many publications, books and journals which explain in detail about DMSO.

There are certain steps which you need to take before applying DMSO on the visible infection. First the visibly infected part should be cleaned with soap or an anti-bacterial agent. Use cotton to clean the infected part and dispose of the cotton in a very hygienic manner.

Contact with the sore should be minimal because it can possibly spread, and it is also unhygienic. After sanitizing the sore clean it up with an anti-bacterial agent and lukewarm water.

Alternatively, you can use any anti-bacterial agent which contains alcohol to disinfect the sore. DMSO is unpleasant to smell and can cause you irritation, in such cases it is recommended to use scented DMSO with Aloe Vera.

To find out more about cold sores remedy, watch this video - 10 Most Effective Natural Home Remedies for Cold Sores

This post is from the Cold Sore Free Forever Program. It is created by Derek Shepton. A 12-year cold sore sufferer herself, she will show you how she cured her cold sores permanently for life and threw away ALL those worthless and expensive creams and over-the-counter drugs!

To find out more about this program, visit her website – Cold Sores Remedy

Friday, April 24, 2020

Fighting Cold Sores – Can You Stop a Cold Sore Before It Starts?

Fighting Cold Sores - A cold sore can be very embarrassing because it affects the most visible parts of the body such as lips, mouth, nostrils, eye lids, etc. Many people opt for costly medications and ointments which may or may not cure the person temporarily but there are cheap and effective everyday household items which will provide significant help in curing the disease. Toothpaste is one such item which if applied accordingly will give a cooling and numbing effect to the person.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Cure Your Cold Sores Once and For ALL … Within 3 Days … Never to Come Back Again

Fighting Cold Sores from The Outside

A cold sore can be very embarrassing because it affects the most visible parts of the body such as lips, mouth, nostrils, eye lids, etc. During those 9 - 12 days in which the cold sore is present, it passes through various stages of developments. These stages can cause pain and swelling.

These blisters grow in size and then ultimately after the prolonged cycle they dry up. Care should be taken when a cold sore dry as it may leave a mark or a dark spot. These are some of the precautions which you can take to battle the herpes simplex virus from outside.

Affected part should be cleaned with an anti-bacterial agent and then later cleaned thoroughly with cotton. Itching, pain and swelling are three common stages of this bacteria during which you should resist the urge to itch or touch the affected part.

If you happen to touch it make sure that you clean your hand thoroughly with an anti - bacterial agent to prevent the spread to other parts of your body and to other people.

So, as we mentioned, the first thing you need to do is clean it up with anti - bacterial agent and then later apply Zinc or DMSO at the affected part. Protamine zinc will help you achieve a very fast recovery. Generally, it is estimated that protamine zinc speeds up the recovery process up to 30%.

DMSO is a very effective medication against blisters because it has the ability to penetrate the exposed cells and kill the bacteria. The herpes simplex virus is anaerobic in nature which means that it cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. DMSO is applied on alternate days and it is generally used to keep the cold sore from reoccurring.

Tooth paste when applied appropriately over the affected area can provide soothing comfort and relief from the pain. Toothpaste needs to be applied according to the age and the extent of blister formation. Many people have been using tooth paste on their face as a cold sore remedy because it contains compounds which provides a soothing effect and it also clears the area of the blister.

Plenty of exercise in the fresh air will make your body get much needed nascent oxygen which helps in killing unwanted bacteria inside your body. A healthy lifestyle is a prerequisite without which all these medications and lotions will be of no use. Proper food, dietary habits, reduced levels of smoking and drinking, etc are required to make the virus dormant.

 Fighting Cold Sores - How to Use Toothpaste to Cure Cold Sores

Cold sores are a very common disease that spreads throughout the human population. This is a contagious disease and there are chances that you got this virus from contact with a person who is already suffering from it. Mostly, people of European and North American origin have this type of virus infection. Nearly 70% of the population of Australia suffer from this virus.

Ironically in this 20th generation where the assumption that nothing is impossible has been the mantra, we still do not have cure for this virus which has been tormenting our lips, eyelids, fingers, etc for so many years. Still research is being conducted in the United States of America where they have achieved a partial success rate but cannot guarantee complete removal of the virus from human body.

Scientists discovered a link between HSV - 1 and Alzheimer's disease way back in 1979. This virus may attack lipoproteins which may lead to Alzheimer's disease. A type of facial paralysis called as Bell`s palsy has also been linked to the presence of HSV - 1 virus and its reaction with the facial sensory nervous of the human body.

With these kinds of new and advanced research showing the links between the virus and other very dreadful diseases it is wise that people affected with this virus take all necessary precautions to fend of this dreadful virus.

Many people opt for costly medications and ointments which may or may not cure the person temporarily but there are cheap and effective everyday household items which will provide significant help in curing the disease. Toothpaste is one such item which if applied accordingly will give a cooling and numbing effect to the person.

Directions of applying toothpaste are as follows, washing the affected area first with anti-bacterial agent to sanitize it from germs and bacteria. Basically, you need to follow these three steps which are: sanitizing, disinfecting and ultimately applying toothpaste. In case you have difficulty in finding an effective anti - bacterial agent use those ointments which have alcohol content in them.

Next apply toothpaste over the affected area. Apply a reasonable amount of toothpaste on the cold sore. Gently press the applied toothpaste so that cold sore comes in contact with the toothpaste firmly. Leave the paste for approximately three days and wash it away.

For children it is best to contact a physician. After three days clean the affected area and blister should have disappeared by now. The affected area will form new skin and blisters will become crusts.

Toothpaste can be applied at any time when you feel irritation and itching at the affected area. Make sure that you don't kiss you siblings or young children because toothpaste on your lip can cause their sensitive skin to burn slightly.

Of course, if you have an active cold sore you should not be kissing anyone, anyway. Try to avoid eating excessive junk food when you apply toothpaste. If you experience any side effects or excessive irritation, then contact your physician.

For more ideas on fighting cold sores, watch this video - Cold Sores | Oral Herpes | Causes, Signs & Symptoms, Treatment

This post is from the Cold Sore Free Forever Program. It is created by Derek Shepton. A 12-year cold sore sufferer herself, she will show you how she cured her cold sores permanently for life and threw away ALL those worthless and expensive creams and over-the-counter drugs!

To find out more about this program, visit her website – Cure Cold Sores Fast

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Natural Cold Sores Treatment – What Helps Cold Sores Go Away Faster?

Natural Cold Sores Treatment – Nutrition plays a very important role in making the herpes simplex virus dormant. Good exercise and dietary habits need to be followed if you want to make the virus dormant. It is very important to understand that simple slight changes in food habits will improve the alkaline content in your body thus making the virus dormant for very long periods, if not the rest of your life.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Cure Your Cold Sores Once and For ALL … Within 3 Days … Never to Come Back Again

Natural Cold Sores Treatment - Alkalinize Your Body to Cure Your Cold Sores with The Right Nutrition

Cold sores can be detected early if you can make yourself aware of the warning signs. Common signals such as tingling, itching and warmth at the point of occurrence should be an indicator of cold sore developing. This phase lasts for several hours and is the best time to take precautions.

During this phase the infected area should not be touched. Touching or itching will act as a catalyst for the virus to spread to other parts. In case you want to touch, it would be advisable to clean the surface with anti - bacterial agent and then wipe it with cotton.

Nutrition plays a very important role in making the herpes simplex virus dormant. Good exercise and dietary habits need to be followed if you want to make the virus dormant. It is very important to understand that simple slight changes in food habits will improve the alkaline content in your body thus making the virus dormant for very long periods, if not the rest of your life.

The herpes simplex virus needs an acidic climate to thrive and multiply. A balanced dietary approach between acidic and alkaline foods will help you in getting the much needed respite from herpes simplex virus type 1. Diet restriction is very important because it can actually make the virus dormant. Do consult a nutritionist before taking any advice.

Some of the foods which should be reduced or completely avoided are as follows:

Pork, shellfish, margarine products, artificial sweeteners, junk food, mayonnaise, caffeine, MSG, high fat dairy products, alcohol, saturated fat foods, etc. Chocolates should be completely avoided by people suffering from the herpes simplex virus. This virus can also get triggered from artificial sweeteners because of the chemicals and various kinds of preservatives used in them.

Foods which have a high fibre content are good for the heart and also for the increasing metabolism. Care should be taken to avoid acidic foods when you are suffering from herpes simplex virus. Juices, water and milk are the best ways to stay healthy and fit. Caffeine can be consumed in a limited quantity if you are in the habit of drinking it a lot and smoking should be totally avoided.

Natural Cold Sores Treatment - Curing Cold Sores by Increasing the Amount of Oxygen Your Body Processes

Cold sores are a contagious disease residing in the host body. Normally it starts as a small lump and then it bulges out and forms a blister which is painful, oozing and contagious. This blister is not a pretty sight as it is usually on the face and it swells and forms a red spot which grows into a bigger lump before passing into remission. This virus may lie dormant for years or it may attack you every month.

Some of the early symptoms that the virus is getting ready to flare up are a tingling feeling and then a small lump which eventually develops into a bigger lump. This bigger lump may not swell but in some cases a small lump swells up and presents a nasty oozing sore. Many people find it emotionally disturbing to find this lump right at the corner of the lip.

As we know, humans need oxygen for basic bodily functions. Oxygen contains certain properties which help in metabolism. Without these basic functions the human body cannot continue to live. Lack of oxygen in the blood cells causes diseases to be able to run rampant.

Disease causing bacteria and virus tend to survive in conditions where there is low amount of oxygen. Herpes simplex virus type 1 cannot be destroyed by increasing the amount of oxygen levels in the body but it can be made dormant.

Oxygen supplements are generally recommended by doctors all over the world. Alternate medicine consultants also recommend medications and oxygen supplement drops. These oxygen supplement drops are easily absorbed by the body due to their fluid state. These drops are available in pharmacies and from chemists and over the internet as over the counter drugs.

Increased level of nascent oxygen is very helpful for other body process such as digestion, increased level of energy, blood flow, immune system, etc. Oxygen is a free radical scavenger and it is known to cure many diseases caused by anaerobic bacteria in the body without damaging the tissue and aerobic bacteria.

Oxygen supplement drops do not have any smell and they do not tend to cause a nauseous feeling. These drops react with the stomach acid to produce nascent oxygen which is readily absorbed by the body, thus helping to make the herpes simplex virus dormant for long time. 

For more ideas on natural cold sores treatment, watch this video - COLD SORE TREATMENTS THAT WORK - NADINE BAGGOTT

This post is from the Cold Sore Free Forever Program. It is created by Derek Shepton. A 12-year cold sore sufferer herself, she will show you how she cured her cold sores permanently for life and threw away ALL those worthless and expensive creams and over-the-counter drugs!

To find out more about this program, visit her website – Natural Cold Sores Treatment

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Prevent Cold Sores – How to Stop a Cold Sore When It First Starts?

A cold sore is also called a fever blister; its technical name is herpes simplex virus. It is a contagious virus and it spreads from one person to another very quickly. We suffer from cold sores because of our inability to stay healthy. Temporary treatment is available for this virus but there is no permanent cure yet. It is therefore important to learn how to prevent cold sores.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Cure Your Cold Sores Once and For ALL … Within 3 Days … Never to Come Back Again

Prevent Cold Sores - Why Do We Suffer from Cold Sores?

A cold sore is also called a fever blister; its technical name is herpes simplex virus. Seventy percent of the population in Australia is affected by the herpes simplex virus. It is a contagious virus and it spreads from one person to another very quickly.

This virus spreads through saliva, physical contact, utensils, clothes and cotton used at the affected area, peeled dead skin, etc. Temporary treatment is available for this virus but there is no permanent cure yet. Research for permanent cure is being conducted in the United States of America.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and this famous saying applies here also. People affected with this virus can get temporary relief by using various tablets and ointments.

It is important to keep this virus dormant by following strict diet regime and exercise. This virus affects the same place continuously within short intervals of time if it is not kept dormant.

We humans contract this disease from person to person. We suffer from cold sores because of our inability to stay healthy. Cold sores are anaerobic, meaning they do not require oxygen to survive.

If our body has normal levels of oxygen, then this virus would have fallen dormant because of its weakness in getting activated. These viruses need to get triggered so that they can actively affect the sensitive parts of the human body such as nostrils, face, eye lids, etc.

Deficient levels of oxygen provide a breeding ground for herpes simplex virus. Other viruses also get triggered and become active if the oxygen content in your body is below normal.

Another important reason why these viruses thrive in your body is acidity. These viruses thrive in acidic climate rather than alkaline climate. Your body is alkaline when you can maintain your body pH levels at 7.0. The human body remains stable at a pH level of 7.0.

Anything below 7.0 will trigger the herpes simplex virus and you will be having visible blisters. The human body is prone to diseases when the alkaline content in your body falls to below 7.0, it loses the ability to fight harmful viruses and disease-causing bacteria. Bacteria and disease fighting cells of our human body cannot survive at pH levels below 7.0.

So, after reading how painful cold sores can be, an ounce of prevention is definitely the way to go.

Prevent Cold Sores - Strengthen and Boost Your Immune System against Cold Sores

A person infected with the herpes virus can transmit this disease by kissing or by sharing the same cup of coffee. Generally, adults transmit this virus to their siblings and spouses. Even saliva from an infected person can transmit this virus to others.

There are various treatments available which can eradicate the virus temporarily. There are some over the counter creams which may prove to be helpful in treating the virus. Generally, tablets are prescribed according to the age and severity of the disease.

Patients suffering from cold sores needs to keep their cool which will put a lot less stress on their immune system. This anxiety caused by the attack and the effects of it actually stresses on the immune system. Stress is very harmful because it interferes with the basic building blocks of life. Stress produces harmful toxins which get released into the system.

Some of the nutrients which can help you battle against this virus are vitamin C, vitamin E and Zinc oxide. More than 1200 milligrams of vitamin C can result in experiencing diarrhoea and it is generally advisable to consult your physician.

Oil present inside the vitamin E capsule can provide relief from the cold sore. High doses of vitamin C at the onset of this virus can give you much needed relief and it may stop the virus from attack.

Vitamin C with bioflavonoid can be an effective combatant against the virus. These nutrients and vitamins strengthen the immune system. Care should be taken not to take more than the recommended dose of any medication even if it is a vitamin. Consult your doctor for advice.

Two things need to be done in regard to your immune system; one is strengthening the immune system so that it effectively combats the virus and destroys the cells causing the virus. Secondly you need to stop the virus from replicating. If we can destroy and stop the virus from replicating, then we can put the virus into a dormant state.

Exercise and eating habits need to be changed to effectively combat the virus. Nascent oxygen is very much required to combat the diseases and viruses present in your body.

There are various links and informational websites regarding combating cold sores. Some of the various international forums and foundations are International herpes management Forum, International herpes alliance, New Zealand herpes foundation.

There are also books which provide information regarding the symptoms, medications, general knowledge about the herpes, virus, medications, precautions, structure of the virus, etc.

To learn how to prevent cold sores, watch this video - 5 WAYS TO GET RID OF A COLD SORE OVERNIGHT! | Linzee Nubiana

This post is from the Cold Sore Free Forever Program. It is created by Derek Shepton. A 12-year cold sore sufferer herself, she will show you how she cured her cold sores permanently for life and threw away ALL those worthless and expensive creams and over-the-counter drugs!

To find out more about this program, visit her website – Cure Cold Sores Fast

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