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Wednesday, August 21, 2019

What is the best Way to Get Harder Erections Naturally?

Avoid these 6 Habits if You Want to Get Harder Erections Naturally - Two Western Australian researchers have just published a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in which they examined six daily habits for their influence on ED. Read on to find out more.

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Increase Stamina and Heal Erectile Dysfunction Without Using Drugs

Avoid these 6 Habits if You Want to Get Harder Erections Naturally

Six Habits That Affect ED in Men

Two Western Australian researchers have just published a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in which they examined six daily habits for their influence on ED.

They were specifically interested in the effects of cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity levels, diet, caffeine intake, and cannabis use.

Although most bad habits had negative effects, the study revealed one habit that you can indulge in without affecting your ED.

They searched 10 electronic journal databases and identified 89 sufficiently rigorous scientific studies that dealt with 348,865 subjects altogether.


1. Both past and present cigarette smokers were more likely than the general population to have ED, with the problem being worse for current than for past smokers. The heavier the smoking habit, the worse the ED.
2. Alcohol consumption had a J-curvilinear effect, such that heavier drinkers carried the worst risk, moderate drinkers had the lowest risk, and never-drinkers had some level of risk that was lower than that of heavy drinkers but higher than moderate drinkers.
3. Physical activity turned out to serve a protective role against ED, both male and female, with those who exercised the most enjoying the largest protection and those who exercised the least having the largest risk of ED.
4. Healthy dieting was protective against ED, with those who ate fruit, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds doing better than those who ate plenty of meat, deep-fried food, and sugary treats and beverages.

Now good news: caffeine intake was unrelated to ED. So if you are an enthusiastic coffee drinker with ED, you can go on enjoying your favorite beverage.

And there was not sufficient data to draw a conclusion with regard to cannabis use.
The clear winner to completely heal erectile dysfunction and get harder erections naturally, is, however, a set of easy home exercises. You can actually do these exercises anytime, anywhere without anyone noticing. Learn more and test-drive them yourself here…

Tackle this Cause in Order to Get Harder Erections Naturally

Weirdest Cause of ED (but very common)

A new study published in the American Journal of Men’s Health reveals a very strange, but common cause of ED.

It has nothing to do with blood flow, stress or anything else traditionally credited as causing ED.

The good news is that once you know the issue, you can do something about it.

Researchers analyzed records from the claims dataset from The Taiwanese National Health Insurance Research Database.

They found 72,642 people with traumatic brain injuries and compared them with 217,872 people without such injuries that matched their ages.
After 10 years, 24.66 out of every 100,000 traumatic brain injury patients had developed ED, while this number was only 19.07 for those without such brain injuries.

This remained the case even after they excluded age, other health conditions, quality of medical care, season, and place of residence as possible influencing factors.

So how in the world does brain injury cause erectile dysfunction?

Some of this may have been due to the medication like antidepressants and anticonvulsants on which doctors put people with brain injuries.

In a few other cases, it stemmed from depression and anxiety caused by the injuries.

But other than these cases, scientists don’t really understand why this happens, except to say that brain injuries cause a wide variety of physical, hormonal, cognitive, psychological, and social changes that can cause ED.

The good news is that if you want to get harder erections naturally, you can do so by means of these simple Erectile Dysfunction exercises found here that have helped almost everyone completely cure their ED – sometimes on the very first day – no matter what the apparent cause is…

Can this Method Help You to Get Harder Erections Naturally?

Cure ED with This New, Non-Invasive Method

Doctors all over the world have been secretly using a new method to cure ED. It doesn’t require any drugs and only requires a simple machine found in most hospitals.

Recently researchers put this simple method to the test and published their amazing results in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

It helped 83% of men without any side effects. That’s more effective than any drug out there.

Low-intensity shockwave therapy is becoming increasingly popular for the treatment of a wide variety of health conditions from kidney stones to arthritis, and now erectile dysfunction.

The thinking behind it is that it increases blood flow to the area to which it is applied.

To have an erection, arteries must widen and blood flow to a man’s penis must increase so it can fill with blood. If this cannot happen, erectile dysfunction is the result.

If shockwave therapy can increase blood flow to the penis, it should be able to remedy erectile dysfunction and, while the treatment is still experimental, many studies support it as relatively effective.

In a recent edition of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, researchers thought they would establish how many weekly treatments worked best and how many were safe, since this has not yet been definitively determined.

They specifically concentrated on men with Vasculogenic erectile dysfunction whose erectile dysfunction seemed to stem from problems with blood vessels.

They split their participants into 21 men who received one treatment and 21 men who received two treatments per week for six consecutive weeks.

They were followed for six months after the treatments, and those who wanted to continue were swapped so that those who received one weekly treatment now received two, and vice versa.

Their sexual function was tested via a triplex ultrasound, the International Index for Erectile Function erectile function domain (IIEF-EF), and two other questionnaires that collected information on their sexual interactions and perceptions of the effectiveness of the treatment.

After the six months, both groups reported a big improvement in their sexual abilities and this improvement could also be seen on the ultrasound.

The group that received the two weekly sessions reported larger improvements than the group that received only one weekly session.

1. 62% of those who experienced six treatments reported an improvement.
2. 74% of those who accepted 12 treatments reported an improvement.
3. 83% of those who underwent 18 treatments experienced an improvement.

No one reported any adverse side effects.

Therefore, it seems to be safe and many sessions work better than a few.

But how does the treatment work?

A doctor coats your penis in a special gel and then applies a probe to different parts of it.

The probe administers low intensity acoustic pulse waves to your penis that are believed to work in several ways.

It stimulates the formation of new blood vessels to replace the old damaged ones and it breaks up plaques in the blood vessels to facilitate better blood flow.

This makes it a better treatment than the variety of pills and pump devices that are on the market, as it treats the underlying problem, instead of just enabling a single erection.

Watch this Video for more ideas to get harder erections naturally - Impotence? Erectile Dysfunction Natural Cures, Medicine & Foods

This post is from the Erectile Dysfunction Master Program, which was created by Christian Goodman for men who are looking for the best erectile dysfunction natural remedies.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure erectile dysfunction. By following the techniques in this program, you will be able to get a powerful erection and maintain it for hours so you can enjoy sex again. 

Erectile problems can be physical or emotional. If your problem is physical, you need to exercise the muscles around the genital area. If your problem is emotional, then you need to learn relaxation techniques. Erection Master will teach you steps that can help get rid of your erectile dysfunction for good. As long as you're willing to commit 30 minutes of your time, 3 to 7 days a week for 1 to 2 months, they'll work for you. You can practice the steps alone or with your partner. 

These techniques are far more effective than Viagra, Cialis or other drugs for erectile dysfunction. The drugs only help about 40% of men who use them and can also cause very serious side effects. 

To find out more about this program, click on Get Harder Erections Naturally

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What are the Best Erectile Dysfunction Natural Remedies?

Is this Treatment One of the Best Erectile Dysfunction Natural Remedies? New Non-Medical ED Treatment for Better Than Drugs - A new, non-medical treatment for ED had a 73% success rate in a new study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research. Read on to find out more.

 Click on Here to Discover How You Can Increase Stamina and Heal Erectile Dysfunction Without Using Drugs

Is this Treatment One of the Best Erectile Dysfunction Natural Remedies?

New Non-Medical ED Treatment for Better Than Drugs

A new, non-medical treatment for ED had a 73% success rate in a new study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research.

The downside of it is that although this treatment seems to be completely safe and side effect free, it may not be something you want to use on your most delicate body parts.

Then again, a 73% success rate is pretty tempting. It’s even more effective than the drug treatment.

Functional electrical stimulation might not sound like anything you want to use on your private parts, but researchers are increasingly starting to back it as an effective treatment for ED.

This treatment applies small electrical charges to the targeted area, usually a muscle, that no longer functions properly.

It is often used in people who have central nervous system damage whose neurons can no longer send messages to their muscles. The treatment then helps their muscles to regenerate and helps to retrain impaired neurons to send a message to the muscles, which makes them work.

It is often used, for example, to restore bodily functions after a stroke that damaged the message pathway from the brain through the central nervous system to the muscles.

In many men with ED, the cavernous smooth muscles responsible for an erection are damaged or weak. This condition gave rise to the question whether functional electrical stimulation could help these muscles to regenerate and restore sexual function.

In this study, 22 men with ED between the ages of 40 and 65 were tested.

Researchers divided them into two groups, one that received genuine functional electrical stimulation, and another that received a fake electrical treatment.

They received their treatments twice a week for a period of 15 minutes over one month.

To find out about sexual function, they asked the participants to complete the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5), the Erection Hardness Score (EHS), and the WHOQOL quality of life questionnaire before and after the treatment.

Those given the fake treatment reported no or almost no improvement in their sexual function.

However, of the 11 who received the real treatment, three regained the ability to become spontaneously erect, while another five experienced substantial improvements in their scores on the sexual function tests.
The other three did not benefit, giving the treatment a success rate of 73%.

Best Erectile Dysfunction Natural Remedies - ED Caused by Your Skin (strange study)

ED is not a simple condition and you have probably heard about many things that contribute to it.

Watch this video to get more ideas for the best erectile dysfunction natural remedies -  How to get harder erections Naturally | 10 Simple Strategies For Stronger Erections

But your skin does too. Now that’s something new.

And we’re not talking about ethnic groups or skin color as such. Nevertheless, this type of skin can increase your risk of ED by 33%.
Fortunately, it’s quite simple to correct this (that’s the ED part).

Psoriasis is a skin condition marked by red, itchy, scaly patches of skin. It is caused by an overreaction when your immune system mistakenly attacks perfectly healthy skin cells with inflammation.

A different team of scientists has now decided to follow up on this finding in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy to investigate exactly what types of sexual problems men with psoriasis have.

They recruited 76 men, between ages 20 and 66, and through physical examination, categorized them from having the least to most severe psoriasis.

They then asked the participants to complete three questionnaires: The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5), the Beck’s Depression Inventory, and the Dermatology Life Quality Index.

They found that 43.8% of them had ED, with the elder men being unsurprisingly more at risk than their younger counterparts.

Those with the most severe symptoms were also more likely to struggle with ED than their psychologically healthy peers.

77.6% of them reported that their psoriasis at least occasionally interfered with their sex lives.

The men with the most severe psoriasis were the most likely to report that they sometimes avoided sexual contact and that they felt ashamed of their bodies in front of their sexual partners.

96.1% of the men reported feeling embarrassed during flare-ups, when lesions appeared on their uncovered skin and felt ashamed in front of their sexual partners.

More than 50% of the men stated that they avoided sexual and social activities because of their skin condition, and 44% said that they had experienced rejection at some point during their lives because of it.

With all those worries in their minds, it is clear why men with psoriasis were more likely to have ED than the general population. Researchers are probably right to state that dermatologists should take note of these findings and help men to find solutions for their problem.

This shows that ED is often more of an emotional condition than physical.

This Could Be One of the Best Erectile Dysfunction Natural Remedies  

This Treats ED but How Much Is Needed?

Numerous studies have shown that this activity drastically increases men’s stamina.

It makes your blood vessels more flexible and elastic, which allows them to relax enough for sufficient blood to flow to your penis.

It causes your body to produce more nitrogen oxide, which widens your blood vessels for the blood flow to your sex organs (precisely how drugs work, just without the side effects and the huge expense).

What’s more, it’s completely free and everyone can do it.

But the question remains: “How much do you need”?

Danish researchers decided to find out from previously published studies how much exercise is needed to reverse ED and published their results in the journal Sexual Medicine.

They surveyed 1,950 published studies, between 2006 and 2016, and isolated 10 of these to be of sufficiently rigorous scientific quality to be included in their analysis.

When they put the studies together, they found that at least 160 minutes of moderate to vigorous aerobic exercise per week over six months is necessary to improve ED significantly. The best way to do this was 40 minutes of training four times per week.

They also found that people who lapsed, even after six months of healthy physical activity habits, experienced an immediate increase in ED symptoms. Thus, for the exercise to be effective, you have to continue to do it.

Now this may be too much work for most men and it doesn’t completely reverse ED for most.

Fortunately, there is an easier, simpler and more effective sets of exercises that work for almost everyone.

You can do these ED exercises anytime, anywhere and nobody, not even your partner needs to know you’re doing them.

What’s more they only take a few minutes per day and the results are permanent.

This post is from the Erectile Dysfunction Master Program, which was created by Christian Goodman for men who are looking for the best erectile dysfunction natural remedies.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure erectile dysfunction. By following the techniques in this program, you will be able to get a powerful erection and maintain it for hours so you can enjoy sex again. 

Erectile problems can be physical or emotional. If your problem is physical, you need to exercise the muscles around the genital area. If your problem is emotional, then you need to learn relaxation techniques. Erection Master will teach you steps that can help get rid of your erectile dysfunction for good. As long as you're willing to commit 30 minutes of your time, 3 to 7 days a week for 1 to 2 months, they'll work for you. You can practice the steps alone or with your partner. 

These techniques are far more effective than Viagra, Cialis or other drugs for erectile dysfunction. The drugs only help about 40% of men who use them and can also cause very serious side effects. 

To find out more about this program, click on Best Erectile Dysfunction Natural Remedies Revealed Here

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Thursday, August 15, 2019

What is the Best Way to Prevent Premature Cardiovascular Death?

Does Eating This Prevent Premature Cardiovascular Death?

Eating This Halves Cardiovascular Deaths

We know that eating healthy is important. But just how important is it?

Well, what about if it cuts your risk of dying from stroke or heart attack by half? And that’s just by making a few small diet changes.

In a study recently released in the European Journal of Epidemiology, scientists wanted to know just how many premature cardiovascular deaths could be prevented by eating a nutritious diet and thus consulted a Global Burden of Disease Study conducted between 1990 and 2016 to find out more.

From this large study, they collected information regarding the typical food consumption of 12 nutrient groups from about 51 countries, their prevalence of 11 cardiovascular diseases, and the prevalence of other cardiovascular risk factors.

They were particularly interested in the under consumption of fiber, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and omega-3 oils; and the overconsumption of nutritionally-empty items, such as refined grains, sugar, processed meat, trans fats, and salt.

They found that 2.1 million of the 4.3 million cardiovascular deaths that occurred in Europe in 2016 could have been prevented through healthier dieting.
To put this in another way, 22.4 percent of all premature deaths and 49.2 percent of premature cardiovascular deaths could’ve been prevented.

429,220 (20 percent) of the deaths resulted from a diet low in whole grains, 341,185 (16.2 percent) of the deaths resulted from a lack of nuts and seeds, 261,965 (12.5 percent)of the deaths resulted from low fruit consumption, 251,437 (12 percent) of the deaths resulted from high salt intake, 227,276 (10.8 percent)of the deaths resulted from low omega-3 consumption, 188,915 deaths resulted from too little vegetables, 148,668 resulted from too little legumes, and 120,241 deaths resulted from too little fiber. The others accounted for fewer than 100,000 cardiovascular deaths.

Watch this video to get more ideas on how to prevent premature cardiovascular death - How to Prevent Sudden Death Due to Heart Disease

But if you have to drastically lower your cholesterol level and prevent premature cardiovascular death, you only need to cut this ONE single ingredient that you didn’t even know you were consuming…

And to drop your high blood pressure to below 120/80 today, you need to do these three exercises for nine minutes…

Does Aspirin Work to Prevent Premature Cardiovascular Death?

Surprising Aspirin and Heart Health Discovery

For some decades, doctors have been prescribing aspirin – as blood thinners – to anyone with the risk of heart disease.
But does it really help? This has never been thoroughly researched.

Recently, a group of American and Australian scientists conducted three major studies to find the underlying cause of this question.

And their terrifying findings regarding the myth of aspirin was published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

In the first of these, the scientists gave 19,114 American and Australian seniors who were over the age of 65 either a 100 mg dose of aspirin or a placebo (fake tablets) daily.

After an average of 4.7 years, no difference was found in the rate of cardiovascular diseases between the two groups, suggesting that the aspirin did arguably nothing.

The huge downside was that those who did take aspirin were 38% more likely than the placebo users to suffer from a major hemorrhage. These hemorrhages included uncontrolled bleeding in the gastrointestinal tracts and the brains of the subjects.

In the second study performed by the same research team on the same group of volunteers, the aspirin and placebo groups were compared to see whether the former would have a lower rate of persistent physical disability and dementia, and whether they would live longer, since that was the point behind taking aspirin.

However, they again discovered that the aspirin group did not live any longer and were no less likely to have dementia and physical disability than those in the placebo group.

And, again, they were 38% more likely to suffer a major hemorrhage.

The third study, also performed by the same researchers on the same volunteers, compared the aspirin and placebo groups to see who were more likely to die, along with the cause for it.

Interestingly, aspirin-takers were 14% more likely to die of any cause during the follow-up period of almost five years in comparison to the placebo takers.
Cancer posed the biggest risk of death for the aspirin group, as they were 31% more likely than placebo users to die of cancer.

When combined, these studies showed that aspirin was not a great way to prevent heart disease or to prolong a disability-free life, partly because it did not actually achieve any of those intended goals, and partly because getting a major hemorrhage is a serious side effect that could also prove fatal.

If this surprises you because you were led to believe that aspirin is a natural substance, this is not strictly true.

Salicylic acid, the active ingredient in aspirin, is derived from the willow tree, from jasmine, and from many common foods, but the salicylic acid in modern aspirin is artificially synthesized in laboratories and is thus no longer natural.

Therefore, instead of artificially thinning your blood with artificial drugs, choose to eat foods rich in salicylic acid, such as: artichokes, apricots, avocados, blackberries, blueberries, broccoli, cauliflower, coffee, cucumber, eggplant, grapes, legumes, mushrooms, oranges, peaches, pineapples, plums, radishes, spinach, strawberries, sweet potato, tomatoes, watermelon, and all nuts and seeds.

And most importantly, you must clear out the cholesterol plaque buildup in your heart arteries to prevent premature cardiovascular death (this is different from just lowering your cholesterol level). To do that, you need to cut out this ONE ingredient that you didn’t even know you were consuming…

Avoid this Unhealthy Sleep Habit in order to Prevent Premature Cardiovascular Death

This Sleep Habit Doubles Heart Attack Risk

You know that eating well, exercising, not smoking and other healthy lifestyles are very important in order to avoid heart attacks and stroke, along with keeping your cholesterol and blood pressure at bay.

Now a new study, presented at The European Society of Cardiology annual congress has revealed a factor that is even more important.
It’s a specific sleep habit.

Apparently, sleeping the wrong way will harden your arteries and can double your risk of having a stroke or heart attack.

Swedish scientists found that middle-aged men who slept five hours or less a night had double the risk of heart disease as compared to those who slept seven or eight hours.

In 1993, 798 50-year-old men from Gothenburg agreed to participate in the study.

They underwent a medical examination and completed questionnaires regarding their health and sleeping habits.

Using this information, the scientists divided them into groups that had five or less sleeping hours, six sleeping hours, seven to eight sleeping hours, and those that had more than eight hours of sleep.

The researchers then observed them for 21 years to see who would suffer cardiovascular events.

Those who slept for five or less hours per night had a doubled risk of suffering a major cardiovascular event when compared with those who slept between seven and eight hours.

This group also had a considerably higher risk of high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes.

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to How Best to Prevent Premature Cardiovascular Death.

What is the Best Way to Avoid Heart Attack?

What You Need to Avoid Heart Attack? Binging On This Reduces Heart Attack Risk by 30%. It is often the case that when seeking optimal health, we are told that we need to cut down on the food we love. But a new study from New Zealand that was published in Lancet found one ingredient that you can’t have too much of when eating for optimal health.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

What You Need to Avoid Heart Attack?

Binging On This Reduces Heart Attack Risk by 30%

It is often the case that when seeking optimal health, we are told that we need to cut down on the food we love.

But a new study from New Zealand that was published in Lancet found one ingredient that you can’t have too much of when eating for optimal health.

In fact, those who ate most of it were up to 30% less likely to die from cardiovascular diseases and 24% less likely to suffer heart diseases, strokes, type-2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer.

Best of all, this ingredient is dirt cheap and available in every supermarket.

Scientists consulted previously published studies and selected 243 with the strongest scientific standards.

From these, they found that people who ate the most fiber were 15 to 30 percent less likely to die prematurely of any cause, of cardiovascular disease, and of stroke as compared to those who ate the least fiber.

Compared with the lowest fiber consumers, the highest consumers were also 16 to 24 percent less likely to suffer from coronary heart diseases, strokes, type-2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer.

They were also found to have lower body weight, blood pressures, and cholesterol than those who mostly avoided fiber.

The authors stipulated that anything below 25 grams per day was too little, and that between 25 and 29 grams was ideal.

But they did not find any level of consumption where the health benefits stopped accumulating, which meant that you would be doing no wrong if you ate more than 30 grams per day.

To Avoid Heart Attack, DO This ONE Thing

When it comes to heart health, we often hear more don’ts than do’s. Don’t eat fats, don’t eat sugar, don’t eat cholesterol, don’t, don’t, don’t.
So, it is somewhat nice when we have a DO, right?

There is the one thing that we need and should DO to save us from heart attacks.

Yet, the World Health Organization recently revealed in a new study published in the Lancet Global Health journal that one-third of the western world never do this.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that each adult get either five hours of moderate exercise weekly, like brisk walking or 2.5 hours of strenuous exercise, like running, in order to stay healthy.

So, do we do that?

The scientists reviewed 358 surveys from 168 countries, with a total of 1.9 million people. The countries on which the surveys were based contained 96% of the world’s population.

These are the trends they discovered:

1. 27.5% of the world’s adults do not exercise at all.
2. Women were less active than men, with 32% of women and 23% of men being completely inactive. This inequality was the highest in central and South Asia and in the Middle East and North Africa.
3. People in higher average income countries were less likely to exercise than people in lower average income countries. 37% of people in high-income countries, 26% of those in middle-income countries, and 16% of those in low-income countries are physically inactive, partly because people in higher income countries do sedentary work while people in lower-income countries are more likely to do manual physical work.
4. Regionally speaking, the highest level of inactivity was found in Latin America and the Caribbean (39%), high-income Western countries (37%), and high-income Asian countries (36%).
5. Within each country, the activity levels varied according to the characteristics of specific areas, and this included the availability of community sports programs, the availability of gyms and other exercise programs, the presence of nature walks close to the cities, and the structure of the road networks.
6. Economic development and urbanization, as clearly seen in China and Brazil, directly led to lower physical activity and poorer health.
Yet, exercising to save your heart doesn’t have to be so difficult.

How to Avoid Heart Attack in a Fun Way?

Making Heart Health Fun

One of the biggest problems with healthcare is the need to motivate people to stick to their health programs.

Watch this Video to get more ideas to avoid heart attack - 15 Foods That Reduce Your Heart Attack Risk by 80%

We know that exercising is good for us and for most parts, also what to eat and what not. But when it comes to self-control, most of us cave.
But how can we make it fun to improve our health?

Texas scientists decided to check how using games for grown-ups could force you to exercise, improve your health and have fun while doing it.
They published their findings in the Games for Health Journal.

They consulted eight previous studies between 2008 and 2017.

The studies differed in many ways, such as the number of participants (11 to 144), the social support or supervision offered (trained support and supervision or none), the location of the games (subject’s homes, clinics, or other research sites), and the structure of the games.

In two studies, players played Nintendo Wii Sports games like tennis, bowling, baseball, golf, and boxing in their homes; the hope being that they will then start playing those sports in real life after getting a taste of them in the game.

Another study made them play Nintendo Wii boxing and canoeing games and added a real-life exercise session twice a week.

A further study used Nintendo Wii gym games, such as rhythm boxing, obstacle course runs, free runs, hula-hoop, and stepping games. This study combined the games with real supervised exercise session in a physical therapy clinic.

In addition to these, other studies involved interactive games with avatar doctors in virtual medical clinics, goal-setting tablet apps, a casino slot game with health content, and a game in which they received advice and were then monitored remotely through a sensor to note their compliance.

These studies showed that 70% of participants stuck with their programs right to the end, which was a much higher rate than those seen in traditional cardiac rehabilitation programs.

The studies that examined physical exercise found that there was an improvement in the amount of physical exercise their subjects engaged in and the amount of energy used, a finding that could be beneficial for heart disease prevention and management.

But the most important thing for your heart health is to clear out the cholesterol plaque from your heart. And to do that, you need to cut out this mysterious ingredient that you didn’t even know you were consuming…

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to How Best to Avoid Heart Attack.

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