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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

How to Really Overcome Depression with PMDD No Risk?

Depression with PMDD however can be sporadic in some women and is often poorly understood by their partners, peers, friends and family leading to even more isolation, confusion, resentment, and sometimes self-harm which is VERY saddening. Read on to discover how you can overcome depression with PMDD.

Depression is a lot more understood by mental health professionals and medical science in general, yet the public perception of depression is still lagging well behind.

But for women, depression with PMDD is often poorly understood by their partners, peers, friends and family leading to even more isolation, confusion, resentment, and sometimes self-harm which is VERY saddening.

Depression with PMDD however can be sporadic in some women which might be a sign of bipolar disorder if accompanied by extreme highs at other times.

It can also occur a week or two before the onset of your period. If this is the case then your depression might be linked to PMDD or PMS.

This can be even more confusing to people watching your behaviour as it seems to the outside world to be erratic that for half the month or more you can be fine then a fit of surly, crying, sad sackery (I just made a word up – sue me) hits seemingly without warning.

For you however it might be entirely expected as it happens like clockwork just like your period with the two intrinsically linked. So why is this happening?

How can you tell if you really have depression with PMDD? And what are the long term effects? Let’s break this down:

Why Are PMDD & Depression Linked?

PMDD is a disorder that messes with a woman’s hormones as it gets closer and closer to menses. 

The reasons for the crazy out of control hormonal situation is varied and comes partly from genetic disposition, partly from lifestyle choices, and partly from various things and situations out of your control as well.

This article will not focus on the root causes of PMDD though, suffice to say that your body is not in balance and various hormones are lacking, and others are all too present.

It also means that the pathways that carry hormones around the body get clogged up and misused. This in turn creates a knock on effect to the regulation of many parts of the body such as weight management, pain management, and brain chemical management.

There are a number of hormones and brain chemicals that control our moods which can get a severe beating during PMDD or PMS time.

Serotonin, Dopamine, and other Neurotransmitters that control your mood regulation and proper functioning are throwing out of balance or cannot work optimally due to a number of hormonally related factors.

The result in some women is a crash of your mood going so low to be classed as clinical depression. Others might just get a little low and sad, while other women might become angry and manic even.

Each person reacts differently – but without a balanced hormonal state you can end up with depression and even suicidal thoughts.

Symptoms of Depression & PMDD

What determines actual depression with PMDD though as opposed to a low mood, or a persistent sadness?

While no symptoms of PMDD should be seen as less than others, it is important to know the actual definition, especially if it is becoming so problematic you need to seek medical assistance.

The list below contains common primary symptoms of depression.

·         Overwhelming feelings of fear and sadness – or a complete inability to feel anything at all, like emptiness inside of you.
·         Massively decreased interest in any pleasurable activities.
·         Markedly changed appetite, either eating more or less …
·         Changed sleep patterns with you either getting too much, too little, or intermittent sleep.
·         Slowing down of thought and of physical movement nearly every day, or the opposite where you thoughts and actions speed up and you might also feel anxious.
·         Lethargy, feeling tired and run down, both physically and mentally.
·         Feeling emotional such as feeling guilty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, or isolated and alone as well.
·         Feeling like the people closest to you might abandon you at any moment.
·         Troubles with memory and staying focused on what you need to do, or decision you need to make.
·         Recurring thoughts about dying and death in general. Sometimes accompanied by intrusive thoughts about lying down and just switching off your body, stopping breathing etc. Not necessarily suicidal planning, but thoughts of dying.

Long Term Effects of Depression with PMDD

To start with this depression might only come about for a few days or a week and go away when you begin to bleed. However there is a nastier long term consequence to PMDD & Depression.

Continual depressive thoughts cause patterns in your brain that can lead to anxiety and depression beyond the bounds of your PMDD.

Smaller fluctuations of hormones will set this off and you might soon be depressed for ALL of the month not just a few days.

Not every woman goes that far but it is something to be aware of – but the answer is not to cure depression, it is to understand and solve the root problems that are causing ALL of your PMDD symptoms as well as the depressive states.

Watch this Video HEREEVERY ANSWER YOU'RE LOOKING FOR: PMS, Cysts, Hormone Imbalance, IBS, Depression, Gastritis & MORE!

To discover more about controlling and curing PMDD naturally without the use of drugs, click below to look into my book on treating PMDD or severe PMS and take control of your hormones and your life!

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

How to Get More PMDD Support for Women?

PMDD Support for Women is crucial because there is nothing worse than feeling you are alone. But it is so hard to come by because PMDD is not an obvious illness to most people. Read on to find how you can get all the help you want in curing PMDD.

There is nothing worse than feeling you are alone. All the pain in the world seems muted when you have support and help, but without aid even minor problems can seem enormous, or can begin to snowball into something much bigger. 

PMDD support for women is so crucial because of this, but is so hard to come by because PMDD is not an obvious illness to most people.

Not only is it not as obvious as something more physical, the very nature of PMDD can turn people away from helping you if you have had some major mood swings around them.

To add one more problem most women face in this regard, we often do not actively seek support for PMDD because we are embarrassed about the entire thing!

So what do we mean exactly when we talk about PMDD Support for Women though? The word support often conjures very different images to people’s minds so I wanted to give you what MY idea of support is.

Support to me is a broad network of people and systems that will be there for you when you are having difficulty coping with PMDD and will be connected to your life strongly. See the words in italics here, those are the important ones to pay attention to.

·         Network – A network is an extended series of connections that link together. When it comes to people that means your family is a kind of network, your friends are another, often your family and friends are linked as well making the network bigger and stronger.

The more people and the better connected they are as well means you have more people understanding and looking out to help you.

·         People – Support is first and foremost about people. Real connections with real people who can show real human compassion and can aid directly.

This could be helping by being supportive and understanding, or might be more physical like helping you physically doing errands or taking you where you need to go.

Always remember being supported means having the right people around you.

·         Systems – While people are the core of supporting networks in your life, without some sort of agreements, and communications about PMDD and how you need to be supported you will not have the systems in place to enact any of this.

An example of a support network without a system might be a family that know the problem, but never speak about it, and never really consider deeply how to help.

·         Connected – This is the glue that ties all of this together; Connections. The people in your network must be connected to you, and connected to the systems that need to be in place to help.

It is about clarity and commitment from them and yourself to help make a difference. It is also about YOU making sure you are connected to them and vice versa.

PMDD Support for Women might look a little more complicated than you thought perhaps? Not to worry!

It is not really difficult because it is all about understanding how to best make use of all the fantastic people in your life and how you should approach this situation.

What you need to do is go out and CREATE this PMDD Support for Women network because they do not often form all the links listed above by on its own.

You might have great people in your life, but they do not know each other or how to help you with your PMDD.

You might have a few close people who know the problem but this might not be enough to help you when you are really feeling low.

You might know the best way for people to manage helping you – but you have not gone out there and broached the subject of PMDD support for Women with them.

It comes down to you knowing your conditions and actively cultivating a great support network.

Consider the points above and get out there and do this because it will help you far beyond PMDD.

It will also mean you will become a part of THEIR support networks if they are having problems with anything in their lives as well. This amazing synergy is what we build amazing lives on!

To help you understand your condition better though, and what you personally need to do to combat it, click here for The PMDD Treatment Miracle eBook that will detail the natural ways you can cure PMDD for good!

You may want to watch this Video HERE on how to get rid of period cramps, menstrual cramps and PMS.

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Monday, May 23, 2016

How to Know Without Fail If You Have PMDD or PMS?

How to diagnose whether you have PMDD or just a case of a very bad PMS, plus some natural ways of treating PMDD which is also applicable to treating PMS which you can find out from here.

If you know something about PMDD or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder as is its full title, then you have probably wondered - What is the difference between PMDD and PMS/PMT and whether do you have PMDD, as they seem remarkably similar in many ways!

This is quite a reasonable and logical question, so in this article we will breakdown PMS Vs PMDD so you can determine the truth of the matter if you are researching this for yourself, or for a loved one.

The simple but not exactly accurate answer to this is that PMDD is like PMS on steroids. It is much bigger, more encompassing, and the symptoms are a lot worse.

Since both derive from the same hormonal reasons they can bee seen as linked conditions. If you have PMDD you basically have PMS, just a lot worse to the point of it really damaging your life!

The long version is that PMDD is a specific disorder according to the medical community that has some strict criteria for a woman to be diagnosed as such.

The criteria are this:

You must have at least five of the below symptoms during the last week of your menstrual cycle in order to have PMDD.

These symptoms must also be gone within a couple of days of the onset of bleeding.

Not only this, they must also not be present in the first week after you being to menstruate. If you have PMDD, you also have to have at least one of the five symptoms be one of the first four listings below.

·         Much depressed mood, feelings of absolute hopelessness, or self-destructive and loathing thoughts
·         Greatly increased anxiety, tension, and feeling on edge
·         Marked affective liability (e.g., feeling suddenly sad or tearful or increased sensitivity to rejection)
·         Persistent and marked irritability and anger or greater chances of interpersonal conflicts
·         Decreased interest in usual activities (e.g., work, school, friends, hobbies)
·         Finding it very difficult to concentrate on even simple tasks
·         Lack of energy, lethargy and so forth
·         Change in appetite from overeating to total loss of appetite
·         Insomnia or way too much sleep (hypersomnia) A subjective sense of being overwhelmed or out of control
·         Physical symptoms such as tenderness or swelling of the breasts, headaches, joint or muscle pain, a sensation of bloating, or weight gain

In addition to this, a woman must also have these symptoms to such a degree it is actually interfering with their life, be it school, work, family time, friendships, and so forth.

Lastly, these symptoms must show for two menstrual cycles back to back at least for it to be classified as PMDD.

Now you know exactly how to diagnose Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, it is still important to note that PMS Vs PMDD is not that big a dividing line.

If you do not have PMDD by the criteria above but still have very bad PMS then the same methods of treating PMDD can apply to your condition as well.

So if you either have PMDD or very bad PMS, click HERE to learn more about natural ways of completely eliminating PMDD forever!

Watch this Video HERE from Dr. Keith Grisham What is the difference between PMS and PMDD, and how do I know whether I have PMDD or just very bad PMS?

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Friday, May 20, 2016

What's PMDD - How to Actually Overcome It No Risk?

PMDD is like a much worse PMS and is caused by the changes in hormones of your body in the last week or two of the menstrual cycle. Read on to find out how to cure PMDD in an all- natural way without drugs, surgery, or anything that is unsustainable! No Risk!

If you find yourself with some extreme cases of PMS or PMT as it is also known then you might actually have another disorder called PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder).

You might already know this or suspect it, but do you know what it really is? Is it just some new disorder created by the pharmaceutical companies to push more of their drugs? Or is it a real condition that needs serious attention?

My view is that it IS a serious issue for women who suffer from this condition whether some people believe it or not!

If you have PMDD, or even very intense PMS/PMT then you really do need to know more about it because there are quite a few problems this condition creates in your life such as:

·         Causing damage to your relationships with friends and family
·         Destroying mental health with depression and anxiety
·         Bringing about physical pain and lethargy
·         May also be linked to other menstrual disorder
·         And of course, making you feel like you are not in control anymore!

So if you want to know more, what is PMDD besides this long title of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder?

Well, at its core, PMDD is an endocrine (hormonal) disorder that leads to many symptoms of a psychological and physical nature. Interestingly PMDD has only been properly classified as a separate condition form PMS for a few years at the time of writing this.

Even with the American Psychiatric Association listing it as a disorder there is still some confusion and often disbelief from medical professionals and the general public making this a difficult problem to face and even harder to overcome at time.

Some women never mange to beat it because they are told constantly that it is just a bad case of PMS and they should just 'get over it' - which is insulting and shameful.

PMDD is like a much worse PMS and is caused by the changes in hormones of your body in the last week or two of the menstrual cycle. Your hormones become unbalanced which leads to knock on effects in your body that are still being studied.

What is known is that this hormonal imbalance causes the mood regulators in the brain to not work properly which leads to the mental instability, irrational anger, depression and other psychological issues.

PMDD in short, is a disorder that you do not want to experience, and requires you to rebalance the hormones in your body to become stable and healthy again.

If you would like to know more about what is PMDD and how you can treat it properly, click HERE to find out how to cure PMDD in an all natural way without drugs, surgery, or anything that is unsustainable!

You may want to watch this Video HERE What is PMDD?! Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Thursday, May 19, 2016

What Are Really Important for a Successful PMDD Diet?

So can a PMDD diet change all of this and get your life back on track? The answer is yes... and no. But there are indeed many PMDD super foods to eat and many foods to stop eating that will help you to relieve PMDD symptoms.

What are the Elements of a Proper PMDD Diet Plan?

If you have PMDD, or suffer from sever PMT/PMS which is close the full blown condition, then you are very familiar with the terrible heartbreaking symptoms that can be life destroying for some women. The mood swings, the crying, the depression, the violent outbursts.

Also the physical symptoms of aching joint and muscles, lack of sleep or way too much sleep, the lethargy and many more. This really is something that can sideline you from the things in life you love and damage your relationships as well.

So can a PMDD diet change all of this and get your life back on track?

The answer is yes... and no. There are many PMDD super foods that can really help speed along a rebalancing of your hormones and mood regulating brain chemicals and many foods to stop eating that will help your body do the same.

However diet is just one part of really taking control of your PMDD to eliminate it completely.

That being said, diet is a major part of this so you should at least start to implement a PMDD diet to your lifestyle to begin this transformation!

Some elements of a PMDD Diet are:

Eat More Unsaturated Fats - Unsaturated fats are what dieticians like to call 'good' fats. These are fats that are not bad for you like saturated fats are, and instead can be very beneficial!

Foods that contain unsaturated fats are foods like fish, nuts, spinach, and oils such as sunflower oil and olive oil.

Eat Less Saturated Fats - Obviously saturated fats are 'bad' fats that are often this way because of being refined, or are just naturally fatty.

Foods such as whole dairy foods, fatty meat, fried food, and potato chips/crackers are very guilty of this.

Eat Less Packaged and Refined Foods - Foods that are packaged and refined and chemically altered to last longer on supermarket shelves have been stripped of many nutrients and often have other chemicals added that really mess with your hormones. Avoid these were possible!

Increase Protein Intake - Protein has been shown to really help with regulating mood, hormones and PMDD in general. High protein foods should be a must in your diet such as eggs, soybeans, tofu, low fat yogurt and lean meats.

Watch this Video HERE to understand more about how to implement a PMDD Diet Plan

For more information on all aspects of eliminating PMDD including exactly how to implement a PMDD diet, how to improve your mental state to alter your hormones, how to take control of your sleep cycle and many other methods that all tie together into a PMDD treatment that really works - click HERE to discover more.

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Health Warnings - Here are 8 Sure Symptoms of PMDD

To determine if you have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, or PMDD for short you will need to know the symptoms of PMDD to watch out for.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of PMDD?

If you have quite extreme cases of PMS/PMT during the week before your period starts then you might have what is called Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, or PMDD for short.

This is a disorder that is now recognised by psychiatric authorities as something more than just PMS, but as a separate condition that is much worse, and has serious long term psychological and physical effects.

To determine if you have this condition you will need to know the symptoms of PMDD to watch out for.

If you have most of these symptoms of PMDD listed below then you should consult your doctor to be sure.

Another thing to note is that these symptoms of PMDD must occur before the onset of menses.

Most sufferers start feeling these symptoms of PMDD one week prior, but sometimes more in extreme cases.

Irritability - You become annoyed and irritated at things and people including close friends and family that would usually not bother you all that much. This is an internal feeling more than an outward reaction which would be anger as explained below.

Depression - Some women become extremely withdrawn and sad leading to an overwhelming depression. Some cannot even find the will to get out of bed some days, and others might burst into tears for no reason at all.

This state of mind can be extremely difficult to deal with and the fact it does not last more than a week or two can be confusing for yourself and for those around you.

Extreme sensitivity - The inability of a sufferer to take any slight criticism during this period which makes her easily get angry, sullen, sad, or generally moody.

Breast tenderness and pain - This can be light, to extremely painful and irritating. The pain and sensitivity is often centring on the nipples but can vary form woman to woman.

Anger - Some women become so angry they erupt in outbursts and lash out at anyone including those they love and are usually very patient with like spouses and children

Weight gain and bloating - Often due to water retention, but sometimes due to overeating as your appetite can increase due to hormonal imbalances.

Headaches - This is quite self explanatory. These can become full blown migraines for some women completely incapacitating them and making work and home life unbearable.

Insomnia or sleeping too much - Your sleeping habits can be thrown into confusion with this symptom of PMDD leading to sleeping too much or too little.

You may want to watch this Video HERE from National Centre for Biotechnology about symptoms of PMDD.

If you think you might be suffering from extreme PMS or possible PMDD from this list then I encourage you to see your doctors to be sure.

However If you want to know more information about the symptoms of PMDD and also about how you can eliminate it from your life without drugs in an all natural way, click HERE to find out more!

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

PMDD Treatment - Revealing What Really Works Best?

If you have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder then you must be very eager to find a PMDD treatment that really works to help you overcome this terrible condition. Read on here to find out more.

If you have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder then you must be very eager to find a PMDD treatment that really works to help you overcome this terrible condition.

Too many women have only been told that drugs and medication of various sorts is the only PMDD treatment but this is not true because there are many ways you can lessen this condition completely naturally.

If you follow the right PMDD treatment in fact you can cure PMDD forever too!

So let's take a look at a few ways you can start to eliminate the symptoms of PMDD such as extreme mood swings, muscle aches and pains, depression and other psychological issues this causes.

Dietary Changes - What you eat is always related to your health as your food gives you the energy and the nutrients to work, rest, play, and heals yourself from the inside.

There are many ways to improve your diet but one massive tip for anyone who is looking to reduce the hormonal imbalance at the heart of PMDD is to stop eating packaged and processed foods.

All foods that have been overly refined have lost all of the nutrients that kept your hormones in balance.

Lack of fibre causes the food to be digested faster leading to a massive spike in blood sugar which prompts a hormone response that throws everything into disarray.

The more raw and fresh foods you eat the better your PMDD will become!

Meditation - The unstable moods of PMDD and the heightened anxiety and panic you might feel can be alleviated with meditation. This does not need to be some mystical thing surrounded by incense though.

Meditation is a real thing that can allow you to simply clear the clutter in your mind and bring more internal balance.

It actually reduced a hormone gone rampant in your body at this time called cortisol that is linked to stress which will start to normalise your internal workings that control the mood chemicals in the brain.

Correct Your Sleep - Lack of sleep or too much sleep is a major symptom of PMDD but it does not need to be.

Understanding how your sleep patterns work and adjusting your daily cycle to combat the chaos it has been thrown into will allow more sleep and BETTER sleep which is a PMDD treatment all on its own!

For instance, try skipping naps during the day because they can interfere with your night time sleeping.

Also make sure you get long and uninterrupted sleep so you can sleep as deeply as possible which allows the greatest internal healing and repair.

These are just a part of the jigsaw puzzle that is a complete PMDD treatment set, to learn more about how to put these and many more together into a workable plan for a natural PMDD cure, click below to discover what you need to know to take control of your body and mind once again.

You may want to watch this Video HERE about PMDD treatment and other female disorders from Riordan Clinic

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Monday, May 16, 2016

What are really The Best PMDD Natural Alternative Therapies?

There are a number of PMDD natural alternative therapies available to women suffering from this terrible life wrecking condition that turns normally stable, loving, caring women into crying, angry, depressed wrecks like clockwork at the end of every month. Read on to find out more about these natural remedies for PMDD

There are a number of PMDD natural alternative therapies available to women suffering from this terrible life wrecking condition that turns normally stable, loving, caring women into crying, angry, depressed wrecks like clockwork at the end of every month.

Not only are the emotional mood changes terrible to experience and to behold, but cramping pain, headaches, and other physical ailments are all a part of this debilitating package.

So what can these PMDD natural alternative therapies do for women with this disorder? What can they do that the many various drugs for this condition cannot?

Firstly, a natural remedy for PMDD is one that works WITH the body to produce good results.

Drugs tend to take a brute for approach to how they work destroying all in their path to alleviate a few symptoms of various conditions and problems.

This leads to a myriad of dangerous side effects in the short term, and the possibility of many more problematic side effects if you take these drugs regularly.

PMDD natural alternative therapies will not have this problem if administered correctly and only get better over time!

A quick warning though, there is no single remedy for PMDD, instead you need to administer a range of different methods that will all work together to balance your hormones, and regulate your moods.

Together they are more powerful than alone and are greater than the sum of their parts.

That being said there are a number of core PMDD natural alternative therapies that can help do this:

·         Diet - What you eat and importantly what you DONT eat is essential to your internal health and the hormonal balance in your body.

·         Herbal and Vitamin supplements - Many vitamins and herbal remedies can provide short term and long term relief without the side effects of drugs

·         Sleep therapies - You can make a huge impact on your PMDD by controlling how and when you sleep to force the right rhythm back into your sleep cycle which has a huge impact.

·         Stress Reduction - Stress is a modern disease that hurts women especially without them really seeing it except when certain hormonal conditions happen. Reducing stress in many different ways is very helpful

You can also watch this Video HERE to learn about other PMDD natural alternative therapies.

So if you want to know more about PMDD natural alternative therapies click HERE to discover exactly how to implement these changes to your life to take control of your moods, your mind, your body, and your life and relationships too!

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Thursday, May 12, 2016

How Best to Get More PMDD Help and Advice?

The struggle with PMDD is a terrible one for women who have this condition. You are burdened with mood swing, headaches, muscular aches, water retention and other physical ailments. No wonder so many women need PMDD help to cope with these things! Read on here to find out how you can control PMDD symptoms naturally.

The struggle with PMDD is a terrible one for women who have this condition. You are burdened with a range of moods that switch rapidly between depression, lethargy and sadness - to irritability, anger and outright rage at times.

Not only this, your body is assailed by headaches, muscular aches, water retention and other physical ailments. No wonder so many women need PMDD help to cope with these things!

If you have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and like many other women need PMDD help, then there is good news among all of this misery and tears. There are ways to relieve the symptoms of this condition and even further methods to start fixing the underlying root causes of PMDD too.

The even better thing as compared to other PMDD help ideas is that you do NOT need to rely on drugs to do these things because they are a short term measure, full of side effects, and will never eliminate PMDD - only suppress the symptoms.

Symptom Relief

In the short term you need to be able to control the symptoms that wreck the last couple of weeks of your menstrual cycle. This can be done naturally with the addition of some vitamin and herbal supplements as well as a few general tips for boosting your mood.

Vitamin supplements such as magnesium, calcium and Vitamin B-6 have very positive impacts on keeping your mood buoyed, help you sleep better, and reduce cramping pain.

Some herbs such as St John Wort and Chasteberry are also known to be very helpful for PMDD sufferers to stop irritability and depression.

Another way to help with mood regulation is exercise. Not just a short walk though, exercise with a decent enough intensity that makes you huff and puff and feel like you have stretched yourself just a little.

This will release a mood boosting hormone called endorphins in your brain making you feel good emotionally, but also physically; It is a natural high!

Long Term Changes

These short term measures are essential just to function properly when PMDD hits, but there is more that you must do to really change the internal balance in your body to one that will not trigger the symptoms of PMDD.

This PMDD help comes from a range of measures that will help to restore the hormonal balance in your body which is what causes of these terrible problems.

There are many ways you can do this, but each taken in isolation will only produce small effects. When combined into a single regime you will find that each element will add together to form an outcome which is greater than the sum of all their parts.

Such measures will include dietary changes, forming a proper sleep cycle, knowing how to exercise for the most benefit, other supplements that will help long term and short term and many more.

Click HERE to watch 7 video clips for other PMDD help tips to relieve Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder symptoms naturally and this Video HERE from Kati Morton.

So if this PMDD help has been useful to you, and you want to know more about a complete regime to restore the natural balance in your body and eliminate all of those physical and emotional symptoms - click HERE to discover more and take back control of your body and mind!

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

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