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Showing posts with label depression with PMDD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label depression with PMDD. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

How to Really Overcome Depression with PMDD No Risk?

Depression with PMDD however can be sporadic in some women and is often poorly understood by their partners, peers, friends and family leading to even more isolation, confusion, resentment, and sometimes self-harm which is VERY saddening. Read on to discover how you can overcome depression with PMDD.

Depression is a lot more understood by mental health professionals and medical science in general, yet the public perception of depression is still lagging well behind.

But for women, depression with PMDD is often poorly understood by their partners, peers, friends and family leading to even more isolation, confusion, resentment, and sometimes self-harm which is VERY saddening.

Depression with PMDD however can be sporadic in some women which might be a sign of bipolar disorder if accompanied by extreme highs at other times.

It can also occur a week or two before the onset of your period. If this is the case then your depression might be linked to PMDD or PMS.

This can be even more confusing to people watching your behaviour as it seems to the outside world to be erratic that for half the month or more you can be fine then a fit of surly, crying, sad sackery (I just made a word up – sue me) hits seemingly without warning.

For you however it might be entirely expected as it happens like clockwork just like your period with the two intrinsically linked. So why is this happening?

How can you tell if you really have depression with PMDD? And what are the long term effects? Let’s break this down:

Why Are PMDD & Depression Linked?

PMDD is a disorder that messes with a woman’s hormones as it gets closer and closer to menses. 

The reasons for the crazy out of control hormonal situation is varied and comes partly from genetic disposition, partly from lifestyle choices, and partly from various things and situations out of your control as well.

This article will not focus on the root causes of PMDD though, suffice to say that your body is not in balance and various hormones are lacking, and others are all too present.

It also means that the pathways that carry hormones around the body get clogged up and misused. This in turn creates a knock on effect to the regulation of many parts of the body such as weight management, pain management, and brain chemical management.

There are a number of hormones and brain chemicals that control our moods which can get a severe beating during PMDD or PMS time.

Serotonin, Dopamine, and other Neurotransmitters that control your mood regulation and proper functioning are throwing out of balance or cannot work optimally due to a number of hormonally related factors.

The result in some women is a crash of your mood going so low to be classed as clinical depression. Others might just get a little low and sad, while other women might become angry and manic even.

Each person reacts differently – but without a balanced hormonal state you can end up with depression and even suicidal thoughts.

Symptoms of Depression & PMDD

What determines actual depression with PMDD though as opposed to a low mood, or a persistent sadness?

While no symptoms of PMDD should be seen as less than others, it is important to know the actual definition, especially if it is becoming so problematic you need to seek medical assistance.

The list below contains common primary symptoms of depression.

·         Overwhelming feelings of fear and sadness – or a complete inability to feel anything at all, like emptiness inside of you.
·         Massively decreased interest in any pleasurable activities.
·         Markedly changed appetite, either eating more or less …
·         Changed sleep patterns with you either getting too much, too little, or intermittent sleep.
·         Slowing down of thought and of physical movement nearly every day, or the opposite where you thoughts and actions speed up and you might also feel anxious.
·         Lethargy, feeling tired and run down, both physically and mentally.
·         Feeling emotional such as feeling guilty, hopeless, helpless, worthless, or isolated and alone as well.
·         Feeling like the people closest to you might abandon you at any moment.
·         Troubles with memory and staying focused on what you need to do, or decision you need to make.
·         Recurring thoughts about dying and death in general. Sometimes accompanied by intrusive thoughts about lying down and just switching off your body, stopping breathing etc. Not necessarily suicidal planning, but thoughts of dying.

Long Term Effects of Depression with PMDD

To start with this depression might only come about for a few days or a week and go away when you begin to bleed. However there is a nastier long term consequence to PMDD & Depression.

Continual depressive thoughts cause patterns in your brain that can lead to anxiety and depression beyond the bounds of your PMDD.

Smaller fluctuations of hormones will set this off and you might soon be depressed for ALL of the month not just a few days.

Not every woman goes that far but it is something to be aware of – but the answer is not to cure depression, it is to understand and solve the root problems that are causing ALL of your PMDD symptoms as well as the depressive states.

Watch this Video HEREEVERY ANSWER YOU'RE LOOKING FOR: PMS, Cysts, Hormone Imbalance, IBS, Depression, Gastritis & MORE!

To discover more about controlling and curing PMDD naturally without the use of drugs, click below to look into my book on treating PMDD or severe PMS and take control of your hormones and your life!

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

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