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Thursday, May 19, 2016

What Are Really Important for a Successful PMDD Diet?

So can a PMDD diet change all of this and get your life back on track? The answer is yes... and no. But there are indeed many PMDD super foods to eat and many foods to stop eating that will help you to relieve PMDD symptoms.

What are the Elements of a Proper PMDD Diet Plan?

If you have PMDD, or suffer from sever PMT/PMS which is close the full blown condition, then you are very familiar with the terrible heartbreaking symptoms that can be life destroying for some women. The mood swings, the crying, the depression, the violent outbursts.

Also the physical symptoms of aching joint and muscles, lack of sleep or way too much sleep, the lethargy and many more. This really is something that can sideline you from the things in life you love and damage your relationships as well.

So can a PMDD diet change all of this and get your life back on track?

The answer is yes... and no. There are many PMDD super foods that can really help speed along a rebalancing of your hormones and mood regulating brain chemicals and many foods to stop eating that will help your body do the same.

However diet is just one part of really taking control of your PMDD to eliminate it completely.

That being said, diet is a major part of this so you should at least start to implement a PMDD diet to your lifestyle to begin this transformation!

Some elements of a PMDD Diet are:

Eat More Unsaturated Fats - Unsaturated fats are what dieticians like to call 'good' fats. These are fats that are not bad for you like saturated fats are, and instead can be very beneficial!

Foods that contain unsaturated fats are foods like fish, nuts, spinach, and oils such as sunflower oil and olive oil.

Eat Less Saturated Fats - Obviously saturated fats are 'bad' fats that are often this way because of being refined, or are just naturally fatty.

Foods such as whole dairy foods, fatty meat, fried food, and potato chips/crackers are very guilty of this.

Eat Less Packaged and Refined Foods - Foods that are packaged and refined and chemically altered to last longer on supermarket shelves have been stripped of many nutrients and often have other chemicals added that really mess with your hormones. Avoid these were possible!

Increase Protein Intake - Protein has been shown to really help with regulating mood, hormones and PMDD in general. High protein foods should be a must in your diet such as eggs, soybeans, tofu, low fat yogurt and lean meats.

Watch this Video HERE to understand more about how to implement a PMDD Diet Plan

For more information on all aspects of eliminating PMDD including exactly how to implement a PMDD diet, how to improve your mental state to alter your hormones, how to take control of your sleep cycle and many other methods that all tie together into a PMDD treatment that really works - click HERE to discover more.

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Health Warnings - Here are 8 Sure Symptoms of PMDD

To determine if you have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, or PMDD for short you will need to know the symptoms of PMDD to watch out for.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of PMDD?

If you have quite extreme cases of PMS/PMT during the week before your period starts then you might have what is called Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, or PMDD for short.

This is a disorder that is now recognised by psychiatric authorities as something more than just PMS, but as a separate condition that is much worse, and has serious long term psychological and physical effects.

To determine if you have this condition you will need to know the symptoms of PMDD to watch out for.

If you have most of these symptoms of PMDD listed below then you should consult your doctor to be sure.

Another thing to note is that these symptoms of PMDD must occur before the onset of menses.

Most sufferers start feeling these symptoms of PMDD one week prior, but sometimes more in extreme cases.

Irritability - You become annoyed and irritated at things and people including close friends and family that would usually not bother you all that much. This is an internal feeling more than an outward reaction which would be anger as explained below.

Depression - Some women become extremely withdrawn and sad leading to an overwhelming depression. Some cannot even find the will to get out of bed some days, and others might burst into tears for no reason at all.

This state of mind can be extremely difficult to deal with and the fact it does not last more than a week or two can be confusing for yourself and for those around you.

Extreme sensitivity - The inability of a sufferer to take any slight criticism during this period which makes her easily get angry, sullen, sad, or generally moody.

Breast tenderness and pain - This can be light, to extremely painful and irritating. The pain and sensitivity is often centring on the nipples but can vary form woman to woman.

Anger - Some women become so angry they erupt in outbursts and lash out at anyone including those they love and are usually very patient with like spouses and children

Weight gain and bloating - Often due to water retention, but sometimes due to overeating as your appetite can increase due to hormonal imbalances.

Headaches - This is quite self explanatory. These can become full blown migraines for some women completely incapacitating them and making work and home life unbearable.

Insomnia or sleeping too much - Your sleeping habits can be thrown into confusion with this symptom of PMDD leading to sleeping too much or too little.

You may want to watch this Video HERE from National Centre for Biotechnology about symptoms of PMDD.

If you think you might be suffering from extreme PMS or possible PMDD from this list then I encourage you to see your doctors to be sure.

However If you want to know more information about the symptoms of PMDD and also about how you can eliminate it from your life without drugs in an all natural way, click HERE to find out more!

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

PMDD Treatment - Revealing What Really Works Best?

If you have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder then you must be very eager to find a PMDD treatment that really works to help you overcome this terrible condition. Read on here to find out more.

If you have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder then you must be very eager to find a PMDD treatment that really works to help you overcome this terrible condition.

Too many women have only been told that drugs and medication of various sorts is the only PMDD treatment but this is not true because there are many ways you can lessen this condition completely naturally.

If you follow the right PMDD treatment in fact you can cure PMDD forever too!

So let's take a look at a few ways you can start to eliminate the symptoms of PMDD such as extreme mood swings, muscle aches and pains, depression and other psychological issues this causes.

Dietary Changes - What you eat is always related to your health as your food gives you the energy and the nutrients to work, rest, play, and heals yourself from the inside.

There are many ways to improve your diet but one massive tip for anyone who is looking to reduce the hormonal imbalance at the heart of PMDD is to stop eating packaged and processed foods.

All foods that have been overly refined have lost all of the nutrients that kept your hormones in balance.

Lack of fibre causes the food to be digested faster leading to a massive spike in blood sugar which prompts a hormone response that throws everything into disarray.

The more raw and fresh foods you eat the better your PMDD will become!

Meditation - The unstable moods of PMDD and the heightened anxiety and panic you might feel can be alleviated with meditation. This does not need to be some mystical thing surrounded by incense though.

Meditation is a real thing that can allow you to simply clear the clutter in your mind and bring more internal balance.

It actually reduced a hormone gone rampant in your body at this time called cortisol that is linked to stress which will start to normalise your internal workings that control the mood chemicals in the brain.

Correct Your Sleep - Lack of sleep or too much sleep is a major symptom of PMDD but it does not need to be.

Understanding how your sleep patterns work and adjusting your daily cycle to combat the chaos it has been thrown into will allow more sleep and BETTER sleep which is a PMDD treatment all on its own!

For instance, try skipping naps during the day because they can interfere with your night time sleeping.

Also make sure you get long and uninterrupted sleep so you can sleep as deeply as possible which allows the greatest internal healing and repair.

These are just a part of the jigsaw puzzle that is a complete PMDD treatment set, to learn more about how to put these and many more together into a workable plan for a natural PMDD cure, click below to discover what you need to know to take control of your body and mind once again.

You may want to watch this Video HERE about PMDD treatment and other female disorders from Riordan Clinic

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Monday, May 16, 2016

What are really The Best PMDD Natural Alternative Therapies?

There are a number of PMDD natural alternative therapies available to women suffering from this terrible life wrecking condition that turns normally stable, loving, caring women into crying, angry, depressed wrecks like clockwork at the end of every month. Read on to find out more about these natural remedies for PMDD

There are a number of PMDD natural alternative therapies available to women suffering from this terrible life wrecking condition that turns normally stable, loving, caring women into crying, angry, depressed wrecks like clockwork at the end of every month.

Not only are the emotional mood changes terrible to experience and to behold, but cramping pain, headaches, and other physical ailments are all a part of this debilitating package.

So what can these PMDD natural alternative therapies do for women with this disorder? What can they do that the many various drugs for this condition cannot?

Firstly, a natural remedy for PMDD is one that works WITH the body to produce good results.

Drugs tend to take a brute for approach to how they work destroying all in their path to alleviate a few symptoms of various conditions and problems.

This leads to a myriad of dangerous side effects in the short term, and the possibility of many more problematic side effects if you take these drugs regularly.

PMDD natural alternative therapies will not have this problem if administered correctly and only get better over time!

A quick warning though, there is no single remedy for PMDD, instead you need to administer a range of different methods that will all work together to balance your hormones, and regulate your moods.

Together they are more powerful than alone and are greater than the sum of their parts.

That being said there are a number of core PMDD natural alternative therapies that can help do this:

·         Diet - What you eat and importantly what you DONT eat is essential to your internal health and the hormonal balance in your body.

·         Herbal and Vitamin supplements - Many vitamins and herbal remedies can provide short term and long term relief without the side effects of drugs

·         Sleep therapies - You can make a huge impact on your PMDD by controlling how and when you sleep to force the right rhythm back into your sleep cycle which has a huge impact.

·         Stress Reduction - Stress is a modern disease that hurts women especially without them really seeing it except when certain hormonal conditions happen. Reducing stress in many different ways is very helpful

You can also watch this Video HERE to learn about other PMDD natural alternative therapies.

So if you want to know more about PMDD natural alternative therapies click HERE to discover exactly how to implement these changes to your life to take control of your moods, your mind, your body, and your life and relationships too!

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Thursday, May 12, 2016

How Best to Get More PMDD Help and Advice?

The struggle with PMDD is a terrible one for women who have this condition. You are burdened with mood swing, headaches, muscular aches, water retention and other physical ailments. No wonder so many women need PMDD help to cope with these things! Read on here to find out how you can control PMDD symptoms naturally.

The struggle with PMDD is a terrible one for women who have this condition. You are burdened with a range of moods that switch rapidly between depression, lethargy and sadness - to irritability, anger and outright rage at times.

Not only this, your body is assailed by headaches, muscular aches, water retention and other physical ailments. No wonder so many women need PMDD help to cope with these things!

If you have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder and like many other women need PMDD help, then there is good news among all of this misery and tears. There are ways to relieve the symptoms of this condition and even further methods to start fixing the underlying root causes of PMDD too.

The even better thing as compared to other PMDD help ideas is that you do NOT need to rely on drugs to do these things because they are a short term measure, full of side effects, and will never eliminate PMDD - only suppress the symptoms.

Symptom Relief

In the short term you need to be able to control the symptoms that wreck the last couple of weeks of your menstrual cycle. This can be done naturally with the addition of some vitamin and herbal supplements as well as a few general tips for boosting your mood.

Vitamin supplements such as magnesium, calcium and Vitamin B-6 have very positive impacts on keeping your mood buoyed, help you sleep better, and reduce cramping pain.

Some herbs such as St John Wort and Chasteberry are also known to be very helpful for PMDD sufferers to stop irritability and depression.

Another way to help with mood regulation is exercise. Not just a short walk though, exercise with a decent enough intensity that makes you huff and puff and feel like you have stretched yourself just a little.

This will release a mood boosting hormone called endorphins in your brain making you feel good emotionally, but also physically; It is a natural high!

Long Term Changes

These short term measures are essential just to function properly when PMDD hits, but there is more that you must do to really change the internal balance in your body to one that will not trigger the symptoms of PMDD.

This PMDD help comes from a range of measures that will help to restore the hormonal balance in your body which is what causes of these terrible problems.

There are many ways you can do this, but each taken in isolation will only produce small effects. When combined into a single regime you will find that each element will add together to form an outcome which is greater than the sum of all their parts.

Such measures will include dietary changes, forming a proper sleep cycle, knowing how to exercise for the most benefit, other supplements that will help long term and short term and many more.

Click HERE to watch 7 video clips for other PMDD help tips to relieve Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder symptoms naturally and this Video HERE from Kati Morton.

So if this PMDD help has been useful to you, and you want to know more about a complete regime to restore the natural balance in your body and eliminate all of those physical and emotional symptoms - click HERE to discover more and take back control of your body and mind!

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Holistic Treatment for PMDD Revealed Here

While there are many drugs that will mask the symptoms of PMDD most women realise that you need to cure the root causes of this disorder which can only really happen with a holistic treatment for PMDD. Read on to find out more.

Why You Should Adopt Holistic Treatment for PMDD?

PMDD or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder as is its full name is a condition that can very well ruin a woman's life if it is intense enough.

Often described as severe PMS/PMT, this is a disorder that is characterized by severe mood swings, depression, aches and pains, sleeping problems, and damaged relationships because of these mood swings.

While there are many drugs that will mask the symptoms of PMDD most women realise that you need to cure the root causes of this disorder which can only really happen with a holistic treatment for PMDD.

Holistic means that you need to consider the psychological, physical, and social aspects of your life to really make an impact on any condition you have be it mental or in your body.

PMDD is classed as a psychological condition for example, but the root causes of the condition stem from a hormonal imbalance that has a knock on effect to the mood regulators in your brain which is a very physical thing.

So to treat PMDD holistically and naturally without medicine, you need to look into a range of techniques that will deal with each symptoms and each part of the underlying causes at the same time.

What you will find is that each part in isolation will help, but the more parts of this holistic cure you implement the more powerful each one becomes in combination with others.

For instance, one major part of a holistic treatment for PMDD is your diet and your sleeping patterns.

Changing your diet to eliminate some of the foods that really unbalance your hormones is one key aspect and so is getting a good night’s sleep.

What you eat will help you get a better night’s sleep, and in turn a better night’s sleep will help you digest your food and balance your hormones much better.

Sleeping better or changing your diet in isolation will help but together they are greater than the sum of their parts.

Now add in vitamins and herbal supplements, psychological tricks, stress reduction and other natural remedies for PMDD treatment and you have a holistic treatment regime that will all coalesce into something that will eliminate PMDD for good.

So if you want to learn all of the essential details on a natural, holistic treatment for PMDD then click HERE for a step-by-step guide that will give you back control of your moods, your life, your health, and your relationships with your loved ones.

You can also watch this Video HERE to learn how to reduce extreme PMS symptoms naturally.

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Monday, May 9, 2016

Herbal Treatments for PMDD and PMS

If you want to know more about these Herbal Treatments for PMDD and PMS as well as other natural remedies that will help eliminate these problems, read on here to find out more.

Herbal treatments for PMDD and PMS can be an amazing way to really make a positive impact on reducing the symptoms of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder or very bad Premenstrual Tension.

Herbal remedies are indeed a much preferred option over the drugs that most doctors try to push on you because herbal treatments are free from the usual side effects of drugs which often occur.

This is because most herbal remedies for PMDD work with your body systems rather than the brute force approach of drugs trying to force a new state on your body.

These herbs if used correctly can really make a short term and long term impact on your PMDD as a part of a total holistic cure for the condition.

So here are just a few herbal treatments for PMDD and PMS that you should know about.

3 Herbal treatments for PMDD and PMS

(1) Chasteberry - Chasteberry, or also known as monk's pepper, has long been used to help treat women suffering from PMDD and PMS/PMT.

While doctors are uncertain exactly how it works, studies show that this herbal remedy will help to cure many PMDD symptoms, including irritability, headaches, and mood swings.

(2) Valerian Root - While this herb can smell quite pungent, it can be very effective at reducing or eliminating PMDD symptoms.

This root is shown to have amazing properties that helps to eliminate stress and anxiety, reducing mood swings and helps many people sleep better as well

(3) St. John's Wort - This is nature's antidepressant, and numerous studies have shown it to be as effective as or more effective than traditional antidepressant drugs without the same side effects!

If depression commonly accompanies your PMDD, you may wish to use this particular herbal treatment for PMDD.

There are many more herbal and vitamin supplements that can help with the various symptoms of PMDD as well as helping the body to regulate the hormonal imbalance at the base level of this condition.

If you want to know more about these Herbal Treatments for PMDD and PMS as well as other natural remedies that will help eliminate this problems completely click HERE to find out more - including the PMDD busting super foods, amazing insights into how you approach sleeping and rest, and much, much more.

You may also want to watch this Video HERE to learn more about PMDD and PMS from Joe DiMatteo is a registered pharmacist, certified clinical nutritionist, homeopath and doctor of naturopathy.

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years.

She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Friday, May 6, 2016

Revealing Here are 4 Natural Remedies for PMDD

If you are struggling with PMDD and are looking for a drug free alternative, try these natural remedies for PMDD which will start to heal you from the inside.

Are You Looking for Natural Remedies for PMDD? Read on below to find out more.

PMDD is much worse than a bad case of PMS/PMT as any PMDD sufferer will be able to tell you.

It is a roller coaster ride of extreme emotional anguish and physical pain that can incapacitate you and frequently damages your relationships with your friends and loved ones because you cannot control your moods due to extreme hormonal imbalances.

Unfortunately one of the most common ways women deal with PMDD is by using drugs such as anti-depressants to normalise their moods.

This is a slippery slope though because there are many side effects to using drugs and some women become quite addicted to them and mess up their moods outside of the last one or two weeks of the menstrual cycle which is when PMDD strikes.

This is why natural remedies for PMDD are becoming the more accepted and beneficial way of treating PMDD effectively and safely.

4 Natural Remedies for PMDD

If you are struggling with PMDD and are looking for a drug free alternative, try these natural PMDD treatment tips which will start to heal you from the inside.

1. Do not nap - Sleeping habits become quite out of sync during PMDD and some women sleep way too much, while others sleep very little. This can lead to the urge to nap during the day, especially when you become emotionally worn out.

Napping will further put your natural sleeping cycle out of order making it even more difficult to sleep at night, extending the time your body wants to sleep late into the night, and confusing many other internal systems.

Try to eat a meal with complex carbs in it and do some light exercise if you feel sleepy during the day and fight off the sleeping urge so you can have a much more restful night.

2. Exercise for Endorphins - Everyone knows exercise makes you feel better, but you need to exercise the right way to release enough mood boosting endorphins.

Just a light walk will not do much; you instead need to work out with some reasonable intensity for a reasonable amount of time.
This will release endorphins in the brain making you feel good, and a healthier body also helps with so many other systems hat will aid in hormonal control.

3. Magnesium Supplements - Taking 250-350 milligrams of magnesium daily can also greatly reduce PMDD symptoms.
It can help boost mood, improve sleep quality, reduce cramping and pain, and even help reduce stress.

Be aware of how much magnesium you already consume from food as well though.

4. Reduce Stress - Stress is a modern disease that fills our bodies with a hormone called cortisol that lowers the immune system, heightens our tension, and makes it difficult for other hormones to work properly.

Reducing stress is essential to beating PMDD and there are many ways that you can do this including mental exercises, and even adding stress busting foods to your diet!

Watch this Video HERE for other natural remedies for PMDD

It is important to note that there are many more natural approaches you can take to improve your mood, reduce the physical symptoms, and make a lasting impact on your PMDD.

It is also very important to note that natural remedies for PMDD should not be done in isolation, you need a consistent plan that combine the various aspects of your health to tie together into something that is greater than all of its parts.

This is because each individual thing you do will be enhanced by another remedy you apply.

The downside is actually forming a plan and having all the pieces in place. If this is your stumbling block, then click below to find out a complete, step-by-step guide to ending your PMDD woes through natural means, without touching a single drug!

By Jane Pritchard, who is the developer of PMDD Treatment Miracle - a self-help program for treating premenstrual dysphoric disorder. She is an ex-sufferer of PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) condition for many years. She spent a lot of time in finding natural methods for curing her PMDD problems. As a result, she created this self-help guide to show other sufferers on how to cure their PMDD problems in only 12 hours at the comfort and privacy of their own home. For more details about this self-help guide, click HERE

Thursday, May 5, 2016

How to Lose Cellulite on Butt Naturally Fast?

Do you want to lose cellulite on butt forever?

This is a very touchy subject. There are lots of treatments available that claim to help you lose cellulite on butt. It is true that some of these products can improve the appearance of cellulite temporarily, but as it is not an "illness" but something normal caused by hereditary factors and hormones it cannot really be "cured"

While it is possible to lose cellulite on butt while you are trying to lose fat the extent of its reduction may not be as desired. Anti-cellulite treatment involves more than just losing pounds. That is why liposuction, which is an easy way to lose body fat, makes the problem more visible.

Nutrition is also the key and you can’t just put junk food into your body without expecting it to react.

You can think of cellulite as little pockets of trash cells. The fat cells plump up and this is what you see are the little plumped up fat cells that make that crazy indention.

One of the first things I teach people is:  “Count Chemicals Not Calories”™

This means that you’re going to look at the ingredients on all the foods that you eat. If there is a chemical, don’t eat it and that includes diet foods.

Some of the worst foods out there are labelled as “diet foods” or “health foods”, but they’re just full of chemicals.

Eat natural foods, foods that have only 1 ingredient like broccoli, fish or chicken.

An effective diet should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, and salads comprising of raw cabbage, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, lettuce, etc. many fresh fruits contain compounds that have the capacity to fight free radicals present in the body. Your meals should consist of lean protein such as lean red meat, tuna and chicken. Others consist of oily fish, seeds and nuts.

All of those foods are something you can understand which your body will process it for energy so you won’t store it in cellulite.

Consult a qualified dietician to suggest a healthy diet suitable for your body constitution. While a proper diet will not suffice by itself it can help you to lose cellulite on butt faster.

Another reason why you can’t lose cellulite on butt is because your metabolism starts to change.

Once you reach your 20s and 30s, all those chemicals you’ve been eating for years begin to add up. They are damaging to your body and store butt fat.

They create toxins and cellulite on butt which make your energy go crashing.

One of the biggest mistakes women make when they try to lose cellulite on butt is that they do the same sports they did in high school.

Here’s a quick exercise you can do to lose cellulite on butt and get that nice, sexy, toned butt muscle that’s going to give you your high school butt back:

Just coming down onto the floor, place your hands underneath your elbows.

Place your knees underneath your hips, lift one leg and put footprints on the ceiling.

Now, make sure you’re really targeting in to your butt muscle.
Feel the butt contract every time you lift your leg up. This is isolating that butt muscle and you can feel it working.

The KEY is to keep the contraction in the butt muscle so you get the most from this exercise in the no time.

This is going to help you lose cellulite on butt and give you that nice, toned, round, lifted butt like you had in high school.

In fact, it’s going to be even better than what you had in high school because now you know the key to get a great butt is to target that butt muscle.

So, that was just one quick exercise… I’ve got lots more on how you can get the best butt of your life.

You can also watch this video and another video to learn about how to lose cellulite on butt.

Follow these tips to feel confident wearing short shorts, short skirts, and even a bikini in public without being embarrassed of your cellulite.

Feel confident and sexy and have the confidence to go after all your dreams in life.

Remember, it’s not vain. You deserve a great butt and I want to help you get it.

By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How to Get Tighter and Firmer Hips In No Time?

Are you looking for some ideas to get tighter and firmer hips?

If you do, this is a Video HERE for you to learn how to get tighter and firmer hips

Are you ready to get tighter and firmer hips in just 2 minutes? Great! Just grab a smartphone or a timer… or you can follow along with the timer on the screen.

The 1st exercise to get tighter and firmer hips is called “Clamshells.”
It’s a really fun move that leans your thighs and your hips all in one powerful move. These moves tone the inner and outer thigh while shrinking the fat cells on your hips. I do these often, and it’s my “go-to” move for slipping into my tight skinny jeans.

Now remember, you’re not just moving… you’re also squeezing. These moves strengthen all parts of your outer thighs, hips, butt and even your lower back, which supports your butt!

Remember to breathe every time you crunch down, and act like you are squishing a watermelon between your thighs.

These moves also lengthen the side hip muscles, which makes you much more flexible and limber. This is very important so you do not injure yourself when you begin doing more advanced moves. You know you are doing it right when you feel stretching and tension. Note, make sure this does not hurt. This should feel enjoyable. Don’t give up! You will see results in no time.

Think about how great you’re going to feel when you slip on your skinny jeans, or…

That little black dress that’s waiting for you in your closet (you know the one). Think about how proud you will be of what you have accomplished.
Keep practicing this, and you’re going to get firmer hips in only a few minutes a day.

Plus you can do this exercise anytime, anywhere…
If you want to keep going, if you want to go further, just do this exercise sequence 3 days a week and watch how your hips get firmer and tighter.
By Andrea Albright, she is an exercise specialist, fitness and weight loss expert and creator of the My Bikini Butt program. This is a step-by-step guide for losing weight while shaping and toning the lower body trouble areas like your legs, butt, hips and thighs.

This program can significantly reduce cellulite and is designed to work in just 28 days without starvation diets, giving up your favourite foods, or killing yourself at the gym.

To find out more about this program, click on My Bikini Butt

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