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Friday, September 7, 2018

Why You Need to be frightened about Oxidized Cholesterol?

You’ve probably heard about the so called good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL), and that you should boost the good and cut down on the bad. But a new study reveals a third type of cholesterol – oxidized cholesterol, more dangerous than anything you’ve ever heard about before.

Oxidized Cholesterol - The Deadliest Type of Cholesterol You’ve Never Heard About

You’ve probably heard about the so called good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL), and that you should boost the good and cut down on the bad.

But a new study reveals a third type of cholesterol, more dangerous than anything you’ve ever heard about before.

This will turn previous dietary advice on its head.

Cholesterol is a waxy compound that circulates through your bloodstream and that is an essential ingredient of cell membranes and steroid hormones. As such, it is an essential substance, without which you would die.

But most scientists traditionally believe that animal products contain too much cholesterol, and that excessive consumption clogs your arteries.

That is why your doctor tells you to cut back on red meat and dairy products.

A new scientific movement has now arisen that argues that it is not cholesterol, but oxidized cholesterol, that clogs arteries and causes atherosclerosis.

Oxidation is the chemical reaction that takes place when something mixes with oxygen. Oxidized cholesterol is, accordingly, cholesterol that has come into contact with oxygen during the extraction, processing, or cooking of our food.

Cholesterol appears in large quantities in animal products, but plants also make a form of cholesterol called phytosterols. This means that we should be wary of both animal and oily plant-based products that have undergone enough processing and cooking to introduce oxygen.

Just think of how your vegetable oil is made. Most vegetable oils are extracted either via pressing or crushing products with a roller (virgin oils), or through the use of a petroleum solvent, normally after heating the oils first. Both these processes expose the seeds and vegetables to oxygen, in the press and during the heating.

In fact, vegetable oils are often boiled further to remove impurities, usually by making steam (oxygen) bubble through them to carry the impurities out of them. This means that vegetable oils contain plenty of oxidized cholesterol, even before you heat them again in your own kitchen.

This could be why a 2012 study in the European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (EJLST) found milk powder and UHT milk has substantially more oxidized cholesterol than fresh milk.

Several studies have demonstrated that egg powders contain more of it than fresh eggs (before you cook them, anyway), and why fermented products have extreme levels of oxidized cholesterol, according to EJLST in 2010. The more it is processed in air and with heat, the worse it gets.

So how does oxidized cholesterol cause atherosclerosis and what is the evidence for this claim?

Numerous scientists, such as Dr J.L. Witztum and Dr D. Steinberg, have performed countless studies in which they engineered oxidized cholesterol plaque in arteries and photographed it.

Up to this point, the exact mechanism has not been fully understood. The cells that line your arteries identify the oxidized cholesterol as a threat. They become inflamed as a warning to your immune system that this cholesterol needs to be removed.

Your immune system then sends cells to absorb the oxidized cholesterol, but once they absorb all this fat, they become trapped in the linings of your arteries and die there, smearing the fatty stuff they have just absorbed all over the place. Oops.

What can you eat? At this stage unprocessed nuts, seeds, whole grains, and vegetables are probably the healthiest sources of oil.

The more research scientists carry out on oxidized cholesterol in food, the better the guidelines will become on what we should and should not eat.

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program created by Scott Davis. He once suffered from High Cholesterol so much that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication.

The program is highly focused on eliminating one simple ingredient you consume every single day, an ingredient you had no idea you were even putting it your body.  What’s scary is that this ingredient isn’t even listed on the label of many common food choices. It’s terrifying stuff! So, this system starts you off with valuable information about this one simple ingredient, what it’s doing to your body and what you can do about it. But it doesn’t end there.

The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy goes on to teach you a wide range of diet, fitness, lifestyle, exercise, sleep and eating tips that will help you maximize your results. More importantly, these tips will help completely clean out any plaque build-up in your arteries.

To find out more about this program, go to How to Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Level.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

3 Powerful Ways to Dissolve Blood Clots

There is an abundance of prescription blood thinner drugs available meant to dissolve blood clots and prevent stroke and heart attack. But despite the attracting advertising, the fact is that the side effects of these drugs are extremely dangerous. Nature has, however, held a safe, inexpensive, and natural key to clot-busting all along. Here are 3 powerful ways you can use to dissolve blood clots

3 Powerful Foods That Dissolve Blood Clots

There is an abundance of prescription blood thinner drugs available meant to dissolve blood clots and prevent stroke and heart attack.

But despite the attracting advertising, the fact is that the side effects of these drugs are extremely dangerous.

Nature has, however, held a safe, inexpensive, and natural key to clot-busting all along.

Today we will look at the three best foods for thinning blood and dissolving blood clots that have been used by cultures all over the world for centuries.

And the best part is, they cause no side effects!

Dissolve Blood Clots Method #1 - Papaya and pineapple

These acidic fruits that are found in tropical regions are the key producers of an enzyme called bromelain. This protein-digester has been shown to be effective in reducing high blood pressure, improving cholesterol, and driving out inflammation.

It’s effectiveness in clot-busting, though, is believed to be due to its ability to eliminate the fibrin in blood clots. This is because bromelain stimulates fibrin’s natural enemy, plasmin. It also seems to inhibit platelets from adhering although the reason why is still unknown.

Dissolve Blood Clots Method #2 - Natto 

There are a lot of people who are generally turned off by this slimy, soybean-based food. Mostly because of its very pungent odor and gooey texture. However, it’s been a staple of Japanese cuisine for many generations.

The fermented soybean dish has its own enzyme- nattokinase- which has been shown to be not only effective in dissolving existing clots but also in preventing new ones from forming. This should be reason enough to give the goopy dish another chance, or to at least try it if you’ve never had it.

Dissolve Blood Clots Method #3 - Apple 

This fruit doesn’t directly dissolve clots like the other two foods on this list, but it is here because of a compound unique to apples that indirectly keeps clots in check. Apple contains quercetin-3-rutinoside, or rutin for short, which has been found in clinical studies to inhibit the formation of fibrinogen, which is a precursor to fibrin.

Fibrin is a critical element in the formation of clots. Studies in mice also indicate that rutin has anti-thrombotic properties as well, which are helpful in preventing DVT, or deep vein thrombosis. These clots form in the lower leg and once they break free can travel to the lungs, causing pulmonary thrombosis, which can be deadly if not treated.

But a blood clot is not the only cause of stroke and heart attack.

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program created by Scott Davis. He once suffered from High Cholesterol so much that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication.

The program is highly focused on eliminating one simple ingredient you consume every single day, an ingredient you had no idea you were even putting it your body.  What’s scary is that this ingredient isn’t even listed on the label of many common food choices. It’s terrifying stuff! So, this system starts you off with valuable information about this one simple ingredient, what it’s doing to your body and what you can do about it. But it doesn’t end there.

The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy goes on to teach you a wide range of diet, fitness, lifestyle, exercise, sleep and eating tips that will help you maximize your results. More importantly, these tips will help completely clean out any plaque build-up in your arteries.

To find out more about this program, go to How to Achieve Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Level.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

9 Best Ways to Absolutely Fight Chronic Inflammation

9 Foods That Fight Chronic Inflammation

The majority of serious progressive diseases hassling the Western world are in one way or another caused by chronic inflammation. This includes arthritis, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and more.

The good news is that it’s relatively easy to manage chronic inflammation just through diet and small lifestyle changes. And when inflammation is dealt with, it reverses the progressive illnesses caused by it.

Fight Chronic Inflammation Method 1 - Fatty fish 

Salmon, tuna, mackerel and sardines are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation. A 2009 study proved that eating baked or boiled fatty fish cuts down the risk of developing heart disease by 23 percent. If you don’t like eating fish, consider taking fish oil supplements.

Fight Chronic Inflammation Method 2 - Whole grains 

They are a good source of fiber and are low in sugar and are ideal for reducing inflammation. In fact, at the molecular level, fibers help reduce the levels of C-reactive proteins. (C-reactive proteins are agents that stimulate inflammation.)

Fight Chronic Inflammation Method 3 - Green leafy vegetables 

Spinach, kale, collard greens and broccoli are already praised for their health benefits. The high Vitamin E content in them helps protect the body from inflammation-causing substances like cytokines. They are also rich in other vitamins as well as minerals and are highly recommended.

Fight Chronic Inflammation Method 4 - Nuts 

Nuts, especially almonds and walnuts, are packed full of antioxidants that help reduce inflammation. Almonds contain high levels of Vitamin E, calcium and fiber, while walnuts are rich in a type of omega-3 fatty acid called alpha linolenic acid. The antioxidants in nuts are useful for repairing any damage in the body caused by inflammation.

Fight Chronic Inflammation Method 5 - Soy 

Soy and soy products are a rich source of isoflavones, which lower the levels of C-reactive proteins in the body and thus reduce the chances of inflammation.

Avoid processed soy as the additives and preservatives in it will destroy the benefits. Consume tofu, soy milk and edamame (boiled soya beans), for maximum benefits. Just make sure you choose organic, non GMO soy products.

Fight Chronic Inflammation Method 6 - Beetroot 

Beetroots are packed full of fiber, Vitamin C and antioxidants and are known for its blood pressure-lowering properties as well as reducing inflammation.

Fight Chronic Inflammation Method 7 - Onion 

Onions are not just remarkably great at boosting the flavor of food, it is also very good for keeping inflammation at bay. Onions contain several anti-inflammatory substances like quercetin and allicin that break down to form sulfenic acid that, in turn, fight free radicals.

Fight Chronic Inflammation Method 8 - Garlic 

It might have a strong smell, but that’s no reason to stay away from this healthy vegetable! Garlic has many compounds that work in the same way as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and shuts down the inflammation molecular pathway.

Fight Chronic Inflammation Method 9 - Berries 

Almost all types of berries are good for fighting inflammation, especially the bright red-colored berries like raspberries and strawberries which contain anti-inflammatory compounds called anthocyanin.

Raspberry extract has been shown to prevent arthritis in animals, while blueberries prevent intestinal inflammation and ulcerative colitis.

The two major diseases proven to be caused by inflammation are arthritis and type 2 diabetes.

Watch these 2 Videos –

For more information on specific foods and lifestyle changes to tackle each one, click the link below:

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program created by Scott Davis. He once suffered from High Cholesterol so much that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication.

The program is highly focused on eliminating one simple ingredient you consume every single day, an ingredient you had no idea you were even putting it your body.  What’s scary is that this ingredient isn’t even listed on the label of many common food choices. It’s terrifying stuff! So, this system starts you off with valuable information about this one simple ingredient, what it’s doing to your body and what you can do about it. But it doesn’t end there.

The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy goes on to teach you a wide range of diet, fitness, lifestyle, exercise, sleep and eating tips that will help you maximize your results. More importantly, these tips will help completely clean out any plaque build-up in your arteries.

To find out more about this program, go to How to Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Level.

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Friday, August 31, 2018

What You Need to Know the Ugly Truth on Cholesterol Drugs

The most common cholesterol drugs prescribed by doctors to lower cholesterol is statin. These are powerful cholesterol drugs with severe, common side effects. Such as muscle pain, ED, sleep disturbance, and cognitive impairment.

Why Honest Doctors Hide Cholesterol Drugs Side Effects

The most common cholesterol drugs prescribed by doctors to lower cholesterol is statin.

These are powerful cholesterol drugs with severe, common side effects. Such as muscle pain, ED, sleep disturbance, and cognitive impairment.

More serious are life-threatening muscle damage, liver damage, kidney failure and death.

A new study reveals that most honest, well-meaning doctors don’t inform their patients about how dangerous these cholesterol drugs are.

But their hiding is because of a different reason than you’d think.

British and Swedish scientists recently decided to examine whether people’s expectations of side effects influence their perception of the side effects.

In other words, are the side effects created by the cholesterol drugs, or by the user’s expectations that they will suffer from side effects? They published the study in the journal The Lancet.

They constructed the study with two phases:

In the first phase, more than 10,000 people at risk of high cholesterol, with an average age of 61, were divided into two groups: the first group took a statin and the second a placebo (fake treatment). Neither the patients nor the doctors knew which people were taking the drugs and which were taking the placebos.

In the second phase, 9,899 patients were given the choice of whether they preferred to take statins or not. Both doctors and patients obviously knew who took statins and who didn’t.

In the first phase, which lasted three years, similar percentages of both the statin-takers and placebo-takers complained of muscle pain and erectile dysfunction.

In the second phase, lasting two years, there were 41 percent more complaints of muscle pain among the statin-takers than among the non-takers.

What the study suggests is that it is your expectation of pain and erectile dysfunction that causes the pain and erectile dysfunction, not the drug that causes them.

That is why doctors may want to hide side effects from you. They want you to take the drugs without expecting side effects and thereby experiencing the side effects.

The main researcher suggests that the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency in the United Kingdom should drop its requirement that these side effects be listed on the labels, which would leave you with no information on which to base your own decisions.

I think however this shows even more clearly how flawed scientific studies can be.

The fact is that the majority of men over 55 (the same age as would take statins) experience some level of erectile dysfunction. And who hasn’t felt muscle pain from time to time.

I think the main reason people brought it up more when they took the drugs and knew about the possibilities of side effects was that they believed something could be done about it. That is “get me off those horrible drugs”.

Another thing is that people in the second phase had a choice if they would take a drug or not. Obviously it’s a different type of person who chooses to say no to a pharmaceutical than those who gulp it up and ask for more.

They tend to take life in their own hands and live a healthier lifestyle, and are therefore less likely to suffer lifestyle-based diseases such as muscle pain and erectile dysfunction.

And maybe most of all: Pfizer, the large drug manufacturer funded the study. Although the researchers insist that the company did not participate in, or interfere with, the research, we must assume they were somewhat leaning towards their funder’s views. Having side effect labels removed is obviously something that would thrill drug companies.

Watch these 2 Videos-

Now if you’re suffering erectile dysfunction, know it’s not a life sentence. Thousands of men have reversed their condition using nothing but the simple exercises found here…

And if you’ve high cholesterol and don’t want to suffer the side effect of statins, learn how cutting out ONE single ingredient will bring your cholesterol level down to normal within a month…

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program created by Scott Davis. He once suffered from High Cholesterol so much that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication.

The program is highly focused on eliminating one simple ingredient you consume every single day, an ingredient you had no idea you were even putting it your body.  What’s scary is that this ingredient isn’t even listed on the label of many common food choices. It’s terrifying stuff! So, this system starts you off with valuable information about this one simple ingredient, what it’s doing to your body and what you can do about it. But it doesn’t end there.

The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy goes on to teach you a wide range of diet, fitness, lifestyle, exercise, sleep and eating tips that will help you maximize your results. More importantly, these tips will help completely clean out any plaque build-up in your arteries.

To find out more about this program, go to How to Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Level.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

10 Delicious Ways to Absolutely Reduce Bad Cholesterol

If you’ve been struggling with lowering your cholesterol level, you’re probably pretty fed up with all the things that you can NOT eat. But how about what you can and should eat that will slash your cholesterol? In today’s post, we’ll reveal 10 delicious types of food that will immediately reduce bad cholesterol and protect your heart.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

10 Delicious Foods That Slash Bad Cholesterol

If you’ve been struggling with lowering your cholesterol level, you’re probably pretty fed up with all the things that you can NOT eat.

But how about what you can and should eat that will slash your cholesterol?

In today’s post, we’ll reveal 10 delicious types of food that immediately help normalize your cholesterol and protect your heart.

Reduce Bad Cholesterol Food #1- Avocado

With plenty of anti-inflammatory monounsaturated fat, a study in the Archives of Medical Research published in 1996 shows that it can cut your LDL cholesterol by 22 percent, your blood fat content by 22 percent, and increase your good cholesterol (HDL) by 11 percent.

Reduce Bad Cholesterol Food #2 - Beans, peas, chickpeas, or lentils. 

According to a systematic scientific review in a 2014 edition of the Canadian Medical Association Journal, beans, peas, chickpeas or lentils can reduce your bad cholesterol by five or more percent if you eat one serving per day.

Reduce Bad Cholesterol Food #3 - Oily fish like salmon, tuna, anchovies, and mackerel, 

Oily fish like salmon, tuna, anchovies, and mackerel, because of their high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, these fish are major cholesterol killers and are even recommended by the American Heart Association as effective when eaten twice or three times per week.

Reduce Bad Cholesterol Food #4 - Paprika, red or cayenne pepper, fresh Basil, kale, spinach, 

Paprika, red or cayenne pepper, fresh Basil, kale, spinach, and other dark leafy greens can lower your cholesterol by preventing plaque from forming in your blood vessels and by preventing it from oxidizing. They can do so because they contain the powerful antioxidant lutein, according to a recent study in the Journal of Nutrition.

Reduce Bad Cholesterol Food #5 - Green tea.

Green tea, according to a literature review in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, can significantly lower your blood fat content by 7.2 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter) and your LDL cholesterol by 2.19 mg/dL. This is also due to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant chemicals.

Reduce Bad Cholesterol Food #6 - Cocoa powder and dark chocolate 

Cocoa powder and dark chocolate because of the antioxidant chemicals they contain, are great at lowering LDL and increasing HDL cholesterol, according to a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Reduce Bad Cholesterol Food #7 - Oranges, lemons, clementines, grapefruit, 

Oranges, lemons, clementines, grapefruit, and all other citrus fruits contain pectin, a substance that can reduce cholesterol by up to 10 percent, according to a study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Reduce Bad Cholesterol Food #8 - Nuts 

Nuts are great at cutting cholesterol because of their monounsaturated fat, vitamin E, and fiber. A Journal of the American College of Nutrition study backs the use of almonds, while a Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism study supports the power of Brazil nuts, and an American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study backs walnuts. Just one small handful per day is enough to bring about big changes.

Reduce Bad Cholesterol Food #9 - Oats 

Oats is a cholesterol lowering superfood and it is so quick to make for a hearty breakfast. A study in Nutrition Reviews shows that oats can lower your cholesterol by up to seven percent because of the fiber and glucan it contains.

Reduce Bad Cholesterol Food #10 Soya

Soya in any form, can reduce your LDLcholesterol, so try some edamame, tofu, and soya milk. According to a literature review in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it can cut your LDL cholesterol by between 2.7 and five percent.

The fact is that you don’t need to cut out most of the food you love to bring yourcholesterol down to a healthy level.

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program created by Scott Davis. He once suffered from High Cholesterol so much that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication.

The program is highly focused on eliminating one simple ingredient you consume every single day, an ingredient you had no idea you were even putting it your body.  What’s scary is that this ingredient isn’t even listed on the label of many common food choices. It’s terrifying stuff! So, this system starts you off with valuable information about this one simple ingredient, what it’s doing to your body and what you can do about it. But it doesn’t end there.

The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy goes on to teach you a wide range of diet, fitness, lifestyle, exercise, sleep and eating tips that will help you maximize your results. More importantly, these tips will help completely clean out any plaque build-up in your arteries.

To find out more about this program, go to How to Maintain Healthy Cholesterol Level.

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