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Monday, December 6, 2021

Cost of Varicose Vein Removal Treatment – What You Need to Know


Varicose Vein Removal Treatment - The three treatments that are commonly offered are Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT), Sclerotherapy and Phlebectomy. When choosing somewhere to have a procedure of this type, it will benefit you to get recommendations, check that the premises is licensed probably and that the people performing the procedure are properly qualified to do the procedure that you are paying for.

Click HERE to Find Out How to Get Rid of Unsightly Varicose Veins Naturally and Permanently

The cost of varicose vein treatment can vary wildly depending on the country that you live in. In the UK certain surgical interventions like Ligation and Stripping and Sclerotherapy can be provided on the NHS from time to time.

This is generally when the patients’ varicose veins are starting to impair their quality of life by causing significant amounts of pain or swelling, limiting the patients’ mobility or because the veins themselves have become unstable and the patient runs the risk of bleeding out from a ruptured or damaged vein.

In this instance, the treatment is a medical procedure rather than a cosmetic one. If you have private health care, your plan may cover medical vein treatment so it is worth checking if you are in a situation where you are experiencing problems.

Commercial cosmetic practitioners over a bewildering array of treatments and when choosing somewhere to have a procedure of this type, it will benefit you to get recommendations, check that the premises is licensed probably and that the people performing the procedure are properly qualified to do the procedure that you are paying for.

The three treatments that are commonly offered are Endovenous Laser Treatment (EVLT), Sclerotherapy and Phlebectomy.

Sclerotherapy is the least expensive treatment available, as this is a tried and tested method of dealing with the condition and for many practitioners is the treatment of choice for minor varicose veins and thread veins.

Costs for this treatment in the UK average somewhere between £150 to £250 for 1-hour treatment and around $200 to $400 in the US, however the number of treatments and the cost will depend on the extent of your varicose veins, how large they are, whether both legs need to be treated, if your problems veins are on an another area of the body and the skill of the medical professional involved.

Endovenous Laser Treatment being a relatively new technique is slightly more expensive, but as the procedure is very quick.

In a lot of cases the veins can be treated in around 30 minutes but again it is feasible that more than one visit may be required to achieve the results that the patient desires and the costs can mount up when laser vein removal can cost from around $500 upwards or £450 per treatment, which can increase dramatically if your varicose veins are extensive or awkward to treat.

Phlebectomy or Ambulatory Phlebectomy is the removal of the damaged vein through tiny incisions in the skin and many patients prefer it as it can deal with an entire problem vein in one visit.

This can be used as an alternative to the more radical surgical treatment of Ligation and Stripping which requires a general anaesthetic and a significant amount of recovery time.

This procedure can be performed with a local anaesthetic as an outpatient procedure and the patient will be mobile again immediately after the surgery though it is recommended that a few days are taken off work afterwards to aid recovery.

With all of these treatments there is a requirement to wear compression hosiery to support the circulation. While this may look like an expensive option at around $1000/£900 per session, the patient is much less likely to require additional treatments to get rid of the problem veins.

Watch this video – Prof Mark Whiteley explains recovery from varicose vein removal treatment

Author Bio:

This post is from the Varicose Veins Secrets program created by Diane Thompson, a medical researcher and consultant who has over 20 years of experience in helping other people deal with their shoulder pain, shoulder stiffness and difficulty sleeping at night.

This program reveals to people secrets to get fresh and youthful-looking skin on their legs. The program also provides people with proven natural healing methods, and alternative herbal remedies that they can use to help them get rid of their varicose veins easily without any medication.

The program also teaches people how to use special aromatherapy technique to help the blood leave the legs and return to the heart, and how to reduce swelling while shrinking the blood vessels near the skin’s surface.

In addition, in this program, you will discover 3 herbal therapies to relieve your pain from your veins, 4 types of common homeopathic remedies to ease the pain and soreness that are worse from touch.

To find out more about this program, click on Varicose Veins Secrets 

Varicose Veins and Knee Pain – How to Stop Varicose Veins Now?


Varicose Veins and Knee Pain – Can varicose veins hurt your knee? Can varicose veins cause swelling knee? How to stop varicose veins now?

Click HERE to Find Out How to Get Rid of Unsightly Varicose Veins Naturally and Permanently

Though many varicose vein sufferers experience little more than unattractive lumps and veins on the legs and other places, in certain circumstances they can experience significant varicose vein pain that makes the legs ache, feel heavy and can also result in swelling at the ankle at the end of the day. The affected leg or area can also feel like it is burning or can trigger muscle spasms during the night.

In the early stages of the condition there are a number of lifestyle changes that you can adopt that may slow down varicose vein development, however if you are pregnant or you have a definite family history of developing varicose veins, there may be limits to what you can achieve.

That said, the varicose veins that appear during pregnancy can often fade after the birth, though after multiple pregnancies they are unfortunately likely to become more permanent.

It is recommended that you eat probably and sensibly, are careful about fat and salt intake (both of which can have a very negative impact on heart and venous health), reduce alcohol, stop smoking and ensure that your diet is rich in vitamin C and E that have proven benefits for the skin and veins.

It is also advised that you try to avoid crossing your legs at the knee as this also has a detrimental effect on the circulation in the legs. You can also manage minor varicose vein pain by taking an over the counter anti-inflammatory painkiller like Ibuprofen or Aspirin that will work on the affected area to bring down any swelling and heat that is being generated. Some people also swear by applying a cold compress to the affected area to bring relief.

If you have the kind of occupation that requires standing or being on foot for extended periods of time and you are being made uncomfortable by your varicose veins, it is advisable to put your feet up for a while to allow the blood to drain away from the affected area, making sure that you raise your feet above the level of your heart. This also works well if you do not have to stand up all day, but it is also not a licence to not move about.

Making sure that you rest your legs and also move about (by going for a short walk for example) is important. While the resting allows for drainage, the walking promotes good circulation and will help maintain fitness and cardiovascular health.

Having stronger muscles can also help ease the pain, as well as helping you maintain a healthy BMI that will lessen the strain on your circulatory system that excess weight causes.

Compression stockings are a commonly prescribed method of easing the discomfort of varicose veins as they help to support the circulation and encourage the blood to flow back towards the heart as it is meant to.

As well as preventing the blood pooling in the varicose vein which gives the sensation of pressure and burning, it also prevents the swelling that can occur at the ankles, generally improving all round leg comfort.

To get more facts about varicose veins and knee pain, watch this video –Varicose Veins Help – Ask Doctor Jo

Author Bio:

This post is from the Varicose Veins Secrets program created by Diane Thompson, a medical researcher and consultant who has over 20 years of experience in helping other people deal with their shoulder pain, shoulder stiffness and difficulty sleeping at night.

This program reveals to people secrets to get fresh and youthful-looking skin on their legs. The program also provides people with proven natural healing methods, and alternative herbal remedies that they can use to help them get rid of their varicose veins easily without any medication.

The program also teaches people how to use special aromatherapy technique to help the blood leave the legs and return to the heart, and how to reduce swelling while shrinking the blood vessels near the skin’s surface.

In addition, in this program, you will discover 3 herbal therapies to relieve your pain from your veins, 4 types of common homeopathic remedies to ease the pain and soreness that are worse from touch.

To find out more about this program, click on Varicose Veins Secrets 

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Treating Varicose Veins Naturally – Compression Stockings for Varicose Veins


Treating varicose veins naturally with the help of compression stockings. The way that compression stocking works is to put pressure on the skin all the way up the leg to effectively squeeze the blood up towards the heart. Although there is significant evidence to support that support stockings provide relief from the discomfort of varicose veins, the evidence is inconclusive as to whether they prevent new ones from appearing.

Click HERE to Find Out How to Get Rid of Unsightly Varicose Veins Naturally and Permanently

There are rather more types of compression stockings for varicose veins available than the traditional image of this rather maligned treatment garment would suggest.

While the traditional image is of tight beige knitted cotton gradually wrinkling at the ankles, there are now a wide range of highly supportive stockings and tights available in a variety of colours that might actually lead the casual observer to believe that you are not actually wearing compression garments at all.

While this obviously is not as obvious an issue for men, there are still a decent range of good, effective products available that will still deliver the relief and comfort that you need.

The way that compression stocking works is to put pressure on the skin all the way up the leg to effectively squeeze the blood up towards the heart. In someone without varicose veins, the venous valves work to prevent blood from flowing backwards however with a varicose vein the blood leaks back through the damaged valve, obeying gravity, to pool in the vein and cause the stretching that makes the vein show from beneath the skin.

Although there is significant evidence to support that support stockings provide relief from the discomfort of varicose veins, the evidence is inconclusive as to whether they prevent new ones from appearing.

That said, the evidence may also be inconclusive because people are not quite as disciplined about wearing them at all times as they could be as they can be uncomfortable, (particularly when the weather is warm) and can make the skin on your legs dry. If this happens, it is advised that you apply a moisturiser or emollient cream before bed after taking the stockings off.

While the compression stockings that you receive from your doctor or specialist may be rather utilitarian in nature, if you wish to, there are a lot of decent products out there that do not look overtly medical.

It is usual for Compression stockings for varicose veins to be prescribed in either a light or medium level of compression and with different lengths and foot styles available, you can more often than not, find the fit that is best and most comfortable for you.

There are also compression tights available that come in a variety of colours, sizes and finishes and there are a number of places on-line where you can purchase these products.

Compression stockings need to be put on from the moment that the patient gets until just before they go to bed as they need to worn at all times, as well as being worn in the correct manner to ensure that maximum benefit is derived from wearing them.

Because the amount of compression varies over the length of the stocking, it is important to make sure that they are pulled up properly and that each part of the leg is compressed where it should be.

If they are not worn properly, the stocking may either dig in or fall down. Custom made varicose vein compression stockings are also available and these can be very helpful for people who find the standard ones uncomfortable to wear, however this will require the patient to be measured, preferably in the morning, before any swelling can occur that may skew the fit of the garment.

Want to get more ideas for treating varicose veins naturally? Watch this video –

Medical Center: Compression Hose For Varicose Veins | VeinCenter Manhattan 10016

Prevent Varicose Veins & Spider Veins – Ask Doctor Jo

Author Bio:

This post is from the Varicose Veins Secrets program created by Diane Thompson, a medical researcher and consultant who has over 20 years of experience in helping other people deal with their shoulder pain, shoulder stiffness and difficulty sleeping at night.

This program reveals to people secrets to get fresh and youthful-looking skin on their legs. The program also provides people with proven natural healing methods, and alternative herbal remedies that they can use to help them get rid of their varicose veins easily without any medication.

The program also teaches people how to use special aromatherapy technique to help the blood leave the legs and return to the heart, and how to reduce swelling while shrinking the blood vessels near the skin’s surface.

In addition, in this program, you will discover 3 herbal therapies to relieve your pain from your veins, 4 types of common homeopathic remedies to ease the pain and soreness that are worse from touch.

To find out more about this program, click on Varicose Veins Secrets 

How to Eliminate IBS Symptoms by Healing Your Leaky Gut?


How to Eliminate IBS Symptoms by Healing Your Leaky Gut? Read on to find out about Karen Brimeyer’s Leaky Gut Cure Program to help you in regaining your digestive health.

Click Here to Find Out How to Naturally and Permanently Cure Leaky Gut Syndrome

Leaky Gut Blamed for Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Two of the largest ever inflammatory bowel disease studies were recently conducted. The good news is that the results are the first to show conclusive evidence that leaky gut is the prime contributing factor of the disease. The bad news is that they are still clueless as to how to correct the problem and heal the gut.

Before we get into the results of the study, first let me give you a little background on inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)IBD is a blanket disease term that encompasses all autoimmune related inflammatory conditions within the digestive tract.

There are two main types of this disease, Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease. But, the prevalence of others, such as Celiac’s Disease, are rapidly rising. Statistics show that IBD affects 1 in 250 people making it a serious condition that deserves some serious attention.

Symptoms include: abdominal pain, bloating and distention, passing mucus, persistent diarrhea, loss of appetite, and rectal bleeding.

Both studies were conducted in the UK and were looking for genetic links to IBD and were published today in the journal Nature Genetics.

Study 1

The first study discovered 3 genes amongst the inflammatory bowel disease study group that lead directly to the development of leaky gut by impairing the ability of intestinal lining to maintain tight gap junctions between cells. These large gap junctions are actually what create the increased intestinal permeability and allow the unwanted toxins, pathogens, and undigested food particles to directly enter the blood stream.

This is huge for the recognition of leaky gut considering that conventional medicine has yet to fully recognize its existence. But unfortunately, it’s going to take a lot more than one study to gain much ground.

Here are some encouraging words from Professor Chris Mathew, from King’s College London who worked on the study:

“This is very significant as most treatments to date are based on damping down immune response.

“In fact, our data suggests there may be mileage in trying to tighten up the mucosal barrier as well.”

It appears that they might be starting to think outside the box and figure out how to correct the root of the problem instead of just masking the symptoms with immune suppressant drugs. Maybe it just makes too much sense to remove the sources of inflammation instead?

But I can already tell you that there is a ton of mileage in gut healing because it has been going on with great success in the alternative health community for years now.

Study 2

The second study was more specifically looking at inflammatory bowel disease found in children. This study discovered 5 genes linked to autoimmune activation within the children. But the important result of this study was that they found similarities in genes associated with adult IBD. This proves that the inflammatory bowel disease found in children is the same as that of adults.

In other words, IBD is IBD no matter how you slice it. That means that if your child has IBD then they can and will benefit from healing leaky gut just the same as any adult.

Hopefully, these studies will promote further studies in the area of leaky gut and exposure will continue to rise. But things move extremely slowly in our upward causal oriented medical community.

Unfortunately, we’re stuck having to look at our genes for answers to questions that could be much more easily answered from the opposite perspective.

And that is exactly why leaky gut and inflammatory bowel disease have been treated for years in the alternative health community whereas conventional medicine is struggling to even know where to look.

Still want to eliminate IBS symptoms by healing your leaky gut? Watch this video –  10 Strategies to Eliminate IBS and Create Good Gut Health

Author Bio:

Karen Brimeyer is a nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner, and health consultant. She has helped over a hundred personal clients heal their leaky gut, digestive problems, lose weight, and resolve their chronic symptoms and conditions.

She is the owner of Optimal Self-Healing in Tampa Bay Florida, a private nutrition and health consultation business and author of the Leaky Gut Cure program.

Karen has worked with a wide variety of populations from new moms to athletes overcome their health problems and achieve optimal health.

Karen found her passion for nutrition as a teenager. While striving to achieve optimal health by following the widely accepted diet and nutrition tips of the media and conventional medicine, she found her own health declining rapidly with the development leaky gut which led to digestive problems and chronic fatigue.

Unwilling to accept her situation, she set out to determine the truth about health which led her through her own research as well as studying and working with some of the best holistic doctors and holistic practitioners in the fields of nutrition, functional medicine, and life coaching.

She has since applied her knowledge with herself to overcome her own leaky gut and achieve an unprecedented level of health and wellbeing. Her happy and healthy pregnancy and now two-year old son, TJ, are a testament to the health she has achieved.

To find out more about this program, click on Leaky Gut Cure

How to Manage or Even Reverse Dementia Symptoms Naturally?


Manage or Even Reverse Dementia Symptoms Naturally - Memory exercises and aids also help in the treatment of dementia. To benefit from these exercises, ensure that they are done under the guidance of an expert. To treat dementia effectively, focus should also be given on the things that dementia patients need to avoid. One such thing is aluminum. Dementia patients should only consume food that is free from aluminum. Also, avoid using aluminum utensils and aluminum foils.

Click Here for Help with Alzheimer’s, Other Types of Dementia and General Memory Loss

Manage or Even Reverse Dementia Symptoms Naturally – A Serious Health Hazard for Dementia Sufferers’ Caregivers

Here at Blue Heron Health News, we spend a lot of time talking about diseases, their treatments, their causes, and their consequences for disease sufferers.

But it is not often that researchers study the effects of disease on the people taking care of disease-sufferers, something that has now been done in the Journal BMC Geriatrics.

And this new study reveals very concerning health hazards for those caring for a spouse suffering dementia.

A team of Australian scientists was specifically interested in the sleep quality of those who cared for people with dementia, as well as the psychological effects of this caregiving and sleep deprivation.

They recruited 104 primary, informal caregivers of dementia sufferers by consulting Alzheimer’s Australia and Dementia Australia, and by running social media advertising.

They asked the caregivers to complete three questionnaires: a questionnaire to collect their social demographic characteristics, the popular DASS-21 Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale, and the commonly used PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index).

They found that their participants had been caring for dementia sufferers for an average of 4.8 years, with 76 percent of these caregivers being female.

Ninety-four percent of the participants reported being poor sleepers, with 84 percent complaining that they struggled to fall asleep and 72 percent complaining that they struggled to remain asleep for long enough.

Stop for a moment and think of 94 percent. That is a staggeringly high percentage to suffer from some level of insomnia, most certainly very much higher than in the general population.

Unsurprisingly, stress turned out to be the strongest predictor of poor sleep quality, but depression and anxiety disorders was not far behind.

Forty-four percent of the caregivers reported having been diagnosed with two or more chronic conditions like cardiovascular diseasearthritis, or type 2 diabetes.

Many of the participants reported struggling with depression, anxiety disorders, and stress, with significant levels of psychological distress registered.

Depression was a moderate predictor of poor daytime functioning.

This poses a huge problem for relatives of dementia sufferers, as few families want to put their elderly relatives away in long-term care facilities. But the psychological distress, poor sleep, and health problems can also be a problem when these interfere with their ability to take care of their elderly relatives.

Manage or Even Reverse Dementia Symptoms Naturally – Now if you’re suffering dementia or caring for someone suffering dementia, you’ll want to take the simple steps explained here to manage this condition

And if you, like 94% of those in the study, have a problem sleeping, use this simple sleeping trick to fall asleep in 10 minutes

Manage or Even Reverse Dementia Symptoms Naturally – Gingko Biloba Helps Dementia Patients

Dementia is a condition of progressive deterioration in cognitive function. As dementia is a progressive condition, the condition of the patients deteriorates with each passing day. As of now, there is no cure for this disease.

Gingko Biloba is a natural herb that helps dementia patients by improving their memory. However, various studies conducted so far to determine the efficacy of various herbs in controlling diseases like dementia have produced contradictory results.

Studies that support Gingko Biloba’s claim

Dr. Joe Mercola in 2002 reviewed 33 clinical trials that were conducted by the researchers at Cochrane Collaboration, and stated that Gingko Biloba, along with various dietary supplements, can help in bettering the memory of dementia patients.

Another independent study conducted in Austria to determine the efficacy of Gingko Biloba has reported positive results. In this study, ten double blind clinical trials were picked randomly and reviewed. The study reported that at the very least, the herb was as effective as conventional medicines used to treat dementia.

Study that contradicts the Gingko Biloba claim

The results of a study conducted in the University of Pittsburg were recently published by the American Medical Association journal. In this study, Gingko Biloba was given twice a day to 3000 elderly patients for 6 years between 2000 and 2008.

The report said the researches were unable to find evidence that supported the claim made by many other researches that the herb helps in improving cognitive and memory functions of dementia patients.

More people are adopting a holistic approach

The war between those who support natural remedies and those who advocate the use of allopathic medicines to treat progressive diseases such as dementia is never-ending. But the fact remains that more people today are either using natural remedies in conjunction with conventional treatments, or adopting a complete holistic approach to battle degenerative diseases.

Click Here for Help in Learning How to Manage or Even Reverse Dementia Symptoms Naturally

Manage or Even Reverse Dementia Symptoms Naturally – Naturopaths Believe Dementia Is Reversible

Dementia is a health condition that is irreversible. Well, this is how most people view this disease, which is a progressive mental disorder. However, there are others who believe differently and know this condition can be reversed using natural remedies.

One of the most important aspects in managing dementia is diet management.

However, the right diet cannot be created without an expert’s help, so seek the services of a reliable dietician to chart out the right diet plan.

Research shows that gas appliances expedite dementia. If someone in your family is a dementia patient, it will be best to replace gas appliances and remove all fossil fuel heating systems.

Dementia studies show that by using supplements, the progress of this dreaded disease can be slowed. Lecithin is a supplement that helps in clearing the arteries and boosts oxygen supply to the brain. Other supplements that have been found to be beneficial are Acetyl-L-carnitine and DMAE.

Natural herbs are also available and help in the treatment of dementia. The names of a few such natural herbs are: CQ10, gingko biloba, and grape seed. Diets of dementia patients should include olive leaf, olive oil, and turmeric – all of these are good for the mind.

Other natural remedies include applying the solution of nigella seeds on the dementia patients’ stomach and liver area. To prepare the solution, first take a tablespoon of vinegar and heat the nigella seed in it, and then let it cool.

To benefit from this remedy, apply the solution daily and leave it overnight on the patients’ stomach and liver area. Dementia patients should also get a fair share of sun daily, so that Vitamin D is sufficiently produced in their bodies. Vitamin D, as experts point, is good for memory.

Memory exercises and aids also help in the treatment of dementia. To benefit from these exercises, ensure that they are done under the guidance of an expert.

To treat dementia effectively, focus should also be given on the things that dementia patients need to avoid. One such thing is aluminum. Dementia patients should only consume food that is free from aluminum. Also, avoid using aluminum utensils and aluminum foils.

For more ideas to manage or even reverse dementia symptoms naturally, watch this video – How to Improve & Reverse Memory Loss, Science Based Home Remedies (Includes Dementia Alzheimers)

Click Here for Help in Learning How to Manage or Even Reverse Dementia Symptoms Naturally

This post is from the Brain Booster Exercise Program created for the purpose of helping to reverse Alzheimer’s, boost memory. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top-quality national health information websites.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to slow down, prevent, or even reverse memory loss and boost your brain with energy and power. These exercises work to deliver as much nutrition and oxygen to your starving brain as possible and begin the restoring of the damaged brain cells.

To find out more about this program, click on Simplest Cure for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

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