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Showing posts with label provide relief from the discomfort of varicose veins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label provide relief from the discomfort of varicose veins. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Alternative Treatments for Varicose Veins to Improve Blood Flow


Many of the alternative treatments for varicose veins involve working with the body to improve circulation. The benefits of improving the circulation when you have varicose veins are that it actively prevents blood from pooling in the area of a faulty venous valve, thus ensuring that your veins do not become even more stretched than they are already and give the area the opportunity for some natural repair to take place.

Click HERE to Find Out How to Get Rid of Unsightly Varicose Veins Naturally and Permanently

Many of the alternative treatments for varicose veins involve working with the body to improve circulation. The benefits of improving the circulation when you have varicose veins are that it actively prevents blood from pooling in the area of a faulty venous valve, thus ensuring that your veins do not become even more stretched than they are already and give the area the opportunity for some natural repair to take place.

Aromatherapy massages are a very pleasant and effective way of helping to improve leg circulation and providing relief from the discomfort of varicose veins.

The massage practitioner will massage the legs, using a combination of rosemary, cypress and other oils that are suitable for your skin type and condition, working upwards towards the heart while avoiding the varicose veins themselves. This approach has some major benefits particularly when your affected veins causes muscle cramps and spasms.

Yoga can be an effective treatment that provides significant relief from the symptoms of varicose veins because there are a number of postures or sutras that are ideal for improving the circulation and strengthening the body to make it work more efficiently.

Postures that involve raising the feet above the heart, i.e. shoulder stands, allow the blood to drain from the legs towards the heart taking any unnecessary pressure off your leg veins.

There is also evidence to suggest the deep breathing involved in yoga helps to oxygenate the blood. If you wish to try yoga out, attend a class if you can as a good yoga teacher will have an awareness of the best postures for your level of physical fitness and health and will be able to guide you appropriately. If that is not possible, there are an abundance of yoga resources available but be careful not attempt postures that are too difficult for you.

Applying a cold compress to the affected area can provide almost instantaneous relief from discomfort and astringents like apple cider vinegar or witch hazel can also be added to the compresses to reduce the swelling. Hydrotherapy can also be a useful way of treating your varicose veins.

This involves alternating hot and cold baths of the affected limb to improve the circulation. The patient needs to hold the leg in the hot water for 3 minutes then placing it in the cold water for three minutes and swapping between the two.

It is very important to note however that diabetics should only use warm water, rather than hot water in order to prevent burns and skin problems. This needs to be repeated daily for about a month in order to obtain maximum benefit.

Adapting your diet can have a positive effect on varicose veins for a variety of reasons. It is recommended that you follow a high fibre diet as it acts as a stool softener. This is of benefit because straining can put additional pressure on the circulation which may cause varicose veins to form or get worse, not to mention running the risk of haemorrhoids.

There is also a large amount of evidence to support adding plenty of dark berry fruits into your diet. These include cherries, black currants and blackberries in either whole or juice form as the bioflavonoids work to strengthen the veins and capillaries as does the high levels of vitamin C present in these fruits.

Want to know what are other alternative treatments for varicose veins? Watch this video – 10 Natural Ways to Get Rid of Varicose Veins and Increase Blood Flow

Author Bio:

This post is from the Varicose Veins Secrets program created by Diane Thompson, a medical researcher and consultant who has over 20 years of experience in helping other people deal with their shoulder pain, shoulder stiffness and difficulty sleeping at night.

This program reveals to people secrets to get fresh and youthful-looking skin on their legs. The program also provides people with proven natural healing methods, and alternative herbal remedies that they can use to help them get rid of their varicose veins easily without any medication.

The program also teaches people how to use special aromatherapy technique to help the blood leave the legs and return to the heart, and how to reduce swelling while shrinking the blood vessels near the skin’s surface.

In addition, in this program, you will discover 3 herbal therapies to relieve your pain from your veins, 4 types of common homeopathic remedies to ease the pain and soreness that are worse from touch.

To find out more about this program, click on Varicose Veins Secrets 

What Causes Varicose Vein to Flare Up in Legs


What causes varicose veins to flare up in legs? Some of the causes of varicose veins lie outside a person’s control, however like with so many other conditions, maintaining a healthy weight and staying active can have a genuine preventative effect.

Click HERE to Find Out How to Get Rid of Unsightly Varicose Veins Naturally and Permanently

There are multiple varicose veins causes and it is wrong to think that this is solely a condition of old age. Varicose veins can often run in families but they are also a common affliction of shop workers and bar staff as they can be caused by standing up for extended periods of time, as well as being an unwelcome side effect of pregnancy due to increased blood volume and the relaxation of vein muscle walls as a consequence of hormonal changes.

In order to force blood back to the heart, our veins have a series of valves that act as a one-way door that prevent the blood from responding to gravity and flowing back towards the ground to pool in our lower extremities. A varicose vein is caused when one of these valves fails, causing the blood to flow back and causing the vein walls to be stretched out of shape.

This occurs in the superficial veins near the surface of the skin which are the unsightly dark lumps and bumps that we associate with the condition.

There are a number of factors that can increase your likelihood of developing varicose veins:

You are a woman

Statistically women are more likely to develop varicose veins than men, thought to be brought about by the muscle relaxing properties of female hormones. These hormones make the vein walls more likely to stretch.

You work in retail or catering

Chefs, waiters, bar staff and shop workers often describe varicose veins as an occupational hazard and can significantly increase your risk of developing the condition.

The main common factor to all of these professions is the need to spend significant amounts of time standing up which can have a negative impact on how efficiently your circulation works.

Other family members have developed them

It is believed that variances in genetic makeup can tend some families towards developing varicose veins.

You are overweight

Excess weight makes it more difficult to your blood to circulate properly and increases the pressure on the veins which makes it much more likely that the veins will leak.

It is also possible that you have higher blood pressure which also contributes towards stretching the veins and damaging the valves that are critical to preventing varicose veins.

You are pregnant

As previously mentioned, varicose veins are a common side effect of pregnancy for a variety of reasons. During pregnancy, the amount of blood in the body increases to support the growth of the baby which places inevitable additional strain on the circulatory system.

Secondly the heightened levels of oestrogen and progesterone cause the muscle walls to relax making the veins more likely to leak. Finally, around the 13 or 14 weeks of pregnancy the weight increase that is part and parcel of having a baby will again increase your chances of developing varicose veins.

You are inactive

Regular exercise is believed to be a significant factor in keeping varicose veins at bay as having a strong circulatory system prevents the pooling that leads to varicose veins.

Some of the causes of varicose veins lie outside a person’s control, however like with so many other conditions, maintaining a healthy weight and staying active can have a genuine preventative effect.

Want to know what causes varicose veins to flare up? Watch this video – Varicose veins: causes, symptoms, and treatments explained

Author Bio:

This post is from the Varicose Veins Secrets program created by Diane Thompson, a medical researcher and consultant who has over 20 years of experience in helping other people deal with their shoulder pain, shoulder stiffness and difficulty sleeping at night.

This program reveals to people secrets to get fresh and youthful-looking skin on their legs. The program also provides people with proven natural healing methods, and alternative herbal remedies that they can use to help them get rid of their varicose veins easily without any medication.

The program also teaches people how to use special aromatherapy technique to help the blood leave the legs and return to the heart, and how to reduce swelling while shrinking the blood vessels near the skin’s surface.

In addition, in this program, you will discover 3 herbal therapies to relieve your pain from your veins, 4 types of common homeopathic remedies to ease the pain and soreness that are worse from touch.

To find out more about this program, click on Varicose Veins Secrets 

The Varicose Veins Risk Factors and Causes You Need to Know


Here are the 5 varicose veins risk factors and causes you need to know to prevent varicose veins from developing. They are gender, pregnancy, occupation, sedentary lifestyle and genetic factor.

Click HERE to Find Out How to Get Rid of Unsightly Varicose Veins Naturally and Permanently

There are a number of varicose vein risk factors and unfortunately, there are several of the identified risks that a sufferer can do little about as they are often dictated by simple facts of life or fate.

While having one or more of the risk factors may increase the chances of getting varicose veins and spider veins, it does not necessarily mean that you are destined to get them, and being aware of the risk factors may actually help you to negate their effects.


Gender is a major risk factor for varicose veins as women tend to be more likely to develop this condition. Many of the major physical changes and life events in women’s lives carry a risk as oestrogen and progesterone, the major hormones that dictate puberty, pregnancy and the menopause are known to have muscle and tissue relaxing properties that lead blood vessels to stretch creating the perfect circumstances for varicose veins to occur.


Pregnancy is a very common time of life for varicose veins to develop as the additional weight of carrying the baby, the tissue relaxing qualities of the large amounts of hormones that are pumping around the body and the increase amount of blood in the mother’s body needed to support the successful growth of the baby all make the appearance of varicose veins much more likely.

Although in many cases, these rogue veins will fade in appearance and present no further symptoms after about three months, successive pregnancies carry the risk that any veins that appeared in during your pregnancy are more likely to come back and stay.

Genetic Factor

Varicose veins also commonly run in families, as genetic factors can be a powerful influence in determining the strength of the vein valves. It is worth checking out your family history to determine whether this may be likely to affect you.


Varicose veins are an affliction often suffered by chefs, food servers and shop workers, as well as anyone else who needs to spend hours on their feet.

If your job requires that you have to stand up for many hours at a time, it makes it easier for the blood to pool which causes the stretching of the venous walls that causes varicose veins to occur. It is always worth remembering that sitting down with your feet raised up after a long day will help to relive discomfort and perhaps may prevent varicose veins from developing.

Sedentary Life Style

Sitting for long periods is not good for the veins and is also a risk factor. When sitting at a desk the legs are bent at the hips and knees which can limit the blood flow and impair the circulation which also makes the sitter more likely to develop this condition. People who like to sit with their legs crossed at the knee are also at an increased risk.

The additional pressure wrought by high blood pressure and the weight of obesity is also a problem, but varicose veins can also be caused by sustaining a leg injury, aging, being on oral contraceptives and also as a result of straining because of constipation can all have a negative effect of your venous health.

To understand more about the varicose veins risk factors and causes, watch these 2 videos –

varicose veins, spider veins & vein disease – best treatment options, risk factors & symptoms

Varicose Veins: A Comprehensive Review of Causes, Complications and Treatment

Author Bio:

This post is from the Varicose Veins Secrets program created by Diane Thompson, a medical researcher and consultant who has over 20 years of experience in helping other people deal with their shoulder pain, shoulder stiffness and difficulty sleeping at night.

This program reveals to people secrets to get fresh and youthful-looking skin on their legs. The program also provides people with proven natural healing methods, and alternative herbal remedies that they can use to help them get rid of their varicose veins easily without any medication.

The program also teaches people how to use special aromatherapy technique to help the blood leave the legs and return to the heart, and how to reduce swelling while shrinking the blood vessels near the skin’s surface.

In addition, in this program, you will discover 3 herbal therapies to relieve your pain from your veins, 4 types of common homeopathic remedies to ease the pain and soreness that are worse from touch.

To find out more about this program, click on Varicose Veins Secrets 

Sunday, December 12, 2021

How to Prevent Varicose Veins from Getting Worse?


No one wants to get varicose veins and there are a number of ways to prevent varicose veins from getting worse if you have had treatment to repair or remove them. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Find Out How to Get Rid of Unsightly Varicose Veins Naturally and Permanently

No one wants to get varicose veins and there are a number of ways of preventing varicose veins from appearing or reappearing if you have had treatment to repair or remove them.

While pregnancy, hormonal changes or an underlying family predisposition to the condition may make varicose veins hard to avoid, there is a lot you can do to help fight them off.

If you know that you are already at high risk, because you have already had varicose veins or close family members have already had significant problems, try wearing compression stockings or tights.

Because the way the legs are squeezed by the stockings, you can ensure that no undue pressure is being placed on your venous valves and your circulation is being properly supported. They need to be worn from the moment you get up until you go to bed at night which may not always be practical.

Following a sensible diet and exercise regime has an important role to play in the prevention of varicose veins.

Exercising regularly by simply getting out for a thirty- minute brisk walk four times a week can really make a difference to your cardiovascular health in general as well as strengthening your legs muscles which also improves the circulation.

Be sure to consult your doctor before you start a programme of exercise if you have any other health problems. A diet that is rich in bioflavonoids, Vitamin C and Vitamin E goes a long way towards preventing varicose veins as these vitamins and antioxidants are instrumental in repairing and strengthening veins and capillaries.

Be sure to include dark berry fruits like cherries and black currants in your diet (as these are a great source of bioflavoniods and vitamin C) as well as lots of other fresh fruits and vegetables and watch your salt intake to ensure that you are not damaging your heart and circulatory system with an excessively high intake.

It is also very important to keep your weight down as extra body fat puts too much pressure on the legs and can cause varicose veins to appear.

If you can avoid standing for extended periods of time, make sure you do. However even if your job does require you to stand for 85% of your working day, there are still ways to lessen the risk of developing varicose veins.

When you are standing still, make sure you move your weight from one foot to the other, walk about when you get the opportunity and raise your heels up and down several times an hour to get the blood pumping properly in your legs. It also pays to remember that when you get to the end of a long day of standing, make sure you put your feet up (preferably above heart level) for at least an hour.

Likewise, if you have a sedentary job that involves sitting down for extended periods during the day, remember to get up and walk around a couple of times an hour as this again will encourage the blood in your legs to flow properly and remember to rotate your ankles.

It is also worth noting that crossing your legs at the knee can also severely impede efficient blood flow so cross your legs at the ankle instead. Make sure that when sitting and relaxing at night, you have your feet up as this reduces the strain on the veins.

What you wear is also important. Tight clothes that restrict blood flow can increase the risk of varicose veins, and so do high heels. Walking in heels works the buttock muscles rather than the calf muscles which means that the massaging action of walking is lost. If you know you are in danger of developing varicose veins it might be best to stick to low heeled shoes.

Watch this video – 5 Ways to Prevent Varicose Veins from Getting Worse

Author Bio:

This post is from the Varicose Veins Secrets program created by Diane Thompson, a medical researcher and consultant who has over 20 years of experience in helping other people deal with their shoulder pain, shoulder stiffness and difficulty sleeping at night.

This program reveals to people secrets to get fresh and youthful-looking skin on their legs. The program also provides people with proven natural healing methods, and alternative herbal remedies that they can use to help them get rid of their varicose veins easily without any medication.

The program also teaches people how to use special aromatherapy technique to help the blood leave the legs and return to the heart, and how to reduce swelling while shrinking the blood vessels near the skin’s surface.

In addition, in this program, you will discover 3 herbal therapies to relieve your pain from your veins, 4 types of common homeopathic remedies to ease the pain and soreness that are worse from touch.

To find out more about this program, click on Varicose Veins Secrets 

Herbs for Spider Veins – How to Get Big Relief and Reduction of Symptoms?


Herbs for Spider Veins – These herbs are often not a definitive cure; however, they can offer significant relief and a distinct reduction of symptoms. It is also advisable to get your herb based remedies from a respected source as the manufacturing process removes irritant or even toxic compounds that are also present in the form present in nature.

Click HERE to Find Out How to Get Rid of Unsightly Varicose Veins Naturally and Permanently

There are a number of traditional medicinal herbs for Spider veins available that can help with the condition.  These are readily available from herbalists and health food shops and are also useful in the fight against varicose veins.

There are many people who now prefer to take a more holistic and proactive approach to maintaining their circulatory health and there are a surprisingly large number of herbal products available that can be used to help treat this unsightly and occasionally uncomfortable condition that are either taken as a dietary supplement or are applied as a tincture or ointment to the affected area.

These herbs are often not a definitive cure; however, they can offer significant relief and a distinct reduction of symptoms. It is also advisable to get your herb based remedies from a respected source as the manufacturing process removes irritant or even toxic compounds that are also present in the form present in nature.

Most people will have seen or heard of Gingko Biloba, but may not realise its many uses and benefits. As one of the world’s most studied herbs, there is a significant amount of evidence to support its use to improve poor circulation, which also helps treat the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and peripheral arterial disease.

Gingko Biloba is rich in bioflavoniods that are known to be effective in protecting capillaries from damage, improving the blood circulation and also works to thin the blood, all of which are pivotal to effective treatment of this condition and taking this dietary supplement regularly has been known to be successful at reducing the visibility and appearance of spider veins.

Liquid Witch Hazel is an astringent that is commonly applied externally to the area affected by spider veins or varicose veins. This needs to be applied to the affected area at least three times a day for at least a month before proper results will be observed. As witch hazel has some irritant qualities, it is not to be taken internally and can also cause skin problems for those with sensitivity to it.

Cypress oil is derived from the ancient Cypress tree and has been used through the ages to treat wounds, aid the circulation and is commonly used in Aromatherapy to treat stressasthmaspider veinsvaricose veins and poor circulation. The essential oil needs to be diluted and massaged into the affected area several times a day. One of the advantages with Cypress Oil is that skin irritation is a very rare occurrence.

Horse Chestnut has been tested extensively and when applied in the form of a cream or lotion, or taken as a supplement, has been clinically proven to significantly reduce the pain and inflammation of varicose veins and spider veins. This is due to its anti-inflammatory and blood thinning qualities. It is not recommended that people who are taking blood thinning medication should take this extract without discussing it with your doctor.

The common factor with all of these extracts is their anti-inflammatory and vein strengthening qualities, however as with all medications, it is best to check whether there are any unpleasant interactions with anything that you are already taking.

For ideas related to herbs for spider veins, watch this video – Spider Veins Treatment at Home

Author Bio:

This post is from the Varicose Veins Secrets program created by Diane Thompson, a medical researcher and consultant who has over 20 years of experience in helping other people deal with their shoulder pain, shoulder stiffness and difficulty sleeping at night.

This program reveals to people secrets to get fresh and youthful-looking skin on their legs. The program also provides people with proven natural healing methods, and alternative herbal remedies that they can use to help them get rid of their varicose veins easily without any medication.

The program also teaches people how to use special aromatherapy technique to help the blood leave the legs and return to the heart, and how to reduce swelling while shrinking the blood vessels near the skin’s surface.

In addition, in this program, you will discover 3 herbal therapies to relieve your pain from your veins, 4 types of common homeopathic remedies to ease the pain and soreness that are worse from touch.

To find out more about this program, click on Varicose Veins Secrets 

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