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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Revealing Here the 5 Powerful Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts

Anti-aging is more than a myth. Through scientific studies and the new cutting edge science in genomics, women are discovering that, by taking just a few steps, skin beauty and bodily cell health can indeed be encouraged. Here are 5 powerful natural anti-aging shortcuts for women. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Look Younger, Feel Better and Be Healthier

Years ago, the word "anti-aging" seemed to come only from science fiction movies. People joked about the Fountain of Youth and miracle medicines that were supposed to reverse the aging process to make one look 10 or 20 years younger.

But today, anti-aging is more than a myth. Through scientific studies and the new cutting edge science in genomics, women are discovering that, by taking just a few steps, skin beauty and bodily cell health can indeed be encouraged. Here are 5 powerful anti-aging tips for women:

Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts #1 - Check Your Lifestyle

A lifestyle filled with health-threatening habits can be detrimental to your skin's health and beauty. Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages in excess, eating poorly or overeating, sunbathing, etc. all can speed up the aging process.

Even taking anti-aging supplements may not help if you continue to do these things regularly. Remember, just as your bodily organs are affected by everything you eat or drink, so are your skin cells.

Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts #2 - Eat for Good Skin Health

Good women's health starts with eating healthy foods. Be sure to eat balanced meals with an abundance of leafy green vegetables and fruits. Eat protein-rich foods such as nuts or eggs to maintain good bone and joint health.

Healthy eating and weight loss are both major contributors to good women's health as well as beauty for the skin. The anti-aging process is much easier when you provide your body with the nutrients and vitamins it needs to repair cell damage and build healthy new cells on a daily basis.

Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts #3 - Drink Water

The diet programs always cry aloud, "Drink water!" That's because there are so many benefits to drinking water. Water is needed to help the body function properly, inside and out.

Water brings life to all your body parts - and your skin as well. It brightens your complexion, helps rejuvenate skin cells to promote anti-aging, and adds moisture to your body. You'll be a well-oiled machine if you can commit to drinking plenty of water daily.

Water is probably the most readily available anti-aging product you can get your hands on! So, replace those sodas (and diet sodas) with a healthy dose of water.

Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts #4 - Stay in Shape

Staying in shape with exercise will also help with the anti-aging battle. Exercise encourages good bone and joint health and helps with the flow of blood through your body. That's why many people say that exercise "gets your blood pumping!" The blood carries oxygen with it through your body, which is necessary for good overall health.

Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts #5 - Use Anti-Aging Supplements and Creams

Through the cutting edge science of genomics, anti-aging products are now being developed to aid in cell rejuvenation, which is needed for slowing down the aging process.

Genomics is the study of the complete DNA makeup of organisms. The recent discovery that is crucial to those interested in anti-aging products is that the repair of cells and the creation of healthy, strong cells is a major key to slowing the aging process.

The new anti-aging products are all-natural and come in pills, creams or patches. Anti-aging products based on genomics help to provide the right amount of ingredients (vitamins and nutrients) needed by the body to repair cells and build new, healthy cells.

These five tips combined can help maximize the results for your anti-aging efforts. You'll feel and look better than ever as you pass through the stages of life. For even more anti-aging tips, check out the Natural Anti-Aging shortcuts guide which features simple 'life tweaks' that will help your body to slow down the aging process!

Can You Stop the Aging Process?

If you’re still alive, you’re growing older every day.

You may not notice it, but you are.

When we make that great shift out of our teenage years into our twenties, most of the changes we encounter about growing older are good.

When we are in our twenties, growing older means a lot more freedom and a lot of adventure. Physically, we are at our peak of perfection.

In our thirties, we are starting to enjoy many of the benefits of growing older as we accumulate more wisdom and in most cases, continue to have a body and a brain that’s still in great shape.

But there comes a time, perhaps in our fifth decade, or in our sixth, when growing older starts to have some negative effects we don’t really like.

We may not be as physically fit as we used to be. We start to get sags and bags. We get aches and pains. We may be showing some forgetfulness.

Our beautiful perfection of youth is gone.

Why do we age?

Over the centuries, people have often wondered how it is that our bodies grow and develop from a tiny fertilized egg, to a new-born baby, to a young child, then a teenager and, finally, a young adult. A huge number of very complex changes within our bodies must happen perfectly in order to achieve this.

Once we grow into our adult perfection, why can’t we just stay there?
Why do we have to age?

And can we stop it?

Doctors and scientists used to take aging for granted. Scientists used to think that because aging was a natural process, there was no need to investigate it.

Now, as increasing numbers of baby boomers are turning fifty, anxious to hang on to some semblance of youth, more and more research is being devoted to the topic of aging.

The good news is that the team at Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts has found the solution! They have performed extensive research on how and why we age, and they have been investigating for years on ways to slow down the aging process, or perhaps even stop it altogether. Introducing:

The Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts guide is a one-of-a-kind program, designed specifically for women age 35 and over. It contains the most powerful yet 100% NATURAL anti-aging “tweaks” that you can start implementing in your life TODAY.

And the great thing about it is that it allows you to take advantage of the latest cutting-edge anti-aging research without actually having to wade through any of the science yourself.

No other program on the market today is designed SPECIFICALLY for the unique needs of women.

And, finally, no other system available today comes even close to delivering the same degree of simple, natural, yet hugely effective age-defying secrets – and YOU can be putting them into action yourself in just a few minutes from now…

This is the exact same system I now share with my female clients, who want a powerful, yet simple, step-by-step system for dramatically slowing down the rate at which they age – through 100% NATURAL methods.
Remember, every day that you’re NOT using these secrets, you’re aging faster…so doing nothing is not an option!

Watch this video for natural anti-aging shortcuts - Women's Secrets to Looking Half Their Age

This article is based on the book,” Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts” by Alexandra Miller. Alexandra is a Natural Health Consultant, Author and self-confessed “Natural Beauty Geek”.

She is regularly complemented on her skin, her youthful looks, her hair, nails, everything. For many years, she has been teaching women all over the world how to age much, much slower, and in some cases, even reverse the tell-tale signs of aging. Learn more by visiting her website – Natural Anti-Aging Shortcuts.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

What is the Natural Cure For TMJ?

Why is natural cure for TMJ better? Reasons are little or no side effects, natural remedies are non-invasive and do not interfere with the body's mechanism. If you too are looking for a credible and secure remedy for your TMJ disorder, read on to find out more.

Click Here to Discover How to Permanently Reverse the Root Cause of TMJ

The temporomandibular joint disorder or the TMJ is a common health condition that affects nearly three fourths of the American population. The condition causes an acute inflammation of the TM joint and interferes with the basic functions of the jaw such as talking, eating or swallowing. As more and more people seek an alternative to allopathic and other conventional forms of medication, natural cure for TMJ is fast emerging as a safe and reliable option.

Natural cures for TMJ disorder cause little or no side effects. This is because most natural remedies are non-invasive and do not interfere with the body's mechanism. If you too are looking for a credible and secure remedy for your TMJ disorder, these are some options available to you:

Cure for TMJ #1 - Acupuncture: The process of acupuncture involves sticking pins into predetermined points on the body that are known to relieve pain. According to traditional Chinese belief, acupuncture helps to balance the flow of energy in your body. Modern research shows that acupuncture releases and increases the flow of endorphins in the body. Thus, the perception of pain to the brain is greatly reduced.

With four to five sittings, the jaw can be moved back to its normal position, the clicking and grinding can be reduced and it is possible to open your mouth normally. Within ten sessions, long lasting relief from pain can be achieved.

Cure for TMJ #2 - Massage: Massages are good for releasing tension and relaxing the muscles. To get relief from TMJ disorder, one needs to gently massage in small circular motions in front of, below and eventually behind the ears. It is also important to massage around the scalp, neck and shoulders to calm the muscles. A skilled masseuse may even be able to locate the lateral pterygoid at the back of your mouth and massage the area thereby bringing relief.

Cure for TMJ #3 - Proper diet: Healthy eating is the way to a healthy lifestyle. Giving your body the proper nutrients will help in treating the TMJ disorder. Magnesium rich foods such as legumes and beans are essential for neurotransmission and muscle relaxation. Dairy products rich in calcium help in strengthening the jaw bones.

Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B 12, C, D and folic acid found in foods like fish liver, dried peas, oysters, nuts, egg yolk, spinach, tuna and cauliflower help in the generation and growth of blood cells, especially red blood cells which are essential for proper bone growth and infection resistance.

Cure for TMJ #4 - Relaxation exercises: The importance of an exercise routine can never be emphasized enough. It is important to move your body parts from time to time in order to keep your body in sound shape. Certain soft movement exercises help to relax the muscles around your jaw, face and neck, thereby curing TMJ disorder by stretching and strengthening body muscles and relieving myofascial pain.

Along with various head, neck and arm exercises, yoga can prove to be a powerful natural cure for TMJ disorder. It is essential to follow the advice of a trainer and/or medical practitioner before performing such exercises, as wrong methods may cause your situation to deteriorate.

Other natural cures for TMJ disorder would include meditation, hypnotherapy and reiki treatments. It is important to work on one's bad habits, such as wrong body postures, to ensure the prevention of TMJ disorder. However, for long lasting relief it is essential to try a holistic treatment for your condition.

A Holistic treatment aims to restore your body to a state of well-being by treating the root cause of the condition. Thus, combining conventional forms of medication along with alternative treatments would ensure not only a complete cure for TMJ disorder but also prevent its occurrence in the future.

Watch this video - TMJ tricks tips and secrets

This article is based on the book, "TMJ No More" by Sandra Carter. Sandra is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate TMJ disorders solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root cause of TMJ and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website -
TMJ No More

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Monday, January 27, 2020

What is the Real Cause of TMJ Disorders?

For those who are affected with TMJ, it is important to understand what the real cause of TMJ disorders is in order to treat it. Read on to find out more.

Click Here to Discover How to Permanently Reverse the Root Cause of TMJ

The temporomandibular joint disorder, called the TMJ in short, is a fairly common disorder of the jaw which affects nearly sixty million people in the American population. People who suffer from this condition are likely to experience pain that may be temporary but may also last for at least a few years.

For those who are affected with this problem, it is important to understand what causes TMJ disorder in order to treat it. It can't be stated for certain exactly what causes TMJ disorder, although there are some standard contributing factors. These factors can be categorized into the following groups:

Cause of TMJ Disorders #1 - Dental issues: TMJ disorder is most commonly caused as a result of derangement of the jaws. This is a condition known as "malocclusion" wherein your teeth are no longer able to fit together the way they are supposed to. This condition can be a result of situations such as ill-fitting dentures, tooth removal or any minor or major dental surgery, missing teeth, advent of pre molars and growth of wisdom teeth.

Cause of TMJ Disorders #2 - Trauma: About 99% of TMJ sufferers claim that their condition was a result of some sort of trauma or injury. Even minor blows on the head, face or jaw can result in trauma. Whiplash and traction appliances used in whiplash injuries or problems like ill-fitting braces can also prove to be contributing factors.

Cause of TMJ Disorders #3 - Habits: Some of the things we unwittingly do in our daily lives result in TMJ disorder. A common cause is bruxism, or the habit of continually clenching one's teeth. Bruxism puts undue pressure on the teeth and jaw resulting in the damage of cartilage and ligaments in the TMJ area. Other bad habits include chewing on pens/pencils, biting fingernails, chronic gum chewing and bad postures that put pressure on your face and jaw, such as, sleeping on your stomach and holding the phone on your shoulder.

Cause of TMJ Disorders #4 - Social situations: Stress has been known to cause tension in the muscles. Prolonged tightening of the muscles affects the TM Joint by putting enormous pressure on it. Eventually the tense muscles tend to shorten and result in misalignment. Social situations like family problems, financial issues, legal hassles and health concerns are stress inducers and must be dealt with.

Cause of TMJ Disorders #5 - Emotions: Emotional upheavals resulting from depression, anxiety, fear or anger have adverse affects that can negatively affect your whole body including the TM Joint.

Certain simple precautions should be kept in mind in order to prevent a TMJ disorder. For instance, although yawning is a reflex action, one must take care to not open one's mouth fully but partially while yawning. Similarly, excessive chewing of bubble gum, habits like biting nails or chewing on pencils must be avoided at all costs. As the TM joint facilitates essential activities like talking, chewing and swallowing, it is important to take care of it.

Since the causes of TMJ disorder are so varied, the approach to treating it should also be multi-dimensional. There is a wide variety of treatment available for the condition, ranging from simple exercises to complicated corrective surgeries. However, if you are looking for a permanent solution to your problem, it is best to adopt a holistic approach.

In treating the condition holistically, you strengthen your body and equip it to heal all by itself. Not only can your body recover from the ailment; it can also prevent future occurrences of it.
In the case of TMJ disorder therefore, combining relaxation therapies, which would help reduce stress, with jaw exercises, such as controlled TMJ rotation, and working on body postures that affect the head and neck, would provide a wholesome remedy for TMJ disorder. Only through holistic treatment can your body be restored to a state of well-being. 

This article is based on the book, "TMJ No More" by Sandra Carter. Sandra is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate TMJ disorders solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root cause of TMJ and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website -
TMJ No More
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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

What Are the Symptoms of TMJ?

Most of the symptoms of TMJ are likely to occur on or around the jaw area. If you are suffering from TMJ disorder, there are chances that you will feel discomfort in your head, face, mouth, eyes, ears and even back. Read on to find out how you can permanently reverse the root cause of TMJ.

Click Here to Discover How to Permanently Reverse the Root Cause of TMJ

The temporomandibular joint disorder is an affliction of the hinge joint (TMJ) that connects the jaw to the skull. The TM joint facilitates all movements of the jaw and therefore, a TMJ disorder might interfere with the most basic functions like eating and talking.

To get timely help for this condition, it is essential to get it diagnosed at an early stage. Thus, recognizing the symptoms of TMJ disorder is the first step towards healing it.

Most of the symptoms of TMJ are likely to occur on or around the jaw area. If you are suffering from TMJ disorder, there are chances that you will feel discomfort in your head, face, mouth, eyes, ears and even back. Contrary to popular belief, toothache is often a symptom rather than a cause of the TMJ disorder.

The most common symptoms of TMJ disorder are clicking or grating noises on opening and closing the mouth. These noises occur when there is a slight dislocation of the jaw bones. They herald the onset of a TMJ disorder and must be paid attention to immediately.

For convenience of understanding, the symptoms of TMJ can be divided into categories, based on which area they are exhibited. These categories are as follows:

1. Symptoms of the face and neck: These symptoms include pain in the jaw, jaw joint, teeth and in the muscles of the cheek. More complicated symptoms would involve uncontrollable tongue and jaw movements, teeth clenching during sleep and locking of the jaw resulting in the inability to open or close the mouth properly. Frequent coughing, intense salivation and voice moderations are among the lesser diagnosed but highly significant symptoms of TMJ disorder.

2. Symptoms of the Head: Aches in the forehead, migraine attacks and sinus pain are some of the common symptoms that occur in the head. Tinnitus, hearing problems, dizziness and lack of balance, clogged ears and blurred vision are other related symptoms.

3. Symptoms throughout the body: Often the pain and discomfort may spread to other parts of the body. These symptoms would involve soreness in the neck and in the shoulders, stiff neck, pain in the lower back and tingling in the tips of fingers and toes. More chronic symptoms include arthritis, reduced motion of limbs and extremely cold sensation in the hands and legs.

Most TMJ disorder symptoms overlap with symptoms of other health conditions. This is why contacting a dentist never occurs to most people suffering from the symptoms of TMJ disorder. The type and intensity of the symptoms may vary greatly from person to person. It is important to contact a health care practitioner at an early stage.

One must at all costs avoid bad habits like bruxism and bad body posture. TMJ disorders are caused due to reasons ranging from mental stress to physical injury. It is best, therefore, to adopt a method of treatment that will be wholesome and multi-dimensional.

Holistic treatments seek to treat the root cause of the condition thereby eradicating the problem in its entirety and preventing it from happening further. For instance, developing relaxation routines to bust stress and performing jaw and neck exercises to strengthen the TM joint would help to rejuvenate and sustain the degenerating muscles of the joint.

Similarly, eating food rich in minerals and vitamins to invigorate the jaw muscles and combining it with healthy habits such as correct body postures would go a long way in healing the condition and restoring your body to a state of well-being. 

To learn more about symptoms of TMJ and how to overcome them, watch this video - What is Causing Your TMJ Ear Pain? - Diagnose and Treat - Ear Problems

This article is based on the book, "TMJ No More" by Sandra Carter. Sandra is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate TMJ disorders solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root cause of TMJ and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures.

Learn more by visiting her website - TMJ No More

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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

What is TMJ Disorder?

The TMJ Disorder is a term used to describe an acute inflammation of the TM Joint. There are a number of signs that you can recognise as underlying symptoms of TMJ disorder. A number of remedies are available for those suffering from TMJ disorder. Read on to find out more.

Click Here to Discover How to Permanently Reverse the Root Cause of TMJ

The temporomandibular joint is the hinge joint of the jaw that connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the temporal bone of the skull. This joint is an articular disc composed of fibrocartilagenous tissue. It comprises, all in all, of six parts: mandibular condyles, articular surface of the temporal bone, capsule, articular disc, ligaments and lateral pterygoid.

The TM Joint facilitates movement of the jaws, thereby allowing essential functions like talking, eating and swallowing. Needless to say, the slightest afflictions caused to this joint, disrupt a great deal of its basic functions. The most common affliction that occurs is the TMJ Disorder

So, what is TMJ Disorder?

The TMJ Disorder is a term used to describe an acute inflammation of the TM Joint. It is categorized in three ways:

1. By myofascial pain: The fascia is the tissue that connects the different parts of your body. Fascia around the muscles is called myofascial. Thus, any injury to the myofascial, will automatically adversely affect the muscles. The most common TMJ disorder is associated with myofascial pain in the jaw muscles and neck.

2. By internal injury: Any dislocation, injury, or indeed, any derangement in the joint results in TMJ disorder.

3. By degenerative joint disease: Problems like osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis of the jaw are underlying causes of TMJ disorder. It can't be stated for certain what exactly causes TMJ disorder, although there are some standard contributing factors. These can be classified into dental issues (such as ill-fitting dentures, tooth removal, missing teeth etc), injury or trauma (on or around the jaw), bad habits (like bruxism or wrong sleeping postures), social situations that cause stress and emotional upheavals (such as depression, anger or fear).

There are a number of signs that you can recognise as underlying symptoms of TMJ disorder. The most likely symptom is otalgia, more commonly known as earache. Since the TMJ is so close to the ear, if there's a disorder in the TMJ, there are bound to be repercussions in the ear.

The other fairly common symptom is toothache. Although toothaches are caused due to a number of reasons, a TMJ disorder may bring about toothaches, tooth mobility or even tooth loss. Usually, if the above listed signs are accompanied by headaches, they could be signalling a chronic TMJ disorder.

A number of remedies are available for those suffering from TMJ disorder. In the initial stages of the condition, treatments like heat and ice therapy, or jaw resting techniques are used. Pain medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen are also prescribed.

Corrective dental surgeries are used if the condition worsens. Sometimes a splint or bite plate may be required to be introduced. Non-invasive and natural cures are also available. These may include stress reduction therapies, soft food diets and face and neck exercises.

For conditions like TMJ disorder, it is always advisable to take a multi-dimensional approach. A holistic treatment strengthens your body from within. Therefore, it is much more effective to combine alternative and conventional treatments for long lasting relief. Thus, working on stress reduction methods, along with following a soft food diet and a face and neck exercise routine can go a long way in not only healing the TMJ disorder but also in preventing it from happening again. 

This article is based on the book, "TMJ No More" by Sandra Carter. Sandra is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate TMJ disorders solution guaranteed to permanently reverse the root cause of TMJ and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting her website –
TMJ No More
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Monday, January 20, 2020

What is the Best Way to Beat Dementia?

This Free Ingredient Can Beat Dementia. According to a new study presented at the American Physiological Society annual meeting at Experimental Biology 2018 in San Diego, one common ingredient can drastically improve your cognitive function. And unlike drugs, it has no side effects and is completely free in most places.

Click Here for Help with Alzheimer’s, Other Types of Dementia and General Memory Loss

Beat Dementia - Natural Cure for Dementia Discovered (new study)

It’s only a small study but the results are exciting.

It was just published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and it holds great promise for the treatment of early-stage dementia in the elderly.

In fact, if this study is right, one specific diet can do what more than 400 drugs have failed to do in clinical trials.

The brain runs on glucose, which the body gets from breaking down carbohydrates.

But research has shown that in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, it has trouble using glucose for energy. Some scientists even call Alzheimer’s disease “Type 3 diabetes” because of this.

But all is not lost, because previous studies have shown that brains can use another fuel source, called ketones.

Ketones are chemicals that are formed when your body breaks down fat.

Knowing this made researchers wonder if people with early-stage dementia could use Ketones instead of the usual glucose.

The only way to study this is to recruit elderly people with mild dementia and to divide them into high fat and low-carb diet groups.

But people with mild dementia may not be able to stick to the diets properly without becoming confused or without it becoming too much of a schlep.

For that reason, the scientists had to recruit subjects together with their partners who would help them with the diets. Sadly, they could find only 27 couples who were willing to participate, and some have already dropped out of the study.

Still, the results of the 14 early dementia sufferers who have completed the study are promising and the scientists decided to publish their preliminary findings.

The 14 participants had an average age of 71 and 13 of them were white.
Five of them followed the National Institute of Aging diet that promotes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meat, and low-fat dairy. It does not restrict carbohydrates.

The other nine followed something similar to the Atkins diet that restricts carbohydrates to 20 grams or less per day (about 1 tenth of what Americans and Europeans normally eat in a day).

This group never quite managed the 20 grams of daily carbs. By week six they were down to 38 grams, but then were back up to 53 grams by week 12. (It must be hard to break the eating habits of a lifetime for some people.)

Still, all was not lost because most of the low-carb dieters had ketones in their urine (while none of the National Institute of Aging dieters did) which meant they were in the keto zone, so to speak.

They completed various questionnaires throughout the study, and by week six, the scientists could see that those eating the lowest amount of carbs enjoyed a 15 percent improvement in their memories while The National Institute of Aging dieters dropped a few points on the memory scale.

This means that even a non-strict low-carb diet can improve the memories of early-stage dementia sufferers, which is something that no drug has been able to do yet.

This Free Ingredient Can Beat Dementia

According to a new study presented at the American Physiological Society annual meeting at Experimental Biology 2018 in San Diego, one common ingredient can drastically improve your cognitive function.

And unlike drugs, it has no side effects and is completely free in most places.

In the study, recreational cyclists with an average age of 55 who had entered a large cycling event on a hot day with temperatures between 78 and 86°F were used.

They asked these cyclists to complete a trail-making executive function test as quickly and accurately as possible before and after the event.

The test involved the linking of numbered dots using a pencil and served as a measure of executive function, a psychological term for the ability to focus, retrieve needed information accurately from memory, and to plan and carry out steps to fulfil a goal.

Before the vent began, the scientists tested the cyclist’s urine to be able to categorize them into a group that was normally hydrated and one that was dehydrated.

Compared to their pre-cycling test, the normally hydrated group completed the post-cycling test a lot faster.

The dehydrated group, on the other hand, showed no improvement.
This shows that the elderly and those in their upper middle ages can reap cognitive benefits from exercise, but only if they are hydrated properly.
Older studies have found that, if you are dehydrated by only 2%, you will do poorer than usual on tasks that require attention, psychomotor abilities, short-term memory and fast retrieval.

In addition, you will struggle to form an accurate assessment of your own physical and emotional environment.

According to the literature, long-term memory, working memory, and executive function start deteriorating only when we are more than 2% dehydrated.

In other words, to stave off dementia and keep your brain functioning at optimal levels, drink a glass of water at least every two hours and drink more while you exercise.

Beat Dementia - Alzheimer’s Held Hostage by This One Ingredient

Traditional Alzheimer’s research is mostly focused on genetic factors. Little notice is unfortunately paid to diet and other lifestyle choices.
This is about to change.

Scientists from University of Bath and King’s College in London recently discovered one specific ingredient that plants the seeds for Alzheimer’s. They also mapped the exact process by which this bad diet choice helps the disease grow.

Even more urgently, cutting out this ingredient may eliminate Alzheimer’s for good.

Researchers examined samples of brain matter from people with and without Alzheimer’s via a technique (fluorescent phenylboronate gel electrophoresis) that is sensitive enough to reveal the damage high blood sugar causes to proteins and immune cells.

When sugar (or glucose) reaches your bloodstream, many of its molecules bind to protein molecules in a process called glycation.

Not only can glycation damage proteins in this way, but the by-products of the glycation process are often harmful to our bodies as well.

Some previous studies, such as one published by German and Australian researchers in the journal Biochimica et Biophysica Acta in 1997, have found that beta-amyloid, one of the proteins that seem to form plaques in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease sufferers, are mostly a byproduct created during the process of glycation.

That already suggests that an excess of dietary sugar can contribute to Alzheimer’s disease, as it makes glycation more likely.

But the London and Bath researchers discovered another extremely harmful effect of glycation.

At the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, glycation damages an enzyme called macrophage migration inhibitory factor (or MIF).

MIF enzymes are a part of your immune system. When abnormal proteins start to build up in your brain, these MIF enzymes are supposed to be part of the response to remove them and/or to limit the potential damage.

This is how Alzheimer’s disease manages to get going. Glycation damages your MIF enzymes, and your damaged MIF enzymes are then incapable of playing their role of preventing abnormal protein plaques to form all over your brain.

In other words, if you eat too many simple sugars that build up as glucose in your bloodstream, glycation becomes more likely.
When glycation occurs in your brain, you are at serious risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

This post is from the Brain Booster Exercise Program created for the purpose of helping to reverse Alzheimer’s, boost memory. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top-quality national health information websites.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to slow down, prevent, or even reverse memory loss and boost your brain with energy and power. These exercises work to deliver as much nutrition and oxygen to your starving brain as possible and begin the restoring of the damaged brain cells.

To find out more about this program to beat dementia, click on How to Boost Your Brain with Energy

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