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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

What is the Best Way to Bring Your Blood Pressure Down?

If You Want to Bring Your Blood Pressure Down, Avoid This New High Blood Pressure Technology Which Is Deadly (Be Warned). If you are the type of person that cannot keep your hands off your smartphone or tablet, this warning is for you. If you want your smartphone to be a help in healthcare instead of a dangerous hindrance, recent studies can tell you which technology to use and which types to avoid.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

If You Want to Bring Your Blood Pressure Down, Avoid This New High Blood Pressure Technology Which Is Deadly (Be Warned)

If you are the type of person that cannot keep your hands off your smartphone or tablet, this warning is for you.

If you want your smartphone to be a help in healthcare instead of a dangerous hindrance, recent studies can tell you which technology to use and which types to avoid.

A Boston-based research team published a study in the Journal of the American Society of Hypertension, in which they reviewed the top 107 mobile blood pressure apps that were supposed to measure blood pressure.

None of the apps that used “finger pressure” or other “non-blood pressure cuff” methods were able to accurately measure blood pressure. And none had been approved by the Food and Drug Administration or by the US Association for Advancement of Medical Instrumentation.

Keeping in mind that even the FDA approved home blood pressure cuffs are not always 100% accurate, it makes sense that you absolutely should not trust a questionable blood pressure app for such an important test.

There is, however, room for mobile apps in your blood pressure management. For example, some makers of approved, home blood pressure monitors have their cuffs connected to mobile apps for long-term tracking. And some even send the recorded info directly to your doctor.

This is very beneficial, as one, two, or twenty readings don’t tell you much. But if you take your blood pressure three times a day for a month, you’ll have a pretty accurate picture.

But you can do the same just with a normal blood pressure monitor, and a piece of paper.

Bring Your Blood Pressure Down - Common Berries Heal High Blood Pressure and Diabetes
Native to parts of Europe and Asia are beautiful shrubs that bear dark purple berries.

The deeply pigmented berries from these shrubs boast chart-topping levels of health-promoting phytonutrients, such as anthocyanins, flavonols, and phenolic acids.

These compounds protect the plant from pests and parasites and give protective properties, which include antioxidants, antimicrobials, and anti-inflammatory activity to those who consume them.

But the most important thing for us would be that these berries can heal both high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

In addition to the antioxidant properties, blackcurrant seeds are famous for their high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, notably the essential fatty acid gamma linolenic acid, or GLA. Blackcurrant has been used in traditional herbal medicine to treat a wide range of health conditions, including high blood pressure and diabetes.

Recently, scientific studies have found evidence confirming these health claims.

Blood Pressure-Lowering

A number of researchers have been particularly interested in the potential of blackcurrants and other high-phytonutrient berries as a therapeutic option for high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.

A study that included women between the ages of 18 and 75 years found that participants who consumed higher levels of anthocyanins and flavones – an amount equivalent to 1-2 portions of berries daily – was found to have suppler arteries and significantly lower blood pressure.

Certain compounds contained in blackcurrants have been found to lower blood pressure through exerting their effects on the blood pressure regulating system in the kidneys, which is known as the renin-angiotensin system.

These compounds inhibit an enzyme that fuels signalling pathways that lead to increased blood pressure.

In a clinical trial, researchers enriched commercially available mixed berries juices with blackcurrant extract and found that the enriched juice produced significant blood pressure-lowering effects, and there was an even more pronounced benefit occurring in participants with hypertension when they were compared to their normal blood pressure cohorts.

Furthermore, the blackcurrant-enriched juice reduced blood pressure variability, making it more stable.

Furthermore, in a study that measured blood pressure spikes in response to psychological stress among volunteers that had reactive hypertension, blackcurrant seed oil received high marks for blood pressure-lowering benefits.

Reactive hypertension is a form of high blood pressure in which patients are susceptible to rapid and dangerous increases in blood pressure when they experience anxiety or stress.

Researchers reported that blackcurrant seed oil inhibited blood pressure reactivity by more than 40%. The berry extract also produced a significant overall drop in diastolic blood pressure – the lower number of the blood pressure ratio signified the pressure in the arteries in between beats when the heart is relaxed.

Diabetes Management

A number of laboratory studies have revealed the potential benefits of blackcurrants for the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes.

In a study on mice, blackcurrant extract reduced obesity-associated inflammation. Over time, these low-grade, chronic inflammations can trigger metabolic disturbances that lead to impaired blood sugar control.

When treated with blackcurrant extract, the mice displayed lower levels of key inflammatory markers, lower blood glucose levels, and lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels – all of which were important predictors of diabetes risk.

Researchers concluded that blackcurrant consumption might, therefore, help counteract the detrimental effects of high-fat and high-cholesterol diets.

A compound in blackcurrant called cyanidin-3-rutinoside (C3R) showed potential anti-diabetes effects by inhibiting carbohydrate-digesting enzymes, thereby limiting the digestion of carbohydrates.

Researchers of one study concluded that C3R might be useful in the prevention of high post-meal blood sugar spikes that characterize type 2 diabetes.

The same benefits of C3R might also occur in people with some forms of insulin-resistance and pre-diabetes, which could possibly be used to help those individuals avoid developing the disease.

For more ideas to bring your blood pressure down, watch this video - 3 Pressure Points That’ll Instantly Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally - by Dr Sam Robbins

Bring Your Blood Pressure Down - 4 Preventable Causes of High Blood Pressure

The World Health Organization has declared that high blood pressure affects more than a billion people worldwide.

The global health watchdogs estimate that at least 1 in 3 adults over the ages of 25 suffer from some level of hypertension.

It’s the #1 killer.

But why?

What causes it in the first place? If we are to turn things around and end high blood pressure, we have to know where to fight it.

Today, we will look at the 4 most common causes of dangerous high blood pressure and how to get to the root of the problem in order to end it.

Physical Stress:

The first cause we will look at is biology. Biological causes of high blood pressure include examples like co-morbidities; or in other words, other diseases.

Diabetes, high cholesterol, kidney trouble, even asthma can all be biological stressors that lead to high blood pressure.

Deficiencies in key nutrients, vitamins, and minerals can also spike blood pressure to unsafe levels. Making sure you are on a quality supplement that will optimize nutrition for your personal needs will go a long way in the correction of this.

Pollutants in the air or water, and even in the certain medications we take, can all be sources of poisons to the body and can stress out the blood vessels and heart. This hypertension cause is known as an environmental stressor.

Sensory Stress:

Another source of HBP is related to the senses: foul odors, painful stimuli on eyesight or skin, really loud noises like a blaring TV or living too close to an airport or railway crossing…all these are examples of sensory stress stimuli.

Emotional Stress:

Ever having a bad breakup and you just felt terrible- day and night, body aches, racing heart, depression, and so on?

Emotional stress, like what you would experience when experiencing a divorce or starting a new job, is a key trigger for high blood pressure.

These life events are normal and just part of the human condition. However, getting this one under control can be hard to do.

Psychological Stress:

Are you studying for a huge exam? Are you chronically under-rested? Did you just get moved to a different department at work and have to learn a whole new cache of skills?

Even reading a thrilling novel can spike blood pressure. These examples are something that is a little more under a person’s control than something like a genetic disease, but it there can also be difficulties limiting or overcoming this.

What do these 4 causes all have in common? Was there a common thread you saw in each of the examples?

That’s right – stress. It comes in many forms, and the body’s reaction to it over time determines whether a person will suffer from high blood pressure.

The great thing about this is that countless studies have been done on the mind/body connection, and can help to crush stress and completely reverse high blood pressure.

People who use all-natural mind/body methods to control their body’s reaction to stressful stimuli consistently test better in BP levels than their counterparts who don’t use these methods or those who are on dangerous blood pressure medicines.

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.  This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and reduce diastolic blood pressure permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Bring Your Blood Pressure Down Naturally

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Monday, September 23, 2019

How to Prevent Early Deaths Cause by Cardiovascular Disease?

Prevent Early Deaths Cause by Cardiovascular Disease - This Food Spikes Death Risk by 17% (Very Common) - This food is so common that almost everyone eats it at least once or twice per week, and that is because everybody loves it. But doing so would increase your risk of dying by a scary 17%. As if that wasn’t enough. It also increases your risk of heart attack, raises your cholesterol and blood pressure level and destroys almost all other health markers.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Prevent Early Deaths Cause by Cardiovascular Disease - This Food Spikes Death Risk by 17% (Very Common)

This food is so common that almost everyone eats it at least once or twice per week, and that is because everybody loves it.

But doing so would increase your risk of dying by a scary 17%.

As if that wasn’t enough. It also increases your risk of heart attack, raises your cholesterol and blood pressure level and destroys almost all other health markers.

Thankfully, there is another version of this food (even better) that has no health risk (and you’re going to love this one).

The new study published in BMJ identified 106,966 women between ages 50 and 79 who participated in the American Women’s Health Initiative study.

They completed dietary questionnaires in the mid-1990s and were then observed for around 20 years, until 2017.

During this period, 31,588 of them died; 9,320 from heart problems, 8,358 from cancer, and 13,880 from other causes.

The scientists split the types of fried foods they reported eating into three categories:

1. Fried chicken,
2. Fried fish, fried shellfish, and fish sandwiches, and
3. Other fried foods, like potato chips/fries, tacos, and so on.

They also recorded how often their subjects ate each of these food’s groups.

When they calculated the death risks for all fried foods, they found that people who ate less than one serving a week had one percent greater chance of all-cause death, which increased to three percent for two to six servings per week, and to eight percent for one serving per day.

People who ate one serving of fried chicken a month had a six percent greater chance of an all-cause death, which increased to 12 percent for two to three servings a month, and to 13 percent for at least one serving a week.

Even fried fish posed a risk, with people who ate at least one serving a week increasing their chance of dying from all causes by seven percent.

The only ray of sunshine is that other fried foods like fries were found to pose no risk for all-cause death.

The statistics for cardiovascular death from fried foods are equally bad.

With regards to all fried foods being calculated together, they found that one serving per day was associated with an eight percent higher death risk that stemmed from cardiovascular disease.

Fried chicken increased their chance of cardiovascular death by eight percent for less than two servings per month, 17 percent for two to three servings per month, and 12 percent for at least one serving per week.

One or more servings of fried fish per week increased their chance of cardiovascular death by 13 percent.

Again, other fried foods did not appear to increase their chance of dying of heart problems.

The scientists ensured that death risk factors like smoking and obesity did not influence their conclusion.

The most alarming finding for both fish and chicken was that there is very little difference between eating them once or more a week and eating them two to three times a month. The risk of death seems to creep in at the twice-a-month consumption level, which most of us probably do.

It is possible that the damage is caused by a mixture of the omega-6 vegetable oils in which we fry and the fat in the chicken and fish. Both these types of fats are damaged (called oxidized) by heat and it is these oxidized fats that become harmful cholesterol once we eat them.

Prevent Early Deaths Cause by Cardiovascular Disease - 9 Foods That Prevent Stroke

Academic researchers have found two minerals to be particularly effective at reducing the risk of stroke.

These are especially powerful at reducing this risk for people who struggle with high blood pressure.

There are nine tasty and cost-effective foods that contain high amounts of these minerals, and you can easily build into your daily diet to increase your chances of staying stroke-free.

A stroke occurs when there is an interruption in the flow of blood to the brain. Consequently, brain cells die rapidly due to the lack of constant blood supply, a problem that can leave the stroke sufferer either severely disabled or dead.

The main causes of a stroke are narrowed arteries, blood clots, and high blood pressure.

Scientists have discovered that potassium and magnesium significantly lower the risk of strokes, probably because they both lower blood pressure, which is one of the chief risk factors.

A huge study that had 34,670 women participants between the ages of 49 and 83 by the National Institute of Environmental Medicine in Sweden found, for example, that the intake of potassium and magnesium could indeed reduce the risk of stroke, especially in women with high blood pressure.

And in case the men are starting to feel left out, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Medical School studied 43,738 men between ages 40 and 75 and reached the same conclusion: potassium and magnesium lowered the risk of stroke, particularly among men with high blood pressure.

It is relatively easy to stack your diet with these two minerals, as they are readily available in these foods:

1. Spinach. From one cup of cooked spinach, you can obtain 180mg of magnesium and 180mg of potassium. Other dark, leafy green vegetables that are packed with both minerals include kale, collard, and Swiss chard.
2. Beans. One cup of cooked soya beans (usually sold as edamame) provides 150mg of magnesium, while a cup of cooked white beans can supply 170mg of potassium. Other good options for both minerals are black beans and kidney beans.
3. Avocado. Creamy, tasty, and a great source of both potassium and magnesium. However, guacamole lovers who purée it will unfortunately lose almost half of both these minerals, but that still leaves them with over 100mg of each.
4. Fish. Mackerel is the best source of magnesium, while salmon walks off with the potassium prize. You can expect around 85mg from an average fillet.
5. Bananas. With just under 100mg of magnesium and over 100mg of potassium, it is by far the most versatile fruit.
6. Brown rice. It cannot get any easier to eat plenty of magnesium, with one cup of brown rice providing almost 200mg of it. Millet, which is a lovely whole grain that can double up as a breakfast cereal, is not far behind.
7. Squash. Squash, in all its many varieties, is a brilliant source of potassium, with one cup containing anything from 150mg to 200mg.
8. Pumpkin seeds. A tasty mid-afternoon snack with one cup supplies more than 100mg of magnesium. Alternatively, you can mix pumpkin seeds with other magnesium-rich nuts, such as cashews, pine nuts, pecans, and almonds. Also, another snack high in magnesium is dark chocolate.
9. Potato and sweet potato skins. While these do not sound terribly appealing, they are some of the very best sources of potassium. Either cook and eat the potatoes with their skins, or grate the skins into stews and soups where they will not be especially noticeable.

The recommended daily intakes are approximately 420mg for magnesium and 3,500mg for potassium. If you eat 20% more of both, you will safely remain under the amounts where they become hazardous, while still giving yourself a good chance to remain stroke-free.

Prevent Early Deaths Cause by Cardiovascular Disease - Cardiovascular Health Determined By This Midlife Factor

We know that good physical fitness is important for cardiovascular health. But as we get older, many people have more difficulty working out and keeping in shape.

Fortunately, according to a new study published in JAMA Psychiatry, having good fitness at older ages may not be as important for cardiovascular health as previously thought.

That is only if we do something specific in our midlife.

Scientists analyzed information collected from the Cooper Center Longitudinal Study, for which data was collected between the years of 1971 and 2009.

They identified 17,989 people with all their data available and who did not have any history of cardiovascular problems at the beginning of the study.

Using Medicare claims, they identified depression diagnoses and used the National Death Index to identify deaths due to cardiovascular problems.

Those that had high midlife fitness level were 61% less likely to develop cardiovascular disease during their senior years.

This showed that it’s important to keep in shape during midlife – even if we’re not able to keep it up later on.

Those with high midlife fitness levels were also 16% less likely to be diagnosed with depression when they were older, showing that exercise is a great antidepressant, even for cases of depression that could developed 15 to 30 years later.

Those who were unfortunate enough to still develop depression and who were fit during their middle ages were 56% less likely to die of cardiovascular disease than those who were unfit.

The authors sensibly recommended, as many scientists have done, that doctors should prescribe exercise for middle-aged people to ensure healthy and happy aging later.

But if you already have high cholesterol and clogged heart arteries, what should you do?

To get more ideas on how to prevent early deaths cause by cardiovascular disease, watch this video - TipsTo Avoid Cancer/Heart Disease/Early Death

 This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to How to Prevent Early Deaths Cause By Cardiovascular Disease.

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Sunday, September 22, 2019

What is the Best Way to Stay Hard Longer?

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Increase Stamina and Heal Erectile Dysfunction Without Using Drugs

Stay Hard Longer - Your Car Causes Your ED Problems?

Men like cars. Cars like men. So why in the world would cars cause men ED problems?

Are they jealous of the wives?

All joke aside, a new study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine has proven that specific types of cars can actually cause ED problems in men.

The scientists used 40 male Sprague Dawley rats, 10 of whom were lucky enough to be used as a control group that was not exposed to any gasoline vehicle exhaust gasses at all.

The other 30 were exposed to this pollution at lengths of either two hours, four hours, or six hours of per day for three months.

After three months, an examination revealed that those exposed to four and six hours of daily exhaust gasses definitely suffered from sexual dysfunction.

The arteries that were meant to allow blood into their penises during an erection had become less flexible and were less able to relax, thereby inhibiting the blood flow.

In addition, the pressure that was meant to trap the blood inside the corpora cavernosa inside their penises had weakened, resulting in the blood flowing out before sexual activity could be completed.

Furthermore, the rats that were tested also suffered from high levels of inflammation throughout their bodies, lung damage and reduced lung capacity, and low nitric oxide in their penises.

All of these have previously been found to cause erectile dysfunction, and this demonstrates that it is not only that gasoline vehicle exhaust gasses which cause ED, but would also include the physiological mechanisms through which it happens.

So maybe the manly man of the future will not be one driving a big V8 monster truck, but a small electric car. At least they’ll have a better chance of a healthy erection.

While we can’t eliminate all exposure to gasoline pollution, we can do the easy home exercises to stay hard longer that can be found here. And these exercises heal the erectile dysfunction problems of almost every man –often the very first day… 

Stay Hard Longer - The Heart Condition That Causes ED

A new study in the journal, Aktuelle Urologie, reveals the one thing that differentiates men who suffer ED from men who don’t?

Researchers examined the blood of 60 men suffering from ED and 60 who didn’t. They found the two groups had the same amount of testosterone, glucose, creatinine, LDL (bad) cholesterol, HDL (good) cholesterol and triglycerides (fats) in their blood.

The one big difference between the group was the number of monocytes in their blood, with ED sufferers having a lot more of them than sexually functional men.

So, what are monocytes?

They are white blood cells, a type of immune system cell and are dispatched to tissue where your immune system detects a foreign invader.

Once they arrive, they turn into macrophages that then break down the potentially harmful invaders.

If you have a lot of them in your bloodstream, it means that your immune system in high alert in response to some detected threat.

Most often this high alert is in response to a high level of oxidized LDL cholesterol. This is the type of LDL cholesterol that gets stuck on your artery walls and blocks blood flow.

This block in arteries leads to heart attack and stroke. And it also leads to lack of blood flow to the penis, which causes erectile dysfunction.

For more ideas to stay hard longer without pills, watch this video - Impotence? Erectile Dysfunction Natural Cures, Medicine & Foods

Here are more details about oxidized cholesterol and how to get rid of it quickly…

And to stay hard longer, here are simple exercises that heal erectile dysfunction – often the very first day… 

Stay Hard Longer - ED Caused By This Sexual Activity

ED is most often caused by either emotional things like stress or anxiety, or physical issues such as plaque buildup in the arteries.

But there is one thing that can cause permanent ED if you don’t take immediate action when it happens.

And this one thing happens while making love.

Repeated studies have shown that men are at serious risk of erectile dysfunction if they delay a visit to the emergency room more than 72 hours after fracturing their penis. Especially if you’re over 50.

A fractured penis, you may ask, is that a joke?

No, it’s more common than you may think.

And while men are often worried about injuries caused by blunt force trauma, as in being hit or kicked, sexual intercourse is by far the most common cause, with 76.5% of penile fractures caused by sex.

A team of researchers surveyed 90 men with an average age of 39 who had suffered penile fractures. They published their results in the International Journal of Impotence Research.

Of those cases, 41% were caused by the doggy style position, 25.5% by the man-on-top (missionary) position, and 10% by the woman-on-top position.

Masturbation, or penile manipulation, did not pose much risk.

The missionary and doggy styles caused the worst injuries, and thereby pose the largest risk for the development of ED.

This does not mean you have to cut these sexual activities from your repertoire, but they probably require that you keep just enough of your wits to remain in control of them.

To put it bluntly, penile fractures happen when the penis is shoved into something hard, causing it to break.

During both missionary and doggy styles, it is possible for the penis to slip out and be shoved into the bed, table, chair, or wherever you happen to be.

Doggy style poses the extra risk that you can aim poorly and shove the penis into the woman’s pelvic bone.

Woman-on-top is risky when she suddenly leans forwards or backwards, bending the penis unnaturally quickly and causing it to break.

So how do you know when your penis has fractured so you can seek immediate medical help to reduce your chance of ED?

Luckily, it is rather obvious. If you hear a cracking sound during sexual activity, your penis appears to be a naturally bent, there is a lot of blood around, and you suffer severe pain, swelling, and a sudden loss of erection, an immediate hospital visit is crucial.

Luckily, erectile dysfunction most often has more painless causes and is easier to cure.

The home exercises to get you stay hard longer, found here, permanently heal erectile dysfunction and help you get hard and stay hard for as long as you want…

This post is from the Erectile Dysfunction Master Program, which was created by Christian Goodman for men who are looking for the best erectile dysfunction natural remedies.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure erectile dysfunction. By following the techniques in this program, you will be able to get hard fast without pills and maintain stronger erections for hours so you can enjoy sex again. 

Erectile problems can be physical or emotional. If your problem is physical, you need to exercise the muscles around the genital area. If your problem is emotional, then you need to learn relaxation techniques. Erection Master will teach you steps that can help get rid of your erectile dysfunction for good. As long as you're willing to commit 30 minutes of your time, 3 to 7 days a week for 1 to 2 months, they'll work for you. You can practice the steps alone or with your partner. 

These techniques are far more effective than Viagra, Cialis or other drugs for erectile dysfunction. The drugs only help about 40% of men who use them and can also cause very serious side effects. 

To find out more about this program, click on Stay Hard Longer Without Pills

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Thursday, September 19, 2019

What is the Best Way to Maintain Normal Blood Pressure Readings?

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Maintain Normal Blood Pressure Readings - Snoring Spikes Blood Pressure 79% (without sleep apnea)

Snoring is often thought of as innocent annoyance (and maybe a little funny for some). Okay, it irritates the spouse and creates tension in the relationship but that’s where it ends, right?

Dead wrong!

A new study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension revealed that snoring leads directly to high blood pressure. In addition, the worse your snore, the more severe the connection.

And this holds true in the absence of the sister condition: Sleep Apnea.

Japanese scientists identified 2,021 middle-aged Japanese people who participated in the Toon Health Study between 2009 and 2012, most of them being of normal or lean body weight.

Their blood pressure scores were already available.

Subjects were then asked to report their snoring frequency and were divided into groups based on their snoring frequency categorizations:
– never
– twice or less per week
– three or more times per week
– unknown

Compared to never-snorers, those in the heaviest snoring group had 4.57 mmHg higher systolic and 2.58 mmHg higher diastolic blood pressure scores.

Those who snored three or more times per week also had a 79 percent greater chance of having high blood pressure when compared to never-snorers.

These findings were true for overweight, normal-weight, and lean people.
And it also means that you can most definitely drop your blood pressure by a few points if you are an every-night snorer and decide to do something about it.

Most people can, fortunately, eliminate their snoring (and consequently, their high blood pressure) overnight through the use of these easy throat exercises found here…

And if high blood pressure is your main concern and you want to maintain normal blood pressure readings – discover how 3 easy exercises can drop it below 120/80 in as little as 9 minutes

Maintain Normal Blood Pressure Readings - Cure High Blood Pressure Effortlessly and Pleasantly

Great news from Greece may be just what you need if you have high blood pressure but don’t quite feel like going through a large amount of hassle to lower it.

Today, we’ll look at a new study that was conducted at Asklepieion Voula Hospital in Athens, which revealed the most effortless way to lower blood pressure naturally.

What they found was very encouraging. Not only did midday nappers have a minimum of a 5% lower systolic blood pressure than non-nappers, but they also had healthier arteries.

The pulse wave velocity in the napping group was 11% lower than the non-napping group. This is a measure of the vessel health, and the results indicated that the napping group has less damage to the blood vessels and the heart.

People who took a nap in the middle of the day also took fewer medications, had lower doses, and were less likely to need medicines to manage high blood pressure.

So, if you are able to do it, find a way to grab a catnap in the afternoon. It’s better! However, remember to limit the naptime to 30 – 40 minutes.

Maintain Normal Blood Pressure Readings - How Low Should Your Blood Pressure Be to Save You from Dying?

When it comes to your blood pressure readings, the numbers you should strive for could be quite confusing.

What was acceptable yesterday may not be good today.

Is your doctor trying to push you too low (overmedicating), or is he giving your blood pressure too much slack, thereby increasing your risk of dying from stroke or heart attack?

Years ago, doctors relied on a crude formula of systolic blood pressure: 100 plus a patient’s age, to determine whether blood pressure was within acceptable limits or needed to be lowered.

This method resulted in dangerously high “acceptable” blood pressure levels for many middle aged and elderly people. Gradually, the standard turned into a universal cut-off level of blood pressure that was between 140/90 mmHg to 150/100 mmHg, at which a doctor would recommend a lifestyle change or medical intervention.

Eventually, the target was reduced to 140/90 mmHg for healthy adults and 120/80 mmHg for adults with kidney-related disease or diabetes.

Lower is Better

Recent evidence from a National Institutes of Health study has convinced medical researchers to once again lower their recommendations regarding safe blood pressure levels.

The long-term study, which began in 2009, is known as the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial or SPRINT, and has confirmed what many doctors have learned through years of clinical practice.

According to John Kostis, director of the Cardiovascular Institute at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, he said: “the lower the better and the earlier the better.”

This means that the best way to prevent strokes, heart attacks, and other cardiovascular events would be to take aggressive and swift action as soon as high blood pressure is detected, regardless of the patient’s age.

Focusing on systolic blood pressure – the upper number of the blood pressure ratio represents pressure in arteries during heart contraction, SPRINT researchers sought to find out whether reducing this value to a maximum of 120 mmHg would offer any benefit to adult patients. These patients would be aged 50 years or older, with hypertension and who were considered to be at risk in developing heart or kidney disease.

Results were overwhelmingly in favor of the lower blood pressure levels. By comparison, a systolic of 120 decreased heart attack, heart failure, and stroke rates by nearly a third and risk of blood pressure-related death by close to 25%, when compared to the standard 140-mmHg systolic pressure.

So, how did SPRINT researchers accomplish their goal? The standard dose of any of the five classes of blood pressure drugs produces about a 10-mmHg drop in systolic blood pressure and, statistically, doubling the dosage of a single drug would provide less than a 50% additional return.

When there is a large gap between actual and ideal systolic pressure, it becomes necessary to mix and match drugs and dosages. As a result, to bring their systolic pressure down to 120 mmHg, some SPRINT participants required as many as four different medications.

The Inevitable Controversy

However, not all experts agree on the cardiovascular benefits of using multiple blood pressure drugs. According to biostatistician Dr. George Howard from the University of Alabama at the Birmingham School of Public Health, your risk of stroke may even rise if you take multiple blood pressure medications. This can be an increase of as much as 33% with each additional drug.

This evidence opposes the SPRINT results. Additionally, with more drug prescriptions comes the increased risk for side effects and adverse drug interactions.

So, while SPRINT provides doctors with a protocol and rationale they can use for potentially improving the health and lives of their patients, it may not be without risks.

The Take-Home

Since hypertension is largely a preventable, lifestyle-related disease, it usually responds well to dietary and lifestyle changes. Experts continue to emphasize the need to stop smoking, get regular exercise, maintain a healthy body weight, and consume alcohol in moderation.

These changes offer a win-win scenario, ensuring fewer medical complications while improving overall health.

So, what is the best natural approach to lower your blood pressure without medications?

For more ideas to maintain normal blood pressure readings, watch this video - Reversing High Blood Pressure in 30 Days with Dr. David De Rose

By far, my highest recommendation to maintain normal blood pressure readings, goes to three easy exercises that are guaranteed to drop your blood pressure below 120/80 – beginning today…

 This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.  This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and reduce diastolic blood pressure permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Maintain Normal Blood Pressure Readings Naturally

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