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Showing posts with label easy blood pressure exercises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label easy blood pressure exercises. Show all posts

Monday, October 7, 2019

What is the Best High Blood Pressure Treatment at Home?

This can be the Best High Blood Pressure Treatment at Home - To Lower Blood Pressure and Stroke Risk 36%, Eat This Daily. Today I’m not going to tell you to eat fruits or vegetables in order to lower your blood pressure. I’ll not mention fish, eggs or meat either. Read on to find out more.

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High Blood Pressure Treatment at Home - To Lower Blood Pressure and Stroke Risk 36%, Eat This Daily

Today I’m not going to tell you to eat fruits or vegetables in order to lower your blood pressure.

I’ll not mention fish, eggs or meat either.

This is as what has been revealed in this revolutionary Japanese study is totally different from the norm.

But you absolutely must eat this daily if you want to lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of a stroke and heart attack by up to 36%.

In January 2016, a Japanese research team published a study in the journal Stroke that concluded that people who skipped breakfast were more likely to suffer a stroke than those who ate in the mornings.

They first collected the breakfast eating habits of 82,772 Japanese adults, which were recorded in 1995, and categorized them by weekly breakfasts:

• 0-2 per week
• 3-4 per week
• 5-6 per week
• 7 per week

They recorded all the cardiovascular events that occurred within their subjects over the following 15 years and compared it with the breakfast statistics.

The comparison clearly showed that those who never ate breakfast were:

• Significantly more likely to suffer from a stroke than those who regularly or always enjoyed it, and…
• 36% more likely to have a stroke that involved a cerebral hemorrhage.

A previous study with 26,902 subjects published in a 2013 edition of the journal Circulation found that people who skipped breakfast were 27% more likely to suffer a heart attack than those who ate regular breakfasts.

So why do breakfast skippers have such a high risk of stroke and cerebral hemorrhage?

High blood pressure increases the chance of strokes and heart attacks by up to six times.

And the authors of both the Japanese and American studies found that people who skipped breakfast had higher blood pressure scores than those who consumed it.

So, your number one health goal should be to lower your blood pressure, and eating breakfast daily will get you closer to that goal.

High Blood Pressure Treatment at Home - These Fruits and Vegetables Raise Blood Pressure

Everyone knows that eating fruits and vegetables is the best thing for lowering blood pressure.

And that’s true – in most cases.

But there is one particular case where specific fruits and vegetables can actually raise your blood pressure by almost 5 points in two hours, and you must avoid this at all costs.

In a study from the Environmental Health Center at the Seoul National University College of Medicine in Korea, scientists wanted to find out what effects bisphenol A, a chemical used in most plastic containers and for lining food and beverage cans, had on blood pressure.

They published their study in the journal Hypertension.

The scientists split their participants into three groups, one that received two canned beverages, one that received two glass-bottled beverages, and one that received one canned and one glass-bottled beverage.

They then measured the participant’s blood pressure and heart rate two hours after the consumption of each beverage and calculated their daily blood pressure averages.

The results were stunning! People who drank two canned beverages per day experienced an increase of 4.5 mm Hg increase in blood pressure – this amount was enough to push many people over the limit and have hypertension.

Several previous studies also revealed similar results.

It’s therefore essential that you only store fruits, vegetables and other types of food from containers marked “BPA free.”

However, this may not always be possible. Therefore, you would also need to take action to lower your blood pressure naturally.

High Blood Pressure Treatment at Home - These 7 Ingredients Slash Blood Pressure

When we talk about the lowering of blood pressure or tackling other health issues, we usually recommend foods to avoid.

Sometimes, this includes cutting out fat or sugar etc.

But some foods actually lower blood pressure. In today’s article, we’ll list seven types of food that you should absolutely load up on to bring your blood pressure down.

1. Potassium.  Potassium works by increasing the amount of aldosterone in your body which, in turn, forces your kidneys to excrete more salt and water. In other words, while salt increases body fluid and thereby blood pressure, potassium lowers salt, body fluid, and blood pressure. Potassium-rich foods that can assist with this include banana, avocado, potato, sun-dried tomato, soybeans, kidney beans, spinach, collard greens, kale, and most dried fruits.

2. Magnesium.  Magnesium serves as a natural calcium channel blocker. It widens your arteries so that blood can flow smoothly through them. Calcium channel blocking is precisely the effect that some blood pressure drugs attempt to accomplish. Magnesium rich foods include collard greens, spinach, kale, almonds, sunflower seeds, dark chocolate, soybeans, and kidney beans.

3. Potassium with Magnesium.  Research suggests that you can achieve the maximum effect by combining potassium and magnesium. They seem to support and strengthen each other, probably because they tackle two physical mechanisms that underlie high blood pressure. The top food that combines the two would be kale, which you can pan-fry as chips, bake in vegetable bakes, and stir-fry with other vegetables- yum!

4. Nitric Oxide.  Nitric Oxide also widens your arteries so that blood can flow easily without putting pressure onto your heart to pump harder. The best form is found in cold or half-raw foods, like beetroot and celery. In fact, a recent review of 16 studies that comprised a total of 254 participants, it was demonstrated that the intake of beetroot juice reduces blood pressure by 4-10 mmHg (millimeters of mercury) for several hours after consumption.

5. Omega-3 fatty acids.  Several mechanisms have been proposed behind the blood pressure lowering effects of omega-3, but at this stage, little agreement exists beyond the fact that it is effective. A recent scientific review of 17 studies, with a total of 1,524 volunteers, showed that most studies consider it to be effective. The best sources of omega-3 include fish, olive oil, walnuts, and flaxseeds.

6. Allicin.  This is an active ingredient in garlic. It is produced when garlic is crushed or chewed. Adding garlic to all your food will tackle the oxidative damage and inflammation that contributes to high blood pressure. Your friends may avoid you because of your smelly breath, but you can just eat plenty of parsley to counter the smell.

7. Pterostilbene.  The mechanism via which it lowers blood pressure is unknown, but there is evidence that Pterostilbene is effective. You can find it in almonds, cranberries, blueberries, and bilberries. Berries on your morning cereal or in your smoothies are fantastic.

To get some idea on high blood pressure treatment at home, watch this video - How to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally (7 Principles + 3 Myths)

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.  This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and reduce diastolic blood pressure permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on High Blood Pressure Treatment at Home to Lowe Blood Pressure Naturally

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Wednesday, August 14, 2019

What is the Best Way to Reduce Diastolic Blood Pressure?

This Vitamin Works Wonders in Helping to Reduce Diastolic Blood Pressure! There is an attack happening on your body right now, and this attack causes high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and other serious conditions. Fortunately, there is one type of vitamin that quickly fights off this attack, helps brings your blood pressure down, and improves your arteries to obtain optimal health.

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Could this Vitamin help to Reduce Diastolic Blood Pressure?

This Vitamin Works Wonders for High Blood Pressure!

There is an attack happening on your body right now, and this attack causes high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke and other serious conditions.

Fortunately, there is one type of vitamin that quickly fights off this attack, helps brings your blood pressure down, and improves your arteries to obtain optimal health.

Antioxidant vitamins are the gatekeepers of oxidative stress, a symptom that is commonly blamed for many chronic diseases including high blood pressure.

Simply put, oxidative stress is the result of free radical damage, occurring partly because of inadequate protection from antioxidants.

What does this mean for high blood pressure?

Since humans live by burning (oxidizing) food, the by-products of that oxidation can damage our DNA, leading to high blood pressure.

Thankfully, the body makes its own antioxidant glutathione, which should be sufficient when coupled with a diet that is rich in antioxidant foods.

The most powerful antioxidant vitamins are A, C and E. You can get these vitamins in high-quality supplements in your local health food store or from food sources.

The National Institute of Aging has developed something known as an ORAC Score (oxygen radical absorption capacity), which tests the power of a plant to absorb and eliminate free radicals.

The following foods are the highest in antioxidants, and are based on 100 grams (3.5oz) of each food:

Goji berries – 25,000 ORAC Score
Dark Chocolate – 21,000 ORAC Score
Pecans – 17,000 ORAC Score
Blueberries – 14,000 ORAC Score
Elderberries – 14,000 ORAC Score
Cranberries – 9,500 ORAC Score
Artichoke – 9,400 ORAC Score
Kidney Beans – 8,400 ORAC Score
Blackberries – 5,300 ORAC Score

Note: This list is an attempt to highlight edible foods. When measured by weight, spices are the richest source of antioxidants. Ground clove, for example, has one of the highest ORAC values. However, it is doubtful that anyone will ever attempt to eat 100g of cloves in one sitting!

Surprisingly, a set of simple blood pressure exercises have been found to be even more powerful than antioxidants to battle high blood pressure. Learn these simple blood pressure exercises here…

Why this Ingredient Can Reduce Diastolic Blood Pressure?

The Most Powerful Blood Pressure Lowering Ingredient Has Been Discovered

You may have been told to cut down on salt, fat, sugar and other “unhealthy” ingredients in order to lower your blood pressure.

So instead, you’re forced to load your dish with greens and fruits, and maybe take some herbs or supplements.

But there is one ingredient – that could be the key to curing high blood pressure – that has almost been completely ignored until now.

And there’s at least an 85% chance that you’ll jump up and down with joy after reading about this popular ingredient that you should load into your diet.

According to recent evidence, the sources of protein in your daily diet might be the missing link to preventing and reducing high blood pressure.

And, point-for-point on the blood pressure scale, the amount of benefits obtained from protein is on par with lifestyle factors, such as exercise and the DASH diet.

The Protein-Blood Pressure Connection

Your artery walls as well as the muscles that line them and allow them to expand and contract are made of protein. As it turns out, certain amino acids – the building blocks of protein – are more important than others when it comes to building strong arteries.

In a study of 2,000 women, it was found that those who consumed more than seven of the amino acids known to be heart-protective showed lower blood pressure levels and more flexible arteries than the cohort who consumed less of the same amino acids.

Scientists found that participants with high vegetable protein diets had lower pressure in the main artery that was closest to the heart –a useful indicator of how hard the heart has to work to push blood out to the body. By contrast, certain animal-derived amino acids were found to make the arteries suppler.

The bottom-line would thus be that the best diet for healthy blood pressure, according to the researchers, would be one that emphasizes many plant foods along with moderate amounts of lean meat.

So, let’s take a look at the seven amino acids that were used from the study, how they lower blood pressure, along with the foods in which they are found in.

A Closer Look at What These Seven Amino Acids Do

Glutamic acid, arginine, cysteine, glycine and histidine all raise levels of nitric oxide, a potent blood vessel dilator.

Cysteine is also a component of the antioxidant glutathione, which decreases oxidative stress on arteries and improves insulin resistance. This keeps arteries healthy and assists in the prevention of high blood pressure by preventing high blood sugar.

Additionally, glycine contributes to the structure of collagen and elastin – two proteins that make the walls of your arteries both flexible and expandable.

Leucine lowers blood pressure by decreasing fat production and increasing muscle mass.

Tyrosine is converted into a nerve-stimulating neuro-transmitter epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. Though adrenaline raises blood pressure temporarily, its overall effect is to lower the resting blood pressure.

Foods they are found in:

• Glutamic acid – Plant sources of glutamic acid may be even more effective than animal sources at lowering blood pressure. According to one study, a meal containing pea protein resulted in higher nitric oxide levels than a meal based on egg white. Good sources of glutamic acid include salmon, chicken, soy and sesame seeds.

• Arginine – Fish, chicken, mung bean sprouts, chocolate, and wheat germ are all excellent sources of arginine.

• Cysteine – Foods high in cysteine include ground mustard seed, cod, soybeans, sunflower seeds, and legumes.

• Glycine – Present in fish, meat, beans, nuts, and dairy.

• Histidine – Calms the nervous system and puts you in a relaxed mode. Found in high quantities in meats, soy, fish, nuts, whole grains, and seeds.

• Leucine – This branched-chain amino acid is famously present in whey protein – a byproduct of cheese manufacture – and is a favorite of athletes and people seeking to lose weight. Dairy products, soybeans, beef, pumpkin seeds, tuna, and peanuts are good sources of leucine.

• Tyrosine – Good sources of tyrosine include seaweed, egg whites, cottage cheese, turkey, and mustard greens.

Can this Vegetable Waste Reduce Diastolic Blood Pressure?

This Vegetable Waste-Product Drops Blood Pressure 7 Points

You can eat it in salads, soups, stews, and pasta. It’s found in every single supermarket in the world and you probably already have it in your kitchen.

And the best part is, according to the British Journal of Nutrition, it will drastically lower your blood pressure in just a few days!

Unfortunately, most of us throw the best part of this vegetable away as trash.

You see, onion skins contain huge amounts of quercetin, the antioxidant, anti-histamine, and anti-inflammatory yellow, crystalline pigment found in some other plants, too.

If onion skin sounds too disgusting to eat, don’t worry. It appears in large amounts in the rest of the onion too, as well as in capers, citrus fruits, cranberries, blueberries, apples, and dark plums.

Quercetin has become extremely popular in the natural health community in the past few years due to its suspected health properties. Health shops are well supplied with quercetin supplements made out of onion skin extracts.

So, you don’t actually have to eat the onion skin itself.

In response to the hype, a German research team decided to investigate the heart-healthy properties of onion skin extract. In particular, they were interested in its ability to help people with blood pressure that was slightly high (blood pressure between 120/80 and 140/100).

They gave some of their 70 study participants 162 mg of an onion skin powdered extract daily, while the others received a placebo. The treatment continued for a few six-week periods, which was separated by a six-week washout period.

The results showed an average decrease in systolic pressure of 3.6 mmHg.

While a decrease of 3.6 points sounds unimpressive, you must remember that the subjects did not change their eating or exercise habits during the course of the study. They put in no effort other than taking the natural food supplement. If your systolic reading is currently 140 and you adopt six small lifestyle changes that can give you a 3.6-point drop each, your reading will be normal.

The researchers could not find the mechanism behind the improvement, as the subject’s endothelial (blood vessel) function, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity, lipid metabolism, and glucose metabolism remained unchanged.

Moreover, while researchers were almost certain that the blood pressure effects were caused by quercetin, they could not rule out that other substances present in the onion skin could have contributed.

Still, other studies of quercetin that were not taken from onion skin alone have yielded similar results.

A team from the University of Utah published an article in a 2007 issue of the Journal of Nutrition that found a seven-point systolic and five-point diastolic drop in people with high blood pressure. Instead of 162 mg, they gave their subjects 730 mg of quercetin per day, over a 28-day period.

Seven and five points sound worth it, but you cannot obtain anything near that amount from food. It will have to be from supplements.

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites.  This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and reduce diastolic blood pressure permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Reduce Diastolic Blood Pressure Permanently

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Wednesday, June 13, 2018

How Best to Actually Cure Genetic High Blood Pressure?

Many people have this mistaken belief that if they get high blood pressure due to genetic factors, there is nothing they can do about it. Read on here to find out how you can actually cure genetic high blood pressure.

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Many people have this mistaken belief that if they get high blood pressure due to genetic factors, there is nothing they can do about it. Read on here to find out how you can actually cure genetic high blood pressure.

By now we all know that we should eat plenty of vegetables, sugar and oils, and exercise frequently to keep our blood pressure at healthy levels.

But, how about genetic high blood pressure?

If you have high blood pressure, most likely your parents and grandparents had it, too.

 A new study reveals how high blood pressure was passed on to you… but more importantly, how to cut the tie and cure genetic high blood pressure today.

Given this rising phenomenon of high blood pressure during pregnancy, American researchers decided to study its effects on the offspring and investigate ways to address them. They published their research in the journal Hypertension.

In their first experiment, they divided pregnant rats into two groups: those with induced high blood pressure and those left to give birth at normal blood pressure levels.

Between eight and nine weeks, which are a rat’s equivalent of human adulthood, they gave the children from both groups of mothers a hormone to elevate their blood pressure.

Interestingly, those whose mothers had high blood pressure during pregnancy developed much higher blood pressure than those whose mothers were healthy.

From this, researchers implied hypertensive pregnancies yield children with an over sensitivity to things that usually cause high blood pressure.

Studies addressing new-born rat’s high blood pressure showed it’s possible to retrain young brains to forget some of the harmful diseases and potential diseases that our mothers pass to us during pregnancy. Therefore, the sensitivity to blood pressure triggers that we inherit from our hypertensive mothers is not permanent.

In another new study on Genetic High Blood Pressure published in the journal Nature Genetics, researchers at Queen Mary University London and Imperial College London exposed 107 genes linked directly to high blood pressure.

You wouldn’t think you could do anything about it if you had these genes. Wrong! Discovering these genes may actually jump-start you to naturally cure genetic high blood pressure.

Unsurprisingly, most of these genes express themselves in blood vessels and other cardiovascular tissue.

Of the 107 genes, 32 are previously undiscovered, and at least 53 have been previously reported, but not verified.

They examined the data of 420,000 British people whose information was available in the UK Biobank. Altogether, they analyzed 9.8 million genetic variants and compared these with their blood pressure data.

Together with the identification of the genes, the scientists also discovered that they could use the genetic information of each person to predict his or her risk score for stroke and heart disease.

People with the highest risk score had a 10 mmHg higher blood pressure reading than those with the lowest score, translating to a 50 percent higher risk of stroke or heart disease.

Being medical scientists, the authors recommended that the 107 genetic variants could all be targeted with medication; a scary idea when considering the side effects that the commonly prescribed blood pressure medications already have.

But they made other recommendations to cure genetic high blood pressure.

For example, early-life use of a genetic risk score for hypertension can enable all of us to design lifestyles that minimize cardiovascular risks.

Those at the highest risk will have to work much harder than their peers to modify their diets, exercise programs, levels of stress, and other factors to avoid hypertension.

Genetic disadvantages do not make it inevitable that we will develop diseases as we grow up and age; they only make us more vulnerable to such diseases.

Just like the small kid in class has to work harder to jump high, you’ll have to take extra measures to tackle your blood pressure if you’re genetically prone.

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain and stabilize your blood pressure.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Effectively Lower Blood Pressure

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