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Showing posts with label cure GERD permanently. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cure GERD permanently. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

What is the Best Way for Getting Rid of Acid Reflux Permanently?

Getting Rid of Acid Reflux Permanently - This Acid Reflux Drugs Fracture Bones. It is common for infants to spit up their food after a meal, but if they also vomit, cough, and choke frequently, struggle to eat, and fail to gain weight, then a well-meaning doctor may decide to prescribe a drug for acid reflux. But a study just published in the journal Pediatrics shows that these drugs also put your child at risk of bone fractures early in their lives.

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW,Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

Getting Rid of Acid Reflux Permanently - This Acid Reflux Drugs Fracture Bones

It is common for infants to spit up their food after a meal, but if they also vomit, cough, and choke frequently, struggle to eat, and fail to gain weight, then a well-meaning doctor may decide to prescribe a drug for acid reflux.

But a study just published in the journal Pediatrics shows that these drugs also put your child at risk of bone fractures early in their lives.

There are two common drugs for acid reflux: proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and histamine H2-receptor antagonists (H2RAs), and they’re sometimes prescribed together.

The authors of the new study looked at 851,631 children born between 2001 and 2013 who were tracked for at least two years.

Kids with cholestasis (a bile disease), osteogenesis imperfecta (a brittle bone disease), and those who were maltreated were left out of the study.
11% of these kids were prescribed one or both of these drugs before their first birthday (which seems kind of ludicrous, but there you go…)
0.9 percent received PPIs, eight percent received H2RAs, and two percent received both.

Those youngsters who took an anti-acid drug before birthday number one also broke their first bone eight months earlier than those who received no such drugs.

The children who received PPIs were 21 percent more likely than their peers were to fracture a bone during childhood and those who received both drugs increased their childhood fracture risk by 31 percent.

H2RAs alone had no effect, but they clearly amplified the harm of the PPIs for the kids who took both drugs before their first birthday.

Those who took the medication the earliest and the longest had the greatest risk of early bone fractures. That’s some disturbing reading.

The researchers made sure that sex, preterm birth, obesity, and other such characteristics did not affect their findings.

Drugs should always be the last resort for your children (and maybe for yourself, too) so try lifestyle remedies before you reach for the acid suppressants. Here’s what to trial:

1. Feed them small meals more frequently rather than large meals infrequently. A full stomach puts pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (the ring of muscles that keeps food down where it belongs).

2. Avoid feeding from bottles with large-sized nipples, as this may allow the milk to flow too fast.

3. Add some oats or other cereal to the milk or start the baby on solid food early (with your pediatrician’s permission, of course).

4. Make sure your baby does not sleep with its head downwards. A small elevation of the head might help, especially in the first two hours after a meal.

Luckily, most infants grow out of acid reflux at around one year of age when their lower esophageal sphincters become strong enough to keep food down and their digestive systems mature.

Getting Rid of Acid Reflux Permanently - How Over-the-Counter Acid Reflux Meds Break Your Bones and Cause Arthritis

Waking up with that horrible, sour taste in your mouth and your chest burning with acid reflux, your first impulse is probably to jump for the medicine cabinet.

And what’s the damage? After all, these pills are sold over the counter, nothing but simple calcium or other ingredients that cause no side effects. Right?

Think again, because new research has shown that the side effects of these “innocent” acid reflux pills can be lethal.

Acid reflux is a frustrating condition; and, if left untreated, can ultimately lead to several serious diseases such as esophageal cancer.

Americans spend tens of millions of dollars treating the symptoms with prescription medications called proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs, to quell the discomfort.

Most experts agree that for the vast majority of sufferers, diet is the key culprit. They go on to also agree that changing the way one eats, as well as how much during each meal, can go a long way to naturally end it without having to resort to medication.

However, many people figure that diet changes might be too hard and that a pill is easier- so what’s the harm?

As it turns out, PPI drugs, which work by shutting down some of the pumps in the stomach that produce acid needed for digestion, also interfere with a host of other systems in the body.

For one, doctors are noticing a dramatic uptick in bone fractures and osteoarthritis among regular users of PPI medicines.

The problem is that PPIs are known to interfere with more than acid production. They also interfere with the body’s ability to absorb protein and calcium, both of which are needed for healthy bones and joints.

This is of particular importance to people who are already at risk, such as those going through menopause or taking medicines that also interfere with calcium absorption like calcium channel blockers, used for high blood pressure.

It has also been seen that PPIs interfere with magnesium absorption, which can cause bleeding problems and increase a person’s risk of developing other bowel-related issues.

Further, PPIs have been shown to affect blood vessel health by narrowing the arteries, spiking blood pressure.

For the little amount of temporary relief, many natural health practitioners caution that it just isn’t worth the extra problems the side effects of these drugs bring to the party.

Their advice, instead, is to have an honest look at diet and lifestyle and see if making even just a few, simple changes can turn around the reflux naturally.

Not sure where to start with eliminating your acid reflux, and don’t want to head to the medicine cabinet every day?

Getting Rid of Acid Reflux Permanently - Acid Reflux – 7 Foods You Didn’t Know Cause It

If you frequently suffer acid reflux/heartburn, you probably know of many foods that trigger it.

Spicy foods are on the top of the list for many people. Tomato sauce and pizza late at night might be in there, too.

But there are some foods that most of us think are completely safe that sneakily cause acid reflux without being noticed.

The next time you get acid reflux, just check if you’ve had any of these foods that day. It’s not spicy food that’s always the culprit.

1. Fried foods: You might love your French Fries, but your stomach doesn’t. They are high in fat content and are the foods most often associated with heartburn and acid reflux.

2. Soda: This doesn’t come as a surprise, considering that soda is packed full of carbonated bubbles that expand inside the stomach and increase pressure inside the stomach walls inducing acid reflux. The worst kind of sodas are the ones that are caffeinated or acidic, which most of them are anyway. So, try to avoid them completely.

3. Chocolate: Chocolate is often seen as a calorie bomb or a tooth decay expert. Believe it or not, it’s also on this list of foods that can induce acid reflux. In fact, it packs a triple whammy – there are stimulants (caffeine and theobromine), cocoa, and fat and all these ingredients can cause reflux.If you still insist on having your dose of chocolate, at least go for the dark chocolate. It is a slightly better than milk chocolate.

4. Alcohol: Even though alcohol is not as acidic as soda, it can cause the muscle flap connecting the stomach and esophagus causing acid reflux. Minimize or avoid alcohol and don’t mix in orange juice or soda in it when you drink it at all.

5. Dairy products with high fat content: Use high fat dairy products like butter and cheese with caution. Too much of it can cause reflux, especially if you eat them regularly.

6. Fatty meat: Certain meats like lamb and pork are rich in fats and tend to remain in the stomach for a longer time as it gets digested causing acid reflux. You can choose lean meat over fatty meat and keep it to once a week to avoid chances of getting acid reflux.

7. Coffee and caffeinated drinks: you don’t have to worry too much if you’re happy with a cup of coffee a day. But if you drink coffee every couple of hours, you’re definitely inviting trouble. Herbal tea or green tea are good options in place of coffee. Try them out instead!

For more ideas for getting rid of acid reflux permanently, watch this video - What Triggers Your Acid Reflux, and What Solutions Will Work

This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.

To find out more about the program, go to Getting Rid of Acid Reflux Permanently

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Thursday, January 2, 2020

What is the Best Way to Stop Acid Reflux Safely?

Stop Acid Reflux Safely - How Heartburn Causes Heart Attack (be warned). A new mega-study involving over 3 million people has uncovered a strong and convincing link between heart attack and people who suffer heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion. But it might not be linked in the way you think.

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW, Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

Stop Acid Reflux Safely - Most Common Acid Reflux Treatment is Lethal

The most common treatment for acid reflux is a class of drugs called proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs. The latest estimates suggest that 15 million Americans are taking one of these drugs on prescription, and that’s without counting users who get them over the counter, so the actual figure could be even higher.

This is disturbing because a new study in the journal BMJ now shows that this abundantly used drug type increases your risk of death from a whole range of serious chronic conditions.

American researchers looked at data collected by the American Department of Veterans Affairs between 2002 and 2004. They found that doctors had prescribed PPIs for 157,625 people and H2 blockers (another type of acid reflux drug) for 56,842 others.

They noticed an extra 45.2 (per 1000) more deaths in the PPI group compared to the H2 blocker group, which shows pretty clearly that PPIs pose a greater risk of death.

They further break that down into 17.47 circulatory system deaths, 12.94 cancer deaths, 4.2 infectious and parasitic disease deaths, 6.25 reproductive and urinary systems deaths, 15.48 cardiovascular disease deaths, and a small number from chronic kidney disease.

For some people it wasn’t clear from the medical documents why PPI had been prescribed, but for that group we know that an extra 22.91/1000 of them died from cardiovascular disease, 4.74 from chronic kidney disease, and 3.12 from stomach and esophageal cancers.

These statistics held true for people who had a history of these diseases as well as those that didn’t.

It seems that the longer people took PPIs, the higher their risk of death from cancer, and from diseases of the circulatory and reproductive and urinary systems too. And this was true even for those people who took very low doses, so they’re bad news no matter how little you take.

The most common PPIs are Prilosec, Prevacid, Nexium, Aciphex, Zegerid, Dexilant, and Protonix.

These drugs are used to suppress stomach acid production when too much washes up into your esophagus and throat. Unfortunately, it seems that they do a lot more besides, and researchers have pointed out these dangers several times before.

Scientists don’t know exactly why PPIs are so dangerous, but the new study proposes some possibilities:

PPIs alter our gut bacteria by killing some and allowing others to flourish.
They damage the endothelial cells that line our blood vessels and lymph nodes, and they cause those cells to die faster.

They increase oxidative stress.

They disrupt normal cell growth, which might lead to cells becoming cancerous.

They destroy the immune cells in the mucous of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Whatever the cause may be, it is clear that you are probably going to be safer if you don’t take these drugs at all.

Stop Acid Reflux Safely - Why You’re NOT Sick Despite Your Doctor’s Diagnosis

You are probably much healthier than your doctor thinks. And most certainly a lot healthier than your collection of prescription medicines suggests.

In fact, you are probably much healthier than you have been led yourself to believe.

Dr. Teppo Jarvinen, of the Department of Orthopedics and Trauma at the University of Helsinki, wrote an article in a recent British Medical Journal that argued that it has become the norm for doctors to prescribe medicine, not because you are sick, but because you might get sick.

In other words, drugs are prescribed not for existing conditions, but to prevent ones that have not yet happened. Prevention of something that may or may not happen has now become a disease in itself.

For this reason, where a British hospital chart used to have room for five medications, it now has room for 30, and the British medical system is responsible for 18 drug prescriptions per person per year. The rest of the Western world is probably in a similar situation.

Osteoporosis is a good example, with many women being prescribed drugs to prevent the loss of bone mineral density in their postmenopausal years when they are supposedly at increased risk of osteopenia or osteoporosis. But as a thorough literature review in the May 2015 edition of the Journal of Internal Medicine reveals:

– 85 percent of fractures in elderly women are not due to osteoporosis but to falls because of muscle weakness
– Bone mineral density does not predict fractures in the elderly
– Osteoporosis drugs do not prevent fractures anyway.

Given that the drugs are expensive and far from side effect-free, the massive overprescription of these drugs seems unjustified.

According to a 2008 article in the British Medical Journal, up to 70 percent of people with prescriptions for proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have neither stomach ulcers, nor a chronic inflammatory condition that justifies the PPI prescriptions. It is not supposed to be given to people to prevent occasional heartburn after fatty meals.

Health authorities in the U.S., Britain, Australia, and many other countries around the world recommend that statins (cholesterol drugs) be prescribed for healthy people to prevent cardiovascular disease, even if they have only a 10 percent chance of developing it (7.5 percent in the U.S).

Meanwhile, after conducting a thorough literature review, medical specialists argued in a 2013 edition of the British Medical Journal that healthy people with a smaller than 20 percent risk of cardiovascular disease do not benefit from statins and that these drugs do not change the age at which they die or even the severity of the cardiovascular complaints from which they suffer later.

All these are cases where drugs are prescribed to prevent, rather than to cure. Even worse, in some of these cases research shows that they do not have a preventative effect, anyway.

There are many reasons for thinking that overprescription is a bad idea.

Most importantly, if people are put on drugs, they may not be as motivated to change their lifestyles to prevent diseases. If you know you can take a proton pump inhibitor afterwards, you won’t even think of preventing heartburn by skipping the fatty meal. This holds even more strongly for regular exercise to increase muscle strength and decrease fracture-causing falls, and for healthy dieting to reduce cholesterol. Drugs replace behavior modification and healthy lifestyles.

Furthermore, virtually all drugs have side effects. They clash with each other. They overwork your liver and kidneys that must break them down and excrete them.

Finally, they drive up the revenue that governments and private health insurers spend on healthcare. This leads to higher taxation and higher insurance premiums.

Stop Acid Reflux Safely - How Heartburn Causes Heart Attack (be warned)

A new mega-study involving over 3 million people has uncovered a strong and convincing link between heart attack and people who suffer heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion.

But it might not be linked in the way you think.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, affects more than 20 million Americans. Likely, there are many millions more suffering, but the 20 million estimate is the number who are currently prescribed a class of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).

What is alarming, and what the study found, is that people taking these drugs are at a 20% increased risk of suffering a heart attack as compared to those who don’t take the drugs.

PPIs are drugs better known as Prilosec, Nexium, and Prevacid, among others. The increased risk is caused by the drugs’ effect on the lining of blood vessel walls. This interferes with blood flow, leading to a dramatically increased risk of having a heart attack.

It doesn’t take dangerous medications to get rid of GERD, acid reflux / heartburn, indigestion and other similar diseases.

For more ideas to stop acid reflux safely, watch this video - How To Stop Acid Reflux | How To Treat Acid Reflux

This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.

To find out more about the program, go to How to Stop Acid Reflux Safely

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Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Cure Your Heartburn and Acid Reflux?

Cure Your Heartburn and Acid Reflux - Fatal Effects of Acid Reflux (Study). If a new study in the journal Clinical Otolaryngology is right, the Gastroesophageal reflux disease is not just uncomfortable and painful, it can also be potentially fatal. In fact, it was found to increase your risk of this fatal disease by a scary 232%.

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW, Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

Cure Your Heartburn and Acid Reflux - Fatal Effects of Acid Reflux (Study)

If a new study in the journal Clinical Otolaryngology is right, the Gastroesophageal reflux disease is not just uncomfortable and painful, it can also be potentially fatal.

In fact, it was found to increase your risk of this fatal disease by a scary 232%.

Fortunately, there are easy steps to avoid this if implemented in the early stages.

A team of Korean researchers tested the relationship between acid reflux and a range of head and neck cancers.

They ran two separate studies.

They collected medical information from the Korean National Health Insurance Service National Sample Cohort from 2002 to 2013. All the patients considered were older than 40, since this is the age where these forms of cancer become more common.

In the first study, they identified patients with acid reflux who had sought treatment and matched them with twice as many people from the general population without acid reflux. They then checked on who went on to develop cancer of the lips, oral cavities, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx.

In the second study, they identified people with larynx cancer, matching them with four times as many people without cancer, and then corresponded this with who had a history of acid reflux.

In the first study, they found that people with acid reflux were 2.32 times more likely than healthy people to develop cancer of the larynx.

Cancers of the lips, oral cavities, oropharynx, and hypopharynx were not more common in the acid reflux group.

In the second study, they found that people with cancer of the larynx were 2.03 times more likely to have a history of acid reflux than those without this type of cancer.

This definitely suggests that acid reflux poses a serious risk for larynx cancer.

But larynx cancer is not the only danger, nor is acid reflux. In fact, another study has shown that you are one thousand, three hundred, and forty-five percent more likely to get one of six other fatal types of cancers.

I’ll explain all this here, along with how to rid yourself of acid reflux in as little as five minutes…

Cure Your Heartburn and Acid Reflux - Does This Common Vegetable Cure Everything?

One vegetable has been identified as literal ‘superhero’ among all nutritious and beneficial food sources.

Eat it regularly and you can drive away a whole range of health issues such as: arthritis, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and even ED.

Plus it’s one of the most powerful weight loss secrets I known (and I know many).

Celery is one of the most nutritious and hydrating vegetable you can consume.

Celery leaves are a good source of vitamin A whereas the stems are rich in vitamin B1, B2, B6 and C. Apart from being a vitamin powerhouse celery is rich in the minerals calcium, iron, phosphorus and sodium. It is also a good source of amino acids, plant hormones and essential oils that give celery its characteristic smell.

The sodium content in celery is very different from the table salt most of us consume too much of. In celery, it is present in an organic form that is soluble and essential for body salt balance. Celery juice, in fact, is an excellent rehydration drink (forget the sport drinks, and try this one the next time) that replenishes the salt lost due to activity.

Below are just few of the amazing benefits of celery:

– Celery is loaded with at least 8 anti-cancer compounds that fight against different types of cancer including prostate, colon and stomach cancer.

– It lowers cholesterol by as much as 7 points even when just 2 small stalks of celery are consumed every day.

– Celery is a natural laxative that improves digestion and relieves constipation. It also relaxes nerves stressed out by artificial laxatives.

– The sodium and potassium minerals present in celery helps regulate body fluid.

– Celery is a great food source for reducing inflammation caused by different ailments like arthritis, sinusitis, gout, asthma and bronchitis.

– Drinking a glass of celery juice every day for one week results a serious drop in blood pressure.

– The chemical compounds in celery have a soothing effect on the nerves and helps induce sleep.

– Celery juice helps eliminate toxins from the body and dissolves urinary and gall bladder stones.

This vegetable has even been shown to have the power to increase sexuality without causing side effects of pharmaceutical drugs.

And since it’s a negative calorie food (you burn more digesting it than you get calories from eating it) – the more celery you eat, the slimmer you’ll get.

The next time you visit the greengrocer, don’t forget to stock up on celery, and include it in your diet every day for amazing benefits and good health.

Cure Your Heartburn and Acid Reflux - 10 Second Trick to Eliminate Acid Reflux

A burning sensation in the throat and chest and indigestion… sound familiar? But you don’t have to reach out for antacids every time.

No… instead there is a simple, 10 second trick. It’s so simple you wouldn’t usually think of it as cure or solution.

But it can completely eliminate acid reflux on the spot. And it won’t cost you a dime.

Heartburn is caused by many things – eating oily foods, overeating, not getting enough physical exercise and unhealthy lifestyle or bacterial infection. The excess production of gastric juices is the culprit, but it is quite simple to treat heartburn.

The simplest and easiest way is to drink a glass of cold water. It stabilizes the body fluids and soothes the burning sensation in the throat and chest.

Be sure not to drink water that is too cold, and also make sure that you go for a walk after drinking water. It really helps!

Another good idea is to make it a regular habit to drink a glass of cold water just before you go to sleep. This helps in the digestion process and controls the production of acid in the stomach.

The most important thing you need to keep in mind is to avoid acidic food, oily and spicy food. All of these food types can cause acidity problems.

Do you have the habit of drinking a glass of milk or any other cold beverage just before you sleep? Actually, it might not be a good idea. A glass of milk might provide short term relief but what actually happens is that the fat content in the milk increases heartburn instead of controlling it.

If you have severe heartburn, another solution is to add a spoon of baking soda to a glass of cold water and drink it. The alkali in the soda neutralizes the acids and controls heartburn.

However, this remedy is not recommended for people with high blood pressure or pregnant women. Soda tends to cause water retention in the body and this is not advisable in these circumstances.

For some ideas to cure your heartburn and acid reflux, watch this video - How To Stop Acid Reflux | How To Treat Acid Reflux

This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.

To find out more about the program, go to How to Cure Your Heartburn and Acid Reflux

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Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What is the Best Way to Cure Acid Reflux and GERD?

Cure Acid Reflux and GERD - This Natural Acid Reflux Treatment Beats Drugs. There are some medications for acid reflux. They do, however, come with rows of dangerous side effects and are ineffective for many people. Natural methods often require major diet changes, along with other unpleasant and inconvenient changes. And this brings us to a recent study, which proves that a simple natural treatment is more effective than drugs.

Discover How, Five Minutes from NOW, Your Acid Reflux Can Be Totally Gone & You’ll Feel Great Night and Day

Cure Acid Reflux and GERD - This Natural Acid Reflux Treatment Beats Drugs

There are some medications for acid reflux. They do, however, come with rows of dangerous side effects and are ineffective for many people.

Natural methods often require major diet changes, along with other unpleasant and inconvenient changes.

And this brings us to a recent study, which proves that a simple natural treatment is more effective than drugs.

Even better, it requires no diet change, no drugs, no supplements, and no lifestyle changes.

Acupuncture treatment may not sound fun, but it is becoming increasingly common in Western countries. Now, a new study in the Journal Zhen ci yan jiu = Acupuncture research backs it as the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

They recruited 60 subjects suffering from this form of acid reflux and divided them into two groups of 30 volunteers each.

The treatment group underwent an acupuncture session every other day for eight weeks. The medication group took two 20 mg omeprazole capsules per day for the same period.

The subjects were also given questionnaires to assess them on a variety of symptoms including heartburn, pain, acid regurgitation, food regurgitation, cough, and physiological, psychological and social functioning before and after the intervention.

The symptoms of people in both groups improved from the beginning to the end of the study, but the acupuncture group was found to have improved a lot more.

Compared with the medication group, they improved every aspect studied, from pain to regurgitation, to cough, to physical, psychological, and social functioning. And all without any risk of medicinal side effects.

The researchers further suggested that the acupuncture would not have to continue at the frequency of three treatments per week once the condition has been brought under control. After all, few people would consider that to be a tolerable commitment of time and effort.

Now if you don’t feel like visiting the acupuncturist every other day, then here is an easy formula that works better for acid reflux. Best of all, you can cure acid reflux and GERD in 5 minutes and you already have all the ingredients you need right in your kitchen…

Cure Acid Reflux and GERD - Acid Reflux Causes 6 Lethal Cancers

Most often we think of Acid Reflux or heartburn as mere inconvenience. It may keep you up at night and prevent you from enjoying a good meal but it’s not dangerous.

Okay, it’s been linked to ulcer but we’re talking about something much more serious.

New study published in journal JAMA Otolaryngology: Head & Neck Surgery, proves that acid reflux increases your risk of six types of cancers by up to 286% (almost as bad as smoking).

The Louisiana researchers used the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Medicare database to identify 13,805 people with upper airway and upper digestive tract cancers who were added to the database between 2003 and 2011.

They were all 66 years and older.

They examined them for GERD and compared them with a randomly picked group of 13,805 Medicare beneficiaries without cancer or GERD.

GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease), is a very common digestive disorder that most often the cause of acid reflux or heartburn.

They found that elderly people with GERD were, compared to those without GERD:

– 2.86 times more likely to have cancer of the larynx
– 2.54 times more likely to have cancer of the hypopharynx
– 2.47 times more likely to have cancer of the oropharynx
– 2.14 times more likely to have cancer of the tonsils
– 2.04 times more likely to have cancer of the nasopharynx, and
– 1.40 times more likely to have cancer of the sinuses.

All these structures are in the back of your throat or at the top of your esophagus.

The reason acid reflux can almost triple your risk of these cancers is that it lets strong stomach acid run up to your throat, damaging the cells in that area. It’s in essence the same as exposing your cells to strong chemicals.

This shows that acid reflux (GERD) should not be treated lightly. If you have frequent heartburn, you should take immediate action to cure your condition.

Cure Acid Reflux and GERD - Innocent Heartburn Drugs Found Deadly (new study)

Most people experience a little heartburn (acid reflux) once in a while. Nothing serious, right?

And why not grab a couple of common heartburn pills. Can’t do any harm, right?

Deadly wrong!

Because the journal BMJ Open recently published a study by researchers from the Saint Louis Health Care System, Washington University School of Medicine at Saint Louis, and Saint Louis University that suggests that taking one popular kind of acid reflux drug will increase your risk of dying soon by 25%.

Researchers used data collected by the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs to identify people who had been prescribed a proton pump inhibitor (or PPI) and people who had been prescribed an H2 blocker.

Like PPI, H2 blockers also prevent the cells of your stomach from producing acid, but they are considered to be weaker and safer than PPIs.
The 349,312 subjects were followed for five years.

Compared with those who took H2 blockers, those who took PPIs had a 25% greater chance of dying during that five-year period.

The risk of death was not associated with any specific cause of death. They were just more likely to die of any cause.

Approximately 8% of American adults take PPIs, often unnecessarily and under almost no medical supervision. So, a 25% or higher risk of death translates to thousands of deaths per year.

To get some ideas to cure acid reflux and GERD, watch this video - How To Stop Acid Reflux | How To Treat Acid Reflux

This post is from Scott Davis’ Acid Reflux Solution. This program helps you to cure your heartburn and acid reflux by using natural remedies to quickly heal your stomach without dangerous medicine or risky surgeries. It can also help you to remove some disorders of acid reflux such as constipation or IBS.

To find out more about the program, go to How to Cure Acid Reflux and GERD Symptoms

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