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Showing posts with label control high blood pressure symptoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label control high blood pressure symptoms. Show all posts

Friday, May 15, 2020

How to Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home?

Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home - One of the most prescribed high blood pressure medications has been proven to more than double your risk of a specific type of cancer. This is according to a new study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Fortunately, not everyone is at risk.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home - A Drink Skews Blood Pressure Readings

A recent study published in the American Journal of Hypertension introduces a new twist to the blood pressure dilemma.

You may actually not have high blood pressure.

Even if your doctor says so.

It may actually be that you just happened to drink this drink a few hours before your doctor’s office visit.

So, you may be suffering the side effects of blood pressure medications, or worrying about your blood pressure, for nothing.

The Western University and Lawson Health Research Institute researchers asked 13 people with normal blood pressure to abstain from caffeine-containing products for a week.

In the following three weeks, they gave them two 300 ml cups of black coffee (week 1), the maximum recommended dose of a common calcium channel blocker blood pressure treatment (felodipine) (week 2), and the coffee together with the felodipine (week 3).

From this, they drew the following conclusions:

1. After two days of no caffeine consumption, caffeine clears from your bloodstream, resulting in a higher blood pressure spike when next you consume it. Blood pressure then remains raised for hours.

2. In the presence of caffeine, calcium channel blockers cannot decrease blood pressure as well as in its absence, probably because caffeine interferes with the ability of the drug to relax and widen blood vessels.

The first conclusion increases the likelihood that your doctor will diagnose you as suffering from hypertension when your blood pressure is actually normal. So, if you only occasionally drink caffeine drinks, avoid them hours before your doctor’s visit.

Second, if you want to treat your blood pressure with drugs, you’ll need sky-high doses if you occasionally consume caffeine.

For those who control their blood pressure via natural dietary and lifestyle methods (which we, of course, recommend), it arguably means that natural methods will fail to keep your blood pressure normal for a few hours after caffeine intake.

The good news is that this study applies only to occasional consumers.

Researchers have long understood that caffeine spikes blood pressure, but they have also repeatedly concluded that regular consumption increases your tolerance of its effects, meaning that caffeine does not increase blood pressure in regular caffeine consumers.

This leaves you with two options: either drink one or two caffeinated drinks daily or leave it alone completely.

Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home - These Blood Pressure Drugs Double Cancer Risk

One of the most prescribed high blood pressure medications has been proven to more than double your risk of a specific type of cancer.

This is according to a new study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, recently published in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Fortunately, not everyone is at risk.

Those who take the calcium channel blockers are developing invasive ductal and invasive lobular cancers at a rate of 2.5 times their peers.

Calcium channel blockers reduce hypertension by dilating the blood vessels because they inhibit the flow of calcium into muscle cells.

Some scientists believe that their tendency to change the way cells function is the reason why they are more likely to cause cells to malfunction and become cancerous.

So, if you’re taking calcium channel blockers, talk to your doctor about ways to get off them.

Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home - A Healthy Habit Indicates High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is usually blamed on unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as bad diet and lack of exercise.

But a new study, from Dr. Nobuo Sasaki and colleagues at Hiroshima University, reveals a healthy habit that people with high blood pressure tend to have.

The researchers examined 2,400 adults to find out whether high blood pressure influenced bedtime and sleep quality.

Peculiarly, they found that men, but not women, with high blood pressure tend to fall asleep earlier than those with normal blood pressure.

In their study, hypertensive men went to bed, on average, 18 minutes earlier than their healthy peers: 11:10 PM versus 11:28 PM.

In addition, they discovered that hypertensive men slept worse than those with normal blood pressure, to the extent that they scored with insomniacs as poor sleepers.

So, does going to sleep early cause high blood pressure?

Not at all.

The study merely suggests that the tendency to fall asleep early can indicate that you already have high blood pressure.

If this is the case, you may want to get yourself tested.

Most likely, this happens because those with high blood pressure never get the “low-blood-pressure rest” in the middle of the night that healthy people get. Therefore, their bodies are under stress 24/7.

Our blood pressure exercises are designed to break this stress-circle high blood pressure cause.

They give your body and mind something I call a “Focused Break”, which reboots your system to a healthy blood pressure level in as little as nine minutes.

For more ideas to reduce high blood pressure naturally at home, watch this video - Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on Reduce High Blood Pressure Naturally at Home

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

What is the Best Way to Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80?

Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80 - It’s great to know that more people than ever before are beating cancer and that we’re now more educated than ever about the positive diet and lifestyle choices which can reduce the risk of it developing in the first place. Now, we don’t want to sound the alarm, but if you suffer from high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes then one new piece of information needs to prompt you to take action soon.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80 - How High Blood Pressure Causes Cancer

It’s great to know that more people than ever before are beating cancer and that we’re now more educated than ever about the positive diet and lifestyle choices which can reduce the risk of it developing in the first place.

Now, we don’t want to sound the alarm, but if you suffer from high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes then one new piece of information needs to prompt you to take action soon.

Researchers studied data from the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results program and from Medicare. They looked at 36,079 patients aged 66 or over with colon cancer. 7,024 of them also suffered with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or diabetes.

The important finding here is that people with these conditions were more likely to die sooner than those without them. Five years after diagnosis, six percent fewer of them had survived compared to people without the conditions.

Also, eight percent more high blood pressure and diabetes sufferers had more episodes of colon cancer five years after diagnosis, than people without the conditions.

Race, gender, marital status, income, and education were all taken into account.
Everyone in the study was undergoing cancer treatments like chemotherapy, so it could be inferred that cancer treatment is more effective for people without diabetes and high blood pressure than for those with them.

Colon cancer is number three on the list of the most common cancers in the US, and number two on the list of causes of cancer-related deaths.
Around 100,000 new cases appear each year resulting in 50,000 deaths.

What the research shows is that the numbers would be a lot lower if blood pressure and blood glucose levels were brought under control.

Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80 - Heal High Blood Pressure – Just with a Sound

It seems like the kind of claim a snake-oil salesman would make: “This sound can lower your blood pressure!” But according to an article in the International Journal of Cardiology, it’s perfectly true.

Not only that, it’s effective even for people who couldn’t quite bring themselves to ditch all their old bad diet and lifestyle habits or whose medications didn’t help their hypertension.

Researchers at Japan’s Tohoku University studied 212 people with type 2 diabetes and hypertension who weren’t responding to treatment. They were taking the drugs, but they hadn’t cleaned up their diets and started exercising (which is very common).

The team gave one group 20 minutes of 800 kHz (low frequency) ultrasound to the forearm, another got 20 minutes of 500 kHz (very low frequency) ultrasound to the forearm, and two received fake treatments.

Ultrasound is what bats and dolphins use to navigate, and we humans use it to take radar-style pictures of the insides of living bodies without causing harm like x-rays do.

The machine sends out high-frequency sound waves that can’t be heard; they bounce back and are interpreted by the hardware to show moving images of what’s going on.


The 500 and 800khz groups both experienced lower blood pressure and pulse rates, but the placebo group did not. And for some reason, the 500khz ultrasound was the most effective.

Forearm nerves— like all nerves—originate in the spinal column, and researchers think that the high-frequency sound works by suppressing the sympathetic nerve activity that triggers the fight or flight response.

This is what the body uses to prepare us to deal with danger—increasing blood pressure so that there’s enough oxygen getting to the muscles to run away or fight and increasing blood sugar so there’s enough energy for that imminent exertion. There’s more it does besides, as it gets us ready to run away or tangle with our attacker.

Stress is ever-present in the modern world, even though we don’t have to face hungry wild animals anymore. For example, stress at work and at home can affect our emotions in a negative way and sitting around too much stresses the body too.

The constant diet of bad news we see around us leaves us feeling powerless and is another cause of stress. These are almost worse than being stalked by sabertooth tiger, because they are constant sources of stress, and the fight or flight response wasn’t meant to be activate all of the time.

Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80 - Why High Blood Pressure Isn’t Always Bad

There’s no doubt that high blood pressure is dangerous, but a study in the Annals of Emergency Medicine suggests that you don’t always need to panic at the first sign of a high reading. 

The Canadian team behind the study set out to look at how often high blood pressure patients were going to emergency rooms (ER) and how often they were being hospitalized. 

Their main interest was to see if the ER visitors were going on to be hospitalized for their high blood pressure and to learn how serious the outcome was. 

They did this by examining 206,147 ER visits across 180 locations in Canada from 200 to 2012, and they found that hospitalizations due to high blood pressure went down by 28%. 

Sounds like good news doesn’t it? Well, it would have been if there hadn’t also been a 64% increase in ER visits for high blood pressure at the same time. 

What it means is that while fewer people were hospitalized for hypertension every year, more people were rushing to ERs with it to get it checked.

The researchers were keen to learn what might have been causing this, so they looked at the long-term health outcomes, to see if they should have been treated in hospital but weren’t.

The key finding here is that virtually nobody died within the first 90 days after their ER visit, which shows that the reason for going was not as serious as they’d first thought. It looks like patients were panicking and going to the hospital when their personal doctor could probably have helped them just as well.

That said, the people who did end up staying in hospital showed definite signs that they’d suffered heart attack and stroke.

If you think either of those things are happening to you then don’t delay. Red flags include chest pain, intense headache, nausea, and shortness of breath.

It looks like people using home blood pressure monitors were reacting to high readings and rushing to the hospital, but one reading is not going to give the full picture.

It’s best to record readings at set times, three times a day, and use them to find an average. Once you have 7 days’ worth of data that’s enough to give you a better overview of what’s going on.

So, high blood pressure isn’t always an emergency, but it is serious, and needs your active attention.

For more ideas to lower high blood pressure down below 120/80, watch this video - Why You Now Have High Blood Pressure. The New Guidelines and 3 Tips to Lower it! /Healthy Hacks

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on Lower High Blood Pressure Down Below 120/80

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

What is the Best Way to Lower Your Blood Pressure Below 120/80?

Lower Your Blood Pressure Below 120/80 - Common Vitamin Heals High Blood Pressure. Vitamins D and E are seriously good for you, of that there is no doubt. They are proven workhorses which support your health in many ways, and they are great for your cardiovascular health, too. They’re so good that we’ve lost track of the number of times that we’ve told you about them, so today we will give them a rest! Let’s give another vitamin a chance to shine instead.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Lower Your Blood Pressure Below 120/80 - These Blood Pressure Drugs Raise Cancer Risk 250%

Ask the World Health Organization which health problem is the world’s biggest and they’ll tell you it’s high blood pressure.

1.13 billion people are affected by it, and if they don’t get treatment then they’re looking at a heart attack or stroke at best.

Unfortunately, a new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that those who do go for treatment might be inadvertently making things worse.

Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center found that one of the top blood pressure drugs can increase patient’s risk of getting cancer by a staggering 250%.

The researchers looked at post-menopausal women who’d been taking calcium channel blockers (CCAs) to combat their hypertension. They found they were more likely to get Invasive ductal and lobular carcinomas, which account for 90% of all types of breast cancers.

Unfortunately, doctors continue to prescribe these dangerous drugs to postmenopausal women, and they are not the only problem medications. The breast cancer risk also goes up when patients are given blood pressure medicines such as diuretics, ACE inhibitors, and beta blockers, too.

Add to this the fact that the National Institutes of Health says that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) raises breast cancer risk by 50 percent anyway, and it gets even worse.

It’s clear that there really should be lots more research going on into all of these issues, including the potential effects on men.

You should probably be avoiding these drugs if you possibly can, but if you do then what else can you try to lower your blood pressure?

Lower Your Blood Pressure Below 120/80 - Common Vitamin Heals High Blood Pressure

Vitamins D and E are seriously good for you, of that there is no doubt.
They are proven workhorses which support your health in many ways, and they are great for your cardiovascular health, too.

They’re so good that we’ve lost track of the number of times that we’ve told you about them, so today we will give them a rest!

Let’s give another vitamin a chance to shine instead.

The one we’re going to look at instead is super common, and thanks to researchers at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, we know that it’s super powerful.

They found that it can cut blood pressure and reduce the buildup of arterial plaque too, but the best part is that you don’t need much of it.
And it’s dirt-cheap and can find in all supermarkets.

The researchers looked at 29 different studies to see how well vitamin C performed as a blood pressure reducer.

The studies had a median duration of eight weeks and used anywhere from 10 to 120 subjects. Doses ranged from as little as 60mg to as high as 4000mg, with an average of 500mg.

After the researchers had summarized all of the study results, it became clear to them that vitamin C did a really good job of lowering blood pressure. The reason for this is that it helps the body to produce more nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels, and on top of that it makes the endothelial layer—the inner walls of blood vessels—both stronger and more elastic.

The recommended dosage for vitamin C is between 500 and 1000mg. If you feel a cold coming on and want to up your dosage, you can take up to 2000 mg a day. You may read that some people recommend taking more, but we wouldn’t advise it. Stick within these limits and you’ll still be helping to reduce your high blood pressure, along with getting the other benefits. Although, having said that, vitamin C alone probably won’t be enough.

Lower Your Blood Pressure Below 120/80 -This Common Nutrient Can Make Exercise Less Heart-Safe

“Get more exercise,” is the kind of common wisdom that’s handed out to almost everybody, and particularly for anyone with high blood pressure.

But a 2016 article in the American Journal of Physiology – Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology could raise your blood pressure all on its own with its alarming warning.

It shows that exercise could spike the blood pressure of anyone who eats too much of this particular substance, something that the Western diet contains a lot of.

Before we dive into the details, we need to understand a little about how your body decides to raise and lower your blood pressure.

Your nervous system isn’t just one thing. It’s a system made of systems. One of those is called the autonomic nervous system and its job is to take care of many automatic processes. It’s divided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.

Your “fight or flight” response comes from the sympathetic system. It helps you to deal with threats by increasing your blood pressure, accelerating your heart rate, and dilating your lungs. So, it makes sure your body is supremely ready to either fight a threat or run away from it.

The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for looking after things that go on while your body is in a resting state, like sexual arousal, digestion, and urination.

If the sympathetic system is too active, your blood pressure will be raised all the time, which is bad news because it can lead to cardiovascular disease.

Scientists have known for a long time that phosphate increases blood pressure, so they wondered if the phosphates in salt might be increasing sympathetic nervous system activity.

They gave double the recommended dose of phosphate to one group of rats and a normal diet to another group, then put their muscles to work.

Lo and behold, the rats on the high phosphate diet had higher blood pressure while they were resting, and when their muscles were working they had much higher blood pressure and more sympathetic nervous system activity than the rats on the normal diet.

The takeaway from this for humans who exercise is that it spells double trouble. First you’ve got raised blood pressure from the phosphate, then on top of that you’re adding raised blood pressure from the exercise. It’s easy to see that this could be catastrophic combination, especially if you’ve already got high blood pressure from other causes.
It could help to explain why some people die while training.

The USDA recommends that adults consume at least 700 milligrams of phosphate per day, as it’s not all bad. It’s needed for healthy skin, bones, teeth, and hair, and you can find it in meat, milk, eggs, tuna, white beans, almonds, sunflower seeds, and brown rice.

Those are all great sources, but in the West, we also have access to a lot of packaged foods which use phosphate as a preservative or flavor enhancer. Things like processed meats, cheeses, marinades and sodas all come with a dose of phosphate, so unless you’re eating fresh, it’s best to be cautious.

The authors of the study think that phosphate content should be listed on food labels, just like sodium, and when that happens it won’t be too soon.

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on Lower Your Blood Pressure Below 120/80

Thursday, January 30, 2020

What is the Best Way for Dropping Blood Pressure to a Health Level?

Dropping Blood Pressure to a Health Level - Go Green and Avoid High Blood Pressure. Do you get bored by the usual blood pressure advice? It’s often about doing more exercise and watching what you eat, and after a while it can get pretty monotonous. Thankfully there’s a new Australian study that doesn’t involve either of those things. It just suggests that you should try doing something which is fun, free and easy (depending on where you live).

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Dropping Blood Pressure to a Health Level - The Best Music for Your Heart

Swedish pop group Abba is still amazingly popular after nearly 50 years, thanks in part to the success of 2008’s movie Mamma Mia!

But do the Swedish supergroup’s songs have the best beat for a healthy heart?

The answer will surprise you.

A study from Germany has the answer. It was published in the journal Deutsches Arzteblatt International. Now, admittedly it was only a small study, but it’s worth taking seriously because it stands on the shoulders of giants. It’s just the latest in a long line of research that proves how good music is for your physical health.

For this study, the researchers split 120 people into two groups (all of them with good hearts and no blood pressure problems, half under 50 and half over 50 years of age). One group listened to music for 25 minutes per session and half got to lie down in silence.

The music group was split into three smaller groups. One got to enjoy Mozart’s Symphony No 40 in g minor, one got to wave an imaginary bat on to Johann Strauss, and one got to mime along (presumably) to a selection of Abba hits.

The results were interesting:

Mozart lowered systolic blood pressure by 4.7 mmHg, Strauss by 3.7 mmHg, and Abba by virtually nothing. (Sorry Abba fans.)

Mozart lowered diastolic blood pressure by 2.1 mmHg, Strauss by 2.9 mmHg, and Abba had little effect again. (Mamma Mia! Another surprise.)
The group that rested in silence got some benefit, but not as much as the music group.

The Mozart and Strauss listeners had lower heart rates than the others, and they dropped them by 5.6 beats per minute (BPM) (Mozart), and 4.7 BPM (Strauss).

Mozart and Strauss were also good at lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol (especially in men). As cortisol raises blood pressure, this is also good news.

It’s interesting to note that what the people in the study normally chose to listen to didn’t affect their results. That’s important because it means that even if you don’t enjoy classical music it can still help your heart.

So why was the classical music better for blood pressure?

As different as you might think classical and pop songs are, the scientists noted that all three still had aspects to them that were repetitive and catchy, so they think that lyrics might make all the difference.

Previous research has shown that having any lyrics in a song gives our brains more work to do, so even nice, happy lyrics take some cognitive effort to process. For maximum peace of mind (and lower blood pressure) you’re better off listening to happy music with no words at all.

So, if you suffer from high blood pressure, maybe you should buy Abba’s entire back catalogue for karaoke and just listen to the instrumental tracks without singing along?

Dropping Blood Pressure to a Health Level - This Healthy Vegetable Causes High Blood Pressure

Most advice about avoiding high blood pressure involves eating more fruits and vegetables, but now there’s some confusion about one vegetable that a lot of people eat.

A new study from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School points the finger at this vegetable and accuses it of potentially doing more harm than good.

And to muddy the waters even more, they also found that one of the least healthy ways of preparing this vegetable DIDN’T seem to raise blood pressure.

The authors already knew that people who took potassium supplements had lower blood pressure than their peers did. They also knew that high glycemic carbohydrates (like potatoes) can increase blood pressure.

As potatoes are full of potassium (which can lower blood pressure) and high glycemic carbohydrates (which can raise blood pressure), they were curious about which one would win this tug of war.

So, they looked back over 3 previous studies that tracked 187,453 people. They knew their potato intakes, and which of them had hypertension.

They found that people who ate less than one portion of potatoes per month had the lowest risk, while those who ate four or more portions per week had the highest risk.

It didn’t matter if they smoked or not, were obese or not, or did exercise or not. The results were still the same. And what they ate and drank didn’t seem to make any difference either. They could have been drinkers or abstainers, vegetarians or meat eaters. In all cases, more potatoes meant higher blood pressure.

But here’s a couple of odd things…

1. Four or more weekly servings of baked, boiled, or mashed potatoes increased the blood pressure risk for women, but not for men.
2. French fries increased everyone’s risk, but potato chips didn’t. Which seems weird considering that they’re virtually the same thing. Both are deep-fried and both are salty.

It would be nice to think that we can all eat potato chips every day without suffering any health problems, but let’s hold back until the scientists can get to the bottom of what’s going on with this strange result.

There’s obviously more work to be done in figuring out exactly what’s going on, because something clearly is.

Until that happens, try and stay at three or fewer portions of potatoes per week (including potato chips) just to be on the safe side.

Dropping Blood Pressure to a Health Level - Go Green and Avoid High Blood Pressure

Do you get bored by the usual blood pressure advice?

It’s often about doing more exercise and watching what you eat, and after a while it can get pretty monotonous.

Thankfully there’s a new Australian study that doesn’t involve either of those things. It just suggests that you should try doing something which is fun, free and easy (depending on where you live).

In June 2016, Australian researchers surveyed 1,538 Brisbane residents to find out whether the amount of time which humans spend in green spaces could be good for their overall health.

They found that people who spent at least half an hour in an urban forest or park once a week were less likely to suffer from high blood pressure than people who didn’t. They also noticed that the more time they spent outdoors, the greater the health benefits.

For every hundred park visitors there were nine fewer cases of high blood pressure compared to their peers who stayed away.

These benefits were the same for everyone, regardless of their body mass index, age, gender, income, and education.

The people who spent the longest time in green spaces had the lowest blood pressure risks, and it didn’t even matter whether they lived near simple urban parks or dense forests, they still got the benefits. It seems that as far as your heart is concerned, even a little bit of green is good for you.

A walk in your local park is just as healthy as a hike in a rainforest.
And there were other benefits too. Park-goers had fewer instances of depression, more community spirit and more positive behaviors in general. It looks like they were right when they called it “the great outdoors”.

But, a word of warning. You won’t get all of the good effects if you walk about wearing earphones and staring at your phone with your head down. You have to experience green spaces with all your senses to get the most out of them. Otherwise, you might as well stay at home.

For more ideas about dropping blood pressure to a healthy level, watch this video - Lower Your Blood Pressure Instantly in Minutes by more than 20 points - Healthy Me

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

To find out more about this program, click on Dropping Blood Pressure to a Healthy Level as soon as today, Naturally

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