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Monday, September 28, 2020

What is the Quickest Way to Get Blood Pressure Down to Below 120/80?


Quickest Way to Get Blood Pressure Down to Below 120/80 - Beans have been on the “must eat” list for many years because of their abundant health benefits, but there are five in particular that are by far the best because of their nutritive content. Canadian researchers recently published their top 5 healthy legumes to include in your meals. This list is great for all, but especially if you don’t eat meat, need to seriously increase your fiber intake, and/or get cholesterol and blood pressure under control.

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Quickest Way to Get Blood Pressure Down to Below 120/80 -These Beans Lower Blood Pressure and Improve Health


Beans have been on the “must eat” list for many years because of their abundant health benefits, but there are five in particular that are by far the best because of their nutritive content.


Canadian researchers recently published their top 5 healthy legumes to include in your meals. This list is great for all, but especially if you don’t eat meat, need to seriously increase your fiber intake, and/or get cholesterol and blood pressure under control.


The shining stars of the bean world are (in no particular order): 

  • Black beans
  •  Lima beans
  • Navy beans
  • Pinto beans
  • Kidney beans


Why are these beans at the top?


Simple – they’re packed with protein and fiber, while also being low in fat and carbohydrates.


To reduce the likelihood of gas when using canned beans, make sure to dump the can into a colander and rinse them thoroughly. This washes away all the sugar and salt that contribute to ‘wind’.


Dried beans are one of the most economical food staples consumed in the world today, with literally thousands of recipes online that incorporate each of the above-mentioned varieties, there’s a bean for everyone!


But beans alone are probably not going to save your heart. Here is the most powerful method to clear out clogged arteries and avoid strokes and heart attacks…


Quickest Way to Get Blood Pressure Down to Below 120/80 - Even more powerful than beans to lower blood pressure…. Check out how these 3 easy exercises drop blood pressure below 120/80 starting today…


Quickest Way to Get Blood Pressure Down to Below 120/80 - To Cure High Blood Pressure, Melt This


It melts, it stretches, it can be grated or sliced, and it tastes delicious.


It’s loaded with fat, salt and other so-called “unhealthy” ingredients.


But despite all its bad press in the past, it’s actually good for you.


According to a study in The British Journal of Nutrition, this one food, once deemed “bad” is extremely heart healthy and lowers blood pressure.


Cheese…it’s a food most people love, but feel guilty eating due to “fake news” and 3 inconsistent facts:


  1. High salt intake causes high blood pressure.
  2. Cheese contains a lot of salt.
  3. People who consume a lot of cheese do not have higher blood pressure than those who avoid it. 


In response, a research team decided to feed their volunteers three salty foods to check whether their arteries responded differently to salt when consumed in cheese compared to other salty food sources.


On five separate occasions, three days apart, they fed 14 participants either 85 grams of regular dairy cheese, 85 grams of soy cheese, or 65 grams of pretzels.


They measured how much blood flowed through the subject’s arteries and how much nitric oxide was present. Discovering pretzels and soya cheese eaters had significantly less blood flow and less nitric oxide present than the dairy cheese eaters.


In fact, the dairy cheese seemed to promote nitric oxide and help counteract any salt intake.


But unfortunately, you can’t turn back the clocks and reduce chronic blood pressure buildup from years before with cheese.


To actually cure high blood pressure and the quickest way to get blood pressure down to below 120/80, do these 3 easy exercises, starting today…


Quickest Way to Get Blood Pressure Down to Below 120/80 -These Berries Are the King of Blood Pressure Reduction


Too high in calories…too expensive…this berry has been criticized a lot, which is probably why it isn’t eaten as much as it should be.


But, according to a study from the University of Mississippi’s School of Pharmacy, consuming just half a cup of these berries can drastically reduce your blood pressure.


So, it’s no surprise that they’ve been nicknamed “The King of Blood Pressure Reduction!”


A cup of blueberries contains 85 calories, but given the recommended serving is half that, you only consume around 45 calories. And if we compare them to bananas and apples, they’re pretty economical in the calorie department.


They also contain a whopping 1.8 grams of fiber per half cup, which is the key for those trying to reduce sugar (diabetics) or increase fiber (high cholesterol sufferers).


The most amazing feature though is the chemical called pterostilbene, which reduces not only high systolic readings, but also diastolic numbers for those whose diastolic exceeds 90 mm/Hg.


And if that’s not enough, they also:


improve cholesterol levels

– show positive effects on type 2 diabetes

boost your immune system

reduce inflammation


One problem that arises, though, is that drug companies can’t just let people have their berries and eat them too. According to research done by the University of Mississippi’s School of Pharmacy, a synthetic version of pterostilbene, called pTeroPure®, has been developed to give users the chemical without having to actually EAT the blueberries.


Blueberries are the safe and natural way to get the chemical into your bloodstream, but pTeroPure® has been found to increase LDL (AKA bad cholesterol), which is pretty much the opposite of what you want to do to improve your health.


Can’t afford fresh blueberries? Frozen ones have the same nutritional value!


For more ideas on the quickest way to get blood pressure down to below 120/80, watch this video - How Can I Lower My Blood Pressure Immediately?


If your cholesterol levels have you concerned and you need/want to avoid statins, then the natural path is your only safe alternative. Here’s the best way to lower cholesterol naturally…


However, if high blood pressure is your main worry, here is the quickest way to get blood pressure down to 120/80, starting today…


This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top-quality national health information websites. 


This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.


To find out more about this program, click on Quickest Way to Get Blood Pressure Down to Below 120/80


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