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Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Debunking The Milk Myth – Drinking Milk Good for Bone Health?


Debunking The Milk Myth – Calcium: we are all told we need more of it. That’s why we should drink milk, right? Well, as many in the Paleo community know, this is actually not quite the case. Calcium — while a mineral completely necessary for life — is not the be-all and end-all that most media would have you believe. There are actually many misconceptions and misnomers around calcium, and milk consumption is just the first one.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Calcium: we are all told we need more of it. That’s why we should drink milk, right?

Well, as many in the Paleo community know, this is actually not quite the case. Calcium — while a mineral completely necessary for life — is not the be-all and end-all that most media would have you believe. There are actually many misconceptions and misnomers around calcium, and milk consumption is just the first one.

Did you know, for example, that the United States has one of the highest intakes of calcium – yet also has one of the highest rates of osteoporosis? If calcium were all it took for bone health, wouldn’t this data be impossible? As you can see, we are not getting the whole truth when it comes to calcium.

Many people do not realize that there is a whole bevy of foods which are rich in calcium, but do not lead to any of these problems. So without further ado, let’s dive deep into the real story behind calcium and how much you actually need to keep your bones strong and healthy!

Is The Daily Value Correct?

One of the most important questions around calcium is: is the recommended daily value actually accurate? If you are consuming a diet rich in calcium, avoiding things that block calcium from being absorbed, and getting enough vitamins and minerals which also aid in bone health, you may not need the RDA of calcium. As Dr. Loren Cordain has pointed out, you may need about half the amount of calcium recommended, in actuality.

Does Calcium Build Strong Bones?

As mentioned earlier in this piece, the fact that the United States has one of the highest intakes of calcium, yet also has one of the highest rates of osteoporosis, should tell you that there is much more to bone health than just calcium.

As with most topics in wellness, good bone health relies on many different things. Strong bones need vitamin D3 (actually a hormone), vitamin K2, magnesium, dietary fat, and many other things. Calcium is but one element involved in bone health.

Many scientific papers have cited the numerous lifestyle and dietary factors which are needed to have excellent bone health — and yet this information rarely makes it out to the public.

Why is this? Perhaps it’s politics, perhaps it’s a lack of interest from the public — who knows. But what is very real is the myriad of things you need to be doing right in order to keep your bones healthy and strong.

Is Milk the Best Source of Calcium?

Milk — it does a body good. I think my entire childhood and teenage years consisted of this saying being repeated to me, ad nauseum. While this has more to do with the dairy industry needing to keep their profits up than our health, milk does contain a fairy large dose of calcium. However, it also has many other issues.

One of the main problems is that calcium is not very bioavailable when consumed via milk. While dairy is highly contextual (meaning what works for me might not work for you) I actually recommend a diet rich in green leafy vegetables, rather than rich in dairy.

Why? For starters, vegetables will avoid all the problems that dairy promotes. In addition, green leafy vegetables contain many more beneficial compounds, like the epoxyxanthophylls found in spinach. Then there is broccoli, which contains a large amount of calcium, and also has bioactive compounds, like sulforaphane.

Clearly you can see that milk is not the best source of calcium. In fact, many people report significant improvements in their health when dropping dairy from their daily regimen, and replacing it with green leafy vegetables. In addition, green leafy vegetables (especially the cruciferous kind) have been linked to lower rates of cancer. Dig in!

Does Calcium Prevent Bone Fractures?

In a word: no. In fact, three long-term Harvard studies very clearly showed this may not be the case. These studies, when combined, followed almost 200,000 men and women for a total of 42 years. Calcium certainly won’t hurt when it comes to preventing bone fractures, but it is not the silver bullet that many claim it to be.

So what does help prevent bone fractures? Well, before we get there, it’s important to note that our bones are constantly breaking down and rebuilding (similar to muscle growth), and this process is called bone remodeling. This helps our bones adapt to new stressors, and also allows bones to grow (i.e., in children). Bones are also the biggest storage place for calcium.

When our health declines, calcium can be taken away from bones, leaving them more likely to fracture. While there is indeed far more to this process than my short summary, the bottom line is that you need to do everything in your power to keep your bones strong.

This means avoiding high levels of stress (chronically high cortisol depletes calcium), getting plenty of vitamin D3 (a deficiency can cause calcium levels to drop), and getting plenty of magnesium (vital in making up the structure of the bone matrix).

Another commonly overlooked factor in bone issues is inflammationSystemic inflammation is terrible for just about any element of health — but it’s really bad news for those worried about bone health.

Eating an anti-inflammatory Paleo diet, getting plenty of sleep, and practicing stress-relieving exercise and meditation will go a long way in keeping chronic inflammation at bay. As you can see, the way to strong bones is actually much more clear and logical than many are led to believe.

One last factor which can be quite damaging for bone health is prescription medication. Some medications are commonly prescribed, and yet the side effects aren’t accounted for. Make sure to ask your doctor about any side effects from medications you may be taking. If at all possible, get off those medications, and work on improving your health through a healthier diet and lifestyle.

What Other Foods Have Calcium?

Clearly, we have been led somewhat astray when it comes to calcium. Not only is it not the only element important for bone health, it also does not need to be obtained via high consumption of milk.

As mentioned above, green leafy vegetables are some of the best sources of calcium. This means that those following a Paleo diet would be well-advised to consume large amounts of kale, bok choy, collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, and spinach.

On the meat-eating side, it is best to consume organ meats, sardines, bone broth, shrimp, oysters and salmon. As anyone familiar with a Paleo approach can see, these are all staples of a well-rounded diet.

Remember to also choose foods rich in magnesium, phosphorous and vitamin K2. Vitamin D3, while also vital to bone health, cannot be easily obtained via food. So make sure to get your daily dose of 15 minutes of sunlight, or supplement with a suitable amount.

Watch this video – Debunking the Milk Myth – White Poison or Healthy Drink?

What About Gluten?

You may be surprised to know that gluten is strongly related to poor bone health. How is this possible? Well, quite simply, gluten leads to inflammation, which remember, is a key part of developing bone health issues.

While those with celiac disease are the most at risk for this problem, it is a good idea for everyone to avoid gluten — your body will thank you. This is also further proof that the Paleo diet — which leaves out the inflammatory food groups of dairy and grains — is best for bone health, too.

The Bottom Line

When it comes to calcium, the truth is both simpler and more complex than we have been led to believe. It is simpler because we don’t need 2 gallons of milk per day to get enough calcium. And it is more complex, because we need other elements besides calcium in order to build strong bones.

Once again, the Paleo approach speaks to the scientific truth, while mainstream health outlets still tend to get it wrong. I hope I’ve provided a good overview of the common myths about calcium, and I also hope that your diet can now be full of nutrient-dense, calcium-rich choices!

Written by Casey Thaler

Author Bio:

Casey Thaler, B.A., NASM-CPT, FNS is an NASM® certified personal trainer and NASM® certified fitness nutrition specialist. He writes for Paleo Magazine®The Paleo Diet® and Greatist®. He is also an advisor for Kettle and Fire and runs his own nutrition and fitness consulting company, Eat Clean, Train Clean®.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Monday, April 11, 2022

How to Reverse Your Chronic Kidney Disease Naturally?


Reverse Your Chronic Kidney Disease Naturally - Tackle Chronic Kidney Disease with This Controversial Drink. We love this drink so much that thousands of studies have been done about it. It has been labeled the worst killer or the greatest health savior. So which is true regarding chronic kidney disease? According to a new study published in the Journal of Renal Nutrition, this drink is extremely beneficial.

Click on HERE to Learn This Holistic Approach to Reverse the Deterioration of Kidney Function

Reverse Your Chronic Kidney Disease Naturally – Tackle Chronic Kidney Disease with This Controversial Drink

We love this drink so much that thousands of studies have been done about it. It has been labeled the worst killer or the greatest health savior.

So which is true regarding chronic kidney disease?

According to a new study published in the Journal of Renal Nutrition, this drink is extremely beneficial.

The research team led by Turkish scientists from Koc University School of Medicine in Istanbul and Suleyman Demirel University School of Medicine in Isparta noticed previous research that concluded that coffee could combat inflammation, fight harmful oxidation, stop scar tissue from forming in organs, and prevent unnecessary blood clotting.

They also noticed previous research on the link between coffee consumption and chronic kidney disease. So they decided to conduct a literature review to check whether most of the available research supported the effectiveness of coffee against this disease.

They searched medical databases for studies from 1960 to February 2020 and found 12 studies with 505,841 participants. None of the studies were randomized double-blind trials, the strongest form of research that exists.

It turned out that drinking coffee could reduce the subjects’ risk of chronic kidney disease by 14%, reduce their chance of reaching end-stage kidney disease by 18%, and reduce albuminuria by 19%.

Albumin is an important protein, but it should be in your blood, not your urine. If it is in your urine, it is called albuminuria and may indicate that you have kidney disease.

Coffee drinkers were also 28% less likely than those who consumed little coffee to die of kidney disease.

All of this was true for people who drank two or more cups of coffee per day, as compared with people who drank one or fewer cups per day.

The National Kidney Foundation does warn that you should keep your coffee consumption at a moderate level if you already have kidney disease, especially if you struggle with blood pressure control. Caffeine can lead to a short-term spike in blood pressure that can damage your kidneys.

So coffee cannot be used as a treatment option for already existing CKD. But you can reverse your Chronic Kidney Disease naturally in a few days using other simple lifestyle changes explained here

Reverse Your Chronic Kidney Disease Naturally – Your Neighborhood Caused Chronic Kidney Disease

A new study in SSM – Population Health compared hundreds of neighborhoods and found a strong correlation between a specific type of neighborhood and chronic kidney disease.

Some previous studies have concluded that your socioeconomic status can affect your chronic kidney disease (CKD) risk. This should not be surprising, as gym memberships, vehicle ownership to drive to health stores, and healthy food come at a cost.

Similarly, the new study goes beyond socioeconomic status and considers neighborhoods and neighborhood characteristics and their relationship with CKD.

The neighborhood characteristics of particular interest were socioeconomic status, crime rate, proximity to health food stores, walkability, and the networks of relationships among neighborhood residents (called social capital).

Their study sample consisted of 23,692 adult residents of Philadelphia across 97 percent of its neighborhoods. All of them had visited a primary care practice in 2016 or 2017.

During these visits, indicators of CKD were measured, including kidney function, poor glycemic control (defined as a hemoglobin A1c from 6.5 percent upwards), and uncontrolled blood pressure—defined as a systolic score from 140 mmHg upwards and/or a diastolic score from 90 mmHg upwards.

They made sure to prevent age, sex, race, and insurance coverage from influencing their results.

They found that only socioeconomic status—defined as a combination of neighborhood income, educational attainment, and occupation—was associated with the likelihood of CKD, with people in the poorest neighborhoods being 46 percent more likely to develop it than those in the richest neighborhoods were.

People in the neighborhoods in the middle of the socioeconomic spectrum were 35 percent more likely to have CKD than those in the richest neighborhoods.

So now we know for a fact that CKD is caused by lifestyle factors. And we can change most lifestyle factors. Here I’ll explain a few simple lifestyle factors you can change to reverse your Chronic Kidney Disease naturally…

Reverse Your Chronic Kidney Disease Naturally – The Worst Part of Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is not just a problem in the sense that you might be on dialysis or might be forced to eat only certain types of food.

A recent study in the Journal of Clinical Practice reveals different effects that happen long before the end stages of CKD.

To conduct their investigation, the researchers recruited 150 chronic kidney disease sufferers from a teaching hospital in northwestern Nigeria: 77 men and 73 women.

They then matched the subjects according to demographic characteristics with 150 healthy people from the general population. The subjects were 53 years old on average.

The researchers gave their subjects the Kidney Disease Quality of Life survey together with other questionnaires to collect information regarding the subject’s demographic, social, and economic characteristics, among others.

They also measured the subject’s blood pressure, creatinine levels, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), kidney size and composition, and so on.

They used the biological information they collected to divide the subjects into five groups, ranging from least to most severe chronic kidney disease.

The researchers reached two conclusions.

1. Chronic kidney disease sufferers had worse quality of life scores than non-sufferers had.

2. Quality of life scores deteriorated along with the severity of the disease.

This was true for all domains of the quality of life questionnaire, namely, general health, the burden of kidney disease, symptoms and problems, and the effects of kidney disease.

General health includes questions such as “How does your health compare with one year ago?”, ”How much does your health limit activities like vigorous sport, pushing vacuum cleaners, climbing stairs, kneeling, walking, etc.?”, ”Have you cut down the amount of time you spend on work or other activities?”, and ”How much has your health interfered with normal social activities?”

The burden of kidney disease domain included questions such as “How much do you isolate yourself from people around you?”, “How slowly do you react to things going on?”, and ”How often do you act irritably?”

The symptoms/problems domain included questions such as ”How often do you struggle to concentrate?”, “How often do you have sore muscles, chest pain, cramps, shortness of breath, dizziness, faintness, lack of appetite, and so on?”, and “Does it interfere with fluid intake, diet, working around the house, travel, sex, appearance, etc.?”

The effects of kidney disease domain included questions such as “Do you spend time with friends and family and you have their support?”, “Does your health stop you from working at a paying job?”, and “How much support do you receive from medical staff?”

From the above, it is clear that CKD leaves almost no aspect of the quality of life of chronic kidney disease sufferers untouched.

And what makes CKD so devastating is that it begins long before the people reach the most severe stages of this disease.

Want to reverse your chronic kidney disease naturally? Watch this video –Chronic Kidney Disease: Reverse Stage 5 KIDNEY FAILURE & regain kidney function to AVOID DIALYSIS

Reverse Your Chronic Kidney Disease Naturally – But there is a way to drastically improve (even completely reverse) chronic kidney disease and all the devastating effects using simple lifestyle changes explained here…

This post is from the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Solution Program created by Dr. Shelly Manning, a medical practitioner, to help you know the underlying causes of kidney disease, such as high blood pressure and how curing them can help prevent the occurrence of chronic kidney diseases. This is unlike traditional methods that are often designed to conceal the symptoms instead of diagnosing the root problem to eliminate them.

The CKD solution shows a step-by-step guide that gives you the tools needed to put what you’ve learned into action. These comprise of food lists, meal plan samples, dietary recommendations, supplement guides, exercise guidance, and more.

The CKD Solution is designed to support small lifestyle changes without medications, drugs, exotic herbs, treatments, or even hospital visits. That said, individuals are to continue their frequent hospital visits to assess their health, especially if this is something that has been going on for some time.

The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution is a guide that motivates consumers to make lifestyle changes that can help ease CKD-related symptoms. By targeting issues including inflammation and poor gut health, many of its linked illnesses are expected to disappear, especially the ones that could further deteriorate one’s kidney function.

To find out more about this program, click on Reverse Your Chronic Kidney Disease Naturally

Friday, April 1, 2022

How to Cure Your Vertigo Once and for All?


Do you want to cure your vertigo once and for all? Read on to learn more about the Vertigo and Dizziness Program created by Christian Goodman from the Blue Heron Health News.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Heal Your Vertigo and Dizziness Permanently in Just 15 Minutes

Cure Your Vertigo Once and for All – Curing Untreatable Vertigo

Doctors really have only one treatment option for vertigo. It’s called vestibular rehabilitation therapy and involves small head movements to dislocate crystals in your ear.

The problem is that vestibular rehabilitation therapy doesn’t work for everyone, and then doctors are out of options.

But a new study published in The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association reveals an even simpler method for treating untreatable vertigo.

Somatic dysfunction refers to a change or impairment in your muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints, bones, or nerves that can cause pain and limitations in the ease or range of movement, among other issues.

Traumatic injury to your neck, poor neck and back posture, whiplash, arthritis or spondylosis in your back or neck, slipped spinal discs, a compressed spine, and blocked arteries in your neck are all forms of somatic dysfunction that can cause vertigo.

This happens because the muscles, nerves, and joints in your neck send signals about your body’s orientation to your brain and inner ears.

This new study was conducted by a team of researchers who noticed the paucity of research on treatments for vertigo with somatic dysfunction.

They recruited 23 study participants who had vertigo with somatic dysfunction. They were all between ages 18 and 79 and had experienced vertigo for at least three months. The somatic dysfunction was confirmed by physical examinations.

The researchers divided the participants into four groups: a group that received vestibular rehabilitation therapy, one that received osteopathic manipulative treatment, one that received both treatments, and one that received no treatment.

Each participant received three 45-minute treatment sessions one week apart.

Their postural control was tested with computerized dynamic posturography. The interaction between their visual processes and other sensory feedback was tested via optometric evaluation, and their subjective experience of their vertigo was tested with a standard dizziness handicap questionnaire.

These tests were performed before the first treatment, after the third and final treatment, and three months later.

Of the three groups, the no-treatment group improved the least, the vestibular rehabilitation therapy group improved a bit, the osteopathic manipulative treatment group improved even more, and the group that received both treatments improved the most over the three months.

Osteopathic manipulative treatment can be performed by a chiropractor and involves applying direct pressure to the area of dysfunction or other areas nearby. This can relieve muscle tension, realign joints, and improve the flow of body fluids around the area.

But there is an easier way to treat vertigo with somatic dysfunction (and every other type of vertigo). You can cure your vertigo once and for all, from the comfort of your own home, and all it involves are a few simple movements explained here…

Cure Your Vertigo Once and for All – Treat Your Vertigo to Avoid this Health Hazard

Vertigo is one of the most common complaints for which people visit emergency departments, but it is also one that is not often treated properly.

Korean researchers now explain in the journal Clinical and Experimental Emergency Medicine that this can cause serious health hazards.

If you have vertigo, you don’t need to be told how difficult it is to keep your balance and avoid falling when the world feels like it’s spinning.

Sadly, the most common treatment when you visit a hospital’s emergency department with vertigo is the prescription of drugs like antihistamines and benzodiazepines. Not only do these drugs not help, but they can worsen your vertigo.

To investigate whether emergency departments treat vertigo properly or send people home with a serious risk of falls, the scientists used a dataset of claim information for one million Korean adults between 2002 and 2013.

From this data set, they identified 776 people who had visited emergency departments with vertigo. Each of these subjects was compared with approximately five adults without vertigo to see who visited a hospital or made a medical claim for an injury in the following year.

Among the 776 vertigo sufferers and 3,880 people in the comparison group, the risk of new injuries was much greater in the vertigo group.

In the first month, their risk was 5.23 times as high as the risk of the comparison group. In the period between one and three months, it was 50 percent higher, and in the period between three months and one year, it was 37 percent higher.

These were primarily trunk and upper extremity injuries, some of which can be very serious.

Many previous studies have shown that people with vertigo are more likely than the general population to fall and break bones.

This study takes it further by examining the medical records of those people who had already sought medical help for their vertigo, clearly rather unsuccessfully.

One interesting discovery was that the prevalence of high blood pressurehigh cholesterolclogged arteries, and stroke was much higher in the vertigo group than in the control subjects, suggesting that you may want to address these problems with a healthy lifestyle to prevent vertigo.

It is also important to address your vertigo properly and to modify your living space while you do so to remove obvious hazards like loose carpets, loose objects on the floor, and slippery or uneven surfaces.

Cure Your Vertigo Once and for All – Fortunately, there is a way to completely eliminate vertigo for good. Just do these simple exercises, explained here, for about 15 minutes

Cure Your Vertigo Once and for All – How to Prevent Vertigo Reoccurrences?

One of the main frustrations for vertigo sufferers is that the condition often returns even after professional medical treatment.

A new study in the Journal of Neurology shows what makes us more vulnerable to a reoccurrence of vertigo and what we can do to prevent it.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the type of vertigo that results from the presence of clumped-together calcium carbonate crystals inside the semicircular canals of your inner ear, where they irritate the nerve hairs that send balance information to your brain.

It is normally triggered when you change the position of your head and causes a spinning sensation.

The typical treatment is a series of head movements that remove these clumps of calcium from the canals, but many scientists have discovered that this treatment is often temporary and needs to be repeated when the vertigo attacks reoccur.

The authors of this study wondered why this form of vertigo tends to reoccur and conducted a search through the published literature to find out.

They found 14 decent-quality studies with 3,060 BPPV sufferers.

From these studies, they concluded that the strongest predictors for vertigo reoccurrence are high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, with each of them increasing our risk for reoccurrence by more than two-and-a-half times.

The next in line were osteoporosis, vitamin D deficiency, and high cholesterol, all of which are potentially preventable too through sufficient calcium intake, vitamin D supplements or direct sunlight and, once again, a good anti-inflammatory and otherwise healthy diet and physical exercise.

Want to cure your vertigo once and for all? Watch this video – Carol Foster, MD Vertigo Treatment

But if you want to cure your vertigo once and for all, do the easy home exercises explained here…

This post is from the Vertigo and Dizziness Program, which was created by Christian Goodman. This is natural vertigo treatment program created for people who are looking for the most effective vertigo home remedies, that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently eliminate vertigo symptoms.

This will help to eliminate tension and improve your blood flow and balance. From this Vertigo Relief Program, you will learn to strengthen your tongue, achieve whole-body balance, relieve tension and enhance your overall well-being.

To find out more about this program, click on Cure Your Vertigo Once and for All

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