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Wednesday, January 26, 2022

How to Choose the Best Natural Lube for Better Sex?


Most commercially flavored and scented lubes rely on artificial ingredients. If clean and natural products are important to you, there are a number of personal lubricants on the market that fit the bill. Here is how to choose the best natural lube for better sex. Read on to find out more.

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Skip the commercial jelly and try one of these natural lube options for better, steamier (and healthier!) sex.

You try to avoid synthetic ingredients in your food, cosmetics and skin products—but have you ever considered the ingredients in the personal lubricants you use on your most sensitive tissues?

Pick up a bottle of K-Y Jelly and read the ingredients. Glycerin, parabens, and alcohol abound, acting as serious skin irritants for some. For women prone to yeast infections, glycerin can increase the likelihood of contracting one (to be fair, some oil-based lubricants, like baby oil, can do the same).

Most commercially flavored and scented lubes rely on artificial ingredients. As anyone who’s ever tried a flavored lube can attest, that strawberry/chocolate/vanilla flavored lube certainly doesn’t taste like strawberry, chocolate, or vanilla.

If clean and natural products are important to you, there are a number of personal lubricants on the market that fit the bill.

But we’re here to let you in on a secret: A handful of Paleo-friendly oils work just as good, if not better, for many people. They’re also considerably cheaper and more versatile. You can get jars and bottles of the stuff for the same price as tiny vials of traditional lubes.

Bottom line: Not all oils are created equal. Some can help you achieve mind-blowing orgasms, and some can harm the balance of women’s healthy vaginal bacteria or irritate skin.

Just as ingesting processed vegetable oil is far inferior to olive oil, it’s important to keep in mind that not all oils are the same. There are some that can help you achieve mind-blowing orgasms, and some that will potentially harm the balance of women’s healthy vaginal bacteria, irritate sensitive skin, or leave behind a sticky, unappealing residue.

It’s also important to note that oils and oil-based lubricants are not for everyone. If you’re prone to yeast infections, you should avoid most oil-based lubricants altogether, as they may increase the likelihood of one.

Never use an oil-based lubricant or oils in conjunction with condoms, as they can break down latex and lessen the efficacy of the pregnancy and STD preventers.

Also avoid using oils with sex toys—they’re difficult to clean fully when used with oil.

Some oils—like mineral oil and sesame oil—can decrease sperm motility, so avoid oil lubricants if you’re trying to get pregnant. Finally, test all oils on less sensitive areas of your body prior to sex to ensure you don’t have an adverse reaction.

Here’s a guide to the best and worst oils to use in the bedroom. Have fun!

The Bad

Mineral Oil/Petroleum Jelly

Mineral oil, a distillation product of petroleum commonly called baby oil, and its relative petroleum jelly, commonly called Vaseline, make poor lubricants. Physically, they may get the job done, but the risk to your vaginal health is high.

A study conducted by a team of University of California researchers found that women who used petroleum jelly intra-vaginally were 2.2 times more likely to test positive for vaginosis, or bacterial overgrowth in the vagina, associated with unusual discharge, irritation and burning.

Not fun! Women who used mineral oil were also considerably more likely to test positive for Candida, a fungus that can lead to yeast infections.

Vegetable, Canola and Other Refined and Hydrogenated Oils

The refining and hydrogenating processes are pretty gnarly, and the logic behind avoiding them on the Paleo diet extends to bodily use. They’re also prone to leaving a residue on your body, staining linens, and smelling generally unpleasant during sex. As OB-GYN Jen Gunter observes, “fully hydrogenated oils for sex sounds, uh, well, unsexy.”

Olive Oil

Olive oil is the least harmful of the “worst” oils, but compared to coconut oil and almond oil, it falls short. It (and other cold-pressed oils like avocado oil) is generally safe to use as a lube, but can prove more residue-laden, sticky, and… well… no one likes to smell like a wok during sex.

The Good

Sweet Almond Oil

Sexologist Betty Dodson and her partner Carlin Ross sing the praises of sweet almond oil as lube. First of all, it feels amazing, and second, it’s safe, moisturizing and smells pleasant. It leaves behind no residue and won’t ruin your sheets. The only other oil that beats it is…

Virgin Coconut Oil

Everything that can be said for sweet almond oil is true of coconut oil, and then some. Unlike some other oils, coconut oil can actually prevent and treat yeast infections. As this study suggests, coconut oil is an effective treatment for even resistant strains of fungal infections. It’s relatively thick, making sex feel amazing, but absorbs well into skin and therefore won’t leave you feeling sticky or oily.

Unlike artificial sweeteners and scents, it smells and tastes naturally sweet and a bit tropical. Compared to commercial lube products, it’s dirt cheap, and it also works well for pre-sex moisturizing massages and more. Yeah, there really isn’t anything coconut oil can’t do.

Want to know what can be the best natural lube for better sex? Watch this video – How to make a DIY Non Toxic Lubricant for the Bedroom

Written by Courtney Hamilton

Author Bio:

Courtney Hamilton is a writer and editor who has covered everything from food to politics. When she’s not dreaming up Paleo-friendly eats and conversations, you can find her trying to get her preschooler to eat his veggies.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

How to Protect Yourself from Stroke and Heart Attack?


Do you want to protect yourself from stroke and heart attack? What to do if you have high bad cholesterol? Read on to discover Scott Davis’ Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program to find out how you can normalize your cholesterol level by cutting out this one ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Protect Yourself from Stroke and Heart Attack – This Nut Boosts Good Cholesterol While Slashing the Bad

It tastes great raw, toasted, seasoned, and smoked; it can make milk, butter, oil, and flour, and it now turns out that it can benefit your cholesterol profile too.

Researchers from Penn State University have just published a study in the Journal of Nutrition that shows how it lowers your bad cholesterol while increasing your good cholesterol.

Like that wasn’t enough, it also boosts the level of productivity at which your good cholesterol removes bad cholesterol from your bloodstream.

LDL is normally considered bad cholesterol, as it has the potential to clog your arteriesHDL, on the other hand, removes this LDL cholesterol from your body, and is therefore considered good cholesterol.

The Penn State researchers asked 24 of their 48 participants to eat a handful of almonds daily for six weeks.

The other 24 volunteers ate a similar diet for the same amount of time, but ate a banana muffin daily instead of the almonds.

After the six weeks, the scientists swapped the two groups, with the almond consumers now eating a banana muffin and vice versa.

At the beginning and end of each diet period, they measured the level and function of the 48 participants’ cholesterol.

Compared with the muffin diet, the almond diet increased HDL function by 6% and the presence of α-1 HDL by an impressive 19%.

α-1 HDL is the most important sign that your HDL cholesterol is working well to remove bad cholesterol from your body.

As HDL cholesterol particles collect LDL cholesterol from around your bloodstream to transport to your liver (from which it is processed for excretion), those HDL particles become bigger, much like a garbage bag becoming bigger as you fill it up.

The largest garbage bags, or HDL particles, are clearly the most effective at removing the garbage, or LDL cholesterol particles in this case.

α-1 HDL particles are the largest and most productive HDL particles, which is why the researchers concluded that almonds were a great tool for making your HDL cholesterol more productive.

Protect Yourself from Stroke and Heart Attack – But eating almonds is not enough to completely clear out clogged arteries. For that, you need to cut out this ONE ingredient, you didn’t even realize you were consuming…

Protect Yourself from Stroke and Heart Attack – Why Women Have Higher Heart Attack Risk After Menopause

Scientists have long been baffled by the fact that women have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than men before menopause, even though they have a higher risk than men after menopause.

Now, researchers from the University of Copenhagen may have solved this riddle.

And they point out one thing that every single woman must do to save herself from stroke and heart attack. Do this right now before it’s too late.

The researchers recruited 17 women: 12 of them between ages 59 and 70 and the other five between ages 21 and 28.

They took a biopsy from their thigh muscles to examine their muscle tissue, the small blood vessels called capillaries in their muscles, and some muscle proteins.

The seniors had fewer capillaries in their muscles and lower muscle protein levels than the young participants did.

In the second part of the study, they put the seniors on an eight-week spinning program, with three sessions per week at moderate to high intensity.

Before and after their training, the scientists measured several fitness parameters and took another thigh muscle biopsy after the training to compare with the first biopsy.

The postmenopausal women could not increase the number of capillaries in their muscle tissue by anywhere near as much as had previously been found in young women and men of all ages.

Despite this, their fitness did improve by 15 percent and the amount of muscle proteins in their muscles increased.

Muscle tissue capillaries are important because they move sugar and lipids into our muscles that would otherwise simply accumulate in fat cells. They also help transport oxygen and nutrients to our muscles that increase the productivity of our exercise programs.

This means that women should start exercising before and during menopause to give them a head start on muscle function and muscle capillaries when they enter menopause.

If you’re a woman going through menopause, you will want to take these simple steps to make the process easy and painless…

And regardless of your gender, you’ll want to protect yourself from stroke and heart attack by cutting out this ONE ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming…

Protect Yourself from Stroke and Heart Attack – When Exercising Causes Heart Attack and Death

Is exercise actually good for you? Silly question.

Of course it is.

But too much of a good thing can be… well… bad.

And that’s the case with one particular popular exercise. Do too much of it and your risk of heart attack will start heading skyward.

So now you have a reason not to overdo this exercise.

A study conducted by German researchers focused for nearly a decade on the exercise habits of more than 1,000 people who were in their 60s.

Researchers split participants up in three groups:

1) Those who did 60 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise 4 times a week.

2) Those who did 60 minutes of exercise more than 4 times a week.

3) Those who exercised occasionally or rarely.

Not surprisingly, those who did little or no exercise had the highest risk of developing a cardiac event.

More surprisingly, however, the healthiest group was the one in which people participated in moderate exercise—and not intense exercise.

In fact, the over-exercised participants had double the risk of heart attack and stroke compared to the moderate exercising group.

So, for best cardiovascular health, do moderate workouts a few times a week, rather than heavy exercises every day.

Here is a simple exercise routine:

• Warm up for 3 minutes

• Exercise as hard and fast as you can (running, biking, swimming or whatever) for 30 seconds to raise your heart rate

• Rest for 90 seconds while moving to keep warm

• Repeat the high intensity exercise and rest cycle about seven more times

Do this exercise routine 3–4 times/week for optimal heart health. All it takes is 15–20 minutes per day.

Do you want to protect yourself from stroke and heart attack? Watch this video – 15 Foods That Reduce Your Heart Attack Risk According to Doctors

Even better, here are three easy exercises guaranteed to bring your blood pressure down to a healthy level—starting today

And if you want to protect yourself from stroke and heart attack and your cholesterol is too high, discover how you can normalize it—in 30 days or less—by cutting out this ONE ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming…

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Protect Yourself from Stroke and Heart Attack.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Toxics in Condoms – 11 Un-Sexy Chemicals Lurking in Condoms


Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Ever thought about the ingredients in your condoms? The majority of condoms contain toxic chemicals and hormone disruptors. Find out which brands do, and don’t.

Reading labels isn’t just something you should do when buying food. You should also pay close attention to labels when choosing your health products — especially your sexual health products.

If you don’t intend to grow your family, chances are that when sex comes to mind you’re thinking about condoms for all of 5 seconds. However, when selecting the condom that is right for you, you might need a few more seconds on the clock.

Chemical exposure from condoms is minimal, but it is real nonetheless. Even though they can be beneficial, the reality is that with overexposure they may be doing more harm to you than good.

Don’t let this stop you from using condoms – they’re key to preventing STIs and unintended pregnancies! But be mindful of your health products, condoms included.

Believe it or not, there is more than just rubber when it comes to the ingredients found in condoms.

On one hand, condoms are like an emergency shut-off switch. They prevent unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and they are the only product available that does these two things at the same time.

On the other hand, their brief contact with your body, if overused and/or if you have a sensitivity to their ingredients, could be enough time for the condom to affect your health negatively.

Condoms aren’t regulated like food products. They don’t require a detailed list of ingredients. The good news is that there are condoms on the market that disclose whether or not their product contains any bad chemicals.

The bad news is that many of them don’t. This is possibly due to the fact that some of these harmful chemicals are made in the processing of latex and are not added after.

Typically, condom packaging will point out things like whether they are latex or non-latex, different flavors, and whether or not there might be lubricant or spermicide present.

If there is lubricant present, you might find labels distinguishing between water-based, silicone-based, gel-based, or pH-balanced. But what exactly is in the chemical makeup of some condoms remains a mystery. Labeling requirements are more focused on the contraceptive and preventive properties of condoms.

For the past 15,000 years, condoms have been in use for birth control, and in more recent years, for STI prevention. So condom labeling today caters to those priorities—Will the condom prevent sexually transmitted diseases? Will the condom prevent pregnancy?

But these FDA labeling requirements often lack important details like—Does the condom contain animal products? What is the full ingredient makeup of the condom? What chemicals were added to produce the final ingredients in the condom?

Watch this video – Condoms Are Surprisingly Toxic

So, what are the chemicals we’ll find in condoms?

1. Benzocaine

Benzocaine is a local anesthetic, and the purpose of adding it to condoms is to provide a numbing sensation to reduce stimulation to nerve endings to delay a man’s climax.

Be careful not to get it on your partner because it may dampen the mood since it will numb them up, too. Also, be sure to wash it off afterward to prevent any irritation later on.

You can also find benzocaine in ointment, spray, liquid, cream, gel, and wax form to offer relief for things like minor skin injuries, insect bites, teething, and toothaches. It is not required to label the ingredient benzocaine on condom packaging.

2. Casein

If you’re vegan or have a dairy allergy, you definitely want to avoid using condoms made with casein. Casein is a protein by-product of milk and it’s used to make latex condoms smooth.

3. Dry-Dusting Powder

If you ever open a condom and find some white powder, don’t freak out. It’s pretty common for companies to use a dusting powder when manufacturing non-lubricated condoms.

Condoms typically come rolled up, and if the condom isn’t lubricated, it can be difficult to unroll, may stick together, and could even rip during the unravelling attempt.

The dusting powder is supposedly corn starch most of the time, but may contain other ingredients, usually preservatives meant to prevent breakdown of the latex. It’s not often you’ll see a label specifying the dusting powder, and the chemical makeup of the powder may vary.

4. Glycerin

Glycerin, not to be confused with glycerol (a sugar), is found in condoms as a lubricant.

There are different types of glycerin, and they are very common ingredients found in condoms as well as lube. Glycerin is water-based, meaning that it won’t leave a mess that is impossible to clean up. Typically, you won’t see glycerin listed as an ingredient.

While glycerin is sweet in flavor, it doesn’t actually contain any sugar. The downside? If left in the vagina too long, glycerin can transform into sugar, increasing your chances of getting a yeast infection by throwing off your pH balance.

Safety first, always remember to clean up. Glycerin isn’t required to appear on condom packaging.

5. L-Arginine

Amino acids are the building blocks that your body uses to make proteins needed for daily function of your arteries, glands, organs, and tendons. They are crucial to things like muscle tissue repair and removal of waste.

L-arginine is an amino acid found in a ton of over-the-counter and prescription medications, such as ibuprofen and some chemotherapy medications. It works by converting into the chemical nitric oxide, which improves blood flow by opening up blood vessels. You can find L-arginine in certain lubricants and condoms for a boost in arousal.

6. Latex

Rubbers, as some people call condoms, are traditionally made from the rubber tree. Basically, condoms grow on trees, but it wasn’t until the discovery of the process known as vulcanization that we knew how to go from raw rubber to condoms.

Vulcanization is the process by which natural rubber becomes more durable, i.e. more elastic and able to withstand higher temperatures—it’s done through heating and addition of sulphur.

In the 1920s, latex was discovered, which made condoms even stronger, and allowed them to last longer. The shelf life of a rubber condom went from a few months to up to 5 years.

The discovery of latex meant that instead of using gasoline and benzene (a chemical known to cause cancer with overexposure) to make the rubber into liquid, water could be used, which created a much safer work environment for condom factory workers.

A latex allergy is no joke. For those who bear this trait, latex condoms are going to be a big no-no. Try these non-latex condoms, instead:

  • LifeStyles SKYN
  • Trojan Naturalamb
  • Trojan Supra
  • Durex Avanti Bare

7. Lidocaine

Just like benzocaine, lidocaine is also used to bring a numbing effect.

What’s the difference between the two? Lidocaine absorbs faster since it is more water-soluble than benzocaine, and it lasts longer.

But this doesn’t mean that it’s better for you. It actually is something to consider, because being numb for a long time may not be what you’re looking for.

It also absorbs deeper into your skin than necessary. You’re not likely to see lidocaine listed on condom boxes or wrappers, since it’s not required to label this ingredient either.

8. Nitrosamines

Latex production creates nitrosamine by-products. Nitrosamine is a chemical compound that, when ingested, can instigate tumor growth (specifically stomach and colon cancer).

You can frequently find nitrosamine in cured meats, salted fish, and in rubber products like condoms. We already get nitrosamine exposure from things like our food, second hand tobacco smoke, and cosmetics, and the additional exposure from condoms can add up to a toxic amount.

Because nitrosamine exposure specifically from condoms has not been seen to increase risk of cancer, it hasn’t become a banned ingredient. However, in 2010, condom manufacturers were encouraged by the World Health Organization (WHO) to remove nitrosamines from their products since it really doesn’t have a purpose.

Prior to the studies regarding the toxicity of nitrosamines, there was a German brand of chocolate-flavored condoms on the market containing a tremendous amount of nitrosamines. They were quickly taken off the market.

9. Nonoxynol-9

Nonoxynol-9, or N-9, is usually added as a lubricant, to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and to kill sperm.

What’s the catch? N-9 can’t distinguish between good and bad, so it may also damage vaginal or rectal cell walls, which actually increases your chances of contracting an STD or urinary tract infection (UTI). Totally the opposite end of the spectrum from pleasure and excitement.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that condoms containing N-9 were not found to be any more protective against sexually transmitted infections or pregnancy than their counterparts lacking N-9.

There are special requirements for labeling of condoms containing nonoxynol-9 issued by the FDA. Kimono condoms were the first to remove N-9. Trojan Armor Series condoms contain N-9.

10. Parabens

Used to prevent bacteria growth, parabens are a group of chemical preservatives found in cosmetic, pharmaceutical, and personal care products. Parabens have been taking over these products since the 1950s.

By the 1990s, their reputation wasn’t doing so hot when they were found to mimic estrogen in the body and cause estrogen disruption. Breast cancer tissue has also been seen to contain concentrations of parabens, which has suggested that people should refrain from higher levels of exposure to parabens.

The FDA still deems parabens safe at low levels of exposure, and most products contain low amounts, so technically, the products alone cannot be to blame. Cumulative exposure from many different paraben products is what will cause health problems to arise.

Is it any wonder why parabens have been banned from use in the European Union, yet they are still legal here in the United States? Make sure to limit your contact with parabens. In particular, limit paraben exposure to your skin coupled with UV exposure, which has been shown to have harmful effects.

Parabens might be listed on things like lotion, but usually not on condom labels.

11. Silicone

Silicone is used in condoms as a lubricant. It is an alternative to using water-based lube. Females will be less likely to get a yeast infection when using silicone-based lube. Silicone-based lubricants have a longer-lasting effect, since they don’t absorb into your body or skin, and they also don’t evaporate like their water-based counterparts.

Since silicone is waterproof, condoms using silicone as lubricant are safe for use under water (i.e. in the shower, etc). Try these silicone-lubricated condoms:

  • Kimono MicroThin
  • LifeStyles SKYN

Which condoms contain these chemicals?

When picking out condoms, make sure that you pay attention to what’s written on the box, not just what is inside the packaging. Below are a few of your options:


Durex is the world’s oldest condom manufacturer. They stopped making condoms containing nonoxynol-9 in the early 2000s. Their website does mention that “chemicals are added” to make their latex rubber stronger and more reliable.

If you’re looking to avoid latex, don’t use Durex condoms, except their Durex Avanti Bare line. If you are concerned about parabens or glycerin, Durex brand condoms may not be the condom for you, since they’re not likely to show up on the label.


Better known as the first certified ethical, vegan, and fair trade condom brand, GLYDE condoms are manufactured with a “clean plant-based formula” made from sustainably grown rubber trees. If casein is a concern of yours, GLYDE condoms is a brand you can trust, since vegan means no animal products.


This brand of condoms touts themselves as containing no N-9, and they’re vegan-friendly, meaning they also don’t have any casein in them.

Their Kimono MicroThin Plus with Aqua Lube water-based lubricant is the only line of condom containing glycerin and parabens. Kimono condoms are made of natural latex using “state-of-the-art Japanese technology”.


L. brand condoms are like the Toms of condom brands. For every condom purchased, the funds help to support their 3 programs designed to fight the ongoing AIDS epidemic in Africa.

L. partners with non-profit organizations that focus on peer-to-peer outreach in areas of extreme poverty. Their second program involves female social enterprise solutions, empowering women with transformative skills that will help them develop a culture that buys condoms. The last program supports sex education and condom access to students.

L. condoms are benzocaine-free, N-9-free, glycerin-free, and paraben-free, and they are made of natural latex. If you live in San Francisco, CA or Brooklyn, NY you can even order these condoms online and get them delivered within the hour.


“A condom for every lifestyle” is their motto. LifeStyles condoms are made from latex, unless otherwise stated. LifeStyles TURBO contain a lubricant that contains L-arginine. If you’re looking to try some non-latex condoms, give LifeStyles SKYN a try.

Sir Richard’s

These are benzocaine-, paraben-, and glycerin-free. They also do not contain nonoxynol-9. They do, however, contain trace amounts of cornstarch.

Sir Richard’s touts themselves as “chemical-free” condoms, though they are made of natural latex and do contain silicone as a lubricant.


Sustain condoms do not contain glycerin, parabens, benzocaine, or lidocaine.

Sustain’s philosophy is to be sustainable as a company and as a product, for our health in addition to the environment. They use fair-trade rubber, are vegan, and are available in unscented and lavender.


Who goes home with more than 70 percent of retail condom sales? Trojan condoms, which are made in the U.S. at a rate of more than 1 million condoms a day.

Many types and sizes of Trojan condoms are available. Typically, they are made of latex unless otherwise stated.

To avoid benzocaine or lidocaine, be aware of these brands:

  • Trojan Extended Pleasure
  • Durex Performax
  • Trojan Double Ecstasy Condoms 

Trojan Charged condoms use L-arginine as a lubricant mixed with ginger maca to provide heightened pleasure, if you’re looking for an alternative to the above.

Other labels to look out for when shopping

Expiration date

There’s nothing worse than going home and finding out someone ate your leftovers that you’ve been thinking about all day. It’s kind of the same feeling you get when you go to use a condom and you realize it’s expired.

Make sure to pay attention to your condoms’ expiration date, another extremely important detail in making sure your sex life stays on its A game. The reason most chemicals are used is to preserve the latex, which deteriorates over time.


It’s ideal to store condoms in a cool, dry place in order for them to work effectively in the future. Exposing your condoms to extreme temperatures or direct sunlight could also deteriorate them.

Wallets, pockets, and in your car are not the best places to store condoms, as these places could potentially diminish the integrity of condoms, as well.

Bottom Line

If you are trying to avoid certain chemicals, be very conscious when you are at the store buying your sexual health products, especially condoms.

A cumulative amount of chemicals, like parabens, could be a hazard to your health if you’re already using a bunch of other products that contain the same chemicals.

While each product on their own may not be of any worry, frequent use of chemically-laden products can potentially overload your body to create a toxic effect.

Written by Liz Lang

Author Bio:

Liz Lang is a Clinical Research Coordinator with the Southern California Institute for Research and Education in the field of Gastroenterology. Liz graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a degree in Public Health Sciences. She has an insatiable thirst to learn how the human body works in order to keep people healthy. When Liz isn’t in the clinic, she enjoys exploring nature, yoga, and trying new things (especially food!).

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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