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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Why Too Much Sugar is a Serious Threat to Your Health?


Why too much sugar is a serious threat to your health? Sugar provide the body with no vitamins, no minerals, and no antioxidants. Consuming too much added sugar increases heart disease risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure and inflammation. High-sugar diets have been linked to an increased risk of dying from heart disease

Click HERE to Get These Super Healthy Sweet Treats & Dessert Recipes

The biggest threat to your health, your body weight and your ability to prevent the process of aging is without a doubt – sugar.

Sugar causes damage due to the fact that its nutrient void…it simply creates a whole cascade of negative events to take place whenever you consume it.

You may not notice the affects that this dangerous food causes but you will be paying the price for it in your future years.

What makes sugar so harmful?

First things first. The biggest issue with sugar is that it does absolutely nothing good for your body. It’s like putting a toxic substance into your car and expecting it to run smoothly.

Sugar provide the body with no vitamins, no minerals, and no antioxidants. Even though it does provide carbohydrate energy, it is not the ideal kind of carbohydrate energy you want.

All that sugar offers is a quick short burst of energy that soon drops you flat on your head.

The next issue with the consumption of sugar is that it is extremely dense in calories.

So, unless you one of those rare few that are trying to put on weight, sugar will never befriend you.

Rather than offering a high variety of different nutrients that your body can use towards keeping your systems running smoothly, sugar is loaded with calories…meaning you consume a high amount of calories even though you’ve only eaten a little bit.

Trying to lose weight or even controlling body weight requires foods that are lower on the caloric density scale. If you don’t have a high caloric need, you’re just basically setting yourself up for issues by adding these kinds of foods to your diet.

High density calories is not the only issue with sugar consumption. Sugar spikes your blood glucose level. When you eat sugar containing foods it’s as though a little bomb goes off in your body. Sugar breaks down rapidly and as it is doing so, glucose molecules are rushing into the blood causing blood glucose to soar.

As this takes place, the pancreas releases a hug hit of insulin whose role is to go into the body and remove excess glucose that’s not being used for fuel and either transferring it to muscle cells if you’ve just finished working out or to the body fat cells if you aren’t.

Once this excess glucose is secured in your body fat cells it causes your fat level to grow and you start to experience a rapid decline in blood glucose levels. Insulin works quickly to remove the excess sugar from your blood stream but now it has created a very low level that your body does not like either.

The body is always trying to remain in a state of homeostasis – or as close to it as possible. Whenever you move out of homeostasis, the body reacts with a strong defense that immediately sets in to help bring you back to the state of homeostasis.

So, when blood sugar is high, the pancreas release insulin.

When blood sugar is low which the case is now, you get intense, nearly impossible to ignore feelings of hunger.

You feel ravenous, shaky and irritable. You can even feel lightheaded and you’ll want to grab the nearest food source available. Since your brain knows that the fastest way to bring up blood glucose levels it through consuming more sugar, this is precisely what it tried to do.

You’ll suffer intense food cravings for carbohydrate rich foods including cookies, pasta, cereals, and crackers and so on. Eating these types of foods simply enforces this merry-go-round you have created for yourself of:

More eating, more fat storage, more hunger, more eating more fat storage, more hunger and you’ll being gaining weight faster than you ever thought possible.

Clearly you can see why sugar is your enemy and not your friend and you must be diligent about cutting it out from your diet protocol which requires you to read every label before purchasing.

If you are eating foods in their natural state you have no concerns. Fruit sugar is different because fruit also provides us a wealth of antioxidants that fight off free radicals.

Sugar can be found in any of these variations:

  • Honey
  • Molasses
  • High fructose corn syrup (an especially bad one)
  • Glucose-fructose (again, very bad)
  • Maple syrup
  • Agave nectar
  • Barley malt
  • Beet sugar
  • Brown sugar
  • Cane sugar
  • Corn syrup
  • Carob syrup
  • Dextrose
  • Fruit juice
  • Fruit juice concentrate
  • Glucose
  • Golden sugar
  • Grape sugar
  • Invert sugar
  • Confection sugar
  • Lactose
  • Maltodextrin
  • Maltose
  • Sorbitol
  • Sucrose

Sugar just sets you up for so many problems such as an increased risk of cancer developmentdepression, attention deficit disorder (ADD) and other mood disorders. Is it really worth that momentary rush of sugar pleasure?

Watch these 2 videos below to get a better understanding on why too much sugar is a serious threat to your health –

What Sugar Does to Your Brain & Body: The Truth About Sugar

15 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

For some incredibly delicious veggie based dessert and treat recipes visit: “Blended Bites” a compilation of 50 desserts and sweet treats that use veggies as either the main/star ingredient or playing a supportive role. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what the possibilities are once you open yourself to them!

Author Bio:

Carolyn Hansen is the author of The Blended Bites Healthy Snack and Dessert Recipe Collection. This is a one-stop resource for delicious, healthy, guilt-free snacks that you can eat every day. And even better, EVERY ONE of these recipes are RAW healthy snack foods that taste as good as their fattening counterparts.

You can NOW satisfy your snack urge without any negative impact on your weight loss and fitness goals, and without sweating over a hot stove. These easy-to-prepare snacks contain no sugar, no flour or butter and are paleo friendly.

So, if you want to get your hands on recipes for desserts and snacks that you will not need to feel guilty about eating the next time you have a craving for something delicious, be sure to check out Carolyn Hansen’s books at Blended Bites, where she will show you how to take control of your blender and churn out mouth-watering desserts and snacks that will have the kids in your neighborhood lined up around the block for a sample.

How to Clear Out Plaque Buildup in Your Heart and Avoid Stroke and Heart Attack?


Want to clear out plaque buildup in your heart and avoid stroke and heart attack? According to to two new studies published in the journals BMJ and JAMA Internal Medicine, keto diet (high protein and low carb diet) may not be that bad for health after all. What matters most is the type of protein you get from the keto diet. Read on to find out more.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Clear Out Plaque Buildup in Your Heart and Avoid Stroke and Heart Attack -Most Disgusting Way to Cure Cholesterol

According to decades of research, the single greatest risk factor for high cholesterol and cardiovascular disease is obesity.

But weight loss is made especially difficult by the plateau and weight gain that dieters experience some months after they begin dieting.

A team led by Israeli researchers has just published a study in the journal Gastroenterology which demonstrates that this weight gain can be prevented.

It is well-known that diets lead to good weight loss in the first 4 to 6 months, after which the weight loss stops and the dieter starts regaining weight, even while continuing the diet.

The authors of the new study wondered whether gut bacteria could have something to do with this depressing weight regain, and they set out to examine this question by asking their subjects to consume their own gut bacteria from the period during which the weight loss was optimum.

They recruited 90 volunteers who were all obese because of carrying too much abdominal fat and had high cholesterol.

They divided these volunteers into three diet groups: a group that received healthy dietary guidelines, a group placed on the Mediterranean diet, and a group placed on a green Mediterranean diet. All three groups were given free gym memberships together with advice on physical exercise.

The difference between the Mediterranean and green Mediterranean groups was that, while both received 28g of walnuts per day for an intake of 440mg of daily polyphenols, the green Mediterranean group also consumed 3 to 4 cups of green tea and Mankai green shakes for 800mg of polyphenols per day.

After 6 months of good weight loss, they were asked to produce feces, from which the researchers made frozen odorless capsules. Half of the participants consumed 100 of these capsules until month 14, while the other half received a placebo or fake treatment.

All the participants continued their diets until month 14 to permit researchers to compare the amount of weight regain between the groups.

After the first 6 months, the average weight loss was 8.3kg, after which all the participants started regaining weight.

But in the green Mediterranean diet group, the fecal capsules held the weight regain to 17.1 percent, while those who took the placebo regained a full 50 percent of their lost weight.

In the other two dietary groups, the fecal capsules did not reduce weight regain.

In the green Mediterranean group, participants on the fecal capsules regained only 1.89cm of waist circumference versus the 5.05cm of those on the placebo.

When examining their gut bacteria, the researchers also found positive changes in the green Mediterranean dieters who consumed the fecal capsules related to insulin sensitivity and cholesterol.

Just one warning: do not eat your own feces to replicate these results, as the bacteria can be seriously harmful if it enters the lining of your mouth, esophagus, or stomach.

Now, if you struggle with weight but don’t feel like eating feces, then you’ll be delighted to hear there is a much more pleasant way to lose weight effortlessly. It’s actually so easy we call it a breeze, as we explain here…

And if you need to get your cholesterol under control, in order to clear out plaque buildup in your heart and avoid stroke and heart attack, learn how to do it by cutting out this one ingredient, explained here…

Clear Out Plaque Buildup in Your Heart and Avoid Stroke and Heart Attack -Finally a Heart-Healthy “Keto” Diet (new study)

Most of us have been bombarded with the Keto (high protein, low carbs) Diet frenzy. Some swear by it to cure almost everything.

The problem is that most reliable studies have deemed it one of the worst diets for your health.

But consuming a lot of protein may not be the problem, according to two new studies published in the journals BMJ and JAMA Internal Medicine. It’s the type of protein that makes all the difference.

And then it doesn’t matter if you’re following keto or just eating normally.

Study 1:

In the BMJ study, researchers from Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Harvard Medical School wanted to know whether total protein intake, animal protein intake, and plant protein intake were related to lower risks of death from any cause, death from cardiovascular disease, and death from cancer.

They searched already-published studies in journal databases and found 32 studies, with 715,128 participants, that addressed this question.

When those who consumed the most total protein were compared with those who consumed the least, they discovered that the former group had an approximately six percent lower risk of death from any cause than the latter group did.

In other words, protein does seem to be healthy in very general terms.

However, those who consumed the most animal protein were no less likely to die of cardiovascular disease or cancer than those were who consumed the least of it, showing that the major health benefits do not come from animal protein.

Plant protein, on the other hand, reduced the participant’s likelihood of cardiovascular disease death, with those who consumed the most plant protein enjoying an approximately 12 percent lower risk than those who consumed the least of it did.

Plant protein also reduced participant’s death from any cause by approximately 8 percent.

Study 2:

The JAMA Internal Medicine study used data from 416,104 people collected by the US National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health Study from 1995 to 2011.

They found that replacing three percent of energy from animal protein with plant protein reduced the risk of death from any cause by 10 percent in both men and women.

Doing the same reduced cardiovascular disease death by 11 percent in men and 12 percent in women.

They found that dairy protein did not differ from plant protein in health benefits. It was mostly when plant protein replaced eggs and red meat that the effect appeared.

Therefore, if you want to consume more plant protein and escape early death from all causes together—and from cardiovascular disease—replace your eggs and red meat with legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

But you don’t have to follow a strict diet to clear out plaque buildup in your heart and avoid stroke and heart attack. Just cut out the one ingredient explained here…

Clear Out Plaque Buildup in Your Heart and Avoid Stroke and Heart Attack -Why Reducing Bad Cholesterol Doesn’t Help

For decades, it has been the conventional wisdom that we should lower LDL cholesterol, also called bad cholesterol, in order to prevent heart disease and death from heart disease.

And the main method for lowering LDL is using statin drugs.

But an increasing number of scientific studies have questioned this advice in recent years.

A new study, published in the journal BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, finally puts this issue to rest once and for all—and the results are shocking.

A research team from the University of New Mexico, the Bahiana School of Medicine, and the University of Grenoble noted that millions of people worldwide were now routinely placed on cholesterol-reduction drugs like statins.

They wondered whether new scientific research still supported this approach and decided to review the available scientific literature to find out.

They identified 35 high-quality clinical trials that variously compared people on one of three cholesterol drugs (statins, PCSK9, and ezetimibe) with people who were receiving a placebo (fake drug) or care without drugs. Trials were included only if their subjects were placed on treatments for approximately one year or more.

The American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology have set cholesterol-reduction targets for specific groups of people and these researchers divided the trials they surveyed into those who met these AHA/ACC targets and those who did not.

The AHA/ACC guidelines divide all people into two categories, mostly with reference to their LDL cholesterol scores: those at moderate risk and those at high risk of cardiovascular events and death. The former group should reduce their LDL cholesterol by 30 percent while the latter group should try to reduce it by more than 50 percent.

Of the 13 studies that met the target, only one showed that death could be prevented by reducing cholesterol, and only five reported a decline in cardiovascular events like strokes and heart attacks.

Of the 22 studies that failed to meet the AHA/ACC target, only four showed that death could be prevented by reducing cholesterol and only 14 reported a decline in cardiovascular events.

This means that more than 75 percent of all studies reported no reduction in risk of death and almost 50 percent reported no reduction in cardiovascular events from the use of cholesterol-lowering drugs.

As a result, organizations that set cholesterol-lowering targets with reference to your supposed cardiovascular risk factors basically treat many low-risk people with cholesterol-lowering drugs and leave many high-risk people untreated.

This seems to suggest that lowering LDL cholesterol is not a proper way to prevent cardiovascular events and death, even though LDL cholesterol does seem to be involved in the progression of cardiovascular disease.

The authors of this study lament that, notwithstanding the existence of these contradictory research results, medical specialists seem strangely resistant to changing their current theories/practices, unlike in other sciences where theories are changed when such contradictory results emerge.

To find out how you can clear out plaque buildup in your heart and avoid stroke and heart attack, watch this video – These Foods Clean Your Arteries & Can Prevent A Heart Attack

This is no surprise to me. For decades, I’ve been teaching people to completely clear out all plaque buildup in the heart, not by reducing LDL but by cutting out ONE ingredient I explain here…

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Clear Out Plaque Buildup in Your Heart and Avoid Stroke and Heart Attack.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

How to Prepare Healthy and Delicious Desserts Using Nuts?


Nuts provide us with compounds such as carotenes, lutein cryptoxanthin and resveratrol (all poly-phenolic flavonoid antioxidants) that have been found to provide protection against heart disease, degenerative nerve disease, and cancers. Read on to learn how to prepare healthy and delicious desserts using nuts.

Click HERE to Get These Super Healthy Sweet Treats & Dessert Recipes

The Incredible Edible Nut

What’s packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids and provides a rich source of protein, and energy? Nuts and seeds of course.

Mother Nature certainly did it right when she created this little crunchy yet buttery edible that comes packed with fiber.

Nuts provide us with compounds such as carotenes, lutein cryptoxanthin and resveratrol (all poly-phenolic flavonoid antioxidants) that have been found to provide protection against heart disease, degenerative nerve disease, and cancers.

Rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids, calories, vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium, zinc, manganese, potassium, fluoride and selenium, they also provide healthy levels of vitamin E that works to maintain the integrity of cell membrane of mucus membranes and skin protecting from harmful oxygen-free radicals.

Offering an array of B-complex vitamins, nuts provide us with niacin thiamin, pantothenic acid, B-6, riboflavin and folates…all essential for optimum health.

In the past nuts were relatively ignored or dismissed as just “fattening snacks” because of their high caloric density and fat content.

But times have changed as people have grown smarter about nutrition and now nuts are enjoyed for their nutritional contribution to our health. Although they do contain a significant amount of fat, this fat is the monounsaturated type that actually discourages disease.

The versatility and variety of nuts is another reason they are so popular. Pistachios, walnuts, almonds, cashews, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts and Brazil nuts are all great choices. You can eat them whole in their natural state or you can salt or sweeten them. Sprinkle over desserts or use as an ingredient in pancake batter, biscuits, muffins, cakes, breads and other sweets dishes.

Put into a high speed blender, they make nutritional “nut butters.” Use nut butters in sandwiches or on top of bananas for a super healthy snack. Add them to your favorite pasta dish or sprinkle them on salads for an added nutrient boost.

According to the Food and Drug Administration, enjoying 1 ½ ounces of nuts (approximately 1/3 cup) daily that includes a variety of hazelnuts, pecans, walnuts, almonds and peanuts can actually help reduce the incidence of heart disease.

Another study done at Harvard with 83,000 women nurses aged 34-59 found that nuts are empowered to significantly lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetesThe result of this test showed that those who ate 1 oz. or more of nuts at least 5 times weekly were nearly 30% less apt to have diabetes than those who never ate nuts or ate less than that.

Furthermore, studies reveal that people who eat nuts are no fatter than those who don’t. In fact, nut eaters are proven to lose weight and keep it off. Because of their high fat and protein content that help to keep us feeling full and satisfied, nuts help to control weight by keeping us from snacking too often on sweets and other carbohydrates.

With so many choices readily available offering so much nutrition in such a small package, these super foods could and should be enjoyed regularly.

For more ideas on how to prepare healthy and delicious desserts using nuts, watch this video – No Bake Nut and Seed Bars | Healthy Energy Bars Recipe | Nut Seed Bar | Homemade Energy Bars Recipe

If you are ready to take your traditional desserts and turn them into “life giving” desserts grab my “50 Desserts with Hidden Veggies. “  In it you will discover no bake, Paleo friendly, no sugar, gluten free healthy sweet treat and dessert recipes using a variety of nuts.

Isn’t it time to make every bite you take count!

Author Bio:

Carolyn Hansen is the author of The Blended Bites Healthy Snack and Dessert Recipe Collection. This is a one-stop resource for delicious, healthy, guilt-free snacks that you can eat every day. And even better, EVERY ONE of these recipes are RAW healthy snack foods that taste as good as their fattening counterparts.

You can NOW satisfy your snack urge without any negative impact on your weight loss and fitness goals, and without sweating over a hot stove. These easy-to-prepare snacks contain no sugar, no flour or butter and are paleo friendly.

So, if you want to get your hands on recipes for desserts and snacks that you will not need to feel guilty about eating the next time you have a craving for something delicious, be sure to check out Carolyn Hansen’s books at Blended Bites, where she will show you how to take control of your blender and churn out mouth-watering desserts and snacks that will have the kids in your neighborhood lined up around the block for a sample.

How to Prepare High Fiber Delicious Desserts for Health and Weight Loss?


A recent study published in the “Annals of Internal Medicine” suggest that eating 30 grams of fiber daily can actually help you lose weight, lower blood pressure and improve the body’s response to insulin with the same effectiveness that a complicated diet can. Read on to learn how to prepare high fiber delicious desserts.

Click HERE to Get These Super Healthy Sweet Treats & Dessert Recipes

Fabulous Fiber for Health and Weight-loss

A recent study published in the “Annals of Internal Medicine” suggest that eating 30 grams of fiber daily can actually help you lose weightlower blood pressure and improve the body’s response to insulin with the same effectiveness that a complicated diet can.

Those that participated lost a significant amount of weight even though no other dietary changes were implemented.

Just as the body needs its portions of macro and micro nutrients daily, it also needs and requires a healthy dose of fiber.

Fiber (known as roughage and bulk) is either soluble (because it dissolves in water) or insoluble (it does not dissolve in water). It includes the parts of plant foods that your body is unable to digest or absorb like it does with fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Fiber simply passes through your stomach and intestines and out of your body.

Soluble fiber: This kind of fiber dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance. It helps lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. You can find this type of fiber in legumes (peas), oats, apples, citrus, barley and carrots and a whole lot of other foods.

Insoluble fiber: This type of fiber increases stool bulk and promotes the movement of food material through your digestive system. Highly beneficial for those suffering from constipation or hard and irregular stoolsNutsbeansvegetables are great sources of this kind of fiber.

Plant based foods such as beans contain both insoluble and soluble fiber although the amount varies in each one.

Rather than start another dead-end diet, why not look to fiber – it is great tool for fat loss:

  • It provides zero calories but takes up space in our stomach making us feel full.
  • You’re likely to eat less and stay satisfied longer. High fiber foods generally take longer to eat and have less calories for the same volume of food.
  • Binds with fats in our food preventing some from being absorbed
  • Slows the conversion of carbohydrates to sugar which keeps us burning fat

Fiber also helps to normalize stools. Loose stools benefit from fiber because it is able to absorb water and adds bulk. It also softens and increases the weight of your stool so it is easier to pass.

Some great sources of fiber:

Getting more fiber into your diet is not hard to do.  Why not start by adding more fiber to your breakfast meal. Add unprocessed wheat bran to your favorite cereals (always opt for those with “whole grain, bran or fiber” listed). Make every snack count. Fresh fruits and veggies are your best choice for fiber but you can also enjoy an occasional handful of nuts or seeds (just be aware of the calories).

Be aware. When adding fiber to your diet, don’t overdo it. Add a bit at a time and spread your increase out over a few weeks to avoid intestinal gas and abdominal bloating from adding too much too quickly. Allow the natural bacteria in your digestive tract to adjust to the changes.

Most veggies and many herbs can be used with great success in desserts and treats and can be key to getting the required daily requirements of nutrients that your body needs.

For more ideas on how to prepare high fiber delicious desserts, watch this video – My GLUTEN-FREE, HIGH PROTEIN, HIGH FIBER Brownies Recipe | A GUILT-FREE DESSERT Anytime of The Day

If you are ready to expand beyond your traditional recipes and upgrade them to a more nutritional level you will love my newest creation…“Blended Bites.

Author Bio:

Carolyn Hansen is the author of The Blended Bites Healthy Snack and Dessert Recipe Collection. This is a one-stop resource for delicious, healthy, guilt-free snacks that you can eat every day. And even better, EVERY ONE of these recipes are RAW healthy snack foods that taste as good as their fattening counterparts.

You can NOW satisfy your snack urge without any negative impact on your weight loss and fitness goals, and without sweating over a hot stove. These easy-to-prepare snacks contain no sugar, no flour or butter and are paleo friendly.

So, if you want to get your hands on recipes for desserts and snacks that you will not need to feel guilty about eating the next time you have a craving for something delicious, be sure to check out Carolyn Hansen’s books at Blended Bites, where she will show you how to take control of your blender and churn out mouth-watering desserts and snacks that will have the kids in your neighborhood lined up around the block for a sample.

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