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Thursday, June 10, 2021

What is the Best Way to Regain Your Stamina and Cure ED?


What is the Best Way to Regain Your Stamina and Cure ED? In 2002, physicians at hospitals in Argentina surveyed the lifestyles and eating habits of men who sought help for ED at their hospitals. They declared that all their patients had high levels of pesticides in their bodies, and that those with the highest pesticide levels also had the worst ED. Luckily, there is a reasonably simple solution: buy organic fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Organic food is grown with no or almost no pesticides.

 Click on Here to Discover How You Can Increase Stamina and Heal Erectile Dysfunction Without Using Drugs

Regain Your Stamina and Cure ED – ED and Stopping Smoking: Does It Help?

It’s old news that smoking causes erectile dysfunction (ED). So the advice doctors give to men suffering ED is to stop smoking.

Simple, right?

Well not quite, because a new study published in Translational Andrology and Urology reveals just how long men have to stop smoking until their love life is back on track.

And what they can do to speed things up.

The researchers obtained 40 eight-week-old male Sprague Dawley rats and divided them into four groups. Ten were exposed to room air only and served as the control group.

The remaining 30 received the same amount of smoke as passive smokers do for 12 weeks after which they were divided into the three remaining groups:

– a smoking group of 10 that immediately underwent ED testing,
– 10 that were first exposed to room air for four weeks before ED testing, and
– 10 that received room air for eight weeks before the ED testing.

They evaluated the rats’ ED by testing their intracavernous pressure (the pressure in the spongy tissue of the penis) and their mean arterial pressure (their blood pressure). For ideal sexual function, the former should be high, while the latter should be low.

The intracavernous pressure was lower, the arterial pressure was higher, and the ratio between the two was lower in the smoking group than in the groups that received only room air or room air for eight weeks after smoking cessation.

This indicates that eight weeks of room air after 12 weeks of smoking can undo much of the damage of the smoking. Four weeks of clean air is not quite enough but is preferable to continuing smoking.

So how long do you need to stop smoking before seeing this huge benefit, which is almost comparable to people who have never smoked?

If this rat study translates directly to humans, a week in a rat’s life corresponds to approximately 26.6 weeks of a human lifespan, on the assumption that a long life expectancy for a rat is three years and for a human is 80 years.

In other words, if you smoked for six years, you might need to stop smoking for at least four years to reset your sex life.

But whether or not you smoke, you can gain rock-hard stamina as soon as today using the simple home exercises explained here to regain your stamina and cure ED…

Regain Your Stamina and Cure ED – Suffering ED? Start Eating This – Now!

While it is not the kind of thing all men are prepared to be honest about in public, more than 50 percent of men over the age of 40 now struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED). It is becoming an epidemic that is making life particularly unpleasant for many couples.

If you think you’ve been hearing about ED a lot more than ever before, it may well be related to the fact that most people are eating too little of this type of food.

An article published in the August, 2015, edition of the Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction concluded that thousands of pesticides generously sprayed on our food cause ED.

This is not the first study of its kind. In 2002, physicians at hospitals in Argentina surveyed the lifestyles and eating habits of men who sought help for ED at their hospitals. They declared that all their patients had high levels of pesticides in their bodies, and that those with the highest pesticide levels also had the worst ED.

Another research team has discovered that they can change the physical sexual characteristics and behavior of rats completely by feeding common pesticide chemicals to their mothers. Therefore, it is wrong to think of ED as only a male problem. Women can affect their offspring’s choice of sexual partners and their libido by consuming pesticides.

By relying on many related studies, the authors of the new article pointed to several mechanisms through which pesticides cause ED:

1. Pesticides lower the amount of testosterone in your body. Testosterone is not only vital to get an erection, but also to experience sexual desire. Some pesticides lower it by 35 percent.

2. They decrease the amount of acetylcholine esterase, a substance that interacts with neurotransmitters in the brain to cause an erection.

3. They reduce the amount of nitric oxide, a substance that carries the neural communication that regulates an erection.

4. They cause oxidative damage to cells which, through several mechanisms, creates tension in the sinusoidal smooth muscle tissue that is meant to relax during an erection.

5. They are endocrine disrupters. These are substances that prevent hormones from carrying out the jobs they are supposed to do.

6. They change the physical characteristics of the penis itself by destroying the tunica albuginea. This is the tough fibrous envelope of connective tissue that surrounds the penal tissue that becomes erect.

By now we know more than enough. Through numerous different pathways, pesticides make it less likely that you can get and keep an erection.

The problem is extreme. Some analysts estimate that there are tens of thousands of different pesticidal chemicals that are used on our food. Some are sprayed on the food while it is still growing, and some are used to treat it while it is kept in storage.

A long-running American survey by the Environmental Working Group that periodically tests food has tested the most pesticides on apples, cherries, grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, red raspberries, strawberries, celery, cherry tomatoes, collard greens, cucumbers, hot peppers, imported snap peas, kale, potatoes, spinach, and sweet bell peppers. These fruits and vegetables have a low resistance to pests and are accordingly drowned in pesticides.

Many of these foods are healthy foods that health-conscious people eat specifically to ward off unnecessary ailments. It is cruel to find out that they are nowhere as healthy as we want to believe.

Luckily, there is a reasonably simple solution: buy organic fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Organic food is grown with no or almost no pesticides. It is fertilized by animal manure instead of chemical fertilizers. It is, therefore, generally cleaner.

If you already suffer erectile dysfunction, by far the most effective method to gain stamina again are these easy ED exercises found here to regain your stamina and cure ED…

Regain Your Stamina and Cure ED – Is Your ED an Indicator of This Deadly Disease? (you must check this now)

While erectile dysfunction (ED) is a highly irritating health condition on its own, it may also indicate that you have another disease that is even more serious – actually life-threatening.

This underlying disease often goes undiagnosed. So (absurdly), your ED may then be a lifesaver when it draws your attention to this deadly condition.

The good news: If you discover this underlying disease early, it can easily be reversed using a simple, natural approach.

In 2015, Canadian researchers published an article in the Annals of Family Medicine that found a connection between type 2 diabetes and ED.

They examined health statistics of 4,519 men who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2001 and 2004. They were especially interested in the cases of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes, as it can easily land you in the emergency room or worse – without warnings.

The study concluded that 10.4 percent of men between ages 40 and 59 with erectile problems had undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. This is alarming because only 2.04 percent of men without ED suffered from it.

This means: If you have ED, you’re five times more likely to have hidden type 2 diabetes than if you don’t suffer ED.

Since type 2 diabetes has been linked with high blood pressurehigh cholesterolstrokeheart failure, and many other fatal diseases, the fact that so many cases still go undetected is deeply worrying.

The research team focused on the upside, however, which may surprise men with ED. Can there really be an upside to a condition that ruins your sexual life and often leads to depression and low self-esteem?

The answer is an unambiguous yes!

If ED can serve as a sign that you may have diabetes, it may motivate you to get tested and treated for diabetes, which may ultimately save your life.

The connection between ED and type 2 diabetes is not exactly new, but previous studies on the link focused on cases of diagnosed diabetes, which are usually more severe than their undiagnosed counterparts are.

A 2002 article in Diabetes Care concluded that 34 percent of type 2 diabetics reported frequent erectile problems, 24 percent reported occasional problems, and 42 percent reported no problems. In other words, 58 percent of diagnosed type 2 diabetics claim to have mild or severe ED – ouch!

This means that the occurrence of ED increases from 10.4 percent for undiagnosed diabetics to 58 percent for diagnosed diabetics, which is what happens when the severe cases are thrown in.

Everything indicates that it is the type 2 diabetes which causes the erectile dysfunction. So by facing type 2 diabetes and healing it naturally, you can heal your ED as well.

Diabetes can obviously be controlled only if it has been diagnosed, however, so if you have ED without having been tested for diabetes, go ahead and give yourself a better chance to control that ED.

To learn how to regain your stamina and cure ED, watch this video –I CAN’T GET “IT” UP!!! (How To FIX Erectile Dysfunction FAST)

Luckily, type 2 diabetes can be cured using just a few lifestyle changes. Here is the exact strategy thousands of readers have successfully used…

And even better, erectile dysfunction can be eliminated today using just this one simple technique to regain your stamina and cure ED…

This post is from the Erectile Dysfunction Master Program, which was created by Christian Goodman for men who are looking for the best erectile dysfunction natural remedies.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure erectile dysfunction. By following the techniques in this program, you will be able to get hard fast without pills and maintain stronger erections for hours so you can enjoy sex again. 

Erectile problems can be physical or emotional. If your problem is physical, you need to exercise the muscles around the genital area. If your problem is emotional, then you need to learn relaxation techniques. Erection Master will teach you steps that can help get rid of your erectile dysfunction for good. As long as you’re willing to commit 30 minutes of your time, 3 to 7 days a week for 1 to 2 months, they’ll work for you. You can practice the steps alone or with your partner. 

These techniques are far more effective than Viagra, Cialis or other drugs for erectile dysfunction. The drugs only help about 40% of men who use them and can also cause very serious side effects. 

To find out more about this program, click on Regain Your Stamina and Cure ED

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

How to Deal with Unwanted Anxious Thoughts


How to Deal with Unwanted Anxious Thoughts? In order to take control over the cycle of anxious thoughts, it’s important to take a two-pronged approach. This involves making a big shift in your attitude, and using certain visualization tools that will help you ‘see’ a positive outcome. Read on to find out more.

CLICK HERE to Get Immediate Relief from Anxiety & Panic Attack

People who experience a high level of anxiety on a regular basis, and those who suffer from frequent panic attacks, often struggle with dealing with unwanted anxious thoughts. These thoughts are typically based on a particular place, situation or thing, and may include worrying about one’s health, fear that a loved one is in trouble, or other fears that limit the person’s ability to make rational decisions.

Unwanted anxious thoughts, sometimes known as intrusive thoughts, can become intrusive to the point that they lead to obsessive compulsive disorder or other disturbances that take away from the person’s quality of life. However, there are several things a person who is dealing with unwanted anxious thoughts can do to curtail the problem. talk more about dealing with this side effect of anxiety in my book Panic Away.

In order to take control over the cycle of anxious thoughts, it’s important to take a two-pronged approach. This involves making a big shift in your attitude, and using certain visualization tools that will help you ‘see’ a positive outcome.

A shift in attitude means you need to accept that the anxiety is there, and then ‘release’ it from your mind. If you focus closely on a certain thought or idea, you’ll see that it connects to a similar thought and you probably jump from one thought to another over the course of the day. If you continually find yourself coming back to a certain negative thought, you need to accept that it’s there until you become desensitized to it.

Your emotional reaction to the thought is literally what is making the thought appear in your mind time and time again. When you can maintain a ‘neutral’ attitude towards it, it will simply disappear from view.

There are several visualization tools you can use to end unwanted anxious thoughts, and one of them involves positive imagery coupled with deep breathing. You can ground yourself and stop the cycle of anxious thoughts completely simply by breathing deeply and enjoying the feeling of safety and security for a few moments.

Herbs for Panic Attacks

When it comes to herbs to help stop panic attacks, there are several options available and it can often be quite confusing when trying to decide which ones to try.

To add to the confusion, several herbal supplements come combined in one remedy and are sold as all-in-one ‘cures for anxiety’. After several years of communicating with people who have used various different herbs for panic attacks, I can recommend two herbal supplements that appear to be effective for reducing panic attacks: Passiflora and Valerian.

Passiflora (Passiflora incarnata) has traditionally been used as a folk remedy for anxiety and insomnia. It contains many active ingredients. The most widely studied of these constituents, maltol and ethymaltol, seem to be responsible for much of the anti-anxiety effects. It works on the physical body, relaxing muscles to reduce tension, which can be particularly effective for people who feel physically tense (e.g. tight shoulders or the sensation of a knotted stomach). People also report good results using this herb to aid sleep. It should not be taken with sedatives unless under medical supervision.

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is believed to have been used for its calming and soothing effects since at least the time of Hippocrates (460-377 BC). Right up until the introduction of prescription sleep medications is was used as a folk remedy for a variety of conditions such as insomnia, nervousness, and headaches. The primary use for valerian today is to treat insomnia, but it is reported to reduce feelings of general anxiety.

The active constituents in Valerian appear to be valerenic acid and valerenal. These compounds have a calming effect because they interact with the neurotransmitter GABA. As with most herbs for panic attacks, it generally takes a few weeks of use to feel the full benefit. Valerian may cause sleepiness or daytime drowsiness and should not be used with other medications for insomnia or anxiety.

It is important to be aware that herbal supplements are not a magic pill to stop panic attacks. In most instances people report only mild improvement and it is not uncommon for folks to feel no benefits at all. Again, you should discuss these or any other herbs with your doctor, especially if you are pregnant or taking any kind of medication.

To learn how to deal with unwanted anxious thoughts, watch this video – How To Stop Intrusive And Obsessive Thoughts

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: How to Deal with Unwanted Anxious Thoughts?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms – How to Overcome Anxiety About Doing Something Wrong?


Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms – How to Overcome Anxiety About Doing Something Wrong? Read on to learn more about Barry McDonagh’s Panic Away program, which is designed to help people deal with their anxiety and panic attacks.

CLICK HERE to Get Immediate Relief from Anxiety & Panic Attack

If you’ve been diagnosed by your doctor with general anxiety disorder, don’t convince yourself that you have a clinical illness—you don’t. This disorder doesn’t mean that you have a physical or mental illness. Your brain is fine, and your body is fine. You’re suffering from a sensitized, anxious state.

You have probably come across this list of generalized anxiety disorder symptoms many times before.

• Nausea
• Dizziness
• Exhaustion
• Vision problems
• Cramps
• Intrusive thoughts
• Feelings of unreality and depression
• Sleep disturbance
• Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

But what do these symptoms really mean?

When talking generalized anxiety disorder symptoms, we are really talking about fear manifesting in different forms. Fear cuts us off from life. It takes us out of our natural God given flow and into a stagnant state where we feel removed from the world around us.

Imagine life as a fast flowing river heading towards the sea. Fear is an obstruction in that river causing stagnant pools of water, where life no longer flourishes. The manifestation of that fear can be generalized anxiety disorder symptoms.

In order to end these symptoms, you need to remove those obstructions from your life and restore your natural flow.

Things that hold those obstructions in place are things like overreacting to the symptoms of anxietyPanic Away will teach you exactly that. The more you can learn to not react to the symptoms the more you find yourself in that flow. It involves making very small changes in key areas of your life that will nudge you from fear, back into life.

The Coffee Cup Exercise – How to Overcome Anxiety About Doing Something Wrong?

There’s a fine line between anxiety and feelings of excitement. Instead of robbing you of your confidence and drive, anxiety can actually motivate and excite you. The following exercise demonstrates a simple way to handle the nervous energy you feel.

When you feel anxious, accept the way you are feeling in that moment. Instead of getting upset by the anxiety, decide to turn it to your advantage. You can turn your nervous energy into excitement and stimulation by pretending you have just finished a strong cup of coffee! Just like caffeine, anxiety stimulates your nervous system.

Under its influence your mind is more alert and your body is primed for action, so why not take advantage of all that extra energy buzzing around your system and pretend it is simply the result of a caffeine kick?

If you wake feeling anxious don’t analyze the way you feel, rather decide to let the nervous energy become your new kick-start to the day. Feel how alive and alert your body and mind are because of the anxiety. Now make the most of that nervous energy and use it to drive your day forward.

You could go exercise, clean the house, or get that report written. Do anything at all to channel that energy into something constructive. What you must not do is turn that energy inwards and worry about it. Turing inwards and analyzing the way you feel only creates more anxiety. Instead, push the energy outwards and move with it.

Work in tandem with the nervous energy and what you will find is that it quickly transforms from feelings of fear into excitement.

Why do you think Woody Allen is so creative? He puts all of his nervous energy to great use by being creative. You can, too, by turning what is normally an uncomfortable feeling into a force of motivation and action.

So the next time you feel anxious, simply pretend you have just had a big cup of coffee and then channel that nervous energy to your advantage. This exercise is another example of how a small change in perception can transform the way your anxiety feels.

Credit for the exercise goes to our Panic Away forum moderator, Kasey. It just a small sample of the wonderful inspiration and support you will find on the Panic Away Forum. Full membership to the forum comes with each purchase of Panic Away so why not join today?

To learn how to overcome anxiety about doing something wrong, watch this video – How to cope with anxiety | Olivia Remes | TEDxUHasselt

To learn more about how to end panic attacks and general anxiety fast then

Click Here

Barry Joe McDonagh

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: How to Overcome Anxiety About Doing Something Wrong?

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

How to Cope with Anxiety While Driving?


How to Cope with Anxiety While Driving? Read on to learn more about Barry McDonagh’s Panic Away program, which is designed to help people deal with their anxiety and panic attacks.

CLICK HERE to Get Immediate Relief from Anxiety & Panic Attack

Driving Anxiety

One of the more common questions I’m asked is how to cope with anxiety while driving. People have many different fears in this area, ranging from fear of being caught in traffic to crossing waterway bridges.

Often the anxiety stems from a fear of being trapped in the vehicle in gridlock traffic or losing control of the vehicle and causing a collision.

Needless to say, even though they may have been battling a driving phobia for many years, almost all of the people I’ve consulted with have not actually had any of these mishaps occur. Let’s look at the primary fear: having an accident due to the distractions of an anxiety attack while driving.

Most people work themselves into a state of high anxiety even before they’ve pulled out of their driveways. They imagine scenes of causing ten-car collisions on the highway because they “freaked out” and hit another vehicle.

If you have such concerns, the first thing to do is review your driving history. Have you been a reckless driver in the past? Do you have a history of bad driving?

Most phobic drivers actually have clean driving records and have never even been in a minor road incident. Anxious drivers are not a deadly hazard on the road; in fact, they can be a lot more vigilant than many ordinary drivers who, after a long day in the office, are virtually asleep at the wheel.

As we discussed previously when looking at the biology of anxiety, by virtue of their conditions anxious drivers have a high level of sensory alertness. This level of alertness keeps them aware of potential hazards and focused on the task of driving—not daydreaming, chatting, or rooting around in the glove compartment.

This, of course, does not suggest that anxious driving is the ideal way to commute.

But I believe it’s important to make this point because so many chastise themselves for being anxious in their cars.

If you’re generally a good driver, before you set out in your car take confidence in that fact, and reaffirm it to yourself. Acknowledging and reaffirming that you’re a capable driver will go some way toward alleviating this concern.

The second major concern of most phobic drivers is the fear of being trapped in the car in some manner. By this, I mean being caught in traffic, on busy three-lane highways, on long bridges, or even stopped at red lights.

When allowed to, your mind will run away with this fear and imagine all kinds of deadly scenarios where you feel cornered or trapped in your vehicle with no assistance available should you experience a major panic attack.

The important thing here is to curb these fears before they take root, by offering yourself viable solutions to any of these scenarios and not letting your mind trick you into believing there’s a trap ahead.

Give it some thought. Are there really any situations, such as the ones described above, where you’re truly trapped with no means of escape?

No, of course there aren’t.

Eventually, traffic always moves; it doesn’t remain gridlocked forever. There’s flow, and there’s always an exit. This may mean figuring out the exit for yourself, but never let these thoughts corner you into thinking that there’s no escape.

When you counteract these fears with logical solutions, you undermine the control that fear holds over you. You begin to see the bluff it’s playing to keep you petrified of what could potentially happen out there in the traffic.

Your mind may rebel and come up with the worst possible scenario that you may get “stuck in”—but again, is this really the terrifying trap you imagined? Be careful not to let these thoughts trap your thinking.

Every minute of the day, people’s cars break down in traffic. These drivers have no option but to put on the hazard lights and leave the vehicle. It’s not going anywhere.

There you are, and there’s an exit, albeit an extreme one; however, by using my technique, it never needs to come to that. In fact, you’re going to learn how driving can actually be an enjoyable experience once again.

To learn how to cope with anxiety while driving, watch this video – How to overcome driving anxiety

Learn more about Panic Away here.

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: How to Cope with Anxiety While Driving?

How to end fear of flying?


How to End the Fear of Flying? Read on to learn more about Barry McDonagh’s Panic Away program, which is designed to help people deal with their anxiety and panic attacks.

CLICK HERE to Get Immediate Relief from Anxiety & Panic Attack

Flying is often an anxious experience for the average person, so it’s understandable that it poses a difficult challenge for a person with high anxiety and frequent panic attacks.

I’m going to demonstrate how to apply the 21 Second Countdown to conquer a fear of flying—so you’ll feel confident and safe within yourself while flying both long and short distances.

Most people who suffer from panic attacks generally don’t fear a mechanical failure in the aircraft, but rather a failure within themselves (i.e., an out-of-control episode of sheer panic while flying).

This is because people who experience panic attacks feel like they’re walking around with an internal bomb that could go off at any moment, sending them into a downward spiral of panic.

If this “internal bomb” goes off in a safe place, such as the home, it’s much easier to deal with because that environment is a safe zone in the person’s mind. Being thirty thousand feet in the air creates the dilemma of not feeling safe and comfortable in the environment.

An element of claustrophobia also often manifests itself with fear of flying. The person experiencing the anxiety frequently feels a need for more open space or somewhere to hide and be alone, away from other people.

If you’re affected by airplane anxiety, your initial attitude when you book your flight is important. Be excited that you have this opportunity. Remind yourself that while on the plane, you’ll have new techniques on hand to help you overcome your fear and enable you to fly to far away destinations.

Don’t worry—you’ll be perfectly safe on board.

Often, a carefree flight begins the night before. Try to ensure that you get some good rest before your departure. Fatigue can cause excess stress. On the day of the flight organize your schedule as best as possible, ensuring there’s no hassle getting to the airport, passing through customs, etc.

You can do this by giving yourself plenty of time. There’s no point in adding more stress to an already nervous trip simply because you have to rush through the airport at the last minute.

As you board the airplane, reaffirm the fact that should the anxiety manifest itself, it won’t damage you. As you’ve always done in the past, you’ll move through a period of anxiety unharmed, and being in an airplane doesn’t mean that you’re in a situation where these thoughts don’t apply. So here’s your new approach to flying.

You board the plane, not in the hope that you’ll feel relaxed and calm, but in the hope that you will experience the anxiety and have an opportunity to process it.

As always, the real trick to making this approach fully effective is to completely throw yourself into the experience. If you hold a thought that all feelings or sensations of anxiety are bad, then that will only terrify you more and make you feel less positive about flying.

Allow yourself to feel anxious and expect you will probably feel anxious some time before the flight.

Capt. Tom Bunn of the SOAR fear of flying course recommends anxious flyers should not hide their anxiety from the crew and to, in fact, request a short meeting with the pilot during boarding. He suggests that just a simple hello and a few words with the pilot can erase a large percentage of the fearful flyer’s anxiety.

Now take your seat and if you’re not feeling any of the familiar anxious sensations, ask them to make themselves felt while the rest of the passengers board. If the sensations are there, you want them to reveal themselves. You can do this because you’re not hiding or running away from them. You’re not sitting in your seat praying that they don’t appear.

Remember how you reacted before when they started becoming apparent? Most likely, you started to get anxious and thought about how being on a plane was the last place in the world you wanted to be. Those thoughts grew in momentum until you scared yourself witless, and this was even before the main cabin door was closed.

If, on the other hand, you feel nothing alarming, that’s fine. Begin to distract yourself with a magazine, a book, or music. But, to be sure, check your feelings regularly to see if there’s anything anxious lingering in the background.

By expecting that you may have a panic attack, you place yourself under less pressure when you start to feel anxious. There is a voice inside us that, when alerted to a potential panic attack, screams one of two things:

Please, God, not now. I can’t cope with this here. Red alert!

. . . or the positive and empowering

There you are. I was expecting you to show up. Well, show me what you’ve got. I’m ready, waiting, you have got 21 seconds.

So if you feel the beginnings of a panic attack, that’s fine. You were never trying to run away from it; in fact, you were hoping it would emerge so you could move through it.

The more you really demand to have an attack during the flight, the more empowered and confident you’ll feel in yourself. It can sometimes help to become a bit emotional or excited with the fear when you demand it to show itself, because this helps the emotions to release and flow. You may experience a hot flush when this happens.

It is expected to experience a rush of adrenaline on take-off; notice that it has a wavelike effect. It courses through your body—and if you pay close attention, you’ll feel it pass quickly, in twenty or thirty seconds.

Nothing to fear here. After it passes, confidence returns—until the next wave comes, and the next, until eventually you notice the pattern. And, by not reacting, the effect on you is nothing more than bodily sensations minus the panic.

To learn how to end the fear of flying, watch this video – End your fear of flying forever FOREVER | MEL ROBBINS

Learn more about how to treat anxiety in Panic Away.

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: How to End the Fear of Flying ?

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