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Monday, June 7, 2021

What is the Best Way to Completely Get Rid of Your Hemorrhoids for Good?


What is the Best Way to Completely Get Rid of Your Hemorrhoids for Good? Hemorrhoids can be painful, really painful. But traditional treatments for hemorrhoids can be almost as painful as the hemorrhoids themselves. And have been proven very ineffective. This led a team of Indian, Thai, and Russian scientists to review previously published studies on the ability of micronized purified flavonoid fractions, or MPFFs, to address hemorrhoids. These studies showed that MPFFs could reduce pain, bleeding, and discharge and bring about overall improvement.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Cure Hemorrhoids Permanently by Attacking Its Root Cause

Completely Get Rid of Your Hemorrhoids for Good – These Flavonoids Cure Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids can be painful, really painful.

But traditional treatments for hemorrhoids can be almost as painful as the hemorrhoids themselves. And have been proven very ineffective.

This led a team of Indian, Thai, and Russian scientists to review previously published studies on the ability of micronized purified flavonoid fractions, or MPFFs, to address hemorrhoids.

They found only 11 studies that were rigorous enough to be included in their analysis. These studies compared people who took micronized purified flavonoid fractions (MPFF) with people who either took a placebo or no medication at all.

The hemorrhoid symptoms they specifically wanted to know about were bleeding, pain, itchiness, discharge, and overall improvement.

Most of the 11 studies relied on the hemorrhoid sufferers’ own reports to evaluate the improvement of symptoms. According to most of these self-report-based studies, subjects reported an improvement in all the symptoms listed above.

Four of the studies they surveyed relied on medical specialists’ examinations and reports to assess improvements. These studies showed that MPFFs could reduce pain, bleeding, and discharge and bring about overall improvement.

So, what is a micronized purified flavonoid fraction treatment?

Flavonoids are natural substances that occur in foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, and red wine.

The MPFFs that have been found to be particularly useful for the treatment of hemorrhoids are diosmin and a combination of other flavonoids called hesperidin.

Diosmin constitutes 90% of these medications. That is the form of MPFFs evaluated in the studies the scientists reviewed.

Diosmin is a natural substance found primarily in citrus fruits, especially in the peels. It has been heavily studied for its effects on conditions like hemorrhoids and varicose veins, both conditions in which blood flow in the veins in your lower body is compromised.

Scientists think that it exercises its effects by blocking the action of chemicals like prostaglandins and thromboxane A2. When these are too active, veins become inflamed, swollen, and blood flow becomes impaired.

By inhibiting them, diosmin allows blood flow to improve and veins to recover.

This shows that hemorrhoids can be drastically improved, even cured using natural methods. But flavonoids are only one piece of the puzzle. To completely get rid of your hemorrhoids for good (as soon as today), follow the simple steps explained here…

Completely Get Rid of Your Hemorrhoids for Good – Does Aloe Vera Help for Hemorrhoids? (Surprise!)

If you read Amazon reviews, you would think that aloe vera is particularly effective as a hemorrhoid treatment. But do the positive reviews match the scientific literature on the topic?

We put this question to a test and reviewed three studies on the subject.

You will be surprised to learn that almost no studies have been performed to test the effectiveness of aloe vera as a hemorrhoid treatment.

This is unfortunate, as aloe vera has been tested on aspects of skin care that may aid its usefulness in hemorrhoid care.

The closest was an article published on scientific journal databases in 2019 that directly address the question of whether aloe vera cream worked as a hemorrhoid treatment.

This study was not published in a journal, however, and probably not peer-reviewed.

The British/Iraqi pharmacological scientist applied the aloe vera cream to hemorrhoids induced in rats and compared it with a placebo and linseed oil.

He found that the aloe vera did work, but that the linseed oil worked better to combat the collection of blood in the rectal tissue, to counter the inflammation, and to restore the cells back to normal.

The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published a study in 2010 in which the scientists tested the use of aloe vera on post-hemorrhoidectomy pain and wound care. While the study had only 49 subjects, it was peer-reviewed, and a strong randomized, blind, placebo-controlled trial.

The scientists concluded that the aloe vera clearly had pain-relieving properties during rest and defecation, and that it accelerated wound healing at the surgical site.

The European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences also published a contribution to the literature in 2014 in which the authors tested aloe vera on chronic anal fissure pain, wound healing, and bleeding. This was also a strong, well-designed double-blind clinical trial and also peer-reviewed.

They found that, compared with the placebo (fake treatment), the aloe vera was much faster in healing the anal fissures that had been chronic and resistant to other treatments, relieving pain, and limiting the amount of bleeding.

Therefore, in the absence of definite scientific literature that would confirm its effectiveness as a hemorrhoid treatment, you can do worse than to try an aloe vera gel, as it does have anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, blood clotting, and wound healing properties.

Completely Get Rid of Your Hemorrhoids for Good – But there are much more effective natural ways to heal hemorrhoids completely. In fact, you just need to change two bad hemorrhoid habits to experience drastic results within days. I’ll explain this in detail here….

Completely Get Rid of Your Hemorrhoids for Good – Horrifying Hemorrhoids Method Studied

Many people with hemorrhoids do not try to treat their hemorrhoids at home.

They rush straight to a doctor’s office where, more likely than not, they will be offered a treatment called rubber band ligation.

Tunisian scientists have just published a study in the journal Endoscopy in which they explored the short- and long-term effects of this treatment.

The results were quite horrifying.

Rubber band ligation is a procedure that your doctor carries out in his or her office.

The doctor ties a tight rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid that cuts off its blood flow. If all goes well, the hemorrhoid dries up, falls off within a week or two, and is gone.

If, however, you need several hemorrhoids removed, or if they are unusually large or painful, you may need to visit a clinic as an outpatient and receive a local, topical, or general anesthetic.

Doctors also usually recommend that you take a weak laxative during this period to prevent constipation and hard stools. They often also recommend that you have a relative or friend at home to help with tasks that require a lot of movement or effort that can be painful or add pressure to your rectal area.

The authors of the Endoscopy study identified 37 patients who had undergone this procedure and examined their medical records stretching over approximately five years.

These records included their demographic, treatment, and clinical data.

The average age of their subjects was 46 years. Among the participants, 70 percent had grade 2 internal hemorrhoids, while 30 percent had internal grade 3 hemorrhoids.

Before the treatment, 32 of the 37 patients reported rectal bleeding, a condition that medical scientists call rectorrhagia. 17 reported proctalgia, a condition that involves muscle spasms around the anal area as well as severe episodic pain. A further 12 of them reported suffering from constipation.

Each patient had to undergo an average of four ligation sessions.

After the procedure, 5 of the subjects experienced rectorrhagia, 11 experienced severe pain, 5 required analgesics, and 3 developed blood clots.

This sounds like a pretty no-fun effect—and sometimes even worse than the treatment itself.

To find out how to completely get rid of your hemorrhoids for good, watch this video –Hemorrhoids | Piles | How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids | Hemorrhoids Treatment

Completely Get Rid of Your Hemorrhoids for Good – Fortunately, there are easier and simpler natural methods to heal hemorrhoids for good. In fact, you only need to change two bad hemorrhoids habits to eliminate the problem in days. I’ll explain these two habits here . . . .

This post is from the Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol Guide. It is a 3-week plan to get rid of hemorrhoids permanently. As per the creator Scott Davis, the issue of hemorrhoids can be tackled by taking care of two habits. The first habit is food which is directly related to our digestion and bowel movement. The food we eat has its medical benefits and healing properties.

Hemorrhoid mechanism works around unhealthy bowel movement, weak blood vessels, and inflammation according to the Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol review. Many foods are known to relieve and remove hemorrhoids permanently.

In the Hemorrhoids Healing Protocol guide, a list of foods and the plan on how and when to consume is mentioned very clearly. The second habit is related to exercise. Exercises that will nurture the healthy bowel and relieve hemorrhoids are mentioned in this guide. It is nothing related to heavy exercises; it is something to be done with sitting and lying down.

To find out more about this program, click on Completely Get Rid of Your Hemorrhoids for Good

Sunday, June 6, 2021

How to Overcome Frequent Anxiety and Panic Attacks?


How to Overcome Frequent Anxiety and Panic Attacks? Read on to learn more about Barry McDonagh’s Panic Away program, which is designed to help people deal with their anxiety and panic attacks.

CLICK HERE to Get Immediate Relief from Anxiety & Panic Attack

Identifying Common Anxiety Attack Symptoms

When you’re experiencing anxiety and panic attacks on a regular basis, one of the most important things you can do is practice self-awareness. Being aware of the sensations and feelings you are experiencing can make anxiety and panic attacks that much more manageable, and you’ll be able to find ways to cope with the distressing feelings and experience once you acknowledge them.

The physical and mental manifestations of anxiety can take their toll on your body and mind, and can be very unsettling when they appear out of the blue. Some of the sensations can be addressed with medication, but there are healthy, drug-free approaches that can help you get better and enjoy a better quality of life. I talk more about healthy ways to handle anxiety attacks in my book, Panic Away.

For now, let’s take a look at some of the common anxiety attack symptoms.

Among the most prevalent symptoms and signs of an oncoming anxiety attack is a shortness of breath, or a tight sensation in the chest area. Other symptoms and signs of an anxiety attack include heart palpitations, sweating, feelings of choking, and feelings of unreality or being detached from yourself.

Many people also feel numbness or a tingling sensation in their extremities. Others have an intense fear of losing control or going crazy. Feeling dizzy, lightheaded or faint are also common side effects of an oncoming anxiety or panic attack.

Whatever the case may be, you can work on desensitizing yourself from these uncomfortable experiences, and eventually stop worrying about them altogether.

One of the best ways to deal with the feelings of being out of control, or managing those nerves when under stress or pressure, is acceptance. Acceptance immediately lowers your anxiety and places you back in your natural flow.  What we accept goes through a transformation and in this case the anxious bodily sensations are not allowed to escalate into a full blown panic attack.

You don’t have to fear anxiety attack symptoms and those uncomfortable sensations forever. There are several ways to overcome frequent anxiety and panic attacks, and look forward to a healthier life ahead.

Overcoming Anxiety in Social Situations

If you are usually more of an introvert in social situations, you may feel very uncomfortable – even anxious – when surrounded by extroverts. It’s not uncommon to feel a high level of anxiety in a new social situation, or when you don’t know anybody in the party. Still, there are several strategies for overcoming anxiety in social situations, and some can even ward off a panic attack.

Many people who experience panic and anxiety attacks on a regular basis are vulnerable to feeling an uncomfortable level of anxiety in certain social situations.

Instead of avoiding the event, there are some things you can do to reduce discomfort.

One of the simplest things you can do to overcome anxiety in social situations is to simply allow those feelings of discomfort to flow through you. Instead of fighting the anxiety, learn to fully accept it and feel it. You’ll find that the more often you do this, the shorter the ‘session’. After a short period of time, you will no longer need to be apprehensive about feeling fearful or anxious in a social setting. You’ll simply acknowledge what you’re feeling, and flow with it.

With this in mind go into social situations expecting that you will feel anxious. By expecting the anxiety, you less its impact and the frustration you feel.

This is all really about teaching you to accept the way you feel and through that acceptance you lower your resistance and struggle with the problem. Then you find yourself actually enjoying being out with friends or work colleagues.

Use these strategies to quickly reduce discomfort and feel more comfortable in any social setting.

To learn how to overcome frequent anxiety and panic attacks, watch this video – How I Learned To Manage Panic Attacks & High Anxiety

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: How to Overcome Frequent Anxiety and Panic Attacks?

Friday, June 4, 2021

How to Eliminate Excessive Anxiety and Panic Attacks Without Medication?


How to Eliminate Excessive Anxiety and Panic Attacks Without Medication? Read on to learn more about Barry McDonagh’s Panic Away program, which is designed to help people deal with their anxiety and panic attacks.

CLICK HERE to Get Immediate Relief from Anxiety & Panic Attack

What Causes Panic Attacks?

Are anxiety and panic attacks making it difficult for you to enjoy your daily life? If you’re like most people who suffer from high levels of anxiety and experience panic attacks on a regular basis, you may not be aware of what your “triggers” are.

I talk more about what causes panic attacks and anxiety in my book, Panic Away. In most cases, the trigger for panic attacks and other forms of general anxiety are related to physical, mental and emotional exhaustion.

Basically, you are more vulnerable to having a panic attack or experiencing an uncomfortable level of anxiety when you are stressed out, burned out, or aren’t getting enough rest. Physical exhaustion can be the result of overwork or not getting enough rest. It may also be the result of bad eating habits, or a lack of quality nutrition.

Mental exhaustion can be the result of excessive worrying and mental stress. If you constantly feel mentally drained and are finding it difficult to cope with your emotions, you may be at risk for having a panic or anxiety attack. Emotional exhaustion is similar in this respect. Conflict with loved ones and relationship problems can be triggers for panic attacks.

Ultimately, all of these triggers make it difficult for the mind and body to find rest and be peaceful. In many cases, these situations can make you feel very edgy, and you may even be more fearful than normal. In a sensitized state, small things can cause excessive anxiety and make you vulnerable to a full-blown panic or anxiety attack.

Physical symptoms of an oncoming panic attack include sweating, feelings of choking, numbness, nausea and even chest pain. Sensitized people can’t help but become worried about these sensations, and this can lead to panicky feelings which trigger either a situational or spontaneous panic attack.

Excessive anxiety and panic attacks can be eliminated. Never for a moment feel that you will be stuck with this problem forever. You won’t!

Take the first step towards an anxiety free life by learning more on this web site.

“People Do Not Understand How You Feel…”

One of the Hardest Things About Having Anxiety and Panic Attacks, is that the People Around You Simply Do NOT Understand How You Feel.

You tell them how terrifying a panic attack is and they think you are just exaggerating. You explain the anxious thoughts you have and they remark, “Hey I get stressed too”. You tell them that you wake each morning with a sense of dread, and they say “Oh come on, who is a morning person?”.

They simply don’t get it.

The weekend is coming up and your partner wonders why you can’t just go out for dinner with friends and leave your fears behind? What they don’t get is that sometimes you think you will actually die the fear is so intense and that your mind is in such a fog that you won’t be able to enjoy yourself for a minute.

You wish they could understand this – and when they don’t you feel alone and depressed.

I’ve got two things to say about this:


Yes, you have a problem that needs correcting. You wouldn’t be reading this right now if you didn’t. That’s why you surf the net looking for answers. That’s why you constantly worry if this problem is more serious than just anxiety. You worry about the scary bodily sensations and if you will always be like this. You get a jolt of fear at the thought of losing control in front of your friends or co-workers.

I know all this because I have been there. I have had the exact same thoughts and fears as you have had.

And you know what? It’s OK.

It’s OK because all of this is curableAll of the anxiety can be healed and no, you are not going to lose control or go insane and NO a panic attack is not going to kill you. It’s all OK because you are perfectly safe….


Forgive those that belittle your anxiety. They have no idea how terrifying it can feel. Forgive the doctor that dismissed your story and told you to just go home and try deep breathing. Forgive the friend who stopped calling because you no longer could go out. Forgive the boss who placed all that extra stress unnecessarily on you. Forgive them all because they just don’t know how difficult it is without having experienced it for themselves.


Stop for a moment and tell your anxiety you are actually happy it is part of your life. That might be the last thing from your mind right now but anxiety will become your ally, not your enemy. Believe it or not, this problem will teach you how to be a BIGGER PERSON!

Anxiety will give you the greatest gift possible, greater self-awareness. It may not feel like that now because you are in the eye of the storm but you will come through this and out the other side stronger.

You will WIN in the end.

It reminds me of a conversation I had a few weeks ago with someone who had completed the Panic Away program. She said after so many years of anxiety and panic attacks she could finally see the hidden lesson and gift of anxiety. She now had a rock solid sense of confidence that had not been there before. She felt her old self again. She won in the end and you will too.

To learn how to eliminate excessive anxiety and panic attacks without medication, watch this video – 3 Tips to Manage Anxiety & Panic Attacks

To Your Success….

Barry Joe McDonagh

Author of

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found hereHow to Eliminate Excessive Anxiety and Panic Attacks Without Medication ?

Thursday, June 3, 2021

How to Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Forever?


How to Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Forever? Read on to learn more about Barry McDonagh’s Panic Away program, which is designed to help people deal with their anxiety and panic attacks.

CLICK HERE to Get Immediate Relief from Anxiety & Panic Attack

Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Forever – How to Turn Fear into Excitement?

Can we turn anxiety and panic into a positive experience? Can we transform fear into excitement with one mental switch?

I believe we can and I am going to explain how it is done.

Anxiety/panic is an experience everyone tries to avoid and run from. Our instinct is to fight against the feeling and find some way to end it quickly so that we can return to feeling calm. All our mental and physical effort goes into trying to feel calm again.

I believe however that people get much faster results if they learn to turn anxiety into excitement, -rather than trying to create calm.

The reason for this is because being anxious and excited are actually the same physiological states for your body (the aroused state) so your mind can make the switch between those states much easier than it can between feeling anxious and calm.

So by turning your anxiety into excitement, you can quickly remove the fear factor while still feeling physically aroused. Because the fear has been removed you will then feel in control and a state of calm will come about naturally.

Let’s use the example of a panic attack. A panic attack is almost always triggered by bodily sensations. Maybe your heart starts pounding or your chest feels tight. Maybe you feel dizzy or your body shakes. You know very well when it is about to kick off and in a split second your mind reacts with fear to these bodily sensations. “Oh no here we go again, I am going to have a panic attack, -I might lose control, -I might die”.

That initial reaction is so split second it is almost impossible to control but at least now you are aware of what is happening and NOW is your moment to stop reacting and to choose a new response. Instead of reacting with resistance and fear to the sensations,you are going to respond with curiosity and excitement.

Here are the actual steps you need to take so that you can quickly move from fear to excitement:

  1. Do not fight or resist the bodily sensations. (Remember, you are safe these sensations will not harm you)
  • Befriend the sensations and anxiety you feel, -do not see it as your enemy, it is your guide.
  • Embrace the sensations fully and observe them with a compassionate curiosity.
  • Now PLAY with the sensations. Encourage the bodily sensations to intensify. Get excited by this heightened state of arousal. Push the energy out and run with it. Let your heart pound, let your chest feel tight, let your mind race, let your body shake. Do not try and control it, experience it fully and feel really excited and alive because of it.

By taking the above steps you are doing something completely different. You are no longer resisting but embracing and moving with the experience. This movement is one of pure excitement as you ride the wave of fear, instead of letting it toss you around.

Some people like to compare anxiety to a thrilling roller coaster ride. Something exhilarating that they are willing participants in. By becoming really excited by the anxiety you feel, instead of resisting it, you immediately diminish the power it holds over you. You are placed back in a position of control.

That is the secret to turning fear into excitement!

Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Forever – You Are Much Bigger Than Your Anxiety

I am guessing that there have been moments when your anxiety has gotten you down and you have asked yourself “why me?” “why do I have to deal with an anxiety problem?”

It’s during moments like that when you need to step back and try to see the bigger picture of your life. Perspective really helps move you into a feeling of acceptance and when you come from acceptance, your anxiety dramatically decreases and you check in mentally less and less to see how you are feeling. Your attitude really does determine the speed of your recovery.

What we resist persists but what we accept goes through a positive transformation.

Nick Vujicic is an incredibly inspiring man. He completely transformed his life by a change in attitude. He still has no arms and no legs but his life is radically different.

This short video of him will move you into the bigger picture of your life and your challenges. It may be the most important video will see in 2011 and it is only 4 minutes long. Have a quick look then leave a comment below.

Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Forever – You Are Not Alone

If anxiety is an ongoing problem for you, you need to know that you are not alone.

Since my last newsletter the overwhelming response was that people were very glad to know that they were not the ONLY ones in the world feeling this way. They were not the only ones that were struggling with panic attacks and anxiety. They were not the only ones who felt afraid. They were not the only ones who feared they would never get over this problem.

Knowing you are not alone with an anxiety problem is very important because it can be hard to reach out and share what you are going through with others for fear you will be misunderstood or be seen as weak. Talking from my own experience I know that for men it is especially hard to reach out for help because that’s not what we are trained to do. Men feel they have to always be seen as strong.

Well, the good news is that through this newsletter you are connected to me and through me you can connect to many other people who are dealing with the exact same kind of anxiety issues as you. TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER.

You can connect this very moment if you like and post a comment to this blog. and please don’t forget to connect to me by becoming a friend of Panic Away on here:

You are not alone; we are here together.

To learn how to stop panic attacks and general anxiety forever, watch these 2 videos below –

Anxiety Attacks: #1 tip to stop anxiety attacks forever

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: The CBT Approach


By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: How to Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Forever?

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