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Monday, April 5, 2021

What is the Best Way to Improve Cholesterol and Heart Health?


Improve Cholesterol and Heart Health - Studies on coffee consumption and cardiovascular health are very contradictory. Some studies show extreme benefits of coffee while others show extreme dangers of heart attack and stroke. So, a team of Norwegian researchers decided to research whether the way we brew our coffee might be what makes a difference. Indeed, one type of coffee brewing was found to significantly decrease risk of heart attack while another type increased the risk.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Improve Cholesterol and Heart Health – One Coffee Type Prevents Heart Attack—Another Causes It

Studies on coffee consumption and cardiovascular health are very contradictory.

Some studies show extreme benefits of coffee while others show extreme dangers of heart attack and stroke.

So, a team of Norwegian researchers decided to research whether the way we brew our coffee might be what makes a difference.

Indeed, one type of coffee brewing was found to significantly decrease risk of heart attack while another type increased the risk.

From 1985 onwards, the research team recruited a large sample of 508,747 healthy Norwegian adults that was roughly representative of the population regarding age, race, gender, and so on.

They observed these participants for an average of 20 years and were interested to see who would die of cardiovascular diseasestroke and heart attacks.

During this period, the team also asked the subjects about their coffee drinking habits and brewing methods and recorded changes, if any.

During the 20 years of follow-up, 46,341 participants died, including 12,621 from cardiovascular disease.

Of these cardiovascular disease deaths, 6,202 were caused by heart attacks, and 2,894 were caused by strokes.

Compared with those who drank no coffee at all, those who drank filtered coffee were 15 percent less likely to die prematurely of any cause. Men were 12 percent and women were 20 percent less likely to die of cardiovascular disease.

Unfiltered coffee was a different matter, though, and no healthier than abstaining from coffee altogether for younger adults and causing deaths of any cause, deaths of cardiovascular disease, and deaths of heart attacks for those over the age of 60.

So why is filtered coffee healthier for our hearts than unfiltered coffee?

From the available literature, the researchers concluded that the culprits were the chemical substances in the coffee grounds and oils that remained in the coffee if it was unfiltered. These chemicals cause high cholesterol and, thus, cardiovascular disease and early death.

Using the study as a guide for coffee brewing, it means that you should stay away from Turkish coffee, which is yummy but unfiltered. Any other finely ground coffees in which the grains remain unfiltered at the bottom of your cup while you drink the liquid from the top are equally unhealthy.

A French press or any other plunger device that uses a meshed metal screen at the bottom of the plunger is not good enough to qualify as a filtering device either, as it can’t thoroughly filter out the oils from the coffee beans.

The best filters were found to be percolators with paper or fabric filters.

Improve Cholesterol and Heart Health – But coffee habits don’t make or break your risk of heart attack. In fact, there’s another ingredient that you must cut out, one that you didn’t even know you were consuming. I’ll explain this here…

Improve Cholesterol and Heart Health – This Cholesterol Combats Alzheimer’s

An excess of cholesterol wreaks havoc in our blood vessels, and researchers have now discovered it causes Alzheimer’s disease as well.

Canadian researchers examined the brains of patients who had died of Alzheimer’s disease, finding that Alzheimer’s brains contained significantly more cholesterol than non-Alzheimer’s brains.

But that’s only half the story… They also discovered that Alzheimer’s brains and healthy brains do very different things with cholesterol.

And this may hold the key to finally cure Alzheimer’s.

The Canadian team found that Alzheimer’s brains retained cholesterol while healthy brains metabolized it. This study appeared in the journal Neurobiology of Disease.

A few years later, a different team published a study in Molecular Neurodegeneration in which they actually demonstrated what happened to neurons when they loaded cholesterol into their membranes.

These neurons immediately started resembling and behaving like neurons in Alzheimer’s brains.

Compared to non-Alzheimer’s neurons, Different genes were turned on and off, the transport of proteins in those neurons were blocked, and they secreted a lot more amyloid-beta42, a protein that appears in large amounts in Alzheimer’s brains.

But at present researchers still don’t understand the exact role that cholesterol plays in the development of the disease.

Until exact cause and effect relationships can be proven, it’s best to drop cholesterol to healthy levels.

Unfortunately, traditional cholesterol diets are almost useless to improve cholesterol and heart health. Here is the one ingredient I cut out to clear up my 93% clogged arteries…

The great news about this study for Alzheimer’s is that it proves your brain is lacking one ingredient to function properly. And it’s completely free and available everywhere. Learn how to capture it here…

Improve Cholesterol and Heart Health – The Best Diet to Lower Bad Cholesterol

Hundreds of diets all claim to be the best at weight losscardiovascular health, and other health benefits.

But which diet works the best?

A study just published in the journal BMJ has answered this question.

There were many candidates for this short-term gain, but only ONE winner for long-term weight loss and cardiovascular health benefit.

A large multinational team of researchers reviewed 121 studies with about 22,000 participants.

In these studies, the subjects were divided into a group that followed a diet and a group that continued to eat normally. They all compared these groups based on weight and cardiovascular health factors.

In general, the diets were divided into low-fat, low-carbohydrate, and moderate macronutrient diets.

The macronutrient diet contained more vegetablesfruits, and legumes than our current diet as well as less fat and carbohydrates.

The team also looked at various popular diets, like Atkins (keto type), Mediterranean, DASH, and Zone.

Within six months of commencing the diets, all participants showed slight weight reduction and improvement in cardiovascular health.

Regarding weight loss, low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets led to a loss of between four and five kilograms (or 8.8 and 11 pounds) over the six-month period.

Moderate macronutrient diets were less effective.

Low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets were also approximately equally effective at reducing both systolic (5 mmHg) and diastolic (3 mmHg) blood pressure by six months.

Moderate macronutrient diets were less effective here too.

Low-fat and moderate macronutrient diets were the best at reducing bad LDL cholesterol, and low-carbohydrate diets were the best at increasing good HDL cholesterol—but again, only at six months.

Atkins, DASH, and Zone were approximately equally effective at reducing weightblood pressure, and cholesterol by six months.

By 12 months, however, the picture looked quite different. By then, the cardiovascular effects and weight loss benefits of all these diets but one had disappeared.

Only the Mediterranean diet maintained its positive effects on cardiovascular health by 12 months. The largest of these effects was on cholesterol reduction.

There are three things to learn from this study.

First, our normal diet is so unhealthy that any other diet can have positive effects—in the short term, at least.

Second, if weight loss is your priority, then Atkins, DASH, and Zone are your best bets in the short term. However, if heart health is more important—which it should be—then the Mediterranean diet is the only one that maintains its positive health effects in the long term.

Third, dieting alone is not a terribly effective weight loss tool, which is why it is better to combine it with other positive lifestyle changes, like regular exercise, stress reduction, and adequate sleep.

For more ideas to improve cholesterol and heart health, watch this video –These Foods Clean Your Arteries & Can Prevent A Heart Attack

But if you want your cholesterol under control, you actually only have to cut out this ONE ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming ….

And to drop your blood pressure below 120/80—starting today—do this simple exercise for 9 minutes ….

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Improve Cholesterol and Heart Health.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

How to Eat and Train Like a Vegan Pro Football Player?


How to Eat and Train Like a Vegan Pro Football Player? David Carter, a vegan pro football player, talked about how he becomes a vegetarian and what he eats and the exercises he does to get fit and healthy.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants


“Since going vegan, I have seen dramatic improvements in my overall health. I’m heavier, stronger, faster, and healthier. ”

Name: David Carter
Profession: Chicago Bears Defensive Lineman
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA, USA
Height: 6’6’’
Weight: 305lbs.

Chicago Bears defensive lineman David Carter suffered from tendonitis and fatigue in the first few years of his NFL career, and in 2014, he decided to switch to a vegan diet.

Carter lost 40 “unhealthy” pounds on his new plant-based diet and then gained lean muscle and eventually got back up to 305 pounds.

Now, Carter says he’s stronger than ever.

Q: Tell us a little about your childhood/life and how you eventually found the vegan lifestyle.

After being released from both the Arizona Cardinals and the Dallas Cowboys, I knew I needed to make a change. My old injuries from college were resurfacing, I was losing weight, and things like nerve damage, tendonitis, high blood pressure, and early onset arthritis were finally taking their toll on me.

“I wanted to heal myself from the inside out, and I didn’t want to be on prescription medication, so I started doing some research about veganism.”

I was no stranger to the concept of a plant-based lifestyle; my wife has been vegan for six years. So after binge-watching all the vegan documentaries, I decided I was going to go vegan.

Q: What are you up to these days besides playing ball? What else would you like to be known for?

I would like to be known for my activism. I hope to be known as someone who helped people to open their minds to the possibility of positive change for everyone: animals, the planet, and people.

There is no reason we can’t all co-exist. As far as what I’m doing right now, I’m currently in training camp with the Chicago Bears, so right now my life is all football, all the time.

Q: Do you meditate?

Yes, I do. Most of the time, I do my meditation at the end of my yoga practice. So it’s really easy for me to just flow into, since the yoga puts me in a calm, peaceful space.

But when I’m sitting down to meditate without having done yoga prior, it’s a little different.

“When I need to feel centered or clear my mind, I just sit, close my eyes, and start to focus on my breath.”

Doing that for 15-30 minutes really helps me clear my head and recharge.

Q: What has been the hardest obstacle for you to overcome in your life?

I’m always working on evolving. Growing constantly is a challenge, so it’s important to me. In football, in my activism, and in my personal life, I try and keep myself open to learning. Sometimes, people get in a place where they feel like they know enough to be the one teaching.

“I think we should all work on just being the student first.”

Q: What advice would you give your 13-year-old self?

Never, ever quit, because sometimes, when you’re standing for what’s right, it means you’ll be standing alone.

“So no matter what or how big the mountain is, just start climbing.”

Q: What are the dirty little secrets of Pro Ball?

There are no dirty little secrets in the league! Everybody’s business, good and bad, is unfortunately aired for the public, and the show “Hard Knocks” is as close to the truth as it gets. So there’s nothing really for me to give away.

Q: What exercises would you choose if you could only do three?

  1. Push-ups
  2. Burpies
  3. Squats

Push-ups: They are so versatile, there are hundreds of types you can do.
Burpies: They’re an awesome full body workout.
Squats: You can’t forget about working your lower body; plus, they are extremely effective and help with explosiveness.

Q: What does your daily meal plan look like?

Ha! It looks like a lot of food! I’m taking in 10,000 cals/day and around 300g of protein.

“I try to eat 1.2 grams of protein per pound [of bodyweight]; otherwise, it’s hard to gain weight.”

  • Breakfast: I mainly have a shake in the morning, then a large amount of rolled oats or millet with nuts and fruit for breakfast. I like having hearty grains in the morning.
  • Lunch: Most of the time, it’s lots of veggies and a grain. I love Mexican food, so I eat a lot of rice and beans and cashew cheese.
  • Dinner: I also like stir-frys, so for dinner, sometimes I eat a noddle stir-fry with veggies and spring rolls. There is so much variety in my food, I can’t give a specific look into what I eat. It’s different every single day.
  • Snacks: I have a big snack or shake in between each meal.

Q: What advice about fitness in general would you give that you don’t commonly see in magazines? Your “secret sauce”?

Come on now, Chris, I can’t give away everything.

Q: What uncommon activity do you schedule into your daily routine?

Well, it’s not uncommon for me, but I like to add a little martial arts and yoga to my routine.

“It’s important for me to be a well-rounded athlete. Martial arts helps with my hands, and yoga is great for flexibility and distressing and resetting the body.”

Q: What are some common misconceptions about veganism?

One of the biggest misconceptions people have about vegans is that they believe removing animal products will make you weak. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

“Since going vegan, I have seen dramatic improvements in my overall health. I’m heavier, stronger, faster, and healthier.”

My recovery time and endurance have improved after becoming vegan, so I actually train even harder than before.

Q: What advice do you have for people who are thinking of becoming vegetarian?

The best advice I can give is to take it easy on yourself. Set yourself up for success. Preparation has been really important for me. I did my research, so I knew what I was getting myself into, and kept it simple.

“Making the switch to vegan or vegetarian shouldn’t be complicated.”

Q: Best piece of advice for people just trying to live a good life?

Being true to yourself is so important. Having peace and happiness for yourself first is the only way you can bring peace and happiness to others.

So working on being the best you is the first step to living your best life.

“The more real and honest you are with yourself, the easier life becomes.”

To find out how to eat and train like a vegan pro football player, watch this video – I Ate Like Cristiano Ronaldo For A Day

Author Bio:

Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.

V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.

A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.

The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”

To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – How to Eat and Train Like a Vegan Pro Football Player

Friday, April 2, 2021

Fitness Model Secrets from Katarina Van Derham on How to Stay Healthy


Fitness Model Secrets from Katarina Van Derham on How to Stay Healthy. She talked about how she become a vegetarian, her advice for someone who want to go vegetarian, what she eats and her three favourite exercises.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants


“A vegan diet will make you feel invincible, and you will start attracting more positive events. Your whole life will change. You are what you eat on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.”

As a model, Katarina Van Derham has landed on the cover of over 60 magazines worldwide and appeared in over 600 major media outlets. She appeared in 21 national and international print and TV commercials and has been voted one of the 100 sexiest women in the world by magazines on three different continents.

Katarina is a Founder, CEO and Editor-in-Chief of classic, glamour lifestyle magazine VIVA GLAM established in 2012. VIVA GLAM offers alternative approaches to traditional lifestyle, with a strong focus on vegan, organic and cruelty free brands.

Being a vegan of 20 years and passionate about animals and nature inspired her to launch her own cruelty-free line of eyelashes KAT lash.

Traveling the world, Katarina hopes to start a foundation to build small vet clinics in the rural parts of the world and islands, where hurt animals are left to die without any chance of getting help. She believes the clinics are also very important due to a need to spay and neuter.

Katarina supports great charities such as SCIL, Peace4Animals and PETA. She has also worked with to help end child slavery and exploitation.

Q: Tell us the story of arriving in the US with only $500 in your pocket at the age of 22. 

I grew up in Slovakia during the ’70s-90s socialistic system.

My upbringing was very humble but beyond beautiful and loving.

Until I was 10 years old, we didn’t have plumbing in the one-bedroom house by the train tracks.

We had to use an outhouse, which had magazine tear sheets plastered all over its inside as an isolation.

I remember always staring at James Dean’s cover of Life magazine. I remember thinking how good he looked and that we didn’t have men looking like that in Slovakia. I learned to be happy with having very little. I learned the value of life and family and the importance of staying humble and real.

But as did many Europeans during those years, I also got influenced by the Western culture. The music, the movies, and the fashion world became very fascinating to me. I started to realize I didn’t really fit in Slovakia and its people’s mindset. As a teen, I was very active and always searched for information about the Western world.

My first job was very lucrative. I worked for a French company in the office as a secretary and in accounting and marketing. It was then when I started to feel I was hitting a dead end in my life. For four years, I had a good job, a nice and simple boyfriend, and a daily routine, which was okay.

“Everyone would be asking me the same questions: When are you getting married, and when are you going to have kids? I started to feel as if I was choking.”

One day, someone from California came to my work to talk some potential business with my boss. His business card was my ticket out of my situation. I started to think about my options. In the ’90s, it was almost impossible to get any type of U.S. visa. Everyone’s application was getting turned down.

But not to bore you with all the details, I found a way to get my business visa. Once I did, I called the guy from California to see if he could somehow help me; in 1998, I was on my way to AMERICA. The currency rate exchange was brutal at that time, so I was able to collect only $500 from my family after I paid for my plane ticket.

Once I arrived to California, I was able to start working right away, passing out flyers for a cleaning company for $6/hour, working only four hours a day. That was enough money to buy food and pay for rent, which I shared with another six people in a three-bedroom apartment. I even had to share the bed.

“Looking back now, I don’t know how my parents even let me leave. But I know one thing: I owe them big time and am forever grateful they did.”

The ’90s were so different than now, so the advice I would have for someone who is 22 years old and wants to come to the U.S. now is this: whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

Q: With all of the success you have had (VIVA GLAM, KAT Lash, modeling, acting, etc.), what is your greatest professional achievement? 

I feel my biggest success in life is my life journey itself. I reflect on the past a lot, and to be honest, I don’t have any regrets.

“I was able to maintain my values, integrity, and never sold myself even when I was broke and had no roof above my head, even when I spent Thanksgiving among the homeless people at the Laugh Factory on Sunset Boulevard or had to sleep in the car.”

As a young girl, I was offered many shortcuts to “success and money.” I had men getting naked in front of me, trying to take advantage because they knew I had no rights in this country as an immigrant. Somehow I still managed to look at the sun, breathe the California air, and be happy.

Q: Tell us about the charity work you’re involved with.

I try to support charities as much as I can, but in life, I’ve learned you have to choose and focus on one cause because you simply can’t be everywhere and help everyone. Since my roots are deeply in nature and being a vegan, I choose to support animal charities.

I believe we need to start with changing and enforcing laws, and that’s why my favorite charity is SCIL (Social Compassion in Legislation) and of course, PETA.

Love them or hate them, PETA has changed laws in many countries and positively influenced millions of people around the world.

“I believe if everyone chose and focused on helping one cause, the world would be a much better place. You can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”

Q: Tell us the story of how you became a vegetarian and how in 2009 after reading Skinny Bitch, you became a vegan.

One beautiful day while taking a train ride with two of my best friends in Slovakia, I got to sit next to a vegetarian. We exchanged a couple of words, and I got really intrigued by this man. I asked him if he really believes people can live without eating meat.

He said, “absolutely,” and added that he hadn’t eaten meat for over 20 years. I observed his physique; he was lean and had a wrinkle-free face clean of any acne. He was calm. At that time, I was 18 and a big meat eater.

Everyone around me had diabetes, was overweight, and had some kind of illness. I also remember people not being too attractive, and somehow I linked it to eating high amounts of cholesterol and meat.

“So that day, I came home and asked my mom, who had type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, to make me my last meat dinner. It was a beef stew with cooked potatoes.”

I wasn’t sure how long I would last as a vegetarian, but I am happy to say that after 22 years, it is still my last meat dinner. My mom was very supportive of it. Four years later, I relocated to the U.S. and enjoyed eating all the American dairy products.

However, as years went by, I learned more and more about the quality of American foods, as well as the animal abuse that goes into it. Someone suggested the book “Skinny Bitch” to me, and that was it for me. I became vegan.

Q: What advice would you give to someone just starting out on this path?

First, it is important to know what a vegan diet and lifestyle does to people.

Becoming vegan will clarify your mind, and you will find answers to questions you’ve always had and couldn’t find.

vegan diet will make you feel invincible, and you will start attracting more positive events. Your whole life will change.

You are what you eat on a physical, mental, and spiritual level.

Q: What did you eat yesterday?

Yesterday, I ate two slices of bread with Kite Hill vegan cheese, tofurky, and tomatoes for breakfast.

For lunch, I had a chopped salad from PitFire pizza with Daiya cheese, tomatoes, avocado, corn, and all the good stuff that comes with it. For dinner, I had a vegan margherita pizza from the same place.

Q: What does the first 60 minutes of your morning look like?

My first 60 minutes of every morning consists of drinking coffee, catching up on social media, and posting new content while still in bed.

Q: Favorite three exercises and why?

In general, I like to do body resistance training, circuit training, and weight training. I love doing squats because it is the best exercise for my lower body, which is naturally built thicker. I love doing crunches because my mid-section is long and strong and this exercise is pretty easy for me yet very effective. I also love doing push-ups because they make me feel like a superhero.

Q: Fun fact most people don’t know about you?

I am double-jointed.

I have a removable tooth in my mouth.

I’m a true Sagittarius woman. That is to say, Sagittarius Archers are fun-loving, free spirits. They are forgiving and have a great sense of humor. But if wronged, watch out! Archers can zero in on an enemy’s weakness and retaliate quickly. Energetic Sagittarius loves to travel and has a talent for gambling. Archers don’t like deceit or pretension. Their standards are high; they are loyal, intelligent, and honest.

Q: What is the biggest personal challenge you have had to overcome in your life?

My biggest challenge always has been my speech. Growing up I had a speech problem where I couldn’t pronounce the letter “r.” It is almost in every word. I was made fun of, and eventually, I developed a way of speaking where I was able to completely eliminate words including “r.”

As a teenager, I became so good at that, even my boyfriend of six years never knew I had this problem. When I was already living in the U.S., I’d developed very large polyps on my vocal cords. They got so bad that in 2008, I had to have them paralyzed for six weeks.

All that time, I had to walk around with a pen and paper and communicate that way. I still have to be very careful and not overuse my vocal cords. And the last but not the least is the fact English is my fourth language. Especially being a publisher, I struggle with the proper grammar all the time.

“But I work on it every day, and in a way, I find it a good challenge because I’m learning and growing and that always makes me feel alive and human.”

To get more fitness model secrets , watch this video – What we EAT in a DAY as Victoria’s Secret Models

Author Bio:

Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.

V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.

A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.

The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”

To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Fitness Model Secrets on How to Stay Healthy

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