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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

What is the Best Way to Cure Trouble Falling Asleep?

Can’t Sleep? Want to Cure Trouble Falling Asleep? Here’s what to do in 4 Easy Steps

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Sleep Well Tonight

Can’t Sleep? Want to Cure Trouble Falling Asleep? Here’s what to do in 4 Easy Steps

According to a recent poll by the National Sleep Foundation, almost half of North Americans suffer from insomnia during their lifetime, and out of this, nearly 22% have difficulties sleeping every night.

These statistics might be troubling, but did you know that there are certain habits that might be contributing to, or possibly even causing this problem?

By getting to know the bad habits that could be causing your sleeplessness, you have the power to change them.

Are you constantly trying to force yourself to sleep when your body just isn’t ready?

According to experts such as Nitun Verma, M.D., this could be a big mistake. If your body isn’t tired, you are probably going to end up lying awake for hours, feeling more and more frustrated with every passing minute, and this anxiety is going to keep you awake even longer.

It’s important to go to bed when you feel tired; this might seem easier said than done, but by changing the following bad habits, it won’t be.

1) It’s never a good idea to over stimulate yourself just before you go to bed; otherwise your brain will be whirling away while you’re trying to obtain a peaceful enough state to fall asleep.

Turn the television off about two hours before bedtime and read a book or spend some time with a loved one; this will allow your body to slowly wind down from its busy day so that by the time bedtime arrives, you’ll be tired enough to sleep.

2) Turning off bright lights during the few hours that precede bedtime is important, since the body reacts to light and isn’t able to produce melatonin amidst the television’s glare or the bright lights around the house. Melatonin is the chemical that is responsible for the regulation of sleeping patterns, and so it is an important component of a good night’s rest.

Turn down the dimmers so that your brain is not only able to reach that calm, restful state that it requires before bed, but also so that melatonin can be released into your system in preparation for the restful period ahead.

3) These days, people do everything from eating meals to watching television in bed, and so it’s no wonder that when they get underneath the covers, they aren’t able to sleep. In order to get the body accustomed to sleeping when you go to bed, make sure that it is only used for this purpose.

4) Lastly, cut out beverages such as coffee, alcohol and just about any other stimulants, in the hours preceding bedtime. Alcohol might make you feel a bit sleepier after that first glass of wine, but once this initial affect passes, you’ll probably end up waking up a few times during the night.

Coffee, on the other hand, remains in the system hours after you drink it; this means that you need to stop drinking it in the late afternoon, rather than just before bedtime.

Do you suffer from insomnia? Whether it is a constant struggle or something that pops up a few times a year, the “Train Your Brain” Insomnia program is helping many people suffering from this often crippling problem.

The program is easy, and will work from the very first night – in fact, it will take less than 25 minutes to get you from wide awake to fast asleep, any time of the day. Why continue to struggle when you can Train Your Brain for a sound night’s sleep?

When you think of tackling these extra pounds, you’d probably be considering diet and exercise plans as your only option.

Many recent studies have revealed, however, a very easy method that can effortlessly (and we mean no effort) help you shed off several pounds in only a few weeks.

What’s more, it costs nothing!

You see, the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation run the gamut from increased migraine activity to dangerously high blood pressure. It is even known to be a cause of heart failure if left untreated.

Many studies also are uncovering insomnia’s role in weight gain, showing how sleep deprivation interferes with healthy metabolic activity.

Sleep deprivation leads directly to increased hunger and overeating. The body tries to overcome the stress that is created by insulating itself with calories- a whole new meaning for ‘comfort food.’

Hunger hormones are a naturally occurring chemical in the body.

However, for many people they are churned out factory-style and scientists have been looking for the “secret” to turning them off.
Emerging science has shown that the kind of stress that the body is exposed to in chronic sleep deprivation is the very thing that kicks these hunger hormones into high gear.

The theory, therefore, is to switch the stress button to “off” mode by getting the proper, healthy amount of sleep, which is generally between 7 to 9 hours of continuous sleep.

Once the body stabilizes and frees itself of the stress of insomnia. The hormones shut themselves off, leading to the elimination of overeating and serious weight loss.

Cure Trouble Falling Asleep - How Sleeplessness Causes Heart Attack

A mega-study involving more than 54,000 participants has caused a stir, as published in the European Heart Journal recently.

The massive study- to date, the largest of its kind- looked at the effects of insomnia on health and found disturbing evidence of how it causes high blood pressure and heart attack when left untreated.

In today’s article we’re going to explain how sleeplessness can cause your heart to fail and tell you about a method proven to put you to sleep in 24 minutes.
…even when nothing else worked!

A massive study following tens of thousands of Norwegian participants for more than a decade looked at the effects of chronic, untreated insomnia on heart health.

Insomnia is characterized by not being able to fall asleep, not being able to stay asleep, and waking up un-refreshed after periods of sleep. Worldwide, diagnoses are increasing for the condition that used to be regarded as merely a nuisance.

The study looked at more than 54,000 people who, at the beginning of the study, had no indicators of heart disease. After 11 years of following the participants and adjusting for other risk factors like smoking, diet, and exercise, researchers found that insomniacs had a 92% chance of developing heart failure.

While other studies have shown that there are links between lack of sleep and heart failure, the Norwegian study puts the gun in the hand of chronic elevated blood pressure resulting from insomnia.

Treating insomnia is key to reversing the death sentence, but many doctors caution against using sleep aids now, as they are implicated increasingly in behaviour disorders and worsening symptoms because they inhibit the body’s natural progression through the sleep cycles needed for recovery.

Throughout the decades I’ve worked with hundreds of people who had all kinds of health issues that I linked to their sleeplessness. Many of those people had tried every method under the sun to try to rid themselves of this problem without success.

There is, however, one very simple method I discovered in the hard wood forest of Pennsylvania that helps almost everyone to fall asleep in 24 minutes. What I’ve witnessed again and again is that after implementing this method, many other health issues have disappeared.

This post is from The Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for those folks who suffer from sleep apnea.

Christian Goodman, the creator of the program, has discovered that a selection of specific exercises can actually correct the issues that lead to excessive snoring, and help snorers and their bed mates get a better night’s sleep.

The program will allow you to shake your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises. No drugs, surgery, funky contraptions to sleep with, hypnosis or any other invasive techniques. If you can spend 7 minutes per day performing these exercises you can say goodbye to snoring for good.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Cure Trouble Falling Asleep Fast?

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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

What is the Best Way to Cure Difficulty in Sleeping?

Cure Difficulty in Sleeping - The Most Enjoyable Solution for Sleeplessness and Insomnia - One of the most common health issues of the 21st century is Insomnia. Millions of people every night have trouble falling asleep, wake up in the middle of the night or get up in the morning tired. Read on to find out more about this Cure Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program that can help you to sleep well every night.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Sleep Well Tonight

Cure Difficulty in Sleeping - The Most Enjoyable Solution for Sleeplessness and Insomnia

One of the most common health issues of the 21st century is Insomnia. Millions of people every night have trouble falling asleep, wake up in the middle of the night or get up in the morning tired.

The “insomnia cure industry” is huge, producing anything from powerful sleeping pills, light gadgets and self-hypnosis tapes. Most of these sleeping-aids either cause serious side effects, cost a fortune, don’t work or are outrageously annoying.

Scientists at the University of Colorado in Boulder have, however, discovered an extremely pleasurable method to overcome insomnia. What’s more, this method is completely free and improves both overall health and mood.

Living in the electronic age has created a number of incredible conveniences for our daily lives. However, it has also created some very unhealthy consequences as well.

The constant onslaught of electronic input from artificial light, television, video games, computers, and the like, have created a situation of over-stimulation in our brains.

The disastrous result? Insomnia.

However, undoing the damage can be completely natural and require no medications, herbs, elixirs, or any other interventions.

Melatonin is a natural chemical that the body produces as the serotonin in the body breaks down. Serotonin is created partly from natural light, and is critical in mood, attention, and other mental processes.

Being trapped inside all day causes a person to miss out on much needed serotonin, which leads to an absence of melatonin.

As well, the constant barrage of electronic stimuli coming from the computer, electronic tablet, television, and other devices over-stimulates the brain to a point where finding restful, consistent sleep has become impossible for many.

So how do you undo the damage?

Go sleep outside, say scientists at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Spending time outside during the day and into the evening, experiencing the sunset and then the natural rising of the sun has been shown to improve the sleep cycles of participants in a recent study.

Researchers saw that for participants who camped outside that at the end of the week, they reported not only falling asleep much easier, but also sleeping more soundly through the night and waking up more rested and alert.

Researchers noted that it takes very little time at all for the body to acclimate to the natural cycle of the rising and setting of the sun, resulting is a harmonious synchronizing of the body’s sleeping clock.

One of the interesting things for me, personally, regarding this research is that I myself completely cured my insane insomnia a few years back and I discovered the cure while camping out in the beautiful forests of Pennsylvania.

The key, however, was that I found a way to take the cure back home and use it even when I was NOT camping. I then tested it with my clients and discovered that pretty much all of them could fall asleep within 24 minutes if they used my simple method.

Cure Difficulty in Sleeping - Strange, Common Cause of 80% of Insomnia Cases

Many people suffering from insomnia don’t know the cause of their sleeplessness, which makes finding relief difficult to do.

A new study, however, reveals ONE common cause that over 80% of people suffering from sleeplessness have in common.

And it’s something that’s has not been considered a lot before but can in most cases be relatively easy to correct.

Recently, a study lead by Barry Krakow, medical director of Maimonides Sleep Arts and Sciences in Albuquerque, reviewed the medical histories of more than 1,000 patients that was conducted to look at the relationship between sleep disturbances and breathing problems.

The study, published in the online journal, Sleep and Breathing, showed that more than 80% of the people who were shown to have insomnia and other sleep disruptions also suffered from breathing problems while sleeping.

Watch these 2 Videos –

When many of the participants of the study were interviewed, they reported not knowing what made them wake up. Some common reasons that were offered as possibilities ran the gamut from night time noises to needing to urinate.

When the participants underwent sleep studies, breathing problems were observed in at least 80% of those studied.

Some of the breathing problems were attributed to sleep apnea and snoring, but not all of them.

For many, they had inflammation of the nasal passages that were related to causes like allergies, deviated septum, and other issues specific to the nose.

Before running out to the drugstore to work on the breathing component of good sleep, many of the issues that cause breathing problems can be solved naturally, without drugs.

Our simple stop snoring exercises have helped thousands of people to get rid of their snoring as well as sleeping better. All in 3 minutes.

Or, discover how this simple approach eliminates your sleeplessness and knocks you out in 24 minutes or less…

Cure Difficulty in Sleeping - 10 Foods That Cause Sleeplessness and Insomnia

Sleeplessness and insomnia are serious problems, but are you contributing to the problem by eating foods that are actually keeping you awake?

There are certain chemicals in foods that react with the body to release energy and ultimately induce insomnia.

1. Oats

According to professional Dr. Robert Kwok of Health Tap Inc., oats contribute to feelings of sleeplessness because of their high fiber content, even though they also contain melatonin, which actually works in the body to induce fatigue. Individuals eating oats just before bedtime don’t digest this food properly, which leads to problems with gas and heartburn.

2. Vegetables

Vegetables such as beans, broccoli and even garlic can be tricky to digest, which means that after eating them just before bedtime, you can be kept up by problems with gas. Leafy vegetables make people urinate more frequently, thus keeping them up all night with incessant trips to the bathroom.

3. Red Meat

It’s not a good idea to eat red meat later in the evening because your body needs time to digest this food so it just ends up sitting in your stomach the entire night. If you must eat meals containing protein later in the evening, stick to the lighter options, such as turkey.

4. Ice Cream

Just about everyone loves ice cream, but this treat contains so much sugar, as well as carbohydrates that it stimulates your brain and keeps you up long after your bedtime has come and gone.

5. Alcohol

The American Heart Association has recommended that women stick to one drink per day, while men can push it to two. You will still want to cut it out before bedtime.

6. Spicy Meals

According to the International Journal of Psychology, spicy foods not only contribute to stomach related discomfort when eaten before bedtime, but also stimulate a person enough to keep them awake.

7. Sugars and Carbs

Any food that has a high sugar or carbohydrate content should be avoided just before bedtime, says the National Institute of Health. This is particularly because these foods raise the blood-sugar levels, which interrupts up your sleeping patterns.

8. Fatty Foods

Fatty and greasy foods can be difficult for the body to digest, especially when these are combined with high acidic foods, such as the tomato base on a pizza. Ultimately, the stomach will end up spending the entire night trying to digest the meal if it’s eaten too late in the evening. And you’ll suffer the consequences.

9. Dark Chocolate

Since dark chocolate contains caffeine, as well as phenylethylamine, theobromine and anadamide (which are all stimulants), it is best that you leave this treat until the morning.

10. Caffeine

Anything that contains caffeine should be avoided in the evening, and in some cases in the late afternoon, since the effects of this stimulant can be quite long lasting for some people.

This post is from The Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for those folks who suffer from sleep apnea.

Christian Goodman, the creator of the program, has discovered that a selection of specific exercises can actually correct the issues that lead to excessive snoring, and help snorers and their bed mates get a better night’s sleep.

The program will allow you to shake your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises. No drugs, surgery, funky contraptions to sleep with, hypnosis or any other invasive techniques. If you can spend 7 minutes per day performing these exercises you can say goodbye to snoring for good.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Cure Difficulty in Sleeping Fast?

Friday, February 15, 2019

What is the Best Way to Cure Sleep Anxiety?

Cure Sleep Anxiety - Old Practice Eliminates Insomnia for Menopausal Women - Many women who are facing menopause and peri-menopause (the time frame before menopause that can last for many years) and also are noticing their sleep quality diminishing have been offered little help that is satisfying. Here is an alternative solution that didn’t have to mean prescription drugs that is just as effective at restoring sleep to menopausal women.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Sleep Well Tonight

Cure Sleep Anxiety - Old Practice Eliminates Insomnia for Menopausal Women

Many women who are facing menopause and peri-menopause (the time frame before menopause that can last for many years) and also are noticing their sleep quality diminishing have been offered little help that is satisfying.

Drugs or…basically, drugs are the option. Either you have to take a sleep aid that can become addictive, or you have to suffer the risk of developing breast cancer and take Hormone Replacement Therapy.

But what if there were an alternative solution that didn’t have to mean prescription drugs that was just as effective at restoring sleep to menopausal women? It turns out, there already is.

Researchers from the Group Health Research Institute that looked at women who took a 12-week yoga course found that they were not as affected by insomnia as their peers who didn’t practice the ancient exercise.

Many women who are affected by sleep disturbances like insomnia, night sweats and “electric shocks” find that yoga improves the quality of sleep.

Getting better sleep at night reduces the tendency to suffer other complications and symptoms, in turn, so they are not as affecting during the night. This, then, contributes to a lower likelihood of insomnia.

Breaking the detrimental cycles that crop up as a result of changing hormones can be as easy as picking up a new exercise habit, as the study shows.

There are other ways, though, to beat back the damaging effects of insomnia.

All women will have to experience menopause at some point- but no one has to suffer. This natural program will have you focusing on the joys of “the change” and eliminating the woes in just days…

Cure Sleep Anxiety - Surprising Effects of Sleeplessness on Brain Activity

Researchers from the University of California reveal an interesting link between sleeplessness and brain performance in a study published in “Sleep Journal.”

This discovery is significant to all of us, as it shows how lack of sleep impairs our ability to perform daily tasks and responsibilities.

The insomnia study involved 50 study participants. Half of them suffered from insomnia and reported sleeping not more than 6 hours on average. The other 25 were healthy sleepers, having at least 7 hours of sleep on average.

The study group was asked to perform a working memory test (shows the capacity of the brain to process and store short-term memory) while scanning their brains with functioning magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI). They were also asked to perform some concentration tasks to see the activity of the brain.

After assessing the results of the study, researchers noticed that insomnia sufferers showed significantly lower activity in the part of the brain responsible for short-term memory compared to the healthy-sleeper group.

And as the concentration tasks became more difficult, the healthy sleepers showed an overall increase in brain activity compared to the insomnia group.

The insomnia sufferers, however, not only showed less brain activity, but were also unable to “switch off” the brain’s default mode, responsible for wandering minds and poor concentration.

The study once again proves how important healthy sleep is. Without the proper rest, our brains can’t function accordingly; we suffer fatigue and even easy tasks become impossible to complete.

Cure Sleep Anxiety - #1 Cause of Modern-Day Insomnia Discovered

A recent study published in the journal of Applied Ergonomics reveals a disturbing fact: how everyday technologies impair our ability to get a good night’s sleep.

And, it’s especially common in one kind of technology that’s causing millions of people to lie awake for hours on end.

The good news is, this problem can easily be avoided. Even if you’ve been suffering from sleeplessness caused by this technology for years, you may change this one thing tonight and sleep like a baby.

This study reveals a surprising connection between the night time exposure of LED lights used in computers, tablets, iPads and TVs, and health-crippling disorders like insomnia, sleep apnea and fatigue.

We are well aware that good night’s sleep has an enormous impact on our health. In fact, it is essential to our mental and physical well-being.

A study performed by Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Lighting Research Center revealed that using an iPad, smartphone or tablet at least two hours before bed time disrupts the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.

This hormone is produced to regulate our body’s natural sleep clock – letting our body know it’s night time, making us drowsy and sleepy.

Not enough production of melatonin delays natural sleep, slows down the activity of sleep-promoting neurons and activates those of alertness.

Even if we try to fall asleep, it becomes impossible, because the body gets the message to stay awake and alert. That results is a restless night of sleeplessness.

One or two nights’ lack of sleep is not going to create a big problem. The real danger is if you develop chronic insomnia that causes development of serious health conditions like type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, depression, obesity and cardiovascular diseases leading to stroke, heart attack and high blood pressure.

This does not mean that you should go to extremes and stop enjoying the benefits of today’s technology. Just be aware of the time when you are using your computer, tablet or iPad the most.

Try to restrain yourself from heavy, long use of the computer during the two hours before going to sleep.

This post is from The Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for those folks who suffer from sleep apnea.

Christian Goodman, the creator of the program, has discovered that a selection of specific exercises can actually correct the issues that lead to excessive snoring, and help snorers and their bed mates get a better night’s sleep.

The program will allow you to shake your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises. No drugs, surgery, funky contraptions to sleep with, hypnosis or any other invasive techniques. If you can spend 7 minutes per day performing these exercises you can say goodbye to snoring for good.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Cure Sleep Anxiety Fast?

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Thursday, February 14, 2019

What is the Best Way to Cure Sleep Disorders?

Cure Sleep Disorders - Tips to Fall Back Asleep in 10 Minutes - Do you frequently wake up in the night just to realize that going back to sleep is easier said than done? Don’t worry, because today we’re going to share with you a few simple things you can do to get back to sleeping like a baby in ten minutes or less!

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Sleep Well Tonight

Cure Sleep Disorders - Tips to Fall Back Asleep In 10 Minutes

Do you frequently wake up in the night just to realize that going back to sleep is easier said than done?

Don’t worry, because today we’re going to share with you a few simple things you can do to get back to sleeping like a baby in ten minutes or less!

Don’t switch on any lights. The brain is trained to interpret any source of light as sunlight and get alert. If ever you need to get some water or take a trip to the bathroom, switch on a dim light. The brighter the light and longer the exposure, the lesser are the chances of getting back to sleep.

You might remember well how in the school days you had a tough time fighting off sleep when you had to read for an exam! Use the same technique – read a book or magazine, if possible something that’s not very interesting, to help tire the eyes. Make sure that you use only a small reading light. Don’t use this time to read thrillers that might actually wake you up properly.

Give your brain some mental exercise. Try to think of your favorite sport or game and visualize playing it. The chances are that it’ll lull you to sleep. Don’t use your mobile phones, television or other electronic devices, because they might end up waking you instead.

Remain lying on the bed in whichever position is comfortable for you. If you stand, walk or sit for an extended period of time, you’ll have a difficult time getting back to sleep. Tossing and turning also doesn’t help – so just lie down still!

As the saying goes, ‘Relaxing your body, relaxes your mind’. Learn to relax your muscles slowly and progressively to encourage sleep. Take long, deep breaths and consciously relax muscles across the body until you feel calm and relaxed.

Don’t indulge in a midnight snack in the hope that it might help you get some sleep. In fact, this can be a problem in the long run. The brain can get conditioned to expect a snack at that time of the night and in turn reinforce your biological system to wake up at that time.

Last but not the least; don’t make up for the lost minutes of sleep by oversleeping in the morning. This can also condition the brain to remain awake at the same time, every night.

Here is the most powerful method I know to fall asleep in 24 minutes or doze off again if you wake up in the night…

Cure Sleep Disorders - Your Computer Helps You Treat Insomnia

We live in a world of technology, surrounded by all kind of devices like computers, televisions, laptops, iPads, smartphones, tablets…the list is endless!

Studies have revealed that these electronic gadgets often disrupt our natural sleep rhythms and the ability to fall asleep naturally, resulting in sleepless nights and restlessness throughout the day.

However, a small study conducted by a group of Canadian researchers shows that electronic gadgets can actually help you sleep better! Confused? Read on!

Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) is a well-known, effective treatment option for sleeplessness. In this treatment method, trained therapists counsel people on the different methods of achieving better and more restful sleep.

These sessions also educate people about insomnia, various relaxation techniques to help achieve sleep, the ways to ignore disturbances in the surroundings and good sleeping habits.

However, not everyone has easy access to the clinics where this kind of therapy is usually available and that is rather unfortunate.

For instance, people who live in remote areas of a country and those who don’t have enough time to attend these sessions, miss the opportunity to learn about healthy sleep habits.

These issues motivated the Canadian researchers in University of Manitoba to come up with a simple yet brilliant idea of delivering CBT through video conference or as an internet-based program called ‘Tele-health’.

The Canadian researchers have developed two convenient modes to deliver CBT therapy – an Internet based program or a videoconference (also known as Tele-health) at their nearest clinics. Participants were randomly assigned to receive the therapy based on one of these two modes.

Six CBT sessions were held during a period of six weeks and the results were compiled. It was identified that 62 percent of participants who received CBT via web-based program and 55 percent who received it through the group video conference no longer suffered from insomnia.

The researchers conclude that CBT can be effectively implemented through alternative technology-based methods like video conferencing and internet programs. The study proves that face to face therapy is not the only way to treat insomnia and restlessness.

Popping a pill to deal with insomnia is not the best option. Needless to mention, it is also definitely not the healthiest way to deal with sleeplessness.

The good news is that there is an even easier way to fall asleep. It is even better than searching for online CBT programs or taking part in a video conference.

Cure Sleep Disorders - How Sleeplessness Causes Severe Depression

More and more research is emerging directly tying insomnia and sleep disturbances to depression and other mental illnesses

Today, we will look at the real reason sleeplessness causes depression and what you can do to beat back the effects, which is especially important this time of year.

In many countries, the actual number of hours of sunlight can diminish so much in the winter months that residents have to gather around alternate light sources and increase their intake of vitamin D in supplement form.

This isn’t just so the body can stave off the ravages of osteoporosis- it’s a critical step in keeping the body happy in all of its systems.  Trouble in one will always lead to trouble in another.

Specifically, lack of sleep- chronically- will almost surely lead to depression, as evidenced by an already large but still growing body of scientific evidence.

People need sleep.  It’s critical in so many functions throughout the body because a LOT happens when we are in this stage of unconsciousness.  Chemicals are produced that heal muscle tissues, others are released that bathe the brain in healing neurotransmitters only released in sleep.  The list goes on and on.

One of the chemical dances that occurs in the wake and sleep cycle is the production of serotonin and melatonin.  Serotonin is the “happy” chemical that binds to the receptors in our brain to tell us all is well.  This is built up in the body in two ways- through sleep, and through exposure to sunlight.

When we wake up at the start of our day, (whether you are a daytime waker or night time worker due to work schedules) we start using up the serotonin we accrued during the sleep cycle before waking.  It keeps us going; helps us think clearly.

As the day progresses and we metabolize serotonin, it breaks down into its sister chemical, melatonin.  This is the chemical that tells us we are sleepy and to close our eyes.  It gets us to sleep and keeps us there through the first couple of stages of sleep. After that, the deeper stages take over and the real restoration of the body takes place.

If there is a deficit in either of these chemicals, we’re going to pay the price.  Not enough melatonin will cause sleep to be difficult to find and keep- leading to a reduced amount of serotonin produced.  Serotonin is critical in keeping the clouds of depression away.

Diminished levels of serotonin make the availability of melatonin drop off, thus perpetuating the cycle.

If you are already in the throes of chronic sleep deprivation, there is hope, and it doesn’t have to involve anti-depressants or sleep aids.  Get your sleep cycle back on track and you won’t need either of those in the first place.

This post is from The Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for those folks who suffer from sleep apnea.

Christian Goodman, the creator of the program, has discovered that a selection of specific exercises can actually correct the issues that lead to excessive snoring, and help snorers and their bed mates get a better night’s sleep.

The program will allow you to shake your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises. No drugs, surgery, funky contraptions to sleep with, hypnosis or any other invasive techniques. If you can spend 7 minutes per day performing these exercises you can say goodbye to snoring for good.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Cure Sleep Disorders Fast?

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