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Friday, November 24, 2017

10 Cheek Exercises to Reduce Chubby Cheeks

Have you ever wished that you had sculpted cheekbones and a narrow face rather than round or chubby cheeks? Cheek exercises are one way you can help strengthen the muscles in your face, which in turn will help give you a leaner look with more prominent bone structure.

CLICK HERE to Learn about The Best Facial Yoga Toning System to Look Younger

Have you ever wished that you had sculpted cheekbones and a narrow face rather than round or chubby cheeks?

While genetics do play some part in the way that your face looks, and the amount of weight you carry all of your body will also have an effect, there are ways you can help create leaner, more sculpted cheeks.

Cheek exercises are one way you can help strengthen the muscles in your face, which in turn will help give you a leaner look with more prominent bone structure.

What Cheek Exercises Do

Cheek exercises are a great way to help you tone and strengthen the muscles in your face. Just like the muscles elsewhere in your body, if you aren’t exercising them, they can weaken and sag over time.

Add in flat or low cheekbones or a round facial structure, and even a small amount of weight or water retention in your face could make you look as though you have chipmunk cheeks.

Cheek exercises won’t completely change the look and shape of your face, but they can help with a few problem areas. Strengthening your muscles in any area of your body, including the face, will help you burn more fat, which will lead to a leaner looking facial structure.

Toning and tightening your facial muscles will also help give some lift to your cheeks and jaw, which will in turn help them appear to be leaner, and to potentially help prevent wrinkles and sagging skin.

If you’ve taken a course in face yoga to help reverse the effects of aging on the face, you’ve probably also been doing some cheek exercises that can improve overall facial tone as well.

While cheek exercises are not a fast fix, and do take several weeks to begin to produce results, they can help improve the look and tone of your facial structure, helping you to lose your chubby cheeks and bring out your cheekbones for display.

Best of all, they take just a few minutes a day to perform so you can do them while you commute to work or while you’re at your desk for the day.

10 Cheek Exercises to Try

Some of these exercises will tire your cheeks and jaw out quickly. Only perform them until you begin to experience pain or fatigue, and then stop immediately. You can always build up to additional sets or reps over time as your muscles become stronger.

1)               X and O

The X and O exercise is a great way to strengthen the muscles in your cheeks and jaw and burn some fat from these areas.

To perform it:

·       Relax your face and hold your head steady.
·       Pronounce the letters X and O by making exaggerated facial movements with your lips, jaws, and cheeks.
·       Repeat 10 times and relax.

2)               Cheek Lift

The cheek lift will work the upper muscles in your cheeks, which will help to lift your face and give it a leaner appearance.

To perform it:

·       Close your lips gently together.
·       Pull the tops of your cheeks up toward your eyes in an exaggerated squint.
·       Push your cheeks up from the bottom by raising up the corners of your lips into a smile.
·       Hold for 10 seconds and relax. Repeat.

3)               Fish Lips

The fish lips exercise works all areas of your cheeks, as well as part of your jaw.

To perform it:

·       Gently close your lips together.
·       Suck your cheeks in as much as you can while pursing your lips to make a “fish face”.
·       Now try to smile with the outer corners of your lips while you hold this position.
·       Hold for 10 seconds and relax. Repeat.

4)               Puffy Cheeks

Puffy cheeks will work out the upper and middle portions of your cheeks. Keep in mind that this exercise can make your cheeks quite sore if you perform it too often.

To perform it:

·       Close your lips together tightly.
·       Puff your cheeks out with air.
·       Move the air from one cheek to the next, holding it in each cheek for about 5 seconds at a time.
·       Repeat 10 times, and then relax your face.

5)               Puffy Cheeks and Pursed Lips

Combine the previous two exercises together for an intense facial workout.

To perform it:

·       Pull your cheeks in and purse your lips to make the fish face.
·       Hold your lips in the pursed position as much as possible while you fill your cheeks with air.
·       Move the air from one cheek to the next, holding it on each side for 5 seconds.
·       Repeat 10 times and relax.

6)               Smile

Believe it or not, smiling widely and holding it for 10 seconds at a time can be a great way to work your cheek muscles. Best of all, you never have to feel foolish while you perform this exercise, and it’s guaranteed to help lift your mood as well.

7)               Puppet Face

Puppet face doesn’t feel like you’re working your cheek muscles hard until after you release the position. At this time, you’ll definitely feel like your face has been getting a workout.

To perform it:

·       Place your finger tips on either side of your face where your cheeks crease when you smile.
·       Push up on your cheeks at this point while you continue to smile. You will feel some resistance from the muscles in your cheekbones.
·       Hold for 30 seconds and release. Repeat.

8)               Bumblebee

The bumblebee is a great exercise for working your lower cheek muscles, as well as the muscles in your jaw line, helping to keep them taut.

To perform it:

·       Close your lips gently together.
·       Inhale through your noise.
·       Make a chewing motion with your jaw, moving it up and down while you hum out of your noise, vibrating your lips slightly.
·       Repeat for 4 breaths.

9)               Facial Stretch

After working all of the muscles in your cheeks and face, they may feel tight or sore. If you’ve ever taken a yoga class, then you probably know that you need to work counter groups of muscles, which includes stretching the muscles you just contracted in order to get the best results.

Stretch your cheeks out and work them in a completely different way by performing this exercise once you are done with the others.

To perform it:

·       Stand or sit in a relaxed position and lower your shoulders down away from your ears.
·       Open up both your eyes and your mouth as far as they will go at the same time, stretching out the muscles in your cheeks and jaw.
·       Hold for 30 seconds and release. Repeat.

10)Facial Massage

Treat your sore and tired facial muscles to a massage after you finish performing the other exercises.

If you’ve been studying beauty treatments, you probably already know that massage can help increase blood flow to specific areas, helping your muscles recover more quickly, getting you the results that you want even quicker.

To perform it:

·       Place your finger tips on your cheekbones.
·       Rub your cheeks in a circular motion beginning at the cheekbones and moving in small circles down to the jaw line. Repeat.

Complementing Your Cheek Exercises

Remember that these aren’t a fast fix for any problem, whether it’s chubby cheeks or some wrinkles you’re hoping to reverse.

While you’re waiting for your cheek exercises to begin working, you can also try complementing them with any of these techniques:

·       Drink plenty of water: Drinking lots of water will help flush out any water being retained in your face. It will also make your skin glow, which can help you look younger.

·       Adjust your diet: Weight loss all over can dramatically help you sculpt and refine your cheeks. Consider taking a course in healthy eating or cooking to learn what foods can help you obtain your goals.

·       Exercise your whole body: Strengthening the muscles all over your body will help you lose weight everywhere, while feeling and looking better. Begin an exercise routine that includes cheek exercises to see the fastest and best results.

·       Speak to your doctor: If you’re still retaining water or fat in your face even after exercising and eating healthier, speak to your doctor. Your medication could be to blame, or you could have an underlying condition that is leading to the problem.

Remember not to tamper with any medications without speaking to your doctor first, even if you think they are responsible for the weight in your face.

·       Chew gum: Gum chewing strengthens and works the jaw and the cheeks while you chew. Best of all, you won’t even realize you’re exercising or have to think about it.

Just remember that too much gum chewing can tire your jaw out, making it pretty sore if you overdo. Start Working Your Cheeks

Cheek exercises are a great way to make sure that your face stays in shape. Whether you’re trying to eradicate some newfound wrinkles, or you’re hoping to make those cheekbones stand out, performing cheek exercises up to three times a day may help.

Remember to combine these exercises with a sensible diet and exercise plan for the rest of your body as well, and in no time at all you should find yourself seeing the results in your face that you’ve been looking for.

Watch these Videos

For more ideas to look younger, look no further than Wendy Wilken’s Facelift Without Surgery Program. From this program, you will learn

·       How to eliminate wrinkles on the face and neck: Forehead lines, eye wrinkles and crow’s feet, smile and laugh folds, nasal lines, fine lines around the mouth and lips, neck wrinkles and creases.
·       Easy facial yoga routines for tightening and lifting sagging face and neck skin
·       Methods to treat unsightly eye bags, dark eye circles and “racoon” rings.
·       How to use yoga to re-sculpture and sharpen the features of your face and neck for a new and better looking

To learn more about Wendy Wilken’s Facelift Without Surgery Program, CLICK HERE

Thursday, November 23, 2017

All the secrets you need to eliminate double chin once and for all

The sagging skin right below the chin, popularly known as double chin is one feature that can distort your beauty or hinder your self-confidence. No matter how much you tilt your head, you cannot hide it. We understand your woes about the double chin, and we are here to toss a few quick tips and tricks to eliminate double chin forever.

CLICK HERE to Learn about The Best Facial Yoga Toning System to Look Younger

The sagging skin right below the chin, popularly known as double chin is one feature that can distort your beauty or hinder your self-confidence. No matter how much you tilt your head, you cannot hide it.

We understand your woes about the double chin, and we are here to toss a few quick tips and tricks to eliminate double chin forever.

The health benefits of green tea are incredible, and it is great for skin elasticity. If you have green tea on a regular basis, do not forget to save the tea bags for massaging the skin. It helps remove the excess weight under the chin and prevents the skin from aging.

Sugar-free chewing gums

Chewing gum will activate your facial muscles and slim down your chin. We suggest a sugar-free gum that will exercises your jaw and keep your gums and teeth healthy.


You can also eliminate double chin with glycerin, as it has the tendency to tighten the skin. Mix 1 tablespoon of glycerin with few drops of peppermint oil and 1/2 tablespoon of Epsom salt.

Massage the mixture on the chin and rinse it off after few minutes. This easy recipe helps tighten your chin skin.

Olive oil

A warm olive oil massage will do wonders for the excess fat under your chin. The antioxidants in the oil keep the skin protected from free radicals and give your skin a nice glow.

Egg whites

Egg whites are used in many face masks to tighten the skin. Make a face mask with egg whites, milk, honey and lemon juice then apply it on your face, neck and chin. Rinse it off after 30 minutes and repeat these steps daily.

Clay masks

Clay masks can keep your skin looking young and intact. Applying a clay mask twice a week will help prevent sagging and it will tighten your skin.

Honey and lemon

In a glass of lukewarm water, add 1 tablespoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Have this drink every morning to burn facial fat and get rid of the hanging double chin.

Almond oil

Since almonds contain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and vitamin B6, it helps a great deal in tightening the skin, maintaining its elasticity and keeping it moisturized.

Exercises to eliminate double chin

Apart from the home remedies, there are a handful of exercises you can do to get rid of chin fat faster. Most of these exercises to eliminate double chin can be done on a regular basis no matter where you are.

Jaw press

·         Lift your head towards the ceiling, then press your tongue towards your mouth’s roof.
·         Slowly lower your chin and press your jaw against your chest.
·         Slowly return to original position and relax your tongue. ‘O’ exercise
·         Fill your mouth with air and tightly close your lips.
·         Hold it for few seconds.
·         Now make an O shape with your mouth and blow out air slowly.
·         While blowing out, lift your head towards the ceiling Tennis ball exercise
·         Hold the ball on your neck with the help of your chin
·         Release the ball slowly and repeat these steps at least 10 times for the best results. Head lift
·         Lie down flat on your back and let your shoulders rest on the bed.
·         Now contract your neck muscles and lift your head, pushing your chin towards your chest.
·         Hold it for 10 seconds and return to the lying position.
·         Continue these steps at least 6 times every day. Neck stretching exercise
·         Sit comfortably on the floor and keep one hand behind the hip.
·         Raise the other hand and place it on the other side of your face with your arms wrapping around your head.
·         Now slowly pull your head with the palm towards your shoulder and stretch your neck. Neck rotation exercise
·         Rotate your head clockwise and counterclockwise five times each, slowly feeling the stretch in your neck. Kiss exercise
·         Sit in a chair and tilt your head towards the ceiling.
·         Now pull your lips together like a kiss towards the ceiling
·         Hold this position for 10 second, then come back to original position
·         Repeat this 10-15 times every day for desired results. Lip exercise
·         Pull your lower lip over your upper lip and try to touch your nose with your lower lip.
·         Hold the position for 10 seconds, then relax
·         Repeat these steps 5-10 times and continue this regime every day. Facial skin stretching
·         With your index and middle finger, push the skin on your cheeks towards your eyes.
·         While doing this, open your mouth in an oval shape and hold it for 10 seconds.
·         Repeat 3-4 times. Follow these home remedies and exercises, shed the excess fat under the chin and get the toned facial features you have always wanted!

For more ideas to look younger, look no further than Wendy Wilken’s Facelift Without Surgery Program. From this program, you will learn

·         How to eliminate wrinkles on the face and neck: Forehead lines, eye wrinkles and crow’s feet, smile and laugh folds, nasal lines, fine lines around the mouth and lips, neck wrinkles and creases.
·         Easy facial yoga routines for tightening and lifting sagging face and neck skin
·         Methods to treat unsightly eye bags, dark eye circles and “racoon” rings.
·         How to use yoga to re-sculpture and sharpen the features of your face and neck for a new and better looking

To learn more about Wendy Wilken’s Facelift Without Surgery Program, CLICK HERE

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Could facial yoga be the key to younger-looking skin?

Facial Yoga has been making a name for itself as an alternative anti-aging beauty treatment for some time now. The concept involves using exercises to tone, lift and sculpt muscles in the face and counteract sagginess and puffiness for a rejuvenated appearance.

CLICK HERE to Learn about The Best Facial Yoga Toning System to Look Younger

The health and beauty benefits of practicing yoga have been well documented. But did you know that stretching it all out could be just as good for your face?

Facial Yoga has been making a name for itself as an alternative anti-aging beauty treatment for some time now. The concept involves using exercises to tone, lift and sculpt muscles in the face and counteract sagginess and puffiness for a rejuvenated appearance.

Back in 2015, a pop-up called SkinGym Face Fitness established itself in New York offering a workout called 'Face Love'. Its U.K. equivalent, FaceGym, is still going strong, with a location in the London's flagship Selfridges department store as well as a stand-alone studio in the capital.

FaceGym describes itself as "the U.K.'s only gym studio for the face and the original non-invasive face workout", offering clients the chance to have their muscles stretched and sculpted by dedicated 'face trainers'.

This year, the trend reached L.A. too, thanks to the city's new Skin Fit Gym, which hosts dedicated face training classes for individuals and groups.

"Face workouts are the new facials," says FaceGym's founder, Inge Theron.

But what if you can't get to a brick-and-mortar studio for a session?

Luckily, facial workouts are also thriving online, giving rise to gurus like British 'Face Yoga Expert' Danielle Collins, who guides followers through various facial exercises via a series of YouTube tutorials.

One of Collins' most popular videos, published this March, is aimed at smoothing out frown lines. She suggests gently massaging the area between the eyebrows, as well as lightly tapping the forehead and gently pinching and pulling at the eyebrows to relieve tension and help stimulate the production of collagen.

FaceGym also published an article this April detailing a series of DIY facial exercises that can aid lymphatic drainage and reduce the appearance of under-eye circles.

Is facial yoga set to become a mainstream beauty trend? It remains to be seen, but when it comes to working out, maybe we could all use a little extra face time.

For more ideas to look younger, look no further than Wendy Wilken’s Facelift Without Surgery Program. From this program, you will learn

·         How to eliminate wrinkles on the face and neck: Forehead lines, eye wrinkles and crow’s feet, smile and laugh folds, nasal lines, fine lines around the mouth and lips, neck wrinkles and creases.
·         Easy facial yoga routines for tightening and lifting sagging face and neck skin
·         Methods to treat unsightly eye bags, dark eye circles and “racoon” rings.
·         How to use yoga to re-sculpture and sharpen the features of your face and neck for a new and better looking

To learn more about Wendy Wilken’s Facelift Without Surgery Program, CLICK HERE

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

8 Home Remedies for Open Pores

Factors like stress, genetics, and unhealthy skin care also give rise to open pores. The skin loses its elasticity as you age, making the condition worse. There are many ways to minimize the occurrence of skin pores. Read on here to learn about the 8 home remedies for open pores.

CLICK HERE to find out How You Can Get Rid of Oily Skin FAST!

Skin pores are like small pits on the face that appear like an orange peel—not an attractive image!

These pores cause the face to look dull and aged. People with oily skin are prone to this problem, thanks to excessive sebum production. The pores can also lead to complications like blackheads and acne, which mar the way you look.

Factors like stress, genetics, and unhealthy skin care also give rise to open pores. The skin loses its elasticity as you age, making the condition worse. There are many ways to minimize the occurrence of skin pores.

Though there are several cosmetic products in the market to deal with this problem, remember that pores are a natural part of your skin and cannot be completely eliminated.

Before you go shopping, you can try some inexpensive, easy and natural home remedies to minimize the appearance of open pores.

Home Remedies for Open Pores Tip #1 - Ice

Ice works as a simple and effective home remedy to help shrink large pores due to its skin tightening effect. It is often used to minimize enlarged pores before applying makeup. It will also stimulate circulation and promote healthier skin.

Wrap a few ice cubes in a clean washcloth and hold it on your skin for 15 to 30 seconds. Do this a few times daily. You can reduce the frequency of use when you see improvement.

Alternatively, you can simply wash your face with ice cold water once daily. To enhance the benefits of this remedy, infuse the water for ice cubes with cucumber juice, apple juice, green tea or rose water.

Home Remedies for Open Pores Tip #2 - Egg Whites

Egg whites are also widely used to shrink enlarged pores because they tone and tighten the skin. Egg white masks are also great for drawing excess oil out of greasy skin.

Simply whisk an egg white and spread it evenly on your face. Allow it to dry completely, and then rinse it off. For better results, after applying the egg white, cover your skin with pieces of tissue paper and peel them off when the mixture dries. Do this once or twice a week on a regular basis.

Alternatively, whip two egg whites along with the juice squeezed from half of a lemon. Spread it on your face, and leave it on for about 10 minutes or until it dries completely. Rinse it off with cool water. Repeat a few times a week for one month.

Another option is to whisk an egg white and mix in two tablespoons each of lemon juice and oatmeal. Spread it on your face and allow it to dry for 30 minutes. Finally, scrub it off and wash your face with cool water. For best results, repeat twice weekly for several weeks.

Home Remedies for Open Pores Tip #3 - Baking Soda

Baking soda works as a gentle exfoliating agent, removing excess oil, dirt and debris from your skin. It also helps balance the pH levels of the skin and reduces problems like acne and pimples due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Mix two tablespoons each of baking soda and lukewarm water. Apply the mixture on your skin and massage in circular motion for a few seconds. Finally, rinse it off with cool water.

Repeat the process daily for five to seven days. Then reduce the frequency to three to five times a week for a few weeks.

Home Remedies for Open Pores Tip #4 - Cucumber

Cucumber works as a natural astringent to help shrink open pores. Plus, it will improve your skin texture and add a fresh glow.

Grate one fresh cucumber and extract its juice. Soak a cotton ball in it and apply the juice on your skin. Leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it off with cool water.

You can also add a little rose water or lemon juice to the cucumber juice. Apply it on your skin, and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it off with cool water.

You can use either of these remedies daily for about a month or until you notice improvement.

Home Remedies for Open Pores Tip #5 - Honey

Honey is incredibly great for skin, as it has antibacterial, medicinal and healing properties. It contains high amount of potassium that kills those bacteria which clog the pores.

On the other hand, yogurt is a good source of lactic acid that exfoliates your skin and cleanses the pores. Make a combo of yogurt and honey, and apply it on the pores. After a few minutes, rinse it with water.

Home Remedies for Open Pores Tip #6 - Lemon

Cut lemon wedges. Take a wedge and put a little sugar on it. Rub it on your skin for a few minutes. Finally, rinse off with cold water.

Home Remedies for Open Pores Tip #7 - Chamomile

Mix equal proportion of tomato pulp and chamomile powder. Apply it on the open pores and they will contract naturally.

Home Remedies for Open Pores Tip #8 - Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel has skin cleansing properties that can seal facial pores. Rub the gel for 5 minutes and leave until it gets dries. Afterwards, wash your face with cool water. You can also add lemon juice to it.

For more ideas on how to deal with oily, greasy skin, look no further than Patricia Everson’s Oily Skin Solution which will help you to understand what really causes oily skin and acne, and will help you come up with a lasting plan to keep your skin clear and beautiful. Stop spending your money on creams and pills that promise to help you clear your skin. These only address the surface issue of oily skin.

The Oily Skin Solution will go a step further and help you address the issues behind your blemishes so that you won’t need the expensive skin care anymore because you will have naturally clear, beautiful skin! To find out more, CLICK HERE

Friday, November 17, 2017

7 Home Remedies for Fighting Melasma and Pigmentation

Melasma or hyperpigmentation is a particular skin condition followed by scattered uneven patches of reddish colored skin patches that is caused due to improper distribution of the skin pigment melanin. Read on here to learn about the 7 home remedies for fighting melasma and pigmentation.

CLICK HERE to find out How You Can Get Rid of Oily Skin FAST!

The craving to have a healthy and shining skin is common in both ladies and gents, and we always look for the answers to the question of how to gain a shining skin naturally in grandma’s book of remedies, herbal treatments, and ayurvedic cures.

Melasma or hyperpigmentation is a particular skin condition followed by scattered uneven patches of reddish colored skin patches that is caused due to improper distribution of the skin pigment melanin.

Melasma can occur both in men and women but it is increasing worldwide among women when compared to men, and it occurs mainly during pregnancy.

Melasma can form towards on the forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin and whilom upper lips and other parts like forearms and neck. It is better to treat this type of skin problems with home remedies that are constructive yet gentle on the skin.

Causes of Melasma

·         Excessive exposure to sunlight
·         Deficiency of vitamin D in the skin
·         Overuse of lineage tenancy pregnancy
·         Hormone replacement therapy
·         Hormonal imbalance during pregnancy
·         Genetic predisposition of a person
·         People suffering from thyroid diseases
·         Stress – Overproduction of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
·         Allergic reaction to unrepealable medications or cosmetics

Effective Remedies to Get Rid of Melasma and pigmentation

Although a wide range of cosmetic procedures such as chemical peel and microdermabrasion is misogynist to remove melasma, most of them have harsh effects on the skin. Therefore, it is weightier to rely on home remedies that have veritably no side effects in the long run.

Fighting Melasma and Pigmentation Tip #1- Turmeric

Turmeric, known as the holy powder has potent medicinal properties which make it a popular ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine. It is expressly constructive for curing skin diseases and issues related to skin. It is a time-tested cure for pigmentation on face, moreover known as melasma.

Make a thick paste by mixing 5 tablespoons of turmeric with 10 tablespoons of milk. You can moreover add 1 teaspoon of gram flour to thicken the paste.

Fighting Melasma and Pigmentation Tip #2 - Horseradish

We are enlightened of the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables for weight loss, but vegetables are equally constructive for the skin as well.

Horseradish is broadly utilized for characteristic skin superintendency considering its properties to treat imperfections and scars. Also, it is a standout amongst the most productive melasma home cures.

Add 2 tablespoons of horseradish powder to 1 cup of sour curd; mix well and wield to unauthentic areas. Wait for 30 minutes and swab off with lukewarm water. Apply this treatment once every week till you get desired results.

Fighting Melasma and Pigmentation Tip #3 - Lemon Juice

When it comes to improving skin complexion naturally, there is no other remedy like raw lemon juice. The mixture of lemon juice and warm water is also one of the best natural home remedies for weight loss.

Lemon juice works as a natural bleach that lightens the grey-brown patches that appear on cheeks, forehead, and nose. Squash out the juice from one lemon and wield it thoroughly all over the unauthentic areas rubbing gently for 2 minutes.

Fighting Melasma and Pigmentation Tip #4 - Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an extremely popular treatment for various types of skin and hair problems. It is used as a popular ingredient in natural hair mask for unrewarding and damaged hair and is moreover considered one of the functional home remedies for melasma.

Mix equal shares of world cider vinegar and water and wield a generous value of the solution to the melasma spots and indulge it to air dry. Then wash the areas with lukewarm water and pat dry using a wiping towel. Follow this treatment 1 time every day for required results.

Fighting Melasma and Pigmentation Tip #5 - Papaya

Papaya is to a great degree flexible and exceptional natural product which has numerous benefits for the skin. Both crude and ready papayas are utilized for treating a few skin issues, and ready papaya is generally utilized as part of natural product facial covers. Papaya is, in addition, a capable common melasma treatment at home that is promptly accessible in the kitchen.

Squash a couple of bits of ready papaya to convey it to a glue like consistency and add 2 teaspoons of nectar to it. Blend well and use the veil everywhere throughout the unauthentic skin. Wait for 20 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water. Follow this natural cure 1 time every week for 2 to 3 months to remove melasma completely.

Fighting Melasma and Pigmentation Tip #6 - Almond

The benefits of almonds and almond milk for skin need no new emphasis. A nourishing and shedding scrub made of almonds and nectar is without a doubt the weightier treatment for melasma.

Grind 8 to 10 almonds to make a woody paste and add unbearable honey to make a thick paste. Smear this mixture on the unauthentic skin, massage for 5 minutes and leave it on for flip side 20 minutes. Wash off the pack with lukewarm water.

Fighting Melasma and Pigmentation Tip #7 - Aloe Vera Gel

The wonderful hydrating properties of aloe vera gel makes it a popular ingredient in many skin superintendency products and it is one of the salubrious natural remedies for melasma. It is moreover used to treat numerous skin diseases, such as ringworm.

Apply pure aloe vera gel evenly on the unauthentic skin and massage gently for 2 minutes. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water. Follow this natural cure 2 times daily for few weeks to get weightier results.

All the above-mentioned remedies are very much useful and applicable as they are homemade tips for fighting Melasma and Pigmentation. Each remedy mentioned has its own use and depending on the skin conditions and allergic reactions, individuals can choose between the remedies.

For more ideas on how to deal with oily, greasy skin, look no further than Patricia Everson’s Oily Skin Solution which will help you to understand what really causes oily skin and acne, and will help you come up with a lasting plan to keep your skin clear and beautiful. Stop spending your money on creams and pills that promise to help you clear your skin. These only address the surface issue of oily skin.

The Oily Skin Solution will go a step further and help you address the issues behind your blemishes so that you won’t need the expensive skin care anymore because you will have naturally clear, beautiful skin! To find out more, CLICK HERE

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