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Showing posts with label lose cheek fat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lose cheek fat. Show all posts

Friday, November 24, 2017

10 Cheek Exercises to Reduce Chubby Cheeks

Have you ever wished that you had sculpted cheekbones and a narrow face rather than round or chubby cheeks? Cheek exercises are one way you can help strengthen the muscles in your face, which in turn will help give you a leaner look with more prominent bone structure.

CLICK HERE to Learn about The Best Facial Yoga Toning System to Look Younger

Have you ever wished that you had sculpted cheekbones and a narrow face rather than round or chubby cheeks?

While genetics do play some part in the way that your face looks, and the amount of weight you carry all of your body will also have an effect, there are ways you can help create leaner, more sculpted cheeks.

Cheek exercises are one way you can help strengthen the muscles in your face, which in turn will help give you a leaner look with more prominent bone structure.

What Cheek Exercises Do

Cheek exercises are a great way to help you tone and strengthen the muscles in your face. Just like the muscles elsewhere in your body, if you aren’t exercising them, they can weaken and sag over time.

Add in flat or low cheekbones or a round facial structure, and even a small amount of weight or water retention in your face could make you look as though you have chipmunk cheeks.

Cheek exercises won’t completely change the look and shape of your face, but they can help with a few problem areas. Strengthening your muscles in any area of your body, including the face, will help you burn more fat, which will lead to a leaner looking facial structure.

Toning and tightening your facial muscles will also help give some lift to your cheeks and jaw, which will in turn help them appear to be leaner, and to potentially help prevent wrinkles and sagging skin.

If you’ve taken a course in face yoga to help reverse the effects of aging on the face, you’ve probably also been doing some cheek exercises that can improve overall facial tone as well.

While cheek exercises are not a fast fix, and do take several weeks to begin to produce results, they can help improve the look and tone of your facial structure, helping you to lose your chubby cheeks and bring out your cheekbones for display.

Best of all, they take just a few minutes a day to perform so you can do them while you commute to work or while you’re at your desk for the day.

10 Cheek Exercises to Try

Some of these exercises will tire your cheeks and jaw out quickly. Only perform them until you begin to experience pain or fatigue, and then stop immediately. You can always build up to additional sets or reps over time as your muscles become stronger.

1)               X and O

The X and O exercise is a great way to strengthen the muscles in your cheeks and jaw and burn some fat from these areas.

To perform it:

·       Relax your face and hold your head steady.
·       Pronounce the letters X and O by making exaggerated facial movements with your lips, jaws, and cheeks.
·       Repeat 10 times and relax.

2)               Cheek Lift

The cheek lift will work the upper muscles in your cheeks, which will help to lift your face and give it a leaner appearance.

To perform it:

·       Close your lips gently together.
·       Pull the tops of your cheeks up toward your eyes in an exaggerated squint.
·       Push your cheeks up from the bottom by raising up the corners of your lips into a smile.
·       Hold for 10 seconds and relax. Repeat.

3)               Fish Lips

The fish lips exercise works all areas of your cheeks, as well as part of your jaw.

To perform it:

·       Gently close your lips together.
·       Suck your cheeks in as much as you can while pursing your lips to make a “fish face”.
·       Now try to smile with the outer corners of your lips while you hold this position.
·       Hold for 10 seconds and relax. Repeat.

4)               Puffy Cheeks

Puffy cheeks will work out the upper and middle portions of your cheeks. Keep in mind that this exercise can make your cheeks quite sore if you perform it too often.

To perform it:

·       Close your lips together tightly.
·       Puff your cheeks out with air.
·       Move the air from one cheek to the next, holding it in each cheek for about 5 seconds at a time.
·       Repeat 10 times, and then relax your face.

5)               Puffy Cheeks and Pursed Lips

Combine the previous two exercises together for an intense facial workout.

To perform it:

·       Pull your cheeks in and purse your lips to make the fish face.
·       Hold your lips in the pursed position as much as possible while you fill your cheeks with air.
·       Move the air from one cheek to the next, holding it on each side for 5 seconds.
·       Repeat 10 times and relax.

6)               Smile

Believe it or not, smiling widely and holding it for 10 seconds at a time can be a great way to work your cheek muscles. Best of all, you never have to feel foolish while you perform this exercise, and it’s guaranteed to help lift your mood as well.

7)               Puppet Face

Puppet face doesn’t feel like you’re working your cheek muscles hard until after you release the position. At this time, you’ll definitely feel like your face has been getting a workout.

To perform it:

·       Place your finger tips on either side of your face where your cheeks crease when you smile.
·       Push up on your cheeks at this point while you continue to smile. You will feel some resistance from the muscles in your cheekbones.
·       Hold for 30 seconds and release. Repeat.

8)               Bumblebee

The bumblebee is a great exercise for working your lower cheek muscles, as well as the muscles in your jaw line, helping to keep them taut.

To perform it:

·       Close your lips gently together.
·       Inhale through your noise.
·       Make a chewing motion with your jaw, moving it up and down while you hum out of your noise, vibrating your lips slightly.
·       Repeat for 4 breaths.

9)               Facial Stretch

After working all of the muscles in your cheeks and face, they may feel tight or sore. If you’ve ever taken a yoga class, then you probably know that you need to work counter groups of muscles, which includes stretching the muscles you just contracted in order to get the best results.

Stretch your cheeks out and work them in a completely different way by performing this exercise once you are done with the others.

To perform it:

·       Stand or sit in a relaxed position and lower your shoulders down away from your ears.
·       Open up both your eyes and your mouth as far as they will go at the same time, stretching out the muscles in your cheeks and jaw.
·       Hold for 30 seconds and release. Repeat.

10)Facial Massage

Treat your sore and tired facial muscles to a massage after you finish performing the other exercises.

If you’ve been studying beauty treatments, you probably already know that massage can help increase blood flow to specific areas, helping your muscles recover more quickly, getting you the results that you want even quicker.

To perform it:

·       Place your finger tips on your cheekbones.
·       Rub your cheeks in a circular motion beginning at the cheekbones and moving in small circles down to the jaw line. Repeat.

Complementing Your Cheek Exercises

Remember that these aren’t a fast fix for any problem, whether it’s chubby cheeks or some wrinkles you’re hoping to reverse.

While you’re waiting for your cheek exercises to begin working, you can also try complementing them with any of these techniques:

·       Drink plenty of water: Drinking lots of water will help flush out any water being retained in your face. It will also make your skin glow, which can help you look younger.

·       Adjust your diet: Weight loss all over can dramatically help you sculpt and refine your cheeks. Consider taking a course in healthy eating or cooking to learn what foods can help you obtain your goals.

·       Exercise your whole body: Strengthening the muscles all over your body will help you lose weight everywhere, while feeling and looking better. Begin an exercise routine that includes cheek exercises to see the fastest and best results.

·       Speak to your doctor: If you’re still retaining water or fat in your face even after exercising and eating healthier, speak to your doctor. Your medication could be to blame, or you could have an underlying condition that is leading to the problem.

Remember not to tamper with any medications without speaking to your doctor first, even if you think they are responsible for the weight in your face.

·       Chew gum: Gum chewing strengthens and works the jaw and the cheeks while you chew. Best of all, you won’t even realize you’re exercising or have to think about it.

Just remember that too much gum chewing can tire your jaw out, making it pretty sore if you overdo. Start Working Your Cheeks

Cheek exercises are a great way to make sure that your face stays in shape. Whether you’re trying to eradicate some newfound wrinkles, or you’re hoping to make those cheekbones stand out, performing cheek exercises up to three times a day may help.

Remember to combine these exercises with a sensible diet and exercise plan for the rest of your body as well, and in no time at all you should find yourself seeing the results in your face that you’ve been looking for.

Watch these Videos

For more ideas to look younger, look no further than Wendy Wilken’s Facelift Without Surgery Program. From this program, you will learn

·       How to eliminate wrinkles on the face and neck: Forehead lines, eye wrinkles and crow’s feet, smile and laugh folds, nasal lines, fine lines around the mouth and lips, neck wrinkles and creases.
·       Easy facial yoga routines for tightening and lifting sagging face and neck skin
·       Methods to treat unsightly eye bags, dark eye circles and “racoon” rings.
·       How to use yoga to re-sculpture and sharpen the features of your face and neck for a new and better looking

To learn more about Wendy Wilken’s Facelift Without Surgery Program, CLICK HERE

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