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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

4 Natural Remedies for Eczema

There are different prescribed medications in the market today. However, such medications do not provide a cure for eczema. Rather, they only suppress the symptoms and weaken the already volatile immune system. With that, natural remedies for eczema are the best solutions. Read on to find out more.

The result of an abnormal functioning of the immune system, combined with genetically weak skin barrier, is what causes eczema.

Apart from sudden environmental changes like humidity and temperature, eczema may also be trigged by eating particular foods or exposure on external allergens that result to the weakening of the skin barrier.

Because eczema occurrences are primarily brought about by poor nutrition and low immune system, it is essential that we build up a stronger immune system to fully achieve an eczema-free life.

There are different prescribed medications in the market today. However, such medications do not provide a cure for eczema. Rather, they only suppress the symptoms and weaken the already volatile immune system.

With that, natural remedies for eczema are the best solutions. There are various eczema treatment plans aimed at achieving long lasting results.

Below are some of the natural remedies for eczema.

Sea Salt Bath

Sea salt bath is good for external skin protection. Not only does it help eliminate dead skin cells of the body but also, it is suitable for curing eczema.

Because it contains high levels of minerals, sea salt is ideal for soothing inflammations, reducing pain, hydrating tissues and improving circulation of the immune system.

For local treatments, you can just use small amounts of sea salt. Or you can have a whole body bath for a more soothing effect. Simply add a cup or two of unrefined high quality sea salt to a bath tub full of warm water.

For a more relaxing experience, just add a few drops of natural herbal oils. Indulge in the bath for fifteen minutes.

Sea salt baths work by detoxifying your body and opening your skin pores, thus allowing your body to sweat sans the skin irritation.

Calendula Cream

This is one of those natural remedies for eczema that is proven to help in the blood flow to the skin’s damaged area. Calendula cream contains moisturizing, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties perfect for the production of collagen proteins in the body.

Aloe Vera Juice

This miracle plant can cure burns, sooth itching, moisturize the skin, and reduce inflammation. This plant, especially when freshly obtained, can provide you great relief in a matter of minutes.

Also, Aloe Vera juice, which is 99% pure are just as effective as the organic ones. You can use the juice at any time of the day to cure eczema.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is an exceptional skin moisturizing agent, thanks to its high levels of Vitamin E. When used for curing eczema, go for a cold-pressed, extra virgin, unrefined olive oil. Because the olive oil sticks to the skin for a longer period of time, it will help keep the skin moisturized extensively.

Fundamentally, no amount of miracle or medicines can help you to permanently treat eczema. You need to be determined to change your lifestyle.

Considering these natural remedies for eczema may seem like it’s so hard to integrate these in your day to day life. But as long as you keep in mind your ultimate goal- to achieve a strong immune system, you are definitely on your way to having a healthier and stronger you.

You can also watch a Video HERE to learn about other natural remedies for eczema.

By Fay Spencer who is the author of 14 Days Eczema Cure which offers many ideas on how to treat eczema within 14 days by using readily accessible natural products and applying them in the right balance.

The 14 Days Eczema Cure is a comprehensive and holistic approach to curing eczema. This means that it is safe, natural, effective and 100% drug free. This will help to cure your eczema for good without any side effects which can happen if you use those expensive medications, potions or steroids.

For more information on the 14 Days Eczema Cure, click HERE.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Virgin Coconut Oil as an Effective Eczema Treatment

Coconuts are commonly found in the tropics. It is the source of virgin coconut oil which is hailed for its medicinal properties, including as an effective eczema treatment. Read on to find out more.

Are you looking for an effective eczema treatment that does not have any side effects that you experience from using some expensive medications?

There was a time that people steered clear of coconut oil. Because it contained high levels of saturated fat, it was erroneously tagged as unhealthy.

Researches later on, however, revealed that saturated fats are healthy; it is trans fats that is described as “bad” fats. 

Coconuts are commonly found in the tropics. It is the source of virgin coconut oil which is hailed for its medicinal properties, including as an effective eczema treatment.

What makes coconuts medicinal is its high medium-chain fatty acid (MCFA) content, which is noted for its ability to prevent heart disease and for lowering the risk of atheroscleroris.

Aside from that, MCFA also aids in treating the damaged skin as it enters the cell structures of our connective tissues. Because of this, it is widely celebrated as an excellent and organic way of treating eczema as well as other skin disorder.

MCFA serves as a protection of our skin, thus, preventing us from developing skin infections caused by bacteria and other organism. It is advisable for us to apply coconut oil since ordinary soap washes off the acid that serves as our skin’s protective layer.

There are different types of coconut oil products available in the market today. For the best results, you should either choose the organic coconut oil, or the virgin coconut oil.

Ordinary coconut oil is not recommended because it comes from copra, or sun-dried meat of the coconut which are exposed to the air as well as to insects and molds.

Copra is usually processed to make refined, bleached and deodorized coconut oil with the use of intense heat and chemicals.

Another thing that separates the virgin variety from the ordinary coconut oil is that the former smells fragrant while the latter does not.

Aside from lathering your skin with virgin coconut oil, you can also incorporate this into your diet using any of the suggested recipes below.

There are lots of information found about the coconut oil, there are now cookbooks written for its use as a key ingredient in recipes. As an Asian living near the Tropics, I have been brought up eating food that makes use of the coconut.

My all time favorite is the Coconut Rice. We cook this, with other accompanying dishes, every time we have guests from other parts of the world coming over for dinner.

Virgin Coconut Oil Vinaigrette

This is a salad made of different vegetables.

You will need:

·         Half a cup virgin olive oil
·         Half a cup liquid virgin coconut oil
·         One quarter cup of vinegar
·         Sea salt and pepper to taste


1.   Mix ingredients in a bowl.
2.   Place this in a glass jar and refrigerate. Before serving, warm the vinaigrette to room temperature.
3.   Mix your favorite vegetables and pour the vinaigrette over the fresh vegetables.

Coconut Bastmati Rice

You will need:

·         3 cups long grain rice
·         6 tablespoons slivered almonds
·         1 onion, sliced
·         One and a half cups raisins
·         3 cups coconut milk or 1 can coconut cream mixed with 3 cups of water
·         sea salt to taste


1.   Cut the onions and fry them until golden brown. Then, lightly fry the almonds. Set these aside.
2.   Place the rice, coconut cream, water, and salt in a pan or rice cooker.
3.   Boil the mixture until the liquid evaporates.
4.   Lower the heat, cover, and continue cooking until rice is cooked.
5.   Stir the rice mixture with a fork.
6.   Add your fried raisins, onion, and almonds into the mixture.
You can also watch a Video HERE to learn more about this effective eczema treatment through using coconut oil.

By Fay Spencer who is the author of 14 Days Eczema Cure which offers many ideas on how to treat eczema within 14 days by using readily accessible natural products and applying them in the right balance.

The 14 Days Eczema Cure is a comprehensive and holistic approach to curing eczema. This means that it is safe, natural, effective and 100% drug free. This will help to cure your eczema for good without any side effects which can happen if you use those expensive medications, potions or steroids.

For more information on the 14 Days Eczema Cure, click HERE.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Breathing As a Powerful Eczema Treatment

Sometimes treatments come from the unlikeliest of sources. A powerful eczema treatment which we, most probably, have never heard before is an exercise that aims to bring our breathing levels to normal. Read on to find out more.

Discover How Breathing Can Be A Powerful Eczema Treatment

Did you know that our breathing has important effects not only on the circulation of our blood and oxygenation of our organs and tissues, but also on our skin?

Medical studies confirm that when we breathe heavy, our lungs lose excessive amounts of CO2, resulting to a serious drop of CO2 levels in our arterial blood beyond the normal amount. 

This deficiency in CO2 levels constricts the arteries and arterioles, lessening the blood supply to our tissues, and consequently, reducing the delivery of oxygen to the different parts of our body. In one to two minutes, we may faint or pass out.

It is, therefore, a must that our body gets the required amount of oxygen and blood supply in order for it to work efficiently and normally.

We can do a simple test called stress-free breath holding to find out if our circulation and oxygenation levels are normal. Using this test we will use the length of time that a person is able to hold his breath after exhaling with no feelings of distress as an indicator of his circulation and oxygenation.

If he can hold his breath for 40-60 seconds, his breathing is normal. When he can only hold his breath for less than 40 seconds, then it is not normal.

Among those who have problems with their breathing are those who suffer from different skin conditions. People who have psoriasis, dermatitis, neurodemitis, and eczema constantly over breathe.

In fact using the stress-free breath holding test, we will find out that they can hold their breath for only 10-15 seconds, figures which are significantly less than the normal levels which range from 40-60 seconds.

This is not surprising for experts. After all, the sick have the tendency to take deeper and bigger breaths. As a result, their oxygenation and circulation is less than what is required by their bodies. It is important to reduce one’s breathing to boost the oxygen levels in our body.

Medical doctors in Russia were able to discover and successfully employ a breathing exercise to help those who are confronted with this problem. By doing the exercise, we can bring our breathing to normal levels after two to three minutes.

Breathing Exercise as a Powerful Eczema Treatment

Sometimes treatments come from the unlikeliest of sources. An eczema treatment which we, most probably, have never heard before is an exercise that aims to bring our breathing levels to normal.    
This is how this powerful eczema treatment works:

First you need to be seated on a chair, straighten up (spine must be straight), relax your muscles, and concentrate on your breathing. Observe how this makes you feel.

If your senses fail you, breathe in and out, keep calm, before you exhale slowly. Once you feel air passing in and out of your nostrils, moving within your bronchi and chest, as well as at the back of your throat, then you are on the right track.

After exhaling, carefully inhale and make sure, that while doing so, you taking smaller inhalations. Typically this should be less than five to 10 percent.

After this, relax your muscles particularly those in your upper chest and those that you use for breathing. Repeat the process before you fully relax. As you breathe in and out, make sure that you are taking smaller inhalations.  

When you repeat this several times, you will feel light air hunger. What you need to do is to sustain this hunger from two to three minutes. As you continue to do this breathing exercise, you will feel that your breathing is turning normal within the same period.

You can also watch a Video HERE to learn more about other powerful eczema treatment.

By Fay Spencer who is the author of 14 Days Eczema Cure which offers many ideas on how to treat eczema within 14 days by using readily accessible natural products and applying them in the right balance.

The 14 Days Eczema Cure is a comprehensive and holistic approach to curing eczema. This means that it is safe, natural, effective and 100% drug free. This will help to cure your eczema for good without any side effects which can happen if you use those expensive medications, potions or steroids.

For more information on the 14 Days Eczema Cure, click HERE.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Importance of Gut Bacterial Balance in Treating Eczema

Gut bacterial balance is important especially among infants when it comes to treating eczema, because it is said to protect them from atopic childhood diseases such as asthma, eczema, and allergies. Read on to find out more.

Discover a Whole New Take in Treating Eczema

Though we still have to find out what is the exact composition of gut balance, research has shown that it is primarily made up of great amounts of good bacteria such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus and few potential pathogens.

Gut bacterial balance is important especially among infants because it is said to protect them from atopic childhood diseases such as asthma, eczema, and allergies.

Important Role of Gut Bacterial Balance

In fact, a study recently published in the journal BioMed Central Microbiology, which compared the gut bacterial composition of children with eczema to that of healthy children ages 6 months and 18 months, seemed to reveal that gut balance can play an important role in treating eczema.

Samples of the children’s faeces were taken when they were 6 and 18 months old, respectively. At 6 months, the gut bacteria composition of children with or without eczema was essentially the same. However, when they reached 18 months, the gut bacteria composition of children with eczema was more closely associated with those of adults.

Particularly, there was higher diversity of gut bacteria, while there was an increase in the Clostridium species. The gut bacteria of healthy children, however, contained three times more amounts of Bacteroidetes.

Role of Breastfeeding

Scientists attribute the normal amounts of gut bacteria among children with eczema at 6 months to breastfeeding, which probably protected them through the earlier stages of their lives.

According to them, breast feeding might have possibly served as eczema treatment by “evening up the microbiota differences between the healthy and eczematous children and masked the eczema-associated changes, which came apparent at 18 months of age after withdrawal of breast-milk.”

If the children had kept on drinking milk, they could have benefited from the eczema treatment-like properties of breastfeeding. Scientists also add that the presence of adult bacteria in the children’s guts may be attributed to the fact that the children’s diets have changed.

Balancing the Intestinal Flora for Treating Eczema

If you are looking for viable eczema treatment, focus on healing the skin from within. This means fortifying the body’s immune system and eating healthy. Here are some things you can do: 

1. Go Herbal. Instead of hitting the drugstore and buying steroid-based eczema treatment, try herbal products. There are herbs that are essentially drugs that work wonders in controlling eczema flare-ups. However, be sure to conduct eczema treatment under the guidance of a health professional. 

2. Eat Smart. Veer away from processed food products and instead make sure your diet consists of whole and natural foods that include meat proteins. Eliminate refined sugar and alcohol. By sticking to a healthy diet, it will be easier for your digestive system to perform its job in breaking down food and re-establish the normal gut flora.

3. Supplement with Probiotics. As you may have already known, probiotics are highly beneficial bacteria in the gut. Taking in probiotic supplement can help replenish the population of good bacteria. It also works to ferment the dietary fiber and produce sort chained fatty acids that are also vital for health and integrity of the colon. 
You can also watch a Video HERE to learn more about treating eczema through choosing the right type of food.

By Fay Spencer who is the author of 14 Days Eczema Cure which offers many ideas on how to treat eczema within 14 days by using readily accessible natural products and applying them in the right balance.

The 14 Days Eczema Cure is a comprehensive and holistic approach to curing eczema. This means that it is safe, natural, effective and 100% drug free. This will help to cure your eczema for good without any side effects which can happen if you use those expensive medications, potions or steroids.

For more information on the 14 Days Eczema Cure, click HERE.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Eczema Treatment by way of Healing Leaky Gut

Eczema is a chronic skin disorder that can be highly distressing. It is characterized by recurrent inflammation of the skin and itchiness.
In severe cases, it can develop into bleeding sores that are not only painful but unsightly as well. Eczema can also affect people of any age and gender.

In fact, infants and small children are not exempted from this condition. It is estimated that this skin disease affects two to seven percent of the human population.

In addition, among the most common identified triggers include food allergies. It is for this reason that eczema patients are encouraged to undergo an allergy test and make necessary changes with their diet.

But whether or not your eczema is caused by food allergy, diet should be given important consideration as an effective form of eczema treatment. Why? With good diet, you can better fortify your immune system to promote healing from within.

There is also the fact that there is a close link between eczema and leaky gut as well as food intolerance. If the eczema is a condition that manifested during early childhood, it may be triggered by citrus, eggs, wheat or seafood.

Leaky Gut

Leaky gut is a certain condition known to develop when there is an imbalance in the gut. Technically, leaky gut refers to the state wherein the junction between the gut lining develops small gaps where the undigested food particles seep through and enter the bloodstream. 

Given the fact that the particles should not be there, it is therefore recognized as something foreign to the body. In response, the body’s immune system starts to react through a number of inflammatory symptoms which may include fatigue, joint pain, asthma and headaches.

The gaps between the gut lining is known to be brought about by parasites, toxins and the overabundance of bad bacteria in the gut. Over the course of time, the build-up of chemicals, toxins, stress, heavy metals, aggravated by high sugar and poor diet can feed the overgrowth of bacteria in the gut as well as damage the integrity of the mucosal lining.

Everyone has presence of bad and good bacteria in their gut. It is however important to maintain a healthy balance of about 20% bad and 80% good bacteria. Once this balance is disturbed, the overabundance of bad bacteria can produce toxins that can create the damage in the gut’s lining.

Foods to Avoid

For people dealing with leaky gut and seeking eczema treatment, it is generally best to avoid the following food items:

·         Dairy produce
·         Tea
·         Coffee
·         Eggs
·         Citrus
·         Beef
·         Chocolate
·         Peanuts
·         Tomatoes
·         Wheat
·         Alcohol

In addition, you should avoid foods that contain additives and pesticides, preservatives and food colorings and anything that has been refined or processed, as these type of food products can trigger eczema flareups.

Healing Foods

The following foods you should have that help in your eczema treatment

·         Organic fruits and vegetables
·         Fresh ginger
·         Cabbage
·         Foods that is high in fiber such as lentils. garlic, onions, oats, bananas, artichoke and beans.
·         Oily fish such as herring, salmon, sardines and tuna
You can also watch a Video HERE to learn more about eczema treatment through choosing the right type of food.

By Fay Spencer who is the author of 14 Days Eczema Cure which offers many ideas on how to treat eczema within 14 days by using readily accessible natural products and applying them in the right balance.

The 14 Days Eczema Cure is a comprehensive and holistic approach to curing eczema. This means that it is safe, natural, effective and 100% drug free. This will help to cure your eczema for good without any side effects which can happen if you use those expensive medications, potions or steroids.

For more information on the 14 Days Eczema Cure, click HERE.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

How to Choose Shampoo for Scalp Eczema?

If you are dealing with scalp eczema, it is very important to understand that there are many natural oils present in shampoos and conditions that can aggravate your condition. To avoid this, you have to choose the right types of shampoo. Read on to find out more.

Scalp eczema can be easily considered a curse. Not only do you have to deal with extreme itchiness, but embarrassing flakes as well. If you constantly have to go out in public, this condition can wreck havoc to your self-confidence. 

There are a number of different eczema treatments available in the market today, mostly steroid-based.

However, if you have taken the time to really study the causes of eczema then you may have already known that it is brought about by the body’s immune system’s overactive reaction.

This means, if you are keen on finding an effective, lasting eczema treatment, then you will need to focus on the root cause and work on promoting healing from within the body and not just application of salves and ointments that are only known to provide temporary relieve.

Avoid Natural Oils

If you are dealing with scalp eczema, it is very important to understand that there are many natural oils present in shampoos and conditions that can aggravate your condition. This is because the oil feeds the fungus that can cause your scalp eczema to worsen.

A specific oil known as oleic oil is commonly found in shea butter, coconut oil, castor oil and olive oil. So whether you are looking for shampoo or lotion ingredients, steer clear from products that contain any of these ingredients.

OTC Dandruff Shampoos as Scalp Eczema Treatment

Choosing shampoos that are specifically formulated to treat dandruff is a good start when finding scalp eczema treatment. This will help relieve itching and flaking of your scalp.

Most anti-dandruff shampoos contain anti-fungal agents like ketoconazole and pyrithione zinc, which are known to be highly effective in reducing skin fungus.

Most dandruff shampoos are recommended to be used 3 to 4 times a week in order to ensure effectiveness in reducing anti-fungal activity. Once the itchiness and flaking have abated, then you can slowly ease back to your normal hair washing routine or alternate your regular shampoo with an anti-dandruff variety.

Avoid Use of Hair Care Products

Are you fond of using gels, mousse or sprays? Then carefully consider eliminating them from your daily grooming as these products can seriously aggravate your scalp eczema.

If you are suffering from a severe condition, chances are, there are open wounds due to excessive scratching and you definitely don’t want to expose any open wound to harsh chemicals. 

Specifically Formulated Shampoos

With so many people suffering from eczema today, you have ready access to products that are specifically formulated to help relieve eczema. Take time to choose shampoos that contain tar, salicylic acid or pyrithione zinc, all of which are known to effectively clean the scalp from fungus.

When using such products, make sure to focus on applying it on the scalp and not on the entire length of the hair as these formulations are known to cause excessive dryness.
You can also watch a Video HERE to learn more about how to choose shampoo for scalp eczema.

By Fay Spencer who is the author of 14 Days Eczema Cure which offers many ideas on how to treat eczema within 14 days by using readily accessible natural products and applying them in the right balance.

The 14 Days Eczema Cure is a comprehensive and holistic approach to curing eczema. This means that it is safe, natural, effective and 100% drug free. This will help to cure your eczema for good without any side effects which can happen if you use those expensive medications, potions or steroids.

For more information on the 14 Days Eczema Cure, click HERE.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

How to Protect Your Child from Eczema Triggers – Dust Mites

One of the most common eczema triggers, especially among children are dust mites. The problem is that this is one of those known eczema triggers that are quite difficult to manage. Here are some tips you can follow.
Click HERE to Get Access to the Safe All Natural Way to End Eczema for Good

One of the most common eczema triggers, especially among children are dust mites. The problem is that this is one of those known eczema triggers that are quite difficult to manage. If your child is suffering from persistent flare-ups, the bed and some areas of your house may be infested with these tiny critters.

Eliminating eczema triggers such as dust mites is not exactly cheap and the process can be a bit tedious. If your child is diagnosed with dust mite allergy, then you should include dust mite elimination an important part of your eczema treatment plan.

Know Your Enemy

Dust mites are essentially scavengers that love to nest in warm, moist environment. They are naturally drawn to rats, birds and yes, to humans as they main food includes dander or dead skin cells.

However, dust mites are known to consume anything organic. Basically, eczema, asthma and rhinitis are triggered by the enzymes found in these creatures’ droppings, triggering an allergic reaction.

Controlling Dust Mites and Eczema

It can be impossible to totally get rid of dust mites for good. However, you can significantly reduce these eczema triggers if you work on reducing their population, which will result to reduced droppings.

Dust mites are known to be highly active and breed when temperatures are above 20°C and when the humidity level is above 50%.

With this in mind, one of the effective ways to control the infestation of dust mites in your home environment is kept clean and dry. Through regular cleaning, you will be able to minimize their food sources.

Protecting Your Child from Dust Mites

The bedding is one of the common sources of dust mites, which can easily set off an eczema flare-up. This can be a problem with small children who are known to spend an average of 14 hours in their beds. With this in mind, the best way to manage eczema triggers is to control dust mites.

Here are some tips:

Air the beddings daily. Make sure comforters, cots and mattresses are aired daily. Leave them out under the sun for a couple of hours and clean the thoroughly.

Use 60°C hot wash. When it comes to cleaning the beddings, warm washing is highly recommended to effectively get rid of dust mites. You can soak the beddings with 1 part eucalyptus oil and 120 parts warm water for about 30 minutes.

Wash pillows and duvets regularly. Make sure to buy a spare duvet and pillows to allow you to clean them twice a week.

Avoid putting your kids to bed with wet hair. As mentioned, dust mites thrive in warm and moist environment. Wet hair can dampen the pillow, which will provide a perfect breeding ground for dust mites.

Finding an effective eczema treatment is never a one step process.  It is made up of combined efforts to eliminate exposure to known eczema triggers and fortifying the body to allow healing from within with an effective eczema diet plan.

This will require you to avoid foods that can trigger eczema which also include processed foods and have more of those foods that can help the body to build the immune system to combat eczema.

For this, you need to pick food items that are naturally rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which are known to have that anti-inflammatory effect. Salmon and tuna are known to be good sources.

You also need to eat foods that are rich in Vitamin C and E to boost the immune system and nourish the skin from within.

It will be better to include oolong tea and yogurt in your eczema diet plan. Why?

Oolong tea is actually a staple in Chinese pantries, which somewhat tastes like bitter green tea and robust black tea combined. In fact, in a study conducted in Japan, people who drank this tea three times a day were known to enjoy relief from eczema after only a week.

Yogurt is known to contain beneficial bacteria that can work wonders for the immune system, otherwise known as probiotics. Regular intake can boost the immune system cells found in the intestinal tract.  

You can also watch a Video HERE to learn more about how to protect your child from other eczema triggers.

By Fay Spencer who is the author of 14 Days Eczema Cure which offers many ideas on how to treat eczema within 14 days by using readily accessible natural products and applying them in the right balance.

The 14 Days Eczema Cure is a comprehensive and holistic approach to curing eczema. This means that it is safe, natural, effective and 100% drug free. This will help to cure your eczema for good without any side effects which can happen if you use those expensive medications, potions or steroids.

For more information on the 14 Days Eczema Cure, click HERE.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

What You Need to Know About Eczema and Food?

As the saying goes, you are what you eat. So, it won’t be a surprise that what you can eat can trigger or keep eczema away. In this post, I am going to discuss about the relationship between eczema and food.

As the saying goes, you are what you eat. So, it won’t be a surprise that what you can eat can trigger or keep eczema away. In this post, I am going to discuss about the relationship between eczema and food.

Eczema is one of the most common skin problems in the world today. And yet, many people often mistake it as just an ordinary rash, until it worsens and grows more persistent.

Eczema is an inflammatory condition that is considered to be an allergic response to a certain trigger or set of triggers. It is a prevalent condition that is said to affect 15% of kids across the world.

There are different typesof eczemaand in order to find the ideal and effective eczema treatment, it is important to determine what is its specific type and its corresponding triggers.

The Link between Eczema and Food

Despite the advances of medicine and technology, the exact cause of eczema remains unclear to this day. And at present, you will not be able to find a permanent eczema treatment.

However, researchers have found a strong link between eczema and food allergies. In such cases, the simple process of eliminating food triggers can be an effective treatment approach.

The problem is, too often, it does not only require you to avoid milk and egg or seafood. Day to day diet also plays a very important role in eczema treatment. Why?

Most of the topical creams and steroids in the market today are just formulated to cure a symptom, but not the underlying cause. This is the reason why most eczema cases remain persistent and chronic in nature.

With this in mind, a more effective eczema treatment proposed is to promote healing from within by eating real, organic and unprocessed food.

Nutrient deficiency has also been thought as a possible trigger of eczema. Hence, it cannot be stressed enough the importance of good and proper diet in any eczema treatment programs.

Maternal Diet

The diet of a pregnant woman, especially during the last month of pregnancy has been found to significantly impact the chances of the baby for developing eczema. The outcome of this can be either positive or negative depending on the choice of food.

German researchers found that increased intake of polyunsaturated fats, common in vegetable oil and margarine as well as citrus fruits can increase the risk of eczema.

Sugar and Inflammation

High consumption of sugar has also been found to have a significant role in the development and aggravation of eczema. This is because refined sugar is the most common culprit known to trigger a number of inflammatory conditions.

When you consume large amounts of sugar, the body is forced to release insulin, which comes with harmful free radicals that can cause damage to the cells.

This resulting damage can set off an inflammation response as the body’s immune system’s respond to fight off the free radicals. This means if you have eczema, one of the healthiest things you can do is to cut back or try to eliminate refined sugars from your diet.

Eat the Right Food

One of the most effective eczema treatments is to consume healthy food. Nuts, fish and avocados are known to effectively counteract inflammation. In fact, avocado should be considered as one of eczema’s best defense.

Besides the 3 particular foods just mentioned, you should consider other fruits and vegetables which are prime suppliers of antioxidants -- nutrients that help your body's ability to defend itself from infections and disease.

Vitamin C, an antioxidant prevalent in colorful fruits and vegetables, may also serve as an antihistamine and reduce eczema symptoms, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Fruits and vegetables particularly rich in vitamin C include strawberries, other berries, citrus fruits, cantaloupe, kiwi, tomatoes, baked potatoes -- with skin, sweet potatoes, leafy greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and red bell peppers.

Fatty fish, like canola and flaxseed oil, provide rich amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Since fish oil is a particularly rich source of omega-3 fats, the University of Maryland Medical Center recommends regular consumption for eczema sufferers.

Fish particularly high in omega-3 fats include salmon, lake trout, albacore tuna, herring, cod, sole, mackerel, sardines, halibut and flounder. Fatty fish are also exceptional sources of zinc.

In addition to providing valuable amounts of calcium, vitamin D and protein, yogurt provides probiotics -- healthy, or "friendly," bacteria that promote digestive health.

Though additional research is needed, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, probiotics may help reduce children's allergy symptoms, enhance your immune system function and reduce eczema symptoms. Consume yogurt that contains "live active cultures" most often for maximum probiotic benefits.
You can also watch a Video HERE to learn more about the link between eczema and food as well as the healing foods for eczema.

By Fay Spencer who is the author of 14 Days Eczema Cure which offers many ideas on how to treat eczema within 14 days by using readily accessible natural products and applying them in the right balance.

The 14 Days Eczema Cure is a comprehensive and holistic approach to curing eczema. This means that it is safe, natural, effective and 100% drug free. This will help to cure your eczema for good without any side effects which can happen if you use those expensive medications, potions or steroids.

For more information on the 14 Days Eczema Cure, click HERE.

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