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Showing posts with label healing foods for eczema sufferers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing foods for eczema sufferers. Show all posts

Friday, February 26, 2016

Eczema Treatment by way of Healing Leaky Gut

Eczema is a chronic skin disorder that can be highly distressing. It is characterized by recurrent inflammation of the skin and itchiness.
In severe cases, it can develop into bleeding sores that are not only painful but unsightly as well. Eczema can also affect people of any age and gender.

In fact, infants and small children are not exempted from this condition. It is estimated that this skin disease affects two to seven percent of the human population.

In addition, among the most common identified triggers include food allergies. It is for this reason that eczema patients are encouraged to undergo an allergy test and make necessary changes with their diet.

But whether or not your eczema is caused by food allergy, diet should be given important consideration as an effective form of eczema treatment. Why? With good diet, you can better fortify your immune system to promote healing from within.

There is also the fact that there is a close link between eczema and leaky gut as well as food intolerance. If the eczema is a condition that manifested during early childhood, it may be triggered by citrus, eggs, wheat or seafood.

Leaky Gut

Leaky gut is a certain condition known to develop when there is an imbalance in the gut. Technically, leaky gut refers to the state wherein the junction between the gut lining develops small gaps where the undigested food particles seep through and enter the bloodstream. 

Given the fact that the particles should not be there, it is therefore recognized as something foreign to the body. In response, the body’s immune system starts to react through a number of inflammatory symptoms which may include fatigue, joint pain, asthma and headaches.

The gaps between the gut lining is known to be brought about by parasites, toxins and the overabundance of bad bacteria in the gut. Over the course of time, the build-up of chemicals, toxins, stress, heavy metals, aggravated by high sugar and poor diet can feed the overgrowth of bacteria in the gut as well as damage the integrity of the mucosal lining.

Everyone has presence of bad and good bacteria in their gut. It is however important to maintain a healthy balance of about 20% bad and 80% good bacteria. Once this balance is disturbed, the overabundance of bad bacteria can produce toxins that can create the damage in the gut’s lining.

Foods to Avoid

For people dealing with leaky gut and seeking eczema treatment, it is generally best to avoid the following food items:

·         Dairy produce
·         Tea
·         Coffee
·         Eggs
·         Citrus
·         Beef
·         Chocolate
·         Peanuts
·         Tomatoes
·         Wheat
·         Alcohol

In addition, you should avoid foods that contain additives and pesticides, preservatives and food colorings and anything that has been refined or processed, as these type of food products can trigger eczema flareups.

Healing Foods

The following foods you should have that help in your eczema treatment

·         Organic fruits and vegetables
·         Fresh ginger
·         Cabbage
·         Foods that is high in fiber such as lentils. garlic, onions, oats, bananas, artichoke and beans.
·         Oily fish such as herring, salmon, sardines and tuna
You can also watch a Video HERE to learn more about eczema treatment through choosing the right type of food.

By Fay Spencer who is the author of 14 Days Eczema Cure which offers many ideas on how to treat eczema within 14 days by using readily accessible natural products and applying them in the right balance.

The 14 Days Eczema Cure is a comprehensive and holistic approach to curing eczema. This means that it is safe, natural, effective and 100% drug free. This will help to cure your eczema for good without any side effects which can happen if you use those expensive medications, potions or steroids.

For more information on the 14 Days Eczema Cure, click HERE.

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