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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Immediate Gout Pain Relief – How Do I Get Rid of Gout Fast?

Do you want the secret to get rid of gout fast in 2 hours or less? Gout attacks, according to a study by The University of British Columbia and Harvard Medical School published in the British Medical Journal, are increased by sugary drinks and fructose, such as soft drinks. To get rid of gout fast, you therefore need to avoid sugary drinks.

Click HERE To Discover How You Can Cure Your Gout Using a Natural Home Remedy

Do you want the secret to get rid of gout fast in 2 hours or less?

Picture this: it’s late. You’re sitting on the edge of your bed just about to turn out the light when there it is: a sharp, stabbing pain in your big toe, hand, or even your knee. Seems there’s nothing that will stop it and you’re in for another sleepless night. If this goes untreated, it can cause permanent damage to your joints.

Here’s what’s causing your agony…

Gout is a deposit of uric acid crystals onto your joints. They’re sharp and they stab ruthlessly into the joint lining.

Normally, uric acid is processed through the kidneys and is pushed out in your urine, but not for you.

Sometimes, uric acid levels are so high your kidneys can’t process it and this is where the trouble begins. The crystals form and they tear away at the tissue around your joints. This is what brings on the inflammationgout pain, and redness.

Gout attacks, according to a study by The University of British Columbia and Harvard Medical School published in the British Medical Journal, are increased by sugary drinks and fructose, such as soft drinks.

Just over the last 40 years or so reports of gout incidence has increased by 100%. The study strongly emphasizes the fact that this follows a pattern of increased fructose and sugary drink consumption.

In the study, more than 46,000 gout free men were followed for 12 years. They found those consuming about six sugary soft drinks a month were 29% more likely to develop gout than men who drink one or less soda pop per month.

Men who drank one soft drink a day had a 45% greater probability of developing gout attacks. Men drinking two or more soft drinks a day showed an 85% greater probability of suffering from gout.

Fructose intake was also a huge contributor to gout pain and gouty arthritis symptoms. They compared a diet with less than 4.5% of fructose calories to those who had between 4.5% and 5.3%. Their gout rates skyrocketed up into a 41% risk bracket.

The next level was between 5.4% and 6.6% of fructose calories. Their gout risk factor any shot up to an 84% probability. More fructose than that and it jumped to a 102% risk factor probability of suffering from gout attacks.

The bottom line: fructose or sugar has been proven to aggravate uric acid production, which is what triggers gout pain and arthritis. To get rid of gout fast, you therefore need to avoid sugary drinks.

The same gout prevention diet cures gout symptoms because it is basically a problem caused by poor nutrition. Fact: carbohydrates are the main trigger for most age-related diseases. Once you realize your body makes its own sugars you can see why Americans eat way too many sugary foods and drink too many sugary soft drinks. Carbs are a NON-essential treat that leads to gout inflammation.

Carbohydrates, whether simple are complex, should be a rare treat, if at all. In America, we practically live off carbs. No wonder gout attack incidences have doubled!

For more ideas to get rid of gout fast, watch this video - 10 Expert Tips on How to Fight Gout Attack

This post is from The Gout Remedy Report by Barton Publishing. From this report, you can learn how to cure your gout in 2 hours or less, using safe, natural home remedy. This report is for people who have just suffered their first gout attack and those who have ongoing gout attacks. The Gout Remedy Report is designed to show you the natural, but simple ways, to not only eliminate your agonizing gout symptoms, but also to prevent recurring gout from seriously damaging your health.

To find out more about this program, visit the website at Get Rid of Gout Fast

Friday, April 17, 2020

Extremely Effective Blood Pressure Exercises – How Can I Lower My Blood Pressure Immediately?

Extremely Effective Blood Pressure Exercises – When it comes to lowering blood pressure, we have been told that exercising is an important factor. But what are the best exercises for high blood pressure?

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Maintain & Stabilize Your Blood Pressure Naturally 

Extremely Effective Blood Pressure Exercises – A Fishy Vegetable Beats Blood Pressure Drugs (Study)

The bad news: they come with a litany of side effects, most often so serious that they outweigh the benefit of the drugs.

The good news: new research, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, reveals a vegetable that works exactly like the most effective blood pressure medications, without the side effects.

The British and Irish researchers analyzed 100 previously conducted studies on the heart benefits of seaweed.

Their survey unearthed the fact that many sea vegetables are low in calories and fat (good for weight loss), high in minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, and iodine, and extremely high in protein (up to 47 percent of their weight) and that they contain plenty of proteins called bioactive peptides, which hold extraordinary heart health benefits.

They found that these bioactive peptides had effects similar to ACE inhibitor drugs, which are commonly prescribed to lower blood pressure.

ACE inhibitors inhibit your body’s production of angiotensin II, a chemical that constricts blood vessels and thereby elevates blood pressure. If you have less angiotensin II, your blood vessels can relax, dilate, and allow blood to flow through them at lower pressure.

The only problem? They can also cause headaches, dizziness, inflammation, fatigue, nausea, renal failure, and a build-up of potassium that can cause cardiac dysfunction.

Sea vegetables are the first natural substances discovered that can have the same health effects without these harmful side effects.

At this stage, most people get their bioactive peptides from milk, where they appear in much smaller amounts than in seaweed. Manufacturers of packaged soups and sauces also often include them in their products, but these products contain so many other, harmful ingredients that it probably ruins the potential benefit.

Your local Asian supermarket should be a treasure trove of healthy sea vegetables. Here is a sample of what you can expect:

· Nori are the dried, often toasted, sheets in which your sushi is wrapped. You can cut the sheets in strips to eat as noodles or add to a stir-fry.

· Agar is available in bars, flakes, and powder. It is handy as a sauce thickener or a vegan substitute for the gelatin found in pie fillings and jams.

· Kelp is the common brown seaweed found on most beaches. It is normally sold in powder form to use as a salt substitute or seasoning.

· Hijiki looks like spaghetti and is sold in dehydrated form. Soak it for 20 minutes, and then toss it in stews and stir-fries. Limit your consumption to once a week, as it does contain some arsenic.

· Dulse can be bought as a dry powder, but the dried leaves need only five minutes of cooking and are great in salads and stews. When lightly pan-fried, it becomes crispy like potato chips.

· Arame turns black when it is dried, the form in which it is usually sold. Soak for 10 minutes before adding it to cooking dishes.

· Kombu, sold as dried strips, is a good seasoning agent in almost any dish. Soak for 15 minutes before cooking for about 40 minutes more.

Most of these double in size when they cook, so they are good value for money.

Extremely Effective Blood Pressure Exercises – The Best Exercises for High Blood Pressure

When it comes to lowering blood pressure, we have been told that exercising is an important factor.

But what are the best exercises for high blood pressure?

Researchers from Michigan University and the American Heart Association decided to put three different types of exercises to the test.

After investigating thousands of different studies of alternative ways to tackle high blood pressure, the researchers highlighted three specific kinds of physical exercises proven to drastically lower blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health.

These exercises work by improving blood vessel activity and lowering the sympathetic nervous system’s (SNS) reaction, thus contributing to lowering blood pressure.

Here are the three most powerful physical exercises, verified by the researchers, listed in order of their effectiveness:

1) Aerobic exercises and endurance training.

Many studies have shown that aerobic exercises are the most effective type of physical activity to lower blood pressure.

They strengthen and tone the heart. The stronger the heart is, the less effort it takes to pump blood. Therefore, the force on the arteries is significantly decreased, resulting in lower blood pressure.

These powerful exercises include dancing, swimming, cycling, running, and fast walking. If you want to get the maximum benefits, perform these activities five times a week for at least 30 minutes at moderate intensity.

2) Resistance exercises or weightlifting.

For quite some time, weightlifting was considered to be harmful to blood pressure due to the rapid and abrupt activity of an exercise.

However, according to the investigators, weightlifting is listed as second only to aerobic exercises in effectiveness to lower blood pressure.

Weightlifting helps build up muscle and therefore makes you and your heart stronger. With more lean muscle mass, you need less effort for your everyday tasks. You don’t need to strain your heart as much, and, as a result, you will have lower blood pressure.

Another important benefit of weightlifting is its ability to improve insulin sensitivity. High levels of insulin cause salt retention, which leads to fluid withholding, resulting in high blood pressure.

Studies have revealed that the more muscle mass used during a weightlifting workout, the better the blood pressure response.

It is recommended to do weight training at least two to three times weekly for 25 to 30 minutes, using 8 to 10 different muscle groups.

3) Isometric exercises.

Isometric exercises are the type of exercise where the muscles don’t move much during the exercise. For example, squeezing a rubber ball or pressing against a wall.

Because of how simple and easy these exercises are, the amazing effect they have on high blood pressure has really surprised researchers.

Just four weeks of exercising by squeezing a ball impressively lowered blood pressure by 10 percent in both systolic and diastolic measurements.

It is easy to perform this exercise. You will need either athletic grippers or any kind of rubber ball, such as a tennis ball (both found in all sporting goods shops).

Squeeze the ball and hold for five seconds, and then let go. Repeat for a few minutes.

The research reports that the recommended routine for blood-pressure-lowering results is 15 minutes at least three times a week for a period of 8 to 12 weeks.

I highly recommend practicing any kind of physical exercise and workout – preferably on a daily basis.

The most effective exercises to lower blood pressure, however, require absolutely no physical effort. Anyone can do them, no matter what age group you belong to or your physical state.

These exercises were specifically designed to lower blood pressure – and have been proven to help most people reach the target goal of 120/80 within a week…sometimes even the very first day.

Extremely Effective Blood Pressure Exercises – High Blood Pressure Cured with This Ancient Technique

Heart-related illnesses are at epidemic levels all over the world. Millions have high blood pressure and cardiovascular problems, and when most of them visit the doctor they come away with powerful medicines that can cause troublesome side-effects.

But science and modern medicine are catching up to the fact that it’s not just about pills anymore.

Research published in “Current Hypertension Reviews”, shows that Transcendental Meditation can deliver some pretty impressive health benefits.

It’s been around for so long because it works, and practitioners know that it reduces stress, combats anxiety and fights depression. But what wasn’t known before now was that it can also play a role in improving cardiovascular health.

It’s not just the relaxing effects that help to lower high blood pressure. It’s also great at clearing arterial plaque, so between them, these two effects significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Not to mention that it can fix heart pain, which is a blessing for heart failure patients.

If meditation has a side effect, then it’s probably this: people who did it regularly were found to be less likely to use harmful substances like alcohol, drugs and cigarettes. So, even the side-effects are good for you!

Researchers say that it works by allowing the body to reach a deep state of rest, even though the mind is still awake. This combination of resting while being alert lets the body attend to “repairs” without the need to fall asleep. Not that it takes the place of sleep, but it does add an extra restorative power to the body’s recuperation toolbox.

Meditation isn’t an exotic skill that only specialists can practice. It’s a tool for self-healing and well-being that all of us can use.

If you can spare 15-20 minutes out of your day and you have access to a quiet place, then you can easily get started. Begin by focusing on your breathing, and if it helps to listen to sounds of nature or calming music, then you can do this.

There is no right or wrong way, so you can experiment to find what suits you. Some people repeat prayers while others prefer to recite positive affirmations, such as, “Love, peace, gratitude”.

The difficult part is doing it. It sounds very simple, but many of us are so used to lives filled with noise that the act of sitting calmly and peacefully and focusing without distraction can be hard at first.

But with practice you will find your groove, and even after your very first session you will feel calmer and more peaceful. You may even find that your blood pressure drops.

This study is one that we welcome because our own mind/body exercises (which resemble meditation) have helped thousands of clients to help themselves.

But it’s worth pointing out that our exercises were designed to blood pressure drops, so they’re even more effective than meditation.

They are so effective that most people with high blood pressure experience see those drop below 120/80 inside a week. Some people manage this even on the first day.

And the beauty of this approach is that there is nothing to learn, because all you need to do is follow along with the guided audio.

For more ideas on extremely effective blood pressure exercises, watch this video - Nitric Oxide Dump Exercises - Best Exercise for High Blood Pressure (Nitric Oxide Blowout)

This post is from the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information websites. 

This program will provide you the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to maintain, stabilize and get your blood pressure down in minutes permanently and naturally.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Avoiding Asthma Triggers – How to Prevent Asthma Attacks?

Avoiding Asthma Triggers - When you suffer from a disease it is highly important to understand its symptoms and the way it functions so that you can act accordingly. This is even more important when you are suffering from asthma, as this is a chronic disease with severe manifestations from time to time, but which can be avoided if you can recognize the symptoms which signal an asthma attack.

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Avoiding Asthma Triggers - Recognizing the Imminence of an Asthma Attack Can Help You Prevent It

When you suffer from a disease it is highly important to understand its symptoms and the way it functions so that you can act accordingly. This is even more important when you are suffering from asthma, as this is a chronic disease with severe manifestations from time to time, but which can be avoided if you can recognize the symptoms which signal an asthma attack.

Most people who struggle with this condition for a longer period of time have already began to feel the imminence of an attack and know exactly when and what to do. Yet, if you have few time since you have discovered that you have asthma, knowing which are the symptoms which precede an attack is almost impossible. So, here is a list of the most common symptoms which announce an attack.

The first thing which must give you something to think about is the unstoppable cough. Asthma usually is characterized by cough, but when this becomes more acute than usual and you just cannot control yourself, then it is high time that you place your medicine somewhere where you can reach them easily.

If the cough is accompanied by rapid breathing and wheezing when inhaling and exhaling, chest pain and/or pressure and tightened chest and neck, then you should be prepared to take your medication, or otherwise you will have to cope with an asthma attack, which will certainly not be a pleasant thing.

In the last stage before an attack, your palms and face get sweaty, your lips become purple and all the other symptoms mentioned above get more and more acute. These are the last moments when you can reach your inhaler and stop the further development of your attack.

The above listed symptoms are common to most asthma sufferers, but it is not necessary that they all happen at the same time. In fact, the symptoms may differ from attack to attack, so you must not expect a pattern that will repeat each and every time when an attack is imminent. Yet, it is important to know them all so that you recognize them when they occur and prepared to stop the evolution of the attack before it actually begins.

Avoiding Asthma Triggers - Stress Is One of the Most Important Asthma Triggers

Stress has multiple effects on the human body: it makes you more irritable, it decreases your power of focus, it makes you lack sleep or get extremely tired in the middle of the day and it can even contribute to the increasing of the negative effects produced by other chronic diseases. It is probably the biggest harm of the society and it strikes almost every individual from the society.

As nowadays everyone gets affected by stress, the asthmatics could not make an exception. Yet, what is worth in their case is the fact that stress can further increase the asthma symptoms and make the asthmatic feel worse when stressed. Many asthmatics have claimed that most of the asthma attacks have happened during periods when they were highly stressed. Thus the combination asthma plus stress is not quite a happy one.

Even though stress alone is not capable of producing asthma, it is able to further increase the gravity of this ailment, by contributing to the increase in intensity and duration of the asthma attacks. Thus, it is highly important that you learn to relax and remain calm in any situation.

This means that you will have to learn how to cope with different situations without panicking. Also, it means that you will have to do your schedule in such a way as to have time to do each and every thing at your own peace.

When feeling the pressure and the tension on your shoulders, there are many more chances of being hit by an asthma attack, so learn to take your time and not get panicked if you do not finish everything in due time. Remember that your health must be your main concern.

In order to get rid of stress, you should also start attending courses which teach you how to control your responses to stress. This way you will be able to manage your own capacities better and will not let stress overwhelm you, no matter how many things you have to do and how many problems you will have to solve. Meditation and relaxation sessions are also highly indicated if you want to get rid of stress.

For more ideas on avoiding asthma triggers, watch this video - Asthma Triggers and how to avoid them! (Super easy tips you can start today!)

This post is from the Asthma Relief Forever Program. It is created by Jerry Ericson, Alternative Medical Practitioner, Researcher and Author of Asthma Free Forever. As a former asthma suffer for over 30 years, Jerry will share with you his all-natural, no side-effect solution to cure asthma for good. He is no longer a slave to his inhaler.

To find out more about this program, visit his website – Avoiding Asthma Triggers

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Natural Remedies for Asthma Wheezing – What Helps Asthma Without an Inhaler?

Natural Remedies for Asthma Wheezing - Nowadays asthma has become very widely spread all over the world. More and more people are being affected by this condition every day and even though there are made new discoveries, people still find it difficult to live with this ailment. In order to alleviate the discomfort and pain one feels when having an asthma attack, there are some plants which may be used.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Cure Asthma Naturally,Without Drugs & In a Few Days

Natural Remedies for Asthma Wheezing - Natural Remedies Which Can Alleviate or Treat Asthma

Nowadays asthma has become very widely spread all over the world. More and more people are being affected by this condition every day and even though there are made new discoveries, people still find it difficult to live with this ailment. In order to alleviate the discomfort and pain one feels when having an asthma attack, there are some plants which may be used.

One of the oldest remedies for asthma has been Gingko. The Chinese have been extensively used this plant to treat asthma and allergies. This ingredient is highly effective as it blocks the bronchoconstriction, thus partially or totally avoiding an asthma attack or in case of its happening its duration is shorter and the discomfort is smaller. Thus, Gingko can be quite of help if taken on a regular basis.

Another great ingredient in treating, or at least alleviating asthma is caffeine. Drink tea or coffee in order to ingest the necessary amount of caffeine, which improves the way the lungs are functioning.

The daily intake of mg of caffeine for each kilo of your body will be enough to reduce the imminence of an attack. Thus, a cup of coffee or two cups of tea can make wonders for you and your lungs and will help you fight asthma more effectively.

Those who like eating onion here is some good news: onion can also play a decisive part in inhibiting asthma. The ingredients contained by onion block the enzymes which produce the chemicals of inflammation, thus reducing the responses to allergens.

This means that if you eat onion on a regular basis, the chances of having an asthma attack are diminished, because your body is no longer producing any reactions to the allergens which were normally triggering the asthma attack.

There are also other natural remedies which can be used in order to diminish the effects of asthma. If taken properly they can lead to a reduction of asthma attacks and help you lead a normal life, without the fearing that the next time you will be out on the street you will have an attack which may be fatal.

Natural Remedies for Asthma Wheezing - Sleep Well When You Have Asthma

When you suffer from asthma, having a relaxing sleep can really be an issue. Asthmatic people can really have a hard time in getting the rest they need. They usually have to cope with nocturne asthma attacks which do not let them sleep or even the fear of having such an attack may keep them awake all night long.

Even though it may seem hard to attain that state of relaxation most people have when sleeping, asthmatics can have a good night sleep if they follow some simple rules.

First of all, it is necessary to have clean bedding. Washing the bedding once a week in hot water it is absolutely essential if you want to get rid of all the allergens which can trigger an asthma attack. Dust, animal hair or any other types of allergens can easily get stuck in the bedding fibers and trigger an asthma attack when you go to bed. So, cleaning the bedding is the first essential step you have to take in order to have a good and relaxing sleep, all night long.

Next, it is advisable to choose a position in which you will be able to breathe easily. Most doctors recommend that you use two or three pillows instead of one and place them all under your head, neck and back, so that the upper part of your body is lifted up a little.

Also, you should avoid sleeping on your back or on your stomach, as these positions obstruct your airwaves, preventing the air from getting in and out of the body. A much more suitable position for asthmatic people is the sleeping on the left side, if possible with the legs brought up at the levels of your stomach.

In order to get the amount of rest you want, it is also recommended that you go to sleep only when you feel you are so tired that you can only sleep. This way you will fall asleep immediately and will not have time to worry about whether you are going to sleep that night or not.

Last, but not least, you should not sleep during the day. If you are really tired and cannot really focus on anything, you can take a 30-minutes nap in an armchair. Thus, you will refresh your brain a little bit, without giving your body too much energy. You will become tired in the evening and you will sleep all night long, without waking up during the night.

Follow these simple methods and you will see that you will be able to sleep normally again, even though you suffer from asthma. 

For more ideas on natural remedies for asthma wheezing, watch this video - Home Remedies For Asthma Wheezing

This post is from the Asthma Relief Forever Program. It is created by Jerry Ericson, Alternative Medical Practitioner, Researcher and Author of Asthma Free Forever. As a former asthma suffer for over 30 years, Jerry will share with you his all-natural, no side-effect solution to cure asthma for good. He is no longer a slave to his inhaler.

To find out more about this program, visit his website – Natural Remedies for Asthma Wheezing

Monday, April 13, 2020

Things to Prevent Asthma Attacks – How Do You Fight Asthma Naturally?

Things to Prevent Asthma Attacks –  Pollen is one of the most powerful allergens. It is well known that most of the times when asthmatic people come in contact with pollen they suffer from asthma attacks. This is why, it is necessary to avoid, as much as possible any exposure to this substance.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Cure Asthma Naturally,Without Drugs & In a Few Days

Things to Prevent Asthma Attacks –  Stress Is One of the Most Important Asthma Triggers

Stress has multiple effects on the human body: it makes you more irritable, it decreases your power of focus, it makes you lack sleep or get extremely tired in the middle of the day and it can even contribute to the increasing of the negative effects produced by other chronic diseases. It is probably the biggest harm of the society and it strikes almost every individual from the society.

As nowadays everyone gets affected by stress, the asthmatics could not make an exception. Yet, what is worth in their case is the fact that stress can further increase the asthma symptoms and make the asthmatic feel worse when stressed. Many asthmatics have claimed that most of the asthma attacks have happened during periods when they were highly stressed. Thus the combination asthma plus stress is not quite a happy one.

Even though stress alone is not capable of producing asthma, it is able to further increase the gravity of this ailment, by contributing to the increase in intensity and duration of the asthma attacks. Thus, it is highly important that you learn to relax and remain calm in any situation.

This means that you will have to learn how to cope with different situations without panicking. Also, it means that you will have to do your schedule in such a way as to have time to do each and every thing at your own peace.

When feeling the pressure and the tension on your shoulders, there are many more chances of being hit by an asthma attack, so learn to take your time and not get panicked if you do not finish everything in due time. Remember that your health must be your main concern.

In order to get rid of stress, you should also start attending courses which teach you how to control your responses to stress. This way you will be able to manage your own capacities better and will not let stress overwhelm you, no matter how many things you have to do and how many problems you will have to solve. Meditation and relaxation sessions are also highly indicated if you want to get rid of stress. 

Things to Prevent Asthma Attacks – Keep Pollen Away If You Suffer from Asthma
Pollen is one of the most powerful allergens. It is well known that most of the times when asthmatic people come in contact with pollen they suffer from asthma attacks. This is why, it is necessary to avoid, as much as possible any exposure to this substance. There are some safety measures which can be taken in order to be protected against the damaging effects pollen can have upon asthmatics.

The first thing which must be done if you suffer from asthma is to avoid the outdoor activities in the morning and during the evenings when the concentration of pollen from the air is at its highest peak.

Avoid running and delay any hard work that you have to do outside until noon, when the concentration of pollen is significantly lower. If you must get out of the house in the morning or evening, wear a dust or pollen mask which will filter the air you breathe.

In addition to that, use an air purifier or install a filter inside your air conditioning, at least during spring and summer, when the quantity of pollen is bigger. This will prevent the pollen to get inside your house, thus keeping the air clean and breathable, which will decrease the risk of an asthma attack.

If you are getting out of the house during the periods of the day when the concentration of pollen from the air is higher, wash your hair before you go to bed. Particles of pollen cling to your hair and if you do not wash it in the evening, the pollen will get on your pillow, from which you will most probably inhale it.

Thus, if you want to avoid the unpleasant effects of such a happening make sure you wash your hair. As an extra safety measure, also wash your clothes the same day, so that the particles of pollen will not stay too much inside your house.

Last, but not least, give up your habit of hanging your clothes to dry in the open air. They may have a fresher smell, but the particles of pollen get inside the fabric much easier, which will ultimately lead to you inhaling them and possibly experiencing an asthma attack. Use a cloth dryer instead. It is much safer for asthma sufferers. 

To get more ideas on the things to prevent asthma attacks, watch this video - How to Stop an Asthma Attack Without an Inhaler

This post is from the Asthma Relief Forever Program. It is created by Jerry Ericson, Alternative Medical Practitioner, Researcher and Author of Asthma Free Forever. As a former asthma suffer for over 30 years, Jerry will share with you his all-natural, no side-effect solution to cure asthma for good. He is no longer a slave to his inhaler.

To find out more about this program, visit his website –  Asthma Causes and Treatment at Home

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Asthma Causes and Treatment – How Can Asthma Be Prevented?

Asthma Causes and Treatment – Asthma attacks can be triggered a lot of different factors. In order to be able to avoid such attacks as much as possible, it is necessary to know which the most frequent allergens which trigger these attacks are and which are the ways in which you can avoid getting in contact with such allergens if you suffer from asthma.

Click HERE to Discover How You Can Cure Asthma Naturally,Without Drugs & In a Few Days

Asthma Causes and Treatment – The Main Factors That Trigger Asthma

Asthma attacks can be triggered a lot of different factors. In order to be able to avoid such attacks as much as possible, it is necessary to know which the most frequent allergens which trigger these attacks are and which are the ways in which you can avoid getting in contact with such allergens if you suffer from asthma.

The most dangerous allergen for asthmatics is dust. This is mainly because dust is everywhere and there are little things to be done in order to avoid it or at least diminish the quantities of dust present in the air.

The only places where dust can be controlled and its effects can be prevented are the house and the office. The places where one lives and works can become safe environments for the asthmatics if they are cleaned regularly and vacuumed at least twice a week or even more, while the furniture must be dusted every day.

Another allergens which can trigger asthma are dust mites. There are just as hard to get rid of as dust, yet with a proper filtration system and with constant cleaning of the objects from the house they can be kept away from the house for a long period of time.

Mold is also a very dangerous allergen. It usually appears when there is too much humidity inside the house. Thus, a dehumidifier and constant cleaning of the house can destroy it and maintain the environment safe even for an asthmatic.

During spring and summer, if you suffer from asthma, it is advisable that you stay as much as possible indoors, with the windows closed. This is mainly because the pollen is very dangerous for asthmatics, being the cause of many asthma attacks.

If it absolutely necessary to leave the house, then make sure that you do it at noon, and not in the morning or evening, when the concentration of pollen is high. Also wear a pollen or dust mask that will protect you against the harmful effects pollen can have on you.

It is highly recommended that if you have an asthmatic in the house, you should avoid keeping pets inside because the animal hair is an allergen which can trigger very severe asthma attacks.

If you are still going to keep a pet inside, make sure that there is as little hair as possible inside. Vacuuming all the house, soft furniture and washing the bedding regularly can maintain a clean environment, thus diminishing the occurrence of asthma attacks.

Asthma Causes and Treatment – How You Can Get Rid of Asthma Triggers

When you or someone dear to you suffers from asthma you must make sure that you eliminate all the allergens from inside the house which can trigger an asthma attack. It is almost impossible to clear the house from any possible threat, but with constant care and proper cleaning measures you can make of your house a safe environment for an asthmatic person.

The first thing one has to do when there is an asthmatic in the house is to remove all the wall to wall carpeting. The carpets are the best places where dust, animal hair and bacteria can gather, so that removing them will significantly diminish the amount of allergens from the house. If you cannot stay without having anything on the floor, choose to decorate your house using area rugs. They are much easier to clean and they give a chic air to your house.

Then, you will have to pass to cleaning all the beddings and curtains. Fabrics in general tend to accumulate more dust. This may also be because they cannot be cleaned daily, just as the other surfaces, like floors or furniture, can.

In order to make sure that the person suffering of asthma has a good night sleep and can safely stay near any curtain or bedding from the house you should wash them at least once a week at a high temperature. This will ensure that no dust and other allergens are sheltered in the fabric for a long time.

Next, make sure that nobody smokes inside the house. If there are people living in the house who are smoking, ask them to smoke outside. Also, if you have guests who smoke, explain them politely your situation and invite them to smoke outside too. This way, the air from the house will become much cleaner and the risk of having an asthma attack will be significantly reduced.

Also, install an air cleaner or mount an air filter to your air conditioning. Thus, all the dust particles and mould will be kept inside the filter and the air will become breathable even for an asthmatic.

Put these measures into practice and the risk of an asthma attack will significantly decrease. Thus, you will transform your house into a proper home for the persons from your family who suffer of asthma.

For more ideas on asthma causes and treatment, watch this video - What is Asthma? Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

This post is from the Asthma Relief Forever Program. It is created by Jerry Ericson, Alternative Medical Practitioner, Researcher and Author of Asthma Free Forever. As a former asthma suffer for over 30 years, Jerry will share with you his all-natural, no side-effect solution to cure asthma for good. He is no longer a slave to his inhaler.

To find out more about this program, visit his website –  Asthma Causes and Treatment at Home

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