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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

What is the Best Way to Eliminate All Plaque Buildup in Your Arteries?


What is the Best Way to Eliminate All Plaque Buildup in Your Arteries? So long as you eat a relatively healthful diet and pile on the olive oil and other foods high in dimethyl butanol, a reasonable amount of animal protein may not do much damage to your heart. But if you already have cholesterol buildup and want to eliminate all plaque buildup in your arteries, you must cut out this ONE ingredient that causes ALL strokes and heart attacks…

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Eliminate All Plaque Buildup in Your Arteries – Does Meat Cause Heart Attacks? Surprise, Surprise…

Studies researching the connection between meat consumption and cardiovascular health have been quite contradictory, which has baffled researchers.

But a new study from the Journal of Hypertension may finally explain this.

Yes, meat can cause stroke and heart attack. But what you do after eating meat may completely reverse the damage.

You see, one of the reasons why human beings have a limited lifespan and why elderly people have greater levels of cardiovascular disease is because our blood vessels naturally age along with the rest of our bodies.

This means that the tissue that constitutes our blood vessels becomes damaged and compromises our bodies’ ability to circulate blood.

Researchers have been trying for some time to figure out what foods accelerate this natural aging so that they can recommend against eating them.

The easiest way to do this is to examine the substances that seem to increase naturally in our bodies as we age and to test their effects on blood vessel tissue.

Researchers can then work out whether these substances are related to any of the foods we eat.

This is exactly what the authors of the new study did. They noticed that previous studies had found that people with high levels of trimethylamine N-oxide (or TMAO) in their blood were twice as likely as those with low levels were to suffer heart attacksexperience strokes, or die prematurely.

They related this finding to age by measuring the TMAO levels in 101 older and 22 young adults, finding that TMAO levels increased as people aged and that blood vessel functioning became significantly worse over time, with far greater blood vessel tissue damage.

They confirmed these results in a study on mice. When they fed TMAO to young mice, their blood vessels looked like those of mice more than twice their age.

In just a few months of adding TMAO to their diets, they aged the blood vessels of 12-month-old mice to resemble those seen in 27-month-old mice. In human years, that is a blood vessel increase from 35 to 79 years old.

So, what is TMAO?

TMAO is a substance produced by your liver from trimethylamine, and trimethylamine is a substance that is produced as a by-product when your gut bacteria process the amino acids L-carnitine and choline, the proteins found in abundance especially in animal products like meat, eggs, and cream.

In other words, the more animal products you eat, the higher the levels of TMAO are in your blood, and the more blood vessel damage you suffer.

But this finding may not be as straightforward as it seems.

When the scientists fed old mice a substance called dimethyl butanol, which occurs in olive and grapeseed oils, red wine, and balsamic vinegar, they managed to reverse much of the blood vessel damage.

This probably shows why red meat is unhealthful for many people but barely affects those who, for example, eat the Mediterranean diet, with its central ingredient of olive oil.

Therefore, so long as you eat a relatively healthful diet and pile on the olive oil and other foods high in dimethyl butanol, a reasonable amount of animal protein may not do much damage to your heart.

But if you already have cholesterol buildup and want to eliminate all plaque buildup in your arteries, you must cut out this ONE ingredient that causes ALL strokes and heart attacks…

And if your blood pressure is too high, discover how three easy exercises will drop it below 120/80—starting today…

Eliminate All Plaque Buildup in Your Arteries – Why HDL Cholesterol Is Sometimes Good…But Sometimes Not

HDL (good cholesterol) has long been viewed as an important lifesaver because it removes LDL (bad cholesterol) from the bloodstream.

But some new studies have indicated that HDL does nothing to prevent stroke and heart attack.

Scientists from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center set out to investigate this dilemma.

And in a new study, published in the journal Circulation, they reveal that one letter makes all the difference.

The scientists tested two different measures of HDL cholesterol.

They obtained the data they analyzed from four large studies: the Dallas Heart Study, the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, and the Prevention of REnal and Vascular ENdstage Disease Intervention Trial.

Altogether, they used the data of 15,784 subjects who they tracked between 8 and 12 years to determine the subjects’ health outcomes.

The two different ways of testing HDL cholesterol yielded different results.

The most common way to test HDL is to measure the amount of HDL in our blood. This measurement is called HDL-C.

Another test is called HDL-P. This counts the number of HDL particles that circulate through our blood.

Because each particle contains different amounts of HDL cholesterol, these tests often result in different HDL concentrations.

For example, if you have twice as many HDL particles as I have, but each of my HDL particles contains twice as much HDL cholesterol as yours do, your HDL-P is higher, but our HDL-C scores are the same.

This study showed that HDL-P scores were more important for heart health than the commonly used HDL-C scores were.

Compared with the people with the lowest HDL-P scores, those with the highest scores were 37 percent less likely to suffer a heart attack and 34 percent less likely to suffer a stroke.

But there is a third type of cholesterol much more dangerous than the LDL cholesterol. And HDL cannot get rid of this one. The only way to tackle this third type of cholesterol is to cut out ONE ingredient in order to eliminate all plaque buildup in your arteries, explained here…

Eliminate All Plaque Buildup in Your Arteries – How Bad Cholesterol Can Be Heart-Healthy

To date, research into omega-3 fatty acids and heart disease has been a bit confusing. In general, studies seem to show that these fats can reduce our risk of heart disease, but they simultaneously appear to show that omega-3 fats raise LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, usually called bad cholesterol.

LDL cholesterol is called bad cholesterol because it is the type that clogs our arteries and causes atherosclerosis.

So how can more LDL be good?

The answer lies in a new study published in the latest Journal of the American Heart Association.

In response to this paradox, researchers from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili and Harvard Medical School hypothesized that the answer lies in the type of LDL cholesterol that is increased by omega-3 fats.

They collected the data of 26,034 people from the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Women’s Health Study. This included their eating habits, their consumption of fish and other sources of omega-3, their medication use, their physical activity levels, their smoking status, and a whole range of other information.

Most importantly, it included the results of nuclear magnetic resonance scans on the participant’s blood that could characterize the components of their blood in detail.

They divided omega-3 intake into total omega-3, fish, and the omega-3 subtypes called eicosapentaenoic, docosahexaenoic, and alpha-linolenic acids.

Alpha-linolenic acids appear in plants like flaxseed, walnuts, and chia. The other two are obtained from fish and, if you are vegetarian, from edible algae.

Those who consumed the most fish and total omega-3 had significantly lower triglycerides (fats in the blood) and higher large VLDL (very-low-density lipoprotein) particles.

Those who consumed the most eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids in the form of fish had the highest total and LDL cholesterol, but their cholesterol particles were larger than those who consumed the least of these fatty acids.

Total omega-3 intake as well as docosahexaenoic acid and alpha-linolenic acid also increased the participant’s HDL cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein; so-called “good cholesterol”) and the size of their HDL particles.

These are important findings since they again confirm that it is not our cholesterol levels, but rather the exact character of our cholesterol particles, that matter when it comes to the origins of heart disease.

To be more precise, it is small cholesterol particles that cause atherosclerosis, not large ones, and since omega-3 fats promote large particles at the expense of small ones, it is a good prevention tool against atherosclerosis.

For more tips to eliminate all plaque buildup in your arteries, watch these 2 videos –

Best Diet For Removing Calcium Deposits & Plaque Buildup From Your Blocked Arteries

How I Reversed 20 years of Arterial Plaque

So finally, the traditional medical system is getting closer to the truth. But the fact is, to eliminate all plaque buildup in your arteries, you only need to cut out one food item as explained here…

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Eliminate All Plaque Buildup in Your Arteries.

Anxiety Self-Help – Can a Panic Attack Make You Lose Control or Go Crazy?


Anxiety Self-Help – Can a Panic Attack Make You Lose Control or Go Crazy? Can anxiety disorder be cured? How can I calm my constant anxiety? Read on to find out more.

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Anxiety Self-Help – Can a Panic Attack Make You Lose Control?

During a panic attack, some people are prone to believe they’re going to lose control. This feared loss of control can be physical (e.g., that all your vital organs will completely lose the run of themselves and descend into chaos) or emotional/mental (e.g., that you’ll lose your grip on reality).

Those who hate social embarrassment tend to suffer from this fear the most. The feared loss of control could range from screaming in public to picking up a knife and killing the nearest and dearest person to you (not that we all don’t think of this from time to time!).

Put your mind at rest! As scary as those thoughts may be, you’re not going to commit any of these acts. Relax. The reason you experience the thoughts is because your body feels out of control. Your mind thinks that if your body is out of control, it’s next on the list.

You’re not going to lose it. In fact, I’m sure that with all the panic attacks and heightened anxiety you’ve experienced in public places, nobody even noticed that you looked uncomfortable. We are, by nature, social animals, and we dread to be seen in some kind of embarrassing situation.

The idea of jumping from your chair in a business meeting and screaming for an ambulance may go through your mind, but it’s unlikely to happen. Most people find a way to politely excuse themselves.

In the end, even if we do embarrass ourselves socially, does it really matter? We have to learn to be kind to ourselves. So what if we cause a scene and great embarrassment? Life is too short to keep up with appearances all the time. In fact, the more honest you are with your fears, the less pressure you subject yourself to.

Anxiety Self-Help – Can a Panic Attack Make You Go Crazy?

It’s understandable to fear you may be going crazy when you suffer from an anxiety disorder. There’s so little real public awareness of mental disease, so people often jump to extreme conclusions. These conclusions are usually based on misinformation and an overactive imagination.

The most commonly known mental health issue is schizophrenia—the word itself strikes terror within the average person. Schizophrenia is a major disorder characterized by severe symptoms such as disjointed thoughts and speech, babbling, delusions or strange beliefs (for example, sufferers often claim they’re receiving messages from an inner voice), and hallucinations.

Furthermore, schizophrenia appears to have a largely inherited genetic component, so those with schizophrenic family members have a higher predisposition than those who do not.

Schizophrenia generally begins very gradually, not suddenly (such as during a panic attack). Additionally, because it runs in families, only a certain proportion of people can become schizophrenic; in other people, no amount of stress will cause the disorder.

A third important point is that people who become schizophrenic have usually shown some mild symptoms (unusual thoughts, flowery speech, etc.) for most of their lives.

Thus, if this hasn’t been noticed yet in you, then chances are you won’t become schizophrenic. This is especially true if you’re over twenty-five, since schizophrenia generally first appears in the late teens to early twenties.

Watch this video – Anxiety Self-Help – How to Stop Panic Attacks Fast when you are having a Panic Attack?

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Anxiety Self-Help – Can a Panic Attack Make You Lose Control or Go Crazy?

Monday, June 28, 2021

What is the Best Way for Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts?


What is the Best Way for Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts? “Switching off” the anxious thoughts is best achieved by saying, “Oh, very scary! Are you done yet?” Then continuously bring yourself back to the moment or task at hand without getting annoyed for having these thoughts.

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Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts – Anxious Disturbing Thoughts

Anxiety almost always comes with a level of disturbing thoughts. You might be driving with your children and then get a flash thought of losing control and driving into an oncoming car. Another example is looking down from a bridge and suddenly getting terrified by the idea that you might lose all control of your senses and jump.

If you experience such thoughts, I want to reassure you that, regardless of how extreme, don’t worry about them. They’re the result of an active imagination coupled with anxiety and, often, something or someone about which you care deeply. These thoughts persist because you react so strongly to them. If you didn’t have a strong reaction, the thoughts would never bother you.

The scary thoughts are like a small five-year-old looking for attention and targeting something you care about to get a reaction from you. They occur to people who would never dream of doing what they think about. It’s just the very fact of having the thoughts that shocks people and leads them to believe they’re bad in some way.

The truth is that these thoughts are the by-product of an overactive imagination mixed with a good dollop of anxiety. It’s the anxious reaction to the thoughts that keeps them going around and around, as if you’re tense inside and the thoughts speed up.

I’ve outlined this process in Stage 2, but here’s a quick reminder.

Visually, it’s like this. Thoughts float up in front of us all the time during our waking day. Normally, we ignore most thoughts and continue what we’re doing. Other times, we really get stuck into the thought and examine it in detail, such as “what I have to do today” thoughts.

When anxious thoughts enter, people generally whack them away and try to run from them. This never works, because the energy put into hitting away the thought instead powers it to rebound with even more force and intensity.

For the moment, your best way to deal with this is to accept the chain of thoughts as they happen. When “terrible idea X” enters your mind. you simply go:

There you are again! I’m getting totally bored by all this scare-mongering. It’s not relevant to me or my life—but sure, go ahead and tell the awful idea again if it makes you feel better.

Talk to the thoughts as if they’re visitors that have no relationship to your real self and you’re simply being polite by letting them run. Don’t force them away—that creates the rebound effect—but don’t feel you have to pay too much attention either.

The goal is to move your attention to what you want to focus on without reacting to the scary thought. That way, your energy goes into what you want and not into what you don’t want.

You know who you are and that these thoughts don’t represent you, so don’t worry—the very fact that you get so upset by the thoughts shows how different you are from the ideas that torment you.

Another way to view the thoughts is as if they were school bullies trying to upset you by saying awful things about, for example, people close to you. If you get scared, the bully continues to taunt even more. If you laugh and say, “Sure, whatever,” then walk away, the bully loses interest.

Acceptance is key. Getting upset by the thoughts only fuels the inner tension further because you add more worry and stress to the problem. If you say to yourself that this is a period you’re moving through and that it will work out fine, you’ll move into that acceptance more easily.

“Switching off” the anxious thoughts is best achieved by saying, “Oh, very scary! Are you done yet?” Then continuously bring yourself back to the moment or task at hand without getting annoyed for having these thoughts. What you really need to adopt is an attitude that all is well. And it is. These fears are just a nuisance, but they’ll pass.

Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts – Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts

For many people who experience panic attacks and anxiety on a regular basis, intrusive thoughts become a part of day-to-day life.

What if I get a panic attack in the middle of the grocery store?

Why am I worrying about such strange things?

What if I lose control of mind?

Intrusive thoughts can come and go all day long at the most random moments of the day and take their toll on your stress levels. You might have difficulty concentrating, and react with a jolt every time you think a worrying intrusive thought. Just remember that you are not losing your mind and the thoughts will stop when your anxiety level reduces.

I’ve identified several strategies for overcoming intrusive thoughts in my book Panic Away.

To help remove intrusive thoughts you need to learn how to disarm them by not reacting.

Look at it this way.

When you think some of these thoughts you might feel a bodily reaction like a jolt of fear. What you need to learn is to short circuit the emotional reaction to the thoughts.

Begin by accepting that the thoughts are not the real you, they are the product of an over active imagination mixed with anxiety.

When they arrive, imagine them like clouds passing overhead. Watch them float by but do not react to them emotionally.  Remain detached from the thought. These thoughts are not you and do not represent the real you.

Say to yourself, “I am observing this thought, I’m not going to get upset, anxious or even worry about it. It will pass…”

The more often you do this, the less reactive you will become to the thoughts. These thoughts are powered by your reaction to them, the more you react the more they reappear.

If you learn to not react, the intrusive thoughts will simply fade away because you are no longer reacting emotionally to them.

Give it a go!

For more tips on overcoming unwanted intrusive thoughts, watch this video – How To Stop Intrusive And Obsessive Thoughts

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Natural Anxiety Remedies – What is the Best Way for Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts?

Saturday, June 26, 2021

How to Overcome Shortness of Breath from Anxiety?


How to Overcome Shortness of Breath from Anxiety? If you find that you simply can’t stop worrying about your breathing, then try to push against the fear more forcefully by demonstrating to yourself that there’s no danger. You can do this by taking a deep breath and holding it for as long as possible. After holding your breath for a short while, you’ll be forced to release quickly and breathe in. As you release and gasp for air, imagine you’re also releasing your fear in the process. Allow your breathing to return to normal, and then, when comfortable, repeat the process.

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Overcome Shortness of Breath from Anxiety – Anxiety Breathing

It’s common for people with anxiety to mention fears about their breathing. Some feel that their breathing is very labored and shallow. These fears are almost always accompanied by a tight sensation in the chest or throat area.

A frequent complaint is worry that they’re not getting enough oxygen or that they might stop breathing altogether and feel forced to take conscious control of their breathing.

The chest or throat tightness that causes uncomfortable or shallow breathing is very common. It’s actually the chest and throat muscles that are tense, and this gives the false impression that you’re not breathing right or maybe not getting enough air.

This can lead to panic and light-headedness, which confirms your fears of not getting enough air. You can see how a cycle of anxiety begins as one fearful sensation feeds off the other.

Not being able to breath is a myth. The fear comes from feeling uncomfortable in that area and then having anxious thoughts about suffocating or fainting from lack of oxygen.

Don’t let it worry you. Believe me, you could spend every minute of the next ten years worrying that you’ll stop breathing—and nothing would happen. What a waste of your time and energy.

Your body knows exactly what it needs, and even if you try with all your mental might to get in the way of it, your body will breathe. In fact, many people experience this muscle tension every day, but they don’t panic because they don’t have a high level of sensitization and background anxiety.

When you become overly conscious of your breathing, remind yourself that you won’t stop breathing, no matter how many thoughts go through your head that say otherwise. It’s when you get uptight about the tensions in your body that they persist and worry you even more, creating a cycle that’s difficult to break.

Send the fear a message that it’s fine for the muscle tension to be there. You’re not worried by it, and it can stay as long as it likes. It’s not a problem, because you don’t see any threat.

Say to that part of your body:

I understand you’re tense. That’s fine. The tension can stay there, and I’m going to continue to do what I’m doing.

Don’t get into a situation in which you try to get rid of the tension with your mind. Simply allow it to be present. Accept the uncomfortable sensation, and then shift your focus back to what you’re doing. If you feel that your breathing is too shallow, then allow it to be shallow. Your body always compensates as it adjusts to expel excess carbon dioxide.

The point to remember here is that your breathing is an unconscious process, and your body has always—and will always—look after that for you, regardless of how much your anxiety interferes. The more you can sit with the sensation and not react with fearful thoughts, the better.

So to sum up, get comfortable with the sensations, and your fear about breathing will end. When the fear ends, the muscle tension releases, leaving you feeling much more comfortable.

If you find that you simply can’t stop worrying about your breathing, then

try to push against the fear more forcefully by demonstrating to yourself that there’s no danger. You can do this by taking a deep breath and holding it for as long as possible.

Initially, you’ll feel anxious trying this, because you’re already concerned about your breathing. After holding your breath for a short while, you’ll be forced to release quickly and breathe in.

As you release and gasp for air, imagine you’re also releasing your fear in the process. Allow your breathing to return to normal, and then, when comfortable, repeat the process. Each time, mentally imagine your fear leaving you as you exhale.

This exercise trains you to feel more confident in your body’s ability to breathe. It shows you that no matter how much you mentally interfere with your breathing, your body is always in charge and always looks after your breathing for you. This fear is a perfect example of how your mental activity can get in the way of a natural flow.

When you learn to trust again in that natural flow of your body, you stop interfering and worrying—and a comfortable, natural rhythm returns to your body.

Re-establishing this trust in your body’s natural rhythm and ability to handle stress is the foundation on which all recovery from anxiety is built

For more tips on how to overcome shortness of breath from anxiety, watch this video – Anxiety & Stress Relief with Diaphragmatic Breathing

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Natural Anxiety Remedies – How to Overcome Shortness of Breath from Anxiety?

Friday, June 25, 2021

How to Overcome Dizziness Due to Anxiety?


How to Overcome Dizziness Due to Anxiety? How does anxiety cause dizziness? Can you faint from a panic attack? How to overcome fear of fainting due to anxiety attack?

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Overcome Dizziness Due to Anxiety – Can You Faint from a Panic Attack?

When someone experiences high anxiety or panic, it’s very common to feel light-headed or dizzy. This sensation is alarming because it makes you feel very vulnerable.

If you’re alone, you might fear falling in unconsciousness with no one to look after you. Or if the sensation happens in public, it can lead to feelings of vulnerability surrounded by strangers.

The dizziness often felt during an episode of anxiety is caused by increased respiration. People tend to overbreath, or hyperventilate, when they’re anxious, which can lead to dizziness or light-headedness.

Dizziness can also be triggered by pressure to perform in situations. For example, you may think this:

I don’t know why, but any time my boss asks me a question, I freeze up and start to feel dizzy.

Certain situations can also trigger anxious memories, like this:

I felt dizzy the last time I was in an elevator, and now, every time I get in one, I start to feel a bit woozy.

It’s very uncommon for a person to faint when feeling anxious or threatened. This is because fainting is the result of low blood pressure. When we faint, the body falls to the ground; this allows blood to be easily supplied to the brain, a clever safety mechanism. When you feel anxious, your blood pressure goes up, not down. Hence, fainting is unlikely because your brain has plenty of blood supply.

You might remember old movies like King Kong, where Fay Wray faints in the arms of Kong. But this type of reaction has more to do with dramatic tension; it isn’t how most people react to a threat. Panic results in a heightened sense of alertness, not fainting.

Think of situations where people are faced with imminent threats, such as a robbery or major catastrophe. People don’t faint left, right, and center. They always respond with a heightened sense of alertness.

They respond because their bodies have been primed to jump into action by adrenaline releasing into their system. Their hearts are beating faster, their breathing increases, and blood is flowing fast. This is a prehistoric response to threats that has been with us since early mankind.

Quite simply, fainting when anxious is highly uncommon due to the amount of blood that’s being circulated. Your heart is usually beating fast, and there’s little worry that the brain would be short of a fresh supply.

Frequently, people who have fainted in the past tend to be particularly frightened by a dizzy spell because they feel that if it happened before, it’s likely to happen again.

If you’ve fainted before and fear it might happen again, try to remember the circumstance you were in: Were you tired? Was the temperature very hot? Had you eaten correctly that day?

Fainting can be the result of many different factors, but generally it has little to do with anxiety and is more frequently associated with energy levels, diet, or temperature.

Some people tell me that, regardless of the facts I’ve stated, they still can’t shake off the fear of fainting when feeling anxious. If you struggle with this fear on an ongoing basis, you need to disempower the fear.

The next time you feel light-headed or dizzy and thoughts of fainting begin to trouble you, find a place to sit comfortably. Remind yourself of what I’ve written here, and then tell your body that if it wishes to faint, do so now. You give your body complete permission to faint if that’s what’s needed.

No one can faint on demand. What you’ll find is that the fear evaporates quickly as you call its bluff. Sit there and say to your fear:

If you’re going to make me faint, I’ll give it a few more minutes. But if not, then I have to get on with my day.

Do this, and you’ll quickly feel more comfortable and confident to continue what you were doing. Challenge the fear of fainting in this manner, and you’ll soon find that the idea of fainting doesn’t bother you anymore.

For more tips on how to overcome dizziness due to anxiety, watch this video – How Do You Cope With Anxiety Dizziness

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Natural Anxiety Remedies – How to Overcome Dizziness Due to Anxiety?

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