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Saturday, June 12, 2021

How to Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease?


How to Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease? Being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease almost always results in life sentence of medications with a long list side effect. But a new study in the Journal of Neurology reveals a new drug-free treatment option that is safe and side effect free. And it works for all stages of Parkinson’s disease. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Learn How to Slow Down the Progression of Parkinson’s and Repair the Effects It Has Had on Your Body

Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease – Drug-Free Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Discovered

Being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease almost always results in life sentence of medications with a long list side effect.

But a new study in the Journal of Neurology reveals a new drug-free treatment option that is safe and side effect free. And it works for all stages of Parkinson’s disease.

Deep brain stimulation is a treatment that has been approved for Parkinson’s disease by the American Food and Drug Administration, but it is almost exclusively used in mid- to late-stage Parkinson’s patients.

But the new study shows that the treatment can be beneficial for early-stage Parkinson’s patients, too.

Deep brain stimulation involves implanting a neuro stimulator (sometimes called a brain pacemaker) below the collarbone with electrodes placed on the specific area of the brain that needs to be targeted. It sends electrical pulses to this region of the brain.

When it comes to Parkinson’s disease, the part of the brain that needs stimulation is the subthalamic nucleus, a part that helps to control movement.

The researchers recruited 30 patients between ages 50 and 75with early-stage Parkinson’s disease, 28 of whom completed the study.

When they were off their medication, the subjects were all at stage 2 on the Hoehn and Yahr scale, a common way to measure Parkinson’s severity.

The subjects were divided into two groups: one who received the deep brain stimulation together with medication and one received medication alone.

After five years of treatment, those who received the deep brain stimulation were taking less than half of the amount of medication that the drug-only group took, and this group of subjects was more than 16 times less likely to require multiple medications.

In addition, those in the drug-only group were twice as likely as those in the deep brain stimulation group were to experience worse motor symptoms and five times more likely to experience worse tremors.

Overall, the study showed that deep brain stimulation was safe and well tolerated and that it could free people from Parkinson’s drugs with serious side effects.

Deep brain stimulation also works for other movement disorders such as essential tremor and epilepsy.

Though the procedure during which the device is implanted is not simple, the advantage of the procedure is that no brain tissue is damaged in the process.

The electrical pulses that the device sends essentially block neurological impulses that produce abnormal movements like tremors.

At this stage, researchers are not entirely sure why this treatment works for Parkinson’s beyond the fact that the abnormal brain impulses that produce these movements occur in the subthalamic nucleus.

This study is important for two reasons:

1. In the past, it was thought that nothing other than medication could prevent or slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease. This is obviously wrong because this device in effect prevented progression in most cases over the five-year period.

2. In the past, deep brain stimulation was touted as a treatment option only where medication had failed. This study shows that medication is actually the worse option of the two and should not be the default before deep brain stimulation is considered.

Therefore, while the best options remain prevention and remedy through natural methods, deep brain stimulation provides another option for treatment of Parkinson’s that is drug free.

Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease – But if you want to use all- natural methods that may be even more effective than drugs, click here to learn what to do…

Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease – Is Parkinson’s Disease Rooted in Your Guts?

Parkinson’s disease involves a reduction of dopamine in the brain that ends up causing muscle stiffness, tremors, difficulty with balance, cognitive impairment, and so forth.

But a new study in Nature Genetics now suggests that this disease may not start in the brain but may actually start in the gut.

And this opens up previously unimagined natural treatments for Parkinson’s.

Our nervous systems consist of thousands of different cell types that all have different functions. If we want to investigate the causes of a nervous system or brain disease, we must find out which cells are dysfunctional.

Researchers from the United States and Sweden have now set out to do this by combining mouse gene expression studies with human genetic studies to link various cell types with diseases.

One of their most interesting findings was related to the possible development of Parkinson’s disease.

Predictably, they discovered that dopaminergic cells are involved in the development of Parkinson’s disease.

No surprise there; dopaminergic cells are cells in your central nervous system that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine.

If they are damaged and can no longer produce sufficient dopamine, you will develop Parkinson’s disease.

Less predictably, they discovered that enteric neurons were also important in the development of this disease.

Your enteric nervous system is a part of your autonomic nervous system and consists of enteric neurons that control the function of your gastrointestinal system.

These neurons line your gastrointestinal tract from your esophagus to your anus.

They communicate with your brain via your vagus nerve.

The authors of the new study discovered that previous studies had found damaged enteric neurons in the brains of Parkinson’s disease sufferers very early in the disease, suggesting that these damaged gut neurons played a role in the early stages of this brain disease.

Some previous studies had also demonstrated that these damaged enteric neurons exist in the gastrointestinal tract already, even before the Parkinson’s disease takes hold.

How the neuron damage moves from there to our brains remains somewhat of a mystery? It must somehow move through the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, all the way up the vagus nerve, and transfer from the autonomic nervous system to the central nervous system and into our brains.

In some of the studies they surveyed, the vagus nerves of mice were severed to break the connection between their gastrointestinal tracts and brains. The mice did not develop Parkinson’s disease, even when these damaged neurons were injected into their gastrointestinal tracts.

In mice with this connection intact, a part of the injected damaged neurons found a way to the brains and caused Parkinson’s disease.

This new study is no surprise to me. For years, I have been helping Parkinson’s patients to reverse their condition. And one of the steps I use is addressing their gut health.

Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease – If you suffer Parkinson’s disease and want to learn the exact 12 steps I use to reverse it, click here…

Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease – Parkinson’s Caused by This Organ Removal

Sometimes researchers find the weirdest and most unlikely connections that seemingly have nothing to with each other.

One such connection, which was published in the journal Gastroenterology, was recently made with Parkinson’s and what would seem like a body part that had zero connection to the first.

Researchers analyzed medical records of 62 million people who had had appendectomies.

They discovered people that had undergone this everyday surgery to remove their appendix were 3.9 times more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease.

However, there are also contradictory reports.

Another study published in Science Translational Medicine analyzed health information of 1,698,000 people, finding that appendectomies reduced the risk of developing Parkinson’s later on in life by 19.3 percent.

A 2015 study in the Journal Movement Disorders confirms this. However, their subject pool was much smaller with only 295 participants. They claim that those who had had appendectomies earlier in life tended to develop Parkinson’s later than those who still had their appendixes.

But let’s forget about the contradicting studies for a moment. Why on earth would two such disparate conditions be related?

One reason related to a protein called alpha-synuclein.

Alpha-synuclein can mutate, causing the protein to cause cell death.

The two primary places where alpha-synuclein occurs in your body are in your brain and gut.

Your appendix is part of your gut that hosts immune cells that are meant to prevent microbes from coming into your body from the environment.

The most common current theory is that environmental microbes cause the mutation of the alpha-synuclein proteins in your body.

At this point, the cause and effect between Parkinson’s and appendectomies are purely speculation.

To get more ideas on how to prevent or even reverse symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, watch this video – Parkinson’s disease – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & pathology

Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease – But there is no speculation that thousands of people all over the world have put their Parkinson’s disease to an end, and even reversed its symptoms – all they do is change their diet and lifestyle a little as I explain here…

This post is from the Parkinson’s Protocol Program created by naturopath and health researcher, Jodi Knapp, to help you diagnose and treat Parkinson’s naturally and permanently. The Parkinson’s Protocol is a comprehensive program that teaches you simple ways to reduce your symptoms, slow down the progression of Parkinson’s and repair the effects it has had on your body.

The Parkinson’s Protocol Program has a four-part series (consists of 12 simple steps) that comes with an abundance of valuable information that teaches you the relation between dopamine and Parkinson’s, the different treatment options, causes, and more. It then provides you with easy, step-by-step instructions that allow you to improve your brain health to begin delaying Parkinson’s and healing the brain within. 

To find out more about this program, click on Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Friday, June 11, 2021

What is the Best Way to Prevent and Even Reverse Dementia?


What is the Best Way to Prevent and Even Reverse Dementia? Numerous studies have now shown that to prevent and even reverse dementia, all you have to do is load up on the one free ingredient explained here…

Click Here for Help with Alzheimer’s, Other Types of Dementia and General Memory Loss

Prevent and Even Reverse Dementia – Shocking Cause of Dementia (And Ways to Avoid It)

Today, we understand that a person’s genetics and conditions like cardiovascular disease and diabetes are associated with the risk of developing dementia.

But an interesting study in a recent edition of the journal JAMA Network Open reveals a cause that nobody had thought of before.

Yet most of us are at high risk of this cause of dementia.

A team of Taiwanese researchers identified 8,135 people who were newly diagnosed with hearing loss between 2000 and 2011 from the National Health Insurance Research Database of Taiwan. They then found the same number of hearing people with whom to compare them.

Almost all of the subjects were between 54 and 76 years old with an average age of 65.

The question they asked was: how many people from each group will develop dementia between 2000 and 2013?

In the hearing loss group, the rate of dementia was 19.38 per 1000 person-years, compared with 13.98 in the hearing group.

When they crunched the numbers further, they discovered that people with hearing loss had a 17% risk of dementia.

This was especially high for people with hearing loss between the ages of 45 to 64, who had more than twice the risk that their hearing peers had.

40% of people in this age group with hearing loss suffered some level of dementia during the follow-up period.

The researchers were not sure why there is an association between hearing loss and dementia. But despite this finding, hearing loss is not the leading cause of dementia.

Numerous studies have now shown that to prevent and even reverse dementia, all you have to do is load up on the one free ingredient explained here…

Prevent and Even Reverse Dementia – The Good News About Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Connection

Although more than 35 million people suffer from Alzheimer’s diseases, the causes of this heartbreaking and exhausting collection of diseases are little known.

However, a few breakthrough studies reveal a previously unknown link between type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

This connection between these two diseases might offer hope to millions of people to prevent and treat the early onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

The growing evidence supported by recent studies reveal that Alzheimer’s disease could actually be a late stage of type 2 diabetes.

One of the studies showed that animals fed a diet designed to cause type 2 diabetes left their brains damaged with beta-amyloid plaques of protein. The same protein is known to cause Alzheimer’s disease.

The memory problems that are often observed in type 2 diabetes patients are most likely caused by an early onset of Alzheimer’s disease rather than cognitive failure as previously thought.

It’s also been known that insulin plays an important role in memory.

Taking into account these facts, researchers suggest that a type of “brain diabetes” might be a main cause of Alzheimer’s development.

Even though it does not sound good, it is actually great news.

Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle illness, caused by lack of exercise, poor diet, obesity and stress. It can be treated, avoided and reversed with a few lifestyle changes and the right diet choices.

And as the exiting news from the research shows, if we can prevent type 2 diabetes, we can avoid brain-damaging Alzheimer’s disease.

To learn the exact steps it takes to completely reverse type 2 diabetes in 28 days or less, click here…

Prevent and Even Reverse Dementia – High Blood Pressure Causes Alzheimer’s

Research continues in the field of Alzheimer’s disease prevention, and new information comes to light almost weekly.

While geneticists are looking for pre-programmed links to developing the disease, other scientists have found that lifestyle indicators bear much of the risk as well- and those can actually be controlled.

For instance- there is a very strong link, newly discovered, between Alzheimer’s and high blood pressure.

In a recent study out of VA San Diego Healthcare System, researchers recently confirmed what others had suspected but had no proof of until now. Scientists there found that high blood pressure is directly linked to Alzheimer’s disease.

In the study, scientists looked at health indicators for people aged 55 to 100. What they found was that for those with hypertension in the middle-age group, (defined as age 55-70), a specific biomarker that is tied to Alzheimer’s disease is present. As the vascular damage increases, so does the biomarker.

The study looked at pulse pressure, which is found by subtracting diastolic (bottom) pressure from systolic (top). The higher the pulse pressure was in the participants, the higher the concentration of amyloid beta or p-tau proteins in their spinal fluid.

These are the biomarkers that are found to be responsible for cell death in the brain that leads directly to Alzheimer’s.

Reasons to act immediately to reduce high blood pressure mount almost daily, as the new study reveals. There are easy, drug-free ways to do it that don’t involve dangerous side effects or drastic lifestyle changes.

To learn how to prevent and even reverse dementia, watch this video – How to Improve & Reverse Memory Loss, Science Based Home Remedies (Includes Dementia Alzheimers)

In 3 simple steps, blood pressure can be brought down completely to normal with this all-natural plan that anyone can do…

This post is from the Brain Booster Exercise Program created for the purpose of helping to reverse Alzheimer’s, boost memory. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top-quality national health information websites.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to slow down, prevent, or even reverse memory loss and boost your brain with energy and power. These exercises work to deliver as much nutrition and oxygen to your starving brain as possible and begin the restoring of the damaged brain cells.

To find out more about this program, click on Prevent and Even Reverse Dementia

Thursday, June 10, 2021

What is the Best Way to Regain Your Stamina and Cure ED?


What is the Best Way to Regain Your Stamina and Cure ED? In 2002, physicians at hospitals in Argentina surveyed the lifestyles and eating habits of men who sought help for ED at their hospitals. They declared that all their patients had high levels of pesticides in their bodies, and that those with the highest pesticide levels also had the worst ED. Luckily, there is a reasonably simple solution: buy organic fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Organic food is grown with no or almost no pesticides.

 Click on Here to Discover How You Can Increase Stamina and Heal Erectile Dysfunction Without Using Drugs

Regain Your Stamina and Cure ED – ED and Stopping Smoking: Does It Help?

It’s old news that smoking causes erectile dysfunction (ED). So the advice doctors give to men suffering ED is to stop smoking.

Simple, right?

Well not quite, because a new study published in Translational Andrology and Urology reveals just how long men have to stop smoking until their love life is back on track.

And what they can do to speed things up.

The researchers obtained 40 eight-week-old male Sprague Dawley rats and divided them into four groups. Ten were exposed to room air only and served as the control group.

The remaining 30 received the same amount of smoke as passive smokers do for 12 weeks after which they were divided into the three remaining groups:

– a smoking group of 10 that immediately underwent ED testing,
– 10 that were first exposed to room air for four weeks before ED testing, and
– 10 that received room air for eight weeks before the ED testing.

They evaluated the rats’ ED by testing their intracavernous pressure (the pressure in the spongy tissue of the penis) and their mean arterial pressure (their blood pressure). For ideal sexual function, the former should be high, while the latter should be low.

The intracavernous pressure was lower, the arterial pressure was higher, and the ratio between the two was lower in the smoking group than in the groups that received only room air or room air for eight weeks after smoking cessation.

This indicates that eight weeks of room air after 12 weeks of smoking can undo much of the damage of the smoking. Four weeks of clean air is not quite enough but is preferable to continuing smoking.

So how long do you need to stop smoking before seeing this huge benefit, which is almost comparable to people who have never smoked?

If this rat study translates directly to humans, a week in a rat’s life corresponds to approximately 26.6 weeks of a human lifespan, on the assumption that a long life expectancy for a rat is three years and for a human is 80 years.

In other words, if you smoked for six years, you might need to stop smoking for at least four years to reset your sex life.

But whether or not you smoke, you can gain rock-hard stamina as soon as today using the simple home exercises explained here to regain your stamina and cure ED…

Regain Your Stamina and Cure ED – Suffering ED? Start Eating This – Now!

While it is not the kind of thing all men are prepared to be honest about in public, more than 50 percent of men over the age of 40 now struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED). It is becoming an epidemic that is making life particularly unpleasant for many couples.

If you think you’ve been hearing about ED a lot more than ever before, it may well be related to the fact that most people are eating too little of this type of food.

An article published in the August, 2015, edition of the Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction concluded that thousands of pesticides generously sprayed on our food cause ED.

This is not the first study of its kind. In 2002, physicians at hospitals in Argentina surveyed the lifestyles and eating habits of men who sought help for ED at their hospitals. They declared that all their patients had high levels of pesticides in their bodies, and that those with the highest pesticide levels also had the worst ED.

Another research team has discovered that they can change the physical sexual characteristics and behavior of rats completely by feeding common pesticide chemicals to their mothers. Therefore, it is wrong to think of ED as only a male problem. Women can affect their offspring’s choice of sexual partners and their libido by consuming pesticides.

By relying on many related studies, the authors of the new article pointed to several mechanisms through which pesticides cause ED:

1. Pesticides lower the amount of testosterone in your body. Testosterone is not only vital to get an erection, but also to experience sexual desire. Some pesticides lower it by 35 percent.

2. They decrease the amount of acetylcholine esterase, a substance that interacts with neurotransmitters in the brain to cause an erection.

3. They reduce the amount of nitric oxide, a substance that carries the neural communication that regulates an erection.

4. They cause oxidative damage to cells which, through several mechanisms, creates tension in the sinusoidal smooth muscle tissue that is meant to relax during an erection.

5. They are endocrine disrupters. These are substances that prevent hormones from carrying out the jobs they are supposed to do.

6. They change the physical characteristics of the penis itself by destroying the tunica albuginea. This is the tough fibrous envelope of connective tissue that surrounds the penal tissue that becomes erect.

By now we know more than enough. Through numerous different pathways, pesticides make it less likely that you can get and keep an erection.

The problem is extreme. Some analysts estimate that there are tens of thousands of different pesticidal chemicals that are used on our food. Some are sprayed on the food while it is still growing, and some are used to treat it while it is kept in storage.

A long-running American survey by the Environmental Working Group that periodically tests food has tested the most pesticides on apples, cherries, grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, red raspberries, strawberries, celery, cherry tomatoes, collard greens, cucumbers, hot peppers, imported snap peas, kale, potatoes, spinach, and sweet bell peppers. These fruits and vegetables have a low resistance to pests and are accordingly drowned in pesticides.

Many of these foods are healthy foods that health-conscious people eat specifically to ward off unnecessary ailments. It is cruel to find out that they are nowhere as healthy as we want to believe.

Luckily, there is a reasonably simple solution: buy organic fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Organic food is grown with no or almost no pesticides. It is fertilized by animal manure instead of chemical fertilizers. It is, therefore, generally cleaner.

If you already suffer erectile dysfunction, by far the most effective method to gain stamina again are these easy ED exercises found here to regain your stamina and cure ED…

Regain Your Stamina and Cure ED – Is Your ED an Indicator of This Deadly Disease? (you must check this now)

While erectile dysfunction (ED) is a highly irritating health condition on its own, it may also indicate that you have another disease that is even more serious – actually life-threatening.

This underlying disease often goes undiagnosed. So (absurdly), your ED may then be a lifesaver when it draws your attention to this deadly condition.

The good news: If you discover this underlying disease early, it can easily be reversed using a simple, natural approach.

In 2015, Canadian researchers published an article in the Annals of Family Medicine that found a connection between type 2 diabetes and ED.

They examined health statistics of 4,519 men who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2001 and 2004. They were especially interested in the cases of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes, as it can easily land you in the emergency room or worse – without warnings.

The study concluded that 10.4 percent of men between ages 40 and 59 with erectile problems had undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. This is alarming because only 2.04 percent of men without ED suffered from it.

This means: If you have ED, you’re five times more likely to have hidden type 2 diabetes than if you don’t suffer ED.

Since type 2 diabetes has been linked with high blood pressurehigh cholesterolstrokeheart failure, and many other fatal diseases, the fact that so many cases still go undetected is deeply worrying.

The research team focused on the upside, however, which may surprise men with ED. Can there really be an upside to a condition that ruins your sexual life and often leads to depression and low self-esteem?

The answer is an unambiguous yes!

If ED can serve as a sign that you may have diabetes, it may motivate you to get tested and treated for diabetes, which may ultimately save your life.

The connection between ED and type 2 diabetes is not exactly new, but previous studies on the link focused on cases of diagnosed diabetes, which are usually more severe than their undiagnosed counterparts are.

A 2002 article in Diabetes Care concluded that 34 percent of type 2 diabetics reported frequent erectile problems, 24 percent reported occasional problems, and 42 percent reported no problems. In other words, 58 percent of diagnosed type 2 diabetics claim to have mild or severe ED – ouch!

This means that the occurrence of ED increases from 10.4 percent for undiagnosed diabetics to 58 percent for diagnosed diabetics, which is what happens when the severe cases are thrown in.

Everything indicates that it is the type 2 diabetes which causes the erectile dysfunction. So by facing type 2 diabetes and healing it naturally, you can heal your ED as well.

Diabetes can obviously be controlled only if it has been diagnosed, however, so if you have ED without having been tested for diabetes, go ahead and give yourself a better chance to control that ED.

To learn how to regain your stamina and cure ED, watch this video –I CAN’T GET “IT” UP!!! (How To FIX Erectile Dysfunction FAST)

Luckily, type 2 diabetes can be cured using just a few lifestyle changes. Here is the exact strategy thousands of readers have successfully used…

And even better, erectile dysfunction can be eliminated today using just this one simple technique to regain your stamina and cure ED…

This post is from the Erectile Dysfunction Master Program, which was created by Christian Goodman for men who are looking for the best erectile dysfunction natural remedies.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure erectile dysfunction. By following the techniques in this program, you will be able to get hard fast without pills and maintain stronger erections for hours so you can enjoy sex again. 

Erectile problems can be physical or emotional. If your problem is physical, you need to exercise the muscles around the genital area. If your problem is emotional, then you need to learn relaxation techniques. Erection Master will teach you steps that can help get rid of your erectile dysfunction for good. As long as you’re willing to commit 30 minutes of your time, 3 to 7 days a week for 1 to 2 months, they’ll work for you. You can practice the steps alone or with your partner. 

These techniques are far more effective than Viagra, Cialis or other drugs for erectile dysfunction. The drugs only help about 40% of men who use them and can also cause very serious side effects. 

To find out more about this program, click on Regain Your Stamina and Cure ED

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