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Thursday, May 6, 2021

How to Overcome Sleep Anxiety and Panic Attacks at Night?


How to Overcome Sleep Anxiety and Panic Attacks at Night? Read on to learn more about Barry McDonagh’s Panic Away program, which is designed to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks.

CLICK HERE to Get Immediate Relief from Anxiety & Panic Attack

Getting to Sleep and Panic Attacks at Night

As most doctors will tell you, there are two things that disturb sleep: physical pain and worry.

It’s therefore understandable that many people with anxiety report frequent sleep disturbance as a major problem.

Not being able to sleep can actually be quite traumatic for many people.

The first thing you need to understand about sleep is this: it’s not the amount of sleep you get that’s important, but rather the quality of the sleep.

Quality over quantity.

I am going to give you some quick tips to help tackle any problems you are having with sleep. Firstly, to break the insomnia cycle, begin by not presuming you will sleep! That seems like the wrong attitude, but if you approach each night as just a possible opportunity to sleep, this helps remove the pressure you are placing yourself under.

In a way, some people have performance anxiety when they think about sleeping:

Will I be able to make myself sleep tonight?”

The answer is maybe yes, maybe no. If you’re going through a period of sleeplessness, a good night’s sleep isn’t guaranteed, for whatever reason, so you have to accept that for the moment. If you get one or two hours’ sleep, that’s well and good, and if you get nothing, then accept it and move on. Each night, as you retire, say to yourself:

“I’m preparing for bed, but I won’t try to force sleep. If it comes, it comes. If not, I won’t beat myself up over it. This is a period I’m going through, but I’ll soon return to normal sleep patterns.”

Every person goes through periods of sleeplessness from time to time. It’s very natural. You may not be aware of why you experience sleeplessness, but at the very least, you can accept it.

Let me emphasize the importance of surrendering to your inability to sleep.

Surrender to whatever may or may not happen during the course of a night, and you’ll put your mind under less pressure. After a certain point, it’s really the anger and frustration that keep you awake most of the night.

Naturally the best way to get a good night’s sleep is a good physical workout each evening in the outdoors. This is very effective because the mind may try to keep you awake, but the sheer physical exhaustion brings on sleep quicker. Couple that with a willingness to accept sleeplessness, and you’ll find yourself sleeping much easier.

Remember that alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine should be avoided several hours before sleep. You may be the type who finds it initially hard to get to sleep as your mind races with anxious thoughts.

Should you find your mind racing and you simply can’t achieve sleep, keep a journal beside your bed. Sit upright and start to write down how you feel:

“I’m feeling quite restless. I keep turning over and over, trying to sleep, but I have worries on my mind.” Now write down all of your worries, for example:

“Tomorrow I have to do X, and I’m afraid I won’t be well rested, etc.”

Continue to write down your worries until the exercise actually becomes quite boring.

Then your body and mind will slowly want to return to sleep. Writing like this is a simple tool for preparing your mind in a linear way to wind down and return to sleep (an advanced form of counting sheep).

Don’t be afraid of writing pages and pages of nothing in particular. What you’re doing is helping the conscious mind release whatever is keeping it awake so it can stop obsessing and return to sleep.

You see, one of the reasons we can’t fall asleep is that our mind feels these worries (whatever they are) are important to analyze over and over; they need urgent attention and therefore should be thought about all night long.

The more worked up you get by the worries, the more your body gets stimulated and the harder sleep is to achieve. Writing down all your worries on paper has the effect of saying to your mind:

“Okay, mind, you think these are important. I’ve written them all down in detail. They won’t be forgotten, I promise. I can come back to them tomorrow and deal with them then-but RIGHT NOW, let’s sleep.”

The mind can be like a small child who just needs reassurance that things will be dealt with and looked after. That’s all it needs to let go of these mental worries. You then discover, in the morning, that almost all of the worries or concerns aren’t big issues. Many of our worries are the workings or an overactive imagination.

Dr. Dennis Gersten of San Diego suggests an approach that is effective for particularly restless nights. You may want to experiment with it the next time you are very restless in bed.

Try the following:

-As you lie there in bed, start by remembering a time in your life when you absolutely had to stay awake! Maybe it was an important exam you were studying for and you had to keep cramming through the night.

Maybe it was staying up all night nursing your baby to sleep. Maybe it was when you were traveling through the night on a bus and needed to stay awake in case you missed your stop.

I am sure there have been many different occasions in your life where you had to force yourself to stay awake.

-Remember the weariness and the effort just to keep your eyes open. Remember how your eyelids felt like lead weights and you wished you could close them, even just for a minute. At that time, you could not give in to your urge to fall asleep; you had to fight hard to stay awake. Relive those memories and really try and remember exactly what that felt like.

-Now think about right now, and how good it feels to actually be in bed with no pressing need to stay awake. Think how much you would have given to be where you are now, lying in your bed with your head resting on the pillow and the complete freedom you have to fall asleep. It feels really good to actually have full permission to fall asleep right now.

There are no demands on you to stay awake. With your eyes closed spend a few more minutes remembering that time.

-End of exercise.

Night Panic Attacks

People with anxiety disorders can sometimes be awakened at night by panic attacks. We know that most night-time panic attacks aren’t caused by dreams. Records of sleep polysomnographia show that most panic attacks take place during the early sleep phase (phase II), not during the REM phase associated with dreams.

This is different from nightmares. Nightmares happen during the second half of the night, so we’re often able to remember the content of these dreams.

It’s important not to go to bed fearing you might have a panic attack. Go to bed confident that if one should arise, you’ll successfully deal with it. That way, you don’t put yourself under pressure to NOT have a panic attack. Many panic attacks are experienced at the very moment of falling asleep.

If you wake with a panic attack, implement the One Move Technique as outlined in my course Panic Away. (See end of post)

Here’s a description a woman recently gave of her experience:

“Getting to sleep is a real problem. Just as I’m about to drop off to sleep, my body seems to jolt awake, like an electric shock, which then frightens me and keeps me awake for hours.”

This jolt is called a hypnic jerk, or hypnagogic massive jerk. A hypnic jerk usually occurs just as the person enters sleep. People often describe it as a falling sensation or an electric shock, and it’s a completely normal experience. It’s most common when we’re sleeping uncomfortably or overtired.

There’s been little research on the subject, but there are some theories as to why hypnic jerks occur. When we drift off into sleep, the body undergoes changes in temperature, breathing, and muscle relaxation. The hypnic jerk may be a result of the muscles relaxing. The brain misinterprets this as a sign of falling, and it signals our limbs to wake up, hence the jerking legs or arms.

People turn hypnic jerks into panic attacks because they already feel nervous about their condition and the jolt scares them into thinking something bad is happening. Again, it’s a fearful reaction to a sensation.

Usually when these people wake up, they gasp for air, and this can also turn into a fear of a breathing problem while sleeping. If you jolt awake with panic, then simply understanding the nature of a hypnic jerk can strip away the anxiety from the experience.

Reassure yourself that you’re safe and that the jerk isn’t something to worry about. It doesn’t disrupt your bodily functions, and it doesn’t put you in any danger.

I hope you have been able to take something from it. I want to leave you with a few last comments. All too often people with anxiety are pressurized to end their anxiety.

People pass remarks like:

“I wish you could just snap out of your anxiety”.

Although people mean well, these type of comments are not helpful. People don’t just think one thought and snap out of anxiety. There is a step by step process of removing the illusion that anxiety creates and for some this can take time where the anxiety has been present for many years.

I really want to impress upon you that anxiety is curable. What you must never stop doing is searching for the right approach for you. By the way I hope I have not come across too strong in pushing my course Panic Away. I am excited by the results it gets and that is why I talked about it frequently.

After many years working in this area I am now more convinced than ever that every single person, regardless of how severe, can end their anxiety problem. If you have a thought that is telling you different then you need to lose that thought.

Never stop trying, never give up. That is the best you can do.

To find out how to overcome sleep anxiety and panic attacks at night, watch these 2 videos –

Panic Attacks At Night / Nocturnal Panic Attacks – Explained and How You Find Relief!

Anxiety : How to Sleep With Severe Anxiety

Best Wishes

Barry McDonagh

If you want to learn more about my work, then visit the following link:

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Keep Panic Attacks Away – How to Overcome Sleep Anxiety and Panic Attacks at Night?

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

How to overcome anxiety due to exhaustion?


How to overcome anxiety due to exhaustion? Read on to learn more about Barry McDonagh’s Panic Away program, which is designed to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks.

CLICK HERE to Get Immediate Relief from Anxiety & Panic Attack


Exhaustion and Anxiety

Why do some people have a problem with anxiety and others do not?

This is a question almost everyone who experiences anxiety asks themselves at some point or another. Why me?

My understanding of anxiety is that yes, some people seem more susceptible than others but that the key trigger tends to be exhaustion. By exhaustion I mean mental, physical, or emotional exhaustion. (Under physical exhaustion I also include things like diet or substance abuse)

For some it may be exhaustion caused by a hectic life and never taking time to release the stress. People like that often do not notice their stress levels are so high until they get blindsided by a spontaneous panic attack.

For others it may be an emotional exhaustion caused by the loss of a loved one or the break up of a long term relationship.

If the anxiety is caused by a traumatic life event, it is interesting to note that the person frequently does not experience the anxiety until the event has passed.

You often see people dealing very well with a crisis but then several weeks later when the dust has settled they start to feel the anxiety. It is like they have been in shock and are only now starting to process the experience.

The most important thing to remember about panic attacks or general anxiety is that help is available and it is important to get help sooner rather than later.

I always recommend visiting your doctor first of all to really determine that it is just anxiety you are dealing with and not an underlying physical ailment. Once you are sure that it is anxiety that you dealing with, treat it.

Don’t wait

Burying your head in the sand hoping it will simply be gone next week is not an effective way to treat it. It is totally unnecessary to spend months if not years dealing with something that can be corrected now.

To learn how to overcome anxiety due to exhaustion, watch the following videos-

Tired And Wired – Living With Chronic Anxiety

6 Simple Ways To Reduce Anxiety

Learn How To Control Your Mind (USE This To BrainWash Yourself)

That help is available right here.

The Panic Away Program changes the way you process your anxiety enabling you to end panic attacks and general anxiety. It costs no more than a dinner for two but can change your life so much for the better. Invest in the right kind of information. Information that puts you back in control of your life. That is the best kind of investment you can make.

To learn more about Panic Away

Click Here

To your success,

Barry McDonagh

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Keep Panic Attacks Away – How to Overcome Anxiety Due to Exhaustion

How to End Unwanted Anxious Thoughts in 4 Easy Steps?


How to End Unwanted Anxious Thoughts in 4 Easy Steps? Observe it, label it (fear of whatever), then Watch it as it passes by with no judgment and then Move your attention on to what you were doing. By practicing this approach, you gradually stop reacting with fear to the thought and you learn to treat it as nothing more than an odd peculiarity.

CLICK HERE to Get Immediate Relief from Anxiety & Panic Attack

After having visited my site I can almost imagine what your repetitive anxious thought might be.

Maybe it’s a fear of:

-a panic attack

-never being free of general anxiety

-a bodily sensation that worries you

-a fear of losing control to anxiety

My name is Barry McDonagh and I have successfully taught thousands of people in over 30 different countries, how to end general anxiety and panic attacks.

Whatever your particular fear is, I want to share some tips and techniques with you over the coming days that will not only help you end these fears but also reduce your general anxiety level dramatically.

After many years of coaching people to be anxiety free, I have noticed that those who experience panic attacks or general anxiety almost always deal with the frequent occurrence of anxious thoughts.

Anxiety has a sneaky way of seeding doubt regardless of whether the fear is rational or irrational.

So what can be done for people who suffer from repetitive anxious thoughts?

To begin, lets look at how an anxious thought is powered and then I will demonstrate how to quickly eliminate the intensity of the thought.

Say for example you are going about your daily business when an anxious thought enters your mind.

Whatever the nature of the thought, the pattern that follows is usually quite predictable.

The anxious thought flashes briefly in your awareness and as it does so you immediately react with fear as you contemplate the thought. The fearful reaction you have to the thought then sends a shock-wave through your nervous system. You feel the result of that fear most intensely in your stomach (due to the amount of nerve endings located there).

Because of the intense bodily reaction to the thought you then get sucked into examining the anxious thought over and over.

The continuous fearful reaction you have to the thought, increases the intensity of the experience. The more you react, the stronger the thought rebounds again in your awareness creating more anxious shock-waves throughout your body. This is the typical cycle of anxious thoughts.

For some it feels like the anxious thoughts are hijacking their peace of mind.

Because of the reaction you are having, you may continue to spend the rest of your day thinking about the anxious thoughts you experienced.

“Why am I thinking these thoughts?” “Why can’t I shake off this eerie feeling?”

The harder you try not to think about it, the more upset you become. It is like telling someone

‘Whatever happens do not think of a pink elephant’.

Naturally enough it’s all they can think about. That’s the way our brains our wired.

So how can you eliminate these unwanted anxious thoughts?

To begin with:

-when you start to experience anxious thoughts, it is very important not to force the thoughts away.

Let the thoughts in. The more comfortable you can become with them, the better. These thoughts will never go away fully but what you can learn is to change your reaction to them.

By changing your reaction to the anxious thoughts you become free of them.

Once you establish a new way of reacting to the thoughts it does not matter if you have them or not. Your reaction is what defines the whole experience (and that applies to almost everything).

Everybody experiences fleeting thoughts that many would consider scary or crazy.

The difference between most people and somebody who gets caught up in them, is that the average person sees them for exactly what they are, fleeting anxious thoughts, and casually ignores them.

The anxious person is at a disadvantage as they already have a certain level of anxiety in their system. The thoughts easily spark feelings of further anxiety which builds into a cycle of fear. You break the cycle by changing how you react to the fearful thought.

Here is an example of how to approach this:

You are enjoying the way your day is going but then all of sudden a fearful thought comes to mind.

Before you would react with anxiety to the idea and then try to force that thought out of your mind.

This time, however, say:

“That’s a fear of X. I could worry and even obsess over that but this time I’m going to do something different. I’m not going to react to it. I’m also not going to try and stop it either. I’m just going to label the thought and not react.”

Then the thought comes again with more intensity and possibly with new ‘scary’ angles you never considered. When this happens you do exactly the same. As if you were observing a cloud passing overhead, you simply

-Observe it,

-Label it (fear of whatever), then

-Watch it as it passes by with no judgment.


-Move your attention on to what you were doing.

Observe, Label, Watch, Move on

See the anxious thought for what it really is: -one of the thousands of fleeting sane and insane thoughts every one of us experiences daily.

If you are a more indoors type of person then instead of thinking of the thoughts like clouds passing in the sky, you might try imagining a large cinema screen and the anxious thoughts are projected out onto the screen in front of you. Play around with this approach. Find what works for you.

The key thing to remember is to:

Observe, Label, Watch, Move on

By practicing this approach, you gradually stop reacting with fear to the thought and you learn to treat it as nothing more than an odd peculiarity.

When you are at a stage where you are comfortable doing the above exercise and you feel you are making good progress, then try this additional step:

Actually invite one of your more regular fearful thoughts in.

Call the fear to you, say you just want it to come close so you can observe it.

It may seem like the last thing you would wish to bring upon yourself, as you don’t particularly enjoy these thoughts but this approach can be very empowering. You are now calling the shots. You actually invited the issue in.

By doing this you are discharging the dense vibration of fear surrounding the anxious thought. That fear was sustaining itself on your resistance, -the idea that you could not handle these thoughts.

The fear quickly evaporates when you turn around and say “yes of course I can handle these thoughts.”

Fear intensifies when we pull away from it. Anxious thoughts become a mental tug of war if we struggle with them.

It is the mental struggle of pulling against the anxious thoughts that creates the inner psychological tension.

The inner tension is fuelled by thoughts like:

“I can’t handle to think about this -please go away”

“I don’t like that thought- I want it to stop!”

Take a different stance. Invite anxious thoughts in. Willingly sit with them, label them and do your very best not to react.

Yes, it does take practice but very soon you find yourself in a unique position of control. You are no longer a victim of fearful thinking but a decision maker in what you will or will not be concerned about.

As with every technique there is always a level of practice involved in the beginning.

Initially you start observing but then suddenly get anxious about the fearful thought. That’s very normal in the beginning.

Keep at it. Practice and you will quickly see how less impacting those fearful thoughts become.

Do not let your mind trick you into believing that your anxiety is something you will always have to struggle with. That is simply not true.

Not alone is it possible to control the occurrence of anxious thoughts but I can teach you how to end panic attacks and general anxiety if that is your goal.

You can have the life of your dreams. Anxiety does not have the right to steal that hope from you.

I’m going to write some more posts about this topic. It will help reduce anxiety levels significantly.

Some of this information forms a small part of the Panic Away Program. My full program eliminates panic attacks and general anxiety very quickly and has proved highly successful with both long and short term sufferers of anxiety. The results speak for themselves.

To find out how to end unwanted anxious thoughts, watch this video – How to Stop Anxiety by Changing Negative Thoughts | Cognitive Restructuring | CALM Method | Logic

To Learn more about Panic Away – Click Here

Here are some of the things you will learn from Panic Away…

-Learn how to be empowered and gain confidence by engaging a simple technique to defuse any panic attack.

-The four most powerful approaches to creating an enduring anxiety buffer zone (particularly useful for those who experience GAD).<

-Learn to avoid making the one mistake almost everyone makes during a panic attack episode.

Here is a small sample of how the course has helped others:

…learned more from reading your program than I did from all the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25 years

I must tell you that out of all the items you can purchase regarding anxiety related products on the internet, I learned more from reading your program than I did from all the psychologists and other practitioners I had seen in the 25 years that I’ve had this condition.

I had been on Xanax and Klonopin for about 10 years, but this December, I decided to withdraw from it thinking I didn’t need the pills anymore according to some of the programs I ordered claiming “miracle cures”. That’s when all my symptoms started again. I felt as if I had wasted the past 20 years trying to get better.That’s when I started searching the web for home based “cures”. I ordered so many programs I started to get confused from too much conflicting advice. Also, I was promised support but I am still waiting replies from some of the more expensive programs!

You are a true gentleman, and I am going to post a very positive feedback on a website you might be familiar about called: Tapir?

Talk to ya, Andy








…I prayed to God to show me what to do

I experienced my first panic attack in July of this year and ended up going to the hospital by ambulance thinking I was having a stroke or heart attack! I have had a bunch of attacks since then. Monday morning I awoke to an immediate attack and prayed to God to show me what to do. To make a long story short, I was led to your website but was afraid it was like the other ones where they try to sell you their products. However, your introductory information really spoke to me and I decided to take a chance. I read your book and it gave me the tools I was searching for to deal with my attacks.

I could tell immediately that you have suffered from panic attacks yourself because you spoke with authority that can only have come from having dealt with the terrors yourself. I am 42 years of age and have been noticing the psychological effects of perimenopause (one of which is panic attacks in my case). Thanks again!!

Sincerely, Cynthia


To Learn more about Panic Away:

Click Here

I encourage you to take a chance with this course. As a former sufferer I would not pretend to have a solution if I did not honestly believe it could be of great benefit to you.

Together we can get you truly back to the person you were before anxiety became an issue.

P.S. Additional bonus- I am currently offering an opportunity to have a one to one session with me so that I can ensure you get the results you need. All I ask is that should you feel the course has been of tremendous benefit to you that I add you to a database I am currently updating of success stories.

If you want to learn more about this course and how to get started right away visit:

Click Here

Talk soon

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Keep Panic Attacks Away – How to End Unwanted Anxious Thoughts in 4 Easy Steps

What is the Best Way to Clear Out Cholesterol Plaque from Your Arteries?


Clear Out Cholesterol Plaque from Your Arteries - A new study has proven this drink to be extremely beneficial to both kidneys and overall cardiovascular health. It’s been repeatedly proven to lower blood pressure and help prevent stroke and heart attack and now to improve chronic kidney disease (CKD). The research team at the University of Colorado–Denver collected data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey for the period from 2003 to 2006.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Clear Out Cholesterol Plaque from Your Arteries – How Stress Causes Heart Attack (It’s Not What You Think)

Most of us understand in some vague way that stress causes or contributes to heart disease and stroke.

In some cases, it obviously contributes, such as when people respond to stress by drinking, smoking, or eating excessively.

But even people who respond relatively well to stress with no maladaptive behaviors have a higher risk of stroke and heart disease.

In a recent publication of the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Spanish scientists examined the medical records and stress levels of 450 people, finding that chronic stress quadrupled the chance that we may suffer a stroke.

They also found behavioral traits like impatience, extreme ambition, judgmentalness, and aggression doubled it.

Similarly, a large literature review from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology showed the chronic stress at work and marital unhappiness, along with the burdens of caregiving, contributes to myocardial infarction, myocardial ischemia, altered cardiac regulation, and sudden death.

But while scientists understand that stress poses a risk to heart health, they’re yet to discover the mechanism by which stress has these destructive effects.

The Lancet has just published a study by a large group of scientists that identifies such a mechanism based on brain scans.

They gave 293 people a combined PET/CT scan to record the activities in their brains, bone marrow and spleens, and the inflammation in their arteries.

They were then observed for 3.7 years on average to check for whether they had developed cardiovascular disease or suffered a heart attack or stroke.

During this period, 22 of these people suffered a stroke or heart attack or other forms of cardiovascular disease like angina, heart failure, or peripheral arterial disease.

It turned out that those with the highest activity of the amygdala, the part of the brain processing stimuli and emotional responses, were the most likely to suffer from these cardiovascular events.

The amygdala forms and stores associations and memories related to emotional events.

It’s your amygdala that stores your fears and anxieties related to your job, your marriage, and everything else that stresses you.

The researchers speculated that the amygdala stimulates your bone marrow to produce extra white blood cells that then cause inflammation in your arteries.

Inflammation has been, for years, identified as the chief cause of high blood pressure, but it doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Stress is the beginning of that process.

Learn how to control—and even permanently end—the ravages of ANY kind of stress, whether emotional, biological, sensory, or environmental, with these 3 simple exercises proven to drop blood pressure to 120/80 starting today…

And if high cholesterol is the issue and if you want to clear out cholesterol plaque from your arteries, learn how to tackle one “hidden” food item to normalize your cholesterol in 30 days…

Clear Out Cholesterol Plaque from Your Arteries – Cholesterol Myth Busted –New Study

LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol is normally labelled “bad cholesterol” because it is commonly believed to be the type of cholesterol that clogs our arteries, damages our arterial walls, and causes strokes and heart attacks.

HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol, on the other hand, is called good cholesterol because HDL carries excess cholesterol out of our bloodstreams toward our livers from where it can be prepared for excretion from our bodies.

But a discovery busts this cholesterol myth and reveals the real heart attack killer.

Which is much easier to avoid?

At the 2017 European Atherosclerosis Society meeting, Peter Libby from Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital laid out a convincing argument that high LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol can be completely harmless.

The systemic inflammation in the bodies of diabetics, obese people, arthritis sufferers, and others with extreme inflammation contributed more than LDL.

According to him, without this type of inflammation, LDL cholesterol does no harm.

It’s great that scientists are finally coming to their senses. Because the myth about LDL has been busted over and over again.

In 2009, for example, researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles analyzed the medical statistics of 136,905 heart attack patients from 541 hospitals across the U.S.

LDL scores of 50% of these patients were low–normal, and those of a further 25% were acceptable. Only 25% had a high cholesterol level.

This seems to suggest that something other than LDL is involved in serious heart disease.

Peter Libby, was, however, one step away from the real truth. Yes, inflammation plays a role, but there is one ingredient that turns safe LDL into a deadly killer.

You absolutely must cut out this one ingredient to clear out your arteries and avoid stroke and heart attack. Learn how to do this here to clear out cholesterol plaque from your arteries …

Clear Out Cholesterol Plaque from Your Arteries – Notty Drink Cures Chronic Kidneys and Cardiovascular Diseases

Today I have a treat for you.

You see, oftentimes when talking about healthy living, you get nagged to eat healthy stuff that you don’t really like and breaking more sweat than you’d really want to.

But today is different. Today I’m going to tell you about a drink most of us love, but that many of us hesitate to have too often.

No more hesitation.

Because a new study has proven this drink to be extremely beneficial to both kidneys and overall cardiovascular health.

It’s been repeatedly proven to lower blood pressure and help prevent stroke and heart attack and now to improve chronic kidney disease (CKD).

The research team at the University of Colorado–Denver collected data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination survey for the period from 2003 to 2006.

Of the 5,852 participants analyzed, the prevalence of CKD was significantly lower in those who consumed at least one glass of wine a day compared with non-wine drinkers.

Taking this a step further, among the 1,031 participants who already had CKD, drinking at least one glass of wine a day seemed to protect them from the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Because kidney diseases and heart diseases share common risk factors, patients with kidney diseases who drink a moderate amount of wine can possibly keep heart diseases at bay.

This research study by no means suggests that non-drinkers suffering from kidney disease should start drinking wine as medicine. And you should limit yourself to 1–2 glasses maximum. Anything more can cause more harm than good.

And again, drinking margaritas or sipping beers HASN’T been shown to have the same health benefits as wine (we get this question a lot).

And just to spoil the fun, other studies have clearly proven that non-alcoholic wine is just as healthy—maybe even better—than regular wine.

To learn how to clear out cholesterol plaque from your arteries, watch this video – 5 Foods That Unclog Arteries Naturally | Foods To Eat For A Healthy Heart | Femina Wellness

If you’re already suffering from chronic kidney disease, drinking wine will not be enough. But you can reverse CKD using the simple lifestyle changes explained here….

And to clear out cholesterol plaque from your arteries, you must cut out this ONE ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming….

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Clear Out Cholesterol Plaque from Your Arteries.

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