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Monday, December 7, 2020

How to Sculpt Your Abs While Building Muscle and Eating Plant?


How to Sculpt Your Abs While Building Muscle and Eating Plant? This requires a combination of building muscle and losing fat. This can take a while. There is no quick fix for for getting defined abs; you cannot spot reduce fat or out-train a crappy diet.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants  


“I think the majority of your ab definition will come through diet though. Dial the diet in well enough and the abs will just melt through the fat.”

Name: Fraser Bayley
Occupation: Founder of Plant Strong Fitness, Co-founder of The Bayley Body
Location: Madisonville, Louisiana, USA
Age: 30
Height: 5’8.5”
Weight: 195lbs
Type of Training: Vegan Bodybuilding
Facebook Group: Plant Strong Fitness

This is an inspirational vegan story you won’t want to miss.

In addition to some great vegan bodybuilding tips, Fraser Bayley also gets vulnerable with us and discusses a time in which he became borderline suicidal.

Fraser courageously illuminates the darkness he felt, and how he overcame it.

I can certainly can relate, as I personally recovered from crippling alcoholism a few years ago, and nutrition/fitness certainly helped me climb out of that insidious hell.

Q: Tell us about the path that led you to vegan bodybuilding:

Below is a post from Facebook explaining a bit of my journey into veganism titled, “From Butcher to PlantStrong Vegan: How It Changed My Entire Life.”

Many years ago, I was diagnosed with ADHD learning disability, bipolar disorder/heavy, long-term brutal depression, as well as crippling social anxiety — borderline suicidal.

I just happened to be a butcher, too. For about six years of my life.

I smoked. Drank a lot. My diet was a typical Western junk food diet, too. I was also on a myriad of prescription medications for anxiety, depression, and ADHD.

None of which I felt worked at all for me besides just numbing me from the world, turning me emotionless and void of feeling.

Over the years, I cleaned my diet up in many ways.

No smoking or drinking, but went with what you would call a “Paleo-style diet,” still consuming large amounts of animal-based protein (250g per day).

I made a lot of progress from where I had been, BUT I still didn’t feel anywhere near like deep down I KNEW I could. I still felt like I just wasn’t living vibrantly or with full color yet.

Yes, I had built muscle and those things, but does it really matter if you feel awful doing it? I know MOST people put themselves through this kind of torture, I was one of them.

My sleeping was horrible, really broken, leaving me feeling incredibly unrested each day. I would actually get MORE tired after I ate than before I had eaten. It was like every time I ate, the lethargy and brain fog just compounded, leaving me pretty unproductive and feeling quite crippled at times.

See, for me, it wasn’t just enough to look good, I KNEW I had to discover more from this life. That this simply couldn’t be it, right? There HAD to be more.

And so, my journey into veganism began.

Along my transition, I even cried one day — tears of happiness and loss. Loss in the sense that I felt like I was saying goodbye to an old friend, someone I had grown apart from and didn’t recognize anymore, my old self — but happy that I had room in my life to expand beyond anything I had ever experienced.

“No meds. No drink. No more animals. A real stripping of the old identity — that I was a butcher. Or I was a bodybuilder who needed to eat meat to build muscle. Or my family had traditions around eating animals that went right back to when I was young. It was a shedding of the old skin.”

It was a beautiful feeling, and I am proud to say it brought me to tears!

I want to show other guys that you CAN do this, still achieve ALL of your personal goals, live well, and really change the world. If we are willing to unlearn all the things we’ve been conditioned to think as “fact,” and realize we have the ability to create our own world.

That everything we know has been taught and programmed into us. That the mind-made chains that keep us trapped are just an illusion. When I finally let go of that, I felt liberated. Free. And so much more conscious about how I had been letting fears control me all my life.

Since going vegan, my life has changed in ways I NEVER thought it could.

My sleep for the first time in my life is actually sound. I wake feeling rested, and don’t need to blast caffeine all day to function. I have more clarity, more energy when I eat. The food actually makes me feel MORE energized! The food is beyond amazing.

Beyond that, I am stronger than I have ever been in my life, I feel like I am in the best shape of my life, yet it’s so much easier to maintain that now – very counterintuitive to what most people think will happen on a vegan lifestyle and diet. My recovery is so much better – now, could it all be a placebo?

Maybe, but all I know is that it’s changed me, and I am not going back!

“I now feel like the message I preach about peace and love is finally congruent with my actions and the way I treat this planet and what I put on my dinner plate.”

The more I learned and immersed myself in vegan bodybuilding, the more reasons I found to just support my change. The health benefits. Animal ethics. Environmentalism. Spiritualism.

Compassion, strength, and evolution. I combined them all to have a really solid base to propel me through massive change. And you know what? It’s been SO much fun along the way.

Why wouldn’t you want to not only feel better, look better, have a higher quality of life, be more congruent with your ideas of peace and love, be kind to other beings on this earth, and treat this planet like it was our only place to live? It just makes so much sense to me!

“So for me, it was about transcending.”

Evolving from that old me on the junk food diet, on meds, and feeling lost. To someone with clarity. With vision. With health. With compassion. That’s what veganism has given me — I feel like it is the final step to higher consciousness and health. I am SO glad I stepped outside my fears, identity, and conditioning, and tried this.

It has truly changed my life and seeing people in their 40s, 50s and 60s looking like they are half their age in phenomenal health. The answer for me was simple. Let it change your life, too.

Just start! It won’t be perfect all the time, but just begin, and watch yourself evolve and grow.

Q: You have some great ink on your body, which ones are the most meaningful?

One is a series of guardian angels in a sleeve down my right arm watching/guarding over different people in my life. One for different family members that really matter to me.

The Southern Cross (stars) on my side, representing the Southern Cross star constellation that can be seen at night from New Zealand – my birth country, even though I live in the US now.

Q: How do you relax and refocus?

I love to sit outside in the sun and get fresh air and perform [grounding] by putting my feet into the grass, and just breathe. Grounding helps discharge negative ions out of the body. I feel clarity having bare feet on the Earth and just focusing on my breathing. I love it.

I listen to Dr. Wayne Dyer’s essays on “Tao Te Ching” by Lao Tzu (written over 2,500 years ago). It’s incredibly interesting, and is a series of principles for life, how we should live and be. Listening to it helps me get back to what matters and refocus – I listen to it daily.

Q: What does your daily meal plan currently look like?

  • Wake up 4:00-4.30am – Lemon water: hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
  • 6:00am – Black coffee and sweat leaf stevia (pre-workout)
  • 7:00am – Workout
  • 8:30am – Post-workout PlantFusion shake 20g (1 serving)
  • 9.30am – Banana “nice” cream (3-4 bananas) and 4 medjool dates and some granola with hemp seed, pumpkin seed, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, and oats and coconut water
  • 12:00pm – Quinoa cannellini bean burgers or falafels or some frozen/pressed marinated tofu or tempeh and a big salad or stirfry (with the addition of some extra starchy carbs on a higher calorie day like potato, rice, couscous, etc.)
  • 2:00-3:00pm – Snacks: oranges, rice cakes with nut butter, and hemp seed, for example
  • 5:00-6:00pm – Similar to lunch meal, and sometimes banana “nice” cream for dessert

My food intake varies depending on my training cycle, so I go through periods of lower calorie and higher calorie days, so this is an average day – some days I do more, some days less, or just add in more green vegetables and reduce my starchy carb and or fat intake a little bit.

Q: Philosophy on supplements?

“I think keep them to a minimum and aim to spend that money on good food – food is what really fuels development.”

There is a time and place for some supplements, for sure. For instance, I use clean machine BCAA while I train, as I train in a fasted state. I also use PlantFusion protein, but that is it.

I think if blood work indicates you need something, then look at it through diet first. Then, if it’s still not getting addressed, I try the supplement route for things like B12 or omega 3s, iron, etc.

Q: What are your strength stats?

  • Bench – 315lbs (separated my AC joint years ago, so don’t go quite as heavy anymore)
  • Deadlift 600lbs for 3 reps (haven’t done a 1RM in a long time)
  • Squat 405 for 5 reps (again, I tend to avoid 1RMs and shoot for 3+ reps in most sets)

Q: Describe your training splits:

  • Monday – Shoulders / Triceps
  • Tuesday – Chest / Biceps / Abs
  • Wednesday – Legs / Calves
  • Thursday – Back / Biceps
  • Friday – Chest / Shoulders / Triceps
  • Saturday – Back / Legs / Calves / Biceps / Abs (mainly dead lifts and squats)
  • Sunday – Rest

Q: If you have to pick only 3 exercises, what would they be?

I feel like the combination of those three would hit every muscle group hard. You have your posterior chain and back work through dead lifts. Through dips, you hit chest, arms, shoulders, traps, and lats. Through squatting, you hit the entire leg and core stabilizers.

Q: You have a robust ab training routine. Do you think training your abs really hard matters as much as diet?

The two ab exercises that would give you the most bang for your buck would be:

  • Ab wheel rollout from your knees or feet
  • Hanging ab work: leg lifts, windmills, and knee tucks

The wheel rollouts really work on the extension part of the abdominal wall, which is often overlooked, and the hanging work targets areas more specifically like obliques and upper and lower abs, depending on the hanging exercise.

I think the majority of your ab definition will come through diet, though. Dial the diet in well enough, and the abs will just melt through the fat.

Q: What tips can you share about bodybuilding?

If I were to give someone the fundamental tips to get optimally healthy and in great shape, it would be this:

Sleep: Sleep is KEY. 7-8 hours per night, or you won’t recover fast enough and will burn out.

Your workouts won’t be as intense, and you will get more cravings.

Train hard and keep rest periods short: I do a lot of super sets and drop sets. A lot of volume, combining heavy weight with light weight, low reps + high reps. Do a lot of volume and keep rest short, and you will burn fat and build quality muscle.

Go plant-based: Eat a solid, diverse range of plant foods. Cover your bases, don’t eat the same stuff week in week out, get a range of different food sources to really maximize your vitamin/mineral and amino acid intake.

Meditate, do fun things: Learn to bring your stress levels down, control your nervous system by meditating and just relaxing more. A strained nervous system effects how the body burns fat, it impacts your muscle growth, sleep patterns, digestive health, and cognitive function. It’s so important.

Q: What are the three biggest trends you see in fitness right now?

Vegan bodybuilding and plant-based athletes. I see a big rise coming in plant-based athletes and plant-based foods and nutrition. I sense the wave is coming!

An increased emphasis on digestive health. Finally, more people “get it,” that it’s not just about what we eat. It’s what we absorb. So I’m seeing more focus on absorption and gut health to maximize how the body uses nutrients, which is great.

Powerlifting. I see a big rise in strength training around powerlifting style programs and lifts, especially in beginners and even women. I think it’s great, it gives people tangible goals/targets/numbers to shoot for that bodybuilding does not.

Q: Have you been able to build more size and strength from plant-based nutrition, or are you just maintaining the same size? 

Yes to both!

Before I was vegan, I weighed about 183-188lbs, below 10%. Now I am around 190-195, below 10% (my weight fluctuates depending on where I am in my diet/carb cycle), but I truly feel like I was able to add on some more size and stay lean.

My strength went up dramatically. Which I feel was a precursor to added muscle growth. My main lifts went up by anywhere from 20-60lbs and more, in some cases.

“My reasoning behind it is all is the added glycogen from the increased carb intake as my protein intake came down. The volume I could handle went up, and my recovery is faster, too. I can just do MORE than before, which is a key factor in muscle growth (progressive overload).”

Q: What advice does Fraser Bayley have for someone who wants to try a plant-based diet and is struggling with the protein concept?

My advice would be to just START. Very often we want to data mine every blog and forum on the ‘Net, and there is SO much conflicting information, it sends people into a state of paralysis.

“The best thing you can do is just begin, even if you don’t feel ready – start. Even if it’s one plant-based meal a day to begin with, start there.”

Also veganize some of the foods you current love. If its lasagna or macaroni cheese – Google search “best vegan lasagna recipe” or “best vegan macaroni cheese recipe,” and try that out – it will act like a bridging tool to help you realize the changes aren’t as drastic as you think.

“Let go of your obsession with protein. In conventional circles, there is a massive, entrenched obsession with protein intake.”

Everyone freaks out about protein. Realize that this is bodybuilding social conditioning! It’s what we’ve been taught. We don’t actually need half as much protein to build muscle as we think.

The key is quality protein sources (i.e., plant-based proteins) which are much more easily absorbed and broken down than animal protein. Combine that with enough calories from additional carbs and fats, and you will build muscle.

For more ideas on how to sculpt your abs while building muscle and eating plant, watch this video – The PERFECT Abs Workout (Sets and Reps Included)



Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – How to Sculpt Your Abs While Building Muscle and Eating Plant


Sunday, December 6, 2020

What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Your Hypothyroidism Without Any Drugs?

The only way to get rid of your hypothyroidism without any drugs starting today, is by tackling its root cause. Read on here to find out more.


Click HERE to Discover How You Can Treat Hypothyroidism by Addressing Its Root Causes

Get Rid of Your Hypothyroidism Without Any Drugs - Hypothyroidism Destroys This Essential Activity


With no obvious symptoms that scream ‘Subclinical hypothyroidism’, it may not appear as serious as it actually is.

But according to a recent study in the journal Risk Management and Healthcare Policy it’s negatively affecting one thing you really need each day!

Sleep is essential and if you’re sleep deprived, it has a serious knock-on effect on everything, especially your health.

Chinese scientists recruited 2,224 subjects with subclinical hypothyroidism and 12,622 people with normal thyroid function. They asked them to complete the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, a common questionnaire used by scientists to assess the amount of sleep and sleep quality.

The results showed that those with hypothyroidism had 12 percent greater chance of having a poorer sleep quality, 16 percent higher chance of having difficulties falling asleep, and 14 percent chance of being more likely to not have enough sleep.

Taking a long time before falling asleep and waking up way too early are the two main forms of insomnia.

Interestingly, the largest relationship between hypothyroidism and poor sleep was seen in younger women and in people with lower body mass index scores.

One possible reason for this relationship is that the thyroid-stimulating hormone and the thyroid hormone have a circadian rhythm, very much like your body has. If these cycles are out of sync, it can affect your sleep.

Scientists also believe that hypothyroidism somehow disrupts slow-wave sleep. If you have hypothyroidism, your metabolism slows down, which slows your body down.

Another possibility is there is an estrogen and progesterone imbalance, which causes both hypothyroidism and insomnia.

Whatever the reason, you should try to normalize your thyroid function if you want to improve your sleep quality.

The only way to truly get rid of your hypothyroidism without any drugs is to address the root cause of the problem, which I’ll explain here…

Get Rid of Your Hypothyroidism Without Any Drugs - Hypothyroidism Is Deadlier Than You Think

Hypothyroidism – it increases the risk of premature death, fact!

But this has only been a recent discovery.

Until now, the link between hypothyroidism and premature deaths has received mixed reviews, but a recent review published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism tells us otherwise.

The authors of the new study consulted the literature and identified the 27 most credible studies on the relationship between hypothyroidism and deaths in the senior population. Altogether, the studies had 1,114,638 participants.

They learned that people above the age of 60 with hypothyroidism were 26 percent more likely than those with a normal thyroid function to die prematurely of any cause.

At this stage, there are many reasons why hypothyroidism can cause premature death. Hypothyroidism involves the slowing down of your metabolic system, and this affects pretty much every system in your body, which will obviously take its toll eventually.

It’s therefore essential that you address your hypothyroidism as soon as possible.

Get Rid of Your Hypothyroidism Without Any Drugs – Most people can fortunately eliminate all complications of hypothyroidism in a few days by pinpointing the root cause of the condition, which I’ll explain here…

Get Rid of Your Hypothyroidism Without Any Drugs - Hypothyroidism Causes These Common Psychological Disorders

We normally think of hypothyroidism as a disease with physical symptoms.

But what if a new study in the Journal of Affective Disorders is right and a major psychological disorder with suicidal tendencies and other dangerous symptoms result from it too?

In this case, you absolutely must cure your hypothyroidism. Fortunately, it’s easy to do with minor diet and lifestyle changes.

A deficiency in neurotransmitters or other chemicals like serotonin, dopamine norepinephrine, GABA, and endorphins is usually thought to be the cause of major depression.

For this reason, it shouldn’t really surprise us that a deficiency in the thyroid hormone could also be involved in triggering major depression.

Hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid disease, is a disorder in which your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones.

A team of Chinese researchers set out to discover whether people with major depressive disorders were more likely to have hypothyroidism.

1,706 people, who were diagnosed with major depression, were studied using the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale to evaluate depression, the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale to rate anxiety, and the positive subscale of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale to record psychiatric symptoms.

Blood samples were also collected to record the level of thyroid-stimulating hormones. Based on these scores, they divided the subjects into mild and severe cases of hypothyroidism.

They found 60.7 percent of their subjects had inactive thyroids.

People who had made suicide attempts were 4.5 times more likely to suffer from severe hypothyroidism, and those with psychotic symptoms were 5.9 times more likely.

The sufferers of the severe form reported more pronounced anxiety. They were also more likely to be overweight.

Therefore, having an underactive thyroid places you at serious risk of depression, suggesting that you should have your thyroid tested if you feel depressed.

If you are experiencing depressive thoughts and anxiety, it’s imperative to get professional medical help, but by eliminating hypothyroidism, you can also help yourself.

For more ideas to get rid of your hypothyroidism without any drugs, watch this video - How to Cure Hypothyroidism Naturally - Foods, Vitamins and Supplements for Thyroid Natural Treatment



Get rid of your hypothyroidism without any drugs starting today by tackling its root cause of it, which I will explain here…


This post is from the Hypothyroidism Solution Program created by Julissa Clay. She provides you with tips and techniques which she used while struggling with hypothyroidism. Julissa is a natural health researcher and has written many health program e-books and digital guides. She spent all her life to the service of all the people and helped them to recover from various health issues naturally. You can easily avoid the side effects of the medications by following her.


To find out more about this program, click on The Hypothyroidism Solution


Saturday, December 5, 2020



Some plant-based foods are better than others at burning fat and revealing those stunning abs underneath. Plenty of cookies, breads, and potato chips are meat-free, but that certainly doesn’t mean they’re healthy choices. Here are some of the best fat-burning plant foods that will help you carve the abs you crave

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

Those elusive six-pack abs: everybody wants them, few of us ever achieve them, and most of us don’t understand how to get them.

Contrary to popular belief, killer abs aren’t exclusively reserved for elite bodybuilders and fitness models. Normal people can get them too, and the secret is all in your diet.

Now is the time to wake up and realize that you already have the potential for amazing abs…they’re just hidden under a stubborn layer of fat that you can burn off with plants.

The Correlation Between Abs and Fat

It doesn’t matter how many hundreds of crunches you do every day. If your diet is crap, you’re never going to lose belly fat and get that six-pack. The struggle to lose fat around the mid-section is very real, but well within your reach if you replace steaks with salads.

Ultimately, you need to get your body fat percentage down before you can start to sculpt those abs.

Research shows that you will start to lose weight if you cut at least 500 calories out of your daily diet. One pound of weight equals 3,500 calories, so you’ll need to cut 500 calories to lose a pound per week and 1,000 calories to shed off two pounds per week.

A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that losing weight is more about healthful choices than moderation, and more about plant foods than portion monitoring.

After putting test subjects on vegetarian and vegan diets, the researchers found that people who stuck with plants lost over 10 pounds, regardless of calorie counting or exercise plans. Combine your plant-based diet with a regular workout routine and you’ll be well on your way to that six-pack.

How Plants Help Burn Fat

Fortunately for non-meat-eaters, consuming plants can actually help burn fat. A study published in Nutrition Reviews found that vegan diets caused more calories to be burned after meals, compared to meat-based diets that cause fewer calories to be burned because food is being stored as fat.

Vegetables and fruits contain mostly water, which means they’ll keep you full without adding unwanted calories. This is great news if you’re working out because you can consume a higher volume of food to make up for that energy loss without taking in more calories.

Lots of plant-based foods are also high in fiber, which reduces belly inflammation and moves along the digestion process.

Top Fat-Burning Plant Foods

Of course, some plant-based foods are better than others at burning fat and revealing those stunning abs underneath. Plenty of cookies, breads, and potato chips are meat-free, but that certainly doesn’t mean they’re healthy choices.

These are some of the best plant-based foods that will help you carve the abs you crave.

  1. Quinoa
  2. Broccoli
  3. Cauliflower
  4. Brussels sprouts
  5. Asparagus
  6. Berries
  7. Oatmeal
  8. Flax seeds
  9. Vegan protein powder 
  10. Almonds, cashews, and walnuts

Obviously, eating plants isn’t going to get you the abs you want without putting some work into it, and that’s where the exercise component comes in. Some of the best ab exercises to keep that momentum going are planks, hanging leg raises, and cable crunches.

Not only will plants help prep your body for these workouts, but they’ll also deliver the nutrients your ab muscles need to tighten up and energy to work out longer and stronger.

For  more ideas about fat-burning plant foods, watch this video -  4 Healthy Vegan Recipes For Weight Loss


Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Fat-Burning Plant Foods that Can Help You Get the Abs You Want


Friday, December 4, 2020

10 Tips for a Plant-Based Diet On a Budget


Plant-Based Diet on a Budget - A plant-based diet can but a strain on your wallet if you don’t know how to shop and what to buy. Here are our top ten tips for eating plant-based on a budget and getting the most value from your healthy meals.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

There’s a common misconception that a plant-based diet is an expensive diet. Take a walk around your local Whole Foods store, and you might start to agree once you get to the checkout line and see your grocery bill.

But chances are that it’s not the fruits and veggies racking up your bill. Fake meat and cheese products and pre-packaged foods tend to be the big-ticket items for vegans and vegetarians. And ironically, meats are typically the most expensive items on the average omnivore’s shopping list.

Regardless, sticking to a plant-based diet can but a strain on your wallet if you don’t know how to shop and what to buy. Here are our top ten tips for eating plant-based on a budget and getting the most value from your healthy meals.

1. Plan Meals and Stock Up

Just like planning a vacation or taking a test, it helps to prepare in advance for the best results. Impulse shopping leads to overspending, so take some time once per week to decide on your weekly meals and write a grocery list. Some great vegan cookbooks can help you get started with meal prep, so pick one up for inspiration and guidance.

The bulk section of the grocery store is a vegan’s and vegetarian’s best friend. This is the place where you can stock up on legumes, rice, quinoa, nuts, seeds, and other dry goods for a much lower price than you’d find in small packaging.

2. Try Alternative Groceries Stores

Think outside the box, or rather the “big box stores,” as you approach grocery shopping in a more mindful way. Sure, you may find deals at Walmart and your regional grocery store chain.

But there are many other places to shop for plant-based foods as well. Try dollar stores and discount retailers for dry goods and ethnic grocery stores for produce.

Local Asian and Middle Eastern shops are great places to find unique fruits and vegetables, rice, legumes, tofu, and spices. Not only are these shops affordable, but they may even introduce you to new plant-based foods that add variety to your diet.

3. Stick to the Staples

Food trends come and go, but trendy foods are notorious for breaking the budget. Instead of following the latest superfood trend, stick to the staples that you know will give you the nutrition your body needs.

A healthy plant-based shopping list starts with oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, lentils, and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

4. Learn to Love Leftovers

Leftovers have gotten a bad reputation over the years as being soggy, stale, and downright unappetizing. But food waste is far too common, and wasting food is a sure way to break your budget.

As you plan meals, make dishes that allow for leftovers, that save well, and learn to love them. Taking your leftovers for lunch the next day will help you save money and also discourage you from eating out and splurging on less healthy foods.

5. Buy Generic Options

You may swear by certain brand names for your favorite running shoes or tech devices, but consider buying generic when possible in the grocery store.

Supermarket house brands tend to be a fraction of the cost of the more well-known brands, and the quality is often the same. Flip the containers around to compare ingredients of generic versions to name-brand versions before you buy, though, just to make sure.

6. Grow Your Food

Whether you’re looking for a new hobby or just a guaranteed way to cut chemicals and GMOs out of your diet, growing your own food is a great habit to get into.

You can start small by growing some herbs on your windowsill. If you’ve lucky enough to have a backyard, pick up a gardening book or talk to an expert at your local gardening store to learn about which vegetables and fruits grow well in your region.

If you don’t have backyard access, look for community gardens nearby that rent out small plots of land for seasonal use.

7. Shop at Farmers Markets

Of course, you can also leave the growing up to the experts and reap the benefits of their bountiful harvests. Farmers markets are a wonderful way to eat healthily, support local businesses, and gain an understanding of where your food comes from.

8. Carry Snacks

When midday hunger strikes, are you prepared, or do you stop by the convenience store for the quickest and easiest snack? Stick to your meat-free diet and your budget by carrying snacks with you throughout the day.

Some of the best vegan snacks that are portable include hummus with veggies, spicy roasted garbanzo beans, and snap peas with lime and mint.

9. Be Beverage Conscious

Just because most beverages are technically vegan by definition doesn’t mean that they deserve a place in your healthy and budget-conscious diet. Skip sugary juices and sodas that do nothing but rot your teeth and add to your waistline.

Instead, squeeze some fresh lemon or lime in pure water for a tasty twist on hydration. Non-dairy milk can often be found in generic form, and non-dairy creamer can be added to coffee at home to replace your expensive Starbucks habit.

With these ten tips in mind, you CAN and WILL save money while eating the healthy foods you love and living the best life possible. Keep a journal of your expenses and eating habits for a month to compare and see the difference for yourself!

10. Vegan Protein Powder

I saved the best for last. Supplements are a multi-billion-dollar industry that primarily offers highly effective advertising and placebo effect. Protein powder is one of the exceptions to that rule.

A good multi-sourced vegan protein powder packs a nutritional punch. It provides a spectrum of amino acids needed for muscle growth, and they are super-convenient to prepare and take with you on the go.

Eating on a budget may be a challenge, but it certainly doesn’t have to stop you from reaching your health and fitness goals. Now go get after it!

For more ideas about plant-based diet on a budget, watch this video - 3 Budget-Friendly Vegan Meals For Beginners | Full Day Of Eating


Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Plant-Based Diet on a Budget


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