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Monday, January 7, 2019

What is the Best Way to Relieve Migraine Pain?

What is the Best Way to Relieve Migraine Pain?  Read on to find out more about this Migraine and Headache Program that explains how you can cure headaches and then gives you a simple, step-by-step approach to deal with it through easy exercises. This program can free you up from the costly drugs and supplements which can pose adverse side effects. It enhances your brain’s oxygen level and gets rid of pain through exercises. Most importantly, it permanently treats your migraine and other types of headaches.

Relieve Migraine Pain - Clean Out the Fridge and Lose a Migraine

A friend of mine was laughing about her daughter, who has one of those little dorm fridges in her dorm room at college.  Mostly, she keeps some fresh fruit, a few cans of soda, and several bottles of water.

But recently, she had started keeping some deli meats and cheese in there for studying. The first tests were going to be starting soon and apparently, she needs sustenance.

What made my friend laugh was that her daughter asked if it was okay to eat cheese if it was starting to turn green.

“How long has it been in there?” Her mom asked with a chuckle.  Apparently she bought it with the first batch of drinks and sodas, but didn’t know exactly when that was.

Her mom was trying to explain that some foods need to be tossed after a couple days, and some last longer.  Then she asked where she was for the last 18 years and why she didn’t remember the “fridge cleaning out days.’

Her daughter always thought that on those days, her mom was just really enthusiastic about cooking…mom would pull eggs, cheese, meats, biscuits and vegetables every now and then and cook up several dinners and freeze them.

Her daughter hadn’t realized that what Mom was doing was cooking everything that would be expiring soon in order to be able to freeze it.

This is a pretty good practice, especially considering that some foods are just really nasty when left in the fridge too long, like souring milk, browning ground beef and moldy cheese.

Other foods, however, can affect your health long before the expiration date is even reached, and not because of anything food manufacturers do or don’t do to it before you buy it.

Foods that sit in the refrigerator, once cooked, begin a build-up of a chemical called tyramine.  This amine is a by-product of an amino acid called tyrosine.

As tyrosine breaks down – this is a natural process- it produces tyramine.  This is actually a chemical that has an important role in the body as it helps to regulate blood pressure.  However, too much of it can cause serious problems for some people.

The problem with this chemical is that it has been shown in many studies and through years of research to trigger migraines for people who suffer the dreaded cluster monsters.

The foods most likely to be offensively high in tyramine levels are foods that are more than 24 hours old, such as leftovers sitting in the fridge.  Deli meats, aged cheeses, and many nuts are also on the list of foods to either consume in moderation or even avoid altogether.

Some whole meals can therefore be off the list even before they make it to the fridge, such as pizza.  If pepperoni, sausage, and mozzarella cheese can trigger a migraine when it’s fresh-baked, refrigerated pizza leftovers are going to be worse.

Additionally, people who take Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs) such as those for depression, are at increased risk of negative effects from aging foods.  MAOIs are designed to suppress the enzyme monoamine oxidase.  This enzyme breaks down tyramine.

So what are the recommendations for people who suspect they might be affected by tyramine?

Start with data. Keep a diary of what you have been eating and how it affects you.  If you notice that you wind up with a bad headache within 6 to 8 hours of eating barbeque or your favorite deli sub, you might want to consider cutting back on those foods.

Just for the record as well, there are expiration and freshness dates on most food packaging.  Fruits and vegetables, though, won’t carry such stamps.

While some dates are intended to be a guide that the associated food is simply better if consumed by that date, others indicate an actual expiration.

Generally, in order to receive maximum benefit from the foods you are eating, you will want to consume it right away.  Stockpiling food for a later day will diminish the nutritive value of it and can also introduce chemical and biological changes (tyramine with meats or mold on cheese) in the foods.

For more information on natural methods to eliminate migraine activity, click here.

Relieve Migraine Pain - Supplement and Prescription Interaction- A Bad Brew?

There has been a lot of concerns about what people are taking and when with respect to their prescription drugs, and they almost always will go on to disclose a supplement (or five or ten) they are also taking.

Sometimes, we find that folks are using the natural, herbal world to make their nutrition a more complete picture. Other times they are taking something that helps to correct a disease process that is a result of a deficiency, as with iron, calcium, or vitamin D shortages.

But occasionally, we come across disclosures that raise a flag, as in the cases relating to people who are on serious prescription drugs and also supplementing from nature with highly concentrated herbal supplements or mineral compounds.

Many times, there are no interactions. In fact, some herbal supplements actually help a drug to be either better absorbed or to be more effective. An example might be people taking fish oil capsules as well as hormone replacement regimens (whether natural or herbal).

Far too frequently, though, a supplement will have a dangerous interaction with a prescription drug, and this is generally because of “too much of a good thing” or a duplicating effect.

An example here may be taking St. John’s Wort for boosting your mood while you are also taking a prescription serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Most bottles for both products warn about the interaction, but some medicine-herb packaging might not.

Another place where trouble brews is where prescription blood thinners and supplements or spices meet. Curry powder and cayenne pepper are natural blood thinners, and when taken as an extract or a super-concentrated capsule, can pose a clotting problem.

This can occur anywhere in the body where blood vessels happen to be…such as the brain, heart, and other vital organs.

Or, you may be taking an herb or other product that renders the prescription drug either completely useless or makes it less available for receptors.

An example here would be the “grapefruit effect” that occurs when people eat grapefruit or take an extract and they are also taking a statin drug for cholesterol. Properties in the grapefruit and extracts destroy an enzyme that is critical for the statin drug to be metabolized.

That is also an example where many times there will be warnings on the labels of the drug and/or the packaging of the extract.

But what about the interactions that aren’t as famous?

Take, for example, the simple, yet effective multivitamin. The capsules generally include a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, and are in a chemical makeup such that it is easily absorbed.

But if a prescription drug is also being taken that has many of the same properties, this can be a real problem.

Iron in a standard multi-vitamin is great, and in a high enough amount that the general public would really benefit from. But if you are also taking a prescription calcium bicarbonate (or even an over the counter one) the iron will not be absorbed.

Vitamins or drugs not absorbed and used by the cells of their intended tissues will wind up in the filtration system, namely the liver and the kidneys.

Sometimes, this can be such an insult they just shut down.

The point to this is not to say you should stop taking your prescription medicines. It is more a call to action to talk to the doctor and/or pharmacist about everything you are currently taking. Not just pills he or she doesn’t know another doctor may have prescribed, but also supplements your herbalist recommends for you.

The dynamic that unfolds to create this is not typically forgetfulness. Usually, it is embarrassment.

Consider this: A person doesn’t want the doctor to know he or she is taking ginko, for example, because he is afraid the doctor will shoot it down as so much quack nonsense, but the person taking it knows the proven benefits.

He also does not tell his herbalist that he is taking Coumadin, a blood thinner, since he doesn’t want her knowing he relies on “big pharma” to get by.

The end result to this made up scenario could possibly be death due to hemorrhagic stroke. This is because of the “too much of a good thing” as it is proven that ginko tends to interfere with the normal clotting of the blood, something which Coumadin is prescribed to do on purpose, anyway.

It might get you a lecture from one or the other (or both) providers, but the lecture and subsequent dosage adjustment might just save your life.

There is nothing wrong with looking at all the layers of comprehensive treatment that goes with treating high cholesterolproblems sleeping, or chronic pain.

The problems arise when you fail to tell your prescriber that not only do you prefer natural treatments, but you are also currently involved in their uses.

Let us know if you have had problems with interactions. The advice you give may help someone and keep him or her from making a mistake in what they ingest, inject, or inhale.

Relieve Migraine Pain - I Won’t See the Doctor Because I Hate Pills

This statement occurs so much it leaves me wishing I could have a dime every time someone mentions it.

Some of my own staff have even said variations of it from time to time.
While I understand the sentiment, it does concern me a lot since a licensed health care provider someone who can accurately diagnose health conditions. Someone off the street or in a health food store is not someone who can do that.

That said, it can be very frustrating when you are trying to live according to healthy, natural rules and your doctor hands you a prescription sheet after spending 45 seconds with you. Does he or she even really understand the issue? Does he or she respect my wishes to try natural methods first?

Only you can answer this, and the only way is to develop a better communication channel with your provider. Avoiding even seeing the doctor is the opposite of this.

Many times people write in with their frustration of the tendency their provider has with reflexively reaching for the prescription pad to ink out some pill regimen. When this happens, we are faced with 3 choices:

– Agree with the doctor, fill the prescription, and take the pills, accepting blindly any side effects that come along for the ride

– Disagree with the doctor and not tell him or her, refuse to fill the prescription and possibly suffer an even worse outcome

– Disagree with the doctor and advocate for a better, more natural and healthy treatment alternative

Drugs can alleviate a lot of problems, but only if taken properly. Non-compliance is actually listed as a drug ‘misuse’ problem for the Centers for Disease Control and the Department of Health. They also carry frustrating or even dangerous side effects, which is one key factor for non-compliance in the first place.

This scenario can leave a person with a “rock and a hard place” kind of feeling. And for what? Because our doctor doesn’t listen to us? Or how about maybe that we haven’t tried hard enough to get our message across.

I do understand that insurance limitations and economic factors play a role in how easy it is to “fire” your doctor if you aren’t happy, but you might be surprised at how easy it is to do just that.

If you feel that you just can’t leave your physician, then honesty will get you a lot further than agreeing to a course of treatment and then not carrying it out.

Your doctor may already suspect that you are not complying with the prescribed treatment plan, especially if you keep appearing in the office with the same treatable, chronic problem.

So why not just have out with it if you know you won’t take the drugs? Your doctor deserves to know when your non-compliance may endanger your life. And you deserve for him or her to try harder to find an acceptable alternative.

The only way this can happen is to be honest and open up that very candid dialogue.

A friend of mine said once, “My doctor is so stubborn. He thinks he’s God or something and that his opinion about my health is the only one that matters.” There is a little bit of truth to his thinking in the vein of having had many years of advanced training and experience…so his opinion is very valuable.

But that’s where the truth in his statement ends. She acknowledged that she is a very important player on the healthcare team because it’s HER health. She finally up and told him, “Look, Doc, I appreciate where you are coming from but the ‘cure’ is worse than the disease. I absolutely will not take those pills. What else ya got?” this was in reference to a migraine issue she had been having for a very long time.

Sure enough, he said something to the effect that he suspected she was going to eventually say that and put it back on her to understand fully what that refusal means. It means that while there alternatives, she is the one who has to do the work to make them effective, which was part of her problem.

Honesty is an uncomfortable thing. It forces the lines of communication to be awkwardly open and in this case makes it a 2-way street. She knew that if she stood up to him on her behalf, that he likely would, too. And he did. He detailed the laundry list of things that were causing problems for her, and even had a lot of patient education materials related to treating migraine naturally.

He had never offered it before…she wasn’t ready before. But the honest announcement of “not gonna take the pills” was the sign that she actually was ready.

The point to all this is that you can decide you don’t like a treatment plan, but you also have to decide to do the right thing and tell your doctor. Be open to the truth about your condition; even if that means you have to change something significant in your life. It might be easier than you think, though.

For an easy and effective program to help alleviate your migraine pain, see my natural plan today.

This post is from The Migraine and Headache Program, which was created by Christian Goodman. This program first explains how you can cure headaches and then gives you a simple, step-by-step approach to deal with it through easy exercises.

This program can free you up from the costly drugs and supplements which can pose adverse side effects. It enhances your brain’s oxygen level and gets rid of pain through exercises. Most importantly, it permanently treats your migraine and other types of headaches.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Relieve Migraine Pain.

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Friday, January 4, 2019

How to Completely Eliminate Migraine for Good?

In order to completely eliminate migraine for good, it is important to address all the triggers for migraine attacks (emotional, diet and oxygen) and eliminate them systematically. Read on here to find out more about this All-Natural Migraine and Headache Program that can help you to achieve it.

Click Here to Discover an All-Natural Method That Eliminates Both Migraine & Frequent Headaches & Gives You an Awesome Day, Every Day

Completely Eliminate Migraine - These Things Trigger Migraine Study Proves

Researchers have finally found proof regarding well-known suspects of migraine triggers.

The good news is that you can indeed indulge in some of them if you do it the right way.

Even though migraine sufferers have reported for many decades that red wine and certain weather changes can trigger migraines, there has never been proof until recently.

Part of the challenge was because these two suspects don’t affect all sufferers, and even those that are affected aren’t always affected with every exposure.

Study authors following participants from Brazil studied the effects of different varieties of wine.

What they noticed along with the regularity and predictability of the migraine was that certain varieties were worse than others for severity.

Those wines high in tannins like Malbecs and Tanats caused a higher frequency of migraines and they were also more severe. This led doctors commenting on the study to conclude that if you do have migraine headaches and if you like red wine, stick to those with lower tannin content.

Doctors were presented with another study that tracked migraine sufferers over the course of an entire year. Researchers found that weather changes from mild to cold days were associated with a more than 20% higher likelihood of triggering a mild headache.

Days going from mild to warmer still caused problems but not as frequently as cooler weather.

For natural ways to completely eliminate migraine for good, click here…

Completely Eliminate Migraine - Devastating Effects of Migraine and Headaches

Most people consider headaches an annoying and painful- but pretty harmless health hazard. Repeated studies, however, have revealed a connection between serious headaches like migraine and an increased frequency of serious conditions such as Alzheimer’s, stroke and high blood pressure.

As technology advances, scientists can better study exactly what happens as a person experiences a migraine attack. And what’s revealed is frankly devastating. The conclusion is that migraines should not be treated; but rather, avoided by all means.

Today, we’ll discuss exactly what happens with a migraine attack, the one single main cause for migraine and how it’s possible to avoid migraine and headache attacks all together, even if you’ve suffered for years.

Note that although not all headaches are considered migraine headache, the same exact function happens in the brain with all headaches. So if you have frequent headaches or suffer migraine with or without headaches please read on.

Anyone who has ever experienced a migraine attack knows all too well how bad it feels. So instead of dwelling on that, let’s look at what exactly happens in your body as the attack arises.

You see, migraine is always caused by some kind of trigger or combination of triggers. Nobody knows exactly why these triggers cause migraines, but they act in some ways like allergy effect.

What makes migraines extremely difficult to handle is that there is usually not one trigger that gets it going but a build-up of many triggers, often over a period of time.

And those triggers can be emotional as well as physical or visual. For example, a piece of chocolate may throw you into migraine attack when you’re stressed but do nothing to you when you’re relaxed.

Migraine and headaches happen as the arteries in the brain inhibit or reduce blood delivery to parts of the brain because of changes in dilation.

Different types of migraine and headaches depend on where in the brain this inflammation happens. For short periods of time, your brain is experiencing mild stroke effects.

To prevent permanent brain damage from the lack of blood delivery, the body expands the arteries, making the pressure even more severe and causing increased pain and migraine symptoms.

Since your brain at some points can be starving for oxygen, the tissues closest to the main arteries steals most of the oxygen delivered, leaving parts deeper inside the brain deprived. This is not unlike the symptoms of small, mild strokes.

This is the reason why migraine has been connected to the development of dementia and there is higher risk of severe stroke among people with migraine as well as connection to many other neurological diseases.

Since every single migraine attack acts as series of mini-strokes on the brain and causes minor brain damage, scientists now warn that the main object should not just to treat the pain from migraine but to try to avoid it altogether to prevent more serious diseases down the road.

Unfortunately, the traditional medicine system has been unable to come up with effective medications to prevent migraine. And in fact, many drugs, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol drugs, can cause migraine attacks as side effects.

It’s therefore important (as with all diseases) to look at the underlying cause of migraine instead of focusing on the symptoms.

Emotional stress is a major trigger for migraine and headache. Who hasn’t experienced a migraine hitting on the exact day when you just couldn’t afford to be side-lined with a migraine?

This is why migraine is more common among people suffering high blood pressure and why mind body exercises such as yoga, meditation, bio-feedback and our high blood pressure exercise program have been proven to help tremendously with migraine sufferers.

What you eat is even more important than how you feel regarding triggering migraine. You probably already know about some types of foods that you simply can’t eat without paying for it.

When isolating a trigger food, it’s recommended to take out of your diet pretty much everything except basic, unprocessed foods for a week.

Then little by little add back in different foods and see how they affect you. However, this can be very complicated because foods may not trigger migraine unless taken in combination with other triggers.

Watch these 2 Videos –

I’ve found the single most important migraine trigger to be oxygen deprivation in the first place. This is the reason why migraine is more common among those suffering sleep apnea, for example.

It’s also more common in cities with low or compromised oxygen levels. Oxygen deprivation triggers the inflammation in the brain that then again causes more oxygen deprivation.
Oxygen therapy (where people breathe oxygen from a tank) has been proven as a somewhat helpful method to treat migraine. The problem with oxygen therapy, however, is that it isn’t as effective once your migraine attack has started. It also doesn’t guarantee that the oxygen inhaled is actually delivered to the brain.

Tackling migraine and headaches, it’s important to address all above triggers (emotional, diet and oxygen) and eliminate them systematically. I’ve set up a system to do that in my very successful migraine and headache program. Learn more about that here…

This post is from The Migraine and Headache Program, which was created by Christian Goodman. This program first explains how you can cure headaches and then gives you a simple, step-by-step approach to deal with it through easy exercises.

This program can free you up from the costly drugs and supplements which can pose adverse side effects. It enhances your brain’s oxygen level and gets rid of pain through exercises. Most importantly, it permanently treats your migraine and other types of headaches.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Completely Eliminate Migraine and Frequent Headaches.

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Thursday, December 27, 2018

3 Best Easy Ways to Cure Headaches and Migraine

To cure headaches and migraine is among some of the costliest conditions in the US. The debilitating bouts interfere with work, family life, and even normal daily activities like bathing, cooking, and cleaning. But there are natural ways to prevent and undo headaches and even migraines that don’t have to break the bank or take up your entire day.These 3 tips are a sure-fire way to overcome the chains of headache and migraine, and keep you in a healthier state so you aren’t grounded by pain and missing out on life.

Click Here to Discover an All-Natural Method That Eliminates Both Migraine & Frequent Headaches & Gives You an Awesome Day, Every Day

3 Easy Ways to Cure Headaches and Migraine

Migraines and headache disorders are among some of the costliest conditions in the US. The debilitating bouts interfere with work, family life, and even normal daily activities like bathing, cooking, and cleaning.

But there are natural ways to prevent and undo headaches and even migraines that don’t have to break the bank or take up your entire day.

These 3 tips are a sure-fire way to overcome the chains of headache and migraine, and keep you in a healthier state so you aren’t grounded by pain and missing out on life…

Cure Headaches and Migraine Way #1 - Correct faulty body mechanics… 

Chronic slouching and badposture, along with stomach-sleeping at night- will easily lead to musculo-skeletal problems that cause migraine and headache pain. This is not to mention neck, shoulder, and lower back pain.

Bad posture also interferes greatly with the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain, and this deprivation can frequently trigger the cascade of migraine activity.

As well, stomach-sleepers don’t sleep as soundly as those who sleep on their sides or even back-sleepers. Getting adequate sleep is critical in avoiding migraine and headaches.

Cure Headaches and Migraine Way #2 - Work on the missing nutrients

It is becoming more evident that vitamin and mineral deficiencies are the source of many chronic pain conditions, and headache/migraine is no exception. Most of the Western world is sorely lacking in Vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium.

These three nutrients alone are critical in the proper and optimal function of just about every system in the body. Even if you don’t have a clinical deficiency, you still might not be getting optimum amounts. Food sources are best, but if you have to supplement, try a sub-lingual (under-the-tongue) multi that absorbs better than giant tablets.

Cure Headaches and Migraine Way #3 - Make the complete and total elimination of negative stress and anxiety your goal. 

You can correct nutrition, body mechanics- even hormone activity to some degree- as well as avoiding known triggers like alcohol and chocolate, and still find some breakthrough migraine activity that is just downright stubborn.

Anxiety is frequently the less-published trigger and source of chronic pain because it is so elusive. What stresses one person out might be pleasurable or no big deal to the next.

You may never really be able to put your finger on what’s causing anxiety in your life, or it may be something you simply can’t avoid or eliminate. In that event, you need something that will help your body’s reaction to those negative stimuli so you can avoid the chain reaction of pain that frequently is purely stress-driven.

Our exercises in the program to eliminate high blood pressure are the most effective drug-free way to accomplish this.

For more natural ways to completely eliminate migraine and headaches, check out the Migraine program here…

And for Neck pain, you really need to see this…

If sleeplessness is your trigger, then this easy, drug-free solution to beat insomnia is just what you’ve been waiting for…

This post is from The Migraine and Headache Program, which was created by Christian Goodman. This program first explains how you can cure headaches and then gives you a simple, step-by-step approach to deal with it through easy exercises.

This program can free you up from the costly drugs and supplements which can pose adverse side effects. It enhances your brain’s oxygen level and gets rid of pain through exercises. Most importantly, it permanently treats your migraine and other types of headaches.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Eliminate Both Migraine and Frequent Headaches.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

What is the Best Way to Eliminate Feeling of Physical Pain?

Chronic pain is one of the most common health issues in the Western world. We’re talking about back pain, neck pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, headaches- and the list goes on. Most doctors have no other options than prescribing pain killers. As your body adopts, though, the pain killers need to be stronger and the side effects become more severe. But did you know there are several common types of foods that have an amazing ability to eliminate feeling of physical pain?

Eliminate the Feeling of Physical Pain Using These 9 Types of Foods

Chronic pain is one of the most common health issues in the Western world. We’re talking about back pain, neck pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraine, headaches- and the list goes on.

Most doctors have no other options than prescribing pain killers. As your body adopts, though, the pain killers need to be stronger and the side effects become more severe.

But did you know there are several common types of foods that have an amazing ability to eliminate all types of pain?

You probably have most of these foods in your kitchen already or can find them in your local supermarket.

In today’s post, we will look at what needs to be in your ‘first aid from the kitchen’ plan, and give you some items for your next grocery store trip.

Pain comes from all sorts of input: a strenuous workout, arthritis conditions, chronic disease, depression, and the list goes on.

But the method to beating back the pain doesn’t always have to come from a bottle of pills. Sometimes it’s as easy as knowing what to eat. If you are suffering from pain and want natural alternatives to fix it, see the list below for the right kids of foods that heal:

Eliminate Feeling of Physical Pain – Food #1 – Ginger

This amazing and zingy root has been used for centuries as a pain-relieving agent. It soothes everything from stomach ache to joint pain.

It is used extensively in teas, soups, and other Asian cuisine as a critical element for healing. Its antioxidant properties make it ideal to crush inflammation that ravages joints.

Grate it and add to breads, broth, tea, and smoothies. Keep it fresh by grating or blending a whole ginger root, divide into ice cube trays with a little water, and freeze.

Eliminate Feeling of Physical Pain – Food #2 – Bananas 

This fruit has also been on the pain relief list for many, many years because of its ability to eliminate leg pain. It was once thought that the potassium levels were responsible for eliminating leg cramps and muscle pain; indeed potassium is critical for this.

However, there are foods much higher in potassium than bananas that aren’t as effective. Keep this on the list of ‘everyday’ foods if you have pain issues.

Eliminate Feeling of Physical Pain – Food #3 – Cherries

The chemicals in these little beauties do wonders for muscle pain. In just 2 cups of black cherries, there is enough of the chemical that eliminates C-reactive protein (a key inflammation cause) as popping 2 Advil. As well, cherries have lactic acid-eliminating properties that help to keep the burn out of muscles that occurs the day after a workout.

Eliminate Feeling of Physical Pain – Food #4 – Cilantro

The oil of this pungent herb has long been touted by many cultures as having a cleansing effect. It binds to toxins, cleansing them from the body.

It is extremely high in antioxidants, which are critical for fighting painful inflammation, and it has been used for many centuries as a sleep aid. It’s relaxing properties help with stress-related pain.

Eliminate Feeling of Physical Pain – Food #5 – Peppermint

This is another wonder-herb since it is not only very easy to grow (even in a window pot in a small apartment or in the middle of a garden), but it also has amazing healing properties for stomach ailments.

It is much better to chew the leaves when you have too much to eat or have a stomach ache than to chronically pop chalky chewables from the drugstore. It also won’t interfere with the body’s ability to kill harmful gastrointestinal bacteria like H. Pylori, as antacids will often do.

Eliminate Feeling of Physical Pain – Food #6 – Almonds

The riboflavin in these perfect nuts is frequently the most effective way to eliminate muscle and joint pain. Also, they are very effective in easing the pain of menstrual cramps without having to resort to medications that will make a person drowsy.

Eliminate Feeling of Physical Pain – Food #7 - Beans 

Magnesium in beans helps balance a natural tendency for what otherwise would be a deficiency. Magnesium is critical in muscle health, but also in nerve health.

Increasing consumption of beans might mean you’ll be a little gassier, but you’ll also be much less likely to suffer headache or migraine pain as a result as well. Also, the fiber in beans has been shown to aid in digestion so much that people have been able to drop their GERD medications altogether.

Eliminate Feeling of Physical Pain – Food #8 - Coffee 

It may seem like a surprising addition to a list of healthy foods, but the caffeine in coffee has been shown to not only reduce, but in some cases completely eliminate neck and headache pain. It works by constricting blood vessels that contribute to the pounding that is characteristic of headaches.

Eliminate Feeling of Physical Pain – Food #9 - Water 

We left this one for the last because it is the most critical. It is a fact that most people are dehydrated. Not to the extent that is found when lost in the desert; rather, just to the point where the body’s systems simply don’t function as well as they could.

This lack of optimum function might seem unnoticeable for some, but for others it kicks over the dominoes that lead to a variety of chronic pain issues.

When we don’t have enough water, any number of things can happen: Thirsty muscles will not heal as quickly after exercise. Oxygen delivery is compromised in the blood. Toxins that cause inflammation and wreak havoc on the liver and kidneys (our critical filters) can’t be purged.

Chemicals needed in balancing hormone activity don’t get to where they need to go.

All these things spell pain in one form or another. And don’t forget the impact of foods and beverages that dehydrate us further- processed foods and sugary soft drinks, alcohol and fried foods…all these things serve to increase pain and dehydrate us further.

Of all the items on the list, getting adequate water should be the most important. Without it, all the benefits of the foods listed above are diminished to some extent due to the body’s inability to deliver and process the nutrients.

All types of pain can be healed naturally. But the right method depends on what kind of pain you’re suffering. Here are more details:

This post is from The Migraine and Headache Program. This program first explains how you can cure headaches and then gives you a simple, step-by-step approach to deal with it through easy exercises.

This program can free you up from the costly drugs and supplements which can pose adverse side effects. It enhances your brain’s oxygen level and gets rid of pain through exercises. Most importantly, it permanently treats your migraine and other types of headaches.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Eliminate Both Migraine and Frequent Headaches.

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Friday, December 21, 2018

What is the Best Way to Eliminate Migraine and Headache?

Recent studies have disclosed food types that cause migraine and headache. But there are also foods that soothe, or even prevent, migraine and other headaches permanently. In today’s post, I’m going to tell you about seven powerful types of food that can eliminate migraine and headache. Read on here to find out more.

Click Here to Discover an All-Natural Method That Eliminates Both Migraine & Frequent Headaches & Gives You an Awesome Day, Every Day

These 7 Foods Eliminate Migraine and Headache (#7 will surprise you)

Recent studies have disclosed food types that cause migraine and headache. But there are also foods that soothe, or even prevent, migraine and other headaches permanently.

In today’s post, I’m going to tell you about seven powerful types of food to get rid of headaches.

Eliminate Migraine and Headache Food #1 - Milk and other Dairy products

Dehydration is one of the main causes of headaches. So replacing alcohol and drinks high in sodium (like sodas) with milk is ideal. It’s also loaded with great minerals like calcium and potassium, which counteract the dehydration effects of a high sodium diet. Recent research has also shown that increasing dairy consumption can improve migraine frequency.

Eliminate Migraine and Headache Food #2 - Salmon 

Studies have shown that people who consume lots of vitamin B, especially B6 and B12, have fewer headaches. One serving of salmon includes over 250% of the B12 we need. It’s also loaded with Omega-3, which reduces inflammation that causes migraine.

Eliminate Migraine and Headache Food #3 - Cantaloupe

Lots of water and potassium in cantaloupe counteract the dehydration that often causes headaches. It’s also loaded with magnesium. But most importantly, it helps stabilize blood sugar level, which is great headache prevention.

Eliminate Migraine and Headache Food #4 - Navy Beans

Low magnesium is considered one of the major causes of headaches. Just one serving of these beans includes 25% of the magnesium you need. To load up on magnesium, also include apricots, bananas, avocados, almonds, and spinach.

Eliminate Migraine and Headache Food #5 - Potatoes

We’ve said it before and say it again; potassium is essential if you have frequent migraines and headaches. One big potato has 25% of the potassium you need. It’s also loaded with vitamins A, C, and B.

Eliminate Migraine and Headache Food #6 - Water

We started out saying dehydration is one of the main causes of migraine and frequent headaches. It should, therefore, go without saying that drinking water is essential to prevent headache attacks.

Eliminate Migraine and Headache Food #7 - Oxygen

One of the reasons not becoming dehydrated is so important to prevent migraine and headaches is that the real cause of almost all migraine and headache attacks is a lack of oxygen in the brain. Dehydration leads to reduced blood flow, which leads to less oxygen delivery.

But it’s also important to load your body with enough oxygen in the first place. Obviously, the way to do this, is through breathing effectively.

But it’s not enough to just take a few deep breaths. You must train your body to breathe effectively 24/7. Otherwise, for a large part of the day and night, you’ll not be getting enough oxygen. That can lead to a headache or migraine attack in a few hours.

I’ve developed a set of simple exercises that train your body to take in enough oxygen automatically. This takes a few minutes per day in the beginning but after that, everything is on an autopilot. And you’ll never suffer another migraine attack again.

This post is from The Migraine and Headache Program, which was created by Christian Goodman. This program first explains how you can cure headaches and then gives you a simple, step-by-step approach to deal with it through easy exercises.

This program can free you up from the costly drugs and supplements which can pose adverse side effects. It enhances your brain’s oxygen level and gets rid of pain through exercises. Most importantly, it permanently treats your migraine and other types of headaches.

To find out more about this program, click on How to Eliminate Both Migraine and Frequent Headaches.

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