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Showing posts with label reverse chronic kidney disease symptoms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reverse chronic kidney disease symptoms. Show all posts

Monday, February 20, 2023

How to Stop and Prevent Kidney Disease from Progressing?


There are simple steps you can take to reverse chronic kidney disease, using nothing but easy life changes (and yes, one of them is to reduce stress). Learn all the details from the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Solution Program created by Dr. Shelly Manning, to stop and prevent kidney disease from progressing

Click on HERE to Learn This Holistic Approach to Reverse the Deterioration of Kidney Function

Stop and Prevent Kidney Disease from Progressing – Weird Cause of Chronic Kidney Disease

If you have been diagnosed with CKD, chances are that your doctor blamed it on high blood pressuretype-2 diabetes, or other underlying conditions.

But a new study published in the journal Kidney International Reports now reveals another underlying cause. It’s one that you wouldn’t have thought of before, and it may be easier to address than underlying physical diseases.

Most psychological disorders like anxiety or depression cannot be linked to a specific life event, which is what distinguishes them from stress-related disorders (SRDs), which usually follow trauma, the death of a loved one, a car accident, a difficult diagnosis, or some other distressing event.

Previous studies have shown that SRDs put us at risk of infections, autoimmune diseases, and heart disease, all of which can contribute to kidney disease.

But the authors of this new study noted that there are many other connections between stress and kidney function:

1. Scientists already know that stress can result in inadequate blood flow to the kidneys.

2. Stress leads to an overactive sympathetic nervous system, which has a major effect on the kidneys.

3. Stress affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, a communication path in which the brain triggers the kidneys to secrete hormones like cortisol.

Given all these connections between stress and kidneys, the researchers wanted to determine whether SRDs contribute to kidney disease.

To find out, they used data collected by a population-wide Swedish study that included 30,998 people with an SRD diagnosis and 116,677 age- and sex-matched people with whom to compare them.

Specifically, they examined whether chronic kidney disease among SRD sufferers worsened, as measured by estimated glomerular filtration rates.

They identified acute kidney injury by recording those who were hospitalized with it and those who suffered rapid creatinine changes, a common sign of acute kidney injury.

The subjects had an average age of 45 years, and 71% of them were women. They were observed for an average of 3.2 years after their SRD diagnoses.

The study confirmed both hypotheses.

1. The subjects diagnosed with SRDs were 23% more likely to experience a progression in chronic kidney disease.

2. Those with SRDs were also 22% more likely to develop an acute kidney injury, but only in the first year after the SRD diagnosis.

This finding remained true even when the researchers excluded the influence of other psychiatric disorders, health conditions, and medications from their analysis.

This shows that resilience to stress is not only a psychological advantage but can also prevent a decline in kidney function and maybe even save your life in the process.

This also shows that chronic kidney disease is not just some unavoidable genetic condition, as many doctors want you to think. Nor is it simply an aftereffect of high blood pressure or diabetes.

Indeed, there are simple steps you can take to reverse chronic kidney disease, using nothing but easy life changes (and yes, one of them is to reduce stress). Learn all the details here, to stop and prevent kidney disease from progressing, …

Stop and Prevent Kidney Disease from Progressing – Chronic Kidney Disease Cured By Moving To a Different Home

There are many known contributors to chronic kidney diseases. But could the street, city, or even state where you live contribute too?

The answer may be yes, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN). This provides a strong argument that sometimes moving house can save you from CKD.

Most countries are struggling with extreme air pollution in their cities, as people flock to them from rural areas. Industrialized countries such as China and India have started struggling with pollution in huge megacities because of all the gases emitted by factories and vehicles.

Thus, it is understandable that Chinese researchers from Peking University decided to study the link between air pollution and chronic kidney disease, given that an association has already been established linking pollution to heart and respiratory diseases, including lung cancer.

The pollution that threatens our health is usually called fine particulate matter, or PM2.5. This means that the solid and liquid particles in the air are 2.5 micrometers or smaller. One of your hairs is 30 times this size.

The Chinese scientists used data collected by China’s National Survey of Chronic Kidney Disease, a study with 47,204 adult subjects.

They obtained each subjects’ address and used satellite information to estimate the amount of PM2.5 to which they had been exposed for two years.

Around 10.8% of their subjects had chronic kidney disease, from mild to severe.

The scientists found that people living in areas with high levels of fine particulate matter were much more likely to have chronic kidney disease than their peers who lived in areas with cleaner air.

To be precise, each increase of 10 micrograms of pollutants per cubic meter of air increased a participant’s risk of chronic kidney disease by 30%.

But air pollution isn’t the only pollution that causes CKD. There is also pollution in your food, in your cleaning products, and in many other places that you wouldn’t even think of. Plus, there are specific foods and other lifestyle factors that directly destroy your kidneys.

So, to completely reverse chronic kidney disease, you must make the simple lifestyle changes explained here. They have helped thousands of people already to stop and prevent kidney disease from progressing…

Stop and Prevent Kidney Disease from Progressing – Chronic Kidney Disease: Why Doctors Ignore This Cure

There is a simple, effective treatment for chronic kidney disease (CKD). Ninety percent of doctors agree that this treatment is effective in slowing down or stopping CKD in its tracks.

Yet, they very seldom prescribe it to their patients.


A new study published in the journal Kidney Medicine asked that exact question. And the answer is shocking.

The researchers used the National Kidney Foundation database, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics database, and the National Kidney Foundation 2019 Spring Clinical Meetings mobile app to recruit their subjects via email. They asked these subjects to complete anonymous surveys regarding their attitudes about and experiences with nutrition therapy.

These subjects included 348 kidney disease patients, 66 registered dietitian nutritionists who regularly saw kidney disease patients, and 30 doctors.

Interestingly enough, an overwhelming number of participants had positive perceptions of nutrition therapy. They believed that it could manage the complications of kidney disease and slow (or prevent) its progression.

The patients wanted to be referred for this therapy, and almost 80% agreed that it was effective.

Notwithstanding this, 48% of the patients reported that they had never been referred for nutrition therapy by their doctors and that they had never seen a nutritionist. Only those with diabetes had been referred.

Almost 90% of doctors and 96% of nutritionists agreed that nutrition therapy was effective. Still, most of them reported that they had not referred patients, and the nutritionists reported that they did not offer the treatment.

But why not? What is going on here?

First, most of the subjects were afraid that their insurance didn’t have coverage for nutrition therapy for chronic kidney disease.

This explains why doctors don’t refer patients and why patients don’t ask for it. In addition, the nutritionists complained that they were sometimes not reimbursed by medical insurers or that the insurers’ codes were too complicated to use, and that these problems put them off from providing this therapy.

Secondly, patients complained that there weren’t enough nutritionists who were qualified to provide the therapy. The scientists found that this was probably true and that the National Institutes of Health were starting to train more.

Thirdly, while almost 90% of the patients and 78% of the nutritionists believed that patients could stick to nutrition and lifestyle advice, only 53% of doctors thought they could—hence, another possible reason for not referring them for nutrition therapy.

Watch this video to stop and prevent kidney disease from progressing – ABCs of Kidney Disease | Treatment Options for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

Fortunately, you can follow this simple procedure to get your own nutritional plan for chronic kidney disease going (without relying on discouraging doctors) and beat this disease once and for all…

This post is from the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Solution Program created by Dr. Shelly Manning, a medical practitioner, to help you know the underlying causes of kidney disease, such as high blood pressure and how curing them can help prevent the occurrence of chronic kidney diseases. This is unlike traditional methods that are often designed to conceal the symptoms instead of diagnosing the root problem to eliminate them.

The CKD solution shows a step-by-step guide that gives you the tools needed to put what you’ve learned into action. These comprise of food lists, meal plan samples, dietary recommendations, supplement guides, exercise guidance, and more.

The CKD Solution is designed to support small lifestyle changes without medications, drugs, exotic herbs, treatments, or even hospital visits. That said, individuals are to continue their frequent hospital visits to assess their health, especially if this is something that has been going on for some time.

The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution is a guide that motivates consumers to make lifestyle changes that can help ease CKD-related symptoms. By targeting issues including inflammation and poor gut health, many of its linked illnesses are expected to disappear, especially the ones that could further deteriorate one’s kidney function.

To find out more about this program, click on Stop and Prevent Kidney Disease from Progressing

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