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Showing posts with label lower your uric acid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lower your uric acid. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

What to Eat and What to Avoid to Lower Your Uric Acid?


What to Eat and What to Avoid to Lower Your Uric Acid? For the management of gout, the American College of Rheumatology just released its 2020 guidelines—or guideline; the only recommendation is for people to lower their uric acid levels. And while the American College of Rheumatology wants us to do this by using drugs, we will instead give you some advice of what to eat and what to avoid to lower your uric acid. Read on to find out more.

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Gout: What to Eat and What to Skip to Lower Your Uric Acid

For the management of gout, the American College of Rheumatology just released its 2020 guidelines—or guideline; the only recommendation is for people to lower their uric acid levels.

And while the American College of Rheumatology wants us to do this by using drugs, we will instead give you some advice of what to eat and what to avoid to lower your uric acid.

Uric acid is produced when our bodies break down a chemical called purine, which occurs naturally in the human body and in many foods, especially protein-rich ones.

Another important thing to know is that uric acid is eliminated from the body in urine.

To control your uric acid, do as many as possible of the following:

1. Drink plenty of water or other non-sugary non-alcoholic liquids to stay hydrated because frequent urination removes uric acid from the body.

2. Drink regular caffeinated coffee in moderation; some studies show that caffeine helps to control gout. If caffeine worsens your gout, or if you have some gastrointestinal condition, ignore this recommendation.

3. Eat cherries, which some studies show reduce the risk of gout attacks.

4. Consume vitamin C-rich foods or supplements. Think citrus, kale, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, sweet green and red peppers, mango, strawberries, and other berries.

5. Consume your animal proteins in the form of chicken, lean beef, pork, and low-fat dairy.

6. Salmon is the safest omega-3–rich fish, which you need.

7. Eat whole grains, nuts, seeds, all fruits, all vegetables, and all legumes. Yes, legumes contain purines but far less than animal products do, and you must obtain protein from somewhere.

8. Asparagus and spinach are two vegetables that are rich in purines and are usually listed on the avoidance list. But most studies show that they don’t increase gout attacks, possibly because of their high vitamin C levels.

To control your uric acid, avoid as many as possible of the following:

1. Avoid sugary foods and drinks because sugar leads to an increased production of uric acid and gut bacteria that produce uric acid. This includes sweetened cereals, sweetened fruit juices, sodas, ice cream, candy, cakes, and bakery treats.

2. Avoid excessive alcohol. Some studies show that wine is fine but listen to your body and do what works for you.

3. Fish is healthful, but the fattiest fish (like anchovies, sardines, tuna, herring, trout, mackerel, and shellfish) contain too much purine to be safe.

4. Avoid organ meats like liver, kidney, sweetbreads, and brain.

5. You don’t have to avoid red meat but limit your intake and choose the lean cuts and not bacon, sausages, or minced meat. Avoid game meat.

6. Avoid nutritional yeast, brewer’s yeast, and other yeast products.

Lower Your Uric Acid – To completely cure gout, you will need to do more than reduce your uric acid intake, as I’ll explain here…

Lower Your Uric Acid – How Gout Causes Heart Failure

Gout is a condition that affects the joints. How in the world can it cause heart attacks and strokes?

This was a question asked in a new study published in the journal Arthritis Research & Therapy.

And even more importantly, how can you heal gout and prevent strokes and heart attacks?

The researchers investigated this relationship in two different samples of participants.

They first analyzed data collected from 5,713 people who were enrolled in the Reasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study between 2003 and 2007. They were all 65 years and older and had no history of coronary heart disease, stroke, or heart failure.

At enrollment, the participants were given a physical examination and questionnaires to record their sociodemographic information, dietary habits, and medication use.

Among the participants, 3.3 percent had gout, with gout sufferers being more likely than nonsufferers to be older, black, male, overweight, diabetic, hypertensive, and suffering from chronic kidney disease.

Those with gout were 97 percent more likely to be hospitalized with heart failure than those without gout. This held true for both men and women.

The researchers then obtained claims data for 29,753 randomly selected Medicare beneficiaries from 2008 to 2015 and analyzed their records for the same conditions.

Here, they also found that gout sufferers were more likely to be hospitalized with heart failure.

This study is important because it shows that people with gout have a risk of heart failure, even if they don’t have any other risk factors, like smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and diabetes.

From previously published studies, the scientists speculated that systemic inflammation and/or insulin resistance may play a role because they are both involved in gout and heart failure.

Both inflammation and insulin resistance are modifiable through diet, regular physical activity and adequate sleep, so you may want to tackle those if you’re currently struggling with gout.

To learn how to lower your uric acid, watch this video – How to Lower Uric Acid and Heal Gout – What to Eat, Home Remedies and Supplements

Lower Your Uric Acid – This is one more reason to address your gout. Fortunately, it’s not that hard to completely get rid of gout in a few days—thousands of people have done it. All you need is the simple diet and lifestyle changes explained here…

The post is from the End of Gout Program created by Shelly Manning. She is an accomplished natural health researcher and writer. She began her work on natural health remedies after suffering years of very painful arthritis.

The End of Gout  program offers natural ways to eliminate the pain and discomfort of gout. Unlike many conventional treatments, this program takes the main contributing factors, such as diet, stress, sleep and lifestyle, and teaches you natural ways to remove them from your life so you can begin to heal your gout from the inside out.

It’s 100% safe and natural and is highly based around science. It even comes with quick relief options for those days when you want to take the risk and cheat. So, if you’re ready to end your gout without having to restrict your diet and spend hours working out every day, here’s what you can expect from The End of Gout.

To find out more about this program, click on Lower Your Uric Acid to Treat and Cure Gout

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