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High blood pressure is the number one cause of death
in the world.
in some cases, it’s not just okay, but even healthy to have high blood pressure.
High blood pressure readings are not always a cause for concern, and you do
not always have to rush off to the hospital if you, your gym instructor, or
even your doctor receives a high reading.
High blood pressure is temporary and normal in
all of the following cases:
High blood pressure is okay, if you are a little nervous around your
doctor or medical paraphernalia, you suffer from something called the white
coat effect. This stress increases your blood pressure and can lead to an abnormally high reading.
combat this, have your blood pressure measured at the end of your visit, ask your doctor to use
a digital blood pressure measure that can work while you are alone, or buy one that
you can use at home.
High blood pressure is okay, if you are an occasional coffee drinker
rather than a daily consumer, the caffeine in coffee can spike your blood
pressure and keep it artificially high for hours according to a Canadian study
in a 2016 edition of the American
Journal of Hypertension.
abstain from caffeinated drinks for a few hours before you have your blood pressure measured. The same holds for occasional smoking.
In a 2003 edition of the Journal
of Hypertension,
the European Society of Hypertension recommended that the blood pressure cuff
should never be used on top of clothing, as it can increase your reading by
tens of points, ouch!
the same article, they warned that you or your doctor should ensure that the
circumference of your arm is not larger than the cuff indicates, as too small a
cuff can result in the same abnormally elevated reading.
High blood pressure is okay, if you’re over 80 years old. Many new studies have
revealed that increased blood pressure is normal as we age and it may even be
healthier to have blood pressure up to 140/90 when you pass the big 8.
Keep quiet while the reading is taken, as a fascinating study in Behavior Science in 1982 showed that talking could increase
your blood pressure, especially if it is measured by a high-status individual
like a doctor rather than, say, a sibling or friend.
Exercising increases your blood pressure to supply your muscles and other
hard-working organs with large quantities of blood, according to a study in the
SciELO Scientific Electronic Library. So, during and after exercising it’s
totally normal to have higher blood pressure.
High blood pressure is okay, when your bladder is full. As ridiculous as this
sounds, your body responds to a full bladder by increasing hormones that
facilitate its emptying, and those hormones happen to include cortisol and
adrenaline, your fight or flight hormones that also increase your blood
most other cases, having high blood pressure is life-threatening and will
unavoidably lead to stroke,
heart attack, or other serious health conditions.
This post is from
the High Blood Pressure Exercise Program. It was made by Christian Goodman Blue Heron health news
that has been recognized as one of the top quality national health information
websites. This program will provide you
the natural high blood pressure treatments, natural recipes to cook healthy
meals and useful strategies to build a healthy diet with the aim to help you to
maintain and stabilize your blood pressure.
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