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Showing posts with label completely clear out all plaque buildup in the heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label completely clear out all plaque buildup in the heart. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Improve Heart Health – How to Keep Cholesterol Under Control


How to keep cholesterol and improve heart health? For that you need to cut out this one ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming. Read on to find out more.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Keep Cholesterol Under Control – Heart Attack Risk Determined by Your Home Address

Two studies published during the last month, one in the United States and one in the United Kingdom, reveal a strange fact:

Your home address can say a lot about your risk of dying from a heart attack. Sometimes more than your doctor.

The first study was presented at the American Heart Association’s virtual Scientific Sessions and has not yet appeared in a scientific journal.

Its authors found 2,097 people who had had heart attacks before age 50. They were specifically interested in the mortality rates of people who suffered heart attacks while they were relatively young, as this is currently on the rise.

They used the area deprivation index to divide the subjects into three groups. This index categorizes American neighborhoods by the sociodemographic characteristics of education level, income level, employment, and housing quality.

They found that people who lived in more disadvantaged neighborhoods had a greater chance of dying within the first 11 years after their heart attacks.

This finding is important because, as people seem to be having heart attacks earlier in life, it is important to work out how to facilitate their survival until old age.

In earlier studies, the researchers attributed the low survival rates of disadvantaged heart attack sufferers to the facts that they could not afford healthy food and other health resources, they did not have health insurance, they were exposed to more environmental pollutants, they were victims of discrimination and racism, and especially that they suffered the physiological stress of living in disadvantaged environments.

The second study, published in the European Heart Journal, discovered that homeless adults were twice as likely as their housed peers to have some form of heart disease.

Using previously collected data, the researchers compared 8,482 homeless adults with 32,134 housed adults who lived in the same areas and were the same ages and genders.

The rate of some form of cardiovascular disease was 11.6% in the homeless population and 6.5% in the housed population. In other words, homeless people are 1.8 times more likely than housed people to have cardiovascular disease.

They had an increased risk for angina, stroke, heart attack, heart failure, and peripheral vascular disease, which is reduced circulation of blood, especially to the legs.

Homeless people were also more likely to have common risk factors for heart disease, including smoking, drinking, irregular heartbeat, diabetes, and so forth.

During the study period between 1998 and 2019, three times more homeless men and twice as many homeless women developed heart disease compared to their housed peers.

Much like the authors of the previous study, these researchers concluded that we should address the risk factors that give rise to heart disease as early as possible in this disadvantaged community.

Now, I hope you’re not homeless, but that won’t save you from a heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases. For that, you need to lower your cholesterol level by cutting out this ONE ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming.

Or, if your blood pressure is too high, learn how these three easy exercises will drop it down below 120/80 (as soon as today)…

Keep Cholesterol Under Control – The Cholesterol and Eggs Debate: Winner Declared

Eggs are high in cholesterol, so for decades, doctors have warned you against them.

But eggs are also delicious, highly nutritious, and very convenient, so you’d maybe want to eat more eggs than your doctor likes.

With this in mind, researchers from the University of Copenhagen decided to find out and declare exactly how many eggs you can eat to satisfy your taste buds, arteries, and your doctor.

The researchers analyzed the highest-quality studies on this subject published in the past 10 years. Their conclusion was clear:

1. For healthy people, consuming seven or more eggs weekly does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or type-2 diabetes.

2. Among type-2 diabetics, a group that is especially at risk of cardiovascular disease, eating seven or more eggs weekly does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease or worsen diabetes.

3. Dietary patterns, physical activity, and genetics have a far larger effect on cardiovascular disease risk than the number of eggs you consume.

Thus, as long as you exercise, eat your fruit and vegetables, and reduce your consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates, you can eat anything from seven to 14 eggs per week.

In fact, the people with the highest risk of cardiovascular disease who ate the most eggs had lower cholesterol and plaque in their arteries than those who ate fewer eggs.

So how is this possible?

The fact is that our bodies create 85% of our cholesterol in our own bloodstreams, and cholesterol in food doesn’t directly transfer to your bloodstream.

It’s not high cholesterol—not even high-LDL (bad) cholesterol—that builds up as a plaque in your heart and causes stroke and heart attack.

The real cause of plaque buildup and cardiovascular diseases is one single ingredient, explained here, that you didn’t even know you were consuming

Keep Cholesterol Under Control – This Popular Drink Causes Heart Attack and Premature Death

Here’s an easy way to reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 50%.

Just drink less of this popular refreshment (and most people think this drink is healthy!).

Really. That’s all you have to do. How neat is that?

A research group from Iowa University observed the consumption of diet drinks among 59,614 participants in the Women’s Health Initiative Observational Study.

The participants’ average age was 62.8 and none had a prior history of cardiovascular disease at the beginning of the study.

The researchers divided participants into five groups based on how many diet drinks they consumed per week.

Ten years later, the verdict was out: 8.5% of those who drank 14 or more diet drinks per week had experienced a primary cardiovascular event.

Compare that to 6.9% in those who drank 5 to 7 drinks per week, 6.7% in the 1 to 4 drinks per week group, and 7.2% in those who drank less than one per week.

Those who consumed more than two diet beverages per day were 30% more likely to suffer from heart disease and 50% more likely to die from cardiovascular-related conditions than those who never consumed diet drinks.

The cause is the dangerous aspartame sweetener in diet sodas.

Aspartame breaks down into dangerous chemicals including methanol, formaldehyde, and formic acid. Even regular soda drinks are healthier than diet ones, but only when consumed in moderation.

But water is best—so leave the rest.

Watch this video to keep cholesterol under control – Remove Bad Cholesterol Naturally & Reduce Clogged Arteries and Stroke | Samyuktha Diaries

However, diet sodas are not the worst thing for your heart. To completely cut out all cholesterol buildup in your arteries, cut out this one ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming

And if you need to get your blood pressure under control, learn how 3 easy exercises drop blood pressure below 120/80—in as little as 9 minutes

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Keep Cholesterol Under Control and Improve Heart Health.

Monday, February 28, 2022

How to Cut Your Risk of Suffering Stroke and Heart Attack by Half?


This oil could possibly cut your risk of suffering stroke and heart attack by half.  The #1 cause of death in the world is heart failure of some sort. So, if you were to discover one single type of oil that could repair your heart in 30 minutes, I think you would be pretty interested, wouldn’t you? What’s more, this type of oil is available in every supermarket and you most likely already have it in your kitchen.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

This Oil Prevents Heart Attacks and Repairs Broken Hearts

The #1 cause of death in the world is heart failure of some sort.

So, if you were to discover one single type of oil that could repair your heart in 30 minutes, I think you would be pretty interested, wouldn’t you?

Well, that’s exactly the result from a new study conducted by the University of Illinois at the Chicago Center for Cardiovascular Research.

What’s more, this type of oil is available in every supermarket and you most likely already have it in your kitchen.

For the study, researchers used rats with heart failure, a condition in which the heart has become too weak to pump blood effectively and metabolize fat.

They actually extracted the rat’s failing hearts and kept them pumping outside the body.

Fat is essential to the heart to make it function smoothly. A failing heart is like a car engine running out of lubrication oil. The metal parts in the engine are just scraping together until it eventually completely burns up and ends with a bang (a heart attack).

The purpose of this study was to find out what kind of fat was best for helping failing hearts to restore themselves. The researchers applied two different types of fats to the hearts to see their effects:

1) Palmitate (the kind of fat typically found in palm oil, animal fat, and dairy products).

2) Oleate (found in olive oil).

Observing the effect of these fat particles using special NMR spectroscopy, they discovered something amazing.

First, not so surprisingly, the failing hearts injected with palmitate functioned/dysfunctioned pretty much the same.

But the hearts injected with oleate (olive oil) had completely restored fat content and began to show normal contractions after the injection.

What’s more, it happened within just half an hour!

Now, of course, you’re not going to inject your heart directly with olive oil, so your heart is not going to heal in half an hour. But this study shows for sure that consuming olive oil regularly can drastically improve your heart health.

One thing to keep in mind when shopping for olive oil is to go for high-quality, pricier brands. Cheaper brands have often been treated in a way that removes all health benefits (even if it’s called “cold-pressed Extra Virgin”).

I recommend always picking oil that is labeled from a specific location. For example, Tuscany, Italy, or Crete, Greece. These oils are much more likely to be clean and unprocessed.

Another thing you absolutely must do to keep your heart healthy is to keep your blood pressure under control.

The best way I know to lower blood pressure is using 3 easy exercises. Learn more about these simple blood pressure exercises here, and try them out for yourself…

One of the most important things, however, is to cut your risk of suffering stroke and heart attack by half and remove all cholesterol plaque buildup from your heart arteries. And that can be done by cutting out this one hidden ingredient explained here…

Cut Stroke Risk 38% By Avoiding This Food

In the past two decades, a growing number of researchers have started arguing that one of the biggest risks for high cholesterol and heart disease is inflammation.

The Journal of the American College of Cardiology has contributed to this debate in the last month by publishing two studies that show the dangers of inflammatory foods for heart health.

In the first study, the scientists used data from 74,578 women from the Nurses’ Health Study I, 91,656 women from the Nurses’ Health Study II, and 43,911 men from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. These studies followed their participants for around 32 years.

The participants completed a questionnaire every four years to examine their food and beverage intake and also underwent medical examinations. They were all free of cancer and cardiovascular disease at the beginning of the studies.

The scientists also used the Dietary Inflammation Index, which was compiled from available research and investigates signs of inflammation in people’s bodies caused by different types of foods. The index ranks foods from most to least inflammatory.

The researchers found that—compared to participants who consumed a mostly anti-inflammatory diet—those who consumed a mostly pro-inflammatory diet had a 38% greater chance of developing cardiovascular disease and a 28% greater chance of having a stroke.

This is after the scientists accounted for the participants’ body mass index, level of physical activity, family history of heart disease, and their consumption of anti-inflammatory drugs.

So, what are the foods that worsen inflammation?

The main enemies are basically processed meat, refined grains, fried foods, organ meats, and sugary treats and beverages, with diets rich in red meat scoring quite high as well.

The most anti-inflammatory foods are leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, yellow and orange vegetables, berries, apples, poultry, fish, legumes, dairy, and nuts.

This leads us to the second study in the same journal, in which scientists split their 634 participants into a group that ate 30 to 60 grams of walnuts per day and a group that ate none.

They knew that previous studies had shown a lower heart disease risk in people who ate a lot of walnuts, so they wanted to see whether these people had low inflammation levels in their bodies to identify that as the cause for improved heart health.

After two years, the walnut consumers had substantially lower levels of six of the 10 inflammatory markers tested. They also had lower cholesterol levels.

Therefore, pay attention to the inflammatory potential of the foods you eat to combat heart diseasecholesterol, and stroke.

OK, finally the traditional health system is catching up with the inflammation/heart connection that I have been discussing for years.

Cut Your Risk of Suffering Stroke and Heart Attack by Half – But there is another factor behind the inflammation that nobody is talking about— and that’s the real underlying cause of stroke and heart attack. But avoiding all this is as easy as cutting out one food item explained here…

Cut Stroke Risk 40% By Eating This Delicious Snack

If you could take a magic pill that caused absolutely no side effects and cut your risk of suffering stroke and heart attack by half, wouldn’t you take it?

How about if there was one small, delicious snack that had the same effects?

You can find this snack in every supermarket and you probably already have it in your kitchen. Isn’t that easily worth saving your life?

And just to set the record straight, this snack was proven more effective than any cholesterol or blood pressure drug in a recent study recently conducted by Oxford University.

Mom was right all along! Fruits and fresh, leafy vegetables are good for you.

And it took a study spanning seven years conducted on half a million people to prove mom right. It involved 451,681 people with no previous history of cardiovascular disease at the beginning of the study.

The participants were divided into five groups based on their fruit-eating habits: Daily, 4-6 days a week, 1-3 days per week, monthly, and never. About 18 percent of the participants ate fruits every day, while at the other end of the spectrum, about 6.3 percent of participants never ate fruits at all.

Over the course of 7 years, 19,300 heart attack cases and 19,689 cases of stroke were recorded.

Those who ate fruits daily, compared to those who never ate fruits, had a 15% lower risk of developing cardiovascular diseases overall.

But when it came to stroke risk, the numbers were stunning. Those who ate fruits daily were 40% less likely to suffer a stroke than those who never or seldom ate fruits.

Better still, people who ate fruits regularly also had blood pressure readings 3 points lower than those who avoided fruits.

Citrus fruits were discovered to be the best options that offered the maximum benefits. So make sure you snack on some delicious oranges, mandarins, grapefruits, or other citrus.

Another study conducted by University College London revealed that eating about 7 portions of fresh fruits and vegetables daily can reduce the risks of death by all causes by up to 42 percent.

If you aren’t convinced already, this is the time to make fruits and vegetables an essential part of your diet. Next time push away that bag of chips and take a piece of fruit instead.

Watch this video – How to possibly cut your risk of suffering stroke and heart attack and other heart disease

But if you already have high blood pressure, changing your diet habits may not be enough to bring it down to a healthy level. Instead, try these 3 easy exercises proven to lower blood pressure—starting today…

Or, if your cholesterol is too high and want to cut your risk of suffering stroke and heart attack by half, learn how cutting out ONE single ingredient will normalize your cholesterol in 30 days or less and clear out clogged arteries…

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Cut Your Risk of Suffering Stroke and Heart Attack by Half.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

How to Protect Yourself from Stroke and Heart Attack?


Do you want to protect yourself from stroke and heart attack? What to do if you have high bad cholesterol? Read on to discover Scott Davis’ Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program to find out how you can normalize your cholesterol level by cutting out this one ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming.

Click Here to Find Out How You Can Completely Clean Out the Plaque Build-Up in Your Arteries

Protect Yourself from Stroke and Heart Attack – This Nut Boosts Good Cholesterol While Slashing the Bad

It tastes great raw, toasted, seasoned, and smoked; it can make milk, butter, oil, and flour, and it now turns out that it can benefit your cholesterol profile too.

Researchers from Penn State University have just published a study in the Journal of Nutrition that shows how it lowers your bad cholesterol while increasing your good cholesterol.

Like that wasn’t enough, it also boosts the level of productivity at which your good cholesterol removes bad cholesterol from your bloodstream.

LDL is normally considered bad cholesterol, as it has the potential to clog your arteriesHDL, on the other hand, removes this LDL cholesterol from your body, and is therefore considered good cholesterol.

The Penn State researchers asked 24 of their 48 participants to eat a handful of almonds daily for six weeks.

The other 24 volunteers ate a similar diet for the same amount of time, but ate a banana muffin daily instead of the almonds.

After the six weeks, the scientists swapped the two groups, with the almond consumers now eating a banana muffin and vice versa.

At the beginning and end of each diet period, they measured the level and function of the 48 participants’ cholesterol.

Compared with the muffin diet, the almond diet increased HDL function by 6% and the presence of α-1 HDL by an impressive 19%.

α-1 HDL is the most important sign that your HDL cholesterol is working well to remove bad cholesterol from your body.

As HDL cholesterol particles collect LDL cholesterol from around your bloodstream to transport to your liver (from which it is processed for excretion), those HDL particles become bigger, much like a garbage bag becoming bigger as you fill it up.

The largest garbage bags, or HDL particles, are clearly the most effective at removing the garbage, or LDL cholesterol particles in this case.

α-1 HDL particles are the largest and most productive HDL particles, which is why the researchers concluded that almonds were a great tool for making your HDL cholesterol more productive.

Protect Yourself from Stroke and Heart Attack – But eating almonds is not enough to completely clear out clogged arteries. For that, you need to cut out this ONE ingredient, you didn’t even realize you were consuming…

Protect Yourself from Stroke and Heart Attack – Why Women Have Higher Heart Attack Risk After Menopause

Scientists have long been baffled by the fact that women have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease than men before menopause, even though they have a higher risk than men after menopause.

Now, researchers from the University of Copenhagen may have solved this riddle.

And they point out one thing that every single woman must do to save herself from stroke and heart attack. Do this right now before it’s too late.

The researchers recruited 17 women: 12 of them between ages 59 and 70 and the other five between ages 21 and 28.

They took a biopsy from their thigh muscles to examine their muscle tissue, the small blood vessels called capillaries in their muscles, and some muscle proteins.

The seniors had fewer capillaries in their muscles and lower muscle protein levels than the young participants did.

In the second part of the study, they put the seniors on an eight-week spinning program, with three sessions per week at moderate to high intensity.

Before and after their training, the scientists measured several fitness parameters and took another thigh muscle biopsy after the training to compare with the first biopsy.

The postmenopausal women could not increase the number of capillaries in their muscle tissue by anywhere near as much as had previously been found in young women and men of all ages.

Despite this, their fitness did improve by 15 percent and the amount of muscle proteins in their muscles increased.

Muscle tissue capillaries are important because they move sugar and lipids into our muscles that would otherwise simply accumulate in fat cells. They also help transport oxygen and nutrients to our muscles that increase the productivity of our exercise programs.

This means that women should start exercising before and during menopause to give them a head start on muscle function and muscle capillaries when they enter menopause.

If you’re a woman going through menopause, you will want to take these simple steps to make the process easy and painless…

And regardless of your gender, you’ll want to protect yourself from stroke and heart attack by cutting out this ONE ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming…

Protect Yourself from Stroke and Heart Attack – When Exercising Causes Heart Attack and Death

Is exercise actually good for you? Silly question.

Of course it is.

But too much of a good thing can be… well… bad.

And that’s the case with one particular popular exercise. Do too much of it and your risk of heart attack will start heading skyward.

So now you have a reason not to overdo this exercise.

A study conducted by German researchers focused for nearly a decade on the exercise habits of more than 1,000 people who were in their 60s.

Researchers split participants up in three groups:

1) Those who did 60 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise 4 times a week.

2) Those who did 60 minutes of exercise more than 4 times a week.

3) Those who exercised occasionally or rarely.

Not surprisingly, those who did little or no exercise had the highest risk of developing a cardiac event.

More surprisingly, however, the healthiest group was the one in which people participated in moderate exercise—and not intense exercise.

In fact, the over-exercised participants had double the risk of heart attack and stroke compared to the moderate exercising group.

So, for best cardiovascular health, do moderate workouts a few times a week, rather than heavy exercises every day.

Here is a simple exercise routine:

• Warm up for 3 minutes

• Exercise as hard and fast as you can (running, biking, swimming or whatever) for 30 seconds to raise your heart rate

• Rest for 90 seconds while moving to keep warm

• Repeat the high intensity exercise and rest cycle about seven more times

Do this exercise routine 3–4 times/week for optimal heart health. All it takes is 15–20 minutes per day.

Do you want to protect yourself from stroke and heart attack? Watch this video – 15 Foods That Reduce Your Heart Attack Risk According to Doctors

Even better, here are three easy exercises guaranteed to bring your blood pressure down to a healthy level—starting today

And if you want to protect yourself from stroke and heart attack and your cholesterol is too high, discover how you can normalize it—in 30 days or less—by cutting out this ONE ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming…

This post is from the Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Program. It was created by Scott Davis. Because he once suffered from high cholesterol, so much so that he even had a severe heart attack. This is what essentially led him to finding healthier alternatives to conventional medication. Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy is a unique online program that provides you with all the information you need to regain control of your cholesterol levels and health, as a whole.

To find out more about this program, go to Protect Yourself from Stroke and Heart Attack.

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