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Thursday, March 2, 2023

Simple Throat Exercises that Eliminate Snoring and Sleep Apnea


If you snore loudly or have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, read on here to learn simple throat exercises that eliminate snoring and sleep apnea in as little as three minutes.

Click on Here to Find Out How You Can Get Rid of Snoring and Sleep Apnea

Simple Throat Exercises that Eliminate Snoring and Sleep Apnea – If You Snore, You Have Sleep Apnea, Right? (answer inside)

If you snore (which is harmless enough), chances are high that you also have sleep apnea (which is a life-threatening disease).

But the only way to find out for sure is to undergo a complicated overnight diagnosis in a sleep lap.

Or so we thought until we learned the details of a new study by researchers from the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute that was presented at a Transportation Research Board committee meeting in January 2021.

Researchers from the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute investigated more than 20,000 commercial motor vehicle drivers and found that previous studies may have grossly underestimated the occurrence of sleep apnea in this population.

Previous studies had found that anywhere from 7.2 to 30% of drivers suffer from this sleep breathing disorder, although some researchers think it could be as high as 49%.

Instead of sending these drivers to a sleep laboratory for a diagnosis, the researchers gave them an eight-item apnea screening tool to complete.

This tool included questions to assess their levels of snoring, tiredness, breathing pauses, high blood pressure, body mass index, neck circumference, sex, and age.

All these factors had previously been identified as strong predictors or indicators of sleep apnea. The researchers believed that this screening tool might help drivers know when to seek help.

After all, if someone says he is constantly tired during the day and he reports snoring so loudly that he wakes himself up during the night, that is a pretty good indication that his sleep breathing is not normal and that it causes daytime difficulties.

He then knows that he needs help and can have his condition officially tested in a sleep laboratory.

This screening tool is called the STOP-Bang method. Drivers reported that they would never have guessed that they had sleep apnea before they completed it.

This study is useful for two main reasons:

1. It suggests that more commercial motor vehicle drivers may have sleep apnea than previously thought.

2. It suggests that there can be simple and effective screening methods that anyone, from laypeople to doctors, can use to screen for sleep apnea before getting entangled in the expensive and complex process of a laboratory sleep test.

Thus, if you snore, are constantly tired, take breathing pauses while asleep, have high blood pressure, have a high body mass index, have a high neck circumference, are male, and are middle-aged or old, you are likely to have sleep apnea and should get an official sleep test.

Or you can just do these simple throat exercises (described here) for 3-7 minutes to permanently eliminate both snoring and sleep apnea…

Simple Throat Exercises that Eliminate Snoring and Sleep Apnea – Treat Your Sleep Apnea and Prevent Dementia Instantaneously

The problems caused by sleep apnea are substantially more serious than just poor sleep and daytime sleepiness.

One of the most serious effects of sleep apnea is the onset of dementia, according to a study published in the latest Annals of the American Thoracic Society. It can happen at any age.

The good news is that you can cure sleep apnea and dementia using the same simple method.

A team led by scientists from the University of Calgary understood that sleep apnea could cause cardiovascular disease and that people with cardiovascular disease were more likely to develop dementia.

But they wanted to know whether mild cognitive impairment was also more common in people with sleep apnea, including those with or without cardiovascular disease.

If you have trouble recalling things from memory, have trouble concentrating on your work, struggle to make simple mathematical calculations in your head, or find that your reasoning and decision-making take longer than they used to, you probably have some level of mild cognitive impairment.

The Mayo Clinic describes this as the stage between normal cognitive decline (which occurs in most aging individuals) and the more serious condition of dementia.

For two reasons, it is important to identify the causes of mild cognitive impairment so that it can be addressed.

First, people need properly functioning thinking abilities to work productively.

Second, since elderly people with mild cognitive impairment are more likely to develop dementia, we need to prevent it where we can.

Thus, the Canadian researchers wanted to know whether sleep apnea is a causal factor behind mild cognitive impairment.

For this study, they enrolled 1,084 people who had been referred to three sleep centers with suspected sleep apnea.

They were first given either a home-based sleep apnea test or a full polysomnography (sleep test) in the laboratory.

The researchers then asked them to complete a collection of cognitive tests to measure their learning, coding, and memory: the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test, the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, and the WAIS-IV Digit-Symbol Coding subtest of information processing speed.

The scientists also collected their sleep and medical histories to exclude factors like cardiovascular disease that could potentially distort their findings.

Their most important finding was that people with moderate or severe sleep apnea were approximately 70% more likely to have mild cognitive impairment than people without this sleep breathing disorder.

Overall, 47.9% of all sleep apnea patients were cognitively impaired; this rose to 55.3% in those with moderate and severe sleep apnea.

This comes as no surprise, since we have long known that the primary underlying cause of all types of dementia is lack of oxygen to the brain. And sleep apnea robs you of oxygen, leading directly to dementia.

Fortunately, there are easy home exercises you can do to load your brain with oxygen to stop or even reverse the onset of dementia. Learn these easy exercises here…

And if you snore or suffer from sleep apnea, you can do these simple throat exercises to open up your breathing passages and stop your snoring and sleep apnea…

Simple Throat Exercises that Eliminate Snoring and Sleep Apnea – Strange Snoring And Dementia Connection

Most people who snore loudly have underlying sleep apnea—most often undiagnosed.

If you belong to this group, then you’re at a drastically higher risk of developing dementia, according to a new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.

The good news is that it’s very easy to eliminate snoring, sleep apnea, and dementia in one blow.

The team of Australian researchers knew that previous research had found a relationship between sleep apnea and dementia, with sleep apnea sufferers being more likely to develop dementia than people without sleep disorders.

But since very little research existed that actually examined the brains of sleep apnea sufferers to compare them with those of good sleepers, they decided to close this research gap.

As a target, they decided to focus on a protein called beta-amyloid that is often found in the blood vessels of the brains of people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

They recruited 46 subjects—34 with untreated diagnosed sleep apnea and 12 who had no symptoms of sleep disorders. The former group had an average age of 57.5 and the latter of 58.5.

They were first given a polysomnogram, which is a sleep study that identifies sleep disorders. It measures indicators like breathing rate, blood oxygen levels, heart rate, eye movements, muscle activity, and brain waves.

They were then given a PET scan to measure the amyloid levels in their brains. The scientists also collected information regarding their demographic details and moods.

The subjects with sleep apnea turned out to have higher levels of the amyloid protein in their brains, which shows why they were more likely to develop Alzheimer’s.

Those with severe sleep apnea had higher amyloid burdens than those with mild sleep apnea, which explains why previous studies had found the dementia risk to be the greatest in people with a severe form of this condition.

Not only did people with sleep apnea have a higher amyloid burden, they also suffered from poorer sleep efficiency. In other words, they managed to get less good sleep during the same amount of time spent sleeping than their peers.

They also spent less time in sleep stage 3, which is the stage of deep sleep during which your body regenerates and repairs itself.

Watch this video – Throat Exercises for Snoring and Sleep Apnoea (oropharyngeal exercises / myofunctional therapy)

All this makes sense because I’ve been preaching for years that dementia is caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain, and that’s exactly what sleep apnea does. So if you’re already suffering dementia, then make sure you click here to learn how to load your brain with oxygen to beat dementia…

And if you snore loudly or have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, click here to learn simple throat exercises that eliminate snoring and sleep apnea in as little as three minutes…

This post is from The Insomnia and Stop Snoring Program offers a revolutionary new approach to help people stop snoring. Snoring is not only disruptive to our partners, but it poses health risks as well, especially for those folks who suffer from sleep apnea.

Christian Goodman, the creator of the program, has discovered that a selection of specific exercises can actually correct the issues that lead to excessive snoring, and help snorers and their bed mates get a better night’s sleep.

The program will allow you to shake your pesky and unhealthy snoring habit using only easy to perform natural exercises. No drugs, surgery, funky contraptions to sleep with, hypnosis or any other invasive techniques. If you can spend 7 minutes per day performing these exercises you can say goodbye to snoring for good.

To find out more about this program, click on Simple Throat Exercises that Eliminate Snoring and Sleep Apnea

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