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Monday, April 6, 2020

Asthma Diet – Which Foods Are Good for Asthma?

Asthma Diet - Nutrition plays a great role in the proper development and function of the human body. Thus, it is normal that a healthy diet, rich in vitamins and minerals should positively affect the body, while a diet based on saturated fats and products containing sugar will have a negative impact on the body. This happens both in case of the healthy persons and that of people suffering from different conditions and ailments such as asthma.

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Asthma Diet - How Does Nutrition Affect Asthma Sufferers

Nutrition plays a great role in the proper development and function of the human body. Thus, it is normal that a healthy diet, rich in vitamins and minerals should positively affect the body, while a diet based on saturated fats and products containing sugar will have a negative impact on the body. This happens both in case of the healthy persons and that of people suffering from different conditions and ailments.

Some of the people whose state of health is influenced by nutrition are asthmatics. It has been recently proven that obese people have less chances of effectively dealing with their asthma than people with normal weight.

Also, the effects usually associated with obesity, such as relatively high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high presence of fats in the body are very damaging to one's overall health. But not does obesity have a negative effect upon the entire body, it also contributes to the further incapacity of the asthmatic to breathe.

By preventing the air from entering and getting out of the lungs in a proper manner, the emergence of asthma attacks is imminent. This is the reason why obese persons have higher rate of asthma attacks than persons who have weight that is between normal limits.

What Are the Worst Foods for Asthma?

In addition to that, recent studies performed by the Australian scientists have revealed that eating fatty foods can have a powerful impact on the medicines' efficacy. Thus, even though the asthmatic still takes their medicine on a regular basis, the fat food can interfere with their effects and thus make them useless.

In order to stop this process, it is highly recommended that fatty foods should be totally erased from an asthmatic's diet and that they should be replaced with fruits, vegetables, low fat dairies and low meat, which are the best foods for asthma.

This will not only give the body better immunity and help it lose useless fat, but it will also decrease the number of asthma attacks and will diminish their severity. So, if you suffer from asthma, you will have to be more careful with your diet and the amount of fats and chemical products you ingest during your meals.

Asthma Diet - What Is the Connection Between Proper Nutrition and Asthma

Even though asthma is not associated with one certain diet and theoretically there are no restrictions to the foods and drinks you can ingest, nutrition plays a high important part in asthma evolution, just as it influences any other chronic diseases.

What Are the Best Foods for Asthma?

A proper nutrition will not only have a positive effect upon your aspect, but it will also diminish the asthma attacks if you are an asthmatic. This is mainly due to the fact that proper diets, which include fresh fruits and vegetables and foods which contain high amounts of Omega 3, keep the body in good function and make the lungs work perfectly in any conditions. Thus, the breathing problems will be significantly reduced and the asthmatic will be able to breathe normally or at least have longer periods in which it does not have to use the inhaler.

What Are the Foods that Trigger Asthma?

In contrast, people eating foods which have a high concentration of Omega 6, like margarine or processed foods, have higher risks of developing serious and more often asthma attacks as trans fats have a negative effect upon the entire body, thus on the way your lungs function, too.

Another aspect related to nutrition and diet is the number of calories you ingest versus the number of calories you burn. In most of the cases, people eat more calories than they burn, which results in deposits of fat and later on to extra pounds and obesity.

Studies have shown that the risk of developing asthma is much bigger for obese people than for people who have a normal weight. Thus, if you tend to have extra-large meals, which are rich in calories, you should put an end to them and start eating low calorie foods that will not create deposits of fat on your body.

It is well known that obesity increases the blood pressure and causes cardiac problems, which in turn may affect the development of asthma. In fact, it is proven that people who are overweight need to take more medicine in order to cope with asthma and their capability of strenuous work is significantly reduced compared to an asthmatic who has a normal weight.

Taking all the above-mentioned facts into consideration, if you want to keep your asthma under control it is absolutely necessary to change your diet and choose healthy foods instead of fatty foods. Not only will you look great, but your asthma attacks will be significantly reduced.

This post is from the Asthma Relief Forever Program. It is created by Jerry Ericson, Alternative Medical Practitioner, Researcher and Author of Asthma Free Forever. As a former asthma suffer for over 30 years, Jerry will share with you his all-natural, no side-effect solution to cure asthma for good. He is no longer a slave to his inhaler.

To find out more about this program, visit his website –  Asthma Treatment at Home

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