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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Help with Weight Loss?

Apple cider vinegar has become the most talked about potion among those who’re looking to lose weight. There have been several reports doing round on internet, about how raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar can help in weight loss and maintain overall health.

Apple cider vinegar has become the most talked about potion among those who’re looking to lose weight. There have been several reports doing round on internet, about how raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar can help in weight loss and maintain overall health.

If you have ever searched the Internet for weight loss information, you would have definitely come across the following tip: Apple cider vinegar has been considered beneficial when it comes to keeping your weight down.

Not only weight loss, apple cider vinegar comes with additional health benefits. Many fad diets have created much hype on internet while majority of them failing to show any noticeable results. Let’s discuss if apple cider vinegar or popularly known as ACV, lives up to the hype or not. 

Nutritionist Lisa Drayer says, "A lot of this is marketing and it's been around a long time. I remember, probably 15 years ago, covering the apple cider vinegar diet. When you looked closely, the diet paired apple cider vinegar pills with a low-calorie menu. It's no wonder people lost weight.” 

"So I think there's been a lot of advertising about the benefits of apple cider vinegar for weight loss," she added, "and consumers get those messages, and they think, 'Oh, this must be the next magic bullet.' But whether it's based on science is another matter."

A number of research on role of ACV in weight loss have proved that acetic acid in the vinegar helped mice and rats suppress body fat accumulation and metabolism disorders. But as the research was carried out on mice and rats, one cannot ascertain that results would be the same for humans as well. 

A 2005 study of 12 people found that to be true when vinegar was consumed with a bread meal. A 2013 study of 16 folks found the same, but only because the vinegar caused nausea when ingested. "On this basis, the promotion of vinegar as a natural appetite suppressant does not seem appropriate," that study concludes.

Another most-cited study to prove a connection to weight loss was done in 2009. Over a 12-week period, the groups consumed a beverage that contained either one tablespoon of vinegar, two tablespoons of vinegar or no vinegar at all.

At the end of the three months, those who consumed any amount of vinegar had a lower body weight, a smaller body mass index, less visceral fat, a smaller waist measurement and lower triglyceride levels than the placebo group that drank no vinegar.

That sounds fantastic until you look closely at the amount of weight that was lost. “Only 2 to 4 pounds in three months over a placebo,” Drayer explained. “That’s only a third of a pound a week. Most diets have a much bigger result. So you would you definitely have to do many other things to accomplish any significant weight loss.”

However, research done by Dietitian Carol Johnston do show that apple cider vinegar has significant benefits in blood sugar control. Studies that show vinegar helps control blood sugar spikes for people with type 2 diabetes and those who are prediabetic, also known as insulin-resistant.
She’s even seen a slight benefit for healthy control subjects.

The theory, according to Johnston, is that acetic acid appears to interfere with enzymes that break down starch molecules. This anti-glycemic response can be induced by any sort of vinegar, such as red and white wine vinegars, pomegranate vinegar or even white distilled vinegar. It’s the acetic acid in the vinegar, not the type, that produces the result.

It’s possible that blocking starch absorption may help with weight loss as well, Drayer says, because starches cause blood sugar spikes and therefore act as an appetite stimulant. Some research suggests that it might promote satiety and make you consume fewer calories throughout the day.

She stresses that if you choose to drink your vinegar, make sure that the tablespoon is added to a full glass of water. Properly diluting vinegar is key. Otherwise, it can damage your teeth, throat and stomach lining.

"Vinegar has that strong smell and puckering taste, so if you take a breath, you could inhale it into your lungs and burn those a little, because it's an acid," Johnston said. "So never drink it straight. Dilute it in water, and drink before you eat or with the first bites of your meal.

"You want the acetic acid in stomach before the meal to do the most effect," she said. "Mediterranean people ate the salad with vinegar, then they ate the pasta."

The jury is still out

Though the research on acetic acid’s benefits looks promising, nothing’s definitive. It could be that other elements in apple cider and other vinegars also play a role. Take the trace chemicals in vinegar that vary based on where each brand was fermented.

“It could be that some of those ingredients are important or part of the effect we are seeing,” Johnson said. She added that it will take much larger randomized scientific trials to prove any cause and effect between vinegar and weight loss, and especially between vinegar and diabetes or cardiovascular risks.

Do you want to give it a try? Here’s how to do it

You can drink apple cider vinegar before meals to promote weight loss. Apples contain pectin which makes you feel fuller and more satiated. Apple cider vinegar contains same amount of pectin as apples do. It can suppress your hunger in the similar manner. 

Plus, apple cider vinegar increases the amount of acid present in your stomach before meals. It will ensure better digestion of protein for hormone synthesis. 

Take 1 or 2 teaspoons of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar with 8 ounces of water. Drink this concoction before meals thrice a day.

Apart from weight loss it helps fighting cardiovascular disease. ACV contains malic acid which helps clearing the clogged arteries, lymph nodes and organ tissues.

It can also prevent and eliminate existing acne, warts and other skin infections. Add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to your bath water to see the difference. 

But one thing should be noted that ACV is no quick fix. You have to stick to your balanced diet and proper workouts to shed weight. If you’re looking for a quick refuge, then apple cider vinegar is just not for you.

Also read - How Apple Cider Vinegar Can Change YourLife?

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