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Wednesday, March 1, 2023

7 Easy Exercises for People Suffering from Lower Back Pain


There are typically two primary causes of lower back pain: repetitive movements and prolonged postures. Here are 7 easy exercises for people suffering from lower back pain.

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

7 Easy Exercises for Mild to Severe Lower Back Pain

According to the research, 80% of people will have lower back pain at least one time in their life.

There are typically two primary causes of lower back pain: repetitive movements and prolonged postures. Repetitive movements could be constantly picking up things from the floor with poor mechanics or running with poor mechanics.

Prolonged postures could be sitting for long periods of time. More often than not, they are the two culprits that lead to lower back pain.

There is hope, however. Studies have shown that poor hip motion, poor hip strength, and poor middle back motion are all risk factors for lower back pain. The good news: These can improve with proper exercise. The key is that you choose exercises that are appropriate for your back pain.

Many of you reading this may have already seen a doctor. Others have been suffering from back pain and are unsure where to begin. In this article, I will map out where to start based on where you are symptom-wise.

Lastly, for those of you who have gotten an MRI and discovered changes, there is hope. Oftentimes, imaging does not correlate to pain. In fact, here is a direct quote from a big review in 2014:

Signs of degeneration are present in a very high percentage of healthy people with no problem at all. Many imaging-based degenerative features are likely part of normal aging and unassociated with pain.

The Problem with Lower Back Pain Rehabilitation

For those of you who have gone through some sort of formal rehabilitation, I am sure you are familiar with the cue of “draw your belly button to your spine.” Formally, this is called abdominal hollowing. This has been a “go to” for many rehab professionals in the first phase of rehabilitation for low back patients.

The idea of this hollowing was due to research noting there was a delay in the firing pattern of the transverse abdominal muscle (deep core muscles) in those with lower back pain.

By trying to isolate the TrA muscle without the big rectus abdominal muscles (six-pack muscles), they thought they could improve low back pain. Makes sense, right? Turns out there was more to it.

Let’s review some anatomy. The core is composed of multiple layers of muscle. You have your deeper core muscles, like the transverse abdominis and multifidus, and you have your more superficial muscles, like the rectus abdominis and internal/external obliques. As a group, all of these muscles make up the abdominal wall. So what gives?

Bring in the leading researcher Dr. Stuart McGill, who discovered through his research that all the muscles around the spine were compromised and delayed when lower back pain occurred.

Therefore, by isolating only the TrA, the other muscles around got weaker! Dr. McGill found that abdominal bracing, the contraction of all core muscles, was a better program. Creating stability with all the muscles around the spine protected the back better.

As for why your low back feels “tight,” the muscles in your low back become overactive and tighten as a way to act as a protective mechanism for the spine. And while tightness in your low back may make you feel like you need mobility, more often than not, lack of stability is the missing link.

Finally, it is important to be able to retrain your body so that it has spinal position awareness. Understanding what a good spinal position is will help tremendously for daily activities. Also, the ability to separate out hip movement from lumbar movement is crucial for maintaining spine health

7 Exercises for Mild to Severe Lower Back Pain

If You Have… No Pain to Mild Pain

1. Cat-Camel
2. Bent Knee Fallout
3. Hip Hinge
4. Quadruped Rockback
5. Glute Bridge
6. Side Plank
7. Standing Controlled Weight Shift

If You Have… Moderate to Severe Lower Back Pain

1. Cat-Camel
2. Bent Knee Fallout
3. Hip Hinge

*Note: Limit your hip hinge to very small movements if in pain.

Cat-Camel | 3 sets of 15

The cat-camel movement is a safe range of motion movement. It is primarily used in the beginning stages of rehabilitation, but can be used throughout. The key is to avoid end range positions and instead work through the motion.

Get into an all fours position. First, round your back up towards the ceiling. You may feel a light stretch in your back. Next, let your back sway down towards the floor. Be sure to avoid head and neck movement. Perform nice and slowly.

Bent Knee Fallout (Safe Movement) | 3 sets of 10 per side

The bent knee fallout is an easy exercise to begin getting movement around your low back. The key is to keep your hips level as one leg falls out to the side. In other words, do not let your entire pelvis shift to the side of leg movement.

Lie on your back and keep your knees bent. Keeping your low back flat, slowly move one knee out to the side under control. Once your low back begins to move, stop and return to the starting position. This should be pain-free and under control.

Hip Hinge (Proper Movement) | 3 sets of 10

The hip hinge is one of the most important exercises to retrain movement patterns. This exercise will help you improve your spinal position so that you can begin the path of recovery or for prevention of future back injuries. Learning how to hinge from your hips instead of your back will help you complete daily activities safely.

Stand tall and place one hand on your belly and one hand on your lower back. From there, keep your core engaged and “push” your hips back slowly while maintaining a relatively “neutral” spine position. In other words, avoid flexing your lower back or arching it too much.

Quadruped Rockback | 3 sets of 15

The quadruped rockback exercise is designed to help you learn proper squatting mechanics and dissociation of hip and lumbar spine. Similar to the hip hinge, we are trying to retrain movement patterns here. Again, if your hips begin to tuck under into flexion, you will be putting undue stress on your lower back.

Get into an all-fours position. Arch and flex your back and find the center position. Maintain that center or “neutral” position and slowly sit back onto your heels. Stop when you begin to round your low back. If you are struggling to maintain that neutral position, push through your arms to help engage your core further.

Glute Bridge (Glute) | 4 sets of 12

Lie on your back. Begin the exercise by contracting your glutes and pushing through your heels to bridge up. Maintain a flat back while you do this. Slowly bring your hips down and repeat. You should feel this exercise in your glute muscles.

Side Plank (Outer Core) | 2 sets of 30-45 seconds per side

Place your elbow directly under your shoulder and feet stacked. Plank up and squeeze your glutes to ensure you are in a straight line. You should feel this in your outer core muscles.

Standing Controlled Weight Shift (Outer Core) | 3 sets of 10 per leg

Most of us think of working the core in a lying down position or a plank. However, we must learn to train our core in a functional position as well. The standing controlled weight shift does just that.

To perform this exercise, get into a shoulder-width position. Keeping your core engaged, slowly begin to march one of your legs up. The key is to avoid “shifting” more than a few inches towards the stance leg. If you need a cue, stand 3-5 inches away from a wall when performing this exercise.

While these exercises have starting sets and repetitions, be sure to continue to increase time and reps so that your back becomes more endurable. Studies have shown that endurance in the back muscles is very important in maintaining a healthy back.

Watch this video – Back Pain Relief Exercises & Stretches – Ask Doctor Jo

Written by Dr. Brian Schwabe

Author Bio:

Dr. Brian Schwabe, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS is a Board Certified Sports Physical Therapist, Strength Coach, Author, and Fitness Consultant. After Brian concluded his sports physical therapy residency with USC, he went on to achieve board certification in sports physical therapy, placing him in the top 1% of all physical therapists. He believes in blending his unique understanding of mobility, strengthening, and biomechanics to help create a healthier, more active person.

In addition to writing and creating content for PaleoHacks, Brian is the co-founder of The Student Physical Therapist, a popular educational website which teaches people how to keep their bodies healthy, injury free, and out of pain.

He resides in sunny Los Angeles, CA where he enjoys working out, the beach, and healthy living.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

1-Minute Mobility Hacks for the 10 Most Common Pains

1-Minute Mobility Hacks for the 10 Most Common Pains. Got a minute? Here are 10 different exercises for the most common types of pain. The best part: They only take one minute each!


Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Got a minute? Here are 10 different exercises for the most common types of pain. The best part: They only take one minute each!

Between work, errands and social obligations, even when we are in pain it is hard for most of us to fit in a massage or a long stretch session. Luckily, getting rid of uncomfortable pain doesn’t have to take hours.

We’ve put together the best one-minute mobility hacks to help with ten of the most common types of pain. From chest and back pain to calf and foot pain, we’ve got you covered. All you need is one-minute!

Chest Tightness

If you suffer from a tight chest and rounded shoulders, this one is for you. All you need is a tennis or lacrosse ball and a wall.

To begin, place the tennis or lacrosse ball on the wall.

Facing the wall, lean your body against the ball so that it rests on your chest right above your armpit. Apply pressure to the ball and notice if your chest feels tender. If so, hold the spot for 10 seconds.

Then, move the ball slowly around the area to see if you find any other tender spots. When you do, hold for 10 seconds and then move on. After you’ve been on one side for about 30 seconds, switch to the other side.

Hip Pain

Suffering from pain due to tightness in your hips? Grab a tennis or lacrosse ball and find a wall to release your hips in just a minute.

Start standing next to a wall holding a tennis or lacrosse ball.

Cross your right ankle over your left thigh for a figure-4 position. Then, place the ball against the wall and position the outside of your right hip, where your Piriformis is, right against it.

Apply pressure against the ball, looking to see if you find a tight spot in your hip. If so, hold for 10 seconds. If not, move the ball around the area until you find a spot.

After 20 seconds on one leg, switch legs.

Sciatic Pain

If you suffer from sciatic pain, this classic yoga pose can quickly help to relieve it by stretching out the hips, glutes, and lower back.

Begin in a high plank position with your wrists lined up underneath your shoulders, your toes tucked under, and your knees lifted off the ground.

Pick up your right foot and draw your right shin towards your wrists. Line your right knee up behind your right wrist and try to line your right ankle up behind your left wrist. Flex your right foot to protect your knee joint.

Then, straighten your left leg back behind you and square your hips forward. Tuck your left toes under and keep your left leg active. Keep your chest lifted and feel the stretch through your hips. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides.

Achilles and Calf Pain

Using a foam roller for self massage is a cheap and easy way to release knots that cause pain in the joints and tendons.

Start by sitting down on the floor and placing a foam roller horizontally in front of you.

Place your right leg on the foam roller so that it is positioned right above your Achilles tendon. Cross your left ankle over your right and place your hands down by your sides.

Press into your palms to lift your hips off the ground and slowly roll forward over the foam roller so that it makes its way up your calf towards your knee. Pause for 10 seconds each time you find a tight spot and then move on, working up until you are right below the knee. Then, switch legs.

Upper Back Pain

If your upper back hurts from too much sitting and slouching over, this foam rolling technique helps to release knots and to open up the chest and shoulders.

Begin by placing a foam roller on the floor. Then, lie down on the foam roller so that it is going vertically up and down your spine. Bend your knees to place your feet on the ground and make sure that the foam roller is supporting your head and your butt. Draw your belly in so that your lower back is pressing into the foam roller.

Take your arms down by your sides with your palms facing up. Inhale and reach your arms above your head, keeping your fingertips dragging across the floor the whole time, like a snow angel.

Pause for a moment to feel a stretch in the shoulders, then exhale and sweep the arms back down by your sides. Repeat for 15 repetitions.

Neck Pain

If you find yourself with a tight and painful neck, this simple self-massage technique will do the trick! Grab a yoga block and find a good place to lie down.

To begin, place a yoga block on the floor on the medium height.

Sit in front of the block a couple of feet and place your hands down behind you. Use your hands to lower yourself down onto your back. Then use your hands to adjust the block so that it rests right underneath the bottom of your skull. Bring your arms down by your sides. You should feel the edge of the block pressing into your upper trapezius right underneath your skull.

Rotate your head slowly from side to side letting the block massage the very top of your neck. When you find a spot that feels tender, stop and hold for 10 seconds, then continue slowly rocking side to side.

Shoulder Pain

Tight shoulders lead to decreased mobility. Use this simple but effective stretch to increase your mobility in just a minute.

Start by kneeling down with your hips sitting back on your heels. Hold one end of a yoga strap or a long stick in each hand. Hold the strap or stick out in front of you, making sure that your hands are wide. The tighter your shoulders, the wider you want your hands to be.

Keep your arms straight the entire time. Inhale to reach both arms and the strap above your head, then exhale bring your arms and the strap all the way behind you to your lower back.

Inhale to lift the strap back above your head. Then, exhale to bring the strap back out in front of you. Continue going back and forward with your breath 10 times.

Watch this video – Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Relief – Yoga With Adriene

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can be extremely uncomfortable. Take just 1 minute with this classic yoga pose to find sweet relief.

Begin in a tabletop position on your hands and knees.

Take your knees out wide and bring your feet together to touch. Sit your hips back on your heels. Then, walk your hands out in front of you to lower your forehead down to the ground.

Keep walking your hands forward until your arms are straight, then let your forearms relax down. Close your eyes and feel your lower back and hips release. Hold for 1 minute.

Wrist Pain

Whether you are suffering from carpal tunnel or a tweaked wrist, wrist pain can have a major affect on your daily life. This stretch combo works to release both the wrists and the forearms.

Start by kneeling down on the ground. Reach your arms out in front up you with your palms facing up. Bend your wrists that your palms are facing out and your fingertips are pointing towards the ground.

Then, lean forward and place your hands in that same position so that your fingertips are pointing towards your knees. Make sure your wrists are lined up underneath your shoulders.

Using your core to control the amount of pressure you’re putting on your wrists, start to sit your hips back towards your heels until you feel a stretch in the wrists. Take a few pulses forward and back and then hold for 20 seconds.

Then, lift your hands up and sit your hips back on your heels. Reach your arms out in front of you again, this time with the palms facing down. Bend your wrists so that the palms are facing you and your fingers point down towards the ground.

Then, lean forward and place the hands on the ground so that the tops of the hands are on the ground and your fingertips are pointing towards your knees. Sit your hips back towards your heels until you feel a stretch in the top of the wrists. Take a few gentle pulses and then hold for 20 seconds.

Foot Pain

This self-massage technique releases knots in the plantar fascia, leaving your feet feeling relaxed and pain free.

Begin by placing a tennis or lacrosse ball on the floor.

Standing over the ball, pick one foot up and place the foot on the ball so that it is resting beneath the arch of the foot.

Apply pressure down onto the ball and the slowly roll the foot forward and back over the ball. Each time you find a tender spot, hold for 10 seconds, then continue. After about 30 seconds, switch feet.

Written by Kelly Collins

Author Bio:

Kelly is a certified Personal Trainer with NASM, a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher, and has her B.S. in Kinesiology from San Diego State University. She is co-owner of Roaming Yogi Adventures, a yoga and adventure-based retreat. She believes that having fun and well-rounded exercise is the key to maximizing strength, flexibility, and mental health.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Is It Okay To Stay Paleo During Your Pregnancy?


Pregnancy is a time in a woman’s life where she has to be aware of what she puts into her body, not just for herself, but for her baby as well. So is it okay to stay Paleo during your pregnancy?

Click HERE to Discover these 80 Keto-Friendly and Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes

Pregnancy is a time in a woman’s life where she has to be aware of what she puts into her body, not just for herself, but for her baby as well. So is it okay to stay Paleo during your pregnancy?

Once you become pregnant, your nutritional needs change, including caloric intake, micronutrient needs, and even sometimes macronutrient ratios. The lifestyle you stick to during pregnancy can alter how you feel during pregnancy, how much weight you gain, how morning sickness affects you, and can even set the stage for your baby’s health.

If you want to stay Paleo while pregnant, you’ve probably already come into some clashes with your doctor – unless you’re lucky. The USDA recommends a diet very different from what Paleo provides.

There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to staying Paleo while pregnant, including diet, exercise, and even what you put on your body when it comes to personal hygiene.

Nutritional Needs

You’ve probably heard the saying, “eating for two” during pregnancy. This isn’t exactly true, though, as a woman only needs about 300 calories extra starting in the second trimester.

In addition, a woman’s weight gain is really dependent upon her body composition before she got pregnant. A woman who is overweight to start with can get away with gaining a lot less than a woman who was underweight before becoming pregnant.

Eat Enough for Your Activity Level

Pregnancy is not the time to diet. Your actual intake requirements will change depending on your activity level. If you have a desk job, don’t work out, and are pretty much sedentary, then your caloric intake should be a lot less than someone who has a strenuous job or works out a lot.

Basically, if you figure out your Total Daily Energy Expenditure, you can eat at maintenance during the first trimester and add 300 calories per day during the second and third trimester.

Standard Nutritional Recommendations vs. Paleo

The USDA and its infamous Choose My Plate recommendations are pretty outrageous. They suggest looking for low-fat and fat-free options over butter and fatty meats, and even recommend “healthy” oils like soy, corn and canola! 

For a woman who is almost 18 weeks pregnant, the Choose My Plate recommends nine ounces of whole grains per day! The USDA recommends a low-fat diet with “healthy” canola oils. Paleo has a very different approach.

Paleo nutrition, of course, follows suggestions almost completely opposite from what conventional “wisdom” recommends. For example, whole milk (if you do dairy) is not only healthy, but ideal. Low-fat is most certainly not. Healthy oils are those like coconut and olive, not canola, soybean, corn, and other vegetable oils.

A typical Paleo breakfast for a pregnant woman might consist of two or three eggs scrambled in raw milk pastured butter, some cooked chicken, fish, or seafood, some fruit, and some wilted spinach or other greens. There’s absolutely no need for toast, a bagel, or other grain.

The Importance of a Balanced Diet during Pregnancy

Women who were following a low-carb diet pre-pregnancy should probably increase their carb intake during the first trimester. The placenta grows best when fed a good diet with moderate protein, moderate carbs, and high fat.

This can also help prevent low blood sugar, which is thought to contribute to morning sickness. When your pregnant body craves carbs, go for potatoes, berries and root vegetables.

If you find yourself with lots of carb cravings, listen to your body. Just make sure to pick healthy carbs, like those from sweet potatoes, white potatoes, beets, and other root vegetables. Fruit like berries are also a great choice.

Pick those that are local and in-season, and try to avoid those on the Dirty Dozen list unless you get them organic. Eat as much from the Clean 15 list as you want, of course.


Most doctors will recommend a prenatal vitamin to pregnant women, and for good cause. Most women simply don’t eat a diet sufficient in all of the micronutrients needed to grow a healthy baby.

Even women who eat a strict Paleo diet probably could benefit from a good-quality prenatal vitamin, or various vitamins separately depending on what is lacking in their diet. Make sure if you do choose a multi, that you pay close attention to the amounts of each micronutrient.

Most have too much of some things (like Iodine or Folic Acid) for women who eat Paleo, and not enough Vitamin D or Vitamin K (if it even has Vitamin K in it at all). A great source of Vitamins D and A is fermented cod liver oil, particularly if you don’t eat organ meats.


Exercise is another of those sensitive subjects where a lot of people will think that just because you’re pregnant, you shouldn’t work out. This couldn’t be farther from the truth, but of course, it all depends upon your activity level before pregnancy.

If you never did any cardio or lifted weights before you got pregnant, pregnancy is not the time to start. If you worked out regularly before, there’s no reason to stop just because you got pregnant (unless there’s a medical reason).You can certainly exercise while pregnant. Just make sure to take it easy!

General tips would be to make sure your core temperature stays below 102F, avoid high-risk or contact sports, and don’t allow your heart rate to stay above 140 for more than a few minutes at a time. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids before and during, and stop immediately if you feel lightheaded, nauseous, or dizzy.

Natural Hygiene Tips

Being Paleo isn’t just about the foods you eat; it should also address what you put on your body, like personal hygiene products. Natural hygiene items will help reduce your exposure to toxic substances, and thereby reduce your developing baby’s exposure as well. Read the ingredients on labels and try to avoid as many chemicals as possible.

You might even consider switching your household cleaning products to natural ones like vinegar and baking soda. You’ll not only be making the best choice for your baby, but you’ll save money, too.

Watch these 2 videos below:


Pregnancy Stretching Routine | Best Stretches to Relieve Pregnancy Symptoms!

Written by PaleoHacks Team

Author Bio:

PaleoHacks is an online paleo diet community that promotes a healthy lifestyles through primal methods. PaleoHacks started as a way for people share recipes, ideas and general opinions about the Paleolithic lifestyle. Now, whether it be the paleo diet, physical fitness or overall wellness, PaleoHacks has evolved into an online resource for healthy living. check us out on Facebook.

A lot of people have gotten results from the Keto diet, and enjoyed the foods that it has to offer. However, many of the people who are following this diet have a hard time finding the recipes that they need, especially ones that are quick and easy to complete.

Fortunately, Kelsey Ale, noticed this problem, and decided to do something about it. She’s found that making recipes in a slow cooker gives you meals which are not only delicious, but also take very little time to make. Mostly you just put a few simple ingredients in the slow cooker, and let it do the rest.

To find out more, click on – Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook

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