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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Here is What You Can Do to Stop Constant Gas and Bloating


How to stop constant gas and bloating? If you are serious about putting an end to your constant gas and bloating, then the most important thing you can do is to make some positive changes to your diet.

Click Here to Find Out How to Naturally and Permanently Cure Leaky Gut Syndrome

Constant Gas and Bloating – Are You Tired of it Yet?

Odds are that you’re one of millions of people in the world that suffer from constant gas and bloating.

The first thing you have to understand is that this is in no way normal and actually one of the major contributing factors to poor health.

But the vast majority of people don’t quite get it. They continue to live through all of the embarrassing moments and discomfort without ever considering the impact that it is having on their health.

What’s the Cause of Constant Gas and Bloating?

The truth is that your body does need to produce a little bit of gas in order to maintain enough pressure to keep your intestines from collapsing. That’s just the way your digestive system was designed. But constant gas and bloating is a whole other story.

If your gut was healthy then every bit of food you eat is completely broken down by both stomach acid and the enzymes that you produce in your small intestines. Then your small intestines would also do the job of absorbing all of the nutrients.

But typically because of poor diet and lifestyle choices your ability to produce enzymes for digesting sugars and other carbohydrates becomes impaired. So many of the simple sugars and carbohydrates that you eat pass right through your small intestine and become food for the bacteria that normally live deep down inside your gut.

This literally creates a feast for the bacteria who continue to feed and multiply while eventually moving further and further up your digestive tract and soon become overgrown throughout the small intestines and stomach. And as these bacteria continue to grow they continue to impair your digestion even more and rob your body of much needed nutrients.

This process is often referred to as fermentation dysbiosis because these bacteria are actually fermenting the foods you eat. And this process is what produces the excessive gas that you have become so used to.

And as this cycle continues you find yourself not only dealing with constant gas and bloating but also the development of major gut dysfunction such Leaky Gut Syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome along with a condition known as carbohydrate intolerance.

What Common Foods Cause Constant Gas and Bloating?

There are many foods known to worsen gas production mainly because these foods are readily fermented by the existing bacterial overgrowth. Some of the worse foods are:

1. Lactose from Dairy Products

You are probably well aware of lactose intolerance but you might not realize that lactose is nothing more than a milk sugar that is feeding the wrong bacteria in your gut. This is because you have lost your ability to produce the enzyme (lactase) that is required to digest this sugar properly. This is most often due to damage within the digestive tract.

In fact, there is a strong correlation between lactose intolerance and gluten intolerance.

2. Sugar

This should be a no brainer. If you’re eating sugar, then it should be pretty obvious that you’re feeding the bad bacteria and this is only perpetuating your problem. In fact, in most cases of gut dysfunction you are unable to break down sugar disaccharides which is the food of choice for growing bacteria.

3. Gluten Containing Grains

Aside from the fact that wheat, like most grains, is digested and broken down into sugars, gluten containing grains cause additional problems. Many people unknowingly suffer from an underlying gluten intolerance that does nothing but create inflammation within the small intestines. And this inflammation only further inhibits your ability to digest the foods you eat leaving even more for the bacteria to feast on.

4. Processed Foods

Processed foods are nothing more than processed sugar and processed grains which again are the food of choice for the harmful bacteria in your gut. Plus, processed foods contain little to no nutritional value which only leaves you further malnourished.

What You Can Do to Stop Constant Gas and Bloating?

If you are serious about putting an end to your constant gas and bloating, then the most important thing you can do is to make some positive changes to your diet. If eating the wrongs foods is what got you in this situation, then eating more of the wrong foods surely isn’t going to get you out of it.

So the first and most important step you can take is to completely remove all of the foods mentioned above from your diet. It might seem difficult but you can’t there’s no point in fighting the bacteria if you just continue to feed it. You’ll also want to monitor your reactions to all grains, fruits, and starchy vegetables and remove any from your diet that contribute to your constant gas and bloating.

The idea is that you have to starve off the bacterial overgrowth in order to get your constant gas and bloating under control. Only then can you restore proper digestive function in order to keep these bacteria where they belong.

It can also beneficial to add carbohydrates to your diet that are high in Oligosaccharides such as chickory, onions, carrots, leeks, and asparagus. These can help feed the beneficial bacteria which will help keep the harmful bacteria at bay and provide you some well deserved relief from your constant gas and bloating.

With the help of the Leaky Gut Cure program your constant gas and bloating will be a think of the past because once you balance your gut and correct your dysbiosis then you’ll be back to digesting your own food in no time.

Watch this video to stop constant gas and bloating – How to Avoid Gas and Bloating – Toilet Talk

Author Bio:

Karen Brimeyer is a nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner, and health consultant. She has helped over a hundred personal clients heal their leaky gut, digestive problems, lose weight, and resolve their chronic symptoms and conditions.

She is the owner of Optimal Self-Healing in Tampa Bay Florida, a private nutrition and health consultation business and author of the Leaky Gut Cure program.

Karen has worked with a wide variety of populations from new moms to athletes overcome their health problems and achieve optimal health.

Karen found her passion for nutrition as a teenager. While striving to achieve optimal health by following the widely accepted diet and nutrition tips of the media and conventional medicine, she found her own health declining rapidly with the development leaky gut which led to digestive problems and chronic fatigue.

Unwilling to accept her situation, she set out to determine the truth about health which led her through her own research as well as studying and working with some of the best holistic doctors and holistic practitioners in the fields of nutrition, functional medicine, and life coaching.

She has since applied her knowledge with herself to overcome her own leaky gut and achieve an unprecedented level of health and wellbeing. Her happy and healthy pregnancy and now two-year old son, TJ, are a testament to the health she has achieved.

To find out more about this program, click on Leaky Gut Cure

Monday, November 8, 2021

Leaky Gut and Candida – the Chicken or the Egg?

Leaky Gut and Candida – Are Leaky Gut and Candida somehow related and which one causes the other? The truth is that the two are oftentimes related and go hand in hand but they are two entirely different issues to begin with. And either one can easily lead to the other.


Click Here to Find Out How to Naturally and Permanently Cure Leaky Gut Syndrome

The question of Leaky Gut and Candida comes up quite a bit in both my personal practice and from my online readers.

Sufferers want to know if Leaky Gut and Candida are somehow related and which one causes the other.

The truth is that the two are oftentimes related and go hand in hand but they are two entirely different issues to begin with. And either one can easily lead to the other.

You see, Candida refers to the overgrowth of a specific species of yeast within the digestive tract which if left untreated can and will continue to create intestinal inflammation and dysbiosis that leads to Leaky Gut Syndrome.

But the opposite can be true as well. With the onset of Leaky Gut Syndrome and corresponding imbalance of gut flora, your digestive tract can become prime breeding ground for Candida and other invasive organisms.

In either case, it’s always related to the imbalance of gut flora within the digestive tract.

Candida – The Opportunistic Organism

Most people don’t realize this but Candida is naturally present in your gut. We all have it. In fact, we couldn’t survive without it.

If this is true, then why does it cause so many problems for so many people?

The truth is that Candida is what is called an opportunistic organism. In a healthy gut, it lives under control and balance with the beneficial bacteria within your digestive tract.

The problem however occurs when the natural balance of yeast and bacteria within the gut is disrupted which is typically the result of a loss of beneficial bacteria. And when there are no beneficial bacteria left to police and balance the Candida, then a dysbiosis develops and the Candida is given the opportunity to overgrow and take over which is when the problems begin to occur.

There are many reasons as to why Candida is given the opportunity to overgrow.

Most commonly it’s related to one or more of the follow

  • Over-use of Antibiotics
  • Poor Diet
  • Pathogenic Infection

Leaky Gut and Candida – A Much Bigger Systemic Problem

Candida can cause some issues when it begins to take over and overgrow in the gut.

But much bigger problems arise when you develop Leaky Gut and Candida is able to pass through the intestinal barrier into your blood stream and become systemic.

Once Candida becomes systemic, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage and control. It can literally affect any part of your body and is a common cause of…

Why is this so important to understand?

Because if you’re dealing with any of these issues above then you’re likely not going to get any relief until you begin to fix the underlying cause of the problem instead of treating the symptom.

Most people with these issues are constantly using topical solutions, creams, drops, and shampoos which may provide temporary relief but once you stop, the infection comes right back.

This is because you have to fix the underlying cause which is really the overgrowth of Candida in the gut that is leaking through the intestinal barrier and feeding the infection from the inside. Otherwise treating the infection from the outside isn’t going to work long term.

Overcoming Leaky Gut and Candida

So how does one overcome Leaky Gut and Candida once it has become systemic?

I have gotten the best long term results with Candida infections using specific dietary modifications to help stave off the Candida.

But that’s not the end of the fight because you still have to heal your Leaky Gut, close up your intestinal barrier, and rebalance your gut flora. Otherwise the Candida will just overgrow and leak through the intestinal barrier again and continue to be a systemic issue. And you’ll be right back where you started.

I will note that there are some natural herbal supplements that can help but alone these are not the answer because supplements alone will not work long term without the necessary dietary modifications.

And oftentimes the supplements can be too harsh causing severe die off reactions which can really stress the liver and body and be counter-productive to healing.

Because Leaky Gut and Candida are so commonly found together and tend to feed off each other, I have included a separate guide specifically for Candida and other pathogenic organisms in my Leaky Cure Program.

Watch this video on Leaky Gut and Candida – HEALTH UPDATE: (Candida, Leaky Gut, Eczema & Acne)

Author Bio:

Karen Brimeyer is a nutritionist, functional medicine practitioner, and health consultant. She has helped over a hundred personal clients heal their leaky gut, digestive problems, lose weight, and resolve their chronic symptoms and conditions.

She is the owner of Optimal Self-Healing in Tampa Bay Florida, a private nutrition and health consultation business and author of the Leaky Gut Cure program.

Karen has worked with a wide variety of populations from new moms to athletes overcome their health problems and achieve optimal health.

Karen found her passion for nutrition as a teenager. While striving to achieve optimal health by following the widely accepted diet and nutrition tips of the media and conventional medicine, she found her own health declining rapidly with the development leaky gut which led to digestive problems and chronic fatigue.

Unwilling to accept her situation, she set out to determine the truth about health which led her through her own research as well as studying and working with some of the best holistic doctors and holistic practitioners in the fields of nutrition, functional medicine, and life coaching.

She has since applied her knowledge with herself to overcome her own leaky gut and achieve an unprecedented level of health and wellbeing. Her happy and healthy pregnancy and now two-year old son, TJ, are a testament to the health she has achieved.

To find out more about this program, click on Leaky Gut Cure

What is the Best Way to Completely Eliminate Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms?


What is the Best Way to Completely Eliminate Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms? When researching various health issues, it’s unusual to have one particular ingredient named as associated with preventing pretty much every health hazard you encounter. But that’s the case with the ingredient we’ll talk about in today’s feature post. It improves everything from arthritis to high blood pressure and diabetes to dementia. It boosts mood and energy levels better than any power or energy drink. What’s more, it’s deliciously sweet tasting, almost everyone loves them, it’s used in various meals, and eaten raw as a snack. Which super-food are we talking about?

Click HERE to Discover the 3 Easy Steps to Beat Type 2 Diabetes in 28 Days or Less

Completely Eliminate Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms – This Sugary Drink Tackles Type 2 Diabetes


Although this drink is very popular, it’s generally considered unhealthy, especially for people suffering type 2 diabetes, due to its high sugar level.

A recent Danish study reveals that drinking it moderately is actually protective against type 2 diabetes—and may even help reverse it.

The study, published in Journal Diabetologia, shows that moderate alcohol drinkers have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who abstain from alcohol completely.

Researchers used information about lifestyle and drinking habits collected by the Danish Health Examination Survey. This included the data of more than 70,000 nondiabetic men and women.

They then checked who developed diabetes in the following five years.

It turned out that men who consumed 14 drinks a week and women who consumed 9 drinks per week had the smallest risk of type 2 diabetes.

But, crucially, the drinks must be spread out over several days throughout the week, instead of being enjoyed over 1 or 2 days only.

This means weekend binges are out!

Those with the lowest risk consumed their drinks over 3 or 4 days.

Heavier and lighter drinkers were more likely to suffer from type 2 diabetes than these moderate drinkers.

Wine drinkers were also less likely to develop diabetes than their spirit-drinking peers, so the type of drink is also relevant.

Completely Eliminate Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms – Unfortunately, picking up a bottle of wine is not going to cure type 2 diabetes if you already have it. Instead, follow these three steps that thousands of readers have used to reverse their type 2 diabetes in 28 days or less…

Completely Eliminate Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms – The Most Powerful Superfood On Earth Tackles All Health Problems

When researching various health issues, it’s unusual to have one particular ingredient named as associated with preventing pretty much every health hazard you encounter.

But that’s the case with the ingredient we’ll talk about in today’s feature post.

It improves everything from arthritis to high blood pressure and diabetes to dementia.

It boosts mood and energy levels better than any power or energy drink.

What’s more, it’s deliciously sweet tasting, almost everyone loves them, it’s used in various meals, and eaten raw as a snack.

Which super-food are we talking about?

We’re not being very original in today’s post to write about the health benefits of blueberries. They’ve reached somewhat of a celebrity status among super-foods due to their wide-spread health benefits.

Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants, making them an extremely powerful tool to fight any type of immune diseases or other diseases caused by inflammation. Which actually includes the majority of modern diseases.

What’s unique about blueberries is how many types of antioxidants they include. Whereas most berries only include 3-4 types, blueberries include over 20 different types of antioxidants.

For those science geeks, here are some we could name: Anthocyanins (malvidins, delphinidins, pelargonidins, cyanidins, peonidins), Hydroxycinnamic acids (caffeic acids, ferulic acids, coumaric acids), Hydroxybenzoic acids (coumaric acids), Hydroxybenzoic acids (gallic acids, procatchuic acids), Flavonols (kaempferol, quercetin, myricetin), pterostilbene and resveratrol.

And pretty much all of those above antioxidants (don’t ask me to pronounce them all) are also extremely effective for inflammation and therefore serve double-duty.

It’s probably the wide variety of antioxidants that are the reason why they work for so many different types of diseases and health issues. They seem to be able to reach pretty much any part of the body.

Adding powerful antioxidant foods into your diet is extremely important. You’ll never get the same health benefits from antioxidant supplements. In fact, studies on supplements have resulted in very controversial results, whereas pretty much all studies on blueberries in the diet show a positive impact on various diseases.

Let me give you a few examples:

Memory Loss

Recently, several studies have shown the amazing benefits blueberries have on the cognitive system, especially for elderly. The blueberries seem to protect the nerve endings in the brain from oxidization and therefore stop the degradation of some parts of the brain.

For the most powerful method to boost your memory and stop dementia, click here…

Cardiovascular Health

Probably the most comprehensive studies on blueberries have been done about their benefits on cardiovascular health.

Blueberries have repeatedly been proven to lower overall cholesterol levels, raising HDL (good cholesterol) and lowering LDL (bad cholesterol). They also protect the lining of the arterial walls and reduce clogging of the arteries. In short, they drastically reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack.

For more info on lowering cholesterol naturally, click here. And to drop your blood pressure naturally without side effects, click here.

Blood Sugar and Diabetes

It may be surprising to you that blueberries are beneficial in regulating blood sugar; after all, they’re quite sweet. However, studies have shown that daily consumption of blueberries definitely help regulate blood sugar levels. The high fiber level of blueberries will counteract their sweetness.

Since type-2-diabetes is also caused by inflammation and blueberries are a strong fighter of inflammation, they should be a daily super-food for anyone suffering type-2-diabetes.

For more information on beating diabetes naturally, click here…


Having discussed all the anti-inflammation and antioxidant benefits of blueberries, it follows that they’re the power-punch to fight arthritis. Studies on both humans and animals have shown that even a small amount of blueberries improves mobility.

For more information on fighting arthritis naturally, click here…

So how much should you eat daily?

Most of the studies mentioned above have used 1-2 cups of blueberries daily for a period of 1-3 months. Other studies have, however, indicated an increase in antioxidant benefits from using up to 3 cups of blueberries per day. That may be too many carbohydrates for those with type 2 diabetes, so just check with your doctor before eating the whole flat of berries.

You lose a lot of benefits from blueberries if you cook them. So preferably, you should try to consume them raw or frozen (since freezing them doesn’t seem to hurt).

Don’t be afraid to consume blueberries even if you’re fighting body fat. The high levels of fiber will counteract the calorie count. Plus 3 whole cups of blueberries only include 245 calories – less than one Snickers bar. And, they’ll boost your energy and mood.

So there you have it, probably the most powerful disease-fighting food on earth.

Completely Eliminate Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms – This “Healthy” Habit Causes Type 2 Diabetes

It’s extremely healthy, pleasurable and refreshing if done in moderation.

But overdo it and it can cause row of serious health issues. One of them, according to a new study from Japan, is Type 2 Diabetes.

If you suffer this disease, you must cut down on this healthy thing immediately.

It has become common for medical experts to recommend afternoon naps, especially for people who sleep for seven hours or less during the night.

The scientists revealed an interesting research at a recent meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes in Munich. They suggested that long afternoon naps might increase your risk of contracting type 2 diabetes.

To reach this conclusion, they examined 21 previously published studies with a total of 300,000 Asian and European participants.

They discovered that people who napped for more than one hour in the afternoon were 45 Percent more likely to develop diabetes than those who took shorter naps or did not nap at all.

The risk disappeared for participants whose nap lasted less than an hour.

This is actually in line with other studies suggesting that taking a 20-30 minutes of afternoon naps is extremely healthy but anything more than that erases the health benefits and even becomes harmful.

Still want to completely eliminate type 2 diabetes symptoms? Watch this video –How to Reverse Insulin Resistance FAST! (BEST FOODS FOR INSULIN RESISTANCE)

Sleeping less than 6-8 hours is definitely harmful. If you’re struggling to sleep, use this little trick here that works for almost everyone…

And of course the main thing is to reverse Type 2 Diabetes if you already have it. Here is the 3-step strategy hundreds of readers have already successfully used…

This post is from the 3 Steps Diabetes Strategy Program. It was created by Jodi Knapp from Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top-quality national health information websites. 

In this program, Jodi Knapp shares practical tips and advice on how you can prevent and cure diabetes naturally. She also dispels myths commonly associated with diabetes, like for example, diabetes being a lifelong condition. There are also lots of information going around that is simply not true and she’s here to correct it.

Diabetes is a disease, and it can be cured. This is just one of the important tips Jodi reveals in her program. Also, she included several ways in preventing the onset of disease, choosing the right food to eat, recommended vitamin supplements, the right time of the day to take the blood sugar and many more.

But the most amazing thing would have to be her program which only takes 3 simple steps to help you to control & treat type 2 diabetes. What it does is cure diabetes without having to rely on expensive drugs, diets that make sufferers crave for even more food they are not supposed to eat, and exercise programs that make people feel tired and depressed.

To find out more about this program, click on Completely Eliminate Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms

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