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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Coping with Social Anxiety – What Can Work for Me?


Coping with Social Anxiety – What Can Work for Me? Here are 7 proven ways to cure social anxiety. There is no single perfect method that works for everyone. Read on to find out more.

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Relaxation Techniques for Coping with Social Anxiety

If you are suffering from social anxiety, then you must know how awful it feels when you are feeling anxious. Not only does your mind race and you feel insecure and awful inside, but you also have physical symptoms outside. Everyone can see you as you sweat for no reason, shake uncontrollably, and blush at the worst possible moment.

In this article I’m going to show you how you can cope with these physical symptoms so people can’t see you are feeling anxious. You’ll be able to get some control over your physical symptoms of social anxiety. And since you will no longer have to worry about how you look to others, your actual anxiety will also go down significantly.

The technique I’m going to teach you has to do with relaxation. Relaxation is the opposite of anxiety. By consciously choosing to make yourself more relaxed, you will be able to control your anxiety.

How does the technique work? There are two parts to it. The first part is learning how to become more relaxed by yourself in the comfort of your own home. The second part is using the technique in real life to help you become more relaxed when you most need it. Believe me, the relaxation technique I’m about to show you is a godsend when it comes time to face a social situation you are most afraid of.

So the first part of the technique is to sit or lay down somewhere where you are comfortable. It is best if you are by yourself so you feel as little anxiety as possible. Now go through your body and relax every part of it. Start at your head and move your way down to your feet, relaxing each muscle group as you pass it. First relax your forehead, let your jaw go loose, drop your shoulders.

The idea is to let go of as much tension as you possibly can. If it helps, you can also try imagining a relaxing beach or stream in your head. Then just lay there for a few minutes and try to get the feel of how it feels like to be totally relaxed.

The second part is to then take this relaxed feeling into your daily life. Throughout the day, remember to relax your muscle groups individually. Go as relaxed and limp as you can get. The more relaxed you can make your body become, the more your anxiety will begin to go away.

Remember, step one is to practice becoming relaxed inside your home. Many socially anxious people are so tensed up all the time they do not really know how relaxation feels like. The second step is to become more relaxed as you are around people. The best time to use this technique is when you are feeling especially anxious.

Coping with Social Anxiety – 7 Proven Ways to Cure Social Anxiety (No. 3 Is Best)

1. Pharmaceutical Medication

The first social anxiety treatment option that comes to mind for most people is medication. Many people, even experts, usually have strong black-and-white opinions about medication. 

This means people fall into 2 basic categories:

Either they believe medication is the ONLY way to cure social anxiety disorder, because the issue must be either genetic or a “chemical imbalance.”

Or they believe medication is evil, only created by Big Pharma to get people hooked, and it should be avoided at all costs.

I believe the truth is somewhere in the middle. Medication can help some people who have severe social anxiety get started on their way to getting better because it often relieves the symptoms of anxiety. However, the medications will basically never cure social anxiety on their own, like pop culture often believes.

Pharmaceutical drugs, although helpful for many people, are far less of an exact science than most people might expect.

The reality of someone taking medication for social anxiety looks more like this…

You’ll first have to try out a few types of medications to find the drug and dosage that works for you.

The medication will usually lessen the anxiety you feel, but it will not make the underlying cause of your social anxiety go away. And a good doctor will have the long term goal of lowering your dosage and eventually getting you off the medication, by treating your problem with some type of therapy and/or exposure.

If you look on social anxiety forums, you find some people who had their quality of life dramatically improved by pharmaceutical medications. However, they don’t work for everyone. Other people cannot find a drug that works for them or one that works without side effects that outweigh the small improvements.

This being the reality, I decided to beat my social anxiety without using any medications. What you choose to do is up to you.


  • Scientifically proven to lower symptoms of anxiety.
  • Generally, do provide emotional relief to social anxiety sufferers.
  • Does not require work or effort to get the result, you just pop the pill.


  • Not a “magic bullet” cure for social anxiety, it’s almost always combined with other forms of long-term treatment.
  • Often takes trial and error to find a medication that works well for you.
  • Can have long lists of unwanted side effects.

Side Note: Be Careful Using the Word “Cure”

It’s human nature to want quick fixes, instant relief, a simple and sure solution to your problem. But when it comes to social anxiety, one single cure that works perfectly for everyone simply doesn’t exist.

Pharmaceutical medications are often perceived as a magic bullet that will “fix” whatever chemical imbalance is causing your problem… but that’s simply not how it works. The human body and mind are a very complex system with millions of moving parts.

This is why almost all drugs have so many side effects… you can’t ONLY change the balance of one chemical in your body without affecting 100 different things at the same time.

This is why scientists are often confused and bewildered when studying social anxiety.

For example, the main drugs used to treat social anxiety now are SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors). These drugs supposedly work by increasing the levels of serotonin in your brain. The theory was that people who suffer from social anxiety disorder have a low “chemical balance” of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter.

Yet a recent study has found that the opposite is true! People who have social anxiety actually produce too much serotonin in the fear part of the brain, the amygdala. This means that all the drugs people have been taking SHOULD have made them feel more anxious, instead of less!

Now here’s the most confusing part of the whole thing: the SSRI drugs did actually help!… Scientists just have no idea why anymore. (Part of it could be the placebo effect.)

So here’s the lesson from this…

Don’t look for one “magic bullet” to cure your social anxiety. The most effective strategy is to find several regular lead bullets to shoot at your problem. This means you need to TRY OUT for yourself the different strategies I’m talking about in this article, and see which ones work best for you.

Most people I work with who overcome their social anxiety usually find relief using a combination of different strategies. It’s never just one thing that made them feel 100% better, it’s more like 5 things that each made them feel 20-30% better. 

That’s why my system for overcoming social anxiety is basically a combination of the best techniques from many different areas of psychology I’ve studied. I believe attacking the problem from several different angles is most effective.

2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

This is the most well-known non-drug treatment option for social anxiety. Right now it’s the “standard approach” for most anxiety and depression disorders. If you go to a therapist, they will probably use cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT for short).

When most people think of “therapy,” they probably imagine laying back on a couch and sharing details about their childhood. CBT is usually much different from that type of therapy. It’s less about digging into your past, and more about trying to change how you think and act directly.

CBT is actually a combination of 2 different treatments:

Cognitive restructuring. This is a scientific way of saying “changing how you think”. Most therapists will have you write down your thoughts in a journal, then compare your thinking to common cognitive distortions to see where you are being too negative or irrational. Sometimes you analyze your thoughts more deeply, to see how they come from core beliefs or assumptions you have.

Exposure therapy. This is the “behavioral” part, and it means doing the things that you fear. You start with small steps and work your way towards facing harder and more high pressure situations. (CBT also usually includes learning relaxation techniques like deep breathing or guided imagery.)

I’ve read most of the top CBT books for social anxiety. And in fact, many parts of my approach to overcoming social anxiety are inspired by CBT.

So does it work?

In general, cognitive behavioral therapy does help people with social anxiety disorder. Many people have even been permanently cured with dedicated and patient practice of CBT. But there are a few big drawbacks to CBT that almost no therapist knows (or will tell you) that I think you should be aware of…


  • Many scientific studies support its effectiveness for treating social anxiety disorder.
  • Easy to find a local therapist trained to guide you through the basics of CBT. Even easier to find loads of books and websites teaching the main ideas and techniques.
  • Very safe. Doesn’t carry the risk of unwanted side effects like medications.


  • CBT is about half (!) as effective as when it first came out in the 70s. This is a dirty secret of CBT: scientists have measured a big decline in the effectiveness of CBT since it first came out, and they’re not sure why.
  • CBT has a very high drop-out rate (source) compared to other treatment options, even other types of therapies. This may be because the process is dry, repetitive and boring. Many people don’t stick with writing down their thoughts every day very long, especially when they try to do it on their own without a therapist.
  • CBT is a tool designed to be general, not specific. It’s general enough to work for many types of problems. But this means you basically use the tool to dig your own way out of social anxiety. As a result, a lot of people following CBT may not get specific enough advice that they need.

(In my advice I try to do as much of the work for you as I can. For example, in my video “13 Things Confident People Don’t Do” I give you the exact mind set shifts you need to start being more confident. Instead of telling you to pay attention to your thoughts and work it out on your own.)

3. Mindfulness Meditation

Things like meditation or yoga used to be perceived as alternative religions.

Now they’ve become popular in North America as cool hobbies. It seems like most of the girls at any university have tried yoga, and meditation is becoming more common too. I recently went to a 10-day meditation retreat near my city that had about 100 people participating.

Yet this is not just a trendy hobby. Many scientific studies have now been done on mindfulness meditation, and it’s been proven to help people with problems like anxiety and depression:

“Group mindfulness treatment is as effective as individual cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in patients with depression and anxiety, according to a new study from Lund University in Sweden and Region Skåne.”

– Jan Sundquist, Lund University, Sweden

In fact, some of the latest types of therapy are based on mindfulness techniques first practiced thousands of years ago. For example, Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy.

These new mindfulness-based therapies “may be as effective in treating anxiety disorders, depression, addiction, and somatic health problems as established psychological interventions [like CBT],” according to some studies.

What Is Mindfulness Meditation?

Well, mindfulness is one type of meditation. There are many other types of meditation, but mindfulness is the one that’s most commonly used to help people with anxiety, depression, stress and other problems.

Many people think meditation is about closing your eyes and shutting yourself off from the world, usually in some weird posture. Mindfulness meditation is not like this at all. If anything it’s the exact opposite! Mindfulness is more about opening yourself up to the world, and paying closer attention to what is happening, both inside and outside of you.

In a nutshell, mindfulness is about paying attention to what is happening without judging or reacting to what you observe. For example, if you feel your heart beating faster from anxiety or you have some negative thoughts running through your head… then you simply pay attention without even wishing for these unpleasant sensations to go away.

The point of this practice is to help you get distance from yourself. It allows you to step back for a few moments from the chaos of your own mind and observe it from a more neutral point of view. As if you were looking inside the head of someone else.

The Best Type of Meditation for Social Anxiety

Meditation will help you the most if don’t just do it sitting alone in your room. You should take the techniques and use them in the real world as you are living life.

For example, many people who have social anxiety tend to daydream, think a lot and live inside their heads. Your attention is trapped inside your mind, constantly imagining something embarrassing happening to you in the future, or remembering a humiliating past event… and you are rarely living in the here-and-now.

Here is how a great meditation teacher called Sadhguru explains it in this video: How to Overcome Fear

By practicing mindfulness in your daily life, you’ll find yourself living more in the present moment, instead of being stuck in your memory or imagination. 

This was one of the biggest shifts that allowed me to cure my social anxiety, and it’s why I dedicate a whole chapter of my course for overcoming social anxiety to a couple of very powerful mindfulness techniques.

“Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose” – Eckhart Tolle

“Meditation Doesn’t Work for Me”

Some people sit down to try meditation, and after trying a technique a few times inconsistently, they conclude that “my mind is just too active” and “it doesn’t help me.”

To get benefits from meditation, you have to make a habit of doing it every day for the long term. I find the easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure you do it right after you wake up. I do it every single day for 10-20 minutes no matter what. I do it the first thing in the morning so that I don’t forget. The change is gradual, but give it a few weeks or months and you’ll probably experience a huge difference.


  • Scientifically proven to help with anxiety or depression.
  • Safe to try, no risk of unwanted side effects besides maybe boredom. Has many other health benefits you wouldn’t expect.
  • Can do it anywhere, just need to set some time aside.


  • It’s not a quick technique for anxiety. It’s about learning a different way of living.
  • Takes daily practice to see the change, something many people may not commit to.
  • Many meditation teachers combine the techniques with their own religious and spiritual beliefs. This can sometimes make it hard to separate the helpful techniques from the woo-woo spiritual ideas.
  • Not as much scientific support yet as CBT.

4. Nutrition

One of the too-quickly overlooked approaches to decreasing social anxiety is making positive changes to your lifestyle. Your brain exists inside of your body, which means it is highly influenced by what you put in it and how you treat your physical health.

This section could be an article on its own, or maybe a whole book. There’s so much to learn and study when it comes to the effect food has on your mood.

Here’s a few quick bullet points:

Eat unprocessed whole foods. Processed foods usually have a lot of unhealthy things added in, like sugar, salt, preservatives and bad types of fat/oil. This is why you should be careful buying so-called “healthy foods” that come in boxes, cans or bottles. If it’s a whole piece of food – like an apple, carrot or piece of steak – then it’s much more likely to be good for you.

Lower the refined carbs and sugar. To understand why, read the book “Grain Brain (which you can buy on Amazon). The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers.” I try to eat a diet that resembles paleo, which is mainly meat, fish, eggs, lots of vegetables, nuts, some fruits, etc. I rarely eat carbs like bread, pasta, rice, noodles, pastries, potatoes, etc… whereas a lot of people make carbs the center of every meal!

Eat more veggies (that are not potatoes or corn!). Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale and brussels sprouts are exceptionally good for you. Right now I drink a smoothie with kale, blueberries and protein powder almost every day.

Eat the good types of fat. Contrary to what health “experts” have said the past 10 years, low fat doesn’t mean healthy. Your brain needs fat to function well. Not the fat you find in a McDonald’s burger… but fat rich in omega 3 found in wild salmon, sardines, herring, anchovies, and mackerel.

Other good types of fat are coconut oil (I almost always cook with this now), olive oil, avocados, grass-fed butter, and so on.

Avoid so-called “healthy” vegetable oils like canola, soya and corn.

Eat fermented foods. Fermented foods contain probiotics, a very good type of bacteria. A recent study found that the fermented foods you eat, the less anxious, worried or neurotic you probably are.

What are some good fermented foods? Sauerkraut, pickles and kimchi. (Although make sure it’s unpasteurized or “raw” because the process of pasteurization kills all the good bacteria due to the high heat.)

Dairy foods like yogurt and kefir also contain a lot of probiotics, just make sure the label says it “contains live and active cultures.”

Kombucha tea is another fermented drink that’s becoming more popular.

I personally love coffee, and drink it almost every morning. However, most doctors recommend decreasing or eliminating coffee if you have anxiety, so you should experiment and see if cutting out caffeine helps you. (I actually often make Bulletproof coffee at home, where I blend in coconut oil, grass fed butter and some raw honey into my coffee. Sounds weird I know, but it’s delicious and good for your brain.)

5. Natural Supplements

Beyond your basic diet, which should be the foundation for your nutrition, you can take some supplements and vitamins to improve your mood and health. I’m definitely not an expert here, but I can share with you the general recommendations for anxiety.

If you want to keep it basic:

  • Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6 and B12 can help improve your mood and make you feel relaxed. Low levels of these have been linked to depression.
  • There are also herbs like Chamomile, Valerian Root, St. John’s Wort and Passionflower which are claimed to reduce anxiety, though there is little scientific evidence behind it.  You can buy these as tea or capsules and see if they help you.
  • Avoid the supplement Kava, it’s been shown to decrease anxiety but using it often can cause liver problems.

In the book The Mood Cure (which you can buy on Amazon) , Dr. Julia Ross explains the 4 main types of neurotransmitters, how you can tell if you have low levels of each one, and specific doses of natural supplements you can take to fix it.

Studies suggest that an imbalance of certain neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain) may contribute to anxiety disorders. The neurotransmitters targeted in anxiety disorders are gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), serotonin, dopamine, and epinephrine. – University of Maryland Medical Center

Here’s a very quick summary:

  • Serotonin – the most common neurotransmitter deficiency. This is a feel good chemical that makes us happy, outgoing and enthusiastic. Many pharmaceutical drugs (SSRIs for example) work by artificially increasing the serotonin levels in your brain… but you can achieve similar effects by consuming 5-HTP or L tryptophan(These are serotonin precursors. When you eat these, they get converted to serotonin in your brain.)
  • Catecholamines (norepinephrine) – This brain chemical helps us feel energized and focused. The natural supplement to increase it is L Tyrosine.
  • GABA – This is a natural stress reliever, muscle relaxant, and helps you sleep. Benzodiazepines (medications such as valium and xanax) reduce anxiety through the way they interact with the GABA receptors. You can increase it by taking GABA.
  • Endorphins – Another feel good chemical, it is raised through exercise, which I’ll talk about more in the next section…


  • Very low chance of bad side effects at normal doses.
  • Have helped many people feel better.


  • Natural supplements are often not regulated, may be low quality.
  • Not well studied scientifically.
  • Many people get little or no effect from supplements, or perhaps only a placebo effect.

6. Exercise & Sleep

These are two very important elements of your lifestyle. By lifestyle I mean your daily or weekly habits.

Exercise is proven to improve mental well-being…

“Scientists have found that regular participation in aerobic exercise has been shown to decrease overall levels of tension, elevate and stabilize mood, improve sleep, and improve self-esteem. About five minutes of aerobic exercise can begin to stimulate anti-anxiety effects.” – Anxiety & Depression Association of America

When you exercise, endorphins are released in your brain. This is a natural painkiller which helps you feel great and relaxed. Exercise also increases GABA in your brain, which has been shows to decrease anxiety. And it decreases cortisol, a chemical in your body that comes from stress.

Finally, exercise is great for relieving physical and mental tension, and it makes it easier to go to sleep. (Anyone who has exercised hard before can tell you this is true.)

I personally do weightlifting much more than cardio. For me running every day would just be too boring. Instead I do a ~45-minute workout 3 times a week. Though I do walk almost everywhere daily because I live near the downtown of a city.

You need to find some form of exercise that you can make into a regular habit. It could be running, swimming or hiking outside. It could be lifting weights, kickboxing or another martial art. It could be soccer, basketball or another sport.

Now let’s talk about sleep…

Staying up late and getting too little sleep is something which I’ve been guilty of too often. This is bad because a lack of sleep can make you feel more nervous and on edge.

According to a study by UC Berkeleybeing sleep deprived increases anticipatory anxiety a lot. This means you will feel a lot more anxious BEFORE a social situation if you don’t get enough sleep. 

“People who are anxious by nature are the same people who will suffer the greatest harm from sleep deprivation,” said Matthew Walker, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at UC Berkeley.

And that’s not to mention how much harder it is to talk to people when you are feeling low on energy, tired and unfocused.

7. Energy Therapies That Heal Trauma

Okay, this one is controversial, but I’m going to include it here anyway because it’s really interesting.

Trauma is not just something that happens to people who go to war or get attacked in the street. Milder forms of trauma can happen to almost anybody in childhood. And many scientists have already studied the link between social anxiety and childhood trauma:

“Studies investigating childhood trauma in social anxiety suggest that parental emotional abuse towards the child (e.g., swearing, insulting, denigrating, and non-physical aggressing) and emotional neglect (e.g., emotional deprivation or the absence of feeling special, loved, or being part of a nurturing environment) may be important factors in the development of SAD.

For example, in a non-clinical sample, compared to women with low levels of social anxiety, women high in social anxiety reported significantly more paternal rejection, paternal and maternal neglect, and paternal authority-discipline.” (Klonsky, Dutton, & Liebel, 1990)

These types of early childhood experiences of abuse or neglect can cause someone to feel ashamed, insecure or deeply flawed as a person. I talk a lot about this in my social anxiety system and in my toxic shame video here. Trauma comes from disturbing memories in the past that create a “psychoenergetic block” inside you that affects your life and relationships with people today.

So how to deal with it? Well there’s 2 interesting approaches I can share:

1. EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing)

EMDR is a type of therapy where you focus on the traumatic memory while moving your eyes side to side. This eye movement is supposed to allow you to “reprocess” the past trauma.

In the world of psychotherapy EMDR is somewhat controversial because it doesn’t have the same scientific support other approaches do. It is very often used on people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Read the EMDR Wikipedia article for more info.

2. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Many people think this one is complete bullshit, and you probably will too if you see a video of someone doing EFT. Basically the technique involves tapping different parts of your head and body while repeating a phrase like: “Even though I feel anxious, I deeply love and accept myself.” 

The claim is that tapping on specific “meridian points” on your body can release energy blockages. They say the location of these points is based on acupuncture.

I’m very skeptical about EFT, too… especially since it is often sold as a cure for weight loss, smoking, and pretty much anything else. 

However, some very reputable experts like Dr. Mercola and even my colleague Dr. Aziz Gazipura of The Social Confidence Center recommend trying EFT out for yourself before making a judgement.

So who knows, maybe it can work for you.

8. Anything Else?

Now you have a VERY in depth overview of the most common (proven) ways people try to cure social anxiety. There is no single perfect method that works for everyone, but now you have more clarity and ideas about what next step you need to take on your journey.

Just before we finish here, I want to tell you one last thing:

It’s Not Your Fault!

The biggest reason so many people suffer with social anxiety for years and years is because of bad advice. Back when I had severe social anxiety, the only advice I heard was:

“There’s nothing to be afraid of!”

“It’s all in your head!”

“Fake it ’til you make it!”

The problem is, advice for curing social anxiety is 99% garbage, usually given by people who have never struggled with this themselves. Your parents, friends or teachers simply don’t understand how hard it is. That’s why they may tell you that type of useless “motivational” advice.

Even the published books and articles on social anxiety usually suck. They’re often written by people with a lot of degrees who will tell you over-simplified tips like: “Focus more on other people” … “Stop thinking negative thoughts” … or maybe “Stand up straighter to be confident.”

That’s why I decided to make this websiteI wanted to share the tips and techniques for curing social anxiety that I have proven to be effective in the real world. The difference is that I’m speaking from personal experience. I think that “shines through” in most of the articles I write here.

My goal is to help 25,000 people totally eliminate their social anxiety. Maybe one of those could be you. Here’s what you should do next…

Watch these following 3 videos below –

13 Things Confident People Don’t Do

Toxic Shame

CLICK HERE to Get More Ideas for Coping With Social Anxiety

By Sean W Cooper, the author of The Shyness and Social Anxiety System, is an ex-sufferer from social anxiety and shyness. This program is a compilation of his research and effort in overcoming shyness and anxiety.

Sean W Cooper’s Shyness and Anxiety system is a step by step audio course broken down into modules that are easy to access. It teaches you ways to start overcoming your social anxiety and self-doubt. The system utilises cognitive behavioural therapy which explores how feelings and thoughts can drive behaviour. 

The Shyness and Social Anxiety system is endorsed by professionals and praised by psychologists due to the way it provides the relevant skills to manage issues of shyness and social anxiety.

To find out more, click on Coping with Social Anxiety

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Without Medication – How to Lower Blood Sugar?


Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Without Medication – How to Lower Blood Sugar? How to cure diabetes naturally at home? How long does it take to reverse type 2 diabetes?

Click HERE to Discover the 3 Easy Steps to Beat Type 2 Diabetes in 28 Days or Less

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Without Medication – Strange Type 2 Diabetes and Bone Health Connection Discovered

Type 2 diabetes is well known for causing blindness, kidney disease, and nerve damage to the legs.

But there is another common complication, one that you might not realize is caused by type 2 diabetes. But it can be even more serious than the once better understood.

A new study in the journal Bone investigated the strange connection between type 2 diabetes and bone health.

The scientific literature on the relationship between type 2 diabetes and bone health is complex. Some studies find that the bones of people with diabetes have a lower mineral density, but most studies seem to have concluded that the bone density of diabetes sufferers is actually higher.

But bone density does not necessarily mean bone strength, as this new study now advises. The authors wanted to find out whether people with diabetes were more likely than the general population was to suffer from hip and other non-vertebral fractures. They were also interested in the recovery rates of the two populations after fractures.

They searched journal databases for previously published studies on the relationship between diabetes and these fractures, finding 42 studies on hip fractures and 17 studies on non-vertebral bone fractures. Some studies investigated both types of fractures, so the total of studies analyzed was 48.

The hip fracture analysis included 319,652 fractures out of 17,571,738 participants. Altogether, people with type 2 diabetes were 33 percent more likely than the general population was to suffer hip fractures, a risk that increased to five times that of the general population for type 1 diabetes sufferers.

The non-vertebral fracture analysis included 181,228 fractures out of 2,978,487 participants. Those with type 2 diabetes were 19 percent more likely than their nondiabetic peers were to break non-vertebral bones, while type 1 diabetes sufferers had a 92 percent increased risk.

When the researchers looked at subgroups, the risk was especially high for younger diabetics than for older ones, for women than for men, for people who took insulin than for those who did not, and for people with a diabetes duration of 10 years or longer.

Even worse, the researchers found that diabetics had a higher mortality rate than healthy people had after a hip fracture and that diabetics’ average recovery rate was lower.

This analysis is concerning because hip fractures are serious. According to previous research, up to 20 percent of people who suffer hip fractures die in the first year after the event, and fewer than half of all hip fracture victims regain full function afterwards.

The authors did not know why diabetics suffered more fractures than nondiabetics did. They speculated that this trend could have had something to do with the composition or strength of their bones compared to healthy people’s bones.

Another possibility that the researchers offered is that diabetics are more likely to fall than healthy people are because of periods of low blood sugar, leg weakness, or hormonal changes.

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Without Medication – Whatever the reason is for the devastating effects of type 2 diabetes, you want to reverse the condition using the 3 simple steps found here…

And if you’re already concerned about your bone health, learn how to strengthen your bones with simple diet changes here (and it’s not about calcium)…

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Without Medication – This “Healthy” Drink Causes Type 2 Diabetes

It’s a well-known fact that an excessive consumption of sugar is one of the leading causes of Type 2 Diabetes.

But the solution that scientists and food manufacturers have devised for this problem is no healthier.

In fact, according to a new study out of Sweden, the ingredient you think you’re consuming, especially to manage your Type 2 Diabetes, may be exactly what is causing it.

The beverage industry produces diet drinks that contain artificial sweeteners and zero calories to avoid the negative consequences of sugar. But do these actually reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes?

Researchers analyzed the data obtained by ESTRID, an epidemiological study of risk factors for type 2 diabetes, a Swedish population-based study started in 2010.

After excluding people for whom complete information was unavailable, they were left with 1,136 people with type 2 diabetes, and 1,371 without diabetes.

From their analysis, two facts emerged:

1) Those with type 2 diabetes were more likely to drink both sugary and artificially sweetened drinks than their non-diabetic peers.

2) Sugary and artificial sweetened had the same negative effects on Type 2 Diabetes.

People who consumed more than two 200 mL sweetened (sugar or artificial) drinks per day were twice as likely to develop Type 2 Diabetes as those who drank none.

But why do artificial sweeteners cause diabetes? They don’t spike your blood sugar level.

You see, they stimulate appetite and lead you to eat more, resulting in weight gain.

In addition, previous studies have linked them with increased levels of abdominal fat, the fat most likely to be present in diabetics.

So if you suffer type 2 diabetes, it’s not enough to go for a diet cola. Simply skip the sodas altogether and opt for water, lemon or fruit-infused water (mixed at home, not bought), coconut water, nut milk, dairy milk, unsweetened coffee, or unsweetened tea.

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Without Medication – And that alone is not enough to completely rid yourself of type 2 diabetes. Follow the lead of thousands of readers and use the 3-steps found here to be diabetes free in 28 days…

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Without Medication – The Specific Fat That Causes Type 2 Diabetes Discovered

Have you ever wondered why so many thin people who eat relatively healthy diets develop type 2 diabetes?

Or why so many obese people do not?

New research from the University of Utah College of Health now explains why this might be the case. And reveals the one “hidden” type of fat that’s the underlying cause of Type 2 Diabetes.

What triggered this study was a discovery made from gastric bypass surgery patients in Singapore.

They were all obese, but those with type 2 diabetes had substantially more ceramide in their fat tissue than those without this metabolic disorder.

This made the scientists wonder whether ceramide, rather than just fat or sugar, played a role in the development of type 2 diabetes.

So what precisely is ceramide?

It is one of the main components of the outer layer of your skin and is responsible for preventing excessive water loss through your skin and for blocking the entry of bacteria and viruses. You may also notice it as an ingredient in some of your cosmetic products.

It is one of the main ingredients in your cell membranes and keeps your cells structurally together.

Without it, you would be dead. But the new research from Utah now suggests that, with too much of it, you are in serious health trouble too.

They published the results of their investigations in the November 2016 edition of the journal Cell Metabolism.

When you eat a lot, your body stores the food as fat or burns it for energy when you need it. But some people’s bodies unfortunately convert it to ceramide, and that is the process the Utah scientists decided to study.

They first added excess ceramide to the fat cells of humans and mice in the laboratory. These fat cells immediately became unresponsive to insulin and resistant to fat burning for energy.

When they added excess ceramide to the fat cells of mice and implanted them in the mice, a large number of the animals developed diabetes and/or fatty liver disease.

Remember that one of the first signs and main symptoms of diabetes is insulin resistance. But ceramide in your cells makes them unresponsive to insulin so they cannot accept glucose.

To confirm their theory, the researchers worked out the pathway whereby mice converted saturated fat to ceramide. They genetically engineered the mice and deleted the gene responsible for this conversion.

These mice then became resistant to diabetes.

The researchers hope that, with time, medical science can develop away to delete this ceramide conversion gene in humans too, to prevent insulin resistance and diabetes from developing.

There are not many strategies you can adopt to prevent your body from converting fats to ceramide, but the one that is available to you is big.

In a literature review in a 2008 edition of the journal Atherosclerosis, researchers found that large amounts of ceramide are produced in bodies high in reactive oxygen species.

These reactive oxygen species are what we commonly call free radicals.

Therefore, to prevent some of the conversion of fat to ceramide, simply eat plenty of antioxidants like fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins C and E, dark-colored grapes for resveratrol, capers and onions for quercetin, cucumber and artichoke for salicylic acid, and green tea for catechins.

This is no surprise to me. For years I have preached that the main cause of Type 2 Diabetes is oxidization and even more its brother, inflammation.

To get ideas about type 2 diabetes treatment without medication, watch this video – How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally

Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Without Medication – So to completely reverse your Type 2 Diabetes, you must eliminate oxidization and inflammation on cell level – using the 3-step Type 2 Diabetes strategy found here…

This post is from the 3 Steps Diabetes Strategy Program. It was created by Jodi Knapp from Blue Heron health news that has been recognized as one of the top-quality national health information websites. 

In this program, Jodi Knapp shares practical tips and advice on how you can prevent and cure diabetes naturally. She also dispels myths commonly associated with diabetes, like for example, diabetes being a lifelong condition. There are also lots of information going around that is simply not true and she’s here to correct it.

Diabetes is a disease, and it can be cured. This is just one of the important tips Jodi reveals in her program. Also, she included several ways in preventing the onset of disease, choosing the right food to eat, recommended vitamin supplements, the right time of the day to take the blood sugar and many more.

But the most amazing thing would have to be her program which only takes 3 simple steps to help you to control & treat type 2 diabetes. What it does is cure diabetes without having to rely on expensive drugs, diets that make sufferers crave for even more food they are not supposed to eat, and exercise programs that make people feel tired and depressed.

To find out more about this program, click on Type 2 Diabetes Treatment Without Medication

Overcome Shyness and Social Anxiety – How to Stop Being Shy and Quiet?


How to Stop Being Shy and Quiet? To find out how you can achieve this, read on to learn about Sean W Cooper’s Shyness and Social Anxiety Program that teaches you ways to start overcoming your social anxiety and self-doubt.

CLICK HERE to Find Out How to Overcome Your Social Phobia

Stop Being Shy and Quiet – Is Shyness Genetic? These New Scientific Facts Reveal the Answer

If you have been shy all your life, then it is easy to believe that shyness could be genetic. For example, I used to be shy as far back as I can remember. Some of my earliest memories are of hiding behind my mother’s leg when guests came over to visit. That’s how shy I was!

But then there are other cases. Many people find that they were never shy as a child, but as they become teenagers or adolescents, they start becoming more withdrawn and introverted. Some people may see this happening and say it’s a “phase” they’re going through, but often these changes stay with someone even as they become an adult.

So what’s the answer? Is shyness genetic or a personality trait or something else altogether? Many people think that shyness is just something someone is born with, like their eye color or height. However, new scientific evidence proves otherwise.

What scientists and psychologists have discovered is that shyness is not genetic in the sense that it is engrained into your genes. If a scientist were to look into your DNA, they would not find a “shy gene” that makes you the way you are. So shyness is not genetic in the way most people would assume.

However, scientists have also found that your genes may have had a role to play in causing your shyness. Some people may have a certain gene that makes it easier for them to eventually become shy. The catch is, they only become shy when their gene is combined with a variety of other environmental factors.

Let me explain this in more detail. Whenever someone asks a question about the cause of their shyness, it’s always tricky to answer. The reason why is that shyness does not have one single cause like many diseases would. Shyness is multi-determined, which means that several different factors must work together to cause it in a given person.

Some of the factors in causing shyness are genetic, they are things you are born with. Other factors are environmental, for example: what your parents were like, your early childhood experiences, the culture you grew up in, etc.

Although some people may be more likely to become shy because of a part of their genes, this does not mean that they will become shy for sure. It also means that someone without the “shyness causing gene” may also become shy if put into the right environment.

Although genetic factors do come into play when causing shyness, it doesn’t mean that shyness is a part of your genes like most people would assume. Your shyness is not permanent and can be overcome regardless of your biology.

Stop Being Shy and Quiet – Why Am I Shy? The 3 Surprising Reasons…

Here are the 3 biggest reasons:

1. You NEED something from the other person, usually acceptance/approval.

Here’s an easy question: Who is more nervous usually — a job interviewer or the interviewee?

The person being interviewed is much more nervous usually.


Well, if they feel like they need the job, then they will be trying to create a good impression on the other person to get it. This naturally creates a type of performance anxiety which is why most people are nervous before job interviews.

Similarly, shy people have such a strong need for the acceptance, approval and validation of other people that they often feel like a person being interviewed for a job. In social situations they may sweat nervously, try to only say very interesting things that will impress the other person, and they are relieved to get away.

Let’s go back to the job interview example…

When a person doesn’t NEED the job, they will usually not feel so nervous. For example, if the job is easy to replace like a minimum wage fast food job. Or if the person already has a job that is almost as good as the one he’s being interviewed for. Or if he’s very well qualified for this type of job and has 12 similar interviews scheduled already. The person still WANTS the job, but they don’t desperately NEED it.

Shy people become tense, censor what they say and are afraid to speak up… because they have a desperate NEED to be liked, accepted and validated by other people. This is usually called “caring too much what other people think.”

When you don’t NEED people to like you, then you will naturally be more relaxed, open and at ease with them. Ironically, this increases the chances that they will actually like you.

So what causes this hole of neediness for the approval of other people?

There’s many possible causes that I don’t have time to explain now, but here’s one example:

A confident kid switches schools and they suddenly find themselves in a new environment without any of their old friends. Suddenly they feel needy to make people like them so they can make some new friends. This leads to shyness that sometimes sticks into adulthood. I hear this story surprisingly often.

Or perhaps a kid is bullied by people at their school, which makes them feel alone and friendless. This also leads to being needy for the acceptance of others which manifests as shy behavior.

2. You believe the other person is higher value than you.

If you feel like someone else is “higher value” than you, then you will start to shy, quiet, nervous or awkward around them. For example, if you’re a guy this may happen around very attractive women. If you’re a girl, it may happen around guys you like or have a crush on. It’s likely to happen around authority figures like a boss, teacher, etc.

Now think about the people who you feel little or no shyness around. Maybe they’re unattractive or weird. Maybe they’re even more shy or insecure than you. Maybe they’re even less popular. Maybe they’re younger than you or very old. These are the people that you secretly feel are equal or “lower value” than you. Around them you probably act a lot more confident and expressive, and you don’t feel nearly as self-conscious or unsure of what to say.

So pay attention around WHO you act more shy around to see who you secretly value. Your actions will reveal your unconscious belief system to you.

Usually a high value person can GIVE you something. Maybe it’s your boss who can give you his approval or a raise. Maybe it’s someone you find attractive who could possibly give you a relationship or sex. Maybe it’s a popular or well-connected person who could increase your social circle or reputation or “coolness.”

A low value person can’t really “give” you much, which is why you don’t feel as shy with them.

The only 2 real solutions to this problem are:

Increase how much you value yourself. (I call this your self-esteem.)

Or knock other people off the pedestal. (Most shy people feel inferior and assume that everyone else has a much more interesting, cool and active life than the average person actually does.)

3. You feel uncomfortable with yourself.

Shyness and insecurity, the two seem to always go together. Feeling insecure about yourself will make you avoid attention & connection because you don’t want people to see the thing you are insecure or uncomfortable about.

For years I was extremely insecure about my slightly crooked front teeth. Many shy people have insecurities about their physical appearance and believe they are ugly. (Usually they pick one small bad thing about their appearance and then obsess over it non-stop as if this is the ONE thing everybody else will notice and remember about them.)

Let me tell you, I’ve been there. It’s a miserable place to be, insecurity eats away at your confidence until you have none left. But there are also other types of insecurities:

Some shy people feel like they are simply dull, boring and uninteresting.

Or they feel stupid because of their awkward conversation skills.

Or they are losers with no friends and an unattractive lifestyle.

These can all make you feel like other people wouldn’t accept you if they TRULY knew you. So you hide your true self. Maybe you try to be the type of person you think others want you to be. Maybe you never share your REAL thoughts, interests, passions or hobbies with people.

Being uncomfortable with yourself makes you scared to share yourself with people or form deeper connections. And telling someone to “be yourself” or “just be happy with who you are” is easier said than done.


Shyness can stop you from living life fully. Whether you want a girlfriend, a better social life, more confidence at work, etc… shyness can freeze you.

The biggest thing you need to remember from this article is that shyness is NOT a permanent personality trait. YOU are not shy, you just become shy in some situations depending on where you are and who you’re with.

So WHY do you become shy sometimes?

It may happen when you NEED the other person’s acceptance or approval, similar to how a job interviewee becomes nervous when they NEED the job.

Or it may have to do with how much you value the other person compared to yourself. If you value the other person a lot (maybe because they’re very attractive) or you don’t value yourself much (low self-esteem)… then you will become shy, quiet or awkward.

The last reason is when you feel uncomfortable with yourself. When you feel insecure about your appearance, personality or lifestyle… then you will shy away from attention because you don’t want other people to notice the secret thing you feel ashamed about.

Watch this video – 8 Proven Ways to Stop Being Shy And Quiet

By Sean W Cooper, the author of The Shyness and Social Anxiety System, is an ex-sufferer from social anxiety and shyness. This program is a compilation of his research and effort in overcoming shyness and anxiety.

Sean W Cooper’s Shyness and Anxiety system is a step by step audio course broken down into modules that are easy to access. It teaches you ways to start overcoming your social anxiety and self-doubt. The system utilises cognitive behavioural therapy which explores how feelings and thoughts can drive behaviour. 

The Shyness and Social Anxiety system is endorsed by professionals and praised by psychologists due to the way it provides the relevant skills to manage issues of shyness and social anxiety.

To find out more, click on How to Stop Being Shy and Quiet

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