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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Natural Anxiety Remedies – How to Naturally Reduce Anxiety?


Natural Anxiety Remedies – How to Naturally Reduce Anxiety? Read on to learn more about Barry McDonagh’s Panic Away program, which is designed to help people deal with their anxiety and panic attacks.

CLICK HERE to Get Immediate Relief from Anxiety & Panic Attack

I get several requests from people asking for my recommendation on natural anxiety remedies. Well to begin with, it goes without saying that it is important to get the right balance of vitamins and minerals in order to treat anxiety naturally.

All the vitamins and minerals we need are usually found naturally in the food that we eat. However, the vitamin and mineral content in our food has diminished over the years therefore, it may be necessary to take supplements.

To help reduce feelings of anxiety I suggest you take a good B complex vitamin along with Magnesium Citrate 3 times a day in powder form. You should also take omega-3 oils. Omega-3 is not only good for helping ease anxiety, but also has many other reported health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure and possibly reducing the risk of coronary heart disease. These are good anxiety natural remedies.

When it comes to herbal supplements to help ease anxiety naturally there are several options available and it can often be quite confusing when trying to decide which ones to try. To add to the confusion several herbal supplements come combined in one remedy and are sold as all-in-one ‘natural cures for anxiety’.

After several years of communicating with people who have used various different supplements, I can recommend two herbal supplements that appear to be effective natural anxiety remedies. Passiflora and Valerian.

Passiflora (Passiflora incarnata) has traditionally been used as a folk remedy for anxiety and insomnia. It contains many active ingredients. The most widely studied of these constituents, maltol and ethymaltol, seem to be responsible for much of the anti-anxiety effects.

It works on the physical body, relaxing muscles to reduce tension, which can be particularly effective for people who feel physically tense e.g. tight shoulders or the sensation of a knotted stomach. People also report good results using this herb to aid sleep. It should not be taken with sedatives unless under medical supervision.

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is believed to have used for its calming and soothing effects since at least the time of Hippocrates (460-377 BC). Right up until the introduction of prescription sleep medications is was used as a natural anxiety remedy for a variety of conditions such as insomnia, nervousness and headaches.

The primary use for valerian today is to treat insomnia but it is reported to reduce feelings of general anxiety. The active constituents in Valerian appear to be valerenic acid and valerenal. These compounds have a calming effect because they interact with the neurotransmitter GABA.

As with most herbal supplements it generally takes a few weeks of use to feel the full benefit. Valerian may cause sleepiness or daytime drowsiness and should not be used with other medications for insomnia or anxiety.

It is important to be aware that herbal supplements are not a magic pill. In most instances people report only mild improvement from anxiety natural remedies and it is not uncommon for no benefits to be felt at all. Again you should discuss these or any other supplements with your doctor, especially if you are pregnant or taking any kind of medication.

Finding Natural Anxiety Relief

Even when you’ve made significant changes to your lifestyle and have accepted the fact that you experience panic and anxiety attacks, a panic attack can happen at any time and throw you for a loop.

Many people that experience panic attacks on a regular basis find it difficult to undertake new activities, maintain a healthy social life, and participate in activities that will improve their lifestyle because they are afraid of having another panic attack and being unable to cope with its effects.

The good news is, there are several ways to re-balance or “ground” yourself after a panic attack naturally, and you can practice these strategies so that having a panic attack is no longer something you fear – this is natural anxiety relief at its best.

One of the best ways to cope after a panic attack is to allow yourself to feel anxious. Do not beat yourself up for having a panic attack. Tell yourself that you are perfectly safe and that it is normal to feel anxious for a few hours after an attack. We want to stimulate natural anxiety relief and to achieve that you need to process the anxiety by moving with it, not against it.

Take several deep breathes and find yourself a quiet and calm place to sit down and relax for a few minutes. After a panic attack you must not focus on the feelings of fear but move your attention to the present moment. Focusing on the fear only makes you feel anxious longer so try your best to move your awareness elsewhere.

Tell yourself that your body is perfectly capable of handling this anxiety and that you have nothing to fear. The next time it happens you are going to move with the experience by not resisting it. Moving with the fear dramatically reduces its impact and is the most effective way to end anxiety naturally.

You want to do everything possible to calm your nervous system and stimulate natural anxiety relief. Pay attention to what you are eating for the rest of the day, so that you can ward off high levels of anxiety. It is important to avoid consuming alcohol, coffee, or sugary foods and drinks after a panic attack.

For more tips on natural anxiety remedies, watch these 2 videos –

Natural Supplements and Treatments for Anxiety- What the research says about Supplements for Anxiety

10 natural remedies for helping anxiety and stress

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Natural Anxiety Remedies – How to Naturally Reduce Anxiety?

What is the Trick for Ending All Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms?


What is the Trick for Ending All Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms? Read on to learn more about Barry McDonagh’s Panic Away program, which is designed to help people deal with their anxiety and panic attacks.

CLICK HERE to Get Immediate Relief from Anxiety & Panic Attack

Social interaction can cause many people to experience bodily reactions that make them feel highly uncomfortable around others. Common social anxiety disorder symptoms are blushing in public, sweating, and trembling hands. None of these are harmful in any way, but if people become overly conscious of these symptoms, it can lead to shying away from social contact, sometimes to the point of leaving their jobs.

I’ll describe the approach I teach people to help them end this problem. I’ll use the example of a trembling hand, but the approach is the same for both blushing and sweating as well.

I’ve communicated with many people—from dental hygienists to professional athletes—who are desperately seeking a way to stop their hands from shaking when they’re anxious or under pressure. In such situations, their careers were directly impacted. Other people may experience trembling hands with less frequency, such as situations in which they have to sign their names in front of others.

The trick to ending this social anxiety disorder symptom is using the opposite approach from what they’re already been trying. Take, for example, the dental hygienist who immediately starts to shake as soon as the patient sits in the chair. It only takes the memory of previous shakes to start her hand trembling. She gets upset by the shakes, and she desperately tries with all her will to make it stop by tensing her hand and arm muscles. All the effort and stress only causes her hand to shake further.

To end the problem, she should reverse her approach. Instead of forcing her hand to be still with all her mental power, she should allow it to shake. In fact, she should encourage it to shake even more. If she can fully accept the shakes and encourage more of them, she ends the pressure she puts herself under, and with that, the shakes begin to fade away. The effort used in trying to stop the anxiety actually caused more of it. The answer is found in moving with the experience not against it.

This same approach works for nervous sweating and blushing as well as other social anxiety disorder symptoms.

Note: if the hygienist didn’t care what others thought of her shaking, then the problem would disappear overnight. None of these problems (blushing, sweating, trembling) are ever a problem if people are alone. The problem is directly related to how people feel they’re being perceived in the eyes of others.

To ensure a complete recovery, you can train yourself to be less worried about the opinions of others. Tackling the social element of this problem is best done through visualizations. Each night, before going to bed, imagine yourself in a situation that would normally produce the reaction you’re trying to stop. This time, however, see yourself responding in the new manner:

My hand is shaking, but I’m not getting upset or embarrassed.
My face is red, but I’m completely composed.
My brow might be wet from sweat, but it doesn’t faze me.

You fully accept whatever way your body behaves, and you don’t get upset. You might even make light of it to those around you. The whole situation passes without any embarrassment.

This takes practice, but the goal is to override the idea of social embarrassment and replace it with acceptance and grace under pressure. Generally, people with social anxieties are too hard on themselves. In most cases, other people are never aware that there’s a problem in the first place. The real issue is in your mind because you distort the reality of the situation.

For more help on ending all social anxiety disorder symptoms, watch this video – 7 Signs And Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder AND Training To Help

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Ending All Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Monday, June 14, 2021

Panic Attack Help – How to Stop Panic Attacks Forever?


Panic Attack Help – How to Stop Panic Attacks Forever? Read on to learn more about Barry McDonagh’s Panic Away program, which is designed to help people deal with their anxiety and panic attacks.

CLICK HERE to Get Immediate Relief from Anxiety & Panic Attack

When looking for help with panic attacks there are three basic points you should be made immediately aware of. The first point is that panic attacks have nothing to do with mental illness.

Anxiety is a behavioral problem that can easily be corrected with the right guidance and information. That’s a really important point because many people fear that their anxiety problem is a sign of a mental illness. It is not.

The second point is that panic attacks have nothing to do with a lack of courage, in fact it is quite the opposite. People with panic attacks actually do the bravest things.

They get up each day and face their anxiety. They pick themselves up after every setback and deal with inner challenges the average person never has to face. Those close to the person experiencing anxiety have no idea how intense it can be.

I have worked with people like firemen, police officers, and soldiers who have done very brave things in their line of duty, but tell me privately that dealing with their anxiety has been the greatest challenge for them.  Of course, the average person can’t understand why it’s such a big deal to drive on the freeway, or go to church, or even go shopping.

But for the person who needs panic attack help, accomplishing these things can be a massive achievement. It doesn’t make headline news, but facing your fears daily is real bravery.

The third and final point to make about panic attacks is that you are not in any danger from a panic attack. A panic attack will not harm you.

The fight or flight response that you experience during a panic attack is a built-in mechanism, going back to our cavemen days. It is there to protect you from danger, not to harm you.

Rest assured that your body’s primary goal is to keep you alive and well. Panic attacks are not your enemy; they are the result of you misinterpreting the signals your body is sending—a bit like a false alarm.

Think of all the panic attacks you’ve experienced and how you’ve always come out on the other side—possibly petrified, but nevertheless alive and undamaged. Aren’t you still here, after all those attacks that convinced you that you were going to die?

So to summarize, remind yourself of these three basic points whenever seeking panic attack help.

-It is not a mental illness
-It is not a lack of bravery
-A Panic attack will not harm you

For more information about panic attack help, watch the following videos –

Panic Attack Treatment: 2 Proven Techni

ques + 5 Must-Know Facts (New Research)

Overcoming Panic Attacks with Psychologist Dr Becky Spelman at Private Therapy Clinic London

Stop having panic attacks now: exposure, coping, and grounding

By Barry McDonagh, who is an international panic disorder coach. He created the Panic Away program to help people around the world deal with their anxiety and avoid panic attacks – a subject that he is personally attuned to because he himself found that he was prone to these issues since he was young. His hatred of his powerless lead him down the path of finding natural ways to treat himself without having to depend on expensive medications.

His informative site on all issues related to panic and anxiety attacks can be found here: Panic Attack Help – How to Stop Panic Attacks Forever?

Saturday, June 12, 2021

How to Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease?


How to Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease? Being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease almost always results in life sentence of medications with a long list side effect. But a new study in the Journal of Neurology reveals a new drug-free treatment option that is safe and side effect free. And it works for all stages of Parkinson’s disease. Read on to find out more.

Click HERE to Learn How to Slow Down the Progression of Parkinson’s and Repair the Effects It Has Had on Your Body

Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease – Drug-Free Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Discovered

Being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease almost always results in life sentence of medications with a long list side effect.

But a new study in the Journal of Neurology reveals a new drug-free treatment option that is safe and side effect free. And it works for all stages of Parkinson’s disease.

Deep brain stimulation is a treatment that has been approved for Parkinson’s disease by the American Food and Drug Administration, but it is almost exclusively used in mid- to late-stage Parkinson’s patients.

But the new study shows that the treatment can be beneficial for early-stage Parkinson’s patients, too.

Deep brain stimulation involves implanting a neuro stimulator (sometimes called a brain pacemaker) below the collarbone with electrodes placed on the specific area of the brain that needs to be targeted. It sends electrical pulses to this region of the brain.

When it comes to Parkinson’s disease, the part of the brain that needs stimulation is the subthalamic nucleus, a part that helps to control movement.

The researchers recruited 30 patients between ages 50 and 75with early-stage Parkinson’s disease, 28 of whom completed the study.

When they were off their medication, the subjects were all at stage 2 on the Hoehn and Yahr scale, a common way to measure Parkinson’s severity.

The subjects were divided into two groups: one who received the deep brain stimulation together with medication and one received medication alone.

After five years of treatment, those who received the deep brain stimulation were taking less than half of the amount of medication that the drug-only group took, and this group of subjects was more than 16 times less likely to require multiple medications.

In addition, those in the drug-only group were twice as likely as those in the deep brain stimulation group were to experience worse motor symptoms and five times more likely to experience worse tremors.

Overall, the study showed that deep brain stimulation was safe and well tolerated and that it could free people from Parkinson’s drugs with serious side effects.

Deep brain stimulation also works for other movement disorders such as essential tremor and epilepsy.

Though the procedure during which the device is implanted is not simple, the advantage of the procedure is that no brain tissue is damaged in the process.

The electrical pulses that the device sends essentially block neurological impulses that produce abnormal movements like tremors.

At this stage, researchers are not entirely sure why this treatment works for Parkinson’s beyond the fact that the abnormal brain impulses that produce these movements occur in the subthalamic nucleus.

This study is important for two reasons:

1. In the past, it was thought that nothing other than medication could prevent or slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease. This is obviously wrong because this device in effect prevented progression in most cases over the five-year period.

2. In the past, deep brain stimulation was touted as a treatment option only where medication had failed. This study shows that medication is actually the worse option of the two and should not be the default before deep brain stimulation is considered.

Therefore, while the best options remain prevention and remedy through natural methods, deep brain stimulation provides another option for treatment of Parkinson’s that is drug free.

Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease – But if you want to use all- natural methods that may be even more effective than drugs, click here to learn what to do…

Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease – Is Parkinson’s Disease Rooted in Your Guts?

Parkinson’s disease involves a reduction of dopamine in the brain that ends up causing muscle stiffness, tremors, difficulty with balance, cognitive impairment, and so forth.

But a new study in Nature Genetics now suggests that this disease may not start in the brain but may actually start in the gut.

And this opens up previously unimagined natural treatments for Parkinson’s.

Our nervous systems consist of thousands of different cell types that all have different functions. If we want to investigate the causes of a nervous system or brain disease, we must find out which cells are dysfunctional.

Researchers from the United States and Sweden have now set out to do this by combining mouse gene expression studies with human genetic studies to link various cell types with diseases.

One of their most interesting findings was related to the possible development of Parkinson’s disease.

Predictably, they discovered that dopaminergic cells are involved in the development of Parkinson’s disease.

No surprise there; dopaminergic cells are cells in your central nervous system that produce the neurotransmitter dopamine.

If they are damaged and can no longer produce sufficient dopamine, you will develop Parkinson’s disease.

Less predictably, they discovered that enteric neurons were also important in the development of this disease.

Your enteric nervous system is a part of your autonomic nervous system and consists of enteric neurons that control the function of your gastrointestinal system.

These neurons line your gastrointestinal tract from your esophagus to your anus.

They communicate with your brain via your vagus nerve.

The authors of the new study discovered that previous studies had found damaged enteric neurons in the brains of Parkinson’s disease sufferers very early in the disease, suggesting that these damaged gut neurons played a role in the early stages of this brain disease.

Some previous studies had also demonstrated that these damaged enteric neurons exist in the gastrointestinal tract already, even before the Parkinson’s disease takes hold.

How the neuron damage moves from there to our brains remains somewhat of a mystery? It must somehow move through the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, all the way up the vagus nerve, and transfer from the autonomic nervous system to the central nervous system and into our brains.

In some of the studies they surveyed, the vagus nerves of mice were severed to break the connection between their gastrointestinal tracts and brains. The mice did not develop Parkinson’s disease, even when these damaged neurons were injected into their gastrointestinal tracts.

In mice with this connection intact, a part of the injected damaged neurons found a way to the brains and caused Parkinson’s disease.

This new study is no surprise to me. For years, I have been helping Parkinson’s patients to reverse their condition. And one of the steps I use is addressing their gut health.

Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease – If you suffer Parkinson’s disease and want to learn the exact 12 steps I use to reverse it, click here…

Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease – Parkinson’s Caused by This Organ Removal

Sometimes researchers find the weirdest and most unlikely connections that seemingly have nothing to with each other.

One such connection, which was published in the journal Gastroenterology, was recently made with Parkinson’s and what would seem like a body part that had zero connection to the first.

Researchers analyzed medical records of 62 million people who had had appendectomies.

They discovered people that had undergone this everyday surgery to remove their appendix were 3.9 times more likely to develop Parkinson’s disease.

However, there are also contradictory reports.

Another study published in Science Translational Medicine analyzed health information of 1,698,000 people, finding that appendectomies reduced the risk of developing Parkinson’s later on in life by 19.3 percent.

A 2015 study in the Journal Movement Disorders confirms this. However, their subject pool was much smaller with only 295 participants. They claim that those who had had appendectomies earlier in life tended to develop Parkinson’s later than those who still had their appendixes.

But let’s forget about the contradicting studies for a moment. Why on earth would two such disparate conditions be related?

One reason related to a protein called alpha-synuclein.

Alpha-synuclein can mutate, causing the protein to cause cell death.

The two primary places where alpha-synuclein occurs in your body are in your brain and gut.

Your appendix is part of your gut that hosts immune cells that are meant to prevent microbes from coming into your body from the environment.

The most common current theory is that environmental microbes cause the mutation of the alpha-synuclein proteins in your body.

At this point, the cause and effect between Parkinson’s and appendectomies are purely speculation.

To get more ideas on how to prevent or even reverse symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, watch this video – Parkinson’s disease – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & pathology

Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease – But there is no speculation that thousands of people all over the world have put their Parkinson’s disease to an end, and even reversed its symptoms – all they do is change their diet and lifestyle a little as I explain here…

This post is from the Parkinson’s Protocol Program created by naturopath and health researcher, Jodi Knapp, to help you diagnose and treat Parkinson’s naturally and permanently. The Parkinson’s Protocol is a comprehensive program that teaches you simple ways to reduce your symptoms, slow down the progression of Parkinson’s and repair the effects it has had on your body.

The Parkinson’s Protocol Program has a four-part series (consists of 12 simple steps) that comes with an abundance of valuable information that teaches you the relation between dopamine and Parkinson’s, the different treatment options, causes, and more. It then provides you with easy, step-by-step instructions that allow you to improve your brain health to begin delaying Parkinson’s and healing the brain within. 

To find out more about this program, click on Prevent or Even Reverse Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

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