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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Why Should I Go Vegan - Reasons to Go Vegan?


Why go vegan? A vegan diet produces half as much CO2 as an American omnivore (plant- and animal-based diet), one-eleventh the amount of fossil fuels, one-thirteenth the amount of water use, and one-eighteenth the amount of land use.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

“The advice I would like to have gotten before going vegan is this: Read! Educate yourself. Learn how powerful this change actually is. Get to know all the positive impacts a vegan diet has on our planet, environment, and your health.”

Linelle Goldbranson shares her journey and insights, and offers reason to go vegan that frankly make a lot of sense.

Q: Tell us the story of how and when you decided to go vegan?

My vegan journey started New Year’s Eve from 2014-2015.

I chose to go vegetarian at that point just because I had the silly excuses like “I need dairy products,” “I need protein,” “I need vitamin B,” “It´s too hard to go completely vegan,” “I love meat too much,” “I can´t give up sushi.”

I implemented eggs and fish to my diet, so I ended up as an octo-lavo-pescatarian, meaning I ate dairy, egg, and seafood.

That lasted for about three months.

The problem then was that I did it only for the animals. I could never kill an animal myself, so I didn´t want anyone else to do it for me. I started educating myself on the topic.

The moment I learned what I supported with my wallet, how I´m a part of destroying our planet while eating animal products, I stopped completely. It was a Wednesday. I decided that minute that I was going to do whatever it took to help our planet, our animals, our atmosphere, and the human race.

This is a small list of what you support while eating meat or animal products, the issue is a lot worse than you could ever imagine:

  • Animal cruelty at its worst! (1.2 billion animals are killed and brutally slaughtered every week! Calves are taken from their moms at two days old. The mom-cows are screaming in pain when they take their calves away. Did you know that?)
  • Human hunger and people/children starving to death. (All grains fed to animal agriculture could stop all human hunger and starvation! Think about that. If we can feed animals with it, we can feed humans with it. Eighty-five percent of children starving live in countries where we give the food to animal agriculture rather than the people living there, just so that more well-off people in other parts of the world can have their meat, eggs, and dairy. Human population drinks 5.2 gallons of water every day and eats 21 billion pounds of food. But our 1.5 billion cows alone drink 45 billion gallons of water every day and eat 135 billion pounds of food. Easy math, don´t you think?)
  • Agribusiness is responsible for 91 percent (!) of all deforestation and destruction of the Brazilian Amazon. (One acre of rainforest lost per second, and 100 animal and plant species lost every single day! Why? Because they need more land to grow grains to animal agriculture. We need the Amazon. If this continues, it will be lost within 10-20 years from now; we will lose the planet´s lungs.)
  • Devastating pollution killing our planet. (Nitrous oxide emissions, which has a global warming potential 296 times greater than carbon oxide, comes from animal agriculture. In other words, animal agriculture produces more greenhouse gases than cars, trains, airplanes, boats, etc. all combined, internationally!)
  • Waste of water resources we need to live. (Hydraulic fracturing for natural gas uses 100 billion gallons of water every year in the U.S. But when compared to animal agriculture, raising livestock just in the U.S. consumes 34 trillion gallons of water — yes, trillion, with a T.)
  • Global warming. (Melting ice caps and water rising, which are threatening whole countries to go under water. We are also facing the extinction of our beautiful polar bears due to this.)
  • The largest mass extinction of species in 65 million years!
  • Acidification of our oceans and “dead zones.” (It´s killing underwater wildlife. Also, overfishing is killing underwater wildlife. For every pound of fish they catch, they kill five pounds of “bi-kill,” as it´s called: dolphins, sharks, whales, etc. Forty to fifty million sharks alone are killed every year in fishing lines and fishing nets as bi-kill.)

A vegan diet produces half as much CO2 as an American omnivore (plant- and animal-based diet), one-eleventh the amount of fossil fuels, one-thirteenth the amount of water use, and one-eighteenth the amount of land use. Adding all this up, my choice was easy.

Per day, as a vegan, I save:

  • 1,100 gallons of water
  • 45 pounds of grain that would go to animal agriculture
  • 30 sq. ft. of rainforest
  • 10 pounds of CO2
  • 1 animal’s life

“The most powerful thing that someone can do for the environment is to stop consuming animal products.”

No other lifestyle choice has further reach or a more profoundly positive impact on the planet and all life on Earth than choosing to live a vegan lifestyle.

Q: What advice would you give to someone just starting out on this path?

If you´re on the verge of becoming a vegan or you just started, I’m guessing you do it for the animals or the health benefits. Or maybe you actually do it to help the planet be more sustainable.

People are afraid of change, I was, too — so afraid, I decided to try out pescatarianism and vegetarianism first, before going vegan. I had my doubts that I could live on a healthy diet without meat, dairy, and eggs.

I have read so many articles, reports, blogs, forums, you name it. I had important questions:

And YES is the answer to all the questions above.

“We have all the nutrients we need in the plant kingdom. Don´t be afraid of the change, embrace it.”

I know I am now. I feel so good knowing how I´m helping our planet, the human race, and that I saved a life every time I eat.

The advice I would like to have gotten before going vegan is this: Read! Educate yourself. Learn how powerful this change actually is. Get to know all the positive impacts a vegan diet has on our planet, environment, and your health.

Q: What did you eat yesterday?

First meal: pre-workout (7 a.m.)

Second meal: breakfast skillet, post-workout (10 a.m.)

  • 4 oz. of wildwood organic high protein tofu
  • 3.5 oz. of red (pre-boiled) organic potato
  • 2 cups chopped organic spinach
  • ½ cup organic onion
  • ½ cup organic corn
  • All fried together with sugar-free seasoned salt (a lot) and pepper. Yummy!
  • Creatine mixed with water

Third meal: Mexican lunch salad (1 p.m.)

  • 1 cup of Beyond Meat Beyond Beef Feisty Crumble
  • ½ cup chopped organic red peppers
  • ½ cup chopped organic onion
  • 2 tbsp. homemade organic taco seasoning
  • 2 cups chopped organic spinach
  • 4 organic cherry tomatoes
  • ¼ organic avocado
  • 1 tbsp. organic salsa
  • 1 tbsp. Follow Your Heart vegan gourmet sour cream
  • 1 pill multivitamins

Fourth meal — snack (4 p.m.)

  • ½ toasted organic bagel
  • ¼ avocado as spread (salt and pepper)
  • ¼ cup chopped onion
  • ½ tsp. roasted sesame seeds
  • ½ tsp. hemp seeds
  • 3 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 serving Vega One Coconut Almond protein powder mixed with water

,Fifth meal — dinner (7 p.m.)

  • 1 patty Beyond Meat Beast Burger
  • 2 slices toasted Silver Hill sprouted whole grain bread
  • 1 cup organic spinach
  • 1 slice organic tomato
  • 2 fresh organic onion rings
  • 1 tbsp. organic ketchup
  • 1 pill CLA
  • Tea time (8 p.m.)
  • 1 cup lavender and chamomile tea

Q: What does the first 60 minutes of your morning look like?

  • 7:00 a.m.: At this point, I hate my alarm; I love sleeping, but I check my email, Instagram, and Facebook.
  • 7:10 a.m.: I drink my protein shake, CLA, B-12 vitamin, and BCAA.
  • 7:15 a.m.: I do my skin care morning routine.
  • 7:30 a.m.: I take out the post-workout meal I prepped the day before and get dressed.
  • 7:45 a.m.: I walk my dogs, and then I walk to my gym and do my daily workout.

Q: Favorite three exercises and why?

  • Front and overhead squat, because doing a front squat activates more of your back muscles, and with this posture, your back is safer during the exercise. People tend to fall forward while doing a back squat, while front squats force you to keep your back straight. Overhead squat is also perfect for back flexibility and strength. It´s good for your overall posture, hip and knee pain, and as these muscles are strong and big, they also help you burn that stubborn fat as you make your glutes and legs stronger and bigger.
  • Hip thrust — girls want it and guys like to look at it. It´s the big booty. Hip thrusts are perfect for building the butt you want. Lift heavy, explosive movement from ground up and come slo-o-o-wly down, making sure you feel that booty burn.
  • Olympic lifts are a tough one to do correctly, but while doing it correctly, there´s not a muscle relaxing during that exercise. It gets that heart rate up quickly, making you work on your cardiovascular system and you burn more calories during your workout, and it activates the entire body.

Our body is built in one piece, and doing an exercise like Olympic lifts, the whole body is called to action, which also makes it difficult to over train on this exercise or do forced reps or cheating.

Q: Fun facts most people don’t know about you?

I´m 73 percent blind in my left eye.

My hair is so blonde, every new hairdresser kindly asks me if I´m already grey.

I am a very spiritual being and also extremely sensitive to energies, both good and bad.

Q: What three pearls of wisdom would you tell your 13-year-old self?

99.9 percent of your worries will never happen, so do as Bob Marley did and don´t worry, be happy. Every minute spend on worrying is a minute wasted.

And remember, time flies, it really does, so appreciate and be grateful for every moment and everyone you meet. Always communicate and speak from your heart. Speak the truth and be honest, no matter how bad the truth is.

Know that whatever happens, you are good enough and everything is going to be okay. You are worthy of love and compassion. And sweetheart, stop eating animals!

Q: Tell us a story of the mentor who played a key role in building confidence in yourself.

I grew up with my mom, who was a single mom. All we had was a washing machine, a refrigerator, and a TV. I didn´t care, I had the whole living room as my playroom.

“I saw how strong and independent she was raising a girl on her own with not a lot of money. So she definitely played a huge part in me growing my inner strength and confidence.”

But the one who made me get it all together and helped me find the woman in me that I knew I could be and wanted to be, is my husband, John. We met over seven years ago and got married July 2015. He has an extremely strong personality and has never doubted a single second in himself and what he´s able to do and achieve.

And trust me, that´s contagious.

Also, my best friend, Christina, has helped me a lot on the journey to finding myself in a different way. She has been like my spiritual advisor for the last two years, helping me grow my understanding of our connection to the universe.

Through this, I´ve also found a major inner calm and confidence, and I deal with life and challenges in a completely new way. I´ve decided that whatever is on my life menu, I´m gonna eat it with grace and be calm while doing it.

“I´m gonna trust every process and trust that whatever comes my way, no matter how good or how bad, I will try to stand tall, know that I am only human, but a human on the journey of becoming the best version of myself.”

I´ve grown to know that I can handle anything as long as I love myself and live with forgiveness and gratefulness in my heart. I choose to look at dark days as blessings, just as I look at bright days as blessings.

Watch these 2 videos below


Why I Decided to Go Vegan


Beginner’s Guide to Go Vegan


Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Go Vegan


Monday, December 21, 2020



LIZZETTE REYES DISCUSSES FITNESS AND FACTORY FARMING. She talks about why and how she chooses a plant-based lifestyle and the challenges she faces about her choice. She also gives her views about factory farming.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

“Living sentient beings are reduced to commodities and it’s truly heartbreaking. Animals on factory farms endure constant fear and torment. Watch Earthlings and you will never want to eat meat again. Factory Farming is misery for animals. Period.”


Name: Lizzette Reyes
Occupation: Animal Rights Activist
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Age: 33
Height: 5’5″
Weight: 115 lb.

Q: Tell us the story of how you got turned onto plant-based fitness.

I’ve always been pretty fit, so when I went Vegan a little over three years ago, it was definitely a learning curve for me.

I think like most of us who begin our journey into a plant-based lifestyle, we are concerned about losing muscle and where we are going to get our protein from.

“We just don’t know any better and have been indoctrinated since childhood to believe that in order to be lean and fit, you have to eat animal protein (which couldn’t be further from the truth).

“There is this huge misconception that Vegans are soft and out of shape, and I wanted to prove society wrong by being a walking advertisement to show everyone that Vegans can be fit and sexy!”

Q: What advice would you give to someone just starting out on this path?

People often get hung up on what they can’t have on a plant-based diet, instead of what they can. But a great meal does not have to center on meat. Start with an open mind. There’s no surer way to guarantee failure than to go into it with a bad attitude. Stay strong.

“The first few days might be tough, but once you get into the swing of things, it becomes easier and easier.”

Q: What can you tell us about factory farming?

The factory farming industry strives to maximize output while minimizing costs — always at the animals’ expense.

The giant corporations that run most factory farms have found that they can make more money by squeezing as many animals as possible into tiny spaces, even though many of the animals die from disease or infection.

Living sentient beings are reduced to commodities, and it is truly heartbreaking.

Animals on factory farms endure constant fear and torment.

Watch “Earthlings,” and you will never want to eat meat again. Factory farming is misery for animals. Period.

Q: What did you eat yesterday?

I started my day with a shot of wheatgrass and a green juice that consisted of apples, celery, cucumber, kale, collard greens, spinach, ginger, spirulina, chlorella, barley, and alfalfa grass.

I also had a huge bowl of strawberries.

For lunch, I had avocado toast on Ezekiel bread; I seasoned it with pepper, paprika, and red chili pepper flakes.

I had a banana with two tablespoons of dark chocolate peanut butter as a snack.

For dinner, I had a jackfruit bowl that consisted of black beans, quinoa, avocado, tomato, homemade cashew cheese, and salsa.

I drink a gallon of water every day! No exceptions.

Q: What does the first 60 minutes of your morning look like?

I have three rescue dogs, so my mornings revolve around them. I get attacked with tongues all over my face the minute I’m up! I take them out in the backyard and let them play while I prepare their food, then we all go back to bed to cuddle, haha.

Q: Favorite three exercises and why?

I love doing Bulgarian lunges because you really are working out every part of your body in one exercise: shoulders, core, glutes, hamstrings, and quads.

I love doing squats on the Smith machine because I like big butts and I cannot lie!

My most favorite workout, though, is this booty burner workout I do on the Smith machine.

You basically have to get on all fours with your knees directly under the bar and place the arch of your right foot under the bar, press up with that foot until your thigh is parallel to the floor, and then return to the starting position. I do three sets of 12 for each leg. I love this workout because it really isolates your glutes.

Q: Tell us a story of the mentor who played a key role in building confidence in yourself.

My mom has always been my biggest mentor.

She gave me more advice then I can remember, but I think the best advice from her was watching how she lived her life.

She has shown me through example to try my hardest at everything and never give up.

My mom always told me to never compare myself to others because I had my own unique gifts to offer this world.

Q: What is the biggest personal challenge you have had to overcome in your life?

The biggest personal challenge I had to overcome in my life was when I turned 30.

“Everything that I did not think about in my 20s, I suddenly was obsessing over, like marriage and kids and a home with a white picket fence. I didn’t have any of that, nor did I want it. I didn’t even have a career, and I suddenly felt convinced by society that I’m old because I’m 30.”

And instead of enjoying the fact that I’m getting wiser and more inspired, I was being forced to stress over my “fading youth.” I had to tell myself that life does not end when you’re 30, and that getting married, having babies, and settling down are stages of life with no expiration date if that’s what you want.

I was 30 and still not sure exactly what direction I wanted my life to go, and I was okay with that. I was not going to cave to society pressure because I knew I had plenty of time to discover my purpose in life.

Q: Fun fact most people don’t know about you?

I’m a travel junkie! I’ve been to 15 states and 12 countries to date, and I am currently preparing for my Europe trip where I will be traveling to 10 countries in one month.

Q: What three pearls of wisdom would you tell your 13-year-old self?

Find your passion. Look for what inspires you. Find what you love to do and pursue it with all your heart. You may well find a way how to make money from doing it.

Expect to fail. Failure is not fatal.

Learn the lessons, then get back up and try again. Be the person you want people to think you are. Do what you want to be remembered for.

For topics about fitness and factory farming, watch these 2 videos below

Why We Should All Boycott Factory Farming


Why I Decided To Go Vegan


Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Go Meatless


Sunday, December 20, 2020

What is the Best Way to Cure Erectile Dysfunction as Soon as Tonight?


Diet and exercise alone aren’t enough to rid you of your ED completely. Cure Erectile Dysfunction as Soon as Tonight - To do this, you need to follow these simple drug-free exercises that take as little as 5 minutes a day to start seeing immediate results…

Click on Here to Discover How You Can Increase Stamina and Heal Erectile Dysfunction Without Using Drugs

Cure Erectile Dysfunction as Soon as Tonight - To Fight ED, Should You Do This or That?

Low testosterone level leads to ED.

Being overweight lowers testosterone levels.

High blood sugar (type 2 diabetes) also lowers testosterone levels.

So, to raise testosterone levels, and combat ED, is it more effective to lose weight or lower blood sugar?

A new study published in the Journal Andrology reveals the answer to this important question.

Obesity and diabetes interfere with your endocrine system that produces your hormones, so researchers set out to find which body weight and glycemic controls contributed the most to hypogonadism.

The study involved 71 men with mild-to-moderate ED. They were obese and had uncontrolled type 2 diabetes, meaning that they did nothing to lower their blood glucose scores.

The researchers asked the men to start exercising and to eat healthier diets to start losing weight.

They also gave them prescriptions for glucose-lowering drugs.

They assessed their testosterone levels after three months and again after 12 months.

By the end of the study, only 34 percent had reached a testosterone level equal to or greater than 300 ng/dL, stressing how big a problem obesity and diabetes are for testosterone levels, as normal levels are between 550 and 650 ng/dL.

When the researchers divided them into a group that lost weight and a group whose blood glucose dropped, only the former group managed to achieve the latter testosterone score.

To be precise, 94 percent of the men who had lost 10 percent or more of their weight had testosterone scores of 300 ng/dL or greater. In contrast, none of the men who had dropped their glucose to a HbA1c score of less than 6.5 percent managed it.

This means that dropping your blood glucose is not useful for combatting ED if that ED is caused by obesity and diabetes, not even with the world’s best drugs. Healthy dieting and exercise contribute much more to the alleviation of ED.

Diet and exercise alone aren’t enough to rid you of your ED completely. Cure Erectile Dysfunction as Soon as Tonight - To do this, you need to follow these simple drug-free exercises that take as little as 5 minutes a day to start seeing immediate results…

And to reverse your diabetes to improve your ED and overall health, here is the exact 3-step strategy hundreds of readers have used to completely reverse Type 2 Diabetes in 28 days or less…

Cure Erectile Dysfunction as Soon as Tonight - ED Cured with This Cheap Supplement (helps at least 32% of men)

It’s not a coincidence that the rising tide of ED over the past two decades has happened concurrently with an alarming increase of a specific vitamin deficiency.

Although this vitamin is dirt cheap (actually sometimes free) and available in every store, over 70% of men over 70 are lacking it.

Interestingly, 70% of men over 70 also suffer ED. Connection?

Among men with erectile dysfunction, vitamin D deficiency is so common that some researchers are wondering if there is a direct cause-effect relationship between the sunshine vitamin and men’s sexual health.

By the year 2025, it is projected that, worldwide, 322 million men will suffer from ED, up from 150 million in 1995.

Meanwhile, statistics show that the number of U.S. residents with vitamin D levels of 30 ng/mL – the lowest end of the normal range – dropped by 49% between 1994 and 2004.

One study found that men with vitamin D deficiency are at nearly one-third greater risk of ED. With statistics showing vitamin D deficiency in 40% of men over 40 years of age and 70% of men over 70 years of age, vitamin D could be a significant factor and a simple solution to preventing and treating this common and vexing problem.

The connection might have to do, in part, with vitamin D’s effects on the vascular system. Both vitamin D deficiency and erectile dysfunction are recognized as risk factors for cardiovascular disease and, since an erection relies on proper blood flow, cardiovascular health is key to achieving and maintaining healthy erections and a happy sex life.

You get enough vitamin D by spending 25 minutes out in the sun daily with about 25% of your body exposed. If you don’t have enough sun, you can get vitamin D supplements in every health food store. Many types of fatty fish such as trout and salmon are also high in vitamin D.

Vitamin D is, however, not the only thing missing for most men suffering erectile dysfunction. Oftentimes low testosterone, other hormones and other vitamins are keeping your manhood down.

Cure Erectile Dysfunction as Soon as Tonight - But there is another method much more powerful than popping pills (natural or not). In fact, this simple technique has been proven to help over 93% of men suffering erectile dysfunction…

Cure Erectile Dysfunction as Soon as Tonight - Why ED is NOT a Natural Part of Aging

Many couples believe that ED is inevitable as they age. Accordingly, they scale down their sexual activities. Or descend into a misery of recriminations, silence, or expensive drugs with side effects.

None of this is necessary once you understand that ED is not a necessary part of aging. In fact, your stamina can easily grow stronger with age.

ED is not a natural part of aging. Instead, it is a natural consequence of several diseases and lifestyles. Consider the following as just a sample.

1. Men with type 2 diabetes are much more likely to struggle with ED than those who are healthy. A large Harvard study in the journal Diabetes studied 31,027 men over the age of 50 and found that the risk of ED increases along with the duration of the diabetes, and that men with poorly managed diabetes have the largest risk of all.

Those who have not been diagnosed with diabetes, but have metabolic syndrome with high blood glucose and some insulin resistance, are also more likely to have ED, according to a 2015 study in The Ageing Male.

Diabetes damages the nerves and muscles required for an erection, and significantly decreases your testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels.

If you have type 2 diabetes, learn how to reverse it in 4 weeks here…

2. Researchers have known for decades that high cholesterol is a predictor of ED. for example, in 1994, a research team demonstrated in the American Journal of Epidemiology that every one millimole per liter of cholesterol (or 38.598 milligrams per deciliter) increased your risk of ED by 30 percent.

Men with borderline high cholesterol level of 6.21 millimoles per liter (or 240 milligrams per deciliter) had an 83 percent greater chance of ED than men did with a normal level of 4.65 millimoles per liter (or 180 milligrams per deciliter).

To get your cholesterol under control and clear out clogged arteries, follow this strategy…

3. A recent survey in the International Journal of Impotence Research discovered that approximately 67 percent of men with high blood pressure have some degree of ED. even worse, thiazide diuretic and beta-blocker treatments also contribute to ED, so if you want to have your healthy sexual life back, you simply must drop your blood pressure by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

Here is (by far) the easiest and simplest way to bring your blood pressure below 120/80 – starting today…

4. A recent study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine is only the last of a long list of studies to conclude that people with a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to suffer from ED than people who exercise regularly.

According to the authors, people who exercise for 18 metabolic hours per week (the equivalent of two hours strenuous exercise) enjoyed much better sexual function than those who exercised less or not at all. In addition, ED medication works better for people who exercise than for those who do not.

5. In a huge study in the Annals of Internal Medicine, the authors calculated that overweight and obese men with a body mass index of over 28.7 had a 30 percent greater risk of ED than those with a body mass index of below 23.2. They also established that men who smoked, drank a lot of alcohol, and watched a lot of television had a higher risk than those who enjoyed only a moderate amount of these pleasures.

Losing weight is a breeze following this little trick…

6. A recent review in the British Medical Bulletin concluded that depressed men were more likely to struggle with ED than non-depressed men were.

There are even some studies that demonstrate that men who take antidepressants and men who receive psychotherapy for the depression are equally likely to have ED. Many men tend to develop depression as they age, especially once they stop working.

In fact, all the above diseases are considered age-related diseases. But they don’t have to be. You can reverse diabetes, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, get in shape, lose weight and stay happy no matter what your age is. And with that, drastically improve your erection and stamina.

For more ideas to cure erectile dysfunction as soon as tonight, watch this video - Discover a Natural & Proven Fix for Erectile Dysfunction - See & Feel Fast Results!

Cure Erectile Dysfunction as Soon as Tonight - If that’s not enough, here is a bullet proofed trick to completely reverse ED in as little as 3 minutes – starting today…


This post is from the Erectile Dysfunction Master Program, which was created by Christian Goodman for men who are looking for the best erectile dysfunction natural remedies.  This is an all-natural system that utilizes the power of exercises to permanently cure erectile dysfunction. By following the techniques in this program, you will be able to get hard fast without pills and maintain stronger erections for hours so you can enjoy sex again. 


Erectile problems can be physical or emotional. If your problem is physical, you need to exercise the muscles around the genital area. If your problem is emotional, then you need to learn relaxation techniques. Erection Master will teach you steps that can help get rid of your erectile dysfunction for good. As long as you're willing to commit 30 minutes of your time, 3 to 7 days a week for 1 to 2 months, they'll work for you. You can practice the steps alone or with your partner. 


These techniques are far more effective than Viagra, Cialis or other drugs for erectile dysfunction. The drugs only help about 40% of men who use them and can also cause very serious side effects. 


To find out more about this program, click on Cure Erectile Dysfunction as Soon as Tonight from Home

Saturday, December 19, 2020



Go Meatless - To anyone thinking about going meat-free, I offer you this piece of advice: Don’t do it based on what someone else told you. Do it because it feels right for you. Honestly ask yourself: “Does the way I’m choosing to live align to my core values and beliefs? Is my diet adding value to my life and others?” If you answer no, then you definitely should take the next step. Go out and educate yourself as much as possible and come to your own conclusions on what will work best for you. That might mean adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet or simply going meatless a few days a week.

Click HERE to Find Out How You Can Build Muscle & Lose Fat By Eating Plants

Plant-Based Lifestyles Still Carry a Heavy Stigma

“I’ve been a long-time follower of and really love your posts. I currently run a plant-based lifestyle website aimed at empowering people to become the strongest version of themselves and cause less harm.

“I recently shared my story on my website and thought it could serve as some extra motivation or inspiration to any younger powerlifters/bodybuilders out there.” —Jonathan Gilbert

Jonathan recently reached out to us, and we wanted to honor his journey and repost his story:

[Jonathan Gilbert:] In powerlifting and bodybuilding circles, plant-based lifestyles still carry a heavy stigma. Tell someone in the gym you’re a vegetarian, and you’ll be sure to evoke the typical “how can you get enough protein without meat, you’ll shrink!” response. But getting strong and looking and feeling your best doesn’t require a meat-heavy diet. Just ask Jonno Gilbert — a 24-year-old vegetarian powerlifter from Australia with an inspiring story to tell.

Up until six months ago, I was a self-proclaimed powerlifter with one goal in mind: to lift as much heavy stuff off the ground as I could. It didn’t really matter if it came at the detriment to my body or my health. I just wanted to be big and strong, with a body to match.

I blindly bought into the myths perpetuated by the fitness industry and ate enough protein to account for half the planet’s population — and then some. Staple foods in my diet were chicken breasts, canned tuna, whole eggs, minced meat, milk, whey, and even kangaroo. Yup, the cute little guy on my nation’s emblem.

Aesthetically, I looked physically fit, but man, I can’t even begin to tell you how crap I felt. I was constantly tired and stressed. Every joint in my body ached. Stomach problems were a daily occurrence, pimple breakouts would pop up all over my body, and I had bags under my eyes.

Looking back, it was really only a matter of time for me stop eating meat. I typically avoided pork and lamb and couldn’t stand to prepare raw chicken most of the time (it really grossed me out). But meat eating was so deeply ingrained in me that it would take much more than just a little poor health to change my ways.

It would take two starkly different yet equally transformative events to make me realize the damage my diet was inflicting on myself and the people around me: (1) the day I met my beautiful partner, Gwen, on the beach back home in Australia and (2) the moment I found out I had lost my best mate, my dad.

So what do these events have to do with my diet choices? Well, they shed light on what was really important to me. I discovered it wasn’t how good my body looked or how much weight I could lift — those things were inconsequential. What really mattered was truestrength.

The kind of strength it takes to step out of your comfort zone and take action to support what you truly believe in. The kind of strength it takes to achieve something bigger than yourself, and place health, relationships, contribution, and happiness first — and superficial goals last.

In order to do that, I had to stop living in a way so detached from my core values and beliefs. How could I love animals yet go out and eat a McDonald’s Quarter Pounder? How could I care about the environment while my food choices were directly contributing to the destruction of the planet? Worst of all, how could I consider myself healthy when I was eating food that was so unhealthy? I had to stop eating meat.

Since I only personally knew one vegetarian (and she somehow managed to avoid eating actual vegetables in her diet), I turned to the internet to absorb as much information about plant-based eating from as many different sources as I could.

I watched documentaries like “Cowspiracy” and “Forks Over Knives.” I spent countless hours poring over subreddits like r/vegetarian and r/veg and followed inspiring activists like James Aspey on social media. I also watched the controversial “Vegan Gains” on YouTube (although I don’t agree with his approach on educating the public, his message definitely moved me).

After a few months of toying with the idea of a meat-free diet, I finally took the plunge and completely cut all meat out of my diet on Nov. 12, 2015. I didn’t wake up one morning and say, “I’m going to become a vegan/vegetarian/insert label here,” I just naturally followed what felt right for me.

Admittedly, I continued to drink milk and ate dairy products like whey, cheese, and Greek yogurt for the first few months, which made the transition much easier (I definitely recommend cutting out meat and dairy products gradually over time to anyone ready to take the next step to a plant-based diet). Eventually, I replaced normal milk for soy, almond, and coconut milk (yum!) and brown rice protein powder in place of whey.

Today, six months on without eating any meat, I feel incredible. I haven’t lost strength or muscle. My sex drive is still fine. The world hasn’t imploded. Pretty cool, right?

In fact, I’m fitter, happier, and healthier than ever before. With meat no longer the center of every meal, I’m forced to prepare more of my food at home and include more fresh fruit and veg in my dishes.

Another indirect side effect of a meatless diet is that it’s generally much harder for me to resort to eating junk food if I’m in rush (although I’m aware there’s plenty of white bread and cheese vegetarians/vegans out there, don’t be one). I even discovered new foods and recipes I would never have considered before (Indian-style spinach and chickpea curry, yes please).

Whereas my old meat- and dairy-heavy eating habits had me feeling bloated and lethargic, my new meat-free, lower protein diet has me feeling lighter and energized to do more of the things I love, like lifting weights and cycling.

Best of all, my food choices allow me to live in accordance to my ownbeliefs and values, not someone else’s. The simple act of taking accountability over the food I eat allows me to make a positive difference to the lives of others, no matter how small, every single day. And that in itself is a good enough reason for me.

To anyone thinking about going meat-free, I offer you this piece of advice: Don’t do it based on what someone else told you. Do it because it feels right for you. Honestly ask yourself:

“Does the way I’m choosing to live align to my core values and beliefs? Is my diet adding value to my life and others?”

If you answer no, then you definitely should take the next step. Go out and educate yourself as much as possible and come to your own conclusions on what will work best for you. That might mean adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet or simply going meatless a few days a week.

You could even opt for somewhere in between (pescatarian). Labels are irrelevant; all that matters is that you take action.

I did, and it turned out to be best decision of my life.

For topics related to go meatless, watch this video - What Happens When You Stop Eating Meat | 1 Month Vegetarian Weight Loss Transformation

Author Bio:


Chris Willitts (creator of V3), is the founder and owner of Vegetarian Bodybuilding.


V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System is a mixture of science and author’s advice, providing users with optimal diet and exercise. This system is designed for vegans and vegetarians only.


A lot of research has been put in this program. Furthermore, a lot of professional bodybuilders and athletes tried and tested the program, praising its progressiveness and efficiency.


The program is about taking control of your own body and health according to your potential and needs. And worry not; you’ll get plenty of proteins with this system. It will boost you with energy, and you’ll feel just a strong as any carnivore would (perhaps even stronger, depending on how much you invest in your exercise). It avoids vitamins deficiency and provides you with a lot of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 


Instead of saying things like “I think a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders,” the V3 Vegetarian Bodybuilding System claims “I know a plant-based diet is good for athletes and bodybuilders, and I have results to prove it.”


To find out more, visit the website at V3 Bodybuilding – Go Meatless

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